New Moon: Sun and Moon Invite Creative Potential New Moon is on 5.28 at 13:40 CDT while Moon is in Taurus (its mulitrikona sign) and transiting Rohini nakshatra. This is a highly creative placement for the Moon and the new Moon (amavasya) element invites in potential and possibility. Sparks, creativity, intuitive wisdom and support are ushered in for this next cycle. Endless potential arrives at this time and new abundance and stability will bring us a sense of momentum; momentum we have been needing for months now in order to feel progressive. From this stability, we can then take more effective action steps forward, use the creativity that is arriving, and build with this. Rohini is a nakshatra ruled by Lord Brahma, the creator of the Universe. He exemplifies great strength, possibility and creative energy. Creativity, artistry and material abundance are part of his offerings. And since he is husband of goddess Saraswati, who offers us wisdom, knowledge and the arts, Rohini is also connected to her graces by default. Some healing and wisdom may be offered to us with Brahma's abundant nature flowing towards us. With the opening of this creative portal, a spark of new options and desires may surface. How we use this new potential and possibility will be up to us and our own desires. {New Moon Chart} Be on top of the ever changing transits, get my updates via my weekly newsletter.
Planetary Transits for the Waxing Moon Cycle On 5.30, Mercury moves to Ardra nakshatra at 6:30 am CDT; Rahu and Rudra (storm god) energy enlivens. Does he expand you into overwhelm and excessive cravings that lead to more frustration? Or can you temper his shadowy nature with focus and great planning? Harness the momentum that can be felt right now. Write lists and "dump out your head" on paper to avoid mental overdrive. Set goals, prioritize and be potent in your actions. Overwhelm and mental spin can set in. It will be important over the next two weeks of Mercury in Ardra to attend to the emotional and physical bodies for grounding and support, rather then letting the mental body get away with its usual mayhem. Pay attention to your emotions. Overwhelm? Anger? Exhaustion? Fear? This is a direct indication that your basic needs of support and nourishment are not being met. How can you find a different way to get the job done? How can you use self care to get your needs met? What paradigms need to shift in your relationships so that you can release some of the angst? Get embodied. We are gearing up for two big planetary shifts. To start the process off, and get us "near the edge" of change, Rahu and Ketu move to sandhi degrees on 6.05. They will be less then two degrees each on the 5th which marks their "transition point". We will start to feel their momentum now as they begin to shift into Virgo and Pisces respectively on July 12th. Are you feeling the need to make major life changes and yet overwhelm simultaneously? Planets intensify as they leave a house, so be aware that the cravings of Rahu will likely be enlivened at this time, while Ketu's desires for us to let go will force the issues at hand. Temper rash decisions. Use Saturn's structure and need for slow and steady, in order to win the race in the coming weeks. Mercury goes retrograde on 6.07 at 6:54 am CDT. Mercury is in its own sign of Gemini right now, but retrograde planets act like the nodes Rahu/Ketu, our karma points. The fact that Mercury will also be in Ardra for some weeks (ruled by Rahu) indicates the mind will be in a mode of craving and desire. Be wary of this. His retrograde motion is yet another "clean up" period for the mind, communication, commerce and our creativity. Be alert to necessary changes over the next 3.5 weeks. Mercury is a swift moving planet and normally doesn't occupy a sign longer then a few weeks; his transit through Gemini will be extended until July 27th due to his rewind motion. Once he goes into direct motion on July 1st he finishes off his Gemini transit in a more agreeable way. Do what you need to do in the coming weeks to get yourself into a place of forward momentum come mid July. Pay it forward, re-trace financial steps, pay off debts, scheme up a better way of doing business and tend to your finances. This can also be a very creative and inventive time. Put it to good use. If you need a reminder about retrograde Mercury, find details here. Following Rahu and Ketu's lead, Jupiter moves to the edge of Gemini on 06.09 gearing up for his grande entrance into Cancer, his sign of exaltation on June 18th. An expansive year is upon us. Find the details on his upcoming transit here. Full Moon is in Scorpio (again) on June 12th at 23:11 CDT while in Jyeshtha nakshatra. More on this in my next transit report for the waning Moon cycle. Commerce and communication will be ongoing themes for us. Jupiter moves to its sign of exaltation, Cancer, on June 18th, then Rahu and Ketu move in July to Virgo and Pisces respectively, and later this year Saturn moves to Scorpio. Likely you are already feeling the momentum and change of these transits. Needing some guidance and clarity for this coming year? Schedule a yearly progression with me. I am now booking sessions for June. Horoscopes for the Waxing Moon Cycle {May 28th to June 12th} *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: This waxing cycle, you get savvy about finances and vow to repair some recent mishandled events. Put your own comfort and support first, even with your current focus on money and acquiring. Trust your creative capacity to help you problem solve, think outside the box and manage your business. Cravings intensify with regard to relationships. Be smarter than your libido. Put passion where it's needed most. Right now it's with your own healing and self care, not poured into another person. Right now, work on communication and saying what you mean as well as meaning what you say. Taurus: I hope you are taking plenty of alone time right now out of desire, not out of force. Either way, it can prove valuable to you and provide necessary introspection for your relationship needs. Solitude can provide infinite creative sparks right now, so don't disregard your need for down time. Navigate emotions and anger with inquiry. What boundary issues are up for you right now? Where have you been saying yes when you should be saying no? Sun in your first house is causing you to shine and put on the ritz, but it's important to be mindful of balance; your inner and outer balance points need awareness. Teach, share and communicate effectively. You are learning how to put your Self first and get your needs met in very practical ways. Gemini: Skies the limit right now. Are you dreaming big? Or are you dreaming big and taking effective action steps in order for big rewards? Don't expect all your fortunes to fall in your lap. Now is a time to play big or go home. Ask the universe for support, as well as everyone in your life! Expand your horizons and look for opportunities around every corner. This is the necessary preparation for the coming cycles where your career has the potential to lift off and feel more supportive to you. But listen carefully. You must be courageous and ask for what you really want in order to get it. You must go beyond day dreams and take powerful steps forward that will get you off and running. And you must get clear on what you deserve above all. Cancer: Your best ideas these days come during silent and introspective times. Ample alone time, meditation and retreat mode gives you the reset you need for flourishing in the coming months. Sparks continue to fly with your career and stoke your heart flames and passions. Meet the right people and let friends be of benefit for you. It's your connections that will prove most valuable right now and will bring in new resources. Remember your gratitude. Meanwhile, work with themes of courage, creativity and artistry. Let the ideas flow and make sure to create space for harvesting your intuitive genius. Leo: Career has you shining like a bright star, asking for much of you and helping you to think outside the box. You are also learning a lot about your Self in the process, growing in creative potential and getting imaginative sparks. Are you getting fried in the process? Or are your passionate flames getting stoked in meaningful and helpful ways? What relationships feel nurturing and supportive and which ones need to be cut loose? You are learning "best practice" right now in your relationships and also the art of effective communication. You must be diligent with this. Quit making assumptions. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Clarity for all involved is key in order for everyone to get their needs met. Virgo: If you can release a bit of the critic and his demeaning messages for a minute, you might create some space for a new option to arise. Take control of your mental body and don't let its messages rule you. There's so much possibility for growth and expansion in your career right now, but you must be open and receptive to receive and expand what feels possible to you. Where are you holding back and playing small? What are your needs and how are you going to get them met? (Especially in your relationships). What makes you feel comforted and supported? What does not? Attend to your basic needs, put self care first, and get embodied. Libra: Your growth curve gets amplified in the coming weeks. It's time to soak up the knowledge and wisdom that is flowing your way. Even with Sun in your 8th house which offers a hidden, inward experience, let this be a transformative time for the ego and with regard to your relationships. Past haunts may re-visit as you navigate chaos and stormy patterns within you. Be two steps ahead of the storms. Notice your new response mechanisms; or are you defaulting into your old habits when things get stressful and out of hand? This is the time to create new patterns and paradigms for your Self. Rise to the occasion and grow from past mistakes and wounds. You have resources now that you didn't have months ago. Scorpio: Purge and clean. Clean and purge. Get rid of the barnacles, time wasters, energy suckers, the vampires of your life. Not just the people and the relationships, but the habits, patterns and monetary drains. Cut and clear. This radical release will give rise to more space. Space that is sure to invite in more possibility, greater potential, more nourishment and support in all ways. Communicate your needs effectively- to others and to the universe; ask and yee shall receive. The outcome may or may not be what you were hoping for, but at least you expressed your self fully. Get clear on what works and doesn't work for you and don't be afraid to go for it. Others will either keep up or not. (FYI, most won't be able to). Don't let this stop you. Need more validation? Here's my recent article on Scorpio. Sagittarius: Old habits die hard. If you're paying attention right now, you've noticed that some of these old patterns and default behavior modes need to be identified, consciously attended to and restructured. You may be missing the ample clues so pay attention. Relationships will be giving you much room for growth, awareness, and also help you get more clear on what works for you and what doesn't. You have a tendency to hold on tightly and avoid pain. But is it worth it? Maybe it's time to finally re-write and restructure some of your contracts, change your ways, change the way you do business, change what and who you are attracting into your life? If you want something different, you must be willing to do things differently. Capricorn: You really are growing, and changing some old, bad habits to boot. Job well done! As Mercury goes retrograde on 6.07, you will get even more opportunities to restore and repair debts, mental ruts, and some old mind games. Teach and heal. Heal and be healed. Share your wisdom and knowledge with others and don't be shy to share your shadow work as well. No one is perfect and being transparent can help you attract an authentically invested crowd. Heart work is vital right now and part of your growth curve. Pain and all. Crack open the heart lotus and don't be afraid of what you find. Aquarius: You are working on courage and creativity in some big ways right now. Spark something new and tend to your heart flame. Learn, grow and invite in new wisdom and ideas. Is it possible you are closed off to possibilities because you think you "know" already? Don't let the ego block your growth and depth. Looking into your shadowed parts and the places you are terrified to look at within your self and your past, are essential right now. Use these last few weeks of Jupiter in your 5th house to fearlessly expand your intuitive wisdom by clearing out the old blocks. Hint: You will need to be extra vigilant with your mind. Digest your thoughts and note connections between your gut and your mental processes. Pisces: Learning the right thing to say at the right time takes practice. Being bold about asking for what you need and finding ways to get nourished takes a lot of courage. You are working on these pieces right now. Relationships are testing you and calling upon you to get your needs, boundaries and ideals in check. What are your personal values? Are your relationships able to meet these needs? Courageously work on changing old patterns, belief systems and parts of your ego that are keeping you from your depths and intuitive wisdom. All the chaos and crisis of the previous months have been here to help you get clear on what works for you and what doesn't. Are you making the necessary changes for increased clarity? Or getting lost in the storm clouds? Get your horoscope via my newsletter. Sign up! Find out more about your Vedic sign with a personal Jyotish session.
Moon begins its waxing cycle (Shukla Paksha) this week after the new Moon on 5.28.
Tuesday, 5.27 Moon moves to Taurus at 12:38 pm CDT where it becomes exalted until 18:14 CDT this evening. Moon then moves to its mulitrikona degrees instead, however the power and clarity of this position can still be felt. Make hay while the Sun shines. Moon is in its final tithi (Moon phase) as it reaches its complete emptiness or new Moon status (amavasya) which takes place tomorrow. Moon is in Krittika nakshatra today. Krittika is ruled by Agni, which has everything to do with purifying, clearing and clarifying. Agni is the sacred fire god, literally the fire of life, who insures our transformations on all levels of existence- both internally and externally. He has an exactness and a certain precision which can be ideal for "cutting to the chase" and being extremely direct. Agni can help us see clearly what needs to occur for greater ease and momentum in our lives. Today, let go and let god. If you've had an agenda and a fixation on relationships, desires, changes that need to be made within you or your circumstances, surrender them. There's a plan that is greater than you and has your best interests in mind. Don't doubt this. Create space for the myriad of possibilities that exist outside of our small minds. The only thing standing in your way is you. Be open and perceptive to sudden change and the changes that may be necessary in order for you to truly embrace your deepest longings. What can you cut out, let go of and clarify today? Wednesday, 5.28 Moon moves to Rohini nakshatra at 07:24 am CDT. Moon is in its mulitrikona sign of Taurus still. Rohini is ruled by Lord Brahma who created the universe. His vast creativity is expressed through this auspicious nakshatra. It is a new Moon day as well. New Moon is at 13:40 CDT with Moon in Taurus and in Rohini nakshatra. Rohini is a nakshatra ruled by Lord Brahma, the creator of the Universe. He exemplifies great strength, possibility and creative energy. Creativity, artistry and material abundance are part of his offerings. And since he is husband of goddess Saraswati, who offers us wisdom, knowledge and the arts, Rohini is also connected to her graces by default. Read more about the new Moon and the coming waxing cycle. Use these Amavasya (new Moon) Harvesting questions for deeper inquiry: What am I ripe and ready for? What are my desires for the next two weeks? What action steps can I take for greater fruits and a richer harvest? What potential awaits me? What strength am I arriving at? What actions were left undone in the last cycle that I need to revisit? How do I want to move forward? Where do I want to channel my creativity and how? What support do I need with my efforts? What am I stepping towards? Tap into your vast creative potential today. With your empty vessel, create conscious and nourishing ways to fill and be filled. Create a mandala and "fill your cup" with intention. Sync up with the new Moon and learn more about the purpose of this cycle here. Thursday, 5.29 Moon moves to Mrigashirsha nakshatra today at 08:47 am CDT. The ruler of this nakshatra is Chandra, the sanskrit name for the Moon. Connected to soma, growth, ojas and the spark of creative potential, today offers changes that can better serve and nourish us. We will be moving quickly in heart and mind. Fluctuations and flutters are inevitable as Chandra moves quickly and the symbol of this nakshatra is a deer. Changes in relationships may be felt today. Who has changed? You or the other? What awakenings are present as you re-direct your focus towards greater needs, nourishment and support? What is working and not working in your relationship dynamics? As Moon moves into Gemini at 21:38 CDT, the mental body kicks up and may churn up overwhelm. Temper this with embodiment and grounding, self care rituals and creative and artistic processes. Have you done your new Moon mandala and harvesting work yet? Friday, 5.30 Moon transits Gemini with Mercury and Jupiter there. These three planets receive drishti (gaze) from Rahu. Mental body is moving quickly and much expansion can be felt with ideas, visions, creativity and possibilities. How can you harvest these fruits and capture these golden nuggets of grande thought? Day dream and let desires expand you for now. Mercury moves to Ardra nakshatra at 6:30 am CDT leading the way for Moon to move into this nakshatra as well. Moon moves into Ardra nakshatra at 10:36 am CDT; the Rahu and Rudra (storm god) energy enlivens. Does he expand you into overwhelm and excessive cravings that lead to more frustration? Or can you temper his shadowy nature with focus? Harness the momentum that can be felt right now. Write lists and "dump out your head" on paper. Set goals, prioritize and be potent in your actions. As Moon crosses Mercury now in Ardra as well, overwhelm and mental spin can set in. It will be important today (as well as the next two weeks of Mercury in Ardra) to attend to the emotional and physical bodies for grounding and support, rather then letting the mental body get away with its usual mayhem. Pay attention to your emotions. Overwhelm? Anger? Exhaustion? Fear? This is a direct indication that your basic needs of support and nourishment are not being met. How can you find a different way to get the job done? How can you use self care to get your needs met? What paradigms need to shift in your relationships so that you can release some of the angst? Get embodied. Saturday, 5.31 As Moon moves closer to Jupiter and into Punarvasu nakshatra at 12:50 pm CDT, the wisdom begins to surface. The pieces that arrived abruptly and painfully yesterday and earlier today, begin to translate into greater awareness. Aditi, the mother of all goodness and abundance provides us with a more unified experience. She has a harmonizing effect on us and can nourish and support us where we need it most. In what ways can you move towards greater nourishment, support, stability and strength today? Take time for inward and nourishing activities. Meditation and yoga are vital re-charge tools for today and will give you the maximum harvesting of your inner journey. Sunday, 6.01 Moon moves into Cancer (its own sign) at 08:46 am CDT where it receives drishti (gaze) from Saturn. Moon moves into Pushyami nakshatra at 15:27 CDT, enlivening its ruler, Brihaspati, another name for Jupiter. However, this nakshatra is ruled by Saturn, so we get direct access to the expansion (Jupiter) and contraction (Saturn) elements today. The dynamics of Saturn at play with the Moon can bring a restrictive feeling. Though nourishment can be harvested and received with some surrender. How can we use structure and restraint today in order for nourishment? Attend to your inner needs. Find nourishment and support in slow, small, steady and in gentle silence. Work with expand and contract, open and close principles as well as the other dynamics of the heart lotus while Moon is in Cancer. Find my Exalted Jupiter & Heart mp3 here for greater creative awareness and support with this dynamic. Plan your week in tune with Nature. Never miss my Moon Mind Calendar. Sign up for my newsletter. And if you like this post, please share it! Thank you! I'm what you might call a "triple threat".
My Sun, Moon and rising signs are all in the water element. That creates a strong, emotional nature with extreme sensitivity at times. It also gives me a hard outer shell (scorpion and crab bodies), with a soft and vulnerable inside. Let's put it this way, it is hard to even write this article because it feels like I'm "revealing" a lot about my self. That's overwhelming and, yes, extremely vulnerable for my Scorpion/Crab nature. The tough outer shell of these creatures makes me seem strong to others, but on the inside, I'm softer and more sensitive than you can imagine. It's a tough dynamic to navigate at times! In the Vedic system of astrology, my Rising and my Moon sign are in Scorpio, while my Sun sign is Cancer. I consider myself a veritable expert on all things water sign, especially in the Scorpio realms. I've been living it and breathing it for over thirty years and have danced with the extremes of the Scorpio nature, tested its limits and fallen into many a murky and dark abyss. And yes, I've stung, been stung, and stung my Self. Repeatedly. The symbol of a Scorpion is not lost on me. I'm also less and less afraid of the darkness that is part of Scorpios nature as time rolls on. Time, as it turns out, can bring some relief to those of us navigating the unknown territory of the 8th house on a daily basis (as a Scorpio knows innately). Scorpio directly correlates to all 8th house matters. It's the house of death, our greatest fears, loss, disease and those things that we avoid most because of certain pain and misery. It is associated with vulnerabilities, the past and the future, sex, mysticism, the private parts and excretory organs. Before you say, "ew", think about how important, how vital, all these parts of our life are. The letting go, the release of the known, the surrender of past and present, the depths of life that go way beyond the surface of life. It's a house that can not (and should not) be avoided. On the positive spectrum of things, the 8th house is linked to transformations and transcendece, as well as mystical and occult knowledge and of course our sexual nature. When life gets tough, we naturally get tougher; which is the essence of the eighth house. It forces us to surrender. To disarm and let go. We scream "uncle!" at the top of our lungs and wait in our self made prison for relief to arrive. And if it arrives, we are determined to change, re-direct ourselves, to rise above and out of the trenches. The eight house is indeed hidden, unseen, and thus relates to the unseen and hidden realms- both internally and externally. Our pain after all is solely connected to our shadow. A Scorpio is determined to shed its shadowed self which is why Ketu (the "planet" of liberation and moksha) is considered exalted here. All Scorpios understand more than the surface of life- which is both a blessing and a curse at times. The depth of our understanding is what liberates us and also what hurts us the most. When others are enjoying life and its frivolities, a Scorpio is likely at home working hard to overcome some obstacle- self created or not. And isn't everything self created? A Scorpio thinks so, but more importantly, we know so. And when you know better, and you know you should know better, well, that's when trouble can arise. This is when the self stinging can escalate. This is when addictions can happen- as a means to numb the pain, stop the self inflicted tendencies, or as an escape route. But most of us figure out at some point that addiction to drugs and alcohol are yet another self affliction mechanism, and so we must end this too and overcome this trap as well. After getting out of the addiction and dependency cycles, we realize we are back where we started (not a highlight of our existence!) Back with the pain, the torture, the endless emotional upheavals, the intense passion- passion that the majority of the world would gladly have a bit more of if they could tap into it and harness it for their own purposes. We live it. We breathe it. And learning to handle this level of passion takes strength and perseverance. It must be channeled effectively or it will burn us. It's also the main reason we are so misunderstood by the other signs, and why we doubt ourselves as a result. Our innate, passionate nature can make us wonder if there is something wrong with ourselves? Well, is there? This level of passion is due to the planetary ruler of Scorpio, Mars. A fiery planet, the warrior, the planet of action (karma), Mars is a doer. He does things with courage and power and he doesn't think about it. Oops. (The thinking planet is Mercury and not surprisingly, Mars and Mercury aren't friendly towards each other). The tell tale sign of Scorpios infamous "moodiness" is the fact that Moon (planet of emotions and our inner nature) is considered debilitated in Scorpio. That makes for an intensified, gooey center for this sign. One that I am all too aware of since my own natal Moon is in Scorpio. (This is where my expertise comes in! And also, please don't judge this placement in black and white terms and with labels!) It also indicates the level of sensitivity that a Scorpio has (and needs) in order to understand the depth of its own nature. If we didn't have the depth of the 8th house, the ability to navigate the darkness within us and around us, nor the sensitivity to traverse the heightened perceptions necessary to go beyond the mundane, well, we'd be..... an earth sign. Like Taurus, our polar opposite. Which we are attracted to by the way. Isn't the grounding and the stability appealing? Even if we claim to be repulsed by it, there is an attraction/repulsion dynamic here that, as a Scorpio, believe me, I've investigated! And we all need stability and support, perhaps a Scorpio more so than the other signs, and that is why our opposite, our mirror, is indeed the Taurus. It's tricky to be a Scorpio. It's tricky to love a Scorpio. You really have to want to love us. You can't do it half assed. We'll get rid of you quickly and we will know if you aren't trying very hard; a very unappealing trait for a Scorpio! We have no patience for uncertainty and a zero tolerance policy on lying, cheating, stealing and the like. And if we even sense that these things are occurring, you'll be cut loose. Quickly and stealthily. We plot, carefully, before the final decision (or execution) is made. And when we are sure, for certain, we don't go back. Done is done. If any sign knows finality, it is the dear Scorpio. (Eighth house of death, hello!) As I write this, I give a little Scorpio snicker, thinking about how scary this might sound to others. How lethal and how daunting. Is there any reason why anyone would even take a chance on such a person? You might even think that Scorpios deserve the bad rap that is all- pervasive in the astrological realms. It may seem as though we should be wrapped blatantly in caution tape, but don't be so quick to jump to conclusions. Mystery has its greatness. The depth of the Scorpio nature will be a reward to anyone who takes the time and effort to love us, and love us well. Make no mistake about it. We are thorough (understatement) and this carries over into everything we do, especially our relationships. All we ask for is loyalty and trust. In a Scorpios eyes, that is not a tall order. It's basic. It's simple. You do it and you are in for life. You fail and you are out- fast. Here's how to win us over and stay a winner: 1. Say what you mean and mean what you say. 2. Consistency and follow through. Consistency and follow through. Consistency and follow through. 3. Speak the sweet truth. (Emphasis on sweet). 4. Dare to be different. Be unique. Stand on your own terms. Share authentically. (It's tres hot by the way.) And we can tell when you're not ligit 100% of the time. 5. Be kind. Be compassionate. Always. 6. Don't play games. Don't. You will never win with a Scorpio. 7. Sting and be stung. We can sense manipulation a mile away. Don't try that with us. 8. Loyalty. Which means you must be true to your Self first, above all, then you can be true and loyal to a Scorpio. 9. Communicate and share your feelings. You clamp down, you get tossed. You must be open to personal growth and actively engaged in it. It takes a lot to keep up with our constant transformations. 10. Stick around long enough and you will experience the depth of love and the sweetness of true partnership. But this will take time. Have patience. No one can beat the intensity and passion of a Scorpio. And when we bring it, we bring it on strong. We also like to share our passion, love and gifts with others (if we trust you!) This may mean a very small circle of friends for a Scorpio. In fact, it may look like a Scorpio has many friends, but in fact if you asked them, they'd respond that they have just one or two close friends only. Looks can be deceiving. How Scorpio of us. Small and comforting is ok with us. As long as that small circle of support is the real deal. Not many people will be brave enough to stand in the dark abyss with us. Nor withstand the constant transformations and recreation processes that we go through. It takes a very special person to be comfortable with darkness, depth, emotion, passion, mysticism and the fire of the Scorpio nature. Like with anything in life, the effort you put in, directly correlates to what you get out of the experience. You'll have to put in quite a bit of effort and be willing to grow within your self as part of the deal, but the rewards will outlast the sweat and tears. It will be well worth your time and energy. Guaranteed. Get your horoscope via my newsletter. Sign up! Find out more about being a Scorpio with a personal Jyotish session. Moon is waning (Krishna Paksha) this week and moves through Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and into Aries. Our attention and intention move inward as the Moon empties.
Sync up with the Moon and its waxes and wanes on a physical level. Learn more in my Flow With the Moon article. Monday, 5.19 Moon transits Capricorn and Sravana nakshatra today. Vishnu and the Moon rule Sravana. Vishnu is all-pervasive, like akasha (space), and connects us to the three realms earth, sky (cosmos) and heaven (universe). The Rg Ved tells us that Vishnu took three steps, traversed these three realms, and he expands our consciousness. Vishnu and Sravana nakshatra connects us to dharma, the oral traditions, wealth and prosperity. Capricorn's ruler, Mars, goes direct today at 20:28 CDT. We can expect the mind, creativity and actions to be moving in a more forward motion now. Be intentional and plan your steps carefully. Sharpen your focus. Set your desires into motion. Take three powerful steps- in honor of Vishnu. Tuesday, 5.20 Moon moves to Dhanishta nakshatra today at 10:00 am CDT. With Dhanishta's planetary ruler being Mars (now direct), we may feel grande momentum today and a strong work ethic in place. Vasu, the presiding deity of this nakshatra, urges us to shine brightly, to achieve excellence and wealth. Dharma is a predominant force here. Today, seek comfort, seek support, seek the spark alive within you. Move towards your shining. Use this mantra to connect to the light (jyoti) that is available to us through the Vasu-Devas: Aum namo bhagavate vasudevaya Moon moves to Aquarius at 21:14 CDT and receives gaze (drishti) from Rahu, and Jupiter here. Wednesday, 5.21 Moon transits Aquarius, receiving gaze (drishti) from Rahu, and Jupiter here and moves into Satabhisha nakshatra at 08:31 am CDT. Varuna and Rahu rule the day through this nakshatra. Varuna is connected to unseen (invisible) obstacles- which is also another attribute of the sign Aquarius and its ruler, Rahu, the shadow planet. Watch for excess judgement and criticism today, as well as looking for inner wrongs and the wrongs of others. Take care of your health and work towards removal of inner/outer obstacles. It is Wednesday (day of Mercury) and Moon is transiting its 8th phase (tithi) called Ashtami also ruled by Rahu. This is the half way point in the waning cycle. A feeling of being in limbo might be felt today, a sense of urgency to change, but resistance to act or move might be heightened. Look for fears and anxiety to be present with this push/pull dynamic. The mind is delicate through the weekend as Mercury changes signs; while in transition, it passes through its sandhi (gap) phase and asks us to move our senses inward. Avoid making decisions until Mercury strengthens (Saturday) and temper feelings of overwhelm and mental tension with fresh air, embodiment and creative outlets. Write your worries and fears down on paper. Let them flow like water onto the page in order to empty your mind. It's ok to think big today, just don't succumb to overwhelm. Take bite sized action steps for best results. Thursday, 5.22 Venus moves towards the edge of Pisces and becomes sandhi in the wee hours. Moon moves to Purvabhadrapada at 7:19 am CDT. Ajaikapada (a form of Shiva, lord of the dance) and the planet Jupiter are enlivened today- especially because it is Thursday, the day of Jupiter. Today may offer a sense of both expansion and contraction. We may feel the need to cut pieces loose that need to be let go of in order for greater growth and change. There might be an energy today of overwhelm, balancing the impossible, and/or having a foot in two opposing realms. The word of the day is tapas. Think in terms of purification and learning from the obstacles afoot. Mercury moves to its own sign (Gemini) at 15:32 CDT, joining Jupiter there. This is cause for celebration and insures that our mental and creative capacities will get an expansive boost in the coming weeks, though not without navigating some shadow work as Rahu gives his drishti (gaze) nine houses away from Libra. Some may even get a monetary leg up or some notoriety with this cycle. This is an unusually lengthy transit for Mercury who usually zooms through signs in only a few weeks, but this cycle will last for over two months! Part of this time he will retrograde and become sandhi at the edge of Gemini, but nonetheless, our mental faculties will be getting some support during this transit. As per my planetary transit report for the waning Moon cycle: A powerful transit of "increase" is upon us with this one. More knowledge, more wisdom, more understanding and more of all things Mercury. Expect money making ideas and desires to increase simultaneously. Don't let the mind run off with you. Reign it in. Being diligent this month with the mental body and meditation will be valuable and deepen your efforts and experiences with this transit. More on Mercury's transit into Gemini in my next planetary transit report next week. Use the "soft mind" of sandhi Mercury for inner reflection and introspection until he strengthens in degrees on Saturday. Friday, 5.23 Moon changes signs, moving to Pisces at 00:38 am CDT, joining a very sandhi Venus here and receives direct drishti (gaze) from Mars seven houses away. Shortly thereafter, Moon moves into Uttarabhadrapada at 06:27 am CDT where the naga (serpent) Ahirbudhnya and the planet Saturn predominate. A Rudra who removes calamities, Ahirbudhnya offers us great insights, depth and awareness if we choose to navigate the unseen and hidden realms within ourselves. As per my planetary transit report for the waning Moon cycle: Moving out of its exaltation sign of Pisces and into Aries, Venus makes the transition at 18:09 CDT. This is a particularly tricky junction as Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and is a water sign, whereas Aries is the beginning of the zodiac and a fire sign. The symbolism here: endings and new beginnings, as well as starting anew. Venus will be feeling the pressure this month as he shares Aries with Ketu and also receives direct gaze (drishti) from Saturn and Rahu seven houses away as well as Mars eight houses away. A nice exchange between Sun and Venus occurs though as Sun transits Taurus (ruled by Venus) and Venus transits Aries (ruled by Sun). Heat, pressure and transformations are inevitable, however. We may feel this in our relationships, with our creativity, passions, artistry, and with our flow of money. We may get an increase of support and a greater feeling of power and possibility with this transit. However, as Venus joins Ketu in Aries, expect a purification of these areas of life to occur as well as a restructuring with all things Venus. Saturday, 5.24 Moon moves to Revati nakshatra at 5:54 am CDT. Pushan and Mercury preside over this nakshatra. Mind strengthens as Mercury strengthens in degrees today which helps us harvest the nourishment that Pushan offers ton us. Prosperity, increase, and a sense of flourishing can arrive through Pushan. He protects us on our paths and helps our journey be comfortable and with ease. Today, look for ways you can expand your wealth and prosperity and notice where you are needing extra nourishment and support. What is working? What is not working? Now is the time to make adjustments so that more gains can be felt. FYI: some letting go will be required in this process. Sunday, 5.25 Sun moves to Rohini nakshatra at 02:55 am CDT. This can help our sense of creative potential. Look for insights and intuitive guidance pointing you in the right direction. Let your creativity be unleashed! Moon crosses the tricky junction point between Pisces (end of the zodiac and water sign) and moves into Aries (beginning of zodiac and fire sign) at 5:43 am CDT where it joins Venus and Ketu there; all will be in Ashwini nakshatra. These three planets receive direct drishti (gaze) from Rahu and Saturn seven houses away in Libra as well as from Mars eight houses away. Get activated! Cut loose the old attachments and barnacles holding you back. Burn away impurities and seek healing and rejuvenation- especially with relationships. You may feel this need for change and restructuring on the mental level or it may be required of you. Get creative. Harmonize more with your desires and great potential. Use your Sunday for taking extra care of your needs. Relax, restore, and use your favorite techniques for rejuvenation. Plan your week in tune with Nature. Never miss my Moon Mind Calendar. Sign up for my newsletter. And if you like this post, please share it! Thank you! Full Moon this week! Moon moves through Libra, Scorpio and into Sagittarius this week. Moon begins to wane (Krishna Paksha) after the full Moon on Wednesday + Buddha Jayanti.
Monday, 5.12 Moon moves into Libra this morning, joining Rahu and retrograde Saturn here. Simultaneously, exalted Sun and Ketu give direct gaze seven houses away and Jupiter offers his gaze from five houses away. The complexity of the full Moon in Libra on Wednesday begins to stir within us. Desires mount. Monday starts with a demand for action as Moon transits Chitra nakshatra. Vishvakarma (the celestial architect) is the ruler of Chitra, as is Mars, the planet of karma/action. This energy is about building, creating, serving and performing karma yoga. Today, start your week off on the right foot. Plan, organize, use strategy, clarify your ideas, create and expand your objectives. Take effective action and cross something big off your to-do list. Get clear on the big picture, but use details and step by step instructions to get the job done. Moon moves to Swati nakshatra at 21:23 CDT. Tuesday, 5.13 Swati nakshatra enlivens Vayu (the wind god) and Rahu today. The winds of change are blowing. Do you feel it? What direction are they blowing for you? What changes are being enlivened within you and around you? What is your response to these winds? Pay attention to Nature today as she will likely show us her directions through wind, rain and storms. Vayu brings change; he does so by "house cleaning", creating movement, is connected to breath, wind and strength. Whatever is being moved today, trust that it is creating space for something new to arrive. Are you moving with gentle breezes or gale force winds? What is your response to these winds? Remember, movement is good. Bend with the wind though, don't break. Moon moves to Vishaka nakshatra at 21:05. The Moon will already be in its final tithi (phase) at this time as it ripens towards fullness. Wednesday, 5.14 Full Moon is on Wednesday, May 14th at 14:15 CDT in Libra and Vishaka nakshatra. Moon will be sandhi at the edge of Libra receiving direct gaze from a sandhi exalted Sun and Ketu in Aries. Yet another opportunity to revisit the same metaphors and challenges, lessons and reminders from the many previous months as Libra and Aries have been in the spotlight for months now. This full Moon is intricate as well as celebratory. It is Budhha Jayanti (also called Buddha Purnima), the celebration of Lord Buddhas birthday. Auspiciously, the celebration falls on a Wednesday this year, day of Mercury, the mind. May Lord Buddha's strength in mind and liberation of being ignite us! Jai Buddha! This full Moon is in Vishaka nakshatra and at the edge of changing signs at 29'51; very much in the gap (sandhi) heading into Scorpio its sign of debilitation. Moon moves to Scorpio just fifteen minutes later at 14:30 CDT. Vishaka is ruled by a dual god, Indra and Agni. They sit at the portal entrance and allow the transformational process of our offerings to take place. Offerings of nourishment, that then becomes potent and palpable to them, and in turn they make these offerings potent and palpable for us. We see this pair at work in yagyas and puja offerings. Whatever is offered on the altar, alchemically transforms and becomes nourishment for the gods, who then bless us with their protection and support. Sun moves out of Aries its sign of exaltation, and into Taurus on 5.14 at 17:33 CDT. He transits Taurus until June 15th. Moon moves to Anuradha nakshatra at 20:14 CDT. Read more about the meanings of full Moon + Sun transit here. Thursday, 5.15 Moon transits Anuradha nakshatra, ruled by Mitra, the friendly star. He's an Aditya (provides nourishment and support) and is a form of the Sun and connected to day time. Friendship and alliances are enlivened through Mitra, as well as help, support and the special connections in life that sustain us. Mitra likes fine detail and has a knack for change and renewal; he loves travel and a change of scenery. As Moon will be receiving direct gaze (drishti) from a sandhi Sun (newly changed signs) and Mercury in Taurus, watch the critic today. Re-direct it. Zoom out and look at the big picture if you feel your self using the zoom lens too much. Focus instead on unifying factors and helpful connections. We may be feeling small within ourselves on some level, which can heighten the tendency to find fault with others. What needs to shift? Moon moves to Jyeshtha nakshatra at 18:55 CDT. Working with the mental body will be especially effective right now and throughout tomorrow. Friday, 5.16 Jyeshtha is ruled by Indra and the planet Mercury. Indra is immensely powerful and king of the devas (gods). Considered the rain god, Indra has the ability to "open the floodgates" so to speak. Indra is also connected to pranic forces and has extremely heightened sensitivity- which translates as heightened awareness. We are reminded by him though that we must not be controlled entirely by our senses. Today you may notice an increased sensitivity- and in that sensitivity a certain and defined power. We might experience this as a vulnerability that cultivates inner strength. We may note our ability to be clear with boundaries today and our defined needs. Be in your power and arrive into your great sensitivity. Both are assets that will take you far. Working with the mental body directly today will be especially effective. Moon changes signs to Sagittarius at 17:16 CDT and moves into Mula nakshatra at this time. Nirrti, the wife of adharma steps onto the scene. Don't let her lack of dharmic pursuits derail you tonight. Saturday, 5.17 As dishevelment and destruction rules the greater part of the day via Mula nakshatra and Nirrti today, expect plans to not be seamless. Give your self extra time to accomplish tasks and relax your agenda. Loosen the reigns. Work on deconstruction, letting go, uprooting and purging today. Moon gets drishti (gaze) today from multiple planets which compounds the chaos at play. Saturn, Mars and Ketu give their heat, pressure and restructuring energy, while Jupiter may soften the blow or at least help us "learn the lessons" that are present. Be leisurely and use self care as much as possible today. Moon moves to Purvashada nakshatra at 15:26 CDT and more flow arrives with Apas, the water goddess. Sunday, 5.18 Purvashada and Apas, the water goddess, helps us with flow more effortlessly. She cleanses and offers rejuvenation- through emotional release and purification, allowing us to connect to the pure flow of love as well. Sensitive feelings are part of this nakshatra and though Moon receives drishti (gaze) today from multiple planets which compounds the emotions, we also have the ability to be cleansed by these emotions as well. Saturn, Mars and Ketu give their heat, pressure and restructuring energy, while Jupiter may soften the blow or at least help us "learn the lessons" present. But because Purvashada is ruled by the planet Venus, a greater ability to love and be loved is experienced here. Let it seep into your pores, and into your veins. Let the love wash over you and through you today. Let it heal you and rejuvenate you. You are loved. Moon moves to Uttarashada nakshatra at 13:33 CDT; Vishvadeva and the planet Sun predominate. Finish the day with a sense of duty and a "do-good" mentality. Help and share. Offer the clarity of love from the previous part of the day and Saturday evening. Let your light shine. Prepare to step forward! Mars goes direct tomorrow. Plan your week, sign up for my newsletter here. |
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