This Week's Intention: "The inspiration you seek is already within you. Be silent and listen." ~Rumi Moon is waning and the week begins with Moon in the 7th tithi, Saptami, half way through the dark half cycle. This phase of the Moon is Indra's domain, the god of the gods. His weapon of choice is a thunderbolt as he rules the rain, opening the clouds and controlling the nourishment of the earth. Consequently he is connected to powerful dharmic works. This is a Tikshna nakshatra- sharp and dreadful. In the USA, the Electoral College votes on Monday, the 19th. The Moon is under strong illusion today, while a theme of harsh action, confusion and Mental reversals arrive.
{Plant Your Seeds of Light and Wisdom} *FREE* Winter Solstice Web Class December 21st! On the darkest day of the year, there is a great opportunity for releasing and letting go of the past seasons. This is your still point. The pause. The sacred in-between. Linger here for a moment and create a deeper intention for your path in the coming months. Join me for a free Winter Solstice Web Class ::: Please RSVP to join the list and receive access to the recording: [email protected] Monday, December 19th Moon in 7th tithi Saptami The week begins with Moon shifting into Purvaphalguni nakshatra, moving to the inside of Rahu, once again starting a two week cycle of Kala Sarpa yoga effects. Moon is waning and half way through the emptying cycle now. Mars will break the Kala Sarpa yoga on the 28th of December, but won't officially leave Aquarius until January 20th. There is still extreme ups and downs, polarities and binary energy at play. For the full version sign up for my membership. *All timing is Mountain Standard Time.
This Week's Intention: Seek balance, integration and harmony- inside and out. Be diligent with your polarities. Find equality with your darkness and light. Monday begins on the heels of a new Moon and a sense of deep emptiness and release. With Sun debilitated right now in Libra, it's the lowest point of the year, with the least amount of light and vitality. Vulnerability it high. Attend to health, wellness and nourishment. Go slow and get plenty of rest.
Monday, October 31st Moon in 2nd tithi Dvititya Just as Monday begins, Moon arrives in Vishaka nakshatra, activating the dual god, Indragni. This dual rulership between the king and high priest, represents the necessity for co-creation in order to sustain life. Indra and Agni are separate deities, but when they combine, they increase their individual power. * Timing used is Mountain Daylight Time. For the full version sign up for my membership. This Week's Intention: Seek balance and inner harmony by honestly working with challenges and obstacles. Where are you resisting and refusing deeper nourishment in your life? Get radical with your release. It's a waning Moon week. An internal focus is strengthening, while chaos, confusion and uncertainty amplify. New Moon is this Friday while Moon transits its debilitation sign, Scorpio. Open the release valve and dramatically purge what no longer serves you. Midmorning Monday, Moon moves to Swati nakshatra in Libra and joins Venus in exact conjunction. Inner and outer winds intensify. What direction are you moving? Can you stay grounded even in the midst of these strong winds? Creative flow is increasing. Catch the wave with intention and harness the creative powers within. Tuesday Moon shifts to Vishaka nakshatra and the dual forces of Indra and Agni amplify the need for extra support. Today, as Moon and Venus continue in close conjunction, our emotional body waivers, challenging stability and inner grounding. Land and ground, find stability through the pelvis and use your creative inner tides for resourcing. Work consciously with issues involving relationships, finances, health and comfort. As Wednesday morning begins, Moon shifts to its debilitation sign, Scorpio, joining Sun and Saturn here. This combination increases struggle and suffering in the emotional body. Late morning Moon moves to Mitra's nakshatra, Anuradha. Reach out for resources and gain resiliency through connecting with others. Work with structure- internal and external. Allow space for spirit to enter, while also consciously working with emotional blockages and challenges. Find ways to keep arriving back in the body. Moon is now moving through the 14th phase or tithi and the inner realms are amplified. Go slow, be gentle and compassionate with yourself and others. On Thursday, Moon continue through its debilitation sign, increasing sensitivity and grief as it closely conjuncts Saturn. As Moon shifts into the final constellation of Scorpio, Jyeshtha, Indra steps in. He brings strength and sensitivity simultaneously- especially to the mental body and our senses. There is an intense uprooting happening in the mind right now. Trust this is a cycle of churning in order for hidden and unconscious parts of the mind to emerge on the surface. As the challenges are identified, they can be identified and released. Use resources like the Emotional Freedom Technique to support this release process. The new Moon arrives just as Friday morning begins. The new Moon is at 02:30 am PST while Moon is in Scorpio and Jyeshtha Nakshatra. Ketu gives his gaze while ruling planet of Scorpio, Mars, is in a tempestuous conjunction with Rahu. This waxing Moon cycle insists on balance- both inner and outer. The new balance arrives with ample changes and release. There will be tensions, confusion and uncertainty undermining the need for balance and extra support. This is a time of assessing issues and challenges with relationships, money, creativity, nourishment and comfort. Find ways to simplify and radically release the pains and pressures of desire; less is more. Sensitivity is at an all time high and self care is non-negotiable. Diligently check in with your four bodies- mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually in order to identify your needs. Find a new sense of resiliency and harmony in this cycle by cutting away and removing toxicity. This includes toxic relationships and people, as well as toxic behaviors and patterns within. Avoid excess sugars, intoxicants, indulgences and false comforts. Clean up your inner and outer life. Big movements and changes arrive- which may be sweeping, overwhelming and unpredictable. Trust that these sudden shifts are meant to help you release and let go of what no longer serves you in nourishing and supportive ways. Where are you clinging to the past unnecessarily? Who and what is keeping you locked in a false sense of security? How are your old, toxic patterns and behaviors emerging and showing you what must radically shift? Who is on your support team? What type of support systems do you have in place? Support and security go hand in hand. Both are essential for safety. Wherever there is a lack of stability, there is a lack of safety on some core level. Is it safe to be wealthy, comfortable, loved and nourished? Where are you resisting your basics needs because of old patterns and beliefs? Where do you feel unsafe to receive more nourishment for your life in deeper more fulfilling ways? It's time to radically uproot the mental body ground and till your inner soil. Pull up the weeds within the mind, re-write your inner stories and re-pattern the hidden agendas that self sabotage your growth, strength and progress. Now is the time to seek out more consistent support for your four bodies. Make sure you are getting your needs met on the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual body levels. Where are there holes in your support system? What new resources and support do you need? Ask for guidance, reach out and align with teachers, therapists, healers, spiritual teachers and coaches so your progress will be swifter. Be courageous and invite in the change. Just after noon, Moon jumps through the challenging gandanta (gap) between Scorpio and Sagittarius, landing in an often chaotic nakshatra, Mula. Underneath the chaos and turmoil is deep peace. Can you find it? Saturday, Moon transits Sagittarius, joining Mercury here. Both receive gaze from Jupiter and Mars. Can you activate your spiritual warrior? As Moon moves through Mula, a certain uprooting is taking place. The chaos and turmoil are here to increase the change and transformation process. Are you clinging and resisting or surrendering to the letting go process? Ease the suffering and step into radical release. Ask spirit to help you remove mental and emotional body blockages. How are you self sabotaging your progress? Just after noon, Moon shifts to PurvaAshada nakshatra and the water goddess arrives to support the release process. Cleanse, purify and let go through the support of your emotional body. Let tears help you cleanse and rejuvenate from the inside out. Sunday Moon continues to transit PurvaAshada nakshatra until midday. The cleansing continues. Use the support of water to assist this process. Soak in water, walk near water and purify your internal waters. Hit the re-fresh button and deepen your relationship with feelings and emotions. As the Moon shifts to UttaraAshada, the Vishvadevas arrive to support shining and being seen. How can you align with your spiritual warrior and step into your pure heart wisdom? Let spirit guide you into action and use your spiritual body as a potent resource for activating inner knowing and trust. Moon shifts to Capricorn early evening, receiving Rahu and Saturn's gaze. Powerful forces conjoin to increase change and momentum. How do you use this power? Moon continues to transit Capricorn and UttaraAshada until early afternoon on Monday. Align with purity and purpose today. Once Moon shift to Sravana, Vishnu arrives to help us expand and awaken with his dharmic forces. Challenge what you think is possible and open up all-possibilities for yourself and your life. Seek inner and outer harmony through knowledge and wisdom. Listen to positive messages and release the harmful and hurtful inner dialogue. Be conscious of what you say and how you say it. *All timing is given in Pacific Standard Time Zone. Need some extra guidance and clarity? I am scheduling January sessions. Schedule a session with me.
Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. This Week's Intention: Go slow and turn inward. Find soft landings and moments of joy. Fill your cup with embodied nourishment and trust your steps. The week begins with Moon finishing up its transit through Virgo, conjunct debilitated Venus, Mars and shadow planet Rahu. This crowded combination amplifies relationship work as well as money issues. Shadows with commodities and luxuries may surface. Moon is waning and has entered the 14th tithi the final phase before the new Moon or Amavasya. Diwali is under way and the festival of lights invites us to awaken and increase our inner brightness with the support of Lakshmi and her divine nourishment. With the debilitation of Venus, conjunct Rahu right now, it’s an ideal time to be working with obstacles and challenges connected to money, nourishment and vitality. What is keeping you in the dark? What needs to shift, change and transform in order for deeper support and stability? Transform darkness into light. Ready to transform your relationship with money and vitality? I've got a special Diwali offer for you. Get the Details. Monday continues the action-oriented power of Chitra and Vishvakarma. Ruling planet of Vishvakarma, Mars, may be pushing his agendas with force, anger, agitation and frustrations. Today, Mars and Rahu are in tight conjunction. Extra tenacity, force and strong convictions emerge. Notice where you are holding and resisting, keeping you from surrender. Attend to calculated, steady action steps. Where there is force, there will be frustration or challenge. Go slow and soften your steps today. Attend to physical body and self care attentively. Moon is moving into the final phase of the waning cycle. Turn your gaze inward and attend to your relationship with Self. Moon shifts into Libra late morning, joining debilitated Sun and Mercury here. Today is the third day in the Diwali celebration and is dedicated to Hanuman, the much loved and revered monkey god. His strength, and devotion to Lord Rama, are honored today. May we each awaken to the compassion, strength and love within us! Late Monday evening, Moon shifts to Swati Nakshatra, Vayu’s domain. Movement, shifts and changes arrive and winds pick up- inner and outer. What direction do they move you? Or do you stay rooted and grounded within? Tuesday, Moon continues to move through Swati nakshatra and the wind god, Vayu, invites in sweeping changes. Does he offer you gentle breezes or powerful gusts? Can you stay firmly planted or are you swept away with his powerful and mighty movement? Attend to your inner winds today. Align with prana diligently and attend to its messages. Harness these inner winds and you will maximize your power and vitality. Moon arrives into the 15th tithi, Amavasya, today and moves towards complete emptiness. Mars and Rahu still travel in close conjunction with debilitated Venus in Virgo with them as well. Relationships, money and comfort may feel charged and intense. Anger, fixation, one-pointedness can emerge. Notice where you can drop, release and change. Today, is the fourth day of Diwali. Light your lights! Ready to transform your relationship with money and vitality? I've got a special Diwali offer for you. Early Bird Price End on Tuesday! Get the Details. Just as Wednesday arrives, Moon shifts into Vishaka nakshatra and the dual god, Indragni expresses its support and co-creative energy. Connect, collaborate and share. Gather resources from others and find support in new ways. Today is Diwali! Celebrate life, vitality, light and wealth! Let Lakshmi nourish and support your with her many abundant gifts and resources! Read More. The new Moon is at 11:47 CST while Moon transits Libra and Vishaka nakshatra. Moon is conjunct debilitated Sun (as it always is during the new Moon) as well as Mercury. There is a gentleness and deeply inward focus for this new Moon. The natural tendency is to turn inward during the emptiness of Amavasya, but debilitated Sun amplifies this inward stroke. Physical and spiritual bodies request attention and focus. Meditate, spend time in nature and deepen embodiment. New harvesting may take place with your inner realms so be sure to make space for listening through pauses and contemplation. It's a powerful time to clean up and attend to unfinished business on the emotional, mental and physical body levels. Let spirit support you with these shifts and changes. Relationships and money are a big part of the transformations that are taking place during the new Moon and into the waxing cycle. Relationships and money are connected to Venus, who offers comfort, support and the necessary nourishment for life itself. Venus provides life support, shakti, and the necessary flow of love in order for us to connect and harmonize with life. We can't do this alone, it's a collaborative effort. Challenges, frustrations and blockages arrive to help you make adjustments and move towards new pathways of nourishment and support. What obstacles are you noticing? What is arriving that is asking you to take a deeper look? Attend to necessary changes and transformations at this time in order for more Venus support. Gather resources and tools to assist you with inner change. The critic will have an agenda all its own in the waxing cycle. It's focus and fixation needs a good rattling in order to soften and offer more flexibility. Notice where you are resisting and refusing. How is your rigidity serving you? More importantly, what does your critic need? It may be hiding behind protection or a false sense of safety. Let it come towards the light and invite it over for tea and scones. Deepen your relationship with your inner critic- including all the stories it kicks up around shoulds, have-to's, supposed to's and musts. These illusions need to be awakened and cleared in order for growth to take place. Where are you trapped, locked in to old patterns of being and believing? Now is the time to liberate yourself and remove the veils. Keep moving towards deeper and deeper nourishment- the kind that invites in safety and support, stability and inner knowing. You'll know this nourishment when you are embodied and the felt senses are enlivened. This is not something the mind can offer. Late evening on Wednesday, Moon shifts to its debilitation sign, Scorpio. Keep turning inward and attend to your inner landscape. Thursday, Moon continues through Scorpio and its debilitation here provokes inward focus, vulnerability and sensitivity. As moon conjuncts Saturn during this transit, attending to the emotional and physical bodies is vital. In the wee hours of the morning, Moon shifts to Anuradha nakshatra and moves closer to Saturn. Watch for depression, feelings of isolation, grief, release and letting go that may instigate inner sensitivity. Connect with friends for support and stay out of minor details. Don't get sucked into the little things, try to keep a big picture focus. Find soft landings in the physical body. Track sensations and keep coming back to the inner landscape of your being. Find sensations of comfort, support, safety and ease- even if there are overwhelming challenges elsewhere. Friday, Moon shifts to the last nakshatra of Scorpio early in the morning. As Moon transits through Jyeshtha, Indra arrives with his sensual support. His high level sensitivity provokes deep awareness on the sensorial level of our being. Rather than control and resistance of our senses, take a nourishing approach. How can you deepen your relationship with the sensations of your being? Rather than being ruled by these amazing human parts of the body, let them become resources for information, deepening nourishment and pathways to joy, balance and awakening. Less control, more compassion. Ready to transform your relationship with money and vitality? I've got a special Diwali offer for you. Doors close Friday! Get the Details. Mid morning on Saturday, Moon shifts into Sagittarius, crossing the tricky gap between watery Scorpio and fiery Sagittarius. Notice what is burning away and being released. As Moon arrives in Sagittarius, it lands in Mula, an often challenging and chaotic lunar constellation. Turmoil, shifts, changes and transformations are inevitable as this star pulls up roots and tills our inner soil. What are you gathering, bundling up- and how can you find a deeper release? Stand your ground. Find your center. Arrive in your core and avoid the overwhelm and challenges. Debilitated Sun and Mercury are in tight conjunction in the coming days. Mind is sharp, but possibly fried. Watch for overactive critic and excessive focus. Avoid burn out with extra self care, meditation and time in nature. Go slow and pause as much as possible. Sunday, Moon moves to PurvaAshada nakshatra, the domain of water goddess, Apas. Gain fluidity, flow and momentum today through attending to the emotional body. Harness its wisdom and creative forces by tapping into your feelings and attending to their messages. What is asking for your attention and intention? The mirror of money and relationships will provoke and instigate deeper inquiry. Pay attention to this awareness. Let passions stir nourishment and connection with desire and possibility. Sun and Mercury are still tightly conjunct, rendering the mental body combust, hot and fiery. Do less and accomplish more. Late morning on Monday, Moon moves to the latter half of the Ashada constellation, UttaraAshada, and the Vishva Devas arrive to lend their support and assistance. When we align with right action, dharma, Nature aligns to support us with her power and abundance. The All Gods, or Vishva Devas, who rule this nakshatra, remind us of this need. Natural Laws are the supreme laws of the universe and keep us connected to Source, our ultimate alignment with life and spirit. Make you actions count today. Notice where you may be out of integrity- with yourself and spirit. Make the necessary adjustments to get the power you seek. Where is ego pushing you away from Source? What stories in the mind are keeping you from ultimate nourishment and divine connection? With debilitated Sun and Mercury in exact conjunction today, mental body work is necessary. Clean up, purify and burn away illusions and old chitta vrittis, mind stuff. Purify and transform through right relationship with Self and life. Sun and Mercury make a frenzied shift into Scorpio almost simultaneously, on November 16th. More coming about this transit in my next post. Need some extra guidance and clarity? I am scheduling December sessions. Schedule a session with me.
Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. This Week's Intention: Deepen your connection with spirit and ritual. Invite in sacred inner attention. Honor silence and watch the mirror of life carefully. Monday arrives with a waning Moon transiting Chitra nakshatra. New Moon is Monday, October 12th at 19:05 CDT while Moon is in Virgo and Chitra Nakshatra. The new Moon arrives on the final day of Pitr Pakshu, a fifteen day celebration that honors the ancestors and increases their presence in our lives. The following day, October 13th, begins the nine day celebration of Navaratri. This is a sacred time of year- a gap between seasons- which is considered a sandhi time. The veil is very thin between realms and we can access our connection to inner wisdom and Nature more easily. The new Moon always encourages a more inward awareness. I encourage you to work with the intention of connecting with spirit and Nature's wisdom at this time, while also inviting in the power of the goddesses- Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati. This new Moon is a particularly complex one. As Moon arrives in Virgo, it joins shadow planet Rahu, as well as exalted Mercury and Sun here as well. Powerful depth is available to us, if we choose to navigate our inner terrain consciously. There is opportunity to transform old, mental body stories and bring them to the light for more awareness. A strong yet intimate dance between the mental body and the emotional body surfaces at this time. Wild stories and inner shadows may provoke strong emotional responses. This is a reminder to do personal development work- so that the illusions and imaginal realms can find clarity and more light. Do you stay in the dark or do you transform the darkness into light? The pain, struggles and obstacles are an illusion. Use them for awakening. Moon in Chitra nakshatra at the time of the new Moon invites in potent action steps and support for forward momentum in the coming cycle. Ruling deity Vishvakarma, is the "celestial architect" who loves to build methodically and count his action steps. Use the coming weeks, especially the sacred portal of Navaratri (October 13th to 22nd) to clarify your dharmic intentions. Who and what are you aligning with for greater power, support and nourishment? Cultivate presence with what is working and consciously attend to challenges and obstacles as these are resources in disguise. Ask for support and more connection. Your consistent, methodical action steps will take you far. Tuesday arrives and Moon moves from Chitra to Swati nakshatra late afternoon. The Navaratri festivities are well under way as we usher in the first full day dedicated to goddess Durga. Ruling Deity of Swati nakshatra, Vayu, the wind god, invites in swift movement and change. Whether it's a gentle breeze or huge gusts, winds of change are ushering in transformation. On this first day and night of Navaratri, notice what's arriving. I have noticed that the first three days of Navaratri initiate the changes and transformations we are working with in this release cycle. Often we must confront challenges and obstacles as a result. More nourishment and support is coming, but we can't receive it without this important step. What is arriving? What parts of your personal mythology are showing up as a mirror for you? Let Durga's fierce warrior energy initiate and provoke awareness. Emotionally, we may feel anger, pain, frustration or sadness emerge in the coming days. Physically we may need more rest or silence. Mentally we may need more inward reflection as well as time for meditation. Spiritually, we may need time with nature and to attend to rituals that help us land in deeper presence. Understand that this is a part of the change and transformation process. Where can you land into deeper presence with your needs? As you deepen your intention for this Navaratri celebration, find meaningful rituals for yourself that bring you closer to spirit. Listening to Durga mantras right now is excellent for inviting in her presence. Traditionally, listening to Chandi Path recitations is also encouraged. Moon continues to transit Swati nakshatra on Wednesday until evening when it arrives in Vishaka nakshatra. It is the second day of Navaratri and the second day dedicated to Ma Durga. Recite Durga mantras and listen to Chandi Path recitations for extra support. Today, use connection as a way to transform. Dual gods, Indra and Agni rule over Vishaka and instigate the need for partnership and co-creation. Agni, the ultimate transformational element provides the spark for change. What are you burning and releasing? Allow the strength of Indra to supply you with the strength you need to use the wisdom. Thursday continues with Vishaka's requests. Connect and collaborate, co-create and gain resources through networking and reaching out. What extra support do you need right now? It is the third day of Navaratri and the final of three dedicated to Ma Durga. Continue to use Durga mantras and Chandi Path recitations for extra support with transformation and change. As afternoon arrives, Moon moves into its debilitation sign, Scorpio, joining Saturn here. Notice depression, the need for silence and any grief emerging. Don't push, go slow and allow extra time for activities. Mars gives his drishti as does Ketu. Anger, agitation, frustrations and emotional outbursts may be arriving. How can you attend to your emotional body needs for expression, movement and release? As Moon shifts to Anuradha nakshatra late in the evening, find ways to get extra physical support. Rest, restore and honor your physical body's needs. Listen carefully for messages. Discover how your jyotish chart is the ultimate healing and and awakening resource. Join my Jyotish Basics Class Study Group. Get the Details. Friday carries through themes of a debilitated, aggravated Moon as well as Anuradha's nature. Today is the fourth day of Navaratri and the first of three dedicated to Maha Lakshmi. Recite Lakshmi mantras and listen to Chandi Path recitations for extra support. Let nourishment be a theme for you in the coming days. How can you allow in more nourishment and support for yourself on the four levels of your being- mental, emotional, physical and spiritual? Allow friends to be a resource of support and reach out to those who can walk with you, but not force their agendas upon you. What does support feel like in your body? What body part is a resource for you to befriend right now as a way to deepen your own inner support and stability? Just before midnight Moon shifts to Jyeshtha nakshatra, Indra's domain. Sun is at the very edge of Virgo, preparing to move into its debilitation sign, Sun. Be gentle with body and spirit right now. Go slow and listen carefully. Saturday is the fifth day of Navaratri and the second of three dedicated to Maha Lakshmi. Themes of nourishment, health, vitality and wellness intensify. The waxing Moon transits Indra's nakshatra, Jyeshtha, today. The mental body is activated and enlivened. Mercury, the symbol of our mental body, is currently exalted, conjunct Sun and Rahu. It's an ideal time to be working with shadow and light and the old programming in the mind- that which keeps us from being in the light. Make self development work and self care a strong priority today. Move towards the nourishment. Use Lakshmi mantras and Chandi Path recitations for increasing Lakshmi's abundant support and vitality. Sun shifts to Libra, its debilitation sign, at 11:23 and will be here until November 16th. Our light source will be dimmed and vulnerable in this cycle. It is not a time to push or force actions, outcomes or agendas. Notice where you are forcing, self isolating or staying in the dark. For the majority of the signs, it is a rest cycle and must be treated as such. It's a time for inward introspection and attending to your inner needs. The physical body will require gentleness, extra support and smaller, quieter attention. We will all need to ask for support and gather extra resources at this time. Notice where there are holes in your self care and what is asking for your attention. The gift in this fragile transit is more receptivity. Do you take the time to listen and hear its messages or cut and paste over them with business, force or bypassing? The emotional body will also require extra listening and release during this cycle, so let the physical body be a resource for attending to feelings carefully. Spiritual receptivity will be alive and awakened, but only for those who create the space to hear. Inner work will be potent at this time so call upon extra support and use your resources for transformation, healing and change diligently. Diving within will allow you to increase creativity and life force energy in the coming months. Ingenuity, entrepreneurialism and innovation will be served from meditation, retreats and alone time. The body can get drained and experience burn out more easily at this time. Less is more- on all levels. Go slow and attend to the wisdom moving through you. Work with shadow issues and inner darkness. Honor your steps. Sunday arrives with Moon jumping into Sagittarius. This is a delicate gandanta between water (Scorpio) and fire (Sagittarius). As Moon lands in this Jupiter ruled sign, it arrives in Mula nakshatra. This is a challenging constellation, one that amplifies chaos and calamity. Its ruler, Nirrti, is a dark goddess that pulls one off the path of truth, dharma and purpose. She does it by stripping you of trust and stability, leaving you raw and fragile. Simultaneously there is a lot of spiritual potential in this star. From challenge and obstacles, come great strength, vision and purpose. How do you use your misfortune? Where are the gifts? Are you available to receive? Find your gratitude and walk with it closely today. Notice where you're addicted to your own darkness. It's the sixth day of Navaratri and the final day dedicated to Lakshmi. Use Lakshmi mantras and Chandi Path recitations for increasing nourishment and support. Make self care a priority to increase her health giving potency. During the early hours of Monday morning, Moon shifts to PurvaAshada nakshatra. The water goddess, Apas, arrives to re-fill our cup. Invite in receiving of abundance, creativity, receptivity and emotional body wisdom. As the Navaratri celebrations continue to unfold, deepen you attention and intention during this sacred time. What are you releasing? What are you inviting in? What is arriving? Monday begins the first of three days dedicated to Maha Saraswati. Her wisdom, creative potency and nourishment through spiritual resources can be a powerful guide right now. Use Saraswati mantras to connect with her gifts as well as Chandi Path recitations for support with transformation. * Timing used is Pacific Daylight Time. Discover how your jyotish chart is the ultimate healing and and awakening resource. Join my Jyotish Basics Class Study Group. Get the Details.
Need some extra guidance and clarity? I am scheduling November sessions. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. |
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