Jupiter transits are one year long and impact all levels of wisdom, knowledge, comfort and support. He leads you to your dharmic path and supports the nourishment gained along the way. Positive effects of Jupiter, or Guru in Sanskrit, bring comfort, support and understanding. He brings learning through understanding, awareness and expansion of consciousness. He is the ultimate teacher- for better or worse- providing some of the most poignant life lessons. For the full version sign up for my membership. Wondering how this coming year-long transit of Jupiter will impact you? Already feeling the effects? Get details, resources, guidance and support for the months to come. Book a session with me
Full Moon: Full Moon is June 12th at 23:10 CDT. This full Moon brings with it a power and intensity that can provoke inner change. Capitalize on this and bring intention to what you are ushering in. What strength and power are you inviting in during the next cycle? As the Moon slowly empties, how can your bring this sense of bravery, courage and strength with you? How can this super sensitivity be a powerful tool for you in the coming weeks? Have you made your full Moon mandala yet? Here are some ideas. Themes that carry us through the coming waning cycle: Explore emotional depth and the intersection of the mental/emotional bodies. What structural shifts need to occur in your life? What structural shifts are naturally occurring? Look closely for the sliver of light that has emerged in the past weeks, the dawning that is occurring. Relationships are getting re-patterned, re-structured and re-negotiated. Can you feel these shifts occurring in your contracts? What is feeling supportive and nurturing? What is not? What have you been learning about what feels helpful and stabilizing for you? Are you ready to cut loose all that doesn’t? How dramatically are you willing to shift and change these old contracts so that you can get your needs met in more life-supporting ways? You don’t have to commit to anything yet. Just be open to new possibilities, new tools, new options and new resources arriving to you. However, do find a door to close and don’t look back. It’s time to be dramatic. Full Moon Chart: Upcoming Transits:
Big shifts and changes occur back to back on 06.15, signaling the momentous changes afoot with the planets and our felt experiences. These are the changes for June 15th that lead us into the upcoming multiple planetary changes: Sun moves into Gemini just minutes after midnight, where it joins a sandhi Jupiter and a retrograde Mercury there. Sun transits Gemini until 07.16. These three planets receive drishti from Rahu, which enlivens movement, force and uncertainties. This new cycle of Sun brings heightened creative potential, possibility and a changeable nature. Fears and concerns over “doing the right thing” crop into our minds and this effect our actions and ability to act. There may be a sense of confusion as a result. Simultaneously, this may cause an increase in our creative potential, we may try new things as a result and we may end up finding new resources and possibilities because of our moveable minds. Watch out for self sabotage and self destructive tendencies. Are you derailing your self on purpose? Or do you need to be forcing a change in your behaviors and patterns? Listen carefully to your needs at this time. Also on June 15th, Venus moves to Krittika nakshatra for roughly ten days. This heightens the cutting and changes in our relationships, creative process and will likely bring a new clarity with it. Simplify, get organized, cut away what does not serve you in your life. This purging will bring purification and transformations as a result. This is preparing us for the upcoming Jupiter cycle where we will all have an opportunity to receive more balance within our hearts and emotions, more nourishment in our relationships and life experience. Cut and purge as though your life depends on it. It does. The other change on 6.15 that happens is Mercury moves back into Mrigashirsha nakshatra, a very movement oriented star that is symbolized by the deer. Mercury, our mental body, is always changing, always moving and is connected to consistent fluctuations. The deer symbol reiterates this “twitchy” nature. Retrograde Mercury in its dance backwards, is re-visiting this nakshatra and inviting in some other possibilities that you may have missed on the first cycle through. Pick up clues and be cognizant of symbols that resurface. Deja vu? Be alert like a deer and notice everything. There will be laser sharpness in the mind at this time. Strategize, make lists, set attainable goals, get organized. Avoid mental land mines and mind ruts. Too in the head? Get embodied. Venus moves to its own sign of Taurus on 06.18 at 07:08 am CDT away from Mars’s drishti and the conjunction of Ketu. This may be the stabilizing force that allows us to make more lasting and life-supporting changes for ourselves during the next month. With all the instability and changeability in the planets right now, this grounding earthiness of Venus in Taurus can help us ground and get the nourishment and support we need in order to make more high level decisions and take very effective action. Resource with this support. Use dance and art to find nurturing and comfort, to create the life you are moving into. Enjoy the simple comforts available right now. As Venus moves into Gemini on July 13th, rather dramatic and abrupt shifts will be happening simultaneously with Rahu and Ketu moving signs and Rahu and Mars conjoining in Virgo (Venus’s debilitation sign). Sudden changes are on the horizon. For now, use stability and grounding as a resource. Just as Venus moves into Taurus, Jupiter makes his momentous change into Gemini later that day at 20:24 CDT. I’ve written extensively on this transit. For greater insights on this 13 month transit visit my Exalted Jupiter articles part one and two. Need some guidance and clarity for this coming year? Schedule a yearly progression with me. I am now booking sessions for June. Solstice occurs on 6.21 at 05:54 am CDT. It is officially summer for the Northern Hemisphere. Just before midnight on 6.21, Sun moves into Ardra nakshatra, heightening our connection to Rudra and Rahu until 7.05. Emotional upheaval, intense movement and change, calamities and uncertainties may be increased. Some worldly success may be provided for some in the coming weeks, but watch for excessive cravings simultaneously. This will be an excellent time to navigate our emotional body with very deliberate awareness as we will likely be feeling some passing clouds and stormy weather. Venus moves to Rohini nakshatra on 6.26 just in time for the new Moon. The creative energy should be palpable at this time as Venus is also in its own sign of Taurus. Jupiter is stronger at this time and Rahu and Ketu intensify as they near the very edge of Libra and Aries respectively. Desires and letting go increase simultaneously. Keep these themes in mind in the next few weeks as we near their transition. New Moon is on 6.27 at 3:09 am CDT while Moon is in Gemini and Ardra nakshatra. Moon will be with Sun there (also in Ardra) and a retrograde sandhi Mercury. There’s a certain intensity with this new Moon. Watch your speech and communications. More on this new cycle in my next transit report. Horoscopes for 6.13 to 6.27 *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Income starts to even out and stabilize over the course of this cycle but not without some headaches and effort. Home and heart matters may feel weak and overburdened so keep things small and simple as much as possible. Work with emotions consciously and navigate the inner realms with intention. Speak and sing, communicate and share effectively, clearly and concisely. Get creative and use your hands. Clean up your diet and your relationships. Taurus: You are getting much more support right now. Are you feeling the grounding? Likely the head feels strong and creative, powerful and resourceful, but the stomach still demands your attention. The physical body is calling for you to attend to its needs and to not neglect this powerful tool of awareness. What are you learning about speech and stomach? Comfort and digestion? What you ingest and what you get out of it (your digestion/assimilation process)? Continue to look for themes between nourishment and support and the gut and digestion. They are inseparable. Gemini: Your mind is getting some very usable laser focus right now. Your past is informing your future actions. As Mercury continues to retrograde in your first house, use your past to inform your future. What needs to change for you in order to make some powerful forward strides? As Jupiter moves into your 2nd house, comfort and nourishment begins to rise, albeit slowly. Share your thoughts and words, your heart and emotions with others. Ground and stabilize with alone time. Let go of friends that aren’t true blue and change the way you share your gifts. Cancer: Endings turn to beginnings as Jupiter moves into your first house. Though losses and letting go continue to be a theme for you, trust that ample space is being made for newness inside and out. Your heart space and home space are getting a powerful cleanout. Create and use your hands- let this activate your higher wisdom. Let friends nourish and support you, comfort and stabilize you. Look for the support, seek it out, and ground. Trust the changes in your career to make more sense in the coming months. Leo: Career finds a new creative and supportive edge with a bit of notoriety to boot. Enjoy the purpose and power you are capable of creating. Friendships may be intense right now so navigate carefully. As Jupiter moves into your 12th house, you begin a cycle of letting go, which may involve relationships- so let the letting go begin now. Cut loose what does not feel safe, supportive and nurturing. Invite in and create space for a greater sense of depth, power and purpose to arrive in the coming months. Virgo: Clarity and focus come to you with a powerful edge- causing some relief as well as upheaval. Don’t over think, just continue to take effective action steps. The pieces will fall into place accordingly. You are still worried about support and comfort, getting your needs met and the nourishment you require. This is more mental and emotional than anything, so work on the pieces within that need to shift in order for lasting change. Working with the upheaval and the challenges around these concerns are valuable resources for you. Don’t negate them. As Jupiter moves into your 11th house, friends become powerful allies of support. For now, look to education and teachers for greater stability, creativity and awareness. Libra: Storm season isn’t quite over for you, but suddenly new possibilities and options arrive making you feel more hopeful. This is a great time to upgrade your skills, gain new knowledge, teach and share your wisdom. Likely there’s some sharpness, some new clarity that can get you moving in a more forward direction. Money matters and resources stabilize- seemingly coming from the unknown, from your depths. Perhaps you’re getting some payback? Watch for overspending though. Relationship contracts continue to get restructured. Focus on your career right now. Scorpio: Endings and letting go continue to be themes that hold powerful awareness for you. Continue to use this as a resource for growth and transformation. Speak, sing and share about consciousness and self expansion. Use your experiences with loss as a connector, not a separator. Relationships strengthen right now- utilize them for finding greater stability and support, nourishment and grounding. There are things you can trust. Trust this. You and your powers of connection are in transformation right now. Teach, share, advise. People are ready to listen. Sagittarius: Relationships continue to bring a bit of an edge with them. Sometimes they feel supportive and helpful, but mostly they don’t quite satisfy your needs. What really needs to shift and change in order for you to attract more nourishing and safe connections? Look in new places for answers- within your Self and within new environments. Change your scenery. As Jupiter moves to your 8th house, you begin a powerful year of transformation, letting go and sifting through your past. The work and the challenges will be well worth the effort it will require from you. Capricorn: Relationships bring new themes of comfort and support as well as resources once Jupiter moves to your 7th house. Heart and emotions still feels unstable, unpredictable and unsatisfied though. Career continues to change- capitalize on this instability and use it as a resource for your work and how you offer your self. Clean up your diet and watch what you eat. Eat plenty of steamed leafy greens. Work with children, get creative, gain knowledge through your passions. Teach and speak directly from your wisdom, mistakes, lessons and bad habits. You’ll be speaking from the gut. Aquarius: The beauty and grace in your heart feels more tangible and solid in the coming weeks. Use this to find a sense of inner reliability and greater self sufficiency. You are embarking on a clean up cycle as Jupiter moves into your 6th house. Think of it as an initiation process. Make your body, mind and spirit the number one priority. Seek knowledge, wisdom and support from educational resources, gurus and guides. Work with your anger and use it as a tool of awareness and growth. Don’t let it stay in the dark. Pisces: Heart, emotions and relationships come with a strong edge. Think before you speak. This is a time of great house cleaning and finding new creativity for your life. Be bold and courageous and let go of everything that is not serving your higher purpose. Be a warrior in cutting your losses and free up some much needed heart space. Work on themes of nourishment and support, boundaries, needs and what you ingest- physically and metaphorically. Prepare for a new cycle of passion and growth. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. Get your horoscopes, transits and emotional resources all in one place. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Moon is Full on Thursday and begins its waning cycle for the remainder of the week. Moon passes through Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and into Capricorn this week. Mercury is retrograde as well as Saturn. Be mindful of your inner and outer communication. Put new systems in place for better overall communication- with others, with your life, with your self.
Monday, June 9th Moon transits Swati nakshatra in Libra today, sandwiched between a sandhi Rahu and a retrograde, weak, Saturn. Vayu enlivens movement today. Change, movement and strong currents are invited in as a result. With the storm energy (Rudra) in Libra, the Moon may trigger strong weather, and sudden rain storms (Venus/Ketu aspect). Carry an umbrella. These storms may be internal, so expect these sudden storm clouds to arrive with thunder and lightening. They will likely pass as quickly as they arrive. Note how and when the clouds emerge as the mental body will likely stir the inner pot. With Mercury retrograde right now, it look for connections to an issue or event from the past that triggers the feelings within you. The mental and emotional bodies may brood today. Get embodied. Find movement as a resource and attend to Vayu, the wind god, and your inner winds with breath work, pranayama, yoga and body work. Use my Saturn and Pelvis MP3 workshop recording for nurturing the themes of self support and self reliance today. Tuesday, June 10th Moon continues to pass through Libra, nearing Saturn today, and moves into Vishaka nakshatra at 06:47 am CDT. Indragni and Jupiter rule the day. As Moon nears exact conjunction with Saturn (at 13:29 CDT) expect emotional intensity, a swelling of heart matters and a need for digesting and assimilating- especially in regard to relationship matters. Yesterday's stormy weather prediction resurfaces today. Bring an umbrella and tend to your emotional storms. Today, seek comfort and nourishment, support and assistance, rather than isolation and loneliness. Find ways to get your needs met with self care, self expression, and extra comforts. Use creative resources to get you out of your emotional ruts. Remember that digging up the soil is necessary before you can plant the seeds. Use my Saturn and Pelvis MP3 workshop recording for nurturing the themes of self support and self reliance today. Wednesday, June 11th Moon moves into Scorpio just after midnight at 00:12 am CDT and moves into Anuradha nakshatra at 05:55 am CDT. As Moon moves into its sign of debilitation, the brooding from the previous days takes a heightened turn towards the inner realms. This is a necessary phase in the emotional transformation process, but diligence is required so we don't get stuck in the mire for too long. Use your turmoil for cultivating more awareness and introspection and don't get lost in details- that's where the overwhelm resides. Intuition will be heightened right now, so pay attention to your first responses and instincts. Listen carefully. The intense energy of the previous days begins to break up today, a good sign that movement is occurring. Use this as momentum for personal change. Connect with a special friend for extra support and nourishment. Thursday, June 12th Moon transits Scorpio, its sign of debilitation, and moves into its final tithi (Moon phase) of its waxing cycle in the wee hours of the morning. As Moon moves into Jyeshtha nakshatra at 04:23, Indra and Mercury are enlivened for our day and our full Moon. With Mercury retrograde, the theme of re-tracing past steps and experiences is activated, so expect a sense of Deja Vu today. There are awakenings tangible so keep your eyes open and your mind open to possibility as well. Indra brings with him a certain power and need for control. Extreme sensitivity is likely today and the senses may be overwhelmed easily as a result. Take precautions and find ways to self soothe and self care so that you don't get overwhelmed. Full Moon is today at 23:10 CDT. This full Moon brings with it a power and intensity that can provoke inner change. Capitalize on this and bring intention to what you are ushering in. What strength and power are you inviting in during the next cycle? As the Moon slowly empties, how can your bring this sense of bravery, courage and strength with you? How can this super sensitivity be a powerful tool for you in the coming weeks? Have you made your full Moon mandala yet? Here are some ideas. More on the full Moon and the upcoming waning Moon cycle in my Transit Report. Friday, June 13th Moon moves to Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra today at 02:22 am CDT as the Moon enters the first tithi (Moon phase) of the waning cycle. Uproot and unravel today. Dig up the dirt and churn your internal waters. Today is a day of disruption and attuning to the Laws of Nature. Expect some chaos and calamity as part of the parcel. Prepare for sudden changes and toxic people as well as explosive situations. Some duress is possible. The savior today is creativity and creation. Get into your process and let it consume you. The mental body will be pulling you out of center and pushing you into old storm clouds. The easiest way to step out of the landmines will be to get embodied. Get out of the mind and into the body. Late in the evening turn your heart and sorrows towards devotion. Remember your gratitude. Saturday, June 14th Moon moves to Purvashada nakshatra moments after the stroke of midnight. Apas, the water goddess and Venus are enlivened today. Cut, clear, restructure, reorganize, renegotiate your relationship contracts. They have all been in flux lately. Today, let some nourishment and depth cleanse, purify and nourish your felt senses. We are all cutting out those pieces and people that don't serve as supportive and reliable. Today may offer another level of awareness with this process. Right now, we get to practice really healthy and necessary boundaries, so if there are agitations, remind your self of what needs to shift. What is in your control? What can you say no to? What additional self care tools can you offer your self- even in the toughest moments? Make sure you create time for ritual, for sweating and moving the body and for tears today. Moon moves to Uttarashada nakshatra at 21:30 CDT. Expect some new perspective on your day and a "do good" mentality to take over. Sunday, June 15th Sun moves to Gemini just after midnight and joins a retrograde Mercury and sandhi (in the gap) Jupiter here. These three planets receive gaze (drishti) from Rahu. Wisdom and mental acuity sharpen in this coming Sun cycle. Get your ducks in a row and make high level plans. Avoid self doubt and self sabotage. Instead, step into your power and rise to the tasks at hand. Use the next four weeks of Sun in Gemini to tackle mental, creative and monetary goals with power and pizazz. No slacking, but don't overwhelm yourself with too many irons in the fire. Best practice is being very calculated and concrete about your to-do list. Check things off one by one. Moon transits Uttarashada nakshatra today and moves into Capricorn at 02:51 am CDT. Vishvadeva and Sun rule today. The Vishvadevas or "all gods" are essentially the Laws of Nature, or universal principles. They remind us of ethics, respect and other people's needs, as well as the crucial parts of life like joy, time, leadership and our connection to lineage and the ancestors. Stick to dharma today and be ethical in your actions. Attract what you want in life by being. Take the necessary action steps to call in what you want. Follow your dreams. Follow your visions. Plan your week in tune with Nature. Never miss my Moon Mind Calendar. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. And if you like this post, please share it! Moon Mind
1.15 Moon is in the 15th tithi, transiting Gemini and today (with Jupiter there), but moves into Cancer (its own sign) at 18:58 CST. Moon will be at its fullest point on 1.15 at 22:51 CST while in Cancer (Full Moon). It will have just entered Cancer and will be slightly sandhi (in the gap) in Punarvasu nakshatra. Punarvasu is ruled by Aditi, the universal mother of goodness and expansion of consciousness, as well as the planet Jupiter. In the coming weeks, expect some new assistance to be coming to you, helping with your overall expansion, fulfillment and desires for change. Aditi brings us nourishment, protection and abundance- the offerings of a kind and loving mother. Moon in Cancer will receive drishti from both Mercury and Sun in Capricorn as well as Saturn in Libra. Don't be overly critical. Surrender, let go, appease the critic and judgement as some worry may be illuminated. Trust that Aditi will provide. 1.16 Moon transits Cancer (its own sign) today and moves from Punarvasu nakshatra into Pushya nakshatra at 1:42 am CST. Pushya is a nourishing nakshatra that offers the knowledge and wisdom of Brihaspati (Jupiter) with the sustenance of "mother's milk" so to speak of the cow's udder. Brihaspati can overcome the negative asura (demon) behaviors and turn negative thoughts into positive ones- with a bit of effort as the planetary ruler of Pushya is Saturn. Perhaps the most noteworthy planetary change of this week comes today via Jupiter. He moves from Punarvasu nakshatra into Ardra today. Get all the details of this forceful, energetic shift via this week's horoscopes: http://www.swatijrjyotish.com/1/post/2014/01/horoscopes-and-transits-for-the-week-of-113.html The beginning of the week, Moon is in its last three tithis of Shukla Paksha (waxing phase) before it is full (purnima) and then begins its Krishna Paksha phase (waning) mid week. Moon transits Gemini, Cancer and into Leo this week.
Moon will be at its fullest point on 1.15 at 22:51 CST while in Cancer (Full Moon). It will have just entered Cancer and will be slightly sandhi (in the gap) in Punarvasu nakshatra. Punarvasu is ruled by Aditi, the universal mother of goodness and expansion of consciousness, as well as the planet Jupiter. In the coming weeks, expect some new assistance to be coming to you, helping with your overall expansion, fulfillment and desires for change. Aditi brings us nourishment, protection and abundance- the offerings of a kind and loving mother. For a jyotish Moon-centered approach to your day, follow my daily Moon Mind posts via Face Book. Mars makes a shift on 1.14, moving from Hasta nakshatra (ruled by Savitr, expansion of consciousness) to Chitra- ruled by Vishvakarma and the planet Mars. Vishvakarma is the "celestial architect" and brings us his divine building skills. Whereas Hasta prepares us mentally and creatively, Chitra puts the plans into action and brings visions into reality. The symbol for Chitra is a shining jewel which exemplifies the fruits of our labors being powerful and directly relates to the ornamentation this nakshatra adores. Resources come with Chitra as well as much creativity as its connected to artisans and those who manifest their visions into reality. Mars will be a prominent player in the many "planetary dances" of 2014. All the major planets will be changing signs this year (expect an article on this) while Mars moves between Virgo and Libra until September with some unusual movements- directly effecting our "action" steps. Use this time to start building your empire. Sun makes a sign change from Sagittarius into Capricorn on 1.14 at 01:19 am CST. This marks an important movement towards a more auspicious time of year (spring and a time of growth) in the Vedic calendar. This day of the Sun's movement into Capricorn is named Makar Sankranti. Interestingly, unlike the majority of Vedic celebrations which are calculated by the placement of the Moon, this celebration is calculated by the position of the Sun. Sun is connected to father, knowledge, power, the Soul and the light within. As Sun will be in transition and considered sandhi (in the gap/the in between realms) until Thursday we may notice a slow start to the week as well as some frustrations with our action steps. Thinking vs. doing might be in a tug of war. Get organized and be methodical in your approach to work and your own shining. Sun is pleasant to Capricorn, and Sun and Mercury (also in Capricorn currently) work efficiently together. Play your cards right (intention, good deeds, abiding by Natural Laws, using good character and good will) and progress will be made in the coming weeks. This is a powerful time to set intentions and goals for the 2014 in order to have a rich harvest. Perhaps the most noteworthy change of the week comes via Jupiter. His retrograde movements have been pushing him back into the belly of Gemini giving us ample opportunities to re-evaluate, re-calculate, re-communicate, re-assess- with creativity, action steps, effort, courage, mental processing and the like. He has been moving through Punarvasu nakshatra (ruled by Aditi- mother of nourishment as stated above) and then began his retrograde movement (which has kept him in Punarvasu) since 9.1 of last year. The theme for many months has been a general trend of "nourishment" and support which has provided many of us with some new underlying sense of stability and growth. This week there is a shift as retrograde Jupiter moves back into Ardra nakshatra for the next few Months. Jupiter goes direct on 3.6 but then must re-trace his steps in forward motion through Ardra until he steps once again into Punarvasu on 4.24. The next 3.5 months of Jupiter's movements through Ardra nakshatra will bring trends of expansion of a different kind. Whereas Aditi has provided a lasting type of assistance and expansion, Ardra is ruled by Rahu and Rudra energy. There is great power and momentum available with this nakshatra, however it is more worldly and destructive. The symbol is a teardrop and perspiration which points to both extreme emotion (especially anger) as well as effort. Rudra is storm energy which can be harnessed for grande movement, epic changes, travels and moves in general (think harnessing storm winds or sails used for powering ships) while the Rahu rulership of this nakshatra elicits worldly motivations, directions and desires. A powerful position for expansion in a different direction. While there is possibility for calamity, chaos and misery, there is also great potential for monetary gains, new fame and notoriety, worldly desires manifesting, and great changes to transpire- moving us forward towards goals and aspirations. Specifically we may notice cravings and shadows develop with regard to our relationships- business, friendships, romantic and how and who we relate. A note of caution is necessary as we will be dealing with shadows and the veil of illusions in general; be mindful of your intentions, motivations and purpose. Are they aligned with a higher purpose? Natural Laws? Beneficial to others as well as your Self? Greatest support and sustainability will come when our actions are aligned with the greater good. Putting some effort into our shadow Self, the illusions of life and being aware that the serpent energy will be alive and well as a learning lesson, can help put this time period into perspective. Read more about this movement of Jupiter and his transit through Gemini here. If you have been uncertain about seeking guidance and support for the coming year, I urge you to reach out and get help refining your vision for 2014. Intention is potent! It is a big year with multiple {major} planetary changes. We will experience the changes of Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu, Saturn and unusual movements of Mars all in the next eleven months. Big changes are in store for each of us! Feeling uncertain about your action steps? What needs to change in order for growth? What kind of support you need? Schedule a yearly progression with me in order to make your New Year a truly transformational year. Utilize my jyoti/creative arts activities as a healing & awareness tool for your week. This week's activity has to do with steppings towards our New Year, and closing doors to the past. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Use mental courage with career and what may feel like initial setbacks. Trust that the outcome will prove valuable and provide forward momentum in the long run. You are getting a chance for increased comfort, support and nourishment right now. Celebrate your gains but watch for relationship tests and lessons- especially in the coming weeks. The courage you have been cultivating recently will be required for boundaries and clearly stating your needs. Don't put up with sharks, but try not to become one either. Taurus: Take in new knowledge and guidance for increased comfort and support. Don't get over powered by ego and big personalities. You should be able to see through that by now. Trust your gut instincts. You are still digesting rocks and must watch your diet- avoid overly rajasic and heavy foods. Keep it simple and fresh. Meditation is an excellent use of your time. This is a period of purging and letting go of old relationships and people/things that don't bring lasting comfort and support. Start a rummage pile. Gemini: Relationships continue to provide expansion, awareness, and growth as you re-trace your steps, going over very old, familiar territory. Perhaps it is helping your career, but feeling bittersweet in other ways. As Sun moves to your eighth house, courage may be in hiding for the coming weeks. Use this opportunity to gain a fresh perspective, to dig deep into your past for insights- but don't get taken advantage of while you sit on the bench thinking things through. Start working with your shadows and illusions, you'll need the insights once your Sun emerges from its hiding place. Cancer: Full Moon in Cancer this week gives you a moment of glow, inspiration and new awareness. You need courage right now to deal with friendships that may feel more like enemies- aka frenimies. Boundaries and intuition will prove useful for being clear about needs and wants; take affirmative action to protect your Self. Relationships will either help or hurt your forward momentum with career, home and heart; be intentional with your motives. What pieces are you missing? Gain clues this week into finding new and more harmonious ways to co-exist. Leo: Use your efforts to courageously power forward and harness the changing winds for a new direction. You are in a digestion phase which will prove useful to assimilate and integrate pieces of your Self and your ego. The insights will prove valuable for finding clarity and increased comfort and support. Speak your needs/wants and make sure your relationships are aligned with these. Use intuition and creativity to dive deep. Turn these golden nuggets into new offerings with career and artistry. Listen to your gut. Virgo: Cleaning and clearing the heart is a good use of your efforts and time right now. Art may prove a powerful resource for this. Check in with emotions- especially anger. There is great power here and a need to roar and find your voice. Connect your career with education, learning, creativity and childlike wisdom. Remember when you were a child? What pieces were missing and what do you still need for wholeness? Cultivate that presence and awareness now and focus on getting the nourishment and support that was missing from your early childhood. This will prove valuable with regard to relationships and emotions. Libra: The heart doesn't lie. What is the emotional residue that remains- keeping you from trusting and embracing relationships fully? As the losses continue to feel like they are piling up, check in with anger and the mental/emotional balance within; try to recalibrate. Courage with relationships is necessary right now as well as your creativity and artistry. There is great ability to learn and grow with these tools however so keep moving towards possible gains. Meditation will help cultivate more presence with your mental/emotional bodies so don't neglect your spiritual practices. Scorpio: Watch what goes in and out of your mouth right now. You may be having a reaction to relationships and mental/emotional issues. Your courage is in transformation while intuition and digestion seem to be working in reverse- causing some upsets. Watch for flare ups and indigestion. Get support on some of the old issues that may be creeping back in and don't neglect the red flags along the way. You have a chance to make some lasting changes right now so listen up and face the facts. Who and what angers you and robs you of your power? Sagittarius: Some tension exists between you and your career. Losing your momentum and desire? Friction with relations at work and with friends? This is a chance for you to work on your emotions- especially your needs. What type of support and comfort do you need and who do you need it from? Try to get clear on needs and wants in order to lessen the tension. This may be about your boundaries and speaking directly to others about what you are willing to offer and what is beyond your comfort zone. Speak up. Capricorn: Sun moves to your first house this week, moving you out of some reclusive months of introspection and hiding. The lights are turning back on. What will you do with your new vision, power and momentum? There's a lot flickering in your heart fire and still much cleanup and transformation with relationships in general. Career fluctuations and changes continue; align with older and established enterprises for more sustainability and support. The notoriety will come when your feet are more firmly planted. Aquarius: As Sun moves into Capricorn this week, you move into a month of hiding, regeneration, transformation and endings. Don't worry, this can be a metamorphosis that brings renewal on the other side. Use this time for strengthening intuition and digestion; the mind/body connection. You continue to work on themes involving relationships, lessons with your heart and emotions, home and mother as well as siblings and friendships. Though courage feels hard to find at times, keep stepping- one foot at a time. Pisces: As you continue to clean up the residue within your heart, much of the current relationship woes will mend themselves. There's a general restructuring happening around relationships- most appear to be effecting career and work agendas as well as your courage and creativity. Use this time to digest and process the gains and setbacks you've been experiencing with strong personalities and your own passion. Rewind. What pieces of that passion are alive and well within you? What passion is being stoked within you as a result of these encounters? Anger is powerful, so use it for forward momentum and gain. Don't stuff it. |
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March 2017