This Week's Intention: Activate your full creative potential with slow, attentive steps. Be mindful of burnout and misusing your life force energy. Channel your creativity consciously- in order to maximize your manifestation magic! The new Moon in Taurus and Rohini nakshatra behind us, a creative and passionate cycle begins. As the Moon continues to wax, manifestation comes to the forefront. Needs increase, as well as the awareness of what your needs are. It's time to create what you want and get results! But be sure to start this process by first honoring the the seeds you're planting with tenderness and presence. Monday, June 6th Moon in 2nd tithi Dvitiya The week begins with the intense energy of Ardra just as Moon begins its waxing cycle. The emotional body is still fragile, inward and sensitive. Moon moves through Gemini, while its ruling planet Mercury moves to the edge of Aries. The mind and emotions are delicate today and Ardra's ferocity may provoke unpredictable emotional outbursts from you and from others. Passions are high, confusion is strong, overwhelm is present. Do you choose to land in the storm or in the eye of it. You get to use your power with freewill. To read the full report, sign up for my membership. Need some personal guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Feeling stuck, lacking momentum and curious how your jyotish chart can help you create lasting change? Join me for my Jyotish Astrology Classes. Learn how to re-pattern, transform and heal karmic blockages. Get the Details
This Week's Intention: There is power available in the chaos of change. Land in your heart and trust your passion to guide you. A powerful week of new, as Jupiter moves to Leo and a new Moon occurs on Wednesday, followed by Sun moving into Cancer. Potential and possibility are available. Are you feeling the surge of power or crushed by uncertainty? Ride the waves. Monday begins with Moon in its exaltation sign while moving through Mrigashirsha nakshatra. Move towards the nectar and soak up the Soma. How can you create more nourishment in your life? In the afternoon, Moon shifts to Gemini, joining Sun, Mars and Mercury here as well. This air sign is ripe with connective power and possibility. Create, connect communicate. Expand your reach. As Tuesday arrives, Moon moves into Ardra nakshatra, joining Mercury and Mars in this intense star pattern. Three planets in Rudra's domain instigates a certain powerful response- especially in our emotional body. I call this the rock star nakshatra because it has the worldly potential of Rahu, mixed with the power of Rudra. Ardra can move mountains and sustain the energy necessary for the task! But at what costs? Be mindful of what emotions are possibly being cut out and pasted over. Listen to the wisdom of your inner currents to guide your needs. Wednesday brings big shifts and renewal, first with Moon moving to Punarvasu nakshatra in the wee hours of the morning- followed by Mars and then Mercury later in the day. New Moon, Wednesday, July 15th 20:24 CDT, while Moon is in Gemini and Punarvasu Nakshatra. A unique new Moon arrives on Wednesday with four planets transiting Gemini simultaneously. Jupiter has just freshly stepped into Leo for the next year and is deeply sandhi, at less than a degree. Read more about Jupiter in Leo and the year ahead. Change, momentum and release abound. With Moon, Sun, Mars and Mercury all in Punarvasu nakshatra at the new Moon, Aditi’s expansive awareness and gentle ways, bring a certain sensitivity. Sun and Moon are poised at the edge of Gemini and will both move to Cancer hours after the emptiness of the new Moon hits. The masculine and feminine energies within us reach for balance and alignment. Where can you create more inner and outer harmony? What needs to align for greater coherence within? Aditi is the Mother of all goodness in the Vedic tradition and she arrives to give us support, abundance and nourishment in life. Much like a generous and kind mother cares for her children, she helps us find equanimity within heart and mind, while reminding us of the unity in life. Her support comes in the form of resources so that challenges are softened or removed. Trust your steps and allow the grace of Aditi to provide for you at this time. How is her wisdom showing up in your life? Are you available to receive it? Moon moves to its own sign, Cancer, just before midnight. Always know what to expect from the Moon cycles and their wisdom. Get my 2015 Moon Wisdom Calendar. Thursday arrives with extra nourishment and heart wisdom available to us. Moon moves to Pushya nakshatra, Brihaspati's star. Awareness and knowledge are available today in ways that truly can provide greater wisdom and nourishment as a result. Ketu's drishti on the Moon insures that awakening will be sudden and bring sparks of insight. What do you need for increased comfort, security and stability in your life? Sun follows the Moon into Cancer at 15:08, instigating a new cycle with increased heart wisdom and emotional body awakening. The light comes to the heart, the home, land and experiences of mother. This is a powerful month of rooting into the heart and finding a sense of alignment with one's needs. Use your compassion, empathy and desire to nourish others, as a way to share, shine and be seen. Let relationships be resources to deepen your need for comfort and support. Lead with your heart in all matters and be sure to connect and co-create. Work diligently with harmonizing your masculine and feminine energies. The feminine wants to expand, move and flow continuously, while the masculine wants to contain and create support systems. How can you work with both very intentionally for maximum balance and alignment? Sun in Cancer can be a powerful cycle that provides new support. As we get used to Jupiter in the Sun's sign of Leo for the coming year, the solar energy in the heart-centered sign, Cancer, provides us with a chance for inner/outer balance. Auspicious timing in many ways that can truly help us navigate the masculine and feminine paradigm within us in more intentional ways. We must work with both of them consciously or we will be misaligned with our inner power and sense of self. Early morning Friday, Moon shifts to Ashlesha nakshatra and Sarpa influences the mental and emotional bodies directly. As the serpent of illusion and deception, he can cloud our ability to think clearly. Today, notice where you are fixed and too rigid. Where can you bring more flexibility and fluidity in? Self doubt, uncertainty and confusion need to be tamed with more grounding and landing in the physical body. Navigate relationships with tenderness and compassion. Saturday mid morning, Moon jumps to Leo, joining Jupiter and Venus here. All receive gaze from Saturn who always brings a sense of grief, contraction and structure with him. These three planets in Leo are all in Pitr's nakshatra, Magha, connected to the ancestors and our father's lineage. Track your emotional body today- especially in response to relationships. What parts of your personal mythology and family paradigm emerge within your emotional body today? How might you need to shift or change your actions for different results? Late morning Sunday, Moon arrives in Purvaphalguni nakshatra and the sensuality of Bhaga and Venus are instigated. Our emotional body will crave comforts and connection through relating and relationships. Let the heart be your guide and move towards the nourishment gained from love and loved ones. Track where you are craving attention and connection out of habit. Do your relationships truly serve your need for comfort and support, safety and security? Consciously make adjustments so that you are creating more inner support and stability, not less. Get some extra support and guidance for the Jupiter and Sun transits. Schedule a clarity session with me.
Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. Aries: Even with your career in fast forward, you might be surprised by how much more you can get done when you allow yourself to stop, rest and pause more regularly. Money flows when your creativity and life force energy sync up with effective, clear action steps. Harmonize these two more consciously in the coming cycle, while noticing how rest and rejuvenation can support the increase of abundance in your life. Calculate your action steps and clearly communicate your needs. Allow the love to flow towards you and through you. Taurus: It takes courage to be creative. It takes creativity to be courageous. You have both at your fingertips right now. Channel this energy effectively right now so that you can create new pathways for thriving. Trusting your power is an essential ingredient for persevering right now. How can you work with the self doubt more consciously? Navigate the territory of the mental body with wisdom and care. Don't let it get away with you, or it will take your nourishment with it. Speak up and be heard! Gemini: Resource from your depths and let your passion out of the closet! Communicate, connect and co-create, especially through speaking and using the internet. Heal yourself by being in service to others. Give guidance, wisdom and nourishment to those in need and let yourself be fed as a result. Your courage will take you far! Mind the critic and don't let the critic mind you. Meditation will calm the mental body but also seek out new connections and resources for comfort, nourishment and support. Cancer: As the flow of love and creative energy increases, you are learning how to direct this flow more effectively and consciously. Simultaneously, working with excess is a valuable use of your time. How can you find greater balance even when passions and cravings are strong? Learn to navigate your intense desires. What is the need underneath them? How can you use this to create more stability, nourishment and support in your life? Notice how are you creating uncertainty and confusion. How does this feed your inability to get your needs met? Take your power back. Leo: Gains come from writing, communication and self expression. How are you sharing and showing up in this process? Retreats and away time will help you make new relationships and career connections. Invite in the flow, the abundance and wealth! Heal from the heart and let your heart be healed simultaneously. This is a vital resource in order for you to be more nourished and vital. Be sure to balance your giving and receiving so you don't burn out. Ask for support in new ways and see who shows up to help you grow and expand your career and dharma. Virgo: Rahu continues to bring confusion as he transits through your head. What are you learning about your relationship with chaos, confusion and uncertainty? Share your discoveries with others and let the mental body, imagination, writing and speaking be resources for deeper connection, shining and being seen. Gains come from expressing your feelings, working with fears around commitment and deepening your heart wisdom. Let your art inform your body and your body inform your art. Get creative and let it be the balm that heals you! Libra: Alas, you are finally feeling some support and stability, mixed with enthusiasm about sharing yourself. Resource from your depths and take time for meditation and relaxation. Passionately connect and create while gaining from relationships, wisdom and deep listening. Notice where your past is informing your mental body, your imagination, stories and thoughts. Move towards the joy and let it flow- all while expanding you and your options. Scorpio: There is an influx of new relationships arriving to help you share your message, to help support you and your self expansion. Share through communications, writing and speak from the heart. Target your message though and make it focused. Who is your ideal audience and what are their needs? You may need to take a back seat and get some rest- so work smarter, not harder and don't push too hard right now to be seen. Your spot light appearances are coming in the months ahead, but for now, gather your resources, seek clarity and target your message. Doubt the doubt, or it will sabotage your power! Sagittarius: Is that passion or anger you are feeling in your relationships- or both? Don't mistake the intense emotion for a lack of love. You are learning to navigate your full range of emotion so let it inform your healing and awakening process without guilt or shame. Letting go and releasing the past is offering you deep cleansing and making space for deeper love to emerge. Tend to your grief, old hurts and losses, and start to create a life that feels more nourishing and joyful. Capricorn: Feelings are flowing, accessible through your heart and pelvis. Receive gains through allowing your sensorial being to awaken you. Listen, pause and provoke by tracking sensations in your physical body. How can you use this information to spark some new creativity, insights and openings in your relationships? Get passionate about healing and being healed. Your heart is ready to help you start awakening in new ways, while your feelings and body awareness will serve this process. Aquarius: Keep retracing your steps and see how this supports your career and offerings. Courageously create, share and communicate from your heart. Speaking your truth will be the healing balm you need to heal, to open, expand and allow love to flow more fluidly through you. The internet can be a resource for connecting right now, don't disregard this channel. Watch for overindulgence in sweets and intoxicants. Falling off the wagon is too easy. Muster up your passion and let it advance you, but avoid stomach upset by listening to the wisdom your solar plexus has to share with you. Pisces: The heart is aflame! Feeling the passion or having heart burn? Watch how you are feeding these powerful flames and be mindful of what you are eating- on all levels of life. The stomach can be a way to deepen our relationship with the intuition; it's the second brain. Feed yourself well and you will be nourished more deeply by life, relationships and your environment. The heart wants what the heart wants, but be sure to ask the stomach for guidance and listen to its wisdom. Moon begins its waxing cycle mid morning on the 16th while still in Gemini. Moon is conjunct Mars and Sun who have just arrived in this airy, creative sign known for connection and communication. As Mars and Sun chase each other into Gemini, this sparks a heat wave of creativity, communication and connectivity. Gemini represents the merging of energies, and the new, third energy that is created as a result. Metaphorically, this connects to the energy of lovers coming together, creating a "third energy" out of their unification. From an artistic perspective, Gemini can represent the artist and their medium, plus the arrival of a "third" energy- or the emerging transcendental experience. The creative energy of Gemini is unstoppable, changeable and always moving. In the coming cycle, merge and connect with new ideas and people, in order to deepen your nourishment, increase wealth and find new resources. How can you extend and expand your reach by joining forces in new ways? A certain dynamism charges us forward into this waxing cycle with relationships being a primary source of desire. Feel, search, express- while flowing, expanding and creating new pathways. This cycle will be a time of many new insights, ideas and a very strong imagination and it will give us the potential for new connections, collaborations and relationships. But in order to have space for new relationships, we must let go or loosen attachments to the old. With Jupiter and Venus still conjunct in Cancer, being mindful of overindulgence with sweets and alcohol will be important. Our success at this time will be determined by how well we put our passion and creative energy to use. Being selective about which ideas (and what relationships) get your action steps will be crucial. Every idea is great, but not every idea needs to be acted upon. Find new ways to communicate within your relationships, while expressing yourself in new ways. Express with passion and flare, just be mindful of gentleness and others' needs as well. Summer Solstice is June 21st. This marks the beginning of summer in the Northern hemisphere, as well as the longest day of light in the year. New Moon is July 1st at 19:20 Pacific time while Moon is in Sagittarius and Purva Ashada nakshatra. Do you want more astrological details about the Moon and the coming waxing cycle? Use my 2015 Moon Wisdom Calendar to learn more about the powerful cosmic themes ahead. Part 2 of my calendar {July to December} is almost here!! Learn More. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic (sidereal) rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your Western sign (Tropical) as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me.
Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. Moon is waning until Thursday. New Moon is on Friday in the early morning hours- in Gemini and Ardra nakshatra.
Monday, June 23rd Moon transits Aries and moves from Bharani to Krittika nakshatra at 12:30 CDT, enlivening the Sun and Agni- the fire of life. Internal and external flames intensify, heat and passion, anger and aggression are fanned. These energies are heightened as a result of Mars's direct gaze 8 houses away. With Sun now in Ardra nakshatra in close proximity to retrograde Mercury, the mind is likely to have an edge to it. Have you noticed? Or are you blaming it on everyone else? Is the past haunting you? Moon will be sandhi the majority of the afternoon, moving to the edge of Aries. It jumps into Taurus at 18:48 CDT, assuming its position and degrees of exaltation. A rare example of how sandhi degrees (when a planet is in the gap between signs) can actually be a strong placement. Read more about sandhi in my recent article: Living in Limbo. Moon joins Venus in Taurus, who is nicely placed in its own sign right now. Moon is friendly to everyone, however, Venus isn't fond of the Moon. These two, however, are out of the gaze of the other planets right now so this will allow them to share and shine. Look for some strong waves of creativity, inner flow and fluidity, movement and grace. Dance, sing, make art. Let your creative acts stoke your inner flames tonight. Watch how you relate to others and don't lash out. Instead, use your emotions to deepen your inner relationship. Tuesday, June 24th Moon is exalted and in Krittika nakshatra enlivening the Sun and Agni. Heat and fire rule the first half of the day. Work with themes of cutting, clearing, purification and transformation. Just after midday, Moon moves into Rohini nakshatra at 13:48 CDT, having crossed over Venus by this point. In this position, Moon moves from exaltation into mulitrikona, but is still a strong placement for it, out of the gaze of other planets. Our creativity is intensified. Are ideas percolating and gathering steam? Keep a piece of paper and a pen near by and have your journal handy for doodles, sketches and list making. Take your sketches into dancing, let your dancing become paintings. Move, flow, and let the creativity move you and be moved by you. Sing, communicate, share, connect. Wednesday, June 25th The first half of the day, Moon continues through Rohini nakshatra. The creative suggestions from yesterday still apply. Keep a piece of paper and a pen near by and have your journal handy for doodles, sketches and list making. Take your sketches into dancing, let your dancing become paintings. Move, flow, and let the creativity move you and be moved by you. Sing, communicate, share, connect. As Moon moves into Mrigashirsha nakshatra at 15:28 CDT, instant change occurs. The pace of the deer and its swiftness carries us into action, movement and momentum. Can you feel the shift take place within you? Think in terms of action steps. Soma and Mars are enlivened with this nakshatra, life giving qualities surface and offer their sustenance. What life giving nourishment can you move towards? Pay attention for the messages maybe strong or they may be subtle. Thursday, June 26th Moon crosses into Gemini in the early hours of the morning at 04:26 am CDT, though still in Mrigashirsha nakshatra. It joins retrograde Mercury in this nakshatra and Sun in Ardra nakshatra. These three planets receive gaze from Rahu nine houses away, intensifying the mental/emotional edge and our shadow issues. Moon crosses directly over Mercury around 7:30 am CDT which will likely intensify the mental body tussle with the emotions. Make your daily to-do list over breakfast and if you can start your day with a more gentle approach, do it. Try meditation, gentle yoga, a quiet walk outdoors. This is a good day to count to ten before speaking and to get plenty of fresh air and physical movement. Get out of the head and into the body! Ready to take action? Join me for my final Cosmic Creative Self workshop today where we explore Mars and action steps. Venus moves into Rohini nakshatra at 17:08 CDT. Expect creativity to be flowing in the coming weeks! Get out your paints, dance, draw, sing, write. Share your work with others. Be nourished by your creativity and let others nourish you with theirs. This placement of Venus may help our sense of security and thriving. Let the abundance flow towards you and through you. Moon moves to Ardra nakshatra at 17:29 CDT as it nears the Sun. Emotions intensify with Rudra and Rahu heightened here, so watch yourself and don't let the mind get away with its usual shenanigans. Inner tracking will be important to avoid overwhelm. At this time, Moon is already well into the 15th tithi, the final phase of its waning cycle. Do a three level check in for greater awareness. Friday, June 27th Moon transits Gemini with retrograde Mercury and Sun. All receive drishti from a very sandhi Rahu. New Moon is at 3:08 am CDT while in Gemini and Ardra nakshatra. Ruled by Rudra and Rahu, Ardra nakshatra brings with it a certain intensity- whether through the emotions or through physical movement and change; think forcefulness. Rudra is connected to storms, storm energy, as well as prana as he is the father of the Maruts, or inner winds. Externally he manifests as a storm god; internally he manifests as the five types of Prana within the body. Harnessing the winds can be powerful for inner change or outer change. His association with anger and intense emotion is an example of his abilities with power. Anger after all is extremely powerful and is a form of passion and strength. How will you use this strength? This New Moon is not the silent, soft and quiet kind. For there is immense power available to us at this time. It is quiet and inward as any empty new Moon is, yet be mindful of the power available within this silence. What are you creating? Cultivating? And inviting in at this time? What is your relationship to the inner and outer winds? Start your day off with meditation, pranayama and yoga. Get the inner prana moving and in this new waxing cycle upon us, attend to the needs of the inner winds. Emotional well being is intimately related to physical well being. Use this coming cycle to attend to your inner dynamics. Work with emotions directly and note where the challenges arrive. Are you attending to your needs? Letting the mind run the show? Bypassing the emotions? Does the body have a message for you that you have been neglecting to listen to? Listen closely for clues and your inner wisdom. Do a three level check in for greater awareness. Moon moves to Punarvasu nakshatra at 19:49 CDT, enlivening Jupiter and Aditi energy. Saturday, June 28th Mars moves from Hasta nakshatra into Chitra nakshatra at 6:36 am CDT. Mars and Rahu are nearing each other as we prepare for their exact conjunction in the coming weeks. This is a very intense and charged time so be mindful of these energetics in general with regard to your Self, life and relationships. Mars will be in Chitra for roughly a month (through the end of July). This nakshatra is ruled by Mars (heat, passion, aggression, action) and the deity Vishvakarma. He is the "cosmic architect" who loves to create, build, plan and orchestrate. The action oriented association to the planet Mars (both within the nakshatra and by Mars's transit through Chitra) insures that foundations will be laid, steps will be taken and changes will be amplified. Par for the course as we look at the grande planetary shifts happening right now and in the coming weeks! Change is here! Moon transits Gemini with retrograde Mercury, and Sun and is in Punarvasu nakshatra. Aditi, mother of all goodness and unity is enlivened as well as the planet Jupiter. Perhaps you can feel the expansion and a greater smoothness enter your mind as a result of the Moon's shift. As it nears the gap midday, the softness heightens and offers an opening to us. What is coming through the portal for you? Jupiter is a sign away, exalted in Cancer, and can offer some awareness. Are you inviting it in yet? Are you in Houston? Join me at Bayou Bliss Yoga for my Jupiter workshop. Need a virtual workshop instead? Join me for my final Cosmic Creative Self workshop online tomorrow instead. Moon moves into Cancer, its own sign, joining exalted Jupiter there at 15:45 CDT. Both receive drishti from retrograde Saturn in this position. Jupiter has gained strength at this point and is now over the two degree mark which helps our sense of stability, expansion and wisdom. Jupiter and Moon basque in each others radiance as Moon crosses over him. They both offer a gentle awareness to us through heart, emotions, and expanded wisdom. Let it flow. Look for sweet balms of the heart and emotions today. What soothes, nurtures and flows toward you? Feeling restricted and collapsed? This can be from Saturn's gaze. Be easy with the opening. You don't have to force it. Just be willing to invite in, expand and grow. Moon moves into Pushya nakshatra at 22:26 CDT. Sunday, June 29th Moon transits its own sign of Cancer and Pushya nakshatra with exalted Jupiter. Both receive drishti from retrograde Saturn in this position. Jupiter has gained strength at this point and is over the two degree mark which helps our sense of stability, expansion and wisdom. Pushya provides nourishment from Brihaspati (a personified Jupiter) and the planet Saturn. The symbol is the udder of a cow, who offers nourishment to her calf. This is the nourishment palpable with Pushya nakshatra. What is flowing towards you? Away from you? What are you inviting in? Where is the flow being obstructed? Our nourishment and sense of nourishment is directly connected to how able we are to receive. This is a vulnerable position, unlike the position of giving, which is the power position. Today, think in terms of balancing both the give and receive and notice how vital they are to each other. They are truly interrelated functions required for getting our needs met from life, relationships and our environment. Using the metaphor of inhale and exhale, the dance of the life force can be a potent tool of awareness. Use my Jupiter expand/contract workshop for more insights. Ready to take action? Join me for my final Cosmic Creative Self workshop today where we explore Mars and action steps. Was this post helpful to you? Please share it! Have you signed up for my newsletter yet? Weekly, I send out vital jyotish resources that enliven creativity, consciousness and embodiment. Please sign up! 4.7
The 8th day of Navaratri, dedicated to goddess Saraswati. Moon is on the wax (Shukla Paksha) and the week begins with Moon in the 8th tithi at the end of Gemini and Punarvasu nakshatra. At 16:41 CDT Moon enters the auspicious ninth tithi (navami) while sandhi in Gemini, but moves to Moon's own sign of Cancer at 16:47 CDT (still in Punarvasu). In Cancer, Moon receives drishti from Saturn which offers a restrictive energy as well as one pointed focus. Punarvasu, however, gives expansion, clarity and a sense of wholeness from the deity Aditi "mother of all goodness". Look for both in the second half of your day- a fixed mode of expansion with a clear trajectory. Moon moves to Pushya nakshatra at 23:31 CDT. 4.8 Pushya nakshatra is ruled by Saturn and Brihaspati (another name for Jupiter) and offers nourishment, support, usually by providing us with knowledge and awareness. Today is the final day of Navaratri which culminates with the celebration of Lord Raam's birthday, Raam Navami. This is a potent and powerful day of activation. As the previous eight days of Navaratri provided a complete inner overhaul. First with the tilling of our internal soil through clearing and purging (Durga), then came nourishment and support for our seeds (desires) through Lakshmi's abundance, and then finally wisdom and clarity and a wealth of creativity has been offered through Saraswati so that our desires may blossom into a rich harvest in the days and months to come. Raam then provides the power and dynamism to take these silent gifts of the Divine Mother into action so that they may truly actualize. Historically, this is the day Lord Raam was born in Ayodhya and so we give honor and praise to his life and name as well. He was the seventh incarnation of Vishnu. Jai Ram!! 4.9 Moon moves to Ashlesha nakshatra in the wee hours of the morning. This is sarpa's nakshatra, ruled by Mercury. Sarpas are snakes, connected to Rahu (as opposed to the other type of snake, Nagas, which are connected to Ketu). Sarpas are sly and cunning, but offer insights and bring wisdom through their occult studies. Be mindful off illusion, deception and overconfidence today- which are attributes of both Sarpa and Rahu's nature. Currently Mercury is transiting Pisces (conjunct Sun) and transiting Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra which is ruled by Ahirbudhnya, a naga. The mental/emotional body is getting a chance for clarity today with a higher purpose. Get clear on what you need to do and trust your intuitive powers. 4.10 Moon moves to Leo and Magha nakshatra at 05:15 CDT. Magha is ruled by Ketu and Pitr, which relates to the ancestors, particularly the father's lineage. Karamas with power and authority arrive with this nakshatra. Moon receives drishti from Venus here, currently in Satabisha nakshatra. Do good work and uphold dharma, but avoid being overly critical to your Self and others. Works steadily today, but don't push too hard. Where are you overly connected to power and authority? 4.11 At 07:42 CDT Moon moves to Purvaphalguni nakshatra which is ruled by Bhaga and the planet Venus. It's Friday, day of Venus, so expect some fruiting and flowering- assisted by Bhaga of course, who rules relationships, harmony and sexuality. Jupiter's drishti to Venus helps the heart feel more expansive and relationships to feel a bit more harmonious. Though, Rahu's drishti to Venus as well can give too much of a good thing, or misjudgement. Listen closely. Does it feel good to your heart? Emotions? Do you feel supported and nourished? Are your needs being met? Look for warning signs and back up if necessary. Don't rush in too quickly. Sun becomes sandhi late in the evening. 4.12 Moon moves to the latter half of Phalguni, Uttaraphalguni nakshatra at 09:43 CDT which is in the final portion of Leo. Ruled by Sun and Aryaman, there is still a connection to relationships, however, he's more connected to lasting relationships than Bhaga is. Aryaman wants love, commitment and family life to be harmonious. With Sun sandhi in Pisces, in Revati nakshatra (ruled by Mercury), the "Self" needs may be weak today. Do what's best for group harmony today. Shine through communication, verbal affirmations and keep group dynamics in mind. Speak sweetly. Moon moves to Virgo at 16:09 CDT joining retrograde Mars there as well. Retrograde Mars moves back into Hasta nakshatra at 18:25 CDT. 4.13 Debilitated Mercury moves into Revati nakshatra at 10:33 CDT, ruled by Pushan who gives nourishment and safe journeys. Shortly thereafter, Moon moves to Hasta nakshatra joining Mars there at 11:13 CDT. The Moon and Mars conjunction brings heat to the emotions and there is a heightened tension with the mental body simultaneously as they are in a Mercury ruled sign (Virgo) receiving direct drishti from a sandhi Sun and debilitated Mercury. If tempers flair, it's probably due to pushing for too much, forcing an agenda that needs to be re-evaluated and having expectations that are too high. Today is calling for downsizing in a big way. As we near the Lunar Eclipse on the 15th (and Hanuman Jayanti), we need to have emotional/mental balance at the front of our needs list. Where can you do less and lower your expectations of your Self and others? Sun moves to Aries (its home of exaltation) for the next month at 20:42 CDT. This is a powerful placement and causes us to use our brute strength and the physical body to accomplish goals and agendas. But does the body comply? Do the mental and emotional bodies say yes as well? With the lunar eclipse and Full Moon arriving next week, we near the delicate two week period between eclipses (Annual solar eclipse on the 29th). This is a time to really be cognizant of working smarter, not harder. Though plenty of temptations will arise. More on all of this in next week's Planetary Transit + Horoscope Report. Sign up for my Newsletter and don't miss my updates! |
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