This Week's Intention: Find the balm for your malnourishment. Seek balance, fluidity and flow- with love, creativity and passion. Transform your light by radically uprooting and discarding the weeds within. Create space for your deepest needs to be met. Moon is waxing, moving through the 4th to the 10th tithis (phases) this week of the bright half. Sun is leaving Scorpio and moves into Sagittarius midweek, bringing chaos and transition with it. Continue to uproot and remove that which doesn't serve you. Use ample amounts of surrender as you courageously move forward. Moon continues to transit Capricorn and UttaraAshada until early afternoon on Monday. Saturn gives his drishti to the Moon, causing grief to surface. Rahu gives his gaze, activating uncertainty, confusion and amplified emotions. Notice where you are resisting and refusing your own awakening. Align with purity and purpose today. Once Moon shift to Sravana, Vishnu arrives to help us expand and awaken with his dharmic forces. Challenge what you think is possible and open up all-possibilities for yourself and your life. Seek inner and outer harmony through knowledge and wisdom. Listen to positive messages and release the harmful and hurtful inner dialogue. Be conscious of what you say and how you say it. Tuesday, Moon moves to the final portion of Capricorn and into Dhanishta nakshatra. Saturn continues to bring his grief inducing tendencies to the Moon, inviting us to look at places we are resisting our emotional body and feelings. Rahu's gaze on the Moon increases these tendencies and intensifies the emotional body. A certain piercing nature arrives today- do you use it to penetrate your masks and illusions? To awaken parts of yourself that need more light and clarity? The Vasu Devas can support your efforts. Where are you resisting being seen, noticed, heard, witnessed and fully self expressed? Shine the light into your darkness and stand in your power. Sun moves to sandhi degrees, opening the gap between Scorpio and Sagittarius. This challenging gandanta (gap) merges water and fire. The spiritual body and physical body are delicate right now. Attend to needs intentionally. Vulnerability will be heightened and more rest will be necessary. Find ways to slow down and allow for more pauses. Just before midnight, Moon moves to Aquarius, now receiving gaze from Jupiter. Wednesday brings an Aquarius Moon with Jupiter's softening, expansive gaze. Where there was contraction being felt in the previous days, today brings a new awareness. Wherever you have been closing, Jupiter will invite an opening to you. You may still resist or refuse this expansion and the expanded awareness. Look for the challenges and the obstacles as these are sure signs you are resisting the growth. Where do you need greater release and surrender in order to make space for the new? Midday, Moon shifts to Satabisha nakshatra and these themes amplify. Ruling deity Varuna can intensify the critic, the all-seeing and watchful eye- inner and outer. Let support, guidance and healing come in new ways. Notice where your critic keeps you malnourished and under supported. Make changes accordingly and be radical with self development work. Just as Wednesday begins, Sun makes its challenging shift through the territory between Scorpio (water) and into Sagittarius (fire). This gandanta is often felt with turmoil, challenges, crisis- which will especially be activated on the physical and spiritual body levels. Protect yourself with slow, steady and intentional steps. Get extra support and make time for meditation, being in nature and extra self care. Sun arrives in Sagittarius at 00:49 PST, landing in Mula nakshatra as it enters this one-pointed fire sign. Mula can add to the chaos and calamity that may be stirring within, so take active measures to find greater calm. Sun remains in Sagittarius until January 14th, receiving the gaze of Jupiter all the while. Jupiter offers expansive, wisdom oriented support, which provides spiritual awareness and supports the spiritual body. Jupiter is akasha (space) and aligned with dharma. Pay close attention to dharmic messages arriving at this time. Can you hear the pure messages of your soul helping you to awaken from within? This is a spiritual and heart awakening transit if used as such. It's also a transit for deep shadow work in order to heal, transform and awaken from illusion. The critic will be strong and amplified in this cycle so be actively noticing where there's resistance to hearing new wisdom or getting different types of support. Notice where the ego gets in your way of compassion and liberation- both internally and externally. This includes spiritual ego and the "know it all" that keeps you away from new growth and possibility. Prepare for more release and letting go- especially with relationships. Gather resources and support from spirit and those aligned with spiritual wisdom, but make sure you're doing the necessary personal development work on the levels of mental body and emotional body. Spirit helps those who help themselves. Use consistent action steps and trust these steps will add up with time. Activate healthy boundaries. There's a certain impatience with the heart which may cause more suffering than nourishment. Try more compassion for your efforts and lean in with softening and deeper listening. Fearlessly look at parts of yourself that need more light. Heart wisdom arrives when the mind is quiet and calm. Bring more light to your emotional body and allow grief to wash away the years of darkness, pain and suffering. Grief has the ability to heal and soften old wounds, allowing us to deepen our presence and patience. Ask spirit, therapists, healers and guides for support with your release process. Soften the ferocity and action-oriented agenda with cycles of strategy and release. Take focused action, then let go of outcome; repeat. Find balance with your words, money and nourishment. Feed yourself well on all levels of life and notice how this feels in your body. Let the wisdom of your pelvis be a resource for deepening your stability, self trust and life balance. Thursday morning Satabisha's healing gaze continues. Start your day off right with self care. Take extra time to get your needs met. Late morning, Moon shifts to Purvabhadrapada and inner/outer balance becomes essential. Where are you pushing too hard and forcing outcomes and agendas? What do you really need for more stability and support in your life. Dive deep. Is your ego (spiritual ego included) getting in the way of what you truly need? Just as Friday begins, Moon moves to Pisces, joining Ketu here. Both receive gaze from Mars and Rahu. The emotional body will be extra heated and agitated in the coming days. Take necessary precautions and attend to self care. Move, process and transform anger into passion and power. Feel the charge. Late morning, Moon shifts to the latter half of the Bhadrapada constellation. Uttarabhadrapada helps us dive more deeply into our subconscious terrain. Gather pearls as you traverse the inner waters of your being. Be sure to come up for air. Jupiter is now sandhi, at the edge of Leo, intensifying his transit through this passionate sign. We are all working with power in new ways. January 7th Jupiter will retrograde for five months. Look for signs right now as you'll be working with these themes more closely once Jupiter begins is backward dance. Want more details? Check out my Jupiter in Leo articles- Part 1 and 2. Saturday mid morning, Moon moves to the final nakshatra of the zodiac, Revati. Release, endings and conclusions may be found today. Ruling deity, Pushan, supports resources and finding support along ones path. He shares the fruits of our efforts and requests simplicity, purity and compassion. How can you surrender and soften with yourself and others? Where can you find a bit more release and letting go? Keep it simple and land within. Meditation, time in nature and writing can be helpful today. Mid morning Sunday, Moon leaps through the challenging gap between Pisces and Aries- from endings to beginnings and water into fire. Emotions will be in a state of release, so let them flow, move and shift. Watch the wave patterns moving through you. Moon receives multiple gazes in the coming days- from Venus seven houses away, Mars and Jupiter. Let your anger and passion teach you. Let your wisdom move more and expand what you think is possible for yourself. Seek stability, integration and creative flow. Moon moves through Ashwini today and the 10th tithi, Dashami, which connects to dharma. Transform, heal and rejuvenate through releasing and letting go. Move towards what serves you and your path. Early Monday morning, Moon shifts to Bharani- offering possible restriction, constriction and difficulties with relationships and money. This is a reminder to find more balance with both. Where are you out of alignment and not in right relationship with wealth and love? Where are you giving too much and neglecting deeper needs? Where are you starving yourself for false gratification? Say yes to nourishment by aligning with love, gratitude, creativity and your passion for life. Keep it simple and let go of the extras, the distractions, the false nourishment that keeps you in lack. Say yes to your transformation and allow in new possibilities. As winter Solstice arrives, the darkness deepens. Light your lights and call upon the Sun to bring you resources for growth. *All timing is given in Pacific Standard Time Zone. Did You Hear?! My work is shifting starting January 2016. As the new year begins, I'll be sharing a new session structure with you, plus a new website and membership only features. Please read for details. Over the past year, I've seen the effects of my work increase with those clients who have committed to my consistent support. Clients that return for multiple sessions, use my resources, support, guidance and tools consistently, and are dedicated to personal development, healing and transformation experience lasting change. My work is best used in concentrated and consistent doses- in order for lasting, sustainable results. As a result, I'll be sharing new session packages in order to give you extra support, resources and concentrated guidance. Packages that maximize your results and give you the value you deserve- in order for faster, lasting, life changing results. *** This means I will only be offering very limited sessions for new clients and those return clients who only book individual sessions. *** My work is best suited to those who are truly committed to consistent action steps and those who want immediate results. And.... The New Year will also bring a brand new website with better features. Please note that the way I share my content and classes is also changing in order to support your growth and change process more powerfully. My website will be Membership Only starting in January in order for you to get more resources in effective and potent ways. I'll be sharing more about these big changes in the coming weeks so check your inbox. Exciting things are on the horizon for Swati Jr Jyotish!!! Thank you for making 2015 an amazing year. Looking forward to giving you even more resources, support and nourishment in the coming year. Sign up for my newsletter and get all the details. Start your new year with clarity and guidance! I am now scheduling January sessions. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you.
This Week's Intention: Transform your darkness into light. Use your pain, challenges and suffering to transform and heal. This is a powerful week for the emotional body. As we approach the total lunar eclipse and full Moon, our inner waters are likely feeling the pangs. Remember we are still in the delicate portal between eclipses, the gap, which intensifies our feelings. It can also shadow our experiences and our receptivity. This is not a time for risks or starting new projects, however it is an excellent time to be thoroughly navigating and attending to our darkness, shadows and personal mythology. When the challenges come, it's a reminder to do the necessary inner work for clean up and healing. Retrograde Mercury in Virgo, conjunct Sun and lunar node, Rahu, reminds us to clean up the mental body right now. Your efforts will be supported at this time. Ganesha Chaurthi continues this week until the full Moon, helping to remove obstacles and challenges along our path of awakening. Monday begins with Moon transiting Sagittarius and the first nakshatra of this one-pointed sign, Mula. As the Moon moves through Mula nakshatra, we may face our challenges directly as this constellation brings chaos and tumult from the dark goddess herself, Nirrti. She brings calamity with her, as well as crisis, confusion and destruction of inner power. Her forces are meant to keep one from dharma, a path of truth, power and inner knowing. Her darkness can bring great misery, or great healing. The healing only arrives when we are willing to face our own darkness and use it as a means of transformation, change and awakening. Are you working with the challenges consciously or resisting them? Any force against the challenge will not be a good use of your efforts or energy. Instead, surrender, let go and allow release. Simplify and do less- in order to accomplish more. Evening arrives with Moon shifting into PurvaAshada nakshatra, the domain of Apas, the water goddess. Let the waters flow and allow yourself to be purified. My final *free* Dharma Awakening class is this Saturday the 26th! This is the last time to receive my dharma resources until fall 2016. Discover your dharma and life path through the wisdom of jyotish, embodiment and art therapy. Join the List. Day of Mars, Tuesday, continues with the potency of PurvaAshada, Apas and ruling planet Venus. With Venus still in Cancer, our heart center and emotions are extra sensitive and feelings are stronger. Moon receives drishti from Jupiter which can increase swelling, expansion and excess. This will effect our emotions and spiritual body. Allow the nourishment to fill you up. Let the water within you flow, move and heal. Use creativity, gentle movement and nourishing relationships for extra support today. Let water soothe and clarify you by walking near it, soaking in it, or both. As evening begins, Moon moves to the latter half of the Ashada constellation, UttaraAshada. The Vishvadevas, or all gods, arrive and help us align with truth, purity and wisdom. Invite in the sattva. Wednesday begins and Mercury flavors the day. Moon moves to Capricorn but continues to transit through the domain of the Vishvadevas. Here, our emotional body (Moon) receives drishti from Venus, Saturn, and Rahu. Sun and Rahu are in exact conjunction today. The light within is truly shadowed and darkened. Turn on the light and flip the switch! Shine light on your darkness and transform your shadows! Align with dharma, truth and purity. Where there is darkness, there is an opportunity for more light. Don't stray from your path! Around noon, Moon moves to the sacred 28th nakshatra, Abhijit, which supports deep spiritual awakening and healing. This special portal lasts until just after 19:00. This is an ideal time to set intentions, meditate and say prayers. Align with your truth, purpose and dharma at this time. Let the universe know your desires and take steps to bring them into form. Moon continues through Sravana nakshatra which is Vishnu's domain. A certain expansion and spiritual wisdom is available right now. Listen carefully. Fall equinox is September 23rd when the Sun crosses the celestial equator (an imaginary line in the sky above the Earth’s equator) north to south. Fall equinox occurs at 03:22 CDT and marks shorter days (more darkness) for the northern hemisphere. Longer days (more daylight) will now begin for the southern hemisphere. Thursday continues with Vishnu's expansiveness and wisdom. He is responsible for dharma and aligning with sattva, truth. He is akasha (space) and therefor exists everywhere. Akasha transmits dharma and allows us to hear truth. Traditionally, dharma was passed orally and the ears were the main vehicle for attuning and acquiring dharmic understanding. Sravana nakshatra translates as "hearing, listening, studying and learning". There is a connection to "hearing the teachings" and being receptive enough to follow them with potent action steps. The symbols are an ear, footprints and a trident. Align with your truth, inner power and wisdom today. Let your feelings and intuitive knowing be your guide. Move towards dharma and take action that supports its unfolding. Late afternoon, Moon moves to Dhanishta nakshatra, the domain of the Vasu Devas and Mars. The Vasu Devas bring increased light and shining. Let your light shine! My final *free* Dharma Awakening class is this Saturday the 26th! This is the last time to receive my dharma resources until fall 2016. Discover your dharma and life path through the wisdom of jyotish, embodiment and art therapy. Join the List. Friday shares the divine light of the Vasu Devas as Moon continues to transit Dhanishta nakshatra. In the wee hours of the morning, Moon shifts to Aquarius, receiving direct gaze from Mars and Jupiter, bringing a certain stare of warrior spirit and wisdom from the guru. The Vasu Devas love to sparkle, shine and be seen. Their inner light, or jyoti, insures increased awareness, awakening and inner strength. Power and prosperity go hand in hand and the Vasu Devas bring both. As shine and share your truth, your potency and power increases. Shine your light on your darkness and shadows, step powerfully and courageously towards your truth and life purpose. Early afternoon, Moon shifts to Satabisha nakshatra and Varuna offers his certain intensity. He sees all with his thousand eyes. Align with his desires for truth and the universality of Natural Law and you will gain from his resources. Stray and he will bring punishment through ill health and misfortune. Make truth and integrity your priorities today and attend diligently to your health and wellness. Saturday continues with Varuna's potency. He can offer great healing and transformation, as well as resources and support, when we align with his desires. When Moon transits through his domain, the constellation Satabisha, it's a reminder to pay close attention to our physical body and our overall health. Let your physical body be well nourished and follow Ayurvedic regimens for maximum support from this fierce deity. Late morning Moon moves to PurvaBhadra nakshatra, as it enters the 14th tithi. Ruling deity, Ajaikapda, arrives to help us balance challenge, obstacles and difficulties. The Moon is almost completely full and the swelling tides will be creating challenges, discomfort and excess on the emotional body level. Surf these tides with awareness and intention. Use today as a clean up day. What personal development has been left unattended? What shadow work has been kept in the dark? How are you preparing for the full Moon and lunar eclipse? Now is the time to release and surrender anything that you are gripping to, holding tightly. If it's not serving your deep nourishment, let it go. Moon jumps into Pisces, the final sign of the zodiac, early Sunday morning, joining south node, Ketu here. Both receive drishti from Rahu, retrograde Mercury and Sun. Moon arrives into the 15th and final tithi (phase) of the waxing Moon and our emotional body swells with the high tides. Our Moon cups are full! Late morning, Moon shifts to the latter half of the Bhadrapada constellation, Uttarabhadra. Ahirbudhnya arrives to support our deep awakening and transformation process. As serpent of the deep, dark, hidden territory of our subconscious, he helps us bring our depth to the surface for more light. What are you missing? Dig up your depths and offer it to the light. Full Moon is September 27th at 19:50 PDT while Moon is in Pisces and Uttarabhadrapada Nakshatra. There is a total Lunar Eclipse at the time of this full Moon, which intensifies emotions, feelings and shadows being cast upon our emotional body. This full Moon brings a sense of beginnings, renewal and rejuvenation with it, themes which carry us through the waning Moon cycle. Moon conjuncts south node, Ketu leading up to the full Moon and continues its close proximity afterwards. This encourages cutting away and letting go of what no longer serves us in our emotional body. As Moon passes through Pisces, the final sign of the zodiac, this theme of letting go, endings and release, amplifies. The heart requires expansion and more fluidity, while the mind is tenacious, focused and radical. Blend these two elements and seek more inner harmony. Retrograde Mercury is conjunct Sun and Rahu in Virgo, which gives an opportunity for more light to shine on our darkness and illusions. Do you invite in the light, or continue to stay in the dark? Take the veils off and shine light into the dark corners of your mind. Mars gives his gaze to Moon and Ketu in Pisces at this time, and both receive the penetrating gaze of Rahu, Sun and retrograde Mercury seven houses away. It's a time of radical house-cleaning of mental and emotional bodies. Leave no stone un-turned and be diligent in your release process. Wishing you had the extended version of my Full Moon Details? Purchase my 2015 Moon Wisdom Calendar. This total lunar eclipse marks the ending of the delicate two week gap between eclipses. It is never advised to look at an eclipse directly nor be out while it's occurring. (This particular lunar eclipse will be visible in Europe, South/East Asia, Africa, Much of North America, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica). Eclipses are a time to meditate, follow spiritual practices, chant and adhere to rest. Leading up to the eclipse, fasting or eating lightly is traditional. It is a time to reflect, turn inward and work consciously with our shadow parts. After all, an eclipse is showing us the shadow on our Sun or Moon qualities quite directly. Monday, mid morning, Moon moves to the final nakshatra of the zodiac, Revati. Ruling deity, Pushan, supports and assists our journey and travels. He brings nourishment and resources for our path, while also requiring attention to sensitivity and digestion. As Moon finishes up another transit through the twelve signs, use today for the necessary clean up and release after the full Moon + lunar eclipse. What are you holding onto that needs to be released on the mental and emotional body levels? *All calculations given are Pacific Daylight Time.
My final *free* Dharma Awakening class is this Saturday the 26th! This is the last time to receive my dharma resources until fall 2016. Discover your dharma and life path through the wisdom of jyotish, embodiment and art therapy. Join the List. Need some extra guidance and clarity? I still have a few October openings. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. This Week's Intention: Allow inner healing, transformation and renewal to take place. Release and purge the darkness in order for new light to emerge. Monday begins with a waning Moon in the 2nd tithi (phase) called Dvitiya. Moon transits Pisces, conjunct Ketu, while in Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra. Rahu and exalted Mercury give their drishti, inviting in a powerful dance between mind and emotions. Healing and transformational themes arrive for the week ahead- especially on the mental and emotional body levels. Be prepared to loosen your grip, to let go and release. As Moon moves through the final sign of the zodiac and the 26th nakshatra on Monday morning, we prepare for a new cycle. Allow release, letting go and transformation. Pour out your cup in the coming days. Ruling deity of Uttarabhadrapada, Ahirbudhnya, is the serpent of the netherworlds. He helps us access our hidden, inner wisdom. It's there, can you find it? It's the hidden, dark and mysterious kind. It will come in flashes- suddenly provoking insight and shifts in perception. If your third eye is closed, you'll miss it. Let Monday continue to offer its awakening support. Keep looking and you'll find what you are seeking. Monday evening, Moon moves to the final nakshatra of the zodiac, Revati, closing out another cycle. What endings need to be attended to? What beginnings are you preparing for? Mars and Venus form exact conjunction today as they continue to move through Cancer. Honor your heart and let the feelings flow. Mars brings cutting and precision which is painful to our softer, gentler side. Water planet Venus, can help us maintain fluidity and movement. Don't let stagnation hold you back. Try to avoid heart burn and heartache by staying in the flow. Use your body wisdom to navigate the emotional body challenges. Get embodied. Join me for my final round of Jyotish Basics classes! Our focus of the month is Healing the Four Bodies through the Wisdom of Jyotish. Sign Up. Tuesday arrives with Moon in Revati nakshatra, Pushan's domain. He assures nourishment on our journey, safety for our path and ease and comfort along the way. Look for resources and support as Pushan is here to offer them. Are you open to receiving what is arriving? The tussle between the emotional body and mental body continues. Strip away the veils of illusion and all that is keeping you from feeling your depth. The feeling body is your true wisdom, your strength and power. Allow feelings to emerge and listen to your emotions for clues. What do you need to invite in for greater nourishment and support on your path? Late afternoon, Moon makes the challenging shift from water (Pisces) to fire (Aries) as he leaps across the difficult gandanta gap- from endings to beginnings. Jupiter gives his drishti and his blessings to Aries, but only if we strip away the false, the illusions. Stand in your power. Be bold and step powerfully into renewal. Mark this time by declaring your intentions for the new cycle. The Ashvini-Kumara twins are here to guide you with their healing support and wisdom. Wednesday offers the possibility for fresh mental body beginnings. Moon continues through Ashwini nakshatra and healing is offered- if we attend to our creativity, self care and rejuvenation. What can you simplify, let go of, release? How can you soften in the heart and invite in more compassion- for your self and others? Can you stay in your power, even as you do so? After noon, Moon shifts to the edgy Bharani nakshatra and we feel a shift in focus. Sensitivity and strength emerge. Can we walk the fine line between these two? Ruling deity, Yama, reminds us of the delicate dance between vulnerability and power. Use restraint to maximize your power and potential. Don't waste your energy or efforts. Attend to self care. Thursday, Moon moves to the third portion of Aries and finishes up its movement through Bharani just after noon. As Moon shifts into Krittika nakshatra, purification and transformation are the catalysts for change and healing. Ruling deity, Agni, god of fire and all things digestion, brings his heat and potent life fire. Simmer, stew and cook away impurities, but don't burn or char them. It will take attention and intention to avoid the burn. Slowly release the inner heat. Stoke your inner flames gently. As Moon jumps into Taurus in the evening, its potency is released. The emotional body arrives into an exalted state- for better or worse. Can you handle the high tides or do you need a life preserver? Saturn gives his drishti (gaze) and amplifies our pain, suffering and grief. Open the valves. Rahu gives his gaze as well, inviting in grande illusion and uncertainty. Is the pain real or false? Last Chance! Join me for my final round of Jyotish Basics classes! Our focus of the month is Healing the Four Bodies through the Wisdom of Jyotish. Sign Up. As Friday arrives, Moon moves into mulitrikona degrees as it continues through Krittika nakshatra. Agni is still supporting our clarification process. Transform, heal, release, repeat. Get clear on what needs to be let go of, then let it fly. Just after noon, Moon shifts to the creative and potent constellation, Rohini. Lord Brahma arrives to support our creative powers, instigate manifestation and activate our life force energy. The clarification and cleaning process from the previous days has cleared the channels for new flow and activation. Consciously remove the blockages that are keeping you from abundance. What is stopping your flow? What powerful action steps need to be taken? The intensity of the previous days and weeks begins to dissipate as the triad of tight conjunctions loosens. Mars and Venus will continue to dance with each other closely, though separating somewhat as they won't be in exact degrees. Mars however is still debilitated until September 15th which brings challenges to actions and emotions. Jupiter and Sun also begin to separate from close conjunction in Leo, lessening the heat and pressure on our inner wisdom and sense of self. Mercury and Rahu also move away from tight conjunction for now. Start to feel the space and open the pathways of awakening and understanding. Allow resources, answers and solutions. Saturday continues with Brahmas creative support and manifestation powers until noon. As Moon slips into Mrigashirsha nakshatra midday, it's time to shift our focus to increasing nourishment through Soma's gifts. There's healing, wisdom, support and life giving resources to be had. Are you listening? Are you able to receive? Your heart and emotional body will be the primary channels for this nectar of life. Keep reaching and extending towards the nourishment you need. Just as Sunday begins, Moon jumps into Gemini, Mercury's sign. Moon finishes up the ninth tithi (phase) called Navami, as the waning Moon settles in. Outside of the gaze of any other planets, Moon can help us feel some inner momentum in the coming days. Check in with your self and do an audit of your life on the four levels of being- mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. What needs to be attended to at this time? At noon, Moon moves to the forceful nakshatra, Ardra, and its ruling deity, Rudra, intensifies our mental/emotional balance. Can you feel the increase from all sides? Now, more than ever, its vital that you listen to your inner signals and watch for the manipulation of chaos. Take your power back and stand in your center, your knowing. This soft center, where your inner wisdom resides, is the place where your power can not be dismantled. Stay true to your knowing. Get grounded. Venus goes direct at 01:28 in Cancer. For well over a month Venus's backwards dance has asked us to re-evaluate relationships, money, creativity and our life force energy. The planet of relationships, creativity, and artistry, Venus is connected to all things feminine and life giving. It offers beauty, fluidity, wealth and life giving powers, most essentially, shakti. Worldly comforts and resources can increase through Venus's benevolence and help us feel more stable in material ways. As Venus continues to move through Cancer, conjunct debilitated Mars, our chest, heart and emotional body center feels the pangs. The planet of feeling, creativity, relationships and all things beautiful and worldly continues to adjust to the high demands of the heart and emotions until September 30th. With debilitated Mars in this sign as well, our heart is in for an emotional ride. The valves are open for an influx of water, feelings, heightened emotions and all the challenges connected to these. Home, heart, land, vehicles, mother and all fourth house matters get amplified. How do you navigate the choppy waters? Will you sink, swim or learn to float? Can you attend to the moving tides and go with the flow? Now is an excellent time to clean up and heal issues with relationships, money, creativity and emotions. Don't fight the tidal waves, but learn to swim with the currents. Venus must now re-trace his steps back through the first part of Leo. As he moves back through Leo on September 30th, he works his way through Magha nakshatra once again- the domain of the ancestors, most notably the father. This increases our attention on power, authority and the need to pay special attention to our personal mythology connected to these themes. As Venus moves through Leo, we can expect passions to increase for relationships and connection, while strong desires may emerge simultaneously. Expect intensified strength, determination and power to materialize, while aggression and agitation may increase as well. The transit of Venus through Leo is the instigation of an unfolding theme that has been ripening within the planets. Working with power and authority dynamics is vital, especially the masculine energy within you. Notice where you are pushing, using excessive force and using an over-active drive to accomplish and succeed. Take time to contemplate the meaning of success from different angles. Your ego may feel challenged by this. How can you soften your action steps? Where can you let go and surrender more? How can you be a winner- on all levels of life? How can you meet your relationships with more compassion- both with yourself and others? This work with power dynamics is especially relevant while Venus enters back into the first portion of Leo- where Jupiter is currently. Sunday's reminder is important through Monday. After noon, Moon shifts to a softer, more sensitive nakshatra, Punarvasu. Aditi's all knowing wisdom offers us insights and awareness that weren't previously available to us. Let her nourishment give you depth, trust and expanded knowing. There is some clean up to do. Listen to your truth. *Timing used is Pacific Standard Time Zone.
Last Chance! Join me for my final round of Jyotish Basics classes! Our focus of the month is Healing the Four Bodies through the Wisdom of Jyotish. Sign Up. Need some extra guidance and clarity? I am now booking for October. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. This Week's Intention: Unfurl your wings and stretch them wide. Find ways to broaden and expand your reach. Moon continues to swell and wax as our inner waters amplify with the rising tides. Past the half way mark of the lunar cycle now, Moon moves into the tenth tithi (phase) on Monday. Mercury is now exalted in Virgo, conjunct Rahu. Are you feeling the increase in communication, connection and creativity yet? Sun and Jupiter continue to track each other closely this week. Watch for soul burn and move towards the light. Venus and Mars are also closely conjunct this week in Cancer. Feel your heart wisdom, even if it hurts. The week begins with a debilitated Moon in Scorpio, leaving conjunction with Saturn. Indra rules the day until Moon jumps into Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra Monday afternoon. The day of Moon (Monday) requires that we tend to our sensitivity as well as our senses. Are you being ruled by your wild horses or are you holding the reigns? Once Moon enters Mula nakshatra, attending to our inner wisdom is of the utmost importance. Jupiter's gaze offers extra nourishment and support but Mula's ruling deity, Nirrti, arrives with her chaos, sudden change and calamity. Her dark forces can keep us from aligning with our path and purpose as she is adharmic in nature. Are you seeking resources to align with your higher purpose? Are you a part of the chaos or able to stand in the center of the storm? Resource from the wisdom of the physical body. It's the only thing that will bring you back to the now. Tuesday, Nirrti and her sharp, cutting nature, continue to rule the first part of the day. Underneath her darkness, depth and spirituality can be accessed. Can you feel the other option, or are you caught in the challenge? Just after noon, Moon shifts to a fierce and severe nakshatra, PurvaAshada, and its ruling deity, Apas, brings another type of force with her. Today is yet another opportunity for change and transformation but this one comes with water and arrives through deep cleansing. Let water assist you with this process. Get into water, walk near it, allow the rain- in the form of tears if not from Nature herself. Jupiter and Sun are in exact conjunction. Cleanse your heart and soul! Let wisdom and truth be your power source! Ready to take your creative potential and turn it into a life of thriving?! Don't miss my online Creativity + Embodiment Immersion. Get the Details. Just before noon on Wednesday, Moon shifts to the latter half of the Ashada constellation, UttaraAshada. This star is fixed and stable, allowing nourishing sustainable activities to take hold. The Vishva Devas provide their universal goodness and help us align with the Laws of Nature in dynamic and powerful ways. Align with dharma, truth and positivity. Use gratitude to soften the heart. Shine, share and be seen for your purity and do good deeds. Early evening, Moon jumps to the hard working and tenacious, Capricorn. Saturn, Rahu, Mars and Venus give their gaze to the soft and tender Moon. Allow time to land and be with your feeling body. Work to soften your hard edges over the next few days. Early Thursday morning, Moon moves to a sacred constellation that is gently tucked in between UttaraAshada and Sravana nakshatra. This little known 28th nakshatra is called Abhijit and only covers about four degrees. This is a good time for prayer, meditation, setting intentions and being close to spirit. This time period will be from about 04:30 to 10:30, just before Moon shifts to Sravana nakshatra. Sravana nakshatra and its ruling deity, Vishnu, helps us align with the expansive forces of the universe. His purpose is to move us towards dharma and help us hear the wisdom being whispered in our ear from heaven, to the cosmos and back to earth. Listen carefully today and let your desires be known. Align your steps with life purpose and inner power. Jupiter and Sun are still tightly conjunct. Tend to your inner wisdom and let the power of the Sun burn away the impurities within you. If you're feeling the discomfort, open and awaken through gratitude and keep your body cool with Pitta pacifying foods and actions. Midmorning Friday, Moon shifts to Dhanishta nakshatra and the Vasu Devas bring us increased light or Jyoti. Sharing from your heart will prove the most valuable resource today. Be soft, focused and let the power of your heart wisdom be your spokesperson. Align and shine! Express, share and give your positive message to the world. What words of wisdom can you offer your tribe? Early evening Moon shifts to Saturn's other sign, Aquarius, where it receives the hot gaze Jupiter, Sun and Mars. Moon also moves into the 15th and final tithi (phase) at this time. Stay focused but don't get burned out or fried in the process. Are you pushing too hard? As Mercury closely conjuncts Rahu the mental body also intensifies. Shadow or strength? Illusion or awakening? The mental and emotional bodies are extra powerful right now- watch how you use them. Before sunrise on Saturday, Moon arrives into Satabisha nakshatra, Varuna's domain. Our health and wellness becomes a top priority during this high tide time. Full Moon is Saturday, August 29th at 11:34 Pacific Time. Moon is in Aquarius and Satabisha Nakshatra. Healing arrives with this full Moon, yet comes with a certain edge and harshness simultaneously. Satabisha nakshatra is ruled by Varuna, the guardian of Natural Law and right action. Nothing gets past his thousands of eyes that see everything. Satabisha can help us work with boundaries and our resistance. What is your relationship with inner and outer boundaries- physical and energetic? Let this full Moon be one of intentional healing- especially for the mental body. Get resourced, nourished and attend to self care diligently. Use this wisdom to guide you through the coming waning cycle. Attend and attune to sacred healing. Want the extended version of my New Moon Wisdom? Purchase my 2015 Moon Wisdom Calendar for extra cosmic insights. Get It. The close conjunction of exalted Mercury and Rahu continues. Attend to your mental body and be diligent with its stories, messages, memories and imaginal realms. Are you feeding it or aligning with its magical support? Using its amplification for change and healing or letting it run wild with you through illusion and delusion? Self track and get on top of it. In the early hours of Sunday morning, Moon arrives in the light and graceful nakshatra, Purvabhadra. Ajaikapada is the ruling deity, who helps us balance seemingly impossible tasks with ease and steadiness. Often he is referred to as a form of Shiva, Lord of the Dance. He steps between worlds, realms and dimensions, sharing depth, strength and purpose when he arrives. Let the wisdom come too, but let it enter from the body. What can your body-mind tell you about grounding and landing in the now? Before you jump forward, into the next cycle, day or moment, stop here, be present, be in the now. Use your feet to help you land and find your anchor. Moon shifts to Pisces early evening, joining Ketu. Both receive the intense mental body gaze of Mercury and Rahu. Find your release, letting go and deepen your surrender. Mars and Venus are closely conjunct right now. Soften to your heart wisdom and allow deep release. Tears and emotional body waves are a necessary part of this process. Let them out. Just before midnight, Moon shifts to the latter half of the Bhadrapada constellation, Uttarabhadra. Ruling deity, Ahirbudhnya, serpent of the netherworlds, helps us access our hidden, inner wisdom. It's there, can you find it? It's the hidden, dark and mysterious kind. It will come in flashes- suddenly provoking insight and shifts in perception. If your third eye is closed, you'll miss it. Let Monday continue to offer its awakening support. Keep looking and you'll find what you are seeking. *Timing used is Pacific Standard Time Zone. Ready to take your creative potential and turn it into a life of thriving?! Don't miss my online Creativity + Embodiment Immersion. Get the Details.
Need some extra guidance and clarity? I have a few September sessions still available. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. This Week's Intention: The deeper the release, the deeper the opening. How open and available are you for change? Monday begins with a waning Moon in Satabisha nakshatra, Varuna's domain. His symbol is an empty circle and he is connected to restraint. Varuna brings strong resistance at times but may be helpful with creating healthy boundaries. Are you resisting or avoiding? Are you conscious of this or pushing vital nourishment away? How can you say "yes and..." today- inviting in deeper nourishment yet also letting go of what no longer serves your truest needs? Say yes and stay open to possibilities for more of what truly serves you. Dance with both, with possibilities, with hope and trust the support to hold you. Just as Tuesday arrives, Moon moves to Purvabhadrapada nakshatra. Ajaikapada, another expression of Lord of the Dance, reminds us of the delicate dance of life. He helps us balance challenge and defeat mighty odds. He reminds us that we can stay grounded and rooted, while preparing for change and transition. He is here and he is there. Where are you? How are you staying grounded, yet open for change? As evening arrives, Moon shifts to Pisces, joining Ketu in this sign, while also receiving drishti from Rahu and Jupiter. Our emotional bodies become extra sensitive in the coming days. Self care is essential. Just before Wednesday begins, Moon moves to the latter half of the bhadrapada constellation, Uttarahadrapada, and the serpent of the deep, Ahirbudhnya enters with his deep inquiry and investigative awareness. Moon and Ketu are in exact conjunction today, creating extra sensitivity and the potential for abrupt shifts and changes in our emotional body. Tend to your inner needs, rest and do self care. Take time for a four level check-in and also for meditation today. Moon shifts to Revati nakshatra around midnight and greater nourishment arrives. Revati rules the day on Thursday, with its deity, Pushan, supporting our path with blessings, safety and fruitful offerings. As Moon moves away from Ketu, the rawness of our emotional body begins to re-stabalize. Mercury goes direct at 15:30 and the mental body resumes a forward inclination. Greater support and nourishment will be available now that we exit sheer clean-up mode. Enjoy the mental space and notice the mind clutter you removed during the past few weeks! Now is the time to get extra creative, more communicative and move towards new connections and collaborations. Moon is at the end of the zodiac now, symbolizing completion and release, letting go, and the finality of a cycle. Ready for the new? The new Moon is on the rise. We are each preparing for new beginnings with extra release right now. Pay special attention to loss and grief while tending to sadness that is emerging. The emotional body has much to share with us during this cycle. Just before Friday arrives, Moon jumps into Aries and Ashwini nakshatra. New beginnings, arrivals and openings enter. What are you inviting in? What needs to be tended to and released still for greater wholeness? The Ashwini-Kumara twins, ruling deities of this constellation, help us restore and revitalize with healing remedies, the arts, creative powers and rejuvenation. Tend to your physical body today and help it release and restore. As evening approaches, Moon moves to Bharani nakshatra. The transformative powers of Bharani nakshatra and its deity Yama, provide insights into our release and letting go process on Saturday. This is a fierce yet sensitive nakshatra, one that can ride the edge of hard and soft. Use your strength to make clear, executive decisions today that nurture your highest good. Notice where you are resisting and not allowing for greater nourishment to enter. As Moon moves through Aries, we may feel the increased pressure and frustration around support and nourishment. Trust and surrender, but tend to the emotions emerging. Early evening Moon shifts to Krittika at the edge of Aries, with an invitation for more clarity. Just as Sunday begins, the Moon shifts into its exaltation sign, Taurus, joining Sun, Mercury and Mars here. All receive gaze from Rahu and Saturn which undermines and intensifies our need for comfort and nourishment right now. Sunday requests that we purify and release with the help of Krittika nakshatra, which will continue to prepare us for the new Moon on Tuesday. Ruling deity, Agni, offers the added benefit of deeper insight and clarity right now. Purify, transform and let alchemy work its magic on your change process. Support the change process by intentionally attending to your own fire of life, your digestive fire. Sun and Mars are sandhi at the edge of Taurus. Monday arrives with Moon in its mulitrikona sign as Mars and Sun jump to Gemini. The emotional body is hot and focused on expansion. Where are you feeling suppressed? What needs do you have for expansion? Move towards the nourishment. *Time zone used for calculations is in Pacific Daylight Time unless otherwise noted. Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! 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