The year long transit of Jupiter in its sign of exaltation, Cancer, is ending on July 14th. However, like most major transits of this kind, it actually begins weeks in advance. As Jupiter nears the edge of Cancer, becoming sandhi the first week of July, the transitions and changes start. Pay close attention at this time to themes that connect to Leo, the 5th house and the Sun. Simultaneously any final lessons and understandings from the Jupiter in Cancer transit will be intensifying. This is a time of crystalization, where the final offerings of the Cancer cycle are being shared with us. Read more about Jupiter's transit through Cancer. Interestingly, Cancer is ruled by the Moon and directly connects to the mother, home, grounding and the emotional body. Leo is ruled by the Sun and correlates to the father, our sense of power, the ego and the solar plexus. There is a divine integration being shared with us, as the planet of wisdom, Jupiter, moves from the sign of "the mother" to the sign representing "the father". Be aware of stories, patterns and threads of insight that emerge as Jupiter changes signs. What parental wounds can be transformed and healed through wisdom and deeper understanding? Jupiter: The Planet of Wisdom As Jupiter arrives into Leo on July 14th, a new cycle begins for our inner guru. Jupiter is the planet of wisdom and in Sanskrit referred to as, guru, the teacher. The expansion and deepening heart wisdom of the previous cycle is replaced by an expansion and growth with our power. The balancing effect of Jupiter giving his gaze to Saturn in Scorpio ends, but Saturn continues to share his contractive, focused energy to Jupiter. The tables turn and Saturn's effects will be felt in a more intensified way in the coming months. We will feel these effects on our sense of power and our ability to shine and be seen. What is holding you back from standing in your power? Challenges and obstructions are Saturn's way of helping us transform and change. What are your challenges teaching you? Jupiter provides expansion, growth, wisdom, knowledge and is considered the most benefic planet of the nine because he mostly gives positive results. Sometimes his results may not seem positive at the outset, but often he provides a silver lining or some protection ultimately in the long run. I like to think of Jupiter as a provider- the planet who offers us support and some sense of ultimate comfort because he gives us awareness and expanded thought. Awareness and personal expansion are powerful tools if used properly. His satva (purity) is a sustaining force that brings happiness, grace and peace with him. In Jyotish, we see the Sun as the maha (great) soul of all, but Jupiter is actually considered the support to the soul. He is our guru (teacher) and guide, the adviser who gives us knowledge and wisdom, growth and expansion, and connects us to our dharma (purpose). He removes darkness, ignorance, and aligns us with the higher realms, the positive tendencies of the mind and emotions. He connects us to the divine intelligence which is all pervasive. The extent to which we can perceive this divine existence directly speaks to our relationship with the guru, Jupiter. If Jupiter is able to share his balance in the jyotish chart, then he brings harmony. If he imbalanced we see laziness and lethargy, missed opportunities for life and living, or a lack of nourishment and support in life. It takes Jupiter one year generally to transit through each of the signs of the zodiac. He is heavy and Kapha in nature (the elements of earth and water) and thus slow to move. He will be transiting through Leo until August 11th 2016, at which point he moves to Virgo. Jupiter and the Sun Converge: Soul Expansion The planet of wisdom and expansion (Jupiter) will be transiting Leo, a sign ruled by the Sun and intimately connected to our inner light. The Sun, or Surya in Sanskrit, is responsible for giving light and energy so that all things can grow and prosper. Too much light, however, and the Sun burns and scorches. He reminds us that too much of a good thing can also be harmful. Sun represents resources and the things we need to survive. As the Sun brings light, it shows us truth, satya, while offering clarity, focus and removal of darkness. In Jyotish, the Sun represents father and masculine energy. His attributes are like the king and he shares rank and position, power and authority, as well as respect and ruler-ship. The Sun will give us our dharma, the proper path to follow for our enlightenment. Traditionally, the father is supposed to help guide the child on their path of dharma. It is the father who is responsible for instilling self-esteem and inner strength in us. Sun also represents the soul, our spiritual body, and will show us our relationship to spirituality in this life. Essentially, the Sun is the light of the soul. It is the light within us that guides our lives. The soul is what insures there is life; if the soul is not happy, the body grows sick and dies. On a psycho-spiritual level, the Sun in an expression of our spiritual body, the house of the soul. By extension, there is a connection to the physical body and the well-being of our physical structure. Our sense of self, ahamkara, is also represented by the Sun. On a mundane, human level, the ego is also represented by the Sun. The ego is our shadowed self, the part of ourselves that identifies with the material, transitory, changing reality of life. Having a healthy relationship with the ego, the sense of self, is vital for being a well-rounded human being. This must be a conscious practice- one that is invited into our human experience, while not negating the interplay of our spirit and ego. Deepening our relationship with the Sun and studying its expression in our jyotish chart can help us awaken to our karmas around power. There is a necessity to understand the dance between the spiritual and human dynamics at play within the Jyotish chart. The Sun is the most consistent planet and it sets the pace of time through rising and setting daily. As a result we experience days, seasons and bio-rhythms. In fact, life itself is structured around the Sun as a light source. He is the rhythm of nature and thus represented through the rhythm of music and dance. Leo and Fifth House Matters Leo, or Simha, in Sanskrit is symbolized by a lion and connected to the fifth house in the jyotish chart. The qualities expressed by this sign are likened to its ruler, the Sun, and being seen in big, bold ways. Goddess Durga is often depicted riding a lion or tiger and is connected to strength, health, power and overcoming challenges. Her power is an invitation to strengthen ourselves during this cycle. Other themes arrive around leadership, dominance, authority and power. Leos often have to work with ego issues, their relationship with authority and power, as well as father issues and ancestral issues. The important body parts connected to Leo and the fifth house are stomach and abdomen, the seat of the solar plexus, our power center. The fifth house is directly connected to our power and passionate- just like the energy of a Leo. It is also the house of children, creativity and creative life force energy, and the potency of procreation. Romance and lovers are also strong as a result of this energy. Since the stomach, or upper gut, is intimately associated with our instincts, this house combines with intelligence and intellect or buddhi, as well as the intuition. By extension, education and learning are fifth house mattersas well as intelligence we gain through life experience- which can sometimes be formal, but not necessarily. As Jupiter moves through the sign of Leo, many of these themes connected to power, creativity, romance, passion and being seen, will expand for us. Look for deepening awareness, wisdom and visibility with these areas of life as a result of this transit. The personal effects of this transit will be determined by your own Jyotish chart and how well Jupiter is able to express himself in your chart. Now is an ideal time to prepare for the upcoming transit with extra guidance and support, as well as having a Jupiter yagya for a smoother transition. Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a jyotish astrology coaching session with me. Shadowed Power Jupiter speeds through Leo in just over six months. As Jupiter nears the edge of Leo, he retrogrades, on January 7th. Jupiter is retrograde until May 9th, 2016. Multiple planets will also be joining him in retrograde during this lengthy backwards dance. No doubt this cycle will bring a powerful opportunity for self-development and self awareness. Retrograde planets act like the nodes, Rahu and Ketu, and invite us to work with our shadows very intentionally. As Rahu and Ketu move into Leo and Aquarius on January 29th, 2016, a conjunction of Jupiter's purity collides with Rahu's shadow and confusion. Rahu has an intense appetite for worldly gains, has strong desires and won't take no for an answer. Jupiter's nature is one of gentle strength, expanding wisdom and pure intentions. Their energies oppose and negate each other. Wherever Jupiter is in one's jyotish chart, he enhances and supports the other grahas (planets) and the house where he is placed. He is after all a strong support and ally. Rahu, however, will ruin Jupiter’s satvic (pure) nature and destroys that which Jupiter values most. Jupiter may be able to soften Rahu, but Rahu’s nature taints Jupiter’s benefic, spiritual qualities. With Saturn giving his gaze to Leo from his position in Scorpio, he gives his pressure to Jupiter and now Rahu in Leo as well. We get increased pressure, stress and tension with all matters of Leo as a result. The collision of Saturn and Rahu's energy in this powerful and dynamic sign will bring increased strength and potential, while simultaneously offering intensified storms and power issues. This will be a time to temper one's worldly cravings, as they will likely be stronger and more excessive. We may notice an intense strength increase within us, while we also struggle with our sense of power and identity simultaneously. There may be extra challenges with authority figures, our fathers and those in support roles as a result. If we are in these roles, we may experience challenges and obstructions with regard to sharing our power, strength and passion- depending on the placement of these planets in one's natal chart. Self identity and self awareness will be very prominent themes for this Jupiter in Leo cycle. Finding increased growth, wisdom and nourishment for the ego will be a part of the transit as well. Children, relationships and romance will be important factors at play, as well as creativity and passion. However, the personal effects of this transit will be determine by your own Jyotish chart and how well Jupiter is able to express himself in your chart. The placement of the Sun, your 5th house and other factors in your natal chart will also play a role in the outcome of this year long cycle. Read Part 2 of Jupiter in Leo. What will be the personal effects on your sign? Now is an ideal time to prepare for the upcoming transit with extra jyotish astrology guidance and support, as well as having a Jupiter yagya for a smoother transition. Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a Jyotish Astrology coaching session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you.
The big news this week is Jupiter begins its retrograde motion until April. We also have Mercury moving into Sagittarius, and Sun right behind him early next week. The stalemate of planets in Scorpio begins to break up, but our focus shifts now to Sagittarius, Jupiter's sign. Moon is waning now. Since we are working with the shift from water (Scorpio) into fire (Sagittarius) this week, diligence with our emotional body work is the name of the game right now! Monday, December 8th Today's Intention: Step out of your comfort zone and be nourished. Moon transits one of Rahu's nakshatras, Ardra, ruled by the powerful force, Rudra. This is a sharp star, one that has a cutting nature and can help us make executive decisions. With Rahu and Rudra behind it, there can be intense shadow involved. Worldly affairs are well suited to this nakshatra, but intense emotional upheaval is also its domain. Moon receives direct gaze from the creative (yet currently disheveled) Venus. With three planets still in Scorpio (the Moon's sign of debilitation) and Venus (water) now in the calamity provoking nakshatra Mula, this is a time to be working directly with our emotional body. Let the flood gates open and tears move out and through you. There may be ample energy used today on confronting parts of ourselves and others that are very challenging to us. Understand that the release and change will be next. Jupiter goes into retrograde motion at 14:11 CST for the next five months. He will be retrograde until April 4th, which brings us a time period of returning, and many reminders of Jupiter's offerings from the past months of his exalted passage through Cancer. His gifts will return, his wisdom, his blatant suggestions of heart nourishment, emotional well-being, and healthy boundary work- but in new, perhaps more intense ways. As with any retrograde planet, he will be acting like the nodes (Rahu and Ketu) and thus will be more dramatic in his nature. Additionally, any exalted planet that goes retrograde becomes debilitated (uccha banga). For many of us, this will be a strong identification phase in order to help us fully change and grow into new awareness and awakening. There may be issues, concerns and situations that occur with heart matters, emotional body, mother, land and vehicles in the coming months as we clean up these parts of our life. Read more about Jupiter's transit through Cancer. Moon shifts into Punarvasu nakshatra at 14:14 CST and a change is ushered in with Aditi and her cosmic resources, as well as a return of the light through the wisdom she provides. Tuesday, December 9th Today's Intention: Open your heart wisdom and let it flow like a river of nourishment. Moon continues to transit Punarvasu and moves into Cancer at 09:39 am CST, joining retrograde Jupiter there. He is now in a debilitation phase (uccha banga) and the Moon will enliven this for us today. We may notice themes coming up today that will illuminate the themes of the next few months, so pay attention and take notes. Moon receives direct gaze from an exalted Mars and Ketu now and this creates a divine intervention from MA, if not anger and rage on the surface. Underneath this is of course divine passion, so see if you can harness these flames and put them to good use without letting them burn you or others in the process. Moon shifts into Pushya nakshatra at 16:06 CST and a stronger sense of nourishment has the opportunity to arrive for us. However, we may experience a pinch first, before the milk begins to flow. Knowledge often comes with a price; the price of awakening. Exalted Mars shifts into Sravana nakshatra at 23:18 CST which is ruled by Vishnu and his expansiveness, and the Moon's tender, creativity. Mars transits through the sacred and spiritually oriented 28th nakshatra, Abhijit, which is positioned in between Uttarashada and Sravana. We will be feeling this resonance leading up to and following Mars's shift into Sravana as a result. Use this time for goal setting, getting your intentions very clear, organized and ask the divine to support you in your endeavors. The coming weeks will offer new levels of productivity, resources and dharmic pursuits for those ready to take our work to the next level. We must be willing and able to hear the messages coming to us in order to receive the support though. Make sure you take ample time to pause, deeply listen and be with your inner wisdom, in order to hear the divine whispering in your ear. Stay open minded to all possibilities at this time. Wednesday, December 10th Today's Intention: When one door closes, another one opens. Moon continues through Pushya nakshatra the majority of the day, enlivening Brihaspati (Jupiter deified) and the planet Saturn. Pushya is the nourishing star, but he does it through balance. Balance requires an evening out of what is lop sided and ultimately not serving us. Thus there is often a pinch when it occurs. Pushya brings us that balance, and the pinch, but is ultimately connected to our deep nourishment. Today is a reminder to trust the balance of life to serve us deeply and to offer us the medicine we need for long term, sustainable nourishment. Today, make embodiment and resourcing the wisdom of the body, a high priority. Moon shifts into Ashlesha nakshatra at 18:28 CST, joining a now retrograde Jupiter in this nakshatra as well. Ashlesha is ruled by Sarpa and the planet Mercury. Sarpa represents our serpent energy, rooted in our mental body essentially, and yet great healing and transformation is possible when we work directly with our mind, in order to overcome its snakey nature. Mercury is currently still transiting Scorpio, which means working with our depths is a priority right now. Thursday, December 11th Today's Intention: Shine your light into your dark corners and look for cobwebs. Moon continues to transit Ashlesha nakshatra the majority of the day and conjuncts retrograde Jupiter as well, which will have a magnifying effect on our mental and emotional bodies. With Jupiter retrograde now (and debilitated), we are being invited deep into our hearts (and mind while Jupiter is still in Ashlesha nakshatra). Use this time for healing, purifying and pulling up mental and emotional weeds. It's important to work with embodiment resources as well, and to stay grounded in the physical body as much as possible. Are you checking in with your three levels of awareness regularly? As Moon jumps into Leo and Magha nakshatra 21:16 CST, we will feel a sudden shift, impacted by Pitr and our ancestors. Moon now receives drishti from exalted Mars and Saturn. Magha is ruled by Ketu, so expect the change to come quickly- through flashes of insight, awareness or through sudden situational changes. There is some old karma working on us right now, so be aware of the work that needs to be done to address old haunts and new awakenings. With drishti of Mars and Saturn on the Moon, we get added heat and pressure on our emotional body which may make for discomfort and a sense of contraction. Pay special attention to your emotional body messages and look for the needs that are under them. Friday, December 12th Today's Intention: From their place in the light, the ancestors are urging you forward. Moon continues to transit through Magha nakshatra today. Yesterday's message of the ancestors pertains to our day. Pitr, and the ancestors are enlivened as we work with ancient karmas. Old pieces, dark matter, and shadow work is a big theme right now. Today we may feel the roots of these dark parts of ourselves very connected to our family paradigm and begin to see them more clearly. Be aware of themes that present themselves and take notes. Mercury is now sandhi, moving to the edge of Scorpio and preparing to shift into Sagittarius. This is an uncomfortable leap from a water sign into a fire sign and the mental body will likely be feeling this "out of the water, into the fire" scenario. A sharpening tenacity is coming, but for now we are still languishing in murky waters. Saturday, December 13th Today's Intention: What is the deepest form of nourishment that you desire? Go there. Moon moves into Purvaphalguni nakshatra just after midnight, enlivening Bhaga and Venus and inviting in fertility, wealth and happiness. However, with the ruling planet Venus, currently in Mula nakshatra, we will likely be feeling our lack, rather than our abundance. Keep this in mind as well as the movement of Mercury into Sagittarius, as he will be sandhi, in the gap through Sunday. Be very diligent with your physical, emotional and mental body check-ins right now in order to strengthen your attention and intention on your needs. Self care is non-negotiable. Moon is being touched by both Mars and Saturn as it transits Leo which adds heat and pressure, as well as a heightened emotional frustration to our experience. I will be starting my self-care challenge tomorrow to offer reminders. Make sure you're on my newsletter list. Mercury jumps into Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra at 03:26 am CST, moving through the very tricky gandanta junction of Scorpio (water) into Sagittarius (fire). The added intensity of this transit is that all planets that move through this gandanta shift from Jyeshtha nakshatra (Indra's domain), into Mula nakshatra (Nirrti's domain). Indra is connected to dharma, strength and the refining of the senses. Nirrti is a disheveled goddess, who brings chaos, calamity and misfortune. She moves us away from dharma through fear, danger and death as well as going against the Laws of Nature. Her husband is Adharma, the god that takes us away from dharma. Mula can be a very spiritual nakshatra- one that pulls up the necessary weeds on our path, in order for us to ultimately see more clearly. This does not come with ease and grace however. Venus has already made this challenging leap, and continues to transit Mula until December 16th. Mercury will be in Mula until the 21st. Sun makes the challenging leap from Scorpio to Sagittarius on the 15th and stays in Mula until the 28th. The intensity of all this change and transformation will climax with the new Moon on winter Solstice, the 21st. This new Moon will occur in Mula nakshatra, heightening the emptiness, the release and the transformation of this time. A massively transformational way to end 2014. As we continue to feel the chain reaction of planets filing into Sagittarius, passing through this challenging gandanta, remind yourself that this is a time of deep uprooting, forced change, crazy making, and chaos. The end result will provide a very different landscape for each of us, but for now, we must continue to till our soil. Through the end of December, be conscious of the many changes occurring within you and around you. Make purposeful intentions for your coming year and ground into the knowing that this too shall pass, and another cycle of growth and renewal will arrive with greater balance. Sunday, December 14th Today's Intention: Pick your fruits, but pick them wisely. Moon moves to Uttaraphalguni at 03:21 am CST, inviting in Aryaman and the Sun into our day. The ancestors are invited into our awareness, as well as nourishment that makes harmony last- especially in our relationships. Dive deep today and seek the pieces you need for contentment, fruitful and nourishing endeavors, as well as what will strengthen the relationship with your self and others. Make self care a priority right now and continue to be alert to what is nourishing you and what is not. This is a time of radical release, so let go of what is not aligned with your deepest needs. As Moon shifts into Virgo at 10:06 am CST, he joins Rahu there and receives gaze from Ketu. Work with your shadows intentionally today. Our emotional body intelligence is moving straight into the shadows for the coming days so be willing to dance with your darkness in more conscious ways at this time. Look for the gifts. I am starting my self-care challenge tomorrow to offer reminders. Make sure you're on my newsletter list. Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me.
Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. I know many of you use my Moon Mind Calendar diligently to help you navigate your days and weeks! So pleased that my posts are helpful for you.
Doreen says: "I keep the weekly page open so I can read about the day each morning. Thanks for all the work you do and share!" Moon is now waning. We have several several planetary changes this week- Mercury and Sun. My Sensitivity: Be Your Gift Teleclass + Workshop is now open for sign up. $54 early bird special ends Thursday! Truly looking forward to sharing this work with all the sensitive Moon children! As per my Moon Mind Calendar: "Today, be aware of your judgement- the kind you put on your self and the kind you externalize and impose on others. Be aware of the ego telling you its fantasies and notice where your personal stories and mythologies are running the show." Varuna rules the day. The critic. The judge. Tragically, Robin Williams' critic killed him. Bless his soul. Bless his family. And bless all beings who struggle with their critics, their sensitivity, their emotions. I get this fire dance. I have danced with it and continue to. May we all find the tools, resources and support we need in this life. May we learn to dance with our emotions and our demons and our critics, but not let them destroy us. Monday, August 11th Moon is waning now and transits Aquarius, moving into Satabisha nakshatra at 09:02 am CDT. From this place in Aquarius, Moon is out of the gaze of the other planets, however, Rahu is enlivened today through two levels: By being co-ruler of Aquarius and by ruling Satabisha nakshatra. Rahu is our shadow self, our obsessions, desires and karmas. He is worldly- of this world- rather than the spirit realms. On Rahu days, we need to be reminded we may be overzealous on some level. Try to catch your self in the act. As Moon passes through Satabisha nakshatra, Varuna is enlivened. Varuna is the guardian of Natural Law, who has a thousand eyes in order to see everything. Varuna's job is to be the judge and highly discerning. He rules over our fate and also has immense wisdom. He offers us awareness to act accordingly- but do we? Today, be aware of your judgement- the kind you put on your self and the kind you externalize and impose on others. Be aware of the ego telling you its fantasies and notice where your personal stories and mythologies are running the show. Above all, act with integrity, kindness and compassion. Satabisha days also require us to be vigilant with our health. Don't break the rules today or there will be lasting effects. Mercury is sandhi, at the edge of Cancer, poised to move into Leo. Soften the mental body and tap into your emotional/intuitive body. The mind is about to shift gears dramatically so hold onto this feeling while it lasts. Tuesday August, 12th Moon moves to PurvaBhadrapada at 06:11 am CDT while Mercury is at the edge of Cancer. Purvabhadrapada is ruled by Jupiter and Ajaikapada- another name for Nataraja, Lord Shiva. Tapas, rituals, and purification are part of this nakshatras tendencies as well as tantra and black magic. Ajaikapada is considered a Rudra who offers the complexity of both immense strength, yet calamity. It is through the chaos that we are given an opportunity to learn, grow and change our course. There is often a sense with this nakshatra that one is balancing the impossible, or perhaps has a foot in two different realms. Ajaikapada offers us awareness beyond the material plane of existence, depth and both single pointedness as well as balance. Today, notice where you are divided. Where are binary thinking patterns hindering you? The shoulds and the cant's? The black and the white? Where do you need to close doors in order for new one's to open? What do you need to say no to in order to start finding more yes's in your life? Mercury moves to Leo at 10:22 am CDT and jumps into Magha nakshatra. Great awakening or great discomfort? Mercury will be moving through Leo quickly- in just 18 days. Luckily Leo is a friendly sign for him, but the heat turns back up when Sun joins him this week in Leo on 8.16. This will be a strong placement for Leo, Scorpio and Sagittarius especially. Let the mind be bold and active, but keep it reigned in enough so that it doesn't run away with you. We will all need to be working with themes involving boundaries, emotions, and expanding our self awareness- but in a spectrum of ways. Diligence with the mental body is always important. Expect the mind to be laser sharp in the coming weeks. Work with your 3 level check in for further clarity. Moon moves to Pisces at 22:17 CDT, joining Ketu there. Wednesday August, 13th As Moon jumps into Pisces, he joins Ketu. Moon moves into UttaraBhadrapada at 03:43 am CDT, enlivening Saturn and Ahirbudhnya, the serpent of the nether regions, hidden realms. He brings depth and knowledge to us through the subconscious. And as all serpents are connected to kundalini, there is great awakening possible through him. Be mindful of your emotions today and pay close attention to your boundaries. Feeling angry and agitated? Where are you saying yes when you should be saying no? Drishti from Jupiter on the Moon and Ketu may be the balm that soothes the sting, but avoid the bite if at all possible. Getting clear on what is nourishing and comforting vs. what are just old patterns and behaviors, is essential. Have you signed up for my Be Your Gift Workshop yet? I've created it especially for those of us who are extra sensitive. Find out more. Thursday, August 14th Moon moves to Revati at 1:48 am CDT, with Ketu in this nakshatra as well- and nearing close conjunction with this moksha planet of restructuring. Revati invites in an extra level of Mercury and the nourisher, Pushan, for our journey. Jupiter's drishti offers expansive awareness, while Rahu's gaze can bring a layer of uncertainty or misinformation. Pushan protects, guides and nourishes our paths and is invoked for safe travels and protection from evil. He brings wealth and blessings of abundant nourishment. He is toothless and requires only soft foods that don't require chewing. Milk is a favorite of his. This is a reminder to us that simple is often the most nourishing and that attending to our health and well being often requires simple foods that are easily digested. Pushan reminds us that eating simply and living simply creates abundance. Keep it simple. Stand in your power. Be bold in your mind and firm in your resolve. Get your needs met by simply being clear with what works and what doesn't work. Cut out what doesn't work. The recipe is simple. Can you take the actions? Moon and Ketu are in exact conjunction at 21:30 CDT. Emotions are sensitive. Tend your needs for comfort and nourishment. Make self care a priority tonight. As the day ends, Sun goes into sandhi (the gap) and moves towards the edge of Cancer. Heart matters intensify. Be clear with your self and others. Boundaries are essential. Sun, Rahu and Ketu are in exact degrees at 23:13 CDT and this continues through the early part of Friday. This can be a trigger point, so be mindful of your heart, emotions and needs for comfort, safety and security. Early bird special ends tonight!! My Sensitivity: Be Your Gift Teleclass + Workshop $54 early bird special ends Thursday at 12:30 pm CDT! Truly looking forward to sharing this work with all the sensitive Moon children! Friday, August 15th Just after midnight, the Moon crosses the tricky threshold from Pisces (water) into Aries (fire) and moves into Ashwini nakshatra. Ketu and the Ashvini Kumara (twin brothers) rule this nakshatra so Ketu's ability to restructure suddenly continues as a theme for our emotional body. For some this will bring flashes of awareness and understanding, for others the blinders may get ripped off in uncomfortable ways. With the tension of Mars and exalted Saturn offering their gaze from seven houses away, the Moon gets a bit of pressure and heat as well. Frustrations? Delays? Changes? All of the above? The underlying theme is healing, rejuvenation, receiving some kind of medicine. What is the medicine you are being offered today? What are the healing modalities being presented? What obstacles are you overcoming and what strengths are you having to use? Heal and be healed. Not by force, but by surrender. Sun is still sandhi, take care of your physical body today. This is an ideal time to harvest somatic awareness especially with Saturn's gaze on the Sun. Have you used my Full Moon Creative Ritual yet? Recycle it if you've already done it. Saturday, August 16th Just minutes after midnight CDT, the Moon hops into Bharani nakshatra and Venus and Yama are energized. Yama is lord of death, but brings us restraint, self control and a sense of duty, as well as a desire to "follow the rules"- or break them! Because Yama is connected to death and the transition into death, transformations and life changes are his domain. He brings about mini "deaths" in our life in order to feel the depth of our humanity. Simultaneously, the yoni is Bharani's symbol and this correlates to great sensitivity. Great strength, change and transformation are available today, but not through great effort. It will be the capacity you have to use your sensitivity as a tool of awareness, to let go of the distractions (internal and external) that will be most effective. Heart, mind and body unite and dance; three levels of awareness. Lead with your heart though and the rest will follow. Note where you can't expand, where the heart refuses to go. Look there for wisdom and death. Sun moves to Leo at 19:21 CDT, its own sign. A passionate month is ahead as Sun ignites in its comfortable fire sign, Leo. Sun joins Mercury there (these two are always chasing each other- mental and physical bodies). Leo connects us to 5th house matters of intuition and intelligence, upper intestine (gut), children, creativity, past life credits and father. Sun helps these areas of our life rise and shine, but hopefully not burn us. Sun and Mercury will be free from the gaze of other planets for this transit, so there's a greater ability for the Sun to shine. Venus will join Sun in Leo on the 31st just after Mercury goes exalted. Put on your sunglasses until 9.16 and focus your efforts and energy at this time. Get clear, get focused, make goals and take action! Sunday, August 17th 21 minutes after midnight CDT, Moon moves to Krittika nakshatra. Sun and Agni heighten, though Sun is barely in Leo. Attention and intention on the physical body is essential today. However, with Sun in the gap newly in Leo, we get a rare opportunity for somatic awareness and insight. Be very gentle in your embodiment work today and harvest your findings. Take your 3 level check in into a somatic exploration and then into a drawing or painting. Once Moon moves into Taurus, it exalts and expands at 06:32 am CDT. Just after noon CDT, Moon moves into its mulitrikona degrees. Still an expansive place for it, yet offers us some room to grow; arguably a better placement then exaltation. Agni reminds us to cut, clear, purify and burn away excess so that what remains is pure. Agni is the transformational fire of life that turns food into a life sustaining tool. His alchemical processes are the essential spark of life and living. The symbol of Krittika is a razor. It's through exactness, and razor sharpness, that we cut to the necessities of life. This is a time to cut out all but the essentials. What are your essentials? For life? For living? For loving? For nourishment and support? Get clear and get the job done. Today offers a rare occurrence: Exalted Moon, Saturn and Jupiter while Sun is in its own sign. May you feel this fullness, flow and expansion and may there be some stability as a result. Enjoy! Next week starts out with this flavor- as Moon transits through Taurus. Let the good times roll- for the moment- and enjoy some essence of comfort and support from the cosmos. Sign up for my Be Your Gift Teleclass and Workshop closes tonight at 12:30 pm CDT. If you are a sensitive type like me, you don't want to miss this one! Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. Many people are feeling the escalating tension between Saturn and Mars in Libra at this time. Remember the dynamics of Saturn which are stop/slow and Mars which is action/go. These two opposing forces remind us to be very intentional with our actions/inactions. Because of their transit through Libra, the ultimate goal is balance; we may find this most important within our relationships.
With three planets in Cancer right now (exalted Jupiter, Sun and Mercury and Venus joining them this week), there is a strong emphasis on our heart, emotions and the dynamics of open/close and boundary work. This time period reminds us to be present to our emotional body, to consciously navigate its needs and to soften to the awareness that it can bring us for our life, relationships and overall well being. If you are really feeling the intensity, you will especially want to pay attention to your emotional work and let it inform your process. With Ketu's drishti on Cancer, the effects of our sudden awareness through the emotions can be startling, but essential- for our moksha and self development. No spiritual bypassing, no cutting and pasting over them, no negating your feelings and emotions. Be brave, go into the felt sense with courage and intention. Use my workshop mp3's for further guidance and harvesting. Moon is full this Sunday in Capricorn! Our emotional cups will be full to capacity and likely some challenges and hurdles in store as a result. We are all going feel a sense of "bigness" in so many ways this week! Using 3 level check ins and your creative work this week will be essential. Monday, August 4th Moon moves deeper into Libra, sandwiched in between Mars and Saturn, nearing conjunction with Saturn in the early parts of the morning. Moon is in exact degrees with Saturn at 05:28 am CDT while both are in Vishaka nakshatra. As Moon separates with Saturn (and also Mars), moving towards the edge of Libra, later in the day, questions and issues around stability and support continue to surface as themes. IndraAgni rules Vishaka. A dual god, this dynamic duo of Indra and Agni, embodies the necessary partnership between king (Indra) and Priest (Agni). They intimately rely on each other for support, nourishment and sustenance. Without the priest performing sacrifices at the portal to the gods (the altar), the king will lose his power and sustainability. This co-creative partnership is reiterated in the food that we eat (mouth being portal opening) and the necessary transformative powers that Agni uses to digest the food in order for our nourishment and life giving support. There are many examples of this type of increased power when we join a partnership. Right now, we may be questioning what these support systems are within our lives. Who and what feels supportive and helpful, nourishing and of value. What relationships provide sustenance and sustainability? What relationships do not? What sense of balance and recalibration needs to happen in order for life to be more easeful? What are the healthy and nourishing alliances in your life and which ones need to be let go for good? Finding ways to navigate the inner and outer landscape right now is the name of the game. Moon moves to Scorpio at 18:39 CDT, receiving drishti from Jupiter and Ketu. Tuesday, August 5th Moon transits its debilitation sign, Scorpio, moving into Anuradha nakshatra just after midnight CDT. Whenever Moon transits through Scorpio, we are reminded to pay close attention to our emotional body, our intuitive guidance, and the subtle messages within us. Scorpio Moon days are days that come with a sense of power due to vulnerability. These are days where we can extract nourishment in delicate and subtle ways, somatic and gentle ways, so listen and attune carefully. Want to know more about Scorpio Moon? Read my article here. Moon receives drishti from both Jupiter and Ketu today, offering some potent intuitive guidance and spiritual insights if we are paying attention. Anuradha nakshatra is ruled by Mitra and Saturn, both known for their impeccable detail and workmanship. Mitra is a friend, ally, companion; he brings support and sustenance as any good friend would do. He especially likes to connect, transform and renew. Today's reminder is: meet the right people, make the right connections and success will come. The general themes for this time period regarding relationships, partnerships and boundary work prevail today. Notice where the contractions and the critic surface as you interact with others. With who and what is there more opening, expansion and ease? Be aware of the opening and closings in your life- just as the lotus blossom opens in the day and closes naturally at night. Let the dance of yes and no resonate with your healthy boundary work. Where are you saying yes and where are you saying no in your life? What are the results? Mercury moves to Ashlesha nakshatra at 21:27 CDT. Sarpa, the serpent deity and an extra level of Mercury are enlivened in the next week. The mental body needs extra TLC right now as it may be running away with itself through deception, illusion and over-confidence. Remember that Mercury is nearing the Sun in Cancer and heating up the mind in general right now. Rigidity, extra sharpness, critic and extreme focus are heightened. Use the mind, but don't be used by the mind. Everything that passes through the Sun gets purified, so we can at least be assured that the mind is getting burned and transformed like a fire offering right now. Purify and be purified; tend to your mental burns. Wednesday, August 6th Moon moves to Jyestha nakshatra just after midnight CDT. The mental body enlivens today with the strength of Indra. Mind over matter or matter over mind? There could be a tussle between emotional body and mental body so work with both for clarity of your needs. Which one is running the show? Do a three level check in for greater insights. Indra is the storm god, particularly connected to rain, but also with dharma and powerful positions. The Upanishads refer to Indra as the life force, or prana. It is understood in the Ved that Indra is the ruler of our senses and sense organs. In other words, he is the king of our body and mind. Extra sensitivity can emerge on Indra days. Jyestha days remind us to take back control of our senses, rather than letting them rule us. More than control, perhaps a better word choice is awareness. Get a firm grasp on your senses through conscious awareness. Time for a 3 level check in and some harvesting? As the day ripens, Venus moves into sandhi at the edge of Gemini, poising itself for change, while Mercury nears close conjunction with the Sun. Watch your heart and mind for heat, fire and solar flares! The mind is hot and it can easily spill over into our relationships. Play nice, but be clear and firm with your boundaries, needs and expectations. Moon jumps into Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra at 22:45 CDT. Thursday, August 7th Venus moves to Cancer at 05:16 am CDT, joining exalted Jupiter, Sun and combust Mercury there. This will be a very interesting transit emotionally. There's heat in the heart/chest region, effecting our work with opening and closing, expand and contract. This will of course play out as a tussle between mental body and emotional body, effecting physical body. These dynamics will be effecting our relationship with self and others. The heat is on, tensions rise, and the drishti on these four planets from Saturn and Ketu intensives the activation, pressure and necessary restructuring occurring as a result of this transit. Whatever needs to shift in your relationships in order for greater ease, will likely be coming to a head until August 30th as Jupiter (deva) and Venus (asura) battle it out in our heart center (Cancer/4th house matters). Themes of the 4th house heighten at this time: including land matters, home, mother, emotions, heart/chest/lungs, vehicles and our relationship with these. Exercising healthy and appropriate boundaries is the other current theme. Whatever we are not yet getting on a mental/emotional level, will bring itself to the forefront of our awareness at this time. Be prepared to make adjustments and changes with your relationships in the coming weeks. Frustrations and tensions are likely due to lack of effective boundary work. Want to know more about the dynamics of open and close and our emotional body during this time of exalted Jupiter? Use my Jupiter/Ribcase mp3 for assistance. Moon transits Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra today. Enter Nirrti and Ketu for a power packed day. Don't be surprised if an extra layer of chaos enters through the side door as Nirrti usually stirs the pot in uncomfortable ways. That's her job after all. She uproots, dishevels, and distracts. She is married to Adharma (against dharma) and goes against the natural order of things, Natural Law. Don't let your prana get scattered and misused today. Have you ever noticed how in movies and on TV, the plot unfolds after a series of decisions- usually poor choices; but more importantly from a lack of healthy and appropriate boundaries?! It is exactly the same within our personal life story. If you want less drama, made for TV movies, and big screen issues in your life, you have to be very conscious of what you are saying yes to and what you are saying no to. Essentially action and inaction. It's actually a very simple formula. But the changes that your life will take on as a result of your yes and no's is not. This time period of Saturn/Mars conjunction as well as the conjunction of four planets in Cancer, is our crash course (literally) in this yes/no dynamic. What are you learning? Where do you need to say no still or yes perhaps? What are you allowing in and opening to? What are closing to and saying no to? Moon moves to PurvaAshada nakshatra at 20:44 CDT. Friday, August 8th Moon is reaching its fullness, waxing into the 13th tithi (Moon phase) today. The tides are high within us! Moon transits PurvaAshada nakshatra, ruled by Apas, the water goddess. Here we get a heightened connection to the emotions, the emotional body and our inner waters and tides. With Saturn's drishti on the Moon, we get a little extra squeeze and some added pressure. Like a piece of citrus being reamed and squeezed, juice extracted, and then poured. Extract your inner juices for cleansing and clearing of your inner waters today. Let the tides move through you and out of you. Apas helps to purify us, to rejuvenate and to keep us fluid, flowing and moving. Make sure that attention and intention with the emotional body is part of your day, as well as movement. Where can you invite in more flow and fluidity? The theme of purification continues. Working with my Moon/Emotional Body MP3 may be helpful for you. Find it here. Moon moves to UttarAshada at 18:10 CDT and the Vishvadevas shine their light upon us. As Sun rules this nakshatra, a bit of extra heat kicks in. Mercury and Sun are in exact degrees as this time and full on combustion of the mind/mental body is here. The themes mentioned over the past week intensify as we navigate our heart/emotions and all that this brings with it in regard to relationships and our felt sense of life. All of our heart/emotion work kicks up due to Mars and Saturn conjunct in Libra, the seat of relationships and our mirror work with "other". The purpose of all these big transits simultaneously, is a re-setting of the balance buttons in our lives. Let this be your intention as you navigate the choppy waters. Work with your three level check in and harvesting process. It's not too early to start your full Moon mandala work. Moon moves to Capricorn at 23:27 CDT. Saturday, August 9th Moon in Capricorn receives drishti from Mars. Mars is considered exalted in Capricorn so he brings his fire through his gaze and heats the Moon; once again our emotional body is activated. Catching the themes right now? Moon is also being glanced at directly, seven houses away, by the intense energy of Cancer and the four planets therein: Venus, Sun, exalted Jupiter and Mercury. Mercury and Sun are still in very close proximity so take this into consideration as you navigate mental/emotional bodies at this time. Additionally, we get drishti on the Moon from Rahu, adding a different type of intensity for our emotions. Shadows, fears, illusions and worldly desires give their presence and may cloud our discernment. Be aware that Rahu gives his two cents right now and don't act rashly. Rahu always brings extremes with him so temper it if possible. Moon is in the 14th tithi and almost at maximum capacity. Our emotional cups are almost full. Are you feeling this expansion and overflow? As Moon transits through UttarAshada today, the Vishva Devas, or all gods, remind us of the basic Laws of Nature. These include: goodness, truth, determination, talent, time, enjoyment, grimness, ancestors, abundance, joy, as well as pleasantness, sight, fame and leadership. These are the places that are asking us to find more balance and harmony in our life. Where are you needing to put more attention/intention in these areas? Where might you need to put less? Re-shuffle your deck for a new kind of winning hand. Moon moves to Sravana nakshatra at 15:14 CDT and Vishnu steps into our day as well as an extra level of Moon energy. Our feat at this time is to start listening. Listen carefully and listen well. Be the observer. Be the witness. Moon moves to its final tithi (Moon phase) at 17:06 CDT and is in its final phase of fullness now (Purnima). Tonight is the night to celebrate your full Moon and create your full Moon mandala. Ritualize your emotional cup being full. Need some help with this? Use my past Moon Mandala Creative Rituals. Sunday, August 10th Full Moon Day! Moon in Capricorn moves to Dhanishta nakshatra at 12:08 CDT. Gaze from Rahu, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Sun and Venus in full effect! Moon is at its fullest at 13:08 CDT in Dhanishta nakshatra. Dhanishta is ruled by Vasu, the one who shines, is bright and illuminated. Full Moon in Dhanishta nakshatra brings a very full cup to us. Life may be feeling "full to capacity". Is your cup running over in a positive and powerful way? Or a burdensome and heavy way? If you are feeling the burdens of this extremely energized time, it's time to take some steps inward, harvest what is ripe within you, and use it for a change in course or direction. Use my Moon/Emotional Body workshop MP3's to help you navigate your individual harvesting process. The Vasu Devas are sources of light (jyoti) and bring illumination to us. They offer us a source and a sense of our own power, wealth and prosperity. The eight Vasu Devas are the eight cosmic elements expressed and manifested on the material plane of existence. (Moon, Sun, Water, Earth, Air, Fire, Space and the light of the stars). We are indeed cosmic, stardust and swirling light. What are you shining your light upon? What lights are shining on you? What shiny, sparkly objects are catching your attention? Put on your sun glasses and get ready for the blaze. In the coming waning Moon cycle, we can expect this fullness, the overwhelm, the heightened sense of extremes, to come to a climax, before it begins to dissipate. It is a time of maximum exposure. Exposure of our "stuff" and letting the inner come out, and the outer come in. It's a time of major restructuring and deconstruction. Change, shifts, movement. Old patterns change, new ones start. The lessons we are learning at this junction are the life changing, earth changing kind. Ketu and Jupiter are working their magic on all of us in very timely, unexpected ways. The guru is sharing some very big morsels of awakening right now. Do not discount the power of this time, the changes you are going through, and the intentional actions required as a result. Be powerful and potent in your choices. Be firm and grounded in what you need- what truly nourishes you, supports you and offers you comfort. This is what each of us is moving towards in our lives- whether it's obvious or not. Let your cup runeth over and surf the emotional tides that are rising. Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a Moon Mind post. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. Full Moon: Full Moon is June 12th at 23:10 CDT. This full Moon brings with it a power and intensity that can provoke inner change. Capitalize on this and bring intention to what you are ushering in. What strength and power are you inviting in during the next cycle? As the Moon slowly empties, how can your bring this sense of bravery, courage and strength with you? How can this super sensitivity be a powerful tool for you in the coming weeks? Have you made your full Moon mandala yet? Here are some ideas. Themes that carry us through the coming waning cycle: Explore emotional depth and the intersection of the mental/emotional bodies. What structural shifts need to occur in your life? What structural shifts are naturally occurring? Look closely for the sliver of light that has emerged in the past weeks, the dawning that is occurring. Relationships are getting re-patterned, re-structured and re-negotiated. Can you feel these shifts occurring in your contracts? What is feeling supportive and nurturing? What is not? What have you been learning about what feels helpful and stabilizing for you? Are you ready to cut loose all that doesn’t? How dramatically are you willing to shift and change these old contracts so that you can get your needs met in more life-supporting ways? You don’t have to commit to anything yet. Just be open to new possibilities, new tools, new options and new resources arriving to you. However, do find a door to close and don’t look back. It’s time to be dramatic. Full Moon Chart: Upcoming Transits:
Big shifts and changes occur back to back on 06.15, signaling the momentous changes afoot with the planets and our felt experiences. These are the changes for June 15th that lead us into the upcoming multiple planetary changes: Sun moves into Gemini just minutes after midnight, where it joins a sandhi Jupiter and a retrograde Mercury there. Sun transits Gemini until 07.16. These three planets receive drishti from Rahu, which enlivens movement, force and uncertainties. This new cycle of Sun brings heightened creative potential, possibility and a changeable nature. Fears and concerns over “doing the right thing” crop into our minds and this effect our actions and ability to act. There may be a sense of confusion as a result. Simultaneously, this may cause an increase in our creative potential, we may try new things as a result and we may end up finding new resources and possibilities because of our moveable minds. Watch out for self sabotage and self destructive tendencies. Are you derailing your self on purpose? Or do you need to be forcing a change in your behaviors and patterns? Listen carefully to your needs at this time. Also on June 15th, Venus moves to Krittika nakshatra for roughly ten days. This heightens the cutting and changes in our relationships, creative process and will likely bring a new clarity with it. Simplify, get organized, cut away what does not serve you in your life. This purging will bring purification and transformations as a result. This is preparing us for the upcoming Jupiter cycle where we will all have an opportunity to receive more balance within our hearts and emotions, more nourishment in our relationships and life experience. Cut and purge as though your life depends on it. It does. The other change on 6.15 that happens is Mercury moves back into Mrigashirsha nakshatra, a very movement oriented star that is symbolized by the deer. Mercury, our mental body, is always changing, always moving and is connected to consistent fluctuations. The deer symbol reiterates this “twitchy” nature. Retrograde Mercury in its dance backwards, is re-visiting this nakshatra and inviting in some other possibilities that you may have missed on the first cycle through. Pick up clues and be cognizant of symbols that resurface. Deja vu? Be alert like a deer and notice everything. There will be laser sharpness in the mind at this time. Strategize, make lists, set attainable goals, get organized. Avoid mental land mines and mind ruts. Too in the head? Get embodied. Venus moves to its own sign of Taurus on 06.18 at 07:08 am CDT away from Mars’s drishti and the conjunction of Ketu. This may be the stabilizing force that allows us to make more lasting and life-supporting changes for ourselves during the next month. With all the instability and changeability in the planets right now, this grounding earthiness of Venus in Taurus can help us ground and get the nourishment and support we need in order to make more high level decisions and take very effective action. Resource with this support. Use dance and art to find nurturing and comfort, to create the life you are moving into. Enjoy the simple comforts available right now. As Venus moves into Gemini on July 13th, rather dramatic and abrupt shifts will be happening simultaneously with Rahu and Ketu moving signs and Rahu and Mars conjoining in Virgo (Venus’s debilitation sign). Sudden changes are on the horizon. For now, use stability and grounding as a resource. Just as Venus moves into Taurus, Jupiter makes his momentous change into Gemini later that day at 20:24 CDT. I’ve written extensively on this transit. For greater insights on this 13 month transit visit my Exalted Jupiter articles part one and two. Need some guidance and clarity for this coming year? Schedule a yearly progression with me. I am now booking sessions for June. Solstice occurs on 6.21 at 05:54 am CDT. It is officially summer for the Northern Hemisphere. Just before midnight on 6.21, Sun moves into Ardra nakshatra, heightening our connection to Rudra and Rahu until 7.05. Emotional upheaval, intense movement and change, calamities and uncertainties may be increased. Some worldly success may be provided for some in the coming weeks, but watch for excessive cravings simultaneously. This will be an excellent time to navigate our emotional body with very deliberate awareness as we will likely be feeling some passing clouds and stormy weather. Venus moves to Rohini nakshatra on 6.26 just in time for the new Moon. The creative energy should be palpable at this time as Venus is also in its own sign of Taurus. Jupiter is stronger at this time and Rahu and Ketu intensify as they near the very edge of Libra and Aries respectively. Desires and letting go increase simultaneously. Keep these themes in mind in the next few weeks as we near their transition. New Moon is on 6.27 at 3:09 am CDT while Moon is in Gemini and Ardra nakshatra. Moon will be with Sun there (also in Ardra) and a retrograde sandhi Mercury. There’s a certain intensity with this new Moon. Watch your speech and communications. More on this new cycle in my next transit report. Horoscopes for 6.13 to 6.27 *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Income starts to even out and stabilize over the course of this cycle but not without some headaches and effort. Home and heart matters may feel weak and overburdened so keep things small and simple as much as possible. Work with emotions consciously and navigate the inner realms with intention. Speak and sing, communicate and share effectively, clearly and concisely. Get creative and use your hands. Clean up your diet and your relationships. Taurus: You are getting much more support right now. Are you feeling the grounding? Likely the head feels strong and creative, powerful and resourceful, but the stomach still demands your attention. The physical body is calling for you to attend to its needs and to not neglect this powerful tool of awareness. What are you learning about speech and stomach? Comfort and digestion? What you ingest and what you get out of it (your digestion/assimilation process)? Continue to look for themes between nourishment and support and the gut and digestion. They are inseparable. Gemini: Your mind is getting some very usable laser focus right now. Your past is informing your future actions. As Mercury continues to retrograde in your first house, use your past to inform your future. What needs to change for you in order to make some powerful forward strides? As Jupiter moves into your 2nd house, comfort and nourishment begins to rise, albeit slowly. Share your thoughts and words, your heart and emotions with others. Ground and stabilize with alone time. Let go of friends that aren’t true blue and change the way you share your gifts. Cancer: Endings turn to beginnings as Jupiter moves into your first house. Though losses and letting go continue to be a theme for you, trust that ample space is being made for newness inside and out. Your heart space and home space are getting a powerful cleanout. Create and use your hands- let this activate your higher wisdom. Let friends nourish and support you, comfort and stabilize you. Look for the support, seek it out, and ground. Trust the changes in your career to make more sense in the coming months. Leo: Career finds a new creative and supportive edge with a bit of notoriety to boot. Enjoy the purpose and power you are capable of creating. Friendships may be intense right now so navigate carefully. As Jupiter moves into your 12th house, you begin a cycle of letting go, which may involve relationships- so let the letting go begin now. Cut loose what does not feel safe, supportive and nurturing. Invite in and create space for a greater sense of depth, power and purpose to arrive in the coming months. Virgo: Clarity and focus come to you with a powerful edge- causing some relief as well as upheaval. Don’t over think, just continue to take effective action steps. The pieces will fall into place accordingly. You are still worried about support and comfort, getting your needs met and the nourishment you require. This is more mental and emotional than anything, so work on the pieces within that need to shift in order for lasting change. Working with the upheaval and the challenges around these concerns are valuable resources for you. Don’t negate them. As Jupiter moves into your 11th house, friends become powerful allies of support. For now, look to education and teachers for greater stability, creativity and awareness. Libra: Storm season isn’t quite over for you, but suddenly new possibilities and options arrive making you feel more hopeful. This is a great time to upgrade your skills, gain new knowledge, teach and share your wisdom. Likely there’s some sharpness, some new clarity that can get you moving in a more forward direction. Money matters and resources stabilize- seemingly coming from the unknown, from your depths. Perhaps you’re getting some payback? Watch for overspending though. Relationship contracts continue to get restructured. Focus on your career right now. Scorpio: Endings and letting go continue to be themes that hold powerful awareness for you. Continue to use this as a resource for growth and transformation. Speak, sing and share about consciousness and self expansion. Use your experiences with loss as a connector, not a separator. Relationships strengthen right now- utilize them for finding greater stability and support, nourishment and grounding. There are things you can trust. Trust this. You and your powers of connection are in transformation right now. Teach, share, advise. People are ready to listen. Sagittarius: Relationships continue to bring a bit of an edge with them. Sometimes they feel supportive and helpful, but mostly they don’t quite satisfy your needs. What really needs to shift and change in order for you to attract more nourishing and safe connections? Look in new places for answers- within your Self and within new environments. Change your scenery. As Jupiter moves to your 8th house, you begin a powerful year of transformation, letting go and sifting through your past. The work and the challenges will be well worth the effort it will require from you. Capricorn: Relationships bring new themes of comfort and support as well as resources once Jupiter moves to your 7th house. Heart and emotions still feels unstable, unpredictable and unsatisfied though. Career continues to change- capitalize on this instability and use it as a resource for your work and how you offer your self. Clean up your diet and watch what you eat. Eat plenty of steamed leafy greens. Work with children, get creative, gain knowledge through your passions. Teach and speak directly from your wisdom, mistakes, lessons and bad habits. You’ll be speaking from the gut. Aquarius: The beauty and grace in your heart feels more tangible and solid in the coming weeks. Use this to find a sense of inner reliability and greater self sufficiency. You are embarking on a clean up cycle as Jupiter moves into your 6th house. Think of it as an initiation process. Make your body, mind and spirit the number one priority. Seek knowledge, wisdom and support from educational resources, gurus and guides. Work with your anger and use it as a tool of awareness and growth. Don’t let it stay in the dark. Pisces: Heart, emotions and relationships come with a strong edge. Think before you speak. This is a time of great house cleaning and finding new creativity for your life. Be bold and courageous and let go of everything that is not serving your higher purpose. Be a warrior in cutting your losses and free up some much needed heart space. Work on themes of nourishment and support, boundaries, needs and what you ingest- physically and metaphorically. Prepare for a new cycle of passion and growth. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. 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