With the August full Moon on the 18th, a series of very challenging planetary transits occur within an unusual eclipse portal. There isn't a sign that won't be effected by these challenges, though the effects will of course be different for each person. The tight conjunction of Saturn and Mars in Scorpio has been provoking tests, lessons and all out war, since Mars began his Scorpio transit late February of this year. He has since danced back into Libra and returned to Scorpio to finish off his tempestuous battle with his enemy, Saturn. Mars will not leave Scorpio officially until September 17th, when most of us will finally get to take a long sigh of relief. This battle between opposing forces is occurring in the vulnerable sign of Scorpio, digging up your deepest, darkest and most challenging personal mythology. It's not a time to be lackadaisical. This cycle requires deep personal development work and requests your willingness for transformation and healing. The turmoil is especially challenging for Scorpio's as this conflict is happening in their head. Equally challenged for Taurus, as relationships and the mirror of the self is being directly impacted. Remedial measures like yagyas are essential for these individuals. Saturn is now direct, thankfully, but that doesn't necessarily ease the impact of the Saturn/Mars conjunction. Read more about Saturn in Scorpio. Mars and Saturn are opposite energies and are aggravating decisions, choices and actions at this time. Since the end of July, Mars and Saturn entered into the 10 degree range of each other, which increases the challenges between these warring factions. As of the August full Moon on the 18th, Mars and Saturn have moved to only a few degrees a part. Mars will be crossing Saturn and move on top of the planet of grief until he finally arrives on the other side of Saturn on August 25th. At that point, the warrior planet of action will in fact be moving away from Saturn, though it will take another week before the effects are actually felt. But it will actually take until mid September for a much deeper relief to arrive. During this intense conjunction between the planet of deep suffering and the planet of warrior action, there will also be an unusual eclipse portal occurring simultaneously. This will greatly impact the effects of this intense planetary positioning. Eclipses bring shadows to the surface and provoke a certain intensity that can't be overlooked. Darkness must come to the light, but not without facing pain and suffering directly. This eclipse portal is especially connected to self expression and visibility. Themes will be surfacing around being seen, noticed and honored. Your self worth and deservability will be questioned as well as issues connected to courage and bravery. The arts will be a potent resource for your transformation and healing during this month long eclipse portal. Use your creativity as a way to transform and re-shape your personal mythology. Understand that this is a potent cycle of moving through grief and using your grief as a resource for awakening. Due to the challenges that will be provoked and stirred, your suffering will be impacted directly. This is a time to be consciously working with your shadow and how this impacts your ability to receive what you need in life. Grief will be moving through you- whether you're consciously aware of it or not. Grief that is yours and grief that is ancestral. How will you respond to these emotional waves? Will you lean in closer and allow them to move, or will you suppress, avoid and negate them? In order to actually release the pain, you must allow the inner waters to move. I'll be sharing a lot more resources for supporting your grief process in the coming days and weeks. Grief is in fact your most potent tool for awakening and transforming your darkness into light. Join me for an embodied grief class. Feeling the impact of these challenging transits? Let's talk. Schedule A Session
Join me for an embodied grief workshop. Discover how to work with your emotional body in a more creative and empowered way. Get the Details
August New Moon The month begins with a new Moon in Cancer and Ashlesha nakshatra on the 2nd, instigating Sarpa energy for the waxing cycle. Use the August waxing cycle to maximize your heart power, inner energy and dharmic potential by finding your most essential core needs. Jupiter in Virgo On August 11th, Jupiter makes the leap to Virgo. Jupiter transits are one year long and impact all levels of wisdom, knowledge, comfort and support. He leads you to your dharmic path and supports the nourishment gained along the way. Read more about Jupiter in Virgo Wondering how this coming year-long transit of Jupiter will impact you? Already feeling the effects? Get details, resources, guidance and support for the months to come. Book a session with me Saturn has been retrograde in Scorpio for many months in an on-again off-again dance with Mars. On August 13th, Saturn goes direct, causing depth and transformation to start moving in a forward motion. Read more about Saturn in Scorpio Sun in Leo Just before the full Moon, on August 16th at 06:46 MDT, Sun shifts to its own sign, Leo, joining a full house of planets. Venus, Rahu and Mercury are still transiting this fire sign that exudes masculinity and power. August Full Moon Full Moon arrives on the 18th as Moon steps into Aquarius and Dhanishta nakshatra. Read more about the full Moon in my August Full Moon Wisdom Mercury in Virgo As Mercury moves to its favorite sign on August 19th, there will be a moment of strength with mind and body. Venus in Virgo Just as the 25th arrives, Venus leaps into Virgo, joining exalted Mercury and Jupiter here. This cycle of Venus provokes a lopsided energy of big, strong creativity, mixed with vulnerability and sensitivity simultaneously. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic (sidereal) rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your Western sign (Tropical) as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Focus on home and heart until mid month, then bring light into your romantic relationships, as well as children and intuition. Shine brighter and honor your gut wisdom more consciously. You're either helping your digestion or not. Taurus: Your heart, home and mother are a powerful focus this month. Be courageous and creative. Take steps towards your liberation and notice where you are avoiding or neglecting your soft inner realms. There is healing possible right now. Gemini: Creativity and courage take center stage right now. Your hands are alive and active! Use them to re-create your life and bring your visions into form. Part of you is ready to leap forward and yet there are obstacles with the steps. Cancer: Your mouth is a big focus right now. What you say, eat, share and express are all powerful and charged this month. Learn to refine and refocus what goes in and out of your mouth. This is connected to your power and ability to be seen and heard. Leo: This is a potent month for you. It’s as though everything is happening at once and yet things aren’t happening fast enough. Challenges and frustrations arrive with change and transformation. Stay true to your inner guidance system and learn to simplify. Virgo: Deep liberation and letting go are arriving right now. Release and align within. Spend time alone and in meditation. Integrate, balance, hit reset. You are digesting the final pieces of Jupiter in Leo which is the end of a 12 year cycle for you. Libra: Gains are awakening and stirring you, however pausing is necessary in order to integrate the changes. Keep focusing on career and being seen until mid month, then step into your power more fully for maximum support. Scorpio: The cosmos is asking a lot of you right now. There’s so much willingness for change and transformation, yet resistance and obstacles hindering your steps. Where are the blockages within your heart that are keeping you from making bigger leaps? Sagittarius: Dharma is fully charged and active right now. Are you stepping towards or away from your path and purpose? What obstacles are showing up to thwart your progresses? What resources are showing up to support you? Capricorn: It's a deep and powerful time for inner transformation. This process is awakening your inner power, even if it doesn't feel like it right now. Relationships are shining the light on where the inner work is. Dance with your vulnerability and power. Aquarius: Relationships are proving to be a complex organism for you right now. There are resources and challenges showing up simultaneously. Are you gathering the insights and letting go of all that is not serving you? It’s time to be radical in the release. Pisces: Healing has been intense and powerful lately. Clear and clean your gut, in order for more clarity and precision with your awareness and intelligence. Old conflicts and challenges are rising to the surface. You are your own enemy. Now is an ideal time to check in with me for some personal guidance. How will the coming year impact you? What gifts and challenges will Jupiter bring? Schedule a session with me now I still have some August sessions available. However, my sessions tend to book quickly so please connect with me immediately to insure an August appointment. As the silence of spring arrives, a certain dynamic energy is awakening. The eclipse portal is sealing. The full Moon and lunar eclipse are behind us. The Holi festivities are winding down. The soil has been cleared. The seeds have been planted. Make your process intentional. Bring awareness to your growth. Own and honor this fresh start! Saturn Retrograde Saturn goes retrograde in Scorpio at 02:50 am PDT and will be moving in reverse until August 13th, 2016. Retrograde planets act like the nodes Rahu and Ketu, which adds to the intensity of how a planet will express themselves. As the slowest moving planet, Saturn causes the most prolonged challenges. It's important to play by his rules and honor his requests for slow, steady action, simplicity and alignment with nature's rhythms. His transit through Scorpio is digging up very old grief, emotions and challenges- connected to subconscious and unconscious territory. Read more about Saturn in Scorpio. Venus in Pisces Increasing the theme of fertility and abundance during this "gap" time, Venus moves to its exaltation sign, Pisces on March 31st at 14:35 PDT, where she joins Sun and debilitated Mercury here. Challenges will arise with Venus's enemy, the Sun, and the debilitation of Venus's friend, Mercury. Venus is water, whereas the Sun is fire. When they conjunct, steam is created. Mercury symbolizes the mental body- meaning the mind will be feeling this steam. Physical and spiritual bodies (Sun) and your creative life force energy (Venus) will also be effected by the clouds. How do you work with the energy of steam? Do you use it to power your engine, or do you get lost in its mist and fog? Mercury in Aries Saturday, April 2nd at 15:02, Mercury crosses the tricky gap between endings/release (Pisces) and beginning/potential (Aries). The movement from debilitation in a water sign, to a fiery and aggressive sign, will cause the mind to feel fragile and agitated. A release process is being instigated. Notice where necessary clean-up and final release for this round must take place. Honor this process of endings and beginnings. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic (sidereal) rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your Western sign (Tropical) as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Keep digging up your depths and looking at your inner conflicts. The parts of you that say yes, but really mean no. The parts of you that say no, but really mean yes. The desire to strengthen your power, your inner knowing, is driving this self inquiry. Taurus: As the doors of your heart swing open, notice the physical response within you. What happens next? Do you continue to open or do these doors within close swiftly, without hesitation? I invite you to linger. Find that moment. When the door is neither open, nor closed. Gemini: Your sign represents powerful creative energy co-creating- resulting in a third, dynamic energy being created. Or the "emergent third" as it is often referred to in the art therapy realms. This emergent third, or "the third", is delicate, vulnerable and thus extremely powerful. Cancer: In your quest for deeper nourishment, you must be honest about your resistance to receiving. What is it about deep nourishment that causes you such pain? Lean into your discomfort, as this is vital for increasing your threshold of expansion. Expand your container, your holding, of both light and dark, pain and joy. Leo: This old story of your power is beginning to crumble. Partly because it's becoming less interesting to you. Partly because you're learning a new way. But first you have to allow the total demolition of the old structure, the old way of being. How you are, who you are- in relationship with Self, with others? Virgo: You are learning how to relate to yourself in new, more intimate ways. From here, you can show up more fully for others. It takes courage to awaken to your failings, your actions and choices, that have not nourished or supported you. Lean into these "failures" as there is great wisdom here. Libra: Pick up the pieces you dropped long ago. The parts of your being that allow you to connect, contain, strengthen, commit. The parts you abandoned for lightness, ease and fluidity. It's time to find balance and integration now, to find that moment when you are awake to both- structure and flow. Scorpio: This battle you have been identifying within is the key to unlock so many layers of resistance. Resistance to nourishment, support, to gather more of what you want and need. This old, epic battle- the one between life and death, pain and joy. As you crack your heart open wider, this conflict can release. Sagittarius: You are becoming more attentive to your inner silence- either by force or your own desire. This silence is a gift, a place to soften and surrender to your true needs, your heart's longings. It takes courage to show up here fully. Honor your bravery. The love begins to flow more fluidly in the coming days. Capricorn: You are learning what it feels like to cut away the unnecessary. The harsh, the brutal. Deepening your ability to feel true comfort and support. The kind that comes from your inner being. When you aren't wasting your energy on force and physical struggle, you can arrive into the receptive more fully. Aquarius: It is a fragile time for you. And in this fragility is great strength. Ripen with this potential, possibility, the unknown and uncertainty. Gather the most important pieces and arrange them carefully with intention. The truth is, these pieces, are the foundation you need to create a more solid ground. Pisces: The pieces of you that are still in hiding are beginning to see the light. All the ways you've kept yourself from feeling love, connection, support. They are emerging. Some of this is showing up through pain, challenge, conflict, separateness, some of this through experiencing joy and pleasure. This waxing Moon cycle brings us four planets transiting Scorpio- Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Venus- as well as an exalted Mars in Capricorn. This is a powerful time of transformation. Mars will help us with fulfilling duties, goals and action steps. If we are paying attention to our emotional landscape, we may notice an increase in anger, agitations and inner frustrations, as well as increased fear and other uncomfortable emotions. Potent and powerful messages are just under the surface if you're willing to go deeper and ask what your deepest, darkest needs are. Hidden in our shadows are gifts waiting to be found. As mentioned in my New Moon Wisdom post: "This cycle in many ways is the final extraction process of our past many months of dancing with all that has transpired in and through Libra. We are finally able to release what needs to be released, while keeping parts and pieces that we want. The next step will be to use what we've harvested and let the manure become the necessary nutrients for our garden of life." The next Full Moon is on December 6th with an exalted Moon in Taurus in the creative and benefic Rohini nakshatra. More on this in my next Moon Wisdom post. Horoscopes for the Waxing Moon Cycle {November 22nd to December 6th} *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: With four planets in your 8th house right now, it's time to really do some deep investigative personal work. Use this time for transformation- changing old fears, vulnerabilities, traumas and haunts into awakenings and awareness. How far are you willing to go in order to change? At the same time, work is picking up and career seems to be charging forward mightily. Make goals, take action steps and be bold, but not at the cost of your personal development work. Or can they both inform each other? Self care practices continue to be helpful and important part of your personal process right now. This is non-negotiable. Taurus: Your romantic compulsions are leading you right into your most important inner work right now. The mirrors coming to you from others in the coming weeks will be powerful reflections for you to introspect, transform and change- if you're willing to go towards your darkness in the process. Learning from your anger, your pain, emotional turmoil, and frustrations will be valuable, so charge forth! This is a time of depth and healing if you truly choose to use it as such. The gift you receive for your efforts will enhance your ability to receive, to be nurtured and nourished. Isn't that what you are craving anyway? Gemini: It is all about healing and being healed for you right now. Digesting and assimilating old patterns, behaviors and parts of your life that are long overdue. These pieces are connected to your creativity, courage, action steps, passion and relationships- all from your past. Suddenly, you are feeling charged and motivated to make some big, bold changes; Mars will help you with moving through your past once he moves to your eighth house. Your emotional body is a primary resource for you at this time. Your feelings connected to comfort, support, nourishment and money, will help you look into your shadows and see the missing links you've been over looking. Get comfortable with your discomfort. Cancer: Your fifth house is crammed with four planets right now which helps you address aspects of your passion, your romantic needs and wants, as well as your creative abilities. Are you listening to your emotional body for the memos? Trust and safety issues come to the forefront for you, so be willing to go more deeply into your insecurities. I promise you there is a gift wrapped piece of your soul waiting in these emotional challenges, if you are willing to dive in and be curious about your darkness. Relationships are a challenging and yet powerful resource for you right now. What is your deepest need? And what aren't you receiving in your life? What are the wounds that keep you from healing and moving forward? Go there. Leo: Your heart-center, home life and emotional body is your central focus right now. Use this time to touch deeply on your emotions, your feelings, and your needs for comfort, safety and security. There's a certain willingness to dive into your healing work right now as Mars exalts in your 6th house. What old patterns have been keeping you in the dark, locked into your shadows? Awareness and awakenings will be assisted by giving yourself ample alone time to linger in silence, contemplation and meditation. What parts of your past are keeping you trapped in fear, hurt and filled with anxiety? What is the brave face you wear truly hiding? Take your masks off. Virgo: It's taking all your courage and willingness to look into your biggest challenges. Right now, Rahu is still in your head. You're either missing the biggest gifts of your shadow work, or diving right in! Creativity, the arts, the hands and arms, are all vital resources for you and your healing work. Make sure you are working directly with your body, mind and emotions in order to address what is holding you back on all three levels of your life. What is your resistance and where is it located in your body? What emotions are the most challenging and potent and how do you hide them? Be curious and start shining light into your dark corners. Dance with your shadows. As Mars goes exalted in your fifth house, your passion, digestion and anger get amplified. Take this as a good sign, but work with this properly to harvest the gold. Extract the passion. Libra: Your second house is fully charged with four planets right now, while Mars is exalted in your fourth house of heart, home and liberation. This is a time period that tests your comfort levels. Discomfort is coming in multiple forms and effects your heart, your emotions and your sense of security. I ask you to go into these challenging feelings with curiosity, willingness and courage. Your current state of affairs (financial and otherwise) may seem to have no connection to your early childhood losses and disappointments, yet the planets say otherwise. What pieces of your childhood need to be confronted, cleaned up and healed in order for you to finally get the deep nourishment and comfort you so desperately crave? Your work is exploring the emotional body messages very intimately. Don't forget to let the rage out in healthy ways. Scorpio: It truly is your time to take the spotlight and you are likely feeling it. Your first house has four planets in it, meaning your head is filled with multiple types of energy, pulling you in multiple directions. Work with your past and the anxieties and fears that it challenges you with. Forge forth with creative and career projects. Liberate yourself from old relationship patterns and the vows you've made around them. Work consistently and methodically to reach your goals and aspirations. Mars is exalted right now in your third house of hands, creativity, the arts and communication. Be bold and make the most of this time in order to courageously move forward in your life- towards goals, desires and dreams. If you want it to happen, create it. Sagittarius: Mars moves out of your head and into your mouth, your second house. Watch your anger levels for signs about your needs for nourishment, comfort and support. What is underneath the anger? What need has not been met for you and how is this connected to an early childhood wound you may be carrying still? Notice your food choices in relation to your emotions and avoid excess alcohol and intoxicants. With four planets in your twelfth house, focus on retreats, travel and alone time for now. This may help you digest some of the past that has yet to be assimilated. Seek resources and tools that help with this releasing and letting go phase. What are you finally ready to let go of and liberate yourself from? Look to your emotional body for clues, especially the challenging emotions that are stuffed neatly into your body. Capricorn: You are charged and fully loaded right now Capricorn. In your usual work pony fashion, you know how to really push it into high gear to get the job done! With so many irons in the fire that are blazing hot, I have to be that voice of reason, the one that reminds you to pause and hit reset from time to time. Like every day, multiple times a day! These pauses will help you fully integrate the intensity occurring right now- in your relationships, in your head, with friends and possibilities. There are gains and losses right now, as there always are, and it's your job to dance with both effectively. Pluses and minuses represent polarities and the grande illusion of separateness. For you, working with your vulnerabilities and weaknesses as actually the supportive allies that they are, will be important to contemplate and reconcile with. You might finally realize why you push so hard. Aquarius: Your career is demanding most of your energy right now and requiring you to cut losses, find some silver linings, and re-prioritize. This is an ideal time to be thinking creatively and communicating effectively to get yourself recognized. Meet and greet the right people and be ready to make changes that have been a long time coming. Mars is exalted in your twelfth house right now. Relationships may be mixed with passion and rage. You are working with themes of nourishment, comfort and support right now. Your shadow has you both refusing to see what needs to change for your ultimate needs to get met, while simultaneously making you address this issue head on. Pay attention to your emotions right now. If it doesn't feel right, it isn't. Pisces: This is a powerful time for you, your wisdom and dharmic path Pisces. With four planets in your auspicious ninth house, it's time to put the pieces together and step firmly into your life purpose. Look for clues in your emotional body wisdom. Sense and feel into your yeses and no's. Serendipity and extra support are good signs that you are heading in the right direction, a nourishing direction. As Mars moves to your eleventh house, you will need to keep your momentum going with action steps, goals and maintaining focus on your desired outcomes. Working with self trust and intuition are vital as you become more attuned to what is right for you and what is wrong for you. Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me.
Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you New Moon Wisdom + Creative Ritual for the Waxing Moon Cycle {November 22nd to December 6th}11/21/2014 Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change. ~Brené Brown The New Moon is at 06:32 am CST in Scorpio and Anuradha nakshatra. Saturn, Venus and Sun are in Scorpio as well, which puts four planets in this sign at this time. All four planets receive drishti from Ketu and Jupiter. Three of these planets are in Anuradha nakshatra, while Saturn is still in Vishaka. This combination of energy exemplifies change, transformation and working with our darkness, in very tangible ways. While also enlivening a certain theme of gaining insights from releasing and letting go. This new Moon invites in a certain mystical element, one that invites us to go into our depths and harvest our inner riches. But don't be surprised if you discover shadows instead of light, as this is the gift of Scorpio, the 8th house, and its ability to transform our beings. But from the depths of our darkness, we can truly access our vulnerability. It's here in this fragility, where our deepest and most profound ability to transform and change exists. Vulnerability truly is our power, our strength. It is in our willingness to work with our shadows, our own darkness, that we can transform ourselves. Scorpio is directly connected to the eighth house and all eighth house matters of the zodiac. The body parts connected to the eighth house and Scorpio are the genitals and the excretory organs. These parts of our human body, our physical cosmic form, exemplify our vulnerability, as well as our ability to release and transform. These parts of the body are also part of our second chakra, which correlates to our sensing and feeling capabilities, our animal instincts and our human animal needs. This is also why the Moon (the sensing and feeling, emotional body of our being) is debilitated in Scorpio. We must not negate these aspects of our being. Our sensing and feelings, our vulnerabilities and our ability to release and let go are vital for our health, well being, our sense of vitality and wholeness. These themes are alive in this coming waxing cycle so pay close attention. This cycle in many ways is the final extraction process of our past many months of dancing with all that has transpired in and through Libra. We are finally able to release what needs to be released, while keeping parts and pieces that we want. The next step will be to use what we've harvested and let the manure become the necessary nutrients for our garden of life. With multiple layers of Mitra influencing this new Moon, fine detail becomes another part of our theme in the coming cycle. Mitra is a deity that rules precision, exactness, focus and detail, while also being considered the "friendly star". This soft, mild and gentle star, allows us to probe into the details of our being, contemplate, honor and acquire the details we need to tend to our heart, and our emotional body wisdom. Use this time to dig into your depths, your shadow parts, and seek wisdom for honoring these aspects of yourself. Look for the gifts within your darkness. Put pieces together, in order to help make sense of the nonsensical, to attend and tend to your brokenness- the illusion of the shadow. Make your emotional body and physical embodiment practice your priority at this time and harvest from the wisdom of your own knowing. Creative Ritual for the Waxing Moon Cycle The emotional body and physical body become potent messengers for us at this time. These body's can be entry points for our deep harvesting process. The cosmic and creative intelligence coursing through us can be accessed as we cultivate a relationship with our senses, feelings and sensations. This is the beauty and strength of the body- which gives us access to our deepest needs, desires and wants. This creative Ritual is designed to get you gently attuned to what these messages may be. I also recommend using the 3 level check in to help you make vital distinctions between the messages of each body: the physical, mental and emotional bodies. For more information about getting embodied, read this. 1) Sitting, standing or laying down, begin to notice your breathing. Notice the quality of your breathing. Get intimate with the sensation of how the breath feels moving within your body. Feel the breath as you inhale and the chest expands. Feel the breath as you exhale and feel the chest collapse. 2) Notice any sensations in the body that are arriving for you. Is there a certain body part that feels tight? Cold? Energized? Painful? Throbbing? Seek out any sensations that are present for you and let your attention go to this part of the body. 3) Use this sensation for greater inquiry. Does this sensation have a color? Maybe it has a shape or brings with it an image? Perhaps it has a sound? Be curious and ask the sensation to give you some deeper information. 4) Harvest this information. As you gather these pieces of information from your body ask the sensation to answer these three questions: I am, I want and I need. Based on the answers you receive, you may wish to begin moving with the sensation and let it inform your physical body movement exploration. You may also wish to do a drawing in order to harvest your findings more intimately. I suggest exploring both of these processes in order to awaken your dialogue and start deepening your relationship with your physical body. I am passionate about embodiment! This is why I offer my clients a very unique synergy of modalities to help them get embodied. Using jyotish insights from your own karmic life map, I am able to prescribe individualized and specialized body part work, in order to maximize healing and transformation. My embodiment prescriptions are ideal for overcoming obstacles and blockages that may be hindering health and wholeness. The body is our biggest resource for awakening, and I'm here to help you awaken through the messages of your body wisdom! Want to learn more about transforming your life through jyotish and embodiment work? Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you |
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