Do you ever catch yourself feeling like "it's not enough" on some level of your life? It might show up as not enough money, not enough time, resources, support or love. Perhaps you feel you are not enough- in your relationships, as a parent, with family or at your job. This story of lack, of scarcity, is carried by almost everyone. It shows up in many different ways- affecting your ability to receive the nourishment you need and locking you into a highly critical personal narrative that emerges to undermine your sense of safety and support. You probably feel yourself doing more as a result. Doing more work, putting in more time, feeling depleted in the process. Yet, no matter what you do, you never seem get ahead or conquer this feeling of "it's not enough". The story "it's never enough" is a powerful force- one that will keep you stuck in cycles of malnourishment, instability and co-dependency. Like every human being, your ancestral legacy is handed down to you and your story of scarcity is no different. The patterns, behaviors and experiences that were shared with you epigenetically (or energetically), imprinted your being. Your familial stories hardwired you for making certain choices, having certain behaviors and activated likes and dislikes. My story of scarcity began before I was born. I entered a life where my needs could not be met fully. There was not a feeling of safety and support often nor immense happiness and joy surrounding my birth. I arrived to a mother who was already depleted- taking care of another small child and a partner who was struggling on a variety of levels. My mother's own story of lack had multiplied and taking care of yet another person with needs, I imagine, felt overwhelming to her. When my father died suddenly just after my first birthday, the lack intensified within me. The immense shock, grief and trauma surrounding his death, undermined my ability to feel worthy or supported. In fact, this woundology that I've carried about not being "enough" for my father to stay on the planet, has impacted me greatly. Three years ago my mother passed suddenly and left me with heart wrenching grief. I spent my entire life trying to be "enough" for her and yet again I was not "enough" on some level to keep her here on the planet. Of course on the conscious level, I know this story doesn't make sense, but my unconscious terrain has perpetuated a very shadowed story of "not being enough" as I am. This "not enough" story has been a powerful force that has undermined my ability to feel safe, supported and loved. As I continue to explore the territory of my personal mythology and allow my grief to be a healing force in my inner awakening, life has dramatically shifted. Understanding the nuances of my early childhood experiences and how they have sabotaged and undermined my ability to feel safe, supported, grounded or even willing to stay rooted in my body, has been vital for my recovery process. My story of lack has directly impacted my finances. This ability to feel safe and supported, or to make choices that support further stability, has been directly connected to money. In fact, your relationship with money is always going to mirror to you what your biggest needs are. Where you are stuck in lack, scarcity or "not being enough". Pause here and notice. What is your story with money? Do you always struggle to make ends meet? Are you able to make money, but just can't seem to keep it or save it? Is there plenty of money, but still a sense of depletion and malnourishment anyway? Is your financial stability intimately connected to someone else taking care of you? Notice how your story with money is connected to not feeling like you're "enough" on some level of your life. How does your money story connect with your story of lack in other areas of your life? The fact is they are intimately connected. Wherever you are not feeling "enough" within yourself, this will be mirrored to you within your finances. These old stories and wounds can be re-patterned, changed, healed and transformed. In fact, for the last five years, I've dedicated my efforts to deepening my experience of support and stability- both inner and outer. The massive instability I've experienced, has forced this need to intensify and has activated deeper desires for a sense of grounding. Fortunately my embodiment resources and tools have been a powerful way for me to deepen my relationship with stability and support, changing my story in positive ways. I am happy to share that how I work with my instability is very different these days! My choices are radically different- which means I no longer create the immense instability I used to, nor am I attracting it to myself. I'm also very conscious of the instability when and if it arrives- so I can use it as a resource for deepening my inner change. Metaphorically, the legs and feet are your grounding and stabilizing resources within the body. Legs and feet are connected to the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses of the jyotish chart- or Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces as well. The planets connected to these houses and signs can be important resources which may offer you a road map to re-patterning your relationship with stability and support. Use your jyotish chart as a resource for understanding your scarcity, lack and instability story. The process of sustainable and lasting change begins within. It begins with the body, with sensation, with slow steps that move you closer to the feeling of being steady and grounded. When the feelings of instability have been where your focus and attention has been for so many years, it requires diligence and "retraining" in order to strengthen and clarify the feeling of stability instead. The wisdom of somatics and embodiment training are gentle, yet powerful resources for creating lasting inner change. Join me June 26th for an embodied approach to creating abundance. Change your story of scarcity and create more wealth- in an embodied way. Learn resources to re-pattern your story of lack and scarcity using the wisdom of the body, jyotish and creativity. Get the Class Details Last chance to register is June 24th! See you in class and please share your experiences below! From Scarcity to Abundance Tapping Meditation The tapping meditation above is your first step in identifying and moving your scarcity story. Share your experiences and questions below.
Whatever you're calling into your life- wanting, desiring, creating- there are guaranteed obstacles in your way. This may sound pessimistic, but the simple truth is, if there weren't obstacles keeping you from having what you want, what you desire, you'd already have your goal accomplished.
These obstacles and challenges that are keeping you away from your desired goal or outcome are necessary change agents- if you know how to work with them directly. I often speak about being grateful for challenges and obstacles for this very reason. If you didn't have these challenges, you wouldn't grow very much in this lifetime. That said, too often people do not know how to work with their challenges effectively. They don't continue to gather new resources, they don't reach out for guidance and support, and they don't keep up the consistent work it takes for sustainable results. Getting a new resource here and there, some guidance and support periodically, but not taking consistent, daily measures to create inner change, will not get you the outcome you desire. And certainly not quickly. There are many reasons people don't take consistent, effective action steps for creating life change. Reasons why people don't change, why life never gets better, smoother, more harmonious and nourishing. The most common factors are resistance, avoidance, self sabotage, chaos addiction, high pain tolerance (usually connected to pain addiction). The reality is that life could be radically different tomorrow, just by making different choices today. We all have this option. I find it curious why so often we don't. Why so many people keep choosing ill health, bad relationships, being poor, malnourishment, disempowered, etc. over and over and over again. Why stay in the lack? When these stories can change? I am fascinated by the process of creating life change, and what the factors are that necessitate the change process. Truthfully, every human being on the planet is a powerful creator. Each of us is here to create the most powerful life we can imagine. And yet the grande majority of humans do not. They choose not to live their full potential- or even a small percentage of it. I've never been satisfied with this story, when I know that every human is capable of so much more! Herein lies the biggest part of the change process: potential. It's here. Like a seed. It just needs the right conditions in order for the growth process to take place. That's where you come in. That's where your seed tending requires willingness and diligence. Each one of us gets to decide what types of seeds we choose to grow- more weeds or something more brilliant, more fruitful. As the theory of epigenetics states- conditions, choices, environment and behavior have more to do with a person's life experiences, than genetics. Quite simply, it's your choices that determine what genes are turned on and which ones are turned off. What you choose to turn on and off is solely determined by your choices. This is the free will expressed in your jyotish chart. The reason why a chart expresses the karmas you've arrived with (that which can't be changed), yet the rest is an expression of tendencies, not precise outcomes. Thankfully, you can change much of your chart, your karmas, and create very different results for yourself. I am passionate about helping my clients see the possibilities they have karmically and supporting their change process. After all, being alive in a human body means there is potential for growth, evolution, change, awareness and expansion of consciousness. Why be here on the planet if you have no ability to change your life circumstances? I continue to study the change process, which in my eyes is the healing process. Healing is not a linear process, neither is change. The resources I use for creating change, support the Four Pathways of Healing, in order for well-rounded, fully integrated healing to take place. But all healing starts with identification. Which is why I love jyotish so much. It is the ideal resource for identifying blockages, challenges, obstacles. Remember these factors are the change agents that support your healing process. This is truly step number one. Every challenge, obstacle or struggle in your way to changing, is a result of inner conflict- polarities that are not in harmony with each other. The outcome you desire would easily arrive, if it weren't for this inner battle. The reality is that part of you wants to change, while another part of you does not. It's vital to identify these two parts of yourself in order to heal and transform. Ready to create more inner harmony and deepen your healing work- personally and with your clients?! Please join me for my Jyotish Astrology Mastermind. Sign UP Now So what's the fast path to healing, transforming and creating change? Here are my six steps for creating lasting change and diffusing inner conflict: 1) Acknowledge and Identify What's Not Working. What challenge, obstacle or struggle are you facing? What level of your being is this obstacle manifesting on? Physical, Mental, Emotional, or Spiritual? Perhaps one or more levels of your being is being effected. Take note of where and how this challenge is emerging within you. This is the first step to creating change. Using your jyotish chart to clarify how these challenges are effecting you will support swift and lasting change. For example if you are struggling with finances and lack of money, this will be apparent in your jyotish chart- possibly through Venus or the Second House. It may be an imbalance (ie: conflict between opposing forces) that is rooted in the mental body, but effecting your physical body. 2) Identify Polarities. Once you identify what is not working, what the challenge or obstacle is, you can identify what the conflict truly is. Remember that whatever the desire, whatever you say you want to create in your life, always has another side that isn't in agreement. The conflict will always sounds something like "I want this but". Listen to the "but" because this is other side, the duality that is keeping you from creating your desire and manifesting it. Part of you wants the change. Part of you does not. You must start here in order to get somewhere else. 3) Find the Need. Now that you have identified the challenge and the opposing forces within you, it's time to acknowledge the needs that each of these parts has. Part of you wants the change, part of you does not. Listen closely to the part of you that does not want the change. This part of you is a vital messenger- the part of you that will disclose the reason for your resistance, avoidance, self sabotage, etc. Ask this part of you what it needs. "I hear you do not want this change. What do you need from me? What are you trying to tell me?" Imagine yourself asking a small child, a loved one, or perhaps a client. Let this part of you speak and share with you. 4) Honor Your Polarities. So you have these two parts. One says I want this change, the other part of you says it does not. You've asked, you've listened to this part of you that says "no" and you've heard it whisper a message to you. You're leaning in. You're listening. You're honoring. Just by listening and acknowledging, you are honoring. When you honor, you are present, holding, giving space to parts of yourself that may have never been witnessed before. Honoring means offering loving kindness, compassion and on some level, acceptance, for these parts within that may not be speaking to each other, that may have never learned how to speak to you, let alone to each other. 5) Opening to Harmony and Integration. Something begins to dissolve, loosen its grip, when it gets heard, acknowledged and spoken. When the darkness and challenges that are so often suppressed and locked away, hidden within, emerge on the surface of our being and they are honored, change can take place. As you honor your inner conflicts and their needs, a new possibility can emerge. You may even say to yourself "I am open to the possibility of finding a new way of being with these two parts of myself." As you open to new possibilities, you open the door of harmony and integration automatically. Notice how this possibility feels within you. Do you feel some softening arrive, just saying yes to possibility alone? 6) Stay Open to Possibility. As you continue to say yes to the possibility of finding a new way of being with your inner conflict, these opposing forces within you, keep allowing the possibility to arrive. Keep saying yes to the possibility of finding a new way of being with your opposing forces- the yes and the no. Acknowledge that you don't know what this looks like, what it feels like, what this means for you and your life. But simultaneously, keep saying yes to the possibility that there is a way. There is a way to find harmony and integration with your inner conflicts, with the part that says yes to change and no to change. This is a vital step in the change and transformation process. The mental body far too often "needs to know" an outcome, which can stop you from staying open and receptive to possibility and new pathways. Try to stay out of the "how" and stay in the "I'm open and receptive to a new way". 7) Finding Unity. Unifying polarities has a distinct feeling. It brings ease, release, softness and a certain gentleness with it. Often it is marked with a swelling of gratitude, love, joy and peace. The conflict dissolves and more fluidity takes its place. There is no force- just surrender to the flow of energy. Unifying polarities can take moments, or it can take days, weeks or months- depending on how effectively you are working with the layers of resistance. Continuing to arrive into the "possibility" of harmonizing your opposing forces, opens the door to creating more dialogue between these different parts of yourself. Continue to hold the different parts of your being and allow them to be witnessed, acknowledge and listened to. This is a process of learning how to love and accept all parts of yourself, which is essentially how inner unity takes place. These seven steps are greatly supported with resources, tools and modalities that create energetic shifts on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body levels. You can also use these steps directly with your tapping (EFT) process, as well as embodiment and art therapy processes. The path from challenge and conflict, to inner harmony and unity, is supported with deep listening, acceptance, allowing needs to emerge, while staying open to possibility, but staying out of the "how". Balance is achieved through a process of integrating and harmonizing inner polarities- on all four levels of your being. The true meaning of balance is unifying the opposing forces within the bodies- mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. This is the path of yoga, union, and includes the integration of masculine and feminine polarities. As you keep dipping into the unity and finding the harmony within, the energy being used to stay in battle with yourself, dissolves, releases and transforms. Suddenly this inner power unleashes your creative intelligence and you are moving swiftly towards your goals and desires- with clarity, purpose and deep inner knowing. You are a powerful force! Dissolve the inner battles and reclaim your power. Throughout the Vedic texts, there are countless tales of good forces battling evil forces, the light always overtaking the darkness. One of the most potent example of dissolving inner conflict between opposing forces, is depicted in the Bhagavad Gita. Arjuna contemplates whether to fight his family members in order to restore dharma. It is a timeless battle between polarities, duality- one that is expressed both internally and externally for Arjuna. This battle mirrors the story each one of us faces daily- as we choose to take on inner conflict, or choose to avoid it. Avoiding does not make it go away. Lord Krishna was clear to Arjuna that he must go into battle, he must address this conflict head on. This is my philosophy for healing and transformation. By using our warrior spirit, we can make great strides quickly, and restore balance, harmony and dharma- inner and outer. The Bhagavad Gita speaks of the path to yoga, to moksha or liberation using jnana (knowledge, especially through experience), bhakti (devotion on the heart level), karma (action), Raja Yoga (transcendence or samadhi), samkhya (philosophy). These are resources for awakening pathways of change and transformation. They also uphold and support change on the four levels of being- Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual. The steps I've outlined above are an expression of this inner change process, the process of resolution or inner harmony. Balance, peace and integration do not come from force or brutality, but from acceptance, acknowledgment, compassion and honoring. When all parts of our being feel safe, feel held and supported, then, and only then, can inner unity take place. Ready to create more inner harmony and deepen your healing work- personally and with your clients?! Please join me for my Jyotish Astrology Mastermind. Sign UP Now The absolute last chance to join is November 23rd! How to Use Jyotish Wisdom to Heal Your Body Most people think of Jyotish Astrology as a means of charting the planets, the stars, the movements of the heavens. For those of us who subscribe to this very ancient body of Vedic knowledge though, we understand that there is a correlation between the cosmos and our own inner nature, our experience of life. There is a connection between the macrocosm and the microcosm, the two are not separate, but dance, mingle and co-create. This divine interplay is what makes studying Jyotish so valuable. I use Jyotish as a means of explaining and exploring the inner being, the inner realms of our own felt experience. In fact all of my transit reports are a reflection of my own experience with the cosmos, my own expression of their movement. This is why the consciousness of the Jyotishi is of the utmost importance; traditionally, the life of the astrologer has been one of constant purification and refinement, so as to "see" more and more clearly. Jyotish after all is the science of light, the science of vision, sight. If we can use the wisdom of Jyotish to see within ourselves, our consciousness, we can use this awareness for healing insights as well. Truthfully, Jyotish is so vast and all-encompassing, it includes all expressions of our humanity- our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, or the four bodies. I share more about this unique correlation in my article on sensitivity. Quite literally the Jyotish chart (I strictly use a North Indian style chart) shares in detail the connection to our various bodies- through the planets, houses and even the nakshatras. We could even say that each one of these pieces of jyotish wisdom connects to one of the four bodies, so that ultimately when we are looking at our jyotish chart we are looking at a web of energies, a web of our own cosmic energies. The multiple layers of the chart are so interwoven, it is this complexity that we study in Jyotish in order to see the many relationships between energies and how they express themselves uniquely through us. This is a nuanced and intuitive awareness that comes with much studying, clarity and inner vision. I believe in fact that this gift is possible for each one of us to embrace; it is after all connected to our intuition, our felt senses, our inner knowing. This is a refinement process we can learn and create. One of my greatest passions is helping others awaken to their own cosmic nature- studying one's jyotish chart gives us that ability. I encourage all of my clients to study their own charts, in fact, I believe that is really the whole point of Jyotish! To know ourselves, truly, inside and out. To awaken to our own cosmic nature! This is why I'm offering my ongoing classes, Jyotish Basics for Transformation and Healing. So that you can begin to awaken to the wisdom of your own existence, your path, the effects of the transits, and how to track these changes within you. Get all the details about my Jyotish Basics classes here. Because I bridge my Jyotish knowledge with the wisdom of the body, as well as the creative arts, I use the Jyotish chart a resource specifically to study the physical body and its myriad of expressions. My embodiment work is deeply intertwined with body part metaphors and the implications this has on our life experience. Therefor the connection one's chart has with specific body parts is of the utmost fascination and importance for me. We can look at the body part connections within the chart from multiple lenses- whether it be through the houses, the planets or the nakshatras. To keep it simple, I'll share in this article the specific body parts that are connected to specific houses in the chart, as this is a wonderful first step for identification purposes. We can then connect the houses of our own chart to our own specific body parts. If for example you are having hand pain, you would look to the third house to see what is effecting the "house of hands." There is also a natural connection to Gemini as well because Gemini correlates to the number three, or the third house. The body parts (and houses) also connect us to specific chakras as well. For now, let's just stick to the houses and their correlating body parts and keep it simple. First House: Head and face Second House: Throat, neck and mouth Third House: Hands, arms and shoulders Fourth House: Chest, heart, lungs, breasts Fifth House: Upper stomach, solar plexus Sixth House: Lower abdomen Seventh House: Pelvic bowl and organs therein Eighth House: Sexual organs, genitals, excretory organs Ninth House: Legs but specifically thighs Tenth House: Knees Eleventh House: Calves, ankles Twelfth House: Feet My work specifically includes a synergy of Jyotish wisdom, embodiment tools and art therapy resources, so working with body parts specifically is highly useful for making diagnosis and prescriptions for my clients. Often we can get ample wisdom from the body itself, and then take that information back to the chart for deeper investigation. It's this cross checking that becomes a very potent healing and transformation tool. To give you an example of this, I'll share a Creative Ritual here so you can get started with the self tracking process. We will be working directly with these tools in my Jyotish Basics Classes for Transformation and Healing. If you want to grow in the wisdom of your body and its cosmic intelligence, I strongly encourage you to join me for these Sunday classes. Register here. It will also help if you have your own North Indian style chart to study. If you need a copy of your chart, I offer this service here. Creative Ritual Self Tracking, Learning from the Wisdom of the Body {Audio recording below} 1) Sit, stand or lay down. Close your eyes and fall into the rhythm of your breath. Notice the rise and fall of your chest, the waves of breath moving in and out of your body. Take some time to relax into this rhythm. 2) As the body moves to greater stillness and relaxation through breath awareness, locate a sensation in the body. This sensation might show up as a tingling, a pulsing, or a sense of vibration. There might even be a color, a shape, a sound or a word that arrives in connection to the body part. Listen and honor whatever arrives for you. Don't filter the messages, judge or critique them. Your only job is to listen right now. Be curious, be interested, and be present to the body's messages. What body part emerges? What sensations are arriving? What messages are shared? Take note of this wisdom coming to you from your body. 3) Create an image of this physical body sensation that arrived through your self tracking. Use craypas or paint and put your experience on paper- so as to transfer the felt senses into a tangible, visual expression. This is a powerful part of the process and one that can shift us into deeper awareness of our body wisdom. 4) Once your image is complete, give it a title. Now, let it speak. What does your image have to share with you? If your image could speak, what would it say? 5) Pull out your Jyotish chart. What body part emerged in your self tracking exploration? What house of the chart is connected to this body part? Study this house within your chart. What do you notice? We can analyze the experience of the house by noting: What planets are sitting there, if any? What sign is located in this house? Do any planets give their drishti (gaze)? Finally, note the current transits and what planets might be effecting this house currently. Your body is sharing with you a very specific message. This message is directly connected to your needs, your desires, your deep longing for nourishment, comfort, safety and support on some core level. When we can access the wisdom of the body directly, we get very clear, unfiltered messages and insights. The cosmic intelligence of the jyotish chart can then help us further identify what is impacting us both macrocosmically and microcosmically. This is the vital information we need for deepening our healing and transformation process. Ready to learn more? Want to dive into more about this divine interplay between your body and your karmic Jyotish map? Learn more about your karmas and how to overcome blockages hindering you from being well fed by life. Please join me for my June Jyotish Astrology Classes. Get the Details. Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me.
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