This Week's Intention: Stay close to your heart and emotional body wisdom this week. Honor your steps, but go slow and be steady. What is your intention for action and movement? Let your momentum come from this place. It is a new Moon week. The Moon is waning, turning inward, becoming dark and empty. As the Moon tides soften and become still, as does your emotional body. Pause more. Listen carefully and honor the wisdom coming from your soft, inner landscape. With this new Moon, the two week eclipse portal between lunar and solar eclipses also begins. Monday, August 29th Moon in 13th tithi Trayodasi Monday begins with Moon moving into Pushya nakshatra and its own sign Cancer. Pushya, the nourishing star, is Brihaspati's domain. As a personification of Jupiter, Brihaspati brings learning, knowledge and wisdom as well as support. For the full version sign up for my membership. * All timing is in Mountain Daylight Time. To determine the current nakshatra for your time zone, add or subtract time based on your distance to Mountain Time. Join me for a *free* 14 day Emotional Body Challenge!
I'll be sharing special resources for creating a deeper relationship with your emotions and inner landscape. Get the Details
This Week's Intention: Find ways to drop into your depths and ground within, while surrendering to the many changes happening- inner and outer. Gather extra resources and support to hold you. Where can you let go and lighten your load? Moon is waxing and energy is increasing within your inner realms. The week begins with winter Solstice (Northern Hemisphere) marking the darkest day of the year. Despite the waxing Moon, it is an inward time on multiple levels. As our light source reaches its darkest point, our inner light also weakens and is fragile, increasing a sense of vulnerability. Allow for more silence and longer pauses, more time outdoors and more self care. This is a wild week! There will be three planetary shifts, an intense full Moon and Rahu and Ketu moving to their sandhi degrees while Jupiter continues to move closer to the edge of Leo. Extra care and caution are necessary with all the movement and shifts happening back to back. Be diligent with your self tracking and gather extra resources, guidance and support right now. Early Monday morning, Moon shifts to Bharani- offering possible restriction, constriction and difficulties with relationships and money. This is a reminder to find more balance with both. Where are you out of alignment and not in right relationship with wealth and love? Where are you giving too much and neglecting deeper needs? Where are you starving yourself for false gratification? Say yes to nourishment by aligning with love, gratitude, creativity and your passion for life. Keep it simple and let go of the extras, the distractions, the false nourishment that keeps you in lack. Say yes to your transformation and allow in new possibilities. As winter Solstice arrives, the darkness deepens. Light your lights and call upon the Sun to bring you resources for growth and healing. Winter Solstice occurs for the Northern Hemisphere (Summer Solstice for the Southern Hemisphere) on December 21st at 08:49 PST, marking the shortest and darkest day of the year, as well as the official start of winter. The winter months bring increased soma, more ability to resource from within, while helping us clear away what doesn't nourish or support our growth. It is a cycle of death, release and endings. As the new year approaches, it's an excellent time to start clarifying intentions for what you are gathering and carrying with you for the year to come, while honoring your inner needs and extra self care. Meditate, increase physical activity, stay warm, eat simple, light foods. Carefully keep your agni stoked with right diet, routine and lifestyle. Keep it simple. Less is more. Tuesday, Moon shifts to Krittika nakshatra early morning, stirring Agni, the fire of life. Chaos and calamity may increase today as the ruling planet of this nakshatra, Sun, transits the unstable constellation, Mula. Pull up the weeds in your life and throw them onto the compost pile. Seek clarity, purification and transformation. Late morning, Moon shifts to Taurus, it's sign of exaltation. Saturn gives his gaze, increasing depression, sadness, slowness and frustrations, while Rahu's gaze amplifies this. Expect big emotions to surface today. Do you invite them in or suppress them? How do you surf these tides? Where do you need healthier boundaries? What resources are necessary as you move forward? Rahu and Ketu move into the two degree range, becoming sandhi- or in the gap between signs. Rahu will move to Leo on January 30th and Ketu will move into Aquarius. This marks a delicate, transitional time with your shadows and your liberation process. Gather your resources and support for the months ahead. I'll be sharing more details about theses transits in the next few weeks. Wednesday, Moon continue through Taurus transiting its mulitrikona degrees. The emotional body is still sensitive today as Saturn shares his direct gaze to the Moon. A certain intensity may be felt with Rahu's shadowy stare as well. Just as the day begins, Moon shifts to Rohini nakshatra and creativity is sparked. Make time for movement, dance, drawing, painting and honoring your creative life force energy. What types of nourishment are you creating for yourself? Contain it! As the Moon enters the 14th tithi, almost completely full, Mars finally leaves its challenging conjunction with Rahu behind. On December 23rd at 15:46 PST, Mars lands in Libra for an almost two month transit, staying here until February 20th. Intense creative sparks will fly in this cycle. Prepare to maximize this time by carving out designated time and space for your creative endeavors. Seek to balance and harmonize masculine and feminine forces within. Masculine energy is product oriented, which Mars is extremely well suited for. However, the feminine energy of Libra supports flow, fluidity, movement and strong creative pulls. Both are essential, yet the tendency in our Western-centric culture is to neglect our feminine needs. Be sure to honor your feminine side with ample pauses, time in nature, rest, meditation, extra self care and creative activities. Emphasize process rather than product in this cycle in order to deepen nourishment and cultivate more presence with your creative potential. On the other hand, harness the creative energy and contain it for manifesting desires consciously. Use this Mars in Libra cycle to harmonize and balance the emotional body. Some of this comes through grief and purging the internal waters, honoring your inner tides and letting them flow more fluidly. Cry and laugh, seek joy yet attend to the pain and struggles. Lean into your challenges, the pain, the hurts and struggles. Massage them with your tears and let your emotional body flow more freely. Let the healing in. Find the balms that soothe your scars. Balance inner and outer realms, past and present, pain and happiness. Stand in the center of your polarities and stabilize through your pelvic wisdom. Soften and awaken your heart center; channel your inner knowing. Let it guide you towards trust, truth and awakening. Walk your path of dharma with conviction and purpose. Don't bow, bend or back down. The stakes are too high- and getting higher. Not yet sure what your dharmic work is? Lean into your suffering and let your wounds become your gifts. Minutes before midnight, Moon moves to Mrigashirsha nakshatra. Find the soma. Venus moves to the edge of Libra, preparing to shift into Scorpio. Feelings, wealth, health, relationships and comforts are fragile. Thursday arrives and Moon continue through the realm of Soma, Mrigashirsha nakshatra. What resources can you use to deepen your inner stability and support right now? Midday, Moon moves to Gemini and receives gaze from Mercury and Sun. Do you feel the scrutiny? The critic? The task master? This narrow focus can increase the sense of chaos and confusion within. Find ways to ground and stabilize. Use self care to come back to center. Before midnight, Moon shifts to Ardra nakshatra, increasing volatile emotions and feelings. How can you create more safety and support for yourself? Be mindful of excess at this time and notice where you are suppressing your needs. Healthy boundaries are a must. The Moon is full and potent right now. Track the emotional body diligently. Mercury is at the edge of Sagittarius and has entered its sandhi degrees. The mind and all things Mercury are fragile. Pay attention to communications, creativity, writing, commerce and connections. Friday arrives with yet another planetary shift. Just hours before the full Moon on the 25th, Venus slips into Scorpio, joining Saturn here at 01:25 am PST. This transit amplifies themes around creativity and the emotional body- for those willing to dive into their dark matter. With Venus in Scorpio (Mars' sign) Mars in Libra (Venus's sign) there is an exchange between fire and water that occurs. Use this for momentum and propelling yourself forward. Emotional intensity is a given in this month long cycle so make sure to gather ample resource for grounding, landing and also moving the emotional body more fluidly. Grief amplifies, yet as mentioned previously, this is a necessity for cultivating deeper balance and inner harmony. The extent to which you can cultivate presence, surrender and balance with your sadness and joy, heavy parts and light parts, darkness and light, is the extent in which you can receive more nourishment. Suppressing your grief will only keep you further away from that which you truly long for- life force energy. Where are you resisting your darkness? How can you lean into your shadows more intimately? What compassion can you give yourself in the process? Where are you stuck and where do you need more support, guidance and help? Use your creativity, the arts and courage to cultivate deeper presence with your sorrows. Find balance with your story by writing about it as well as dancing, drawing or making music with it. The Saturn and Venus conjunction requests you get embodied and ground your knowing into physical body presence. Or perhaps you start with the pathway of the body and let its innate knowing seep into your mental body awareness? What are you moving? What is moving through you? What is moving you forward, awakening your core? Don't back down. Activate with this intensity, but resource your self with powerful presence simultaneously. Step into an embodied, empowered state. Where do you feel your power landing within? Resource from here. Just hours after Venus shifts into the deep and mysteries sign of Scorpio, the full Moon arrives. For many around the world who celebrate Christmas, this full Moon may feel especially potent. The Moon is at its fullest at 03:10 am PST on the 25th, while Moon transits Gemini and Ardra nakshatra. There is a certain emotional tenacity in this cycle which must be acknowledged and managed with intention and care. Ardra is known for its outbursts, over-active emotional body, ferocity, anger and destructive tendencies. Go into this waning cycle knowing that the emotional body will need your extra attention. Arm yourself with resources, guidance, therapeutic tools and wisdom. The cycle to come brings intense change, calamity and turmoil in varying forms. It's a time of liberating the shadow and bringing parts of ourselves to the light for greater healing. Trust the intensity has something important to share with you. What is the mirror being shown? What reflection is being presented? Do you like what you see? What changes and adjustments need to be made? What support do you need in order to find greater ease, strength and stability? How can you deepen self trust, resiliency and a sense of thriving? Where do you need to hit the release valve and just blow off some steam? Destruction is a necessary part of growth and the creative process. What needs to be destroyed in order to make space for more nourishing and supportive relationships and experiences? For many, the holiday time period (pre, during and post) can be highly charged- amplifying destructive tendencies. Be mindful of healthy boundaries with family members and friends. Be aware of excess- whether it's too much time with others, over-indulgences with food, sweets, alcohol and intoxicants, or over-spending. Watch addictions and addictive behaviors in yourself and others. Where are you playing the victim and returning to cycles of self-sabotage? Gather a team of support around yourself in order to remind yourself of intentions for balance and stability. Above all, use self care to bolster your inner reserves. Attend to your needs on all four levels of your being- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Rest and restore. Just before midnight, the Moon shifts into Punarvasu nakshatra, which offers Aditi's resources and support. Allow her to nourish you with wisdom and understanding in the coming days. Saturday, Moon moves through Aditi's constellation, Punarvasu and Mercury's sign, Gemini. Find ways to expand your awareness and wisdom today. Let this bring you some compassion and self trust, perhaps stability. The mind is fragile as Mercury changes signs today. Attend to the mental body and communications diligently. Mid afternoon, Saturday, Moon moves into its own sign, Cancer. Ketu gives his gaze, provoking sudden awareness and spiritual messages. As Saturday closes, Moon shifts into Pushya nakshatra, the nourishing star. Seek balance. Mercury moves to Capricorn at 09:58 am PST, an amicable sign for him. Multiple gazes are given to Mercury, stirring the mind and provoking textures in the mental body landscape. Saturn, Mars and Rahu give their drishti to Mercury, instigating tension and frustrations. This is a time to seek balance in your momentum. Leap and land carefully- and with intention. Desires may be strong and intense on the mental body level. Are these desires controlling you? Find ways to soften and surrender. The tension between Saturn (stop, slow) and Mars (go, fast) is intensified by Rahu (the amplifier). Capricorn's nature is to push really hard, overwork and to tenaciously take on a challenge. Are you biting off more than you can chew? Saying yes when you really need to say no? Find ways to delegate, get extra support and notice where you invite in overwhelm. This is often a strategy for self sabotage, perpetuating cycles of "not being enough" or "not doing good enough". Remember that challenges are an opportunity to notice what needs to change or shift within us or our choices. What needs to change in order for smoother sailing? As Mercury continues to move through the constellation Uttarashada, the Vishvadevas provoke some stability and balance for the mind while inviting in some peace and inner joy. On January 5th, Mercury goes retrograde for three weeks until January 25th. He will then travel back through the domain of the Vishvadevas, returning to Sagittarius just minutes after the 14th arrives. As he lands back into Sagittarius, he runs right into the Sun, rendering him combust and in exact conjunction with the heat of fire itself. The mind will be hot, agitated and fragile leading up to and after this transit so be mindful of your thoughts, words and actions. Sun and Mercury pass and begin to separate as Mercury retreats back through Sagittarius and the Sun moves forward into Capricorn. Retrograde Jupiter now gives his gaze to Mercury, softening and stabilizing the mind, yet provoking growth and wisdom in ways that may arrive as challenges and learning curves. Mercury moves back into the first portion of the Ashada constellation, Purva on the 17th and Apas arrives with her watery ways to increase flow, fluidity and movement. With the conjunction of Venus and Mercury at this time, a powerful creative energy may be felt. Use this creativity for movement, change and supporting transformation. Mercury won't arrive back into Capricorn until February 8th, when he will ask you to revisit themes around forcing outcomes and pushing hard to achieve. Where can you surrender and release? During this entire dance of the mind and its intense movements and changes, Rahu and Ketu will be shifting simultaneously into new signs for the next year and a half. This increases the instability and fragile nature of the transits and your personal experiences. This is a time for extra self care, guidance and resources that provide stability, support and clarity. It's also important to get extra planetary support through yagyas. Sunday, Moon travels through Pushya nakshatra and requests stability, support and balance. Ketu's gaze on the Moon helps the heart and emotional body clear and cut blockages, restrictions. Let him help you increase liberation by removing the rubble that is closing the heart center. Use the rhythm of your heart to find your own pulse, your own beat. What song are you singing? How do your steps match your inner beat? Get clear on your emotional body needs. Ground, land, settle. Resource from your inner knowing and awaken your inner trust. Late evening, Moon shifts into the final constellation of Cancer, Ashlesha. Stay out of the illusion. Monday begins with a waning Moon moving through the 4th tithi (Moon phase). Find ways to contain and hold yourself with comfort and support. As Moon continues through Cancer and Ashlesha nakshatra, Sarpa brings illusions and deception to the foreground. Are you stuck in the shadow? Where can you shine more light on your darkness? Your emotional body can give you the necessary messages for increasing the light within. It is your barometer for wellness, for how well your needs are being met. Where do you need more support, new resources, extra self care? What changes need to be made in order for your inner nourishment to increase? It's a time of change and making new choices in order for new and different results in the weeks and months to come. Start now. *All timing is given in Pacific Standard Time Zone. Ready to make the New Year a powerful and potent year? Get some extra guidance and support from me. I am scheduling January sessions. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. Have You Heard?! My work is shifting starting January 2016. As the new year begins, I'll be sharing a new session structure with you, plus a new website and membership only features. Please read for details. Over the past year, I've seen the effects of my work increase with those clients who have committed to my consistent support. Clients that return for multiple sessions, use my resources, support, guidance and tools consistently, and are dedicated to personal development, healing and transformation experience lasting changes. My work is best used in concentrated and consistent doses- in order for lasting, sustainable results. As a result, I'll be sharing new session packages in order to give you extra support, resources and concentrated guidance. Packages that maximize your results and give you the value you deserve- in order for faster, lasting, life changing results. *** This means I will only be offering very limited sessions for new clients and those return clients who only book individual sessions. *** My work is best suited to those who are truly committed to consistent action steps and those who want immediate results. And.... The New Year will also bring a brand new website with better features. Please note that the way I share my content and classes is also changing in order to support your growth and change process more powerfully. My website will be Membership Only starting in January in order for you to get more resources in effective and potent ways. I'll be sharing more about these big changes in the coming weeks so make sure you're on my newsletter list for the details. Exciting things are on the horizon for Swati Jr Jyotish!!! Thank you for making 2015 an amazing year. Looking forward to giving you even more resources, support and nourishment in the coming year. Sign up for my newsletter and get all the details. This Week's Intention: Let your inner waters create and flow, move and transform. Find ways to land and ground, while reaching up and out- extending your reach. Seek harmony, integration and balance for your four bodies- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Moon is waning, Venus has just moved to its own sign, Libra, yet the tenacity of Mars and Rahu in Virgo continues. The Saturn, Sun and Mercury conjunction continues to play out until Saturday when Mercury shifts to Sagittarius. Movement, fluidity, creativity and relationships invite in change and transformation. Monday begins with themes of balance and harmony as Moon moves through Pushya nakshatra. Venus is weak and vulnerable in degrees so tend to the relationship with self and others cautiously. After noon, Moon shifts to Ashlesha nakshatra and inner illusions amplify. Use resources and tools to work directly with the mental and emotional bodies. Consciously work with shadows and the critical mind. Drop into your heart and notice where you are stuck in judgement and critical thought. Deepen compassion for self and others. Tuesday begins with Moon still moving through its own sign, Cancer, while in Ashlesha nakshatra. Sarpa continues to manipulate the mental body and calls for increased awareness with matters of the mind. Mid afternoon, Moon leaps into Leo and lands in Magha nakshatra. Power, ego and force increase as well as ancestral matters. Ask for guidance and support. Venus begins to strengthen in Libra which helps to soften judgement, rigidity and self-righteousness. Notice where mental tenacity is over powering you. How can you release the mind and land in your body? Meditate and find time to be in nature. Moon continues through Magha on Wednesday. Let spiritual resources provide extra support and ask the ancestors to help you with your needs and desires. Land back in your power and notice resources that help you bolster your sense of self and well being. Early evening, Moon shifts to the Phalguni constellation, landing in Purvaphalguni. Increased potency, life force energy and creative forces begin to flow. What relationships are nourishing you? What relationships need to be released? How can your creative life force energy help you increase resiliency and inner strength? Thursday continues with Moon moving through Purvaphalguni nakshatra. Resource yourself with joy, connection, relationships, sensuality and artistry. Let this be the balm that heals your heart and helps you land in your power and purpose. Seek nourishment and stability, balance and integration. Where does the critic keep you from getting your needs met? How do rigidity and resistance keep you stuck, constricted and in constant conflict with yourself and others? Moon shifts to the latter half of the Phalguni constellation later in the evening. As Moon arrives in Uttarphalguni, it conjuncts Jupiter exactly. Swells and increases are to be expected on the emotional and spiritual body levels. Watch the critic actively and gather resources from its precision. Where does it support you? Where does it keep you from your power? Just as Friday morning begins, the Moon shifts to Virgo, joining Rahu and Mars here. Shadows and illusions intensify today, helping us to identify inner challenges. Look for resources within the rubble. The critic continues to be a central focus, inviting us to look at parts of ourselves that we may not like or have pushed away unconsciously. Do you lash out at others? Play the victim? Keep giving your power away? Use anger and resentment to vindicate others? Notice where you need more light and life. Where are you hurting yourself with rigidity and righteousness? Just before midnight, Moon shifts to Hasta nakshatra. Let the light in and make room for the dawn to arrive. Where are you shining your light? Saturday Moon continues through Hasta nakshatra. Savitr brings increased light and awareness but it may come through challenges, obstacles, pains and suffering instead. These are the places you need to be cracked open, places within that need more light. The pain forces us to put our attention here and notice what isn't working. From here, gather resources, support, guidance and wisdom to transform and heal. Mercury moves to Sagittarius on December 5th at 22:16 PST, leaving the conjunction of Saturn and Sun in Scorpio behind. This eases the mental body pressures on multiple levels and gets the mind out of the dark depths of our subconscious. Mercury in Sagittarius offers spiritual support and transformation for our mental body blockages. This may feel like a welcomed relief after the many months of intensity and identifying deep, dark inner challenges and blockages. Certain challenges will continue for the mind in this cycle to come if you resist surrender and awakening to your deeper purpose and meaning. If you force outcomes or objectives, there will be intensification. When ego gets in the way of your awakening process, there will be frustrations, obstacles and excess inner heat. Notice when the fire is scorching you. Where can you let go and let spirit guide you? Creativity is at an all time high, with maximum flow and fluidity moving through the hands. Intentionally channel this creative life force energy through the arts, music, writing and co-creation. Courageously step into community, relationship and support systems that nourish and increase a sense of safety and support within. Seek balance with inner and outer and express your needs clearly. Self care and deep inner nourishment are essential at this time. Be mindful of what you put into your body and what comes out of it- through words, actions, expression, etc. What relationships and environments feel nourishing? Which ones do not? Get clear on what works for your mind, body, heart and spirit. Remove and let go of all that is draining you, making you feel heavy. Find healthy boundaries within your life. Simplify the heart and home. Clear away old karmic patterns. Where is the ego resisting and holding you back? How is the mental body ruling your life and choices? Orient yourself towards feelings and sensations. Let this honest wisdom determine your choices and actions. This is a time of creating radical inner and outer balance. Be courageous with your intentions. Gather support, guidance, knowledge and wisdom to assist your efforts. Above all, land in your gut and let your core values determine what you need. Ask your ancestors, father, gurus and guides for extra support. Let spirit into your life in new ways. Spread your wings, extend your reach and find new flight patterns. Moon moves to the final nakshatra of Virgo, Chitra, just as Sunday morning begins. This nakshatra provides momentum, action steps and the ability to build. Use your light and awareness to visualize your dreams, goals and desires. Then take an action step that supports these visions materializing. Moon shifts to Libra late afternoon, joining Venus here. There is sensitivity, as well as grace, fluidity and artistry enlivened in the coming days. Channel this effectively through the arts. Let the pelvis be a stabilizing force for you- a way to help you land and ground. Midmorning Monday, Moon moves to Swati nakshatra and joins Venus in exact conjunction. Inner and outer winds intensify. What direction are you moving? Can you stay grounded even in the midst of these strong winds? Creative flow is increasing. Catch the wave with intention and harness the creative powers within. *All timing is given in Pacific Standard Time Zone.
Need some extra guidance and clarity? I am scheduling January sessions. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. This Week's Intention: Continue to land in your heart wisdom and lean into compassion. Crack open judgments and resistance to nourishment. Simplify. It's a full Moon week and the emotional body is powerfully charged. Can you feel the white capped waves increasing, reaching their peak within you? Relationships, creativity, finances and life force energy make a radical shift towards deeper balance, as Venus moves to its own sign, Libra, on Sunday. Many will feel the release arrive next week as all things Venus seek more stability and harmony in the next cycle. The week begins with a fresh start as Moon arrives into the first sign of the zodiac, Aries. Monday, allow the vulnerability of beginnings settle in as you move through your day. There's a freshness, a vitality, an awakening and enlivening occurring. Calculate your steps and be poignant in your choices. Attend to rejuvenation and revitalization. Awaken and refresh yourself with new actions. Declare your inner power and orient yourself around this core of truth within. Mars gives his gaze to the Moon today. Take the passion into action. If you are feeling anger stir, notice where you need to create healthier boundaries. What does your anger need? Lean in and listen carefully. Late evening, Moon shifts to Bharani nakshatra. Vulnerability and ferocity arrive simultaneously. Where do you land? Moon continues to transit Bharani nakshtara on Tuesday. Yama brings his transformational energy and invites in deep changes. Relationships and money are vulnerable right now and today amplifies this fragility. What are the challenges forcing you to look at? What are you resisting or refusing to see? What is your anger telling you about your needs? Let the passion out of its hiding place and invite it to stoke your inner flames. Get clear on what you need for deeper nourishment. Ask for your needs to be met. Early evening, Moon arrives in the 15th tithi, Purnima, and Krittika nakshatra. The fullness is here. Can you feel the swell within? Just as Wednesday begins, Moon hops into Taurus, rendering him exalted and 100% energized. Continuing through Krittika nakshatra still, Agni arrives with his purifying potency to help us clean, clear and purify. Full Moon is Wednesday November 25th at 14:43 PST while Moon is in Taurus and Krittika Nakshatra. Moon is in its Mulitrikona degrees at the time of the full Moon. This placement exemplifies the feeling nature of the Moon and can increase emotions and stronger emotional body experiences as a result. Moon also receives gaze from four planets- Sun, Saturn and Mercury, all in Scorpio. Rahu also gives his shadowed gaze from Virgo. Venus gives its influence as ruling planet of Taurus. A range of offerings arrive with this motley mix of energy upon the Moon. As Moon is highly receptive, it feels the ripples of these other planetary energies very acutely. There's a certain contraction and sadness that arrives, though likely connected to the mental body and old stories re-emerging to taunt and haunt. Simultaneously a powerful inner force and courageous spirit is present, which may help support movement, momentum and change. Rahu brings a sense of confusion, uncertainty and challenge with his gaze, while influencing relationships and our experience with others. How can you keep landing in your body and align with your core? What are the essential values that you hold dear? Use them as a tuning fork. Agni, the ruling deity of Krittika nakshatra, is a powerful transformational energy. He brings change and alchemy with him. His fire brings new results and helps us release the old. There is certain movement and momentum given with the energy of Agni. He is a powerful resource for digestion, assimilation and deep nourishment of life. In the waning cycle to come, digestion is a crucial and potent area of focus. Attending to the fire of life- on all four levels of our being- is essential. Are you attending to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies with intention? Where are there holes in your self care? Agni can help us digest and assimilate experiences of life, in order for us to extract the finest by-product of well being, which is ojas. If any system of the body is overwhelmed, over loaded, it will not be able to support assimilation of nutrients. Stoking the wisdom of Agni with gentle intention, attending to a slow, consistent flame, is the most sustainable. When we douse this fragile inner flame with too much of anything, our pilot light goes out. Agni exists on multiple levels of our being to help us digest mentally, emotionally, physically and even spiritually. Use this cycle to attend to your inner light with deep care. Go slow, pause, turn inward and align with your needs. Attend to self care diligently and get plenty of rest. Let rejuvenation be a primary focus as the light dims for the Northern Hemisphere and the winter months ask us to retreat within. Put maximum attention on inner nourishment. Pay attention to what goes into your body and what comes out of it. Watch your words and clean up your diet and the company you keep. Where are you perpetuating over-stimulation, over activity? Where are you not in right relationship with your needs, healthy boundaries and self care? Fresh starts abound in this cycle so pay close attention to what you are actually putting into motion and beginning. Are you really making progress with new steps and extra support, guidance and resources? Or are you pretending to make change using old patterns and unconscious actions? It is vital that the changes begin from your depths, below the surface and through inner work. The awareness you gain from self development work and shining the light on your darkness, will maximize and mobilize you into powerful actions with lasting effects. Work directly with the mental body and its limiting beliefs, old patterns and default settings. Closely track old stories and mental body programming that consistently keep you in the dark. Not sure where these old patterns are hiding? Look directly at your obstacles and challenges. What keeps returning to force you into conscious awareness? Late afternoon, Moon shifts to Rohini nakshatra and creativity is maximized. Put your attention on manifestation and desire. Thursday Moon continues through Lord Brahmas domain, Rohini nakshatra. His unification with Goddess Saraswati is the ultimate manifestation energy. Masculine and feminine creative powers align in order to bring desire into form. Through creativity, the arts, wisdom and knowledge, we can create our lives over and over again. Desire sparks actions and intentions. What resources are you using to create an inspired and potent life? Where are you playing small, resisting and refusing to stand in your power? We create our own reality. What are you inviting in? Late afternoon, Moon moves to Mrigashirsha nakshatra and life force energy arrives to nourish and support. Notice where you are contracting and refusing the love. Notice where you are overindulging in intoxicants, masking your inner needs. In the USA, today is Thanksgiving- a day for celebrating gratitude, blessings and the rich harvest of life. What nourishment are you celebrating? What are you inviting into your life? Where are you resisting? Keep it simple today and avoid heart burn. The basic human resource we all need is love. How can you keep your feelings attuned to loving kindness, rather than falling into pot holes of emptiness? Friday, day of Venus, brings more awareness of relationships, love and nourishment. Though creativity is a primary focus, the channels are also very narrow right now. Love and money are not flowing smoothly and can feel restricted or forced at times. The challenging flow of Venus energy extends to relationships, commodities, vitality and life force energy (shakti). The tendency is to overindulge- with intoxicants, sweets, drugs and alcohol- masking the inner needs and the vulnerability of this time. This burns the little life force energy that is available. Today can offer Soma or burn it up. Do you align with your sensitivity and its inner pulls, or follow the externalized forces and desires? Early afternoon, Moon shifts to the challenging and powerful nakshatra, Ardra. Emotional upheavals are amplified as Moon is waning yet still quite full. Grieve, purge tears, let waves pass through you and let them release. Dissect anger and rage, finding its root cause. What boundaries are being crossed that need to be restructured? Where are you saying yes when you should be saying no? Rudra's destructive forces are potent today and tomorrow. What is crumbling in order for you to rebuild? Saturday Moon continues through Ardra nakshatra until noon. Relationships are fragile and require extra attention today. The challenges of the previous day begin to sift and settle, while emotions continue to fester. Attend to self care, sensitivity and inner needs. Find healthy ways to release and reset. As Moon shifts into Punarvasu nakshatra midday, a softening arrives with Aditi's many resources. Her gentle wisdom and unifying ways can be a soothing balm to the heart. Protection, support and guidance comes more easily now. Can you land back in your heart and find the gratitude? Stand in your power by attending to the heart flame. Let it be the messenger of your truth and light. Fill the corners of your heart with joy and understanding. Venus nears the edge of its debilitation sign, Virgo, intensifying its challenging effects. When sandhi, a planet is both vulnerable and more potent- especially when it is leaving a sign. Spiritual resources may feel more available now to support relationship and money concerns. Call in your support systems! Gurus, guides, ancestors and spirits! Ask for tangible support from healers, therapists, coaches and nourishing relationships. Where do you need more support? Sunday mid morning, Moon shifts to its own sign, Cancer, softening the heart and increasing a sense of emotional body balance. Spiritual awareness may help increase new understanding and deeper compassion. Sudden emotional shifts are likely and sensitivity is high. Protect yourself and find ways to land within consciously. Just after noon, Moon moves to Brihaspati's nakshatra, Pushya. Nourishment comes with balance and healthy boundaries today. Inner and outer needs must be integrated and harmonized. Have you been neglecting your internal fire and self care? Use your heart to calibrate your needs and choices. Keep landing back in your heart wisdom, your emotional body and listen carefully. There is depth and awakening available to those who listen today. At 17:56 PST, Venus makes the leap into its own sign, leaving the challenges of its debilitation behind. Many will feel the relief arriving in the coming days as relationships, money, creativity, life force and health find more stability and harmony. There is still much in the transits that can challenge this stability, but the natural flowing tendencies of Venus in its own sign can help us increase fluidity, love and joy. This increase of vitality is determined by your inner work. It's a time to be radical in your self development, not hide behind false comforts and illusions of safety. This Venus cycle is all about creativity and connectivity, helping us find new pathways of nourishment and vitality, potency and power. It will require radical heart chakra work and re-patterning blockages, resistance and refusal to be nourished. Attending to your malnourishment is vital. Where are you starving yourself? Filling up on empty calories in your life? Pretending and wearing old masks? Use challenges and obstacles to face your shadow. Where are you being cracked open so more light can enter? How is your critic keeping you in the dark? Where are you stuck in binary thinking patterns- right and wrong, and a black and white mentality? Unmask yourself and remove the false layers keeping you from being nourished and well fed in life and relationships. Heal and awaken with extra guidance and support. Don't try to move forward alone. Relationships are vital at this time- in order to deepen your support systems, sense of community and strengthen your belonging. Find new resources of support if you are stuck or in challenge. The heart needs your attention like never before. Increase compassion for yourself and others. Deepen your awareness about your own needs. As you identify the deeper layers of your inner being, you can express them and gain deeper support from others, from life. Remove and let go of that which is draining you, keeping you from vitality and joy. Simplify your life. Monday continues themes of balance and harmony as Moon moves through Pushya nakshatra. Venus is weak and vulnerable in degrees so tend to the relationship with self and other cautiously. After noon, Moon shifts to Ashlesha nakshatra and inner illusions amplify. Use resources and tools to work directly with the mental and emotional bodies. Consciously work with shadows and the critical mind. Drop into your heart and notice where you are stuck in judgement and critical thought. Deepen compassion for self and others. *All timing is given in Pacific Standard Time Zone.
Need some extra guidance and clarity? I am scheduling December sessions. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. This Week's Intention: Keep leaning in...closer to your inner light. Turn shadow into wisdom, pain into compassion and illusion into clarity. Seek the gifts within your challenges. The week begins with a waning Moon moving through Punarvasu nakshatra transiting the final constellation of Gemini. Ruling deity, Aditi, shares her wisdom and support to usher in deeper nourishment. She brings resources and unity consciousness with her. Align with wholeness and divine flow. Let this theme carry you through Monday as you deepen and drop into greater holding and grounding. As Moon moves into its own sign, Cancer, early afternoon, we can truly land in our awakened heart more easily. Strip off the veils of illusion and saturate yourself in the purity of the emotional body. Day of Mars, Tuesday, provides opening and closing with boundary reminders. As Moon transits Pushya nakshatra, our nourishment comes from balance, breath and heart wisdom. This is the nourishing star, a provider of support, but it often arrives after some release. Just as the exhale allows the inhale. Take time for landing in your heart today and use your breath to arrive in the now. Ketu's drishti can offer awakenings and removing illusion. What are you opening to? What are you closing to? Just before midnight Moon moves to Ashlesha nakshatra, Sarpa's domain. Exalted retrograde Mercury (debilitated now) is tightly conjunct shadow node, Rahu, in Virgo this week. It is a time to be diligent with the mental body and to track illusions, stories and the imaginal realms within. Fears, anxieties and uncertainties are high, while truth, clarity and feelings of support may be challenging. Use this time to work directly with the mind and consciously unravel your inner darkness. The light of the Sun in Virgo, transiting through Hasta nakshatra, can bring awakening and more light. Bring in the light by transforming your darkness. Wednesday, Mercury's day, Moon transits a Mercury ruled nakshatra, Ashlesha. This is the home of Sarpa, the serpent, a devious and mischievous deity who prefers occult and mystical knowledge to the mundane. He is an excellent resource for attending to illusions and inner darkness, then transforming it into awakening and transcendence. What needs to be unveiled? Work with the mind and mental body stories very diligently and use them to awaken from shadow and illusion. Thursday arrives and the Moon jumps through the challenging gandanta gap between Cancer and Leo, where he joins the passionate combination of Jupiter, Mars and Venus. All receive drishti, gaze, from Saturn. Passions are being stoked by the potent trio moving through Leo and Moon illuminates their expressions. Magha nakshatra is enlivened by the Moon today, a nakshatra connected to the ancestors- especially the father's lineage. There is a lot of strength and desire here- to be seen, noticed and heard. With this lunar constellation, a royal, regal flair is often expressed. It's also a place we can deepen our relationship with the ancestors and their spirit. At this time of Pitr Paksha, the sacred 15 day celebration of the ancestors in the Vedic calendar, use today for intention setting. Who and what are you connecting with? What parts of your lineage do you wish to awaken and strengthen? What parts are you ready to leave behind and let go of? Use gratitude to soften the heart and align with the strength of your ancestors. Early Friday morning, Moon moves to Purvaphalguni nakshatra- a fertile and creative star ruled by Bhaga and the planet Venus. Ample creativity and shakti are enlivened through this constellation. Sensuality and sexuality share their potency as well as love and pleasure. The passion of Venus, Mars and Jupiter is enlivened through the amplification of the Moon. Saturn's gaze can bring contraction and displeasure. Channel the creative energy coursing through you intentionally for maximum gain. Notice where you are resisting and refusing nourishment from joy, ease and pleasure. Mercury goes direct at 07:54 and his exalted status will now be felt more fully. The mind is strong right now and can be used for powerful gains or disorienting set backs. How on top of your mental body are you? Focus, clarify, release. Let go of mental body toxicity and limiting beliefs that keep you in the shadows. Mid morning on Saturday, Moon shifts to the latter half of the Phalguni constellation, Uttaraphalguni. Equally creative and potent, this star shares more sustainability and lasting results with our creative efforts. Ruling deity Aryaman and planet, Sun, desire dharma, lineage support and careful co-creation. Love, marriage and family matters are priorities- all things that please the ancestors if they bring fruitful results. Early afternoon Moon moves to Virgo, joining exalted Mercury, Rahu and Sun here. Moon tightly conjuncts both Rahu and Mercury today and tomorrow, creating mental pressure. The magnification of mind and body is illuminated by the Moon over the next few days, with the added layer of shadow from Rahu. Take care of your physical, mental and emotional bodies and allow space and time to attend to your spiritual body as well. Late morning Sunday, Moon arrives in Hasta nakshatra, the domain of Savitr. Use today for awakening and bringing light to your shadow. The Moon transits the 14th tithi today, helping us land more intimately into our inner depths. As we approach the new Moon and the end of Pitr Pakshu, the subtle qualities of spirit enliven. Create space for silence, listening and presence. What parts of your being need more light? What are you gathering? What are you releasing? Monday begins with Moon in the final phase of its waning cycle, Amavasya, and moves to Chitra nakshatra early afternoon. Vishvakarma, the celestial architect, brings his support with building and planning. It's a great time to be clarifying goals and action steps, refining desires and visions. New Moon is at 17:05 with Moon in Virgo and Chitra nakshatra. This is a time of depth and harvesting from our inner resources. Navaratri begins on the 13th, inviting in transformational powers and divine blessings from the goddesses. I'll be sharing more about the new Moon and Navaratri in my next calendar post. *All calculations given are Pacific Daylight Time.
Need some extra guidance and clarity? I am scheduling November sessions. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. |
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