There is something no one seems to be talking about in regard to loss, grief and death. Everyone is effected by grief. Everyone. The majority of people are resistant to the word, let alone the work it takes to heal, transform and digest this incredibly powerful part of being a human. Most people are jumping over their losses, never fully digesting them, nor integrating them into their body, or their life. Without proper integration physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, grief gets pushed deep within the bodies, resulting in multiple challenges, disturbances and dis-eases. I've been talking a lot lately about undigested grief and even worse, hidden grief. These are very real issues that are effecting in all honesty, everyone, to some degree. It's not a radical notion to say that everyone on the planet is grieving- whether they are conscious of it or not. Grief is real. It's a real part of life. Whether you want to look at it directly, or push it away and negate it, it's still a part of your life- consciously or unconsciously. Grief indicates that you've experienced a loss on some level- either big or small. These losses really add up. Part of the grief journey that no one is talking about, is the impact all of your life losses have on your finances. It's amazing to me that this is never part of the grief conversation. Debts, lack of money, an inability to make, save or acquire money, are all issues related to loss, to grief. Particularly grief that has not been properly attended to- meaning it hasn't been fully digested or integrated. Any loss that you've experienced in your life gets stored in your body memory. It's a part of your life and will impact you- your future choices, actions, behaviors, and experiences. Money is nothing more than a physical resource of nourishment, life force energy. It's a human created expression of abundance, the wealth of nature and her bounty. The ability to receive money, is intimately connected to your ability to receive nourishment- on all levels of life- which includes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. This is why the wealth houses of the jyotish chart are also the houses of eating, digesting and giving (2nd, 6th and 10th houses). If you can't eat the nourishment, digest it and assimilate its nutrients fully, you also won't have much of an offering to give to the world. You will have very little life force energy in which to express your powerful gift. . If your channels are blocked by undigested grief, you won't be able to receive or create vitality, or life force energy. This lack of life force energy impacts your receptivity, your ability to receive nourishment, directly. What happens when years and years of undigested grief and losses are not honored and healed? Debts pile up (literally your losses pile up). Houses 6 and 8 in your jyotish chart are also houses of digestion, stomach and elimination. They are considered the most challenging houses of the chart, causing serious health issues and not surprisingly are both connected to losses, debt and financial struggles. Simply put, when you clean up your bodies (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually) and process, clear and release the undigested emotions and experiences of life, you have much more receptivity. You literally have more ability to give and receive life force energy. On the material level of life, this means you have the ability to give and receive more money as well. Lakshmi is a powerful embodiment of this free flowing energy within the channels of the body. The golden coins pouring from her palms, express the abundance of nourishment- inside and out. Health is wealth! But when any of the four bodies are clogged with toxic byproducts of undigested food, experiences and emotions, the channels of the body will not be open and awake. A dullness will set in and this will impact all levels of your life- even your relationship with money. Almost every single person who has inquired about my nine month Awakening Through Grief Course has shared money problems are impacting their decision to join the course. Debt has been a very personal part of my grief process as well. I know there is a direct correlation between grief and money, because I've experienced it personally. One of the most direct correlations between grief and money challenges has to do with stability and support. When you've experienced a loss- whether large or small- it impacts your stability, your sense of support. This instability impacts your sense of safety- personally, physically, as well as materially. Your experience of life and the world around you becomes destabilized. So it makes sense that because money represents safety and support, as well as comfort and stability, when life is feeling unstable and unsafe, your money will be impacted as well. Money is energy, so it will reflect your feelings. If you don't feel safe, your money will show it. When you clear, clean, heal and transform grief, and allow the emotional body to find greater resiliency, this has a positive impact on your receptivity, your ability to receive nourishment- including money. That is why I've created a nine month course Awakening Through Grief, to support the healing and transformation of your grief. To help you digest, heal and integrate losses- on all four levels of your being- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. This very unique nine month course is not just about healing grief, it is really about allowing you to integrate your losses with life, so that you can experience more resiliency, more life force energy. When you clean up your undigested grief, you suddenly have a lot more space to create, manifest, align and receive the nourishment of life more fully! The work that we do in this course will help you heal, transform and release grief- whether it's impacting you physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually- or all of the above. This process is creative, embodied and whole. It's a sacred journey of deeply integrating loss and helping you expand into life more fully. Please join me for this powerful nine month journey that will truly change your relationship with loss and life. Transform your losses into life! Remember that if you're experiencing financial problems, this means you are really experiencing life force problems. You are not able to receive life force energy fully. Your channels are clogged, your receptivity is not awake! Grief, undigested emotions and experiences are blocking your life force energy which will not only impact health, but also finances. Loss equates debt- no matter the story. Learn how to awaken your receptivity through healing and releasing your grief. Step into a more resilient, embodied and empowering life! Join me for Awakening Through Grief, a sacred nine month journey to awaken Heart and Spirit. Last chance to join is October 26th!! Tapping Meditation for Resistance Use this Tapping Meditation to work through your grief process- when you feel stuck, afraid or resistant to change. Remember that we always start with "truth tapping" by expressing feelings and experiences that feel challenging. This is a vital part of the process and paves the way for transformation and healing. In the podcast below, I share a tapping (EFT) sequence with you that will guide you through transforming and releasing the old stories and invite in more receptivity. Remember, we start with identifying the challenges, then moving into possibility and desires in order to transform our shadow into light. Use this podcast as you tap through these points: Karate chop point (side of the hand). Crown of the head. Eyebrow point (above the eye). Side of the eye. Under the eye. Under the nose. Chin point (crease of the chin). Throat point (collar bone/throat chakra). Heart point (center of chest). Stomach point (above the navel). Side body (nipple line at side of chest). Tap six to ten times on each point and just keep cycling through the points. Repeat the phrases I use aloud. Notice any thoughts, stories, memories or emotions that emerge as you tap. These are important pieces to return to, do more tapping on, as a way to clear blockages. As always, if the words I use don't work for you, change them to support your process more fully. Share your experiences below! What emerged for you in this process? Excited to hear from you! Join me for a nine month journey into Heart and Spirit!
Digest and heal your grief and losses. Come back to greater life, nourishment and abundance! JOIN THIS SACRED JOURNEY Last Chance to Join Awakening Through Grief is October 26th!!
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March 2017