The new Moon in Aries and Bharani nakshatra sets up a waxing cycle of death, restraint and transformation. Yama forces accountability, focus and righteous actions- which he'll do brutally if he has to. As the Moon waxes, Sun shifts out of exaltation and into an enemies sign. Less than a week later, Venus joins the Sun here as well, but it's her own sign, which cancels some of the challenges between Sun and Venus. Jupiter Direct Jupiter goes direct in Leo at 06:07 MDT, Monday May 9th and has been retrograde for over four months now. Three planets are still in retrograde motion (Mars, Saturn and Mercury) but this does promote more forward momentum for power, strength, masculine energy and with regard to our light source, the Sun, ruler of Leo. Sun in Taurus On May 14th at 04:48 MDT, Sun moves to a challenging sign, Taurus for the coming month. Ruling planet of this earth sign is Venus, the water planet that gives life and fruitful existence- inside and out. Sun as fire, heat and all that burns, purifies and clarifies, doesn't mix well with the watery nature of Venus. Venus in Taurus Just before the full Moon, Venus moves to its own sign, Taurus, joining enemy, Sun, here. Venus arrives in Taurus on May 19th at 07:56 am Mountain Time. This transit increases the themes that are present with Sun transiting the same sign. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic (sidereal) rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your Western sign (Tropical) as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Creativity and relationships will have their challenges, but if you can turn down the heat, you'll find ample creative juiciness. Romance, child-like wonder and intuitive wisdom begin to move forward as Jupiter goes direct. You must continue to work with your hidden blockages and obstacles though. Taurus: Light increases for you, once Sun emerges from its hiding place in the 12th house and moves into your head, the first house. Allow creativity, alone time and extra moments in bed to serve your self care practice. Relationships will feel unsatisfying- lurching forward at times, while stopping and slowing at other times. Gemini: As Sun moves out of your house of gains and into its place of reclusiveness, the 12th house, it's time to pause and check-in with yourself. This is not a cycle of external focus, so best not force this. Your time will be well spent in bed resting, meditating or taking extra alone time. Cancer: As Sun leaves your 10th house of career, it's a time of harvesting from your previous efforts and finding ways to fill your container with more resources. The conflicts and challenges you are facing are just your resistance to receiving. Why are you refusing to be nourished and supported from your work? Leo: Your inner power and awareness begins to turn outward once again after the 9th. The inner strength you've been cultivating over the past four months, starts to find a way to externalize now. Diligently share your energy through actions, choices and behaviors that support your gifts, talents and abilities. Virgo: Once Sun shifts out of your 8th house, moving to your house of dharma on the 14th, a new level of illumination strikes you. The transformational process you've been in the past month will pave the way for more dharmic support. Tap into your inner creative resources and channel this into projects and actions. Libra: As Sun dips into your 8th house on the 14th, you begin a month of inner transformation. There is potential for deeper inner work and healing if you say yes to the change process and allow challenges to support your shifts. Strong desires for relationship arrive, yet you're unclear how to direct this energy fully. Scorpio: Life is moving in jolts of stops and starts, yes and no, open and close. You are finding your dance with life in new ways, embrace the process. As Sun shifts to your 7th house of relationships on the 14th, looking in the mirror will do you good. Notice how relationships, the "other", are challenging you. Sagittarius: You experience power shifts once Sun moves to your 6th house on the 14th. Suddenly there's a change in your purpose, inner knowing and desires. It's time to radically address where you are stuck and resistant to greater comfort, stability and support within. There's powerful liberation available to you. Capricorn: Let your heart swell with passion, creativity and inner wisdom. Your intuitive knowing and your creative power are connected to your heart, your ability to feel. Gains and increases come when you work with the heart blockages, the places within you that resist nourishment and feeling your emotional power. Aquarius: Chip away the illusions and the false parts of yourself. Rip of the veils and masks that are hiding your true, raw self. What is keeping you in the shadows? You say you want more in this life, to feel more satisfied and sustained, yet you resist the necessary changes in order to make this happen. Pisces: Nourishment is key. Be fed, be well fed, by life. What are the ingredients you need to make a satisfying life, a life worth living? What is missing for this recipe? Feed yourself well and let your digestion support your transformation and healing process. The mouth and gut are direct connections to your dharmic work. For the full version sign up for my membership.
Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. Sun has now shifted from its powerful exaltation sign, Aries, into earthy and grounded Taurus. He joins Mars and Mercury here as well. A new Sun energy begins during this waxing cycle! All three planets receive gaze from Rahu and Saturn, adding stormy weather and the propensity for swift change and transformation in the coming days. This cycle of Sun offers us deeper grounding and support if we can find connection. Stability will be a top priority, while communication and expression will be vital to receive the nourishment we desire. Stand in your power, take your space, root and ground. Let your desires be known and ask for what you want. Be open to receive. How are you inviting in the abundance of life energy? Mercury retrogrades on May 18th for over three weeks and will resume direct motion on June 11th. Retrograde planets act like the shadow nodes Rahu and Ketu, and bring us reminders, returns and reflections. Mercury is intimately connected to communication, creativity, the mental body and our ability to share, as well as commerce, business and the market place. Contrary to popular belief, when Mercury goes retrograde, life and all communication is not ill-fated. In fact, it is a time for us to clean up, re-trace steps and pay closer attention to the messages that arrive. Use this cycle to express yourself more potently, find deeper stability and support, while getting clearer about your needs for nourishment. What aren't you saying? How can you share yourself in new ways? Read more about Mercury Retrograde. As the Moon fills, Venus moves into Cancer on May 30th and brings intensified feelings around heart and home matters. Sudden changes, fluctuations or shifts in our comfort level may arrive. What does your heart tell you about your needs for safety, comfort and support? It's time to create what you want and quit making excuses. Ask for the nourishment you need once and for all. Notice who and what shows up to support you. Let women, the arts, land, property and home help you get your needs met. Your creativity will be the ultimate determining factor for what you allow in and receive. Let your creativity help you thrive! Full Moon is Tuesday, June 2 at 11:18 CDT while the Moon is in Scorpio and Jyestha Nakshatra. Do you want more astrological details about the full Moon and the coming cycle? Use my 2015 Moon Wisdom Calendar to learn more about the cosmic themes. Learn More. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic (sidereal) rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your Western sign (Tropical) as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart.
Aries: Continue to create and connect consciously, using your artistry, creativity and communication skills. What you put out, is what you will receive, so navigate your messages carefully. It's time to get the nourishment you have been craving and find new ways of finding support. What are you ingesting, allowing into your life? What needs to be eliminated and released once and for all? Get tenacious about what you are feeding yourself. Upgrade your health and wellness. Taurus: You are finding new ways to ground, land, and get the support you need. Passion stirs your heart and home. There's a lot of heat in your head right now. How can you relieve some of the pressure? Are you taking on too much? Saying yes, when you should be saying no? Get creative, communicate and connect. Delegate, share, ask. Relationships will be a lot less challenging if you invite others into your sacred space. Gemini: Continue to resource from your depths. Pause and take time to be still and silent. In these moments you will gather the resources and visions for more creative action steps. Communicate and co-create, gather your tribe and network. Share your vision, your creativity and trust your hands to share the messages. Seek balance in diet for deeper, lasting nourishment and support from the inside out. Release and let go, simplify and stabilize through the wisdom of your gut and colon. Cancer: Retreat, rest and rejuvenation continue for you. Stay in bed as much as possible and enjoy leisure time. This is imperative for hitting re-set before Venus moves to your first house on the 30th. Life is upgrading, are you syncing with the changes? Let friends be helpful and supportive. Speak your needs and allow them to rally around you. The ones who show up are the ones to keep close. What are the ways in which you are expanding yourself and your life container? Where is there resistance to this expansion? Be a bit more fearless. Leo: Take action, communicate and connect with your career and dharma. It's time to rise and shine, share and be seen! It will take effort but trust that the obstacles arriving are helping you show up for your life in a bigger way. Teach, share and advise in foreign places, on retreats and while traveling. What nourishment are you moving towards? How can you get fed more intimately in your life by showing up and sharing in new ways? Virgo: Step closer to your dharma, your life path and stand in your knowing. It's time to gather the wisdom and truth that is within you and start to share, connect and create with it. Use your relationships to get support, to help you step up, step out and stand your ground. Stability and nourishment are available for you. Are you open to receiving or filled with doubt? Don't let the critic sabotage your efforts or keep you from getting what you need. Libra: Changes are happening deep within you. Much of this cycle will feel like a repeat, a haunt from the past, transformation that is intrinsically karmic. The other part of the process is about deep healing, rest and pause. Go slow and be intentional with this change. Creativity is a huge part of your resiliency and vitality. How creative are you allowing yourself to be? Let your relationships and your artistry become an offering. Dig up your depths in order to find new material. Staying on the surface of life will only keep you in mediocrity. Scorpio: Relationships are vital for you and your career right now. How can you reach out and connect in new ways? Strengthen your stability and support systems by co-creating, communicating, networking, resourcing from others. Your artistry, relationships and creativity are going through a transformation. Some of this may feel like very familiar territory. Old relationships and partners may re-emerge to test you. What do you really want and need? What parts of yourself are you ready to release and let go of? Keep sharing, teaching and giving your wisdom. People are hungry to connect. Make it easy for them. Sagittarius: Your stomach is asking you to listen for messages. It is craving connection, sweetness and satisfaction. It won't come from food or intoxicants, but from nourishing, creative connections and conversations. These connections can lead you to share yourself and your work in bigger and bolder ways and to deepen your life purpose. Take rest, meditate and introspect. Let the pause button be a vital part of your self care process. This will feed you and help you be nourished more deeply. Capricorn: Continue to clean up your diet, gut and lifestyle. Avoid falling off the wagon with too many sweets and intoxicants. Your stomach is giving you some really loud messages right now. Are you listening to its wisdom? There is healing to be done with digestion, assimilation of nourishment and elimination. Strive for deep, wholesome nourishment and support in all areas of your life. Start with diet, but let this be a metaphor for all that you are feeding yourself with. How can you share this with others and support their transformation as well as your own? Aquarius: Home, heart, land and all things mother are asking you to connect and create in new ways. Your heart and stomach are intimately connected. The way to your heart is through the wisdom of your gut. Work with your shadows and start peeling back the layers of your suffering. This is what binds you to others and makes your career potent. Offer and share your struggles, your humanity, and get real. People appreciate authenticity. The only thing worse than being fake is refusing to work with your own challenges and obstacles. Be the light by transforming your dark matter. Pisces: Create, communicate, connect. Get your hands into some paint and put your life-vision onto a canvas. Sing, share, use your voice. Let your heart sing! Be bold and share your vulnerability with others. Let your creativity and artistry be the messenger. Parts of you are desperately trying to emerge from the shadows. Be fearless in your excavation process. Share and connect with others through your vulnerability. Be witnessed and be a witness. |
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