Moon moves through Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and into Sagittarius this week. Moon reaches its fullness on 4.15 at 2:41 CDT while in Libra. More details below as well as in my current planetary report + horoscopes for the waning Moon cycle. Monday, 4.14 Sun is now exalted in Aries, joining Ketu there as well. Sun is in weak degrees until Wednesday so try to get away with using less energy; don't push too hard. Moon finishes up its transit through Virgo today, crossing over Mars directly around noon (the hottest part of the day) and is in close degrees with him throughout the day. This can heat the emotions, create aggression and stir the Pitta. Watch your temper and emotions and if anger arrives, notice what boundaries you allowed to be crossed. Did you say yes, when you should have said no? Moon is in Hasta nakshatra the first part of the day which is ruled by Savitr. He grants us awakening, the dawning of awareness as well as increased creativity and healing potential through the hands. Be present to some stirring, some dawning within you today. What new understanding or insights arrive this morning? The Moon/Mars conjunction can also bring a deepened connection with the Divine Mother- notice where she gives her blessings. Use Gayatri Mantra to start your day. As Moon moves to Chitra at 12:10 CDT, the connection with Vishvakarma strengthens. He is the celestial architect, who helps our building and planning become actualized. He is especially connected to artisans and those wishing to expand their potential. This also marks Hanuman Jayanti, the celebration of Hanuman's birth. The festivities begin when the waxing Moon is at its fullest (15th tithi) and enters Chitra nakshatra during this particular season of the Vedic calendar. Hanuman is considered a Rudra (a god of intense strength and power) and overcame many obstacles and opponents (the rakshasa/demon Ravana and his army) out of love, devotion and service to Lord Raam and goddess Sita. May he serve as a reminder to us of what odds can be overcome, what power we each posses, and what love and devotion can accomplish. The lunar eclipse begins at 11:55 pm CDT as Moon reaches its fullness and crosses paths with the Sun. Tuesday, 4.15 Moon enters Libra just after midnight joining Rahu and retrograde Saturn there as well. It reaches its peak fullness at 2:41 am CDT while in Chitra nakshatra. The lunar eclipse reaches its maximum at 02:46am CDT and continues until 05:36 am CDT. With the direct gaze from Sun and Ketu in Aries, and Jupiter in Gemini, as well as an eclipse, this full Moon is one of intensity and a great collision of energies. It is a good time to evaluate where we are using sheer physical strength and stamina and where we are not effectively using beneficial mental strategy to help us achieve our long term goals and objectives. Become aware of how to do less, while maximizing your efforts. In other words, the mantra "less is more", is still pertinent to the day and to the weeks ahead. This is certainly a time of pruning and cutting out all that is unnecessary. More on the meaning of this full Moon for the coming waning cycle in my planetary report. Moon crosses directly over Rahu late morning. Moon moves to Swati nakshatra at 12:37 pm CDT (ending the Hanuman Jayanti celebrations) which is ruled by the planet Rahu and Vayu, the wind god. The mind and body will likely be clouded today so allow extra time for going about your day. Be careful while driving and traveling today especially. The lunar eclipse marks a delicate two week period until the solar eclipse on the 29th. In the Vedic tradition, this is not a time to take risks, start new endeavors, or to over-exert. It is a time, however, of turning inward, of meditation and contemplation, and a time to take extra care of the physical body with good routine etc. Wednesday, 4.16 Moon moves to Vishaka nakshatra at 12:35 pm CDT ruled by the dual natured god, Indragni and the planet Jupiter. Seek alliance and support today. Notice where you can make changes in your life to create greater assistance for your Self and get things done more efficiently. Are you forgetting to ask for what you need? Are you pushing too hard? Where are you resisting change? As Moon nears Saturn, it is extremely important and valuable to listen to our bodies for subtle insights. What messages is the body giving you? Thursday, 4.17 Moon finishes up its transit through Libra after crossing directly over retrograde Saturn in the wee hours of the morning, then moves to Scorpio at 6:17 am CDT. Moon is considered debilitated in Scorpio which makes the Moon extra sensitive. This sensitivity can be helpful for intuition and a refined awareness, however, it must be handled with care. As Moon moves into Anuradha nakshatra at 12:08 pm CDT, this sensitivity heightens, especially for the physical body and the mind/body connection. Stamina may be lower, so find ways to self care and treat the physical and mental bodies with TLC. The tendency, however, may be to do the opposite. Avoid getting lost in the details, try to zoom out and get a bigger picture if necessary. Reach out to friends and alliances for support and comfort. Work with the theme "giving and receiving." Friday, 4.18 Moon moves to Jyeshta nakshatra just before noon at 11:21 am CDT just as Sun nears exact conjunction with Ketu. The mind and body may be extra sensitive today so take this into consideration if irritations arise. With Indra and Mercury ruling this nakshatra, and the current planetary transits, it is an excellent time for self tracking. Likely the irritations in the mind will be a result of some physical need not being met. Can you trace the issue back to the need? Can you find a healthy way to get your need met? It may require self care strategies, alone time, and restructuring previous plans. You may also need to shift your relationships around. Do what it takes to preserve your mental comfort and physical support. Venus moves into Purvabhadra nakshatra today. We may notice an increase in relationship and financial support as a result over the next 12 days, while using a one pointed focus and agenda. This can also be a time of purification and change as well; allow the change, don't resist it. Saturday, 4.19 Moon moves to Sagittarius and into Mula nakshatra at 10:17 am CDT and receives direct drishti/gaze from Jupiter seven houses away in Gemini, retrograde Saturn in Libra, as well as retrograde Mars in Virgo. Mula is also a challenging nakshatra that often is responsible for a sense of chaos and dishevelment. Don't plan to be anywhere on time today- or expect to arrive in an orderly fashion. Best use of time and energy is with restorative measures for the mental, emotional and physical bodies. The rulers of Mula are Ketu and Nirrti (the dark goddess married to adharma- against dharma). She brings uprooting, change and removals, but the end results can be greater overall health and wellness. With Ketu and Sun in close degrees today and in Ashwini nakshatra respectively, this is a great day to pay special attention to the physical body, to use healing remedies and to put attention on self care regimens. Additionally, Mercury is weak in degrees in its sign of debilitation which requires careful navigation of the mental body, communication and decision making. Use your inner wisdom and go for silence today. Sunday, 4.20 Mercury moves to Aries at 6:56 am CDT, joining exalted Sun and Ketu there as well. Moon moves to PurvAshada nakshatra at 9:01 CDT. Apas the water goddess rules the day. Allow flow to happen. Where are you stopping fluidity in your life? Where is the resistance to movement, change, growth and new possibilities? Focus your efforts and attention on abundance, life giving support and your own vitality today. Right now it is all about self care.
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March 2017