{Weekend} Moon Mind
1.18 Moon moves from its own sign of Cancer and Ashlesha nakshatra, to Leo and Magha nakshatra at 7:26 am CST. Magha is ruled by Pitr which is connected to the ancestors and those who have come before us- especially the father's lineage. (Pitr is part of the root word for paternal). Today is a day of remembrance and honor. This nakshatra reminds us to pause and give gratitude for all those who have come before us and what has transpired in order to get us to this point, this moment right now. Without the efforts of our ancestors, we wouldn't exist, nor would we have the awareness that we do at this moment in time. Light a candle on your altar today for those who have come before and give your gratitude. Some may wake up Saturday morning with sudden insight, ideas or flashes of awareness. These flashes may continue at times through out the day. Keep a pad and paper handy to write down your thoughts. Sun has gained some strength now so capitalize on this and gain some momentum, action and prosperity. Effort and perseverance will get you far today. Watch for temper, rigidity and ego however. 1.19 Moon is in Leo and moves to Purvaphalguni at 10:07 am CST which is ruled by Bhaga and the planet Venus. Bhaga rules over prosperity luck and fortune. He is one of the twelve Adityas who all bring their sustenance to us, but each in a different way. Bhaga also helps us with love and marriage, pleasure and sexuality. Passionate creative acts such as art, dance and music are enlivened through Bhaga help as well. Bhaga nourishes our relationships- with Self, others and life, but doesn't necessarily sustain them (that happens through Aryaman and Uttaraphalguni which comes after Purvaphalguni in the cosmic organization of things). Today is a day of enjoyment, connection and creation. Move with it and let it move you. With retrograde Venus receiving drishti from both Saturn and Mars in Sagittarius (ruled by Jupiter who is currently retrograde as well) it may be a day where we are asked to work on our relationships as well. Spend quality time with your lover, family or friends. Be open and receptive without giving advice. Watch out for unsolicited advice from others! There will likely be plenty of it. Art and creative process will not be a waste of time. Channel your frustrations into your art. A perfect day for some Creative Engagement (see below).
Moon Mind :::
Tuesday 10.1, Wednesday 10.2 Moon transits Leo in Magha nakshatra. Ruled by Pitr, this nakshatra is connected to the ancestors, and often specifically the father. Today, honor your ancestors, your lineage and those who have walked before you- either by silent remembrance, or through elaborate displays of gratitude. Venus is sandhi (transiting the gap) and in Vishaka nakshatra still. Indragni rules this nakshatra and reminds us of our altar offerings, alchemy, transformation and the spark of fire that creates life giving change. Avoid heavy foods today and excess sweets. Burn a candle on your altar and invoke the gratitude for your full range of experience in life. This is a grande lila- life drama, and we have a cast of characters to work with. Moon moves to Purvaphalguni in the early morning on 10.2 as Venus shifts into Scorpio and debilitated Mars goes sandhi. Relationships, sexuality, sustaining our relations, and our karmic patterns take center stage and will be a theme during Venus's transit through Scorpio this month. Be aware that hidden, suppressed and forgotten parts of ourselves will be at the root of our concerns and calamities. Are you willing to do the work to uncover the mysteries? To peel back another layer of the veil? To experience your full range of emotion and your love debts in order to advance? Now is the time to be courageous in your pursuit of self- liberation. There is no hiding from the truth, but we can still dance with compassion for ourselves and others. Moon Mindfulness ::: Mind Your Moon
04.04.13 Moon traveling through Sravana nakshatra in Capricorn. Moon is waning (dark half) in the 10th Tithi: Dasami. Both Sravana and Dasami are ruled over by the moon. This brings an element of nurturing, change, movement, socializing, and creativity to the day. Vishnu is the presiding deity for Sravana and is considered the "all-pervader" because, like Akasha (space), he exists everywhere. Akasha and Vishnu are both connected to dharma. Vishnu is the Gopa (protector) who upholds the dharmic knowledge and Akasha is the element through which the knowledge is transmitted and heard. Sravana nakshatra is therefor very fond of ancient knowledge and the teachings of lineage. Use today for expanding your vision, your thoughts and mind. Listen for the insights and note how they come to you. What is the Source? How is it being transmitted? With Capricorn's ruler being Saturn, who is currently sitting with Rahu, both in Libra, this will impact your intellect today. Insights, expansion and new perspectives may be gifts coming to you from the Ancestors. Be sure to thank them. |
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