New Moon: Sun and Moon Invite Creative Potential New Moon is on 5.28 at 13:40 CDT while Moon is in Taurus (its mulitrikona sign) and transiting Rohini nakshatra. This is a highly creative placement for the Moon and the new Moon (amavasya) element invites in potential and possibility. Sparks, creativity, intuitive wisdom and support are ushered in for this next cycle. Endless potential arrives at this time and new abundance and stability will bring us a sense of momentum; momentum we have been needing for months now in order to feel progressive. From this stability, we can then take more effective action steps forward, use the creativity that is arriving, and build with this. Rohini is a nakshatra ruled by Lord Brahma, the creator of the Universe. He exemplifies great strength, possibility and creative energy. Creativity, artistry and material abundance are part of his offerings. And since he is husband of goddess Saraswati, who offers us wisdom, knowledge and the arts, Rohini is also connected to her graces by default. Some healing and wisdom may be offered to us with Brahma's abundant nature flowing towards us. With the opening of this creative portal, a spark of new options and desires may surface. How we use this new potential and possibility will be up to us and our own desires. {New Moon Chart} Be on top of the ever changing transits, get my updates via my weekly newsletter.
Planetary Transits for the Waxing Moon Cycle On 5.30, Mercury moves to Ardra nakshatra at 6:30 am CDT; Rahu and Rudra (storm god) energy enlivens. Does he expand you into overwhelm and excessive cravings that lead to more frustration? Or can you temper his shadowy nature with focus and great planning? Harness the momentum that can be felt right now. Write lists and "dump out your head" on paper to avoid mental overdrive. Set goals, prioritize and be potent in your actions. Overwhelm and mental spin can set in. It will be important over the next two weeks of Mercury in Ardra to attend to the emotional and physical bodies for grounding and support, rather then letting the mental body get away with its usual mayhem. Pay attention to your emotions. Overwhelm? Anger? Exhaustion? Fear? This is a direct indication that your basic needs of support and nourishment are not being met. How can you find a different way to get the job done? How can you use self care to get your needs met? What paradigms need to shift in your relationships so that you can release some of the angst? Get embodied. We are gearing up for two big planetary shifts. To start the process off, and get us "near the edge" of change, Rahu and Ketu move to sandhi degrees on 6.05. They will be less then two degrees each on the 5th which marks their "transition point". We will start to feel their momentum now as they begin to shift into Virgo and Pisces respectively on July 12th. Are you feeling the need to make major life changes and yet overwhelm simultaneously? Planets intensify as they leave a house, so be aware that the cravings of Rahu will likely be enlivened at this time, while Ketu's desires for us to let go will force the issues at hand. Temper rash decisions. Use Saturn's structure and need for slow and steady, in order to win the race in the coming weeks. Mercury goes retrograde on 6.07 at 6:54 am CDT. Mercury is in its own sign of Gemini right now, but retrograde planets act like the nodes Rahu/Ketu, our karma points. The fact that Mercury will also be in Ardra for some weeks (ruled by Rahu) indicates the mind will be in a mode of craving and desire. Be wary of this. His retrograde motion is yet another "clean up" period for the mind, communication, commerce and our creativity. Be alert to necessary changes over the next 3.5 weeks. Mercury is a swift moving planet and normally doesn't occupy a sign longer then a few weeks; his transit through Gemini will be extended until July 27th due to his rewind motion. Once he goes into direct motion on July 1st he finishes off his Gemini transit in a more agreeable way. Do what you need to do in the coming weeks to get yourself into a place of forward momentum come mid July. Pay it forward, re-trace financial steps, pay off debts, scheme up a better way of doing business and tend to your finances. This can also be a very creative and inventive time. Put it to good use. If you need a reminder about retrograde Mercury, find details here. Following Rahu and Ketu's lead, Jupiter moves to the edge of Gemini on 06.09 gearing up for his grande entrance into Cancer, his sign of exaltation on June 18th. An expansive year is upon us. Find the details on his upcoming transit here. Full Moon is in Scorpio (again) on June 12th at 23:11 CDT while in Jyeshtha nakshatra. More on this in my next transit report for the waning Moon cycle. Commerce and communication will be ongoing themes for us. Jupiter moves to its sign of exaltation, Cancer, on June 18th, then Rahu and Ketu move in July to Virgo and Pisces respectively, and later this year Saturn moves to Scorpio. Likely you are already feeling the momentum and change of these transits. Needing some guidance and clarity for this coming year? Schedule a yearly progression with me. I am now booking sessions for June. Horoscopes for the Waxing Moon Cycle {May 28th to June 12th} *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: This waxing cycle, you get savvy about finances and vow to repair some recent mishandled events. Put your own comfort and support first, even with your current focus on money and acquiring. Trust your creative capacity to help you problem solve, think outside the box and manage your business. Cravings intensify with regard to relationships. Be smarter than your libido. Put passion where it's needed most. Right now it's with your own healing and self care, not poured into another person. Right now, work on communication and saying what you mean as well as meaning what you say. Taurus: I hope you are taking plenty of alone time right now out of desire, not out of force. Either way, it can prove valuable to you and provide necessary introspection for your relationship needs. Solitude can provide infinite creative sparks right now, so don't disregard your need for down time. Navigate emotions and anger with inquiry. What boundary issues are up for you right now? Where have you been saying yes when you should be saying no? Sun in your first house is causing you to shine and put on the ritz, but it's important to be mindful of balance; your inner and outer balance points need awareness. Teach, share and communicate effectively. You are learning how to put your Self first and get your needs met in very practical ways. Gemini: Skies the limit right now. Are you dreaming big? Or are you dreaming big and taking effective action steps in order for big rewards? Don't expect all your fortunes to fall in your lap. Now is a time to play big or go home. Ask the universe for support, as well as everyone in your life! Expand your horizons and look for opportunities around every corner. This is the necessary preparation for the coming cycles where your career has the potential to lift off and feel more supportive to you. But listen carefully. You must be courageous and ask for what you really want in order to get it. You must go beyond day dreams and take powerful steps forward that will get you off and running. And you must get clear on what you deserve above all. Cancer: Your best ideas these days come during silent and introspective times. Ample alone time, meditation and retreat mode gives you the reset you need for flourishing in the coming months. Sparks continue to fly with your career and stoke your heart flames and passions. Meet the right people and let friends be of benefit for you. It's your connections that will prove most valuable right now and will bring in new resources. Remember your gratitude. Meanwhile, work with themes of courage, creativity and artistry. Let the ideas flow and make sure to create space for harvesting your intuitive genius. Leo: Career has you shining like a bright star, asking for much of you and helping you to think outside the box. You are also learning a lot about your Self in the process, growing in creative potential and getting imaginative sparks. Are you getting fried in the process? Or are your passionate flames getting stoked in meaningful and helpful ways? What relationships feel nurturing and supportive and which ones need to be cut loose? You are learning "best practice" right now in your relationships and also the art of effective communication. You must be diligent with this. Quit making assumptions. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Clarity for all involved is key in order for everyone to get their needs met. Virgo: If you can release a bit of the critic and his demeaning messages for a minute, you might create some space for a new option to arise. Take control of your mental body and don't let its messages rule you. There's so much possibility for growth and expansion in your career right now, but you must be open and receptive to receive and expand what feels possible to you. Where are you holding back and playing small? What are your needs and how are you going to get them met? (Especially in your relationships). What makes you feel comforted and supported? What does not? Attend to your basic needs, put self care first, and get embodied. Libra: Your growth curve gets amplified in the coming weeks. It's time to soak up the knowledge and wisdom that is flowing your way. Even with Sun in your 8th house which offers a hidden, inward experience, let this be a transformative time for the ego and with regard to your relationships. Past haunts may re-visit as you navigate chaos and stormy patterns within you. Be two steps ahead of the storms. Notice your new response mechanisms; or are you defaulting into your old habits when things get stressful and out of hand? This is the time to create new patterns and paradigms for your Self. Rise to the occasion and grow from past mistakes and wounds. You have resources now that you didn't have months ago. Scorpio: Purge and clean. Clean and purge. Get rid of the barnacles, time wasters, energy suckers, the vampires of your life. Not just the people and the relationships, but the habits, patterns and monetary drains. Cut and clear. This radical release will give rise to more space. Space that is sure to invite in more possibility, greater potential, more nourishment and support in all ways. Communicate your needs effectively- to others and to the universe; ask and yee shall receive. The outcome may or may not be what you were hoping for, but at least you expressed your self fully. Get clear on what works and doesn't work for you and don't be afraid to go for it. Others will either keep up or not. (FYI, most won't be able to). Don't let this stop you. Need more validation? Here's my recent article on Scorpio. Sagittarius: Old habits die hard. If you're paying attention right now, you've noticed that some of these old patterns and default behavior modes need to be identified, consciously attended to and restructured. You may be missing the ample clues so pay attention. Relationships will be giving you much room for growth, awareness, and also help you get more clear on what works for you and what doesn't. You have a tendency to hold on tightly and avoid pain. But is it worth it? Maybe it's time to finally re-write and restructure some of your contracts, change your ways, change the way you do business, change what and who you are attracting into your life? If you want something different, you must be willing to do things differently. Capricorn: You really are growing, and changing some old, bad habits to boot. Job well done! As Mercury goes retrograde on 6.07, you will get even more opportunities to restore and repair debts, mental ruts, and some old mind games. Teach and heal. Heal and be healed. Share your wisdom and knowledge with others and don't be shy to share your shadow work as well. No one is perfect and being transparent can help you attract an authentically invested crowd. Heart work is vital right now and part of your growth curve. Pain and all. Crack open the heart lotus and don't be afraid of what you find. Aquarius: You are working on courage and creativity in some big ways right now. Spark something new and tend to your heart flame. Learn, grow and invite in new wisdom and ideas. Is it possible you are closed off to possibilities because you think you "know" already? Don't let the ego block your growth and depth. Looking into your shadowed parts and the places you are terrified to look at within your self and your past, are essential right now. Use these last few weeks of Jupiter in your 5th house to fearlessly expand your intuitive wisdom by clearing out the old blocks. Hint: You will need to be extra vigilant with your mind. Digest your thoughts and note connections between your gut and your mental processes. Pisces: Learning the right thing to say at the right time takes practice. Being bold about asking for what you need and finding ways to get nourished takes a lot of courage. You are working on these pieces right now. Relationships are testing you and calling upon you to get your needs, boundaries and ideals in check. What are your personal values? Are your relationships able to meet these needs? Courageously work on changing old patterns, belief systems and parts of your ego that are keeping you from your depths and intuitive wisdom. All the chaos and crisis of the previous months have been here to help you get clear on what works for you and what doesn't. Are you making the necessary changes for increased clarity? Or getting lost in the storm clouds? Get your horoscope via my newsletter. Sign up! Find out more about your Vedic sign with a personal Jyotish session.
5/28/2014 03:28:46 am
so lovely.
5/31/2015 01:48:04 pm
Love your work and website............
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