This Week's Intentions: Are you ready for the big waves of change arriving? What are you holding onto that needs to be released and purged? What stands in your way of the nourishment you seek? Affirm and strengthen your inner grounding, then radically allow the new to enter and ride the waves. This is a new Moon week, supporting an inward pull and introspection. New Moon is in Capricorn and Sravana nakshatra, the domain of Vishnu and dharma- maintenance of the universal order. Take time to pause and land within. What shifts are you noticing on the deeper levels of your being? Move closer to your inner awareness and listen to your soul’s yearning. There is a calling within getting louder. This is your truth enlivening. But if you don’t pause, you’ll miss the wisdom arriving. Monday, January 23rd Moon in 12th tithi Dvadasi Just as Monday arrives, Moon moves to Jyeshtha nakshatra, Indras portion of the sky. There is force, strength and power here- especially connected to the mind. Moon conjuncts exactly with Saturn late evening, instigating deeper, more painful emotions. Are you bypassing this or leaning closer? Let your body wisdom hold you as you surf the waves. * All timing is Mountain Standard Time.
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This Week's Intention: Move into the receptive, the sacred pause, the inner listening. Align with your yes- the one that accepts support, resources, new possibilities, more guidance. Drop your arms. Identify all the places within you that resist the nourishment you need. The struggle is real, honor it, but use it to heal and transform, rather than staying stuck. The week begins on the tail end of a full Moon weekend. Moon continues through its debilitation sign, offering remnants of the Scorpio full Moon. Deeper receptivity is available in this waning cycle, let this be an intention as the days get darker and turn more inward with the waning Moon. Mercury is now direct, though Saturn and Mars continue in retrograde motion causing challenges with stops, starts, frustrations and confusion with actions and pauses. Monday, May 23rd Moon in 2nd tithi Dvitiya Moon continues through Jyestha until noon. Let your morning be simple and clarify what you need for mental stamina this week. Write to-do lists, clarify and organize. Let meditation and nature be your morning resources in order to set the tone for the week to come. As Moon leaps to Mula midday, Nirrti arrives with her chaos and confusion. She is adharma, against dharma, meaning she can provoke challenges that will derail your best efforts for success. To read the full report, sign up for my membership. This Week's Intention: Activate your inner power ~ move forward with intention and purpose. Moon is waxing and the week begins with the third tithi (phase) called tritiya- Vishnu's domain. Just before Monday begins, Sun leaps to its own sign, Leo. Late in the week, Mercury shifts to its sign of exaltation. This is a very powerful time ahead. I urge everyone to use the coming cycles in very conscious ways. Don't waste this precious window of opportunity! Activate and align with your full potential, dharma and inner wisdom. As Sun shifts to its mulitrikona and own sign, Leo, on August 16th at 23:30 Pacific time, he joins Jupiter, Mercury and Moon here as well. All receive the stern gaze of Saturn who insists on focus, structure and stability. Suddenly our power has a chance to align with purpose in this month to come! But not without deep intention. This Sun cycle activates passion in new ways and offers renewal, fresh starts and a new resolve for all. Simultaneously, heart passion will be potent and forceful. Heart burn or heart wisdom? Channel the heat carefully and intentionally. Connect, create and reach out in powerful ways. Let community and relationships support you and your efforts. Do not self isolate! Work consciously with your father self and your masculine energy. Diligently clear your inner psycho-emotional and psycho-spiritual blockages and obstacles, inherited from your father and his lineage. Simultaneously, step into the strengths and gifts that have been offered from him as well. Put structures in place that support your work, vision and longevity. Be a manager, a CEO, and use your energy wisely. Let your power align with a deeper sense of purpose. If you're one without a strong calling or sense of life purpose, now is the time to commit like never before. Use this time to follow your soul's longing and dedicate your actions to activating your dharma. If you need support, ask for it, but don't miss this chance to align with your inner power and wisdom. Need resources? Ask me for help. Use this cycle to find clarity, support and activate your dharmic wisdom. Seek empowerment, but watch for over-active ego simultaneously. You'll know if you're out of balance when entitlement, anger, agitation, rigidity or self-righteousness arrives. This is your red flag that you need to step back into a more heart-centered place of compassion. Monday, Moon moves from Leo to Virgo in the early hours of the morning, joining Rahu here. Both planets are in UttaraPhalguni, the second half of the fertile star pattern, Phalguni. Aryaman is the ruling deity. He desires comfort, connection and sustainability as well as creativity. He supports lasting relationships and marriage contracts as well as what the ancestors adore- children, family and lineage. Moon conjuncts Rahu today which increases cravings, desires, uncertainties and shadow work. What desires have you overwhelmed, uncertain, fearful? Where can you surrender and let go? Late evening, Moon moves to Savitr's domain, Hasta nakshatra, and continues through this constellation through Tuesday. The gifts of Savitr are awakening and insight, light and the dawning of consciousness. Are you awake or sleep walking? Where do you need to step into your life more consciously? What action steps can you take to activate your awareness and inner wisdom? This is not a time to be asleep at the wheel! Get out of auto pilot and awaken! Ready to take your creative potential and turn it into a life of thriving?! Don't miss my online Creativity + Embodiment Immersion. Get the Details. On Wednesday, Moon shifts to Chitra nakshatra and Vishvakarma instigates creative energy. He want our creative powers to be activated through action steps (hence karma). Chitra is ruled by the planet Mars. Currently our fire is debilitated in Cancer. Many are feeling frustrations, delays or setbacks with taking necessary action. Make today potent with conscious momentum. What action step can you take today towards creativity and building your empire? Get it! Late afternoon, Moon moves to Libra, receiving the gaze of debilitated Mars. Connect, communicate and create, but lead with your heart. Just as Thursday arrives, Moon waltzes into Swati nakshatra, Vayu's constellation. He brings movement, swift change and intense strength with him. His Rudra energy creates powerful momentum and can arrive as a soft breeze or gale force winds. Are you being blown around or are you harnessing your wind power? Find the calm in the center of your storm. Let go of energy drains and the unnecessary. Be strategic, forceful and clear about your direction. Late morning Friday, Moon changes to Vishaka's nakshatra and collaboration becomes crucial. Indra and Agni are the dual ruling deities of this constellation. As Moon illuminates these stars, we are urged to connect, co-create and find ways to be in community. How can you be both- support and supported? Who and what do you need in your life to help your process and journey? What do you need in order to thrive? Ask for help and get your needs met. Mercury is at the edge of Leo today. Resource from your imaginal body and make a list of what you need in order to step up your life. Ready to take your creative potential and turn it into a life of thriving?! Don't miss my online Creativity + Embodiment Immersion. Get the Details. As Saturday arrives, Moon shifts to its debilitation sign, Scorpio, conjuncting Saturn, planet of our grief and suffering. This collision of planets increases sadness, depression and especially loss. Expect tears and extra emotional body sensitivity over the next few days. Tend to your inner realms and physical body. Late Saturday morning, Moon shifts to Anuradha nakshatra. The ruler of this constellation is Mitra, who makes Anuradha the "friendly star". Connect with your friendships today and be a friend to those in need. Dance with the art of giving and receiving, opening and closing, inviting in and letting go. Find your dance with joy and sadness and practice graceful steps. Mercury (the mental body) moves to Virgo, its sign of exaltation, mulitrikona and own sign. Extra support arrives for our mind, our creative endeavors and all communication efforts. As Mercury shifts into Virgo on August 22nd at 19:50 Pacific time, he joins Rahu here and Ketu gives his re-structuring gaze from seven houses away. The conjunction of Mercury and Rahu during this cycle will effect individuals differently. For some, the confusion of Rahu will undermine the potency of Mercury being well positioned. Others will experience a massive upswing in finances, connections and creativity. Your ability to resource from your inner strength and power will determine your success during this extra long Virgo transit. What is your relationship with your shadow? Can you tame the beast, call it on its self-deprecation and consciously work with overcoming limiting beliefs? Success will come to those who take the dark and turn it into the light. Your biggest struggles are asking you to rise to the occasion. Turn struggle and challenge into gifts and awakening. This Mercury cycle is extra long and unusual. In many regards it is an offering with extra graces- if we choose to use them as such. Mercury usually makes fairly swift movements, yet his retrograde motion will prolong his dance through his favorite sign. He will retrograde on September 17th, then go direct on October 9th, and finally leave Virgo on the 28th of October. During this back and forth shuffle, he will move in and out of his most potent degree range and also slide in and out of his mulitrikona and own sign degrees. We get a smorgasbord of his support, struggles and potency. An exalted planet shares 100% of his energy, mulitrikona 75% and own sign 50%. Remember that once he retrogrades, at times he will be considered debilitated as he moves back through his exaltation degrees. (Exalted planets in retrograde motion are considered debilitated). This occurs from September 28th to October 9th to be exact. At this time he is closely conjunct Rahu and combust (burnt) from the Sun. Certainly a time to be very diligent with our mental body, our shadow work and our ego. Use this time for conscious self development work and spiritual practices. During this Mercury transit through Virgo, we will all need to pay special attention to our mental body, our imaginal body. Stories, thoughts, ideas and words will be extra strong and powerful as will our creativity and imagination. This is the part of our being that can create magic, or destroy us. Depending on Mercury's placement in your chart and your relationship with him, this could be an extra challenging cycle, or a powerful and creative game-changer. Being on top of your mental/emotional body dynamics will be vital. Sunday late morning, Moon moves to the final nakshatra of Scorpio, Jyeshtha. Sun and Jupiter are closely conjunct in Leo and Mercury has just shifted to Virgo, still weak in degrees. Our body, mind, emotions and spirit are fragile right now. There are challenges with the changes as we all find a new sense of normalcy and grounding. Resource from the physical body and somatic wisdom today. Use embodiment resources and a 4 Level Check-in to land on your feet. Indra rules the day and requires that we tend to our sensitivity as well as our senses. Are you being ruled by your wild horses or are you holding the reigns? Take this wisdom into Monday. Ready to take your creative potential and turn it into a life of thriving?! Don't miss my online Creativity + Embodiment Immersion. Get the Details.
Need some extra guidance and clarity? I have a few September sessions still available. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. Moon is waxing and just passing the half way point of the bright half phase this week. We have high potency in the planets right now with exalted Jupiter, exalted Saturn, exalted Mercury and Sun in its own sign of Leo. Midweek, Mars moves to its own sign, Scorpio. This is a time to activate!
Monday, September 1st Today's Intention: Attention and intention will take you far. Look within and be gentle with your self and others. Take alone time in order to listen to your inner messages. Moon transits its debilitation sign, Scorpio, in Anuradha nakshatra, receiving drishti (gaze) from exalted Jupiter and Ketu. Moon is waxing and in the 7th tithi (phase) today- the half way point in the bright half of the cycle. Debilitated Moon, softens the Moon, turns it inward and creates high sensitivity as well as strong intuitive potential. Slow down to listen to your inner messages. Anuradha nakshatra is ruled by Saturn and Mitra, who rules friendship and fine detail. He gives support, companionship and represents allies and assistance; he protects us. Mitra rules the day and is in constant renewal and transformation; he likes travel and changes in location just to keep things interesting. His penchant for fine detail offers us the ability to see beyond the surface, to notice nuances and enjoy finery. At times, Anuradha can also heighten the critic, as it's a star that sees so much. Today, attend to details and tackle to-do's. If you find your self lost in the small, fine details, zoom out and remember the big picture as well. Connect, share, and be pleasant to others. Share the abundance that you are naturally. Bring presence to your critic and don't let it attack others, or your self. Be gentle with what you see today, inside and out. Tuesday, September 2nd Today's Intention: Be mindful of your mind games and your senses. Tend to overwhelm and extra sensitivity with self nourishment and self care. Mars is sandhi, at the edge of Libra, ready to jump into Scorpio. The ongoing tension between exalted Saturn and Mars may intensify in the next few days as planets leaving signs tend to increase their effects. If you are feeling extra frustrations with the stop (Saturn) and go (Mars) energies, surrender to Saturn's need for slow and steady! Moon moves into Jyeshtha nakshatra at 07:37 am CDT, enlivening Indra and Mercury. Indra is the king of the devas and brings strength to all his endeavors. He is particularly connected to dharma, prana (our life force energy) and our senses. As Mercury is enlivened here (and currently exalted conjunct Rahu) the mental body gets an extra kick. Debilitated Moon in Scorpio creates extra sensitivity with the senses. Find ways to nourish the mind today without letting your senses get overwhelmed. Protect yourself from the onslaught and bombardment of too many screens and sensory overload. 3 level check in? Wednesday, September 3rd Today's Intention: Cut, clear and purge. Lighten your load and simplify yourself and your life- in mind, body, emotions and spirit. Moon jumps into Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra at 07:01 am CDT, while Nirrti and Ketu incite sudden change and disruptions. Saturn gives drishti to the Moon here and may create an extra level of frustrations- so be aware that extra time will be needed to accomplish tasks today. With Mars poised to jump into Scorpio, teetering at the very edge of Libra now, our actions may feel misaligned or nonexistent, increasing agitations. Plan for calculated action steps and go slow. Nirrti is famous for her dishevelment and adharma. She uproots and disrupts, bringing disturbances with her. Today is an ideal day for cleaning, purging and letting go on the mental, emotional and physical levels of life. Clean out the closets of your mind and your home. Find ways to simplify and cut attachments. Feeling pains and suffering? Look here for what needs to be cut the most. Exalted Jupiter makes his big leap into Ashlesha nakshatra at 11:18 am CDT today; Mercury and Sarpa, the snake god, enliven. Let your mind blossom and unfold in the coming months. Need a reminder about this expansive and enlightening Jupiter transit? Read part 2 of my Exalted Jupiter article here. Thursday, September 4th Today's Intention: Let your creative flow activate the flow of abundance; the abundance in and around you, flowing towards you and through you. Moon moves into PurvAshada nakshatra at 05:45 am CDT and our internal waters desire more flow with Apas and Venus's encouragement. The flow will require effort and direction however. How are you directing your creative energy? Your cleansing and purifying capabilities? Are you tending to your emotional body wisdom and its needs consciously and directly? See if you can find the valve on your heart to open the channels of love, then let more love flow towards you and from you. Where does your life need more flow and fluidity? What needs and self care can help you fill your cup more fully? Drink in the abundance of life and the nectar available to you. Revisit my new Moon creative ritual for some creative activation. Mars finally steps into its own sign of Scorpio at 15:27 CDT and gets drishti from both Ketu and exalted Jupiter here. The long drawn out tensions within Libra over the past many months (both with the Saturn/Rahu conjunction and more recently with the Saturn/Mars conjunction) finally dissipate. Take a breath. Take a pause. Give gratitude for new action steps! Need a reminder about the dance of Mars in 2014? Read more here. This transit of Mars through Scorpio is one of depth and insight. Move towards your desires and be aware of where you're holding back out of fear. Don't let the past haunt you, let it inform and inspire more conscious action steps. Take bold steps and activate your desires in the coming two months during this transit! Wisdom comes from your depths. Strengthen your inner trust and sensitivity. Mercury moves into Hasta nakshatra at 17:58 CDT. Let the exaltation of Mercury, the mind, and Savitr, the god of dawning and awakening, open doors for you in the coming weeks. Start something! Listen to the sparks of imagination and the intuitive guidance coming to you. Trust the light within you to show you the way. Use Gayatri Mantra for activating magic and miracles. Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥtát savitúr váreṇ(i)yaṃbhárgo devásya dhīmahidhíyo yó naḥ prachodáyāt Friday, September 5th Today's Intention: Direct your creative energy intentionally in order to maximize your efforts. Don't do too much. Instead, do less with more greatness. Moon moves to Uttarashadha nakshatra at 03:53 am CDT and the all-gods, the Vishvadevas, arrive on the scene as well as an extra layer of Sun energy. At 09:20 am, Moon moves into Capricorn, receiving drishti from exalted Jupiter and Rahu. The Vishvadevas insure our success and prosperity and give us resources in order to find our talents and fortune. Sun is strong in Leo right now and the planets are potent in general. Use this time wisely. Be alert and be poignant in your actions right now. Listen to the messages and internal guidance that you are receiving. Get quiet and check in with your inner knowing. Trust your sensitivity and harvest with the 3 level check in. Creative power is very high now that Venus has moved to Leo, joining Sun there. Don't waste your energy flitting around, doing too much, and in too many different directions. Concentrate your efforts, your energy and power in order maximize this time period. Be direct and focused and don't burn yourself out with too much work. Temper your hard work with self care. Saturday, September 6th Today's Intention: Take three intentional steps today. Activate with careful action steps and listen to your internal messages. Moon moves to Sravana nakshatra at 01:31 am CDT. Vishnu, akasha (space) and Moon are the qualities of this lunar constellation. Vishnu and his travels through earth, sky and heaven (the three realms), gives us triples and threes today. How can this be a metaphor for your actions, visions and dreams? Plan, take action and enjoy! Use your day of Saturn to attune and attend to your body. Get embodied and use the wisdom of your body to offer insights and necessary balance. Listen carefully to the inspiration and omens that arrive along the way. The akasha element inspires transmission of knowledge and wisdom through hearing. Are you listening? Revisit one of my workshop MP3's for inspiration. Moon moves to Dhanishta nakshatra at 22:48 CDT. Sunday, September 7th Today's Intention: Let wealth and abundance grow within you by holding onto the somatic sensations of nourishment and success. Then use this felt sense to create your dreams. Moon transits Dhanishta nakshatra and the Vasu Devas come out to play with a kick of Mars. Boom! Moon is expanding and now in the 13th tithi, nearing fullness. Energy is high and maximized as we have three planets exalted and two in their own signs. The Vasus bring wealth, fame and shining to us; they come from jyoti (light) and are the originators of jyotish (the science of light). If you desire wealth, then worshiping the Vasu Devas is important as they are connected to prosperity. Get creative today and let your creativity activate manifestation of your desires on the material plane of existence. What do you greatly desire, want and need in your life for more harmony, satisfaction, comfort and nourishment? Make your list- but painting it, singing it, and dancing it is even better. Go beyond the mind and get it attuned to the emotion/intuitive body and the physical, somatic wisdom within you. How does your abundance feel in your body? Let this feeling intensify and grow. Keep coming back to the somatic sensation of your nourishment, support and fulfillment. This is the Vasu Devas in action! OM namo bhagavate vasudevaya Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. Many people are feeling the escalating tension between Saturn and Mars in Libra at this time. Remember the dynamics of Saturn which are stop/slow and Mars which is action/go. These two opposing forces remind us to be very intentional with our actions/inactions. Because of their transit through Libra, the ultimate goal is balance; we may find this most important within our relationships.
With three planets in Cancer right now (exalted Jupiter, Sun and Mercury and Venus joining them this week), there is a strong emphasis on our heart, emotions and the dynamics of open/close and boundary work. This time period reminds us to be present to our emotional body, to consciously navigate its needs and to soften to the awareness that it can bring us for our life, relationships and overall well being. If you are really feeling the intensity, you will especially want to pay attention to your emotional work and let it inform your process. With Ketu's drishti on Cancer, the effects of our sudden awareness through the emotions can be startling, but essential- for our moksha and self development. No spiritual bypassing, no cutting and pasting over them, no negating your feelings and emotions. Be brave, go into the felt sense with courage and intention. Use my workshop mp3's for further guidance and harvesting. Moon is full this Sunday in Capricorn! Our emotional cups will be full to capacity and likely some challenges and hurdles in store as a result. We are all going feel a sense of "bigness" in so many ways this week! Using 3 level check ins and your creative work this week will be essential. Monday, August 4th Moon moves deeper into Libra, sandwiched in between Mars and Saturn, nearing conjunction with Saturn in the early parts of the morning. Moon is in exact degrees with Saturn at 05:28 am CDT while both are in Vishaka nakshatra. As Moon separates with Saturn (and also Mars), moving towards the edge of Libra, later in the day, questions and issues around stability and support continue to surface as themes. IndraAgni rules Vishaka. A dual god, this dynamic duo of Indra and Agni, embodies the necessary partnership between king (Indra) and Priest (Agni). They intimately rely on each other for support, nourishment and sustenance. Without the priest performing sacrifices at the portal to the gods (the altar), the king will lose his power and sustainability. This co-creative partnership is reiterated in the food that we eat (mouth being portal opening) and the necessary transformative powers that Agni uses to digest the food in order for our nourishment and life giving support. There are many examples of this type of increased power when we join a partnership. Right now, we may be questioning what these support systems are within our lives. Who and what feels supportive and helpful, nourishing and of value. What relationships provide sustenance and sustainability? What relationships do not? What sense of balance and recalibration needs to happen in order for life to be more easeful? What are the healthy and nourishing alliances in your life and which ones need to be let go for good? Finding ways to navigate the inner and outer landscape right now is the name of the game. Moon moves to Scorpio at 18:39 CDT, receiving drishti from Jupiter and Ketu. Tuesday, August 5th Moon transits its debilitation sign, Scorpio, moving into Anuradha nakshatra just after midnight CDT. Whenever Moon transits through Scorpio, we are reminded to pay close attention to our emotional body, our intuitive guidance, and the subtle messages within us. Scorpio Moon days are days that come with a sense of power due to vulnerability. These are days where we can extract nourishment in delicate and subtle ways, somatic and gentle ways, so listen and attune carefully. Want to know more about Scorpio Moon? Read my article here. Moon receives drishti from both Jupiter and Ketu today, offering some potent intuitive guidance and spiritual insights if we are paying attention. Anuradha nakshatra is ruled by Mitra and Saturn, both known for their impeccable detail and workmanship. Mitra is a friend, ally, companion; he brings support and sustenance as any good friend would do. He especially likes to connect, transform and renew. Today's reminder is: meet the right people, make the right connections and success will come. The general themes for this time period regarding relationships, partnerships and boundary work prevail today. Notice where the contractions and the critic surface as you interact with others. With who and what is there more opening, expansion and ease? Be aware of the opening and closings in your life- just as the lotus blossom opens in the day and closes naturally at night. Let the dance of yes and no resonate with your healthy boundary work. Where are you saying yes and where are you saying no in your life? What are the results? Mercury moves to Ashlesha nakshatra at 21:27 CDT. Sarpa, the serpent deity and an extra level of Mercury are enlivened in the next week. The mental body needs extra TLC right now as it may be running away with itself through deception, illusion and over-confidence. Remember that Mercury is nearing the Sun in Cancer and heating up the mind in general right now. Rigidity, extra sharpness, critic and extreme focus are heightened. Use the mind, but don't be used by the mind. Everything that passes through the Sun gets purified, so we can at least be assured that the mind is getting burned and transformed like a fire offering right now. Purify and be purified; tend to your mental burns. Wednesday, August 6th Moon moves to Jyestha nakshatra just after midnight CDT. The mental body enlivens today with the strength of Indra. Mind over matter or matter over mind? There could be a tussle between emotional body and mental body so work with both for clarity of your needs. Which one is running the show? Do a three level check in for greater insights. Indra is the storm god, particularly connected to rain, but also with dharma and powerful positions. The Upanishads refer to Indra as the life force, or prana. It is understood in the Ved that Indra is the ruler of our senses and sense organs. In other words, he is the king of our body and mind. Extra sensitivity can emerge on Indra days. Jyestha days remind us to take back control of our senses, rather than letting them rule us. More than control, perhaps a better word choice is awareness. Get a firm grasp on your senses through conscious awareness. Time for a 3 level check in and some harvesting? As the day ripens, Venus moves into sandhi at the edge of Gemini, poising itself for change, while Mercury nears close conjunction with the Sun. Watch your heart and mind for heat, fire and solar flares! The mind is hot and it can easily spill over into our relationships. Play nice, but be clear and firm with your boundaries, needs and expectations. Moon jumps into Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra at 22:45 CDT. Thursday, August 7th Venus moves to Cancer at 05:16 am CDT, joining exalted Jupiter, Sun and combust Mercury there. This will be a very interesting transit emotionally. There's heat in the heart/chest region, effecting our work with opening and closing, expand and contract. This will of course play out as a tussle between mental body and emotional body, effecting physical body. These dynamics will be effecting our relationship with self and others. The heat is on, tensions rise, and the drishti on these four planets from Saturn and Ketu intensives the activation, pressure and necessary restructuring occurring as a result of this transit. Whatever needs to shift in your relationships in order for greater ease, will likely be coming to a head until August 30th as Jupiter (deva) and Venus (asura) battle it out in our heart center (Cancer/4th house matters). Themes of the 4th house heighten at this time: including land matters, home, mother, emotions, heart/chest/lungs, vehicles and our relationship with these. Exercising healthy and appropriate boundaries is the other current theme. Whatever we are not yet getting on a mental/emotional level, will bring itself to the forefront of our awareness at this time. Be prepared to make adjustments and changes with your relationships in the coming weeks. Frustrations and tensions are likely due to lack of effective boundary work. Want to know more about the dynamics of open and close and our emotional body during this time of exalted Jupiter? Use my Jupiter/Ribcase mp3 for assistance. Moon transits Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra today. Enter Nirrti and Ketu for a power packed day. Don't be surprised if an extra layer of chaos enters through the side door as Nirrti usually stirs the pot in uncomfortable ways. That's her job after all. She uproots, dishevels, and distracts. She is married to Adharma (against dharma) and goes against the natural order of things, Natural Law. Don't let your prana get scattered and misused today. Have you ever noticed how in movies and on TV, the plot unfolds after a series of decisions- usually poor choices; but more importantly from a lack of healthy and appropriate boundaries?! It is exactly the same within our personal life story. If you want less drama, made for TV movies, and big screen issues in your life, you have to be very conscious of what you are saying yes to and what you are saying no to. Essentially action and inaction. It's actually a very simple formula. But the changes that your life will take on as a result of your yes and no's is not. This time period of Saturn/Mars conjunction as well as the conjunction of four planets in Cancer, is our crash course (literally) in this yes/no dynamic. What are you learning? Where do you need to say no still or yes perhaps? What are you allowing in and opening to? What are closing to and saying no to? Moon moves to PurvaAshada nakshatra at 20:44 CDT. Friday, August 8th Moon is reaching its fullness, waxing into the 13th tithi (Moon phase) today. The tides are high within us! Moon transits PurvaAshada nakshatra, ruled by Apas, the water goddess. Here we get a heightened connection to the emotions, the emotional body and our inner waters and tides. With Saturn's drishti on the Moon, we get a little extra squeeze and some added pressure. Like a piece of citrus being reamed and squeezed, juice extracted, and then poured. Extract your inner juices for cleansing and clearing of your inner waters today. Let the tides move through you and out of you. Apas helps to purify us, to rejuvenate and to keep us fluid, flowing and moving. Make sure that attention and intention with the emotional body is part of your day, as well as movement. Where can you invite in more flow and fluidity? The theme of purification continues. Working with my Moon/Emotional Body MP3 may be helpful for you. Find it here. Moon moves to UttarAshada at 18:10 CDT and the Vishvadevas shine their light upon us. As Sun rules this nakshatra, a bit of extra heat kicks in. Mercury and Sun are in exact degrees as this time and full on combustion of the mind/mental body is here. The themes mentioned over the past week intensify as we navigate our heart/emotions and all that this brings with it in regard to relationships and our felt sense of life. All of our heart/emotion work kicks up due to Mars and Saturn conjunct in Libra, the seat of relationships and our mirror work with "other". The purpose of all these big transits simultaneously, is a re-setting of the balance buttons in our lives. Let this be your intention as you navigate the choppy waters. Work with your three level check in and harvesting process. It's not too early to start your full Moon mandala work. Moon moves to Capricorn at 23:27 CDT. Saturday, August 9th Moon in Capricorn receives drishti from Mars. Mars is considered exalted in Capricorn so he brings his fire through his gaze and heats the Moon; once again our emotional body is activated. Catching the themes right now? Moon is also being glanced at directly, seven houses away, by the intense energy of Cancer and the four planets therein: Venus, Sun, exalted Jupiter and Mercury. Mercury and Sun are still in very close proximity so take this into consideration as you navigate mental/emotional bodies at this time. Additionally, we get drishti on the Moon from Rahu, adding a different type of intensity for our emotions. Shadows, fears, illusions and worldly desires give their presence and may cloud our discernment. Be aware that Rahu gives his two cents right now and don't act rashly. Rahu always brings extremes with him so temper it if possible. Moon is in the 14th tithi and almost at maximum capacity. Our emotional cups are almost full. Are you feeling this expansion and overflow? As Moon transits through UttarAshada today, the Vishva Devas, or all gods, remind us of the basic Laws of Nature. These include: goodness, truth, determination, talent, time, enjoyment, grimness, ancestors, abundance, joy, as well as pleasantness, sight, fame and leadership. These are the places that are asking us to find more balance and harmony in our life. Where are you needing to put more attention/intention in these areas? Where might you need to put less? Re-shuffle your deck for a new kind of winning hand. Moon moves to Sravana nakshatra at 15:14 CDT and Vishnu steps into our day as well as an extra level of Moon energy. Our feat at this time is to start listening. Listen carefully and listen well. Be the observer. Be the witness. Moon moves to its final tithi (Moon phase) at 17:06 CDT and is in its final phase of fullness now (Purnima). Tonight is the night to celebrate your full Moon and create your full Moon mandala. Ritualize your emotional cup being full. Need some help with this? Use my past Moon Mandala Creative Rituals. Sunday, August 10th Full Moon Day! Moon in Capricorn moves to Dhanishta nakshatra at 12:08 CDT. Gaze from Rahu, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Sun and Venus in full effect! Moon is at its fullest at 13:08 CDT in Dhanishta nakshatra. Dhanishta is ruled by Vasu, the one who shines, is bright and illuminated. Full Moon in Dhanishta nakshatra brings a very full cup to us. Life may be feeling "full to capacity". Is your cup running over in a positive and powerful way? Or a burdensome and heavy way? If you are feeling the burdens of this extremely energized time, it's time to take some steps inward, harvest what is ripe within you, and use it for a change in course or direction. Use my Moon/Emotional Body workshop MP3's to help you navigate your individual harvesting process. The Vasu Devas are sources of light (jyoti) and bring illumination to us. They offer us a source and a sense of our own power, wealth and prosperity. The eight Vasu Devas are the eight cosmic elements expressed and manifested on the material plane of existence. (Moon, Sun, Water, Earth, Air, Fire, Space and the light of the stars). We are indeed cosmic, stardust and swirling light. What are you shining your light upon? What lights are shining on you? What shiny, sparkly objects are catching your attention? Put on your sun glasses and get ready for the blaze. In the coming waning Moon cycle, we can expect this fullness, the overwhelm, the heightened sense of extremes, to come to a climax, before it begins to dissipate. It is a time of maximum exposure. Exposure of our "stuff" and letting the inner come out, and the outer come in. It's a time of major restructuring and deconstruction. Change, shifts, movement. Old patterns change, new ones start. The lessons we are learning at this junction are the life changing, earth changing kind. Ketu and Jupiter are working their magic on all of us in very timely, unexpected ways. The guru is sharing some very big morsels of awakening right now. Do not discount the power of this time, the changes you are going through, and the intentional actions required as a result. Be powerful and potent in your choices. Be firm and grounded in what you need- what truly nourishes you, supports you and offers you comfort. This is what each of us is moving towards in our lives- whether it's obvious or not. Let your cup runeth over and surf the emotional tides that are rising. Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a Moon Mind post. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. |
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