As the silence of spring arrives, a certain dynamic energy is awakening. The eclipse portal is sealing. The full Moon and lunar eclipse are behind us. The Holi festivities are winding down. The soil has been cleared. The seeds have been planted. Make your process intentional. Bring awareness to your growth. Own and honor this fresh start! Saturn Retrograde Saturn goes retrograde in Scorpio at 02:50 am PDT and will be moving in reverse until August 13th, 2016. Retrograde planets act like the nodes Rahu and Ketu, which adds to the intensity of how a planet will express themselves. As the slowest moving planet, Saturn causes the most prolonged challenges. It's important to play by his rules and honor his requests for slow, steady action, simplicity and alignment with nature's rhythms. His transit through Scorpio is digging up very old grief, emotions and challenges- connected to subconscious and unconscious territory. Read more about Saturn in Scorpio. Venus in Pisces Increasing the theme of fertility and abundance during this "gap" time, Venus moves to its exaltation sign, Pisces on March 31st at 14:35 PDT, where she joins Sun and debilitated Mercury here. Challenges will arise with Venus's enemy, the Sun, and the debilitation of Venus's friend, Mercury. Venus is water, whereas the Sun is fire. When they conjunct, steam is created. Mercury symbolizes the mental body- meaning the mind will be feeling this steam. Physical and spiritual bodies (Sun) and your creative life force energy (Venus) will also be effected by the clouds. How do you work with the energy of steam? Do you use it to power your engine, or do you get lost in its mist and fog? Mercury in Aries Saturday, April 2nd at 15:02, Mercury crosses the tricky gap between endings/release (Pisces) and beginning/potential (Aries). The movement from debilitation in a water sign, to a fiery and aggressive sign, will cause the mind to feel fragile and agitated. A release process is being instigated. Notice where necessary clean-up and final release for this round must take place. Honor this process of endings and beginnings. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic (sidereal) rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your Western sign (Tropical) as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Keep digging up your depths and looking at your inner conflicts. The parts of you that say yes, but really mean no. The parts of you that say no, but really mean yes. The desire to strengthen your power, your inner knowing, is driving this self inquiry. Taurus: As the doors of your heart swing open, notice the physical response within you. What happens next? Do you continue to open or do these doors within close swiftly, without hesitation? I invite you to linger. Find that moment. When the door is neither open, nor closed. Gemini: Your sign represents powerful creative energy co-creating- resulting in a third, dynamic energy being created. Or the "emergent third" as it is often referred to in the art therapy realms. This emergent third, or "the third", is delicate, vulnerable and thus extremely powerful. Cancer: In your quest for deeper nourishment, you must be honest about your resistance to receiving. What is it about deep nourishment that causes you such pain? Lean into your discomfort, as this is vital for increasing your threshold of expansion. Expand your container, your holding, of both light and dark, pain and joy. Leo: This old story of your power is beginning to crumble. Partly because it's becoming less interesting to you. Partly because you're learning a new way. But first you have to allow the total demolition of the old structure, the old way of being. How you are, who you are- in relationship with Self, with others? Virgo: You are learning how to relate to yourself in new, more intimate ways. From here, you can show up more fully for others. It takes courage to awaken to your failings, your actions and choices, that have not nourished or supported you. Lean into these "failures" as there is great wisdom here. Libra: Pick up the pieces you dropped long ago. The parts of your being that allow you to connect, contain, strengthen, commit. The parts you abandoned for lightness, ease and fluidity. It's time to find balance and integration now, to find that moment when you are awake to both- structure and flow. Scorpio: This battle you have been identifying within is the key to unlock so many layers of resistance. Resistance to nourishment, support, to gather more of what you want and need. This old, epic battle- the one between life and death, pain and joy. As you crack your heart open wider, this conflict can release. Sagittarius: You are becoming more attentive to your inner silence- either by force or your own desire. This silence is a gift, a place to soften and surrender to your true needs, your heart's longings. It takes courage to show up here fully. Honor your bravery. The love begins to flow more fluidly in the coming days. Capricorn: You are learning what it feels like to cut away the unnecessary. The harsh, the brutal. Deepening your ability to feel true comfort and support. The kind that comes from your inner being. When you aren't wasting your energy on force and physical struggle, you can arrive into the receptive more fully. Aquarius: It is a fragile time for you. And in this fragility is great strength. Ripen with this potential, possibility, the unknown and uncertainty. Gather the most important pieces and arrange them carefully with intention. The truth is, these pieces, are the foundation you need to create a more solid ground. Pisces: The pieces of you that are still in hiding are beginning to see the light. All the ways you've kept yourself from feeling love, connection, support. They are emerging. Some of this is showing up through pain, challenge, conflict, separateness, some of this through experiencing joy and pleasure.
This Week's Intention: Seek balance and inner harmony by honestly working with challenges and obstacles. Where are you resisting and refusing deeper nourishment in your life? Get radical with your release. It's a waning Moon week. An internal focus is strengthening, while chaos, confusion and uncertainty amplify. New Moon is this Friday while Moon transits its debilitation sign, Scorpio. Open the release valve and dramatically purge what no longer serves you. Midmorning Monday, Moon moves to Swati nakshatra in Libra and joins Venus in exact conjunction. Inner and outer winds intensify. What direction are you moving? Can you stay grounded even in the midst of these strong winds? Creative flow is increasing. Catch the wave with intention and harness the creative powers within. Tuesday Moon shifts to Vishaka nakshatra and the dual forces of Indra and Agni amplify the need for extra support. Today, as Moon and Venus continue in close conjunction, our emotional body waivers, challenging stability and inner grounding. Land and ground, find stability through the pelvis and use your creative inner tides for resourcing. Work consciously with issues involving relationships, finances, health and comfort. As Wednesday morning begins, Moon shifts to its debilitation sign, Scorpio, joining Sun and Saturn here. This combination increases struggle and suffering in the emotional body. Late morning Moon moves to Mitra's nakshatra, Anuradha. Reach out for resources and gain resiliency through connecting with others. Work with structure- internal and external. Allow space for spirit to enter, while also consciously working with emotional blockages and challenges. Find ways to keep arriving back in the body. Moon is now moving through the 14th phase or tithi and the inner realms are amplified. Go slow, be gentle and compassionate with yourself and others. On Thursday, Moon continue through its debilitation sign, increasing sensitivity and grief as it closely conjuncts Saturn. As Moon shifts into the final constellation of Scorpio, Jyeshtha, Indra steps in. He brings strength and sensitivity simultaneously- especially to the mental body and our senses. There is an intense uprooting happening in the mind right now. Trust this is a cycle of churning in order for hidden and unconscious parts of the mind to emerge on the surface. As the challenges are identified, they can be identified and released. Use resources like the Emotional Freedom Technique to support this release process. The new Moon arrives just as Friday morning begins. The new Moon is at 02:30 am PST while Moon is in Scorpio and Jyeshtha Nakshatra. Ketu gives his gaze while ruling planet of Scorpio, Mars, is in a tempestuous conjunction with Rahu. This waxing Moon cycle insists on balance- both inner and outer. The new balance arrives with ample changes and release. There will be tensions, confusion and uncertainty undermining the need for balance and extra support. This is a time of assessing issues and challenges with relationships, money, creativity, nourishment and comfort. Find ways to simplify and radically release the pains and pressures of desire; less is more. Sensitivity is at an all time high and self care is non-negotiable. Diligently check in with your four bodies- mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually in order to identify your needs. Find a new sense of resiliency and harmony in this cycle by cutting away and removing toxicity. This includes toxic relationships and people, as well as toxic behaviors and patterns within. Avoid excess sugars, intoxicants, indulgences and false comforts. Clean up your inner and outer life. Big movements and changes arrive- which may be sweeping, overwhelming and unpredictable. Trust that these sudden shifts are meant to help you release and let go of what no longer serves you in nourishing and supportive ways. Where are you clinging to the past unnecessarily? Who and what is keeping you locked in a false sense of security? How are your old, toxic patterns and behaviors emerging and showing you what must radically shift? Who is on your support team? What type of support systems do you have in place? Support and security go hand in hand. Both are essential for safety. Wherever there is a lack of stability, there is a lack of safety on some core level. Is it safe to be wealthy, comfortable, loved and nourished? Where are you resisting your basics needs because of old patterns and beliefs? Where do you feel unsafe to receive more nourishment for your life in deeper more fulfilling ways? It's time to radically uproot the mental body ground and till your inner soil. Pull up the weeds within the mind, re-write your inner stories and re-pattern the hidden agendas that self sabotage your growth, strength and progress. Now is the time to seek out more consistent support for your four bodies. Make sure you are getting your needs met on the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual body levels. Where are there holes in your support system? What new resources and support do you need? Ask for guidance, reach out and align with teachers, therapists, healers, spiritual teachers and coaches so your progress will be swifter. Be courageous and invite in the change. Just after noon, Moon jumps through the challenging gandanta (gap) between Scorpio and Sagittarius, landing in an often chaotic nakshatra, Mula. Underneath the chaos and turmoil is deep peace. Can you find it? Saturday, Moon transits Sagittarius, joining Mercury here. Both receive gaze from Jupiter and Mars. Can you activate your spiritual warrior? As Moon moves through Mula, a certain uprooting is taking place. The chaos and turmoil are here to increase the change and transformation process. Are you clinging and resisting or surrendering to the letting go process? Ease the suffering and step into radical release. Ask spirit to help you remove mental and emotional body blockages. How are you self sabotaging your progress? Just after noon, Moon shifts to PurvaAshada nakshatra and the water goddess arrives to support the release process. Cleanse, purify and let go through the support of your emotional body. Let tears help you cleanse and rejuvenate from the inside out. Sunday Moon continues to transit PurvaAshada nakshatra until midday. The cleansing continues. Use the support of water to assist this process. Soak in water, walk near water and purify your internal waters. Hit the re-fresh button and deepen your relationship with feelings and emotions. As the Moon shifts to UttaraAshada, the Vishvadevas arrive to support shining and being seen. How can you align with your spiritual warrior and step into your pure heart wisdom? Let spirit guide you into action and use your spiritual body as a potent resource for activating inner knowing and trust. Moon shifts to Capricorn early evening, receiving Rahu and Saturn's gaze. Powerful forces conjoin to increase change and momentum. How do you use this power? Moon continues to transit Capricorn and UttaraAshada until early afternoon on Monday. Align with purity and purpose today. Once Moon shift to Sravana, Vishnu arrives to help us expand and awaken with his dharmic forces. Challenge what you think is possible and open up all-possibilities for yourself and your life. Seek inner and outer harmony through knowledge and wisdom. Listen to positive messages and release the harmful and hurtful inner dialogue. Be conscious of what you say and how you say it. *All timing is given in Pacific Standard Time Zone. Need some extra guidance and clarity? I am scheduling January sessions. Schedule a session with me.
Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. After the fragile full Moon in Aquarius on August 29th, Moon begins to wane. The cycle begins with a winding down, endings and releases, as Moon passes through the final half of the zodiac. Moon makes the challenging shift from water (Pisces) to fire (Aries) on September 1st, leaping across the difficult gandanta gap from endings to beginnings. A new cycle arrives! Stand in your power. Be bold and step boldly into renewal. Mark this time by declaring your intentions for the new cycle. What can you simplify, let go of, release? How can you soften in the heart and invite in more compassion- for your self and others? Can you stay in your power, even as you do so? The themes of healing, release and letting go carry us through this waning cycle. In many ways this is a time to prepare for the big transformations and changes that will occur after the new Moon. Attend to inner nourishment and clean up any pieces of your life, health, routine or schedule that have been neglected. Reduce stress, chaos and overwhelm as much as possible. Identify patterns of self sabotage and actions and behaviors that keep you stuck in mediocrity, conflict and suffering. Your critic and its fear inducing tactics will likely be at the root of it! Pay attention and work diligently on loosening its grip. As three exact conjunctions begin to release and ease apart, we feel a certain release within as well. At the beginning of the waning Moon cycle, Mars and Venus form exact conjunction as they continue to move through Cancer. Honor your heart and let the feelings flow. Mars brings cutting and precision which is painful to our softer, gentler side. Water planet Venus, can help us maintain fluidity and movement. Don't let stagnation hold you back. Try to avoid heart burn and heartache by staying in the flow. Use your body wisdom to navigate the emotional body challenges. Get embodied! Simultaneously, Mercury and Rahu's tight conjunction begins to ease up, allowing our mental body to breath and separate from shadows and illusion. Thankfully Sun and Jupiter have also separated from combustion and now issues with power and authority, father and lineage matters, also begin to clarify and purify. This process can be helpful with giving us new awareness and perspective. Let gratitude fill the new space that's been created within you. What have you learned? How are you growing? What resources are you receiving? Venus goes direct on Sunday, September 6th at 01:28 while in Cancer. For well over a month Venus's backward dance has asked us to re-evaluate relationships, money, creativity and our life force energy. The planet of relationships, creativity, and artistry, Venus is connected to all things feminine and life giving. It offers beauty, fluidity, wealth and life giving powers, most essentially, shakti. Worldly comforts and resources can increase through Venus's benevolence and help us feel more stable in material ways. As Venus continues to move through Cancer, conjunct debilitated Mars, our chest, heart and emotional body center feels the pangs. The planet of feeling, creativity, relationships and all things beautiful and worldly continues to adjust to the high demands of the heart and emotions until September 30th. With debilitated Mars in this sign as well, our heart is in for an emotional ride. The valves are opening and an influx of water, feelings, heightened emotions and all the challenges connected to sensitivity increases. Home, heart, land, vehicles, mother and all fourth house matters get amplified. How do you navigate the choppy waters? Will you sink, swim or learn to float? Can you attend to the moving tides and go with the flow? Now is an excellent time to clean up and heal issues with relationships, money, creativity and emotions. Don't fight the tidal waves, but learn to swim with the currents. Venus must now re-trace his steps back through the first part of Leo. As he moves back into Leo on September 30th, he works his way through Magha nakshatra once again- the domain of the ancestors, most notably the father. This increases our attention on power, authority and the need to pay special attention to our personal mythology connected to these themes. As Venus moves through Leo, we can expect passions to increase for relationships and connection, while strong desires may emerge simultaneously. Expect intensified strength, determination and power to materialize, while aggression and agitation may increase as well. The transit of Venus through Leo is the instigation of an unfolding theme that has been ripening within the planets. Working with power and authority dynamics is vital, especially the masculine energy within you. Notice where you are pushing, using excessive force and using an over-active drive to accomplish and succeed. Take time to contemplate the meaning of success from different angles. Your ego may feel challenged by this. How can you soften your action steps? Where can you let go and surrender more? How can you be a winner- on all levels of life? How can you meet your relationships with more compassion- both with yourself and others? This work with power dynamics is especially relevant while Venus enters back into the first portion of Leo- where Jupiter is currently. Though there continue to be small planetary shifts and changing Moon tides during this cycle, in many ways we are able to experience a certain rest and rejuvenation at this time. Use this time wisely. The coming eclipse cycle and multiple planetary shifts that will arrive in the next waxing phase will certainly test and stretch us. Take care of your needs now and get the rest and self care that will be essential for the coming cycle. The partial solar eclipse on September 13th begins a very delicate two week gap between eclipses that will need special care and intention. Need some extra guidance and clarity? I am now booking October sessions. Schedule a session with me. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic (sidereal) rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your Western sign (Tropical) as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart Aries: Hang onto your heart! As Venus and Mars intensify emotions and home matters for you, prepare to release and clear out the chambers of your heart. The intensity will be brought on by the mind, so attend to mental body stories and parts of your personal mythology that need to be released. Stand up for and support children, creativity and your passions. Get focused and aligned with your money and clean up bad spending habits. Attend to self care and don't forget to meditate! Taurus: Use courage to get empowered, focused and truly aligned with your creative powers. Let your heart and emotions guide this process. Where aren't you showing up in your life? Who and what is controlling you- at the negation of your happiness and well being? Fear and illusions of perfection will rob you of any joy and happiness you desire. Reclaim your power, find your stability within your body and ground into your inner wisdom. Gemini: Courageously invite in more nourishment, abundance and wealth. Get yourself well fed by life! Power arrives with your creativity. Trust your gifts and creative powers! Mental body shadows are keeping you from feeling your nourished and abundant life. Radically remove the old programming and align with new mental health. Continue to remove old, bad habits and clean up your diet. Let the internet be your friend as you share your passionate message with the world. Cancer: Part of you feels like you're going crazy. Part of you is! Crazy creative energy is moving through you right now and it's overpowering you. Step into your power and get focused on what truly serves you. Speak your truth, but make sure it's the sweet truth. Move toward your passions and make this your priority. Relationships may feel intense, passionate, loving and problematic all at the same time. Try to find balance with the wild extremes. Leo: Heart and home are seeking stability, use your physical body to gain support. Challenge and contraction, restriction and constriction bring pain and suffering to your emotional body. Where are you letting your power leak out and weaken? Who or what is robbing you of your inner wisdom and intuitive knowing? Take your power back! The illusion that you are "not getting your needs met" is not serving you. Release the old mental stories in order to gain deeper comfort, security and abundance. Virgo: Mental confusion and illusion are keeping you in the dark. Look directly at your shadows and keep pulling off the veils that aren't allowing you to see the light. Continue to let go and release- especially with relationship matters. Gains come with losses and losses allow new gains. Your power is fragile right now. Others may not see your strength. Let your body wisdom be the reminder of your inner wisdom and power. It has all the messages you need for reinventing yourself and helping you transform. Libra: Your career is going through some wild changes and passionate excitement. It's vital to be releasing and letting go of parts of yourself that keep you in the dark. Self sabotage and limiting beliefs will stand in the way of any success you can achieve at this time. Diligently track your mental stories, old programming and personal mythology around success, power and being seen. What's holding you back from truly standing in your power? Scorpio: Saturn continues to sit in your head, bringing his pressure, pain and discomfort. He's reminding you what you need and what you don't need. Radically resist taking on fear that others dump on you. Your power is only robbed when you let it be taken. Dissolve the mental illusions that are causing old traumas to be re-triggered. There is no authority higher than your own inner knowing, your intuition and the wisdom within you. Align with your truth and don't compromise. Sagittarius: Clean, clear and clarify your emotional body and let your suffering out of its cage. Show and share your vulnerability, darkness and pain with others. This will be the catalyst for deeper connection and more nourishment. Perfection is keeping you from fully being alive! Share your words, write and communicate in bold and powerful ways. Believe it or not your light will shine more brightly if you are truly authentic with your full human being. Capricorn: Relationships are providing you with an intense amount of growth and self development right now- mostly as a result of challenge, emotional heat and old haunts that are returning. Are you letting old pain keep you from feeling joy right now? What mental body illusions are showing up that induce your fear? It is a fear of being controlled and overpowered. Use these stories to help you unravel the programming and conditioning. The darkness is your biggest teacher right now. Let your pain guide you towards your inner truth. Aquarius: Nourishment is arriving but you aren't sure what to do with it. You mistrust it, fear it, feel it won't last. How can you be satisfied if you aren't giving gratitude for the gifts that are already arriving? The nourishment can't fully be integrated unless you start feeling every drop of it within your body. Fill your cup. Trust there is more where that came from. Seek stability within your being and trust that others are here to support you. Finding balance between power and vulnerability is key for you. Pisces: Lack of clarity in your relationships is causing pain and unnecessary suffering. The illusion of togetherness and the fear of being alone are keeping you from fully getting your needs met. What are you trying to control, manage and resist within yourself and your relationship paradigms? You are misusing your power and its beginning to take its toll. Align with your heart wisdom and listen to your feelings. They will guide you towards your truth. * All timing is Pacific time zone. Need some extra guidance and clarity? I am now booking October sessions. Schedule a session with me.
Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. As mentioned in my waning Moon Wisdom, this emptying cycle is about honoring our steps:
"Use this waning cycle to bring presence to your path, your struggles and challenges. Honor yourself for your steps, your wisdom gained, and the many obstacles you have overcome. Work diligently to both honor your struggles and also reflect on the openings and progress also alive currently in your life. Look for possibilities, doors that are opening and steps you can take towards them. When you feel the burdens and the struggles overwhelming you, dance, walk, move. Work with themes of balance, steadiness, patience, one step at a time. Honor your feet and their wisdom." The coming new Moon marks the beginning of Navaratri, the nine days of Mother Divine. This is a particularly auspicious junction point in the cycles and rhythms of nature. Navaratri happens in both fall (Maha Navaratri) and spring (Vasant Navaratri). This is a very precious and sensitive time period where the veils between realms are very thin. Fall Maha Navarati marks the beginning of change- the passage into a more inward, silent and transformational time period; it marks the nearing of an ending cycle. The nine days of festivity honors our change, obstacles and struggles, as well as overcoming these obstacles with nourishment, support and wisdom from the divine Mothers Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati. I will be sharing much more about this powerful sandhi (junction) point of the seasons in the coming weeks and how to best utilize this time period. Expect a special Self Care "challenge" in order to encourage more inward awareness at this time. My 3 Levels of Awareness Immersion is part of this. Sign up early for the best rate. Horoscopes for the Waning Moon Cycle {September 9th to 24th} *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Self care and healing continue to be a big theme for you. Figuring out how to balance inner needs and outer demands, while carefully attending to your health and well being are essential. Your power resides in your depths- which may feel more palpable right now. In order to harness and maximize your potential, pay attention to your inner resources and strengths. The past will be reminding you of what doesn't work, so pay extra attention to what does- so you can reinforce the new, rather than the old. Relationships and networking will require extra diligent communication in the coming weeks, so prepare now. Work with boundaries, needs and expressing them consciously. Use the 3 level check in for cultivating presence. Taurus: You've been learning how to increase stability and support in your life with the help of Saturn. This has required courage and working with your discomfort and dis-ease as well. Let the wisdom of Saturn ripen you as he finishes his 2.5 year transit through your 6th house in the next few months. The passion you are carrying with you in heart and home matters, with mother and emotions, leads you towards increased passion, play, romance and creativity; especially as Sun moves into your 5th house on the 16th. If confusion sets in, this may undermine your comfort level. Try to find the need that is underneath the worry, doubt, anxiousness. Remember to work consciously with your discomfort and mental/emotional bodies and not bypass them. Use the 3 level check in for cultivating presence. Gemini: For you, comfort, nourishment and support are the strongest draws. What does that mean for you and where can you find it? Career feels joyfully fleeting which can bring both discouragement and excitement. How can this become a resource and an inspiration, rather than a source of fear? Attending to debts and healing are top priorities right now. Relationships continue to require health boundaries- which will go a long way in helping your needs for comfort and support. Emotional body work is both a priority and a necessity. Are you cutting and pasting over your felt senses? Or paying extra attention to them? Let your feelings be a source of creativity for you and shine a flash light on heart matters in the weeks to come- especially once Sun moves to your 4th house on 9.16. Cultivate your steps for returning home. Cancer: Self expansion continues to be your main theme. How's that working for you? Self expression is powerfully connected to your sense of comfort and nourishment. Cultivate your steps for returning home. Are you voicing your needs effectively? Creativity is fully charged, but unless you can turn this into doable, bite sized pieces, your overwhelm will get you no where. Be sure to make daily attainable goals your priority and take action steps that will amount to success over time. What you do today will (with consistent action) will turn into long term success. Heart, home, boundaries and relationships require more of the same. Let play, passion and romance be part of your plan of action. Leo: The shine and brightness moves you into a sense of increased comfort, nourishment and support as Sun moves into your 2nd house on the 16th. See if you can carry the new self awareness and self development of the past Sun cycle into a greater understanding of your needs and wants. Can you express them effectively? With tact and compassion? Can others receive your message? You are courageously working with how to relate and be in relation with others. What are your greatest needs for safety and support? How can you get your needs met in a mindful, healthy way? This awareness will have surprising effects on your abundance and increase in harmony- so attend to the details. FYI, it's all connected to your heart wisdom and emotional body. Use the 3 level check in for cultivating presence. Virgo: Confusion seems to bring with it a sense of worry, anxiety and uncertainty. Chalk it up to Rahu in your head (1st house!) As Sun moves to your head as well after the 16th, expect some extra attention to be needed with your sense of self, self confidence and your ability to shine. Be courageous with your creativity and artistry and use this as part of your nourishment and self care practice. Work on communicating your needs effectively as well as self expression and vocalizing healthy boundaries. Your relationships depend on it. Right now, working on issues of comfort, nourishment and support are vital to your sense of self and self development, as well as how you relate and who you relate to. Use the 3 level check in for cultivating presence and working with boundaries. Libra: Refer to my Saturn article for reminders about his wisdom. What is best practice when Saturn is sitting in your head? As he finishes out his 2.5 year transit in your first house, you may be feeling the extra pressure taking hold. Career, creativity, courage and relationships are likely part of the equation. It's important to expand slowly right now, to attend to your self care and find ways to get extra support in your life. You may be wanting to retreat more right now, so allow ample alone time, travel time, and go on retreats- in order for self preservation. This need will increase as Sun moves to your 12th house on the 16th, so surrender to this trend for the coming month. Expect the silence to increase your creativity. Go with it. Scorpio: The teacher in you is filled and overflowing with wisdom. Ample creativity and a desire to connect, share and inspire are driving you right now. It's a time of dharma! With Mars in your 1st house, action steps and activation are more attainable, so plot your next moves thoughtfully. Courage is still required for your communications and connections, but don't be afraid to be bold and daring. Using computers and the internet can be your best friend in order to get the job done. Balance your need for silence with your push to achieve right now. See how the silence and separation you require can be an asset to you and your offerings. Work with self trust issues and cultivate your steps for returning home. Sagittarius: Taking alone time, traveling and going on retreat are helpful and time well spent, though this may take some effort and courage to accomplish. Away time and being off your normal routine will give some new insights and offer a new perspective. But cultivate your steps for returning home in order to maximize the experience. The past and old friends may offer some comfort for you. Give some gratitude for who is walking with you and let go of those who need to be removed from your list of old support. The wisdom you are gathering at this time is ripening. As Sun moves to your 10th house of career on the 16th, let your wisdom be an offering. Share it and offer it in a bigger way. Connect, create, communicate for greater gains. Capricorn: Expect gains from friendships and with home and land, heart and emotions, but navigate these territories with consciousness. Relationships are expansive in general for you right now and you are likely feeling the extra support as a result. Still, some fragility remains until Sun moves into your 9th house on the 16th. A new level of courage will be required of you at that point. Courage to share, shine, connect and create in new ways- and perhaps missing pieces of your dharmic path will materialize in order to help you. Saturn provides stability for career, but remember that slow and steady is how you will win the race. What are your steps for returning home? Aquarius: Career is feeling the momentum and charge. Are you? Connections and relationships have been extra energized lately and reminding you how to be courageous and creative in the process. It's through your steadiness, however, that you find the nourishment and support you need to step forward. Find moments of pause to reflect and re-center and remember you can't be in the giving role all the time. How does it feel when you receive? Where do you feel this in your body? Can you sense the nourishment or do you cast it off as insignificant? Nourish and be nourished. As Sun moves to your 8th house on the 16th, get ready for an extra long pause. Use the 3 level check in for cultivating presence. Pisces: Snipping and cutting, restructuring and deconstructing. These are powerful themes for you right now as Ketu sits in your head (1st house). What are you consciously letting go of and releasing? What are you keeping and holding onto? What are your steps for returning home? Play, fun, romance, students and children can provide much growth and wisdom for you so pay attention to them. At the same time, insights are gained from the past, from the elderly and from the slow ripening of time so be a witness. As Sun moves to your 7th house of relationships on the 16th, work consciously with relationship themes. What needs to be healed and honored? What needs to be unveiled and awakened? How can more fun and passion be incorporated into your connections? Let go of the old and invite in the new. Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. Moon is still waning and finishes its cycle of emptying on Sunday the 24th in the 15th tithi or Moon phase. New Moon is Monday the 25th at 9:12 am CDT in Leo and Magha nakshatra. More on this new Moon of change in the next Moon Mind Calendar.
Monday, August 18th Today's Intention: High planetary energetics. Dancing with our Devi (god) self and Asura (demon) self; connecting with inner polarities. Moon transits its mulitrikona sign, Taurus, and moves to Rohini nakshatra at 01:20 am CDT. Moon receives drishti (gaze) from both Rahu and Mars, and sits in a sign ruled by Venus. These factors can agitate the Moon and since Venus is currently in close degrees with Jupiter, there’s a tension between opposing forces. Venus is asura (demon) energy and of the worldly realms, whereas Jupiter is deva (god) energy of the more heavenly realms. These two are often working against each other (within us), but are both essential parts of our human existence. How to dance with both? Where do these different energies arrive within our experience and how do we work with them, against them? As Jupiter and Venus move into exact conjunction today, we get a chance to connect with our inner polarities. Likely agitation, frustrations and some anger will surface as the sensitive Moon is touched by the fiery warrior (Mars) and the shadow of confusion (Rahu). How do these emotions offer insight into your needs, wants and sense of self? Use the inner conflict for harvesting and confrontation. Identify your needs and how these emotions relate to your need for safety, stability and support. With Jupiter in exaltation, the ability to learn, expand and grow from our awareness is the winning factor to pay attention to. What are you learning about your choices and needs? Beyond the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, this is a powerful day of three planets in signs of exaltation, while Sun is in its own sign, Leo. Jupiter exalted in Cancer, Saturn exalted in Libra conjunct Mars, and Moon in its mulitrikona sign of Taurus (it will have passed through the small window of exaltation early in the am, moving into its harmonious place of mulitrikona thereafter). Can you feel the high energy? The momentum and power that is present? Harness this effectively and use this time to create, cultivate and expand. With Moon in Rohini today, Lord Brahma is offering his abilities to us for increased creativity, artistry, abundance on the material plane of existence. Remember, where there are frustrations, look there for your greatest needs. Tuesday, August 19th Today's Intention: Keep it moving- on the emotional, physical and mental levels of awareness. Seek nourishment, rejuvenation, revitalization and creativity. Moon moves to Mrigashirsha nakshatra at 02:59 am CDT, enlivening Soma (another name for Chandra, the Moon) and the planet Mars who rules over this lunar constellation. Mrigashirsha is flighty and fickle, fast and quick, agile and aware, just like a deer- the symbol here. With agitators Mars and Rahu giving drishti to the sensitive Moon, look for some frustrations to appear within your internal landscape. It’s a valuable time for self tracking and harvesting useful information about your inner dynamics. Pay attention to both inner and outer awareness. It’s a time of high energy, potent power and palpable intensity. With Jupiter exalted in Cancer, conjunct Venus, their opposing nature’s can provide insights into our greatest emotional needs. The exaltation of Saturn in Libra, conjunct Mars, is another layer of frustration, as their energies oppose each other- slow and fast, stop and go. This time period is ripe with opposition, polarities, attraction and repulsion, heightening binary thinking patterns and the frustrations, anxieties and fears that can surface as a result. It is essential to be conscious of your emotions, track their source and to note the experiences that provoke them. What are the underlying needs connected to the emotion and how are they connected to greater comfort, nourishment and support? What actions need to be shifted or welcomed in order to find a shift? Use a 3 level check-in Mercury moves to Purvaphalguni nakshatra at 10:38 am CDT, enlivening both Venus and Bhaga. Fertility, sexuality, sensuality and nourishment from our relationships arrive through the mental body. Our capacity for greater creativity and potency may increase at this time. Let the mind expand towards it’s joys, hopes and aspirations. Let the emotions be nourished in response to your dreams and desires. Be potent, direct and focused on your expansion in the coming days and find nourishment in possibility and conscious action steps. Moon moves into Gemini at 16:01 CDT, energizing creativity, connection, communication and the mental body. Just after Moon moves to Gemini, Mars moves into Vishaka nakshatra, moving closer to Saturn, heightening tensions between these two planets. Vishaka, however, is ruled by Jupiter, so we continue to focus on expand and contract, stop and start, open and close as a result of these movements. Wednesday, August 20th Today's Intention: Work with your inner powers- the powers that make changes, challenges, destruction and disruption in your life. Moon transits Gemini and moves to Ardra nakshatra at 05:09 am CDT, enlivening Rahu and Rudra's power of destruction. The symbol of Ardra is a teardrop, as well as perspiration, an acknowledgment of Rudra's emotional intensity, his connection to storms and disruptions. This is a day to be very conscious of the mental body, and its interplay with the emotional body. On Rudra days, we have the potential for great harvesting with challenge, obstructions, intensity and sharpness. Challenges arrive, this is the nature of life, but our response to these challenges is really the most important part of the process. On days that challenge our calm inner waters, we are given an opportunity for great learning. Watch your self. Be witness to the mental body and how it activates the emotional body. Look for clues within the physical body and note your body's messages and responses. Use the body to bring you back to a sense of grounding. When the ripples and waves of the mind get choppy and stir the ocean of the emotions, notice where you are getting distracted. Where you are not connected to your Self, and where do the stories carry you away to distant lands? Be a witness. This doesn't mean don't respond, don't express, don't be with your emotions. But it does require navigating the inner landscape with tools. Today requires multiple 3 level check-ins. Track your needs, wants, desires. What is the need underneath your anger and agitation? Notice where these emotions are taking you, but excavate below the surface for lasting insights. Thursday, August 21st Today's Intention: Dancing with dualism. Taking note of when and how you divide yourself mentally, emotionally and physically. Seeking conscious openings and closings- inner and outer. Moon moves from Ardra nakshatra to Punarvasu at 07:42 am CDT and a shift to insight and awareness arrives for the day. With Aditi and Jupiter softening the felt senses and smoothing the edges from yesterday, we are given an opportunity for greater understanding and insights with help from Aditi, the Mother of all goodness. Aditi gave birth to the twelve Adityas, the "providers" who offer us sustenance and support; she is considered the mother of the gods (devas). She helps us expand our awareness and offers a sense of unity consciousness. With her ability to give non-duality, non-difference, we get insights into where we are overly connecting to difference and duality. Diti, (Aditi's sister) is connected to our ignorance, our demons and dualistic thoughts that disrupt and divide us. These are the thoughts that take us out of our sense of connection, being "centered", whole and feeling our innate well being. With the complexity of the planets providing multiple levels of dualism for us to entertain, tension between our opposing inner natures has been enlivening. Today, we get yet another opportunity for awareness about our own inner divisions, polarities, binary thinking patterns and attraction/repulsions. Mars and Saturn get closer in degrees and today are nearing exact conjunction, less than two degrees apart now. The tensions may be intensifying for us around stop/start dynamics- inside and out. Frustrations come when we force (Mars) the slower unfoldment of life (Saturn). Where might you be pushing too hard for results? Exalted Saturn (in Libra, the sign of balancing the scales) gives his drishti to exalted Jupiter and Venus, still conjunct in Cancer- the sign of the heart center and our open/close dynamics. Our deva (god) and asura (demon) natures are continuing to dance very closely- enlivening yet another dimension of our dualistic natures. Find my Saturn and Mars workshop mp3's here. Working with dualism is an important piece of the puzzle right now. I suggest continued exploration with our black/white dynamics. A polarity dance might be in order. Or simply noticing where these polarities show up in your body. Do you sense opposite sensations in the physical body? Write a polarity poem or create a polarity drawing. Get your felt senses out on paper. Or you may with to recycle my Creative Ritual from the Full Moon. Venus moves to Ashlesha nakshatra at 20:23 CDT, moving away from exalted Jupiter and the mutual nakshatra of Pushya. Ashlesha enlivens our serpent energy and Mercury. The mind enlivens desires, wants and potentially ego. Be aware of these themes in the coming days as overconfidence and mental illusion may be running wild. On the other hand, get creative with your wants and needs. Plant seed of desire and attend to your needs for comfort, support and nourishment, emotional harmony and a sense of well being. How can you increase your self care focus right now? Take actions that comfort the mind and soothe the mental body. Friday, August 22nd Today's Intention: A gentle focus on the dance of the heart. Opening and closing to life. Using boundaries for getting your needs met and increasing comfort, nourishment and support. Moon moves to its own sign, Cancer, at 03:48 am CDT, joining exalted Jupiter and Venus there. Exalted Saturn gives his drishti to these three planets as well as Ketu. Moon moves to Pushya nakshatra at 10:31 am CDT, enlivening Saturn and Brihaspati (Jupiter personified) and the open/close dynamics synonymous with Cancer and the heart center. Where are we opening today? Where are we closing? Where is more opening needed and where is less needed? Pay attention to boundaries, your needs, grounding and rooting into the emotional/intuitive awareness of your emotional body for messages and insights. Get connected to your heart and heart wisdom. Let your heart lead you home. Sense, feel, embody. Use your emotional body wisdom for harvesting today. What do your feelings tell you about your greatest needs? Use a 3 level check-in for harvesting the inner landscape. The tension between exalted Saturn and Mars increases as they conjoin today. Now less than a degree apart, notice where frustrations arise for you. Let the tension between stop and start give you insights into your stories, inner landscape and relationship dances. What is enough, too much? Not enough, too little? Our wounds and woundology show up here and also in our should's and have to's. Pay attention. Saturday, August 23rd Today's Intention: Use the physical body as an entry point for greater nourishment, comfort and support in your life. Moon crosses over Jupiter mid morning and moves towards Venus, still in Pushya nakshatra. Themes of nourishment arrive for morning. Settle, ground, stabilize. Care for your physical needs, physical body. Tend to your heart and go for comfort. Use my exalted Jupiter mp3 for harvesting open/close awareness. As Moon moves into Ashlesha nakshatra at 13:29 CDT, the mental body takes over and the grounding and nourishment we gave our body previously, will have its benefits now, keeping us more stable and grounded. Use the dance between emotional body and mental body intentionally today. Let your emotions spark your imagination. Let your imagination spark your emotions. Play, dance, sing, create, share your dance of emotional/mental body. Use today to get embodied. Feeling extra sensitive as Moon transits through Cancer? Read my article about using your sensitivity as a gift. Sunday, August 24th Today's Intention: Empty your self like the Moon. Who are you as a result of your lineage? Give gratitude to your path and the ancestors who have helped it enliven. Moon spends the majority of the day in Ashlesha nakshatra, transiting Cancer, its own sign. The Moon is almost completely empty of light, in the 15th tithi now. At 16:29 CDT, the Moon jumps into Leo and Magha nakshatra, joining Sun and Mercury there and enlivening Ketu as well as Pitr, the ruling deity of the ancestors. Lineage and connection to our ancestors is part of today's offerings. Reflect and give gratitude to those who have come before you. Honor the parts within your self that are blessings, gifts of your family line. Magha also offers a sense of authority and demands a certain respect, but the ego can cross into chauvinism if not checked. It's good to be proud and pat your self on the back in order to have a healthy ego. Just don't let the ego run away with itself as ego is mostly rooted in personas we are using for worldly advancement. New Moon is Monday the 25th at 9:12 am CDT in Leo and Magha nakshatra. More on this new Moon of change in the next Moon Mind Calendar. Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. 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