Full Moon this week! Moon moves through Libra, Scorpio and into Sagittarius this week. Moon begins to wane (Krishna Paksha) after the full Moon on Wednesday + Buddha Jayanti.
Monday, 5.12 Moon moves into Libra this morning, joining Rahu and retrograde Saturn here. Simultaneously, exalted Sun and Ketu give direct gaze seven houses away and Jupiter offers his gaze from five houses away. The complexity of the full Moon in Libra on Wednesday begins to stir within us. Desires mount. Monday starts with a demand for action as Moon transits Chitra nakshatra. Vishvakarma (the celestial architect) is the ruler of Chitra, as is Mars, the planet of karma/action. This energy is about building, creating, serving and performing karma yoga. Today, start your week off on the right foot. Plan, organize, use strategy, clarify your ideas, create and expand your objectives. Take effective action and cross something big off your to-do list. Get clear on the big picture, but use details and step by step instructions to get the job done. Moon moves to Swati nakshatra at 21:23 CDT. Tuesday, 5.13 Swati nakshatra enlivens Vayu (the wind god) and Rahu today. The winds of change are blowing. Do you feel it? What direction are they blowing for you? What changes are being enlivened within you and around you? What is your response to these winds? Pay attention to Nature today as she will likely show us her directions through wind, rain and storms. Vayu brings change; he does so by "house cleaning", creating movement, is connected to breath, wind and strength. Whatever is being moved today, trust that it is creating space for something new to arrive. Are you moving with gentle breezes or gale force winds? What is your response to these winds? Remember, movement is good. Bend with the wind though, don't break. Moon moves to Vishaka nakshatra at 21:05. The Moon will already be in its final tithi (phase) at this time as it ripens towards fullness. Wednesday, 5.14 Full Moon is on Wednesday, May 14th at 14:15 CDT in Libra and Vishaka nakshatra. Moon will be sandhi at the edge of Libra receiving direct gaze from a sandhi exalted Sun and Ketu in Aries. Yet another opportunity to revisit the same metaphors and challenges, lessons and reminders from the many previous months as Libra and Aries have been in the spotlight for months now. This full Moon is intricate as well as celebratory. It is Budhha Jayanti (also called Buddha Purnima), the celebration of Lord Buddhas birthday. Auspiciously, the celebration falls on a Wednesday this year, day of Mercury, the mind. May Lord Buddha's strength in mind and liberation of being ignite us! Jai Buddha! This full Moon is in Vishaka nakshatra and at the edge of changing signs at 29'51; very much in the gap (sandhi) heading into Scorpio its sign of debilitation. Moon moves to Scorpio just fifteen minutes later at 14:30 CDT. Vishaka is ruled by a dual god, Indra and Agni. They sit at the portal entrance and allow the transformational process of our offerings to take place. Offerings of nourishment, that then becomes potent and palpable to them, and in turn they make these offerings potent and palpable for us. We see this pair at work in yagyas and puja offerings. Whatever is offered on the altar, alchemically transforms and becomes nourishment for the gods, who then bless us with their protection and support. Sun moves out of Aries its sign of exaltation, and into Taurus on 5.14 at 17:33 CDT. He transits Taurus until June 15th. Moon moves to Anuradha nakshatra at 20:14 CDT. Read more about the meanings of full Moon + Sun transit here. Thursday, 5.15 Moon transits Anuradha nakshatra, ruled by Mitra, the friendly star. He's an Aditya (provides nourishment and support) and is a form of the Sun and connected to day time. Friendship and alliances are enlivened through Mitra, as well as help, support and the special connections in life that sustain us. Mitra likes fine detail and has a knack for change and renewal; he loves travel and a change of scenery. As Moon will be receiving direct gaze (drishti) from a sandhi Sun (newly changed signs) and Mercury in Taurus, watch the critic today. Re-direct it. Zoom out and look at the big picture if you feel your self using the zoom lens too much. Focus instead on unifying factors and helpful connections. We may be feeling small within ourselves on some level, which can heighten the tendency to find fault with others. What needs to shift? Moon moves to Jyeshtha nakshatra at 18:55 CDT. Working with the mental body will be especially effective right now and throughout tomorrow. Friday, 5.16 Jyeshtha is ruled by Indra and the planet Mercury. Indra is immensely powerful and king of the devas (gods). Considered the rain god, Indra has the ability to "open the floodgates" so to speak. Indra is also connected to pranic forces and has extremely heightened sensitivity- which translates as heightened awareness. We are reminded by him though that we must not be controlled entirely by our senses. Today you may notice an increased sensitivity- and in that sensitivity a certain and defined power. We might experience this as a vulnerability that cultivates inner strength. We may note our ability to be clear with boundaries today and our defined needs. Be in your power and arrive into your great sensitivity. Both are assets that will take you far. Working with the mental body directly today will be especially effective. Moon changes signs to Sagittarius at 17:16 CDT and moves into Mula nakshatra at this time. Nirrti, the wife of adharma steps onto the scene. Don't let her lack of dharmic pursuits derail you tonight. Saturday, 5.17 As dishevelment and destruction rules the greater part of the day via Mula nakshatra and Nirrti today, expect plans to not be seamless. Give your self extra time to accomplish tasks and relax your agenda. Loosen the reigns. Work on deconstruction, letting go, uprooting and purging today. Moon gets drishti (gaze) today from multiple planets which compounds the chaos at play. Saturn, Mars and Ketu give their heat, pressure and restructuring energy, while Jupiter may soften the blow or at least help us "learn the lessons" that are present. Be leisurely and use self care as much as possible today. Moon moves to Purvashada nakshatra at 15:26 CDT and more flow arrives with Apas, the water goddess. Sunday, 5.18 Purvashada and Apas, the water goddess, helps us with flow more effortlessly. She cleanses and offers rejuvenation- through emotional release and purification, allowing us to connect to the pure flow of love as well. Sensitive feelings are part of this nakshatra and though Moon receives drishti (gaze) today from multiple planets which compounds the emotions, we also have the ability to be cleansed by these emotions as well. Saturn, Mars and Ketu give their heat, pressure and restructuring energy, while Jupiter may soften the blow or at least help us "learn the lessons" present. But because Purvashada is ruled by the planet Venus, a greater ability to love and be loved is experienced here. Let it seep into your pores, and into your veins. Let the love wash over you and through you today. Let it heal you and rejuvenate you. You are loved. Moon moves to Uttarashada nakshatra at 13:33 CDT; Vishvadeva and the planet Sun predominate. Finish the day with a sense of duty and a "do-good" mentality. Help and share. Offer the clarity of love from the previous part of the day and Saturday evening. Let your light shine. Prepare to step forward! Mars goes direct tomorrow. Plan your week, sign up for my newsletter here.
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