This Week's Intention: The emotional body is your resource for all that nourishes you in life. Are you awake enough to feel? The ability to touch your pleasure and pain is the basis of your creativity. Lean closer and listen to what's arriving. A rare triple impact full Moon takes place on February 10th. This Cancer full Moon occurs with a penumbral lunar eclipse and a comet sighting shortly after, though barely visible from earth. Three cosmic events open the delicate two week eclipse portal. The full Moon occurs at 17:34 MST while Moon is at the edge of Cancer and Ashlesha nakshatra (using Mean node calculations). In the Vedic calendar, this is considered Magha Purnima, which is connected to Leo and the ancestors. The penumbral lunar eclipse begins to emerge at 15:34 MST, reaching its climax at 17:43 MST, and finding completion at 19:53 MST. This eclipse will cast its shadow on Europe, Much of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica. From a Vedic perspective, it is never advised to be outside during an eclipse, or to look at it directly. If you must be outside, make sure your head is covered. This also marks a delicate two week gap between lunar and solar eclipses. It is not advised to start new projects at this time, nor make big decisions. Best to lay low, attend to spiritual pursuits, get extra rest and work with your inner shadow very consciously. Right now, I'm sharing ample resources, guidance and support to help you align with your dharmic truth. What is your soul's true purpose? Use the resources below to activate and align with your dharmic path. These resources are only available for a short time. Last chance for 2017! Find clarity and a deeper purpose and follow along via my newsletter as I continue to share powerful resources this month for strengthening your soul's purpose. Six Steps to Awaken Your Soul's Purpose: Step #1: Planting Seeds Step #2: Gathering Resources Step #3: Overcoming Your Challenges Step #4: Transforming Struggles Step #5: Creating Your Vision Step #6: Making Your Dharma Real Ready for even more Dharmic Support? Don't miss these *free* Dharma Awakening Resources! I'll be pulling them from my website later this week. Last chance to listen for 2017! - Understand what your jyotish chart says about your life path and purpose. - Gather resources for overcoming obstacles and set backs on you path. - Discover what's holding you back from making money doing what you love. Listen to my three part Dharma Awakening Series When your voice isn't heard, when your gifts are never shared, when your power is never fully activated....where does your soul's purpose go?
What happens when your dharma is never offered to this world? When it is never fully awakened within you? When you refuse to change, heal and transform, so that you can rise and shine? When you never even step onto your dharmic path! This is called Adharma (that which is against dharma). It is the root cause of all suffering in this world. It is pain that is self-induced. Don't neglect your path. Don't avoid your inner wisdom. Don't negate your power, purpose and passion. Join my Dharma Foundations Course. There has been an overwhelming response to this course!! Register now to confirm your spot!! Last chance to join is February 10th!! ONLY a few spots left for Basic and Maha Support.
The December Full Moon is on the 13th at 17:05 MST. Moon is in its mulitrikona sign, a great place for emotional expression and connection. Full Moon in Taurus and Mrigashirsha nakshatra brings reaching and extending into new territory and resources in the coming cycle. Branch out and seek new nectar for your soul. Attract more of what you need. Go out on a limb and try something new. Get the entire Full Moon Wisdom report with a Membership {Plant Your Seeds of Light and Wisdom} *FREE* Winter Solstice Web Class. On the darkest day of the year, there is a great opportunity for releasing and letting go of the past seasons. This is your still point. The pause. The sacred in-between. Linger here for a moment and create a deeper intention for your path in the coming months. Join me for a free Winter Solstice Web Class ::: Please RSVP to join the list: [email protected]
The Sun just landed in Scorpio.
This past month of debilitated Sun is finally complete. Now the light will begin to strengthen in the coming weeks. As Sun passes through Scorpio, your depths will be called upon, as well as grief, unconscious programming and past pain. Read more about Sun in Scorpio. There have been many complicated transits and increased challenges for months now. Once the Kala Sarpa yoga completes in January, some of the big highs and lows will start to even out. Right now, integration, balance and harmony between extreme polarities- inner and outer- is key. Exalted Mars in Capricorn is sparking anger, violence and aggression right now. Sun in Scorpio can intensify these strong emotions, if we are not doing our inner work. Anger is in fact a powerful emotion, a change agent. It reminds you that a boundary has been crossed, that something feels unfair, that you have been wronged in some way. When you experience anger, there is an opportunity to find clarity about your needs and step into your power with more purpose. Far too often though, anger becomes an unconscious reactive emotion that never gets to truly serve its purpose- to wake you up! Right now, the planet and particularly the United States, is being called into action. So many are feeling very old, deeply embedded anger and rage rise to the surface. You may be feeling anger as a result of your own personal mythology, as well as a result of the collective consciousness. Allowing your anger to move through you is potent medicine. But even more important than it's movement, is actually harvesting from this emotion. Understanding the deeper layers of your anger can help you awaken to needs, more nourishment and empowerment. What you don't want to do is suppress your anger, or use it in ways that harm yourself and others. Systemically suppressed anger can become depression- which is ultimately a result of resisting your power. Anger is in fact a resource for tapping into your power, purpose and dharma! Here Are Four Ways to Release Anger Right Now: #1 Anger is often a first response emotion. It can become an addiction to feel anger- especially if this is the way you learned how to feel and express. Anger happens to be the most socially acceptable emotion, so most people default to anger quite easily. Step number one is to get into the habit of checking in with the four levels of your being and do a self audit. This process can help you identify the experiences happening within your inner landscape so you don't disconnect from your body and emotions. Do A Self Audit #2 What are you angry about? Who are you angry at? Consider this your challenge. Now use my Challenge Creative Ritual to identify, move and transform your anger into potent awareness. #3 Move your anger safely. Release anger and rage by screaming, yelling, punching pillows, throwing things (without harming yourself or anyone/anything else) and stomping. Get the sound of your anger out in a safe, contained space. Let the emotion move out and through your body. #4 Tap and Rant. EFT is a powerful resource for moving emotions- especially anger. Tap on the heart point in the center of the chest or tap through the points as you speak your anger aloud. Don't hold back. Tapping through the points as you express your anger, will support its movement and release, without it getting stuck in your body. Need some extra support? Use my Tapping Meditation Podcast for Big Emotions. #5 Ready to change your relationship with big emotions- especially challenging emotions like anger, grief and sadness? I'm letting a few more people into my special nine month course- Awakening Through Grief, in light of the recent election. So many people need this emotional body work! And our world family needs it too! If you are ready to use your grief as a powerful healing resource, please join me for this sacred journey into Heart and Spirit. Get the Details This is the last chance to join Awakening Through Grief as we've already started classes! Here's to your embodied and empowered path. One that is a re-connection of body, emotions, mind and spirit! Swati* Just after Sun shifts into Virgo on September 16th, the full Moon in Pisces occurs with a penumbral lunar eclipse. This eclipse ends the unusually long eclipse portal that began on August 18th with an “almost” lunar eclipse. At the time of the full Moon (Purnima), the Moon has barely entered Pisces and will be under a degree- literally propping open the door between Aquarius and Pisces. This sandhi Moon is in very fragile and vulnerable territory, yet extremely spiritual as well. The penumbral lunar eclipse on the 16th will be visible in much of Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, Western South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic and Antarctica. It will not touch North America. The eclipse will begin at 10:54 am MDT, ending at 14:53 MDT. The maximum eclipse will occur at 12:54 pm MDT. From a Vedic perspective, it is not advised to be outside during the eclipse. Stay covered if you have to be out and about- especially your head and eyes. As the eclipse portal comes to a close, a release process is taking place. This may take several more days or weeks to integrate fully. Get the entire Full Moon Wisdom report with a Membership Did you miss my special Heart Clearing Workshop? Part One is available for free, but only for a few more days. Listen Now Creative RitualAs you move through this eclipse portal cycle, integrating and digesting the powerful themes of this shadowed time, there will be strong emotional body waves activated. This is a cleansing cycle, a time to move out grief and harvest rich inner wisdom that has long been covered up by your shadow. Use this Tapping Meditation as a resource for uncovering your emotional body pain, so you can find the needs underneath the big feelings. Then follow up with the Creative Ritual below. Attend to the space you've created with consciousness and presence. Step One: Grief Tapping Meditation Step Two: Awakening Inner Space ~ Creative Ritual We worked a lot in this Space Clearing the Heart Workshop with noticing the internal landscape, what is arriving. As we continued to cultivate inner presence during the class, I asked you to notice the space within your body. Where do you feel more space in the body? Where does this space arrive within you? How does it feel? This space within is ripe with potential and possibility. It is fragile and vulnerable, but also very powerful. This creative ritual will help you continue to cultivate a relationship with this inner space. 1) Using craypas, paints or pencils, create an image of the space you are cultivating a relationship with. What does this space feel like within you? Create an image that expresses this feeling using colors, textures and shapes. Allow 10 to 20 minutes at minimum for this image. Title your image. 2) Use your image to inspire a movement exploration. Let your body move in response to your space image. Use the intention of "moving with this feeling of space in the body". What sensations emerge for you during your dance? What awareness? Allow 5 to 10 minutes for this movement exploration. I encourage you to extend this time frame as you recycle this process. * If you are in an acute grief phase, you may wish to simply hold a shape in the body, to mirror your space image, rather than move the image. 3) Harvesting. In your journal answer these questions: I am, I want, I need, I sense, I feel, I imagine. How do you want to attend to this space within? What is your intention? What am I opening to? What am I closing to? Did you miss my special Heart Clearing Workshop? Part One is available for free, but only for a few more days. Listen Now
Need more support navigating your inner terrain and emotional body landscape? Let's connect for a session. Together we can create a plan of action for you. Courage, Dear Heart. It's not about what you do, it's about how you do it. Showing up for yourself- again and again and again. This is true courage. In the beginning of my grief journey, and a new relationship with my emotional body, I didn't know how this simple act would change me. For the majority of my life, I resisted showing up for my emotional body landscape fully. I didn't have the skills, resources or awareness to show up in presence, to hold myself in the challenges, to find the resources in my pain. Emotional body literacy is vital for awakening- moving away from an autopilot existence. Resistance and avoidance to what is moving through your inner terrain means that important needs are not being met. Repeatedly. This results in longstanding systemic malnourishment- issues, challenges, behaviors and choices that will impact your life in less than fulfilling ways. The resistance and suppression of your emotional body has dire consequences for all four levels of your being- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. But there is another way. A way that takes practice. Patience. Willingness and skillfulness. The act of arriving in presence- presence of your emotions- is the most courageous thing you can do for yourself today. When you show up in this way for yourself repeatedly, your skillfulness increases. My grief journey has been a powerful resource of awakening. Not because it was a joyful or comfortable ride. It has been the most powerful change agent for me because it was anything but comfortable. My grief forced me to keep looking at my emotions- even when I didn't want to. Even when the pain was intolerable. Grief amplifies the emotional body. And if you can skillfully learn to work with the waves of grief, your emotional body relationship will also dramatically shift. It can become a resource for nourishment, rather than only pain. In my grief process, I've learned that the most courageous thing I can do for myself is to keep arriving. Arriving within. I've learned how to keep showing up for myself. For my grief, for my path, for my self, for my needs, for my heart. With practice, this process has become more integrated and easy. My willingness to keep arriving within and leaning into my pain, has been like a mantra, a tuning fork. Turning me inward- again and again. What is arriving now? What do I feel now? What do I need now? The courage to keep showing up for yourself- in your pain- is the warrior's path. This is the path of Karma Yoga. The bravery to continue to step towards self- no matter the weather. No matter what's arriving within the inner landscape. This is your empowerment. It is the beginning of creating deeper self trust. It is a dedication to your own resiliency, to life. Death has slowly taught me how to live again. Through my willingness to face my own darkness, I'm learning how to hold both- life and death together. In the face of your deepest pain and darkness, you can keep arriving home. Use my Creative Ritual below to support this process of arriving home within, deepening your resiliency and inner stability. I'm here to support your journey of coming home. Have courage Dear One. You are on a warrior's path. Swati* Creative Ritual for Returning Home Make a list. What resources do you use for returning home- to stability, self-trust, safety and security? How do you get back home- to your sacred center? Notice what is alive and providing support for you, what is feeling nourishing and supportive, and what are the resources you have been relying on for greater nourishment. The intention of this creative ritual is to spark something within. To solidify your resources and ground you in the sensation of greater self trust. Part I. Coming Home Embodiment Dance. 1. Start your "Coming Home" embodiment dance from standing or lying down. Begin by bringing presence to a body part within you that feels like a resource. Is there a part of your body that provides you with a sense of stability, comfort and nourishment? Can you sense this feeling in your body somewhere? Let this be your primary body part resource for your dance. Then begin to move from this body part. Let it activate and inspire your Coming Home dance. 2. As you continue to move with your primary body part, note how the rest of your body responds. How does it connect to the rest of your body? How does it respond and move with the rest of your body? How does the rest of your body respond to it? Let your dance develop as the rest of your body moves with your primary body part resource. Return to the body part in the close of your dance and note the sensations present by doing a 3 level check in. Take at minimum 10 minutes for this portion of the Creative Ritual. Read more and complete part 2 of this Creative Ritual- the Harvesting portion Join me for a *free* 14 Day Emotional Body Challenge! I'll be sharing resources, tools and extra guidance to navigate these choppy cosmic tides in the coming weeks.Get the Details {Space Clearing the Heart} Discover how to transform your emotional body in a creative and embodied way. Get the Details. |
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March 2017