New Moon Gemini + Ardra New Moon is on July 4th at 05:02 am. Metaphorically this is a day of independence in the US, which suits this new Moon and waxing cycle to come very well. How much freedom will you feel? That depends on your willingness to show up for yourself and break open the shadow you are clinging to. Read more about the waxing cycle Mars Goes Direct In Libra + Mars Re-enters Scorpio As Mars moves through Libra, your focus on balance, stability and comfort may intensify. There will be an exchange of energy between Libra and Scorpio now as Mars rules Scorpio and Saturn is considered exalted in Libra. Venus in Cancer At 03:57 am MDT Venus moves from Gemini into Cancer, joining Moon here for a few hours. Venus separates from the Sun once again until the 16th. Once Sun moves to Cancer, their heated dance reactivates. Join me for my special Guru Purnima Class- Relationships Are Your Guru. Get the Details Mercury in Cancer Mercury moves into the watery sign of Cancer at 22:05 MDT, joining Venus here. Outside of the gaze of any other planets, this creative duo can express itself more potently. This pair likes to be entrepreneurial, to create and co-create. Sun in Cancer Sun moves to Cancer at 22:21 on July 15th, joining Venus and Mercury here. This Sun cycle brings healing and transformation with heart and relationships. Address your longings and cravings. Guru Purnima The most auspicious full Moon of the year arrives on July 19th at 16:56. Guru Purnima is considered the fullest full Moon of the year, dedicated to gurus and teachers who bring you wisdom, guidance and support. Read more about the full Moon in my July Full Moon Wisdom Mercury in Leo On July 26th at 19:27, Mercury moves to Leo, joining Rahu and Jupiter here. The mind gains strength, power and potency, yet reflects some confusion and uncertainty with these themes at the same time. Venus in Leo Leo becomes a packed house in the coming weeks as Venus moves into this fire sign. Jupiter, Rahu and Mercury are also here and Sun will arrive in Leo mid month as well. As Venus moves into Leo on July 31st at 13:40, the sign of the father, power and ego intensifies. Join me for my special Guru Purnima Class- Relationships Are Your Guru. Get the Details *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic (sidereal) rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your Western sign (Tropical) as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Heart and home are central to your month. Creativity and imagination turn into heart centered momentum. Lead with your feelings and the wisdom within. You’re intuition is deepening and your gut intelligence is leading the way. Taurus: Relationships become confusing and tense with on and off momentum. They seem to lurch forward rather than progressing smoothly. What is in the way of your movement forward? There’s resistance in your heart, causing challenges with saying yes fully. Gemini: Communicate from your heart and honor your creative powers. Be courageous as you cultivate your artistic skills right now. Move towards relationships with awareness and recognize the mirrors coming to you as teachers. Cancer: This is your month of awakening! Rise and shine, open your heart and head. Let your inner power and creativity lead the way. Pull from your depths and get authentic with yourself. Then share from this place of knowing. Leo: Work consciously with self and relationships. Part of you is growing and expanding because you are clearing and creating space for the new. Keep releasing and letting go so that there’s room for more of what you really want and need. Virgo: Continue to clear your gut so your intuitive wisdom deepens and strengthens. Release, clear and liberate yourself from the past. Endings are coming to a close as you prepare for a new cycle of wisdom, growth and relationship with self. Libra: Take your dharmic wisdom and turn it into an offering. Share, co-create and express your inner knowing to the world. Clear away the rubble and the resistance and step forward with more conviction and clarity. Clean up your gut and intuition will get stronger. Scorpio: As you work with your self more closely right now, honor the slow and steady pace of your steps. There has been less rushing and forcing, more dropping in to the ease and gentleness of not pushing. This is a new pace for you. Sagittarius: Slowly work with liberation, release and letting go. Away time and alone time are essential right now but you’ll need to find a healthy balance of inner and outer. Attend to the inner guru and outer guru by diving deeply within your unconscious terrain. Capricorn: Relationships are a powerful resource this month. You have learned a lot recently about your inner needs- what works for you and what doesn’t. Part of you is ready to merge with others, while the rest of you is hesitant to step forward. Aquarius: Healing and releasing comes from the heart and stomach right now. The heart is being cleared and cleaned so that you can see and feel more clearly. This is effecting your finances and your stability and support. Pisces: Cleaning up your gut means that your heart is also being cleared. Attend to to your heart and your digestion will improve. The connection between heart and stomach is strong right now. Clean, clear and purify. For the full version sign up for my membership. Join me for my special Guru Purnima Class- Relationships Are Your Guru. Discover resources to deepen your connection with self and others! Early Bird Pricing Ends July 14th! Get the Details
This Week's Intention: Use the many mirrors arriving to look more deeply within. Who and what are showing up to help you awaken and transform your shadow into love? Mercury joins Venus in Cancer just before the week begins. Heart and home become central to the mind and creativity. Early in the week Mars returns to Scorpio, re-instigating tension between the opposing forces Saturn and Mars. Sun will also shift to Cancer late in the week, bringing light to the heart center and home. Monday, July 11th Moon in 8th tithi Ashtami The first half of the day Savitr continues to support great light and dawning within. He activates the hands and creativity, healing and wisdom. Something new is on the horizon, hone your vision. Your ability to be clear and align with your inner knowing, will increase the brilliance arriving. For the full version sign up for my membership.
Join me for my special Guru Purnima Class- Relationships Are Your Guru. Discover resources to deepen your connection with self and others! Early Bird Pricing Ends July 14th! Get the Details This Week's Intention: Swell, expand and grow through the wisdom of your heart. Spread your wings and soar to new heights. Trust there is grounding beneath you for your landing. This week brings several shifts and changes planetarily as the Moon waxes and swells. Energy is rising and tides are increasing. It's a time of big movement and a strong solar focus. Integrating masculine and feminine, power and heart, are good use of your energy. Monday arrives with Moon in Leo, starting our week off with more solar power. Moon joins Jupiter and Venus in this Sun sign- all receive gaze from Saturn, who invites work, effort and focus. As the Moon travels through the early Phalguni star, Purvaphalguni, sensuality, passion and excitement are strong. Around noon, our focus shifts from a sense of Venus and intense passion, to one of Sun and sustainability as Moon shifts to the latter Phalguni star, Uttaraphalguni. What nourishes and sustains you? Focus your attention on getting the heart what it needs today. Meanwhile, Mercury has shifted from its own sign, Gemini, into Cancer. Our mental body shifts from its own sign of Gemini, into the watery, emotive planet, Cancer on July 20th at 10:21, providing an opportunity to integrate mental and emotional bodies more consciously. Mercury's conjunction with Sun and Ketu's drishti on these two planets, offers spiritual wisdom and flashes of insight and awakening to occur. Listening to your heart and its messages becomes more important at this time. The cycle will intensify at the end of the month once Mars moves to Cancer as well. In the meantime we get a powerful window of time to focus on listening to our inner wisdom. How can you create space for deeper listening and expanded awareness? Can you catch your mind dictating outcomes- rather than listening to the feeling level of your being? How can you surrender to spirit more intentionally? Moon shifts to Virgo mid evening, joining Rahu here. Tuesday Moon continues to travel through Virgo, nearing Rahu- both receive gaze from Ketu and Mars, instigating heat, emotional intensity and navigating our inner shadows. The heat of the Sun and the need for support and sustainability continue with Moon's movement through Uttaraphalguni until around 15:00. As Moon shifts into Hasta nakshatra, a conjunction of Rahu intensifies. Savitr brings the light through this constellation, allowing us to attune with the dawn, wake up and find greater inner wisdom. Rahu brings vaguery and confusion. Are you missing the memo or getting the download? Wednesday, Moon continues through Savitr's domain, bringing greater awareness and clarity as Moon separates from Rahu. It's my birthday! Happy birthday to all my fellow Sun in Cancer beings!! May the light fill your heart and mind and may this re-birthing be a powerful cycle full of growth and wisdom! As Moon moves to Chitra early evening, a decidedly Mars focus arrives. In the power struggle between mind and emotions, who is the winner? Lead with your heart wisdom as much as possible. Let Vishvakarma support your action steps as he helps you build, grow and expand. I'll be offering a free Creative Ritual web class for Guru Purnima. Make sure you're on the list. Thursday, the day of the guru, Jupiter, arrives with Moon still moving through Virgo and Chitra nakshatra. Late morning, Moon moves to Libra, out of the gaze of other planets. Tend to your relationships today and find some enjoyment. Make sure your action steps are aligned with your powerful intentions for success, progress and forward momentum. Late evening, Moon shifts to Swati nakshatra. Can you feel the upsurge of energy? Try to get some rest and stay true to course. Friday brings Moon firmly placed in Libra and Swati nakshatra. Ruling deity, Vayu, brings surges of change, movement and power. Track the inner strength and let the wind god take you to new heights, but don't get lost in the overwhelm of change and increased Vata. Find grounding, rooting and landing today. Move from your center and expand your wings. Moon shifts to the chaos inducing, Vishaka nakshatra, before midnight. Stay out of the storms and conspire to join forces for greater success. In the wee hours of the morning on July 25th, Venus retrogrades. This begins an unusual and lengthy dance of returns that lasts until Venus goes direct on September 6th. Venus must re-trace his steps back through the first part of Leo, returning to Cancer for an extended stay. As he moves back through Leo, he works his way through Magha nakshatra, the domain of the ancestors, most notably the father. This increases our attention with power, authority and the need to pay special attention to our personal mythology connected to these themes. The planet of relationships, creativity, and artistry, Venus is also connected to all things feminine. It offers beauty, fluidity, wealth and life giving powers, most essentially, shakti. Worldly comforts and resources can increase through Venus's benevolence and help us feel more stable in material ways. As Venus moves through Leo, we can expect passions to increase for relationships and connection, while strong desires may emerge. Expect intensified strength, determination and power to materialize, while aggression and agitation may increase as well. The transit of Venus through Leo is the instigation of an unfolding theme that is ripening within the planets right now. Working with power and authority dynamics is vital, especially the masculine energy within you. Notice where you are pushing, using excessive force and using an over-active drive to accomplish and succeed. Take time to contemplate the meaning of success from different angles. Your ego may feel challenged by this. How can you soften your action steps? Where can you let go and surrender more? How can you be a winner- on all levels of life? How can you meet your relationships with more compassion- both with yourself and others? This work with power dynamics is especially relevant while Venus retrogrades back through the first portion of Leo. Retrograde planets intensify the implications of a planet because they are acting like the nodes Rahu and Ketu. The day of Saturn, Saturday brings a waxing Moon that moves from the auspicious 9th lunar phase, or tithi, into the dharmic 10th tithi of Dashami. Align with your power and focus, determination and potential. Your methodical action steps will get you there. Vishaka is the ruling nakshatra today and its dual deity, Indragni, reminds us to create alliance, create support systems and join forces with others. Find your community and put down some roots, co-create and expand what is possible. Moon shifts to its debilitation sign, Scorpio late evening, joining Saturn here. Both receive Ketu's gaze. Sunday brings a need for rest, restoration and deeper grounding. Moon transits Anuradha today and the friendly star reminds us to gain support from our allies and old friends. Ruling deity, Mitra, loves detail and refinement. Let the physical body be a resource for greater alignment and emotional body release. Let go of grief that is surfacing and allow your body to be a way to land back into the now. Clean, clear, and notice the sparks of insights coming to you. Invite your friends to be a part of your process. Monday, Moon shifts to the sensitive and cerebral nakshatra, Jyeshtha. Tend to your needs and self care today. Your potent wisdom can be found underneath the overwhelm. *Pacific Time Zone is used for all planetary timing.
Need some extra guidance and clarity? I'm offering 25% off my July Sessions. I still have a few openings left for July. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. |
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