This Week's Intention: Use your grief as a resource for awakening. Honor your emotional body wisdom fully and allow it to teach you about your deepest needs. Ask for extra support and find simple steadiness within. It's a waning Moon week, which means that your emotional body tides are softening and becoming more vulnerable. The light is diminishing and your focus is turning inward. Venus will move to its sign of debilitation this week, joining Mercury and Jupiter in Virgo. Creativity, life force energy and money are vulnerable this month and require your extra attention.
Monday, August 22nd Moon in 5th tithi Panchami As Monday begins, Moon finishes its transit through Revati and Pisces. Mid morning, Moon leaps from water into fire, jump starting beginnings and openings. As Moon arrives in Aries and Ashwini nakshatra a fresh start awakens. For the full version sign up for my membership. * All timing is in Mountain Daylight Time. To determine the current nakshatra for your time zone, add or subtract time based on your distance to Mountain Time. Wondering how this coming year-long transit of Jupiter will impact you? Already feeling the effects? Get details, resources, guidance and support for the months to come. Book a session with me
This Week's Intention: Find the balm for your malnourishment. Seek balance, fluidity and flow- with love, creativity and passion. Transform your light by radically uprooting and discarding the weeds within. Create space for your deepest needs to be met. Moon is waxing, moving through the 4th to the 10th tithis (phases) this week of the bright half. Sun is leaving Scorpio and moves into Sagittarius midweek, bringing chaos and transition with it. Continue to uproot and remove that which doesn't serve you. Use ample amounts of surrender as you courageously move forward. Moon continues to transit Capricorn and UttaraAshada until early afternoon on Monday. Saturn gives his drishti to the Moon, causing grief to surface. Rahu gives his gaze, activating uncertainty, confusion and amplified emotions. Notice where you are resisting and refusing your own awakening. Align with purity and purpose today. Once Moon shift to Sravana, Vishnu arrives to help us expand and awaken with his dharmic forces. Challenge what you think is possible and open up all-possibilities for yourself and your life. Seek inner and outer harmony through knowledge and wisdom. Listen to positive messages and release the harmful and hurtful inner dialogue. Be conscious of what you say and how you say it. Tuesday, Moon moves to the final portion of Capricorn and into Dhanishta nakshatra. Saturn continues to bring his grief inducing tendencies to the Moon, inviting us to look at places we are resisting our emotional body and feelings. Rahu's gaze on the Moon increases these tendencies and intensifies the emotional body. A certain piercing nature arrives today- do you use it to penetrate your masks and illusions? To awaken parts of yourself that need more light and clarity? The Vasu Devas can support your efforts. Where are you resisting being seen, noticed, heard, witnessed and fully self expressed? Shine the light into your darkness and stand in your power. Sun moves to sandhi degrees, opening the gap between Scorpio and Sagittarius. This challenging gandanta (gap) merges water and fire. The spiritual body and physical body are delicate right now. Attend to needs intentionally. Vulnerability will be heightened and more rest will be necessary. Find ways to slow down and allow for more pauses. Just before midnight, Moon moves to Aquarius, now receiving gaze from Jupiter. Wednesday brings an Aquarius Moon with Jupiter's softening, expansive gaze. Where there was contraction being felt in the previous days, today brings a new awareness. Wherever you have been closing, Jupiter will invite an opening to you. You may still resist or refuse this expansion and the expanded awareness. Look for the challenges and the obstacles as these are sure signs you are resisting the growth. Where do you need greater release and surrender in order to make space for the new? Midday, Moon shifts to Satabisha nakshatra and these themes amplify. Ruling deity Varuna can intensify the critic, the all-seeing and watchful eye- inner and outer. Let support, guidance and healing come in new ways. Notice where your critic keeps you malnourished and under supported. Make changes accordingly and be radical with self development work. Just as Wednesday begins, Sun makes its challenging shift through the territory between Scorpio (water) and into Sagittarius (fire). This gandanta is often felt with turmoil, challenges, crisis- which will especially be activated on the physical and spiritual body levels. Protect yourself with slow, steady and intentional steps. Get extra support and make time for meditation, being in nature and extra self care. Sun arrives in Sagittarius at 00:49 PST, landing in Mula nakshatra as it enters this one-pointed fire sign. Mula can add to the chaos and calamity that may be stirring within, so take active measures to find greater calm. Sun remains in Sagittarius until January 14th, receiving the gaze of Jupiter all the while. Jupiter offers expansive, wisdom oriented support, which provides spiritual awareness and supports the spiritual body. Jupiter is akasha (space) and aligned with dharma. Pay close attention to dharmic messages arriving at this time. Can you hear the pure messages of your soul helping you to awaken from within? This is a spiritual and heart awakening transit if used as such. It's also a transit for deep shadow work in order to heal, transform and awaken from illusion. The critic will be strong and amplified in this cycle so be actively noticing where there's resistance to hearing new wisdom or getting different types of support. Notice where the ego gets in your way of compassion and liberation- both internally and externally. This includes spiritual ego and the "know it all" that keeps you away from new growth and possibility. Prepare for more release and letting go- especially with relationships. Gather resources and support from spirit and those aligned with spiritual wisdom, but make sure you're doing the necessary personal development work on the levels of mental body and emotional body. Spirit helps those who help themselves. Use consistent action steps and trust these steps will add up with time. Activate healthy boundaries. There's a certain impatience with the heart which may cause more suffering than nourishment. Try more compassion for your efforts and lean in with softening and deeper listening. Fearlessly look at parts of yourself that need more light. Heart wisdom arrives when the mind is quiet and calm. Bring more light to your emotional body and allow grief to wash away the years of darkness, pain and suffering. Grief has the ability to heal and soften old wounds, allowing us to deepen our presence and patience. Ask spirit, therapists, healers and guides for support with your release process. Soften the ferocity and action-oriented agenda with cycles of strategy and release. Take focused action, then let go of outcome; repeat. Find balance with your words, money and nourishment. Feed yourself well on all levels of life and notice how this feels in your body. Let the wisdom of your pelvis be a resource for deepening your stability, self trust and life balance. Thursday morning Satabisha's healing gaze continues. Start your day off right with self care. Take extra time to get your needs met. Late morning, Moon shifts to Purvabhadrapada and inner/outer balance becomes essential. Where are you pushing too hard and forcing outcomes and agendas? What do you really need for more stability and support in your life. Dive deep. Is your ego (spiritual ego included) getting in the way of what you truly need? Just as Friday begins, Moon moves to Pisces, joining Ketu here. Both receive gaze from Mars and Rahu. The emotional body will be extra heated and agitated in the coming days. Take necessary precautions and attend to self care. Move, process and transform anger into passion and power. Feel the charge. Late morning, Moon shifts to the latter half of the Bhadrapada constellation. Uttarabhadrapada helps us dive more deeply into our subconscious terrain. Gather pearls as you traverse the inner waters of your being. Be sure to come up for air. Jupiter is now sandhi, at the edge of Leo, intensifying his transit through this passionate sign. We are all working with power in new ways. January 7th Jupiter will retrograde for five months. Look for signs right now as you'll be working with these themes more closely once Jupiter begins is backward dance. Want more details? Check out my Jupiter in Leo articles- Part 1 and 2. Saturday mid morning, Moon moves to the final nakshatra of the zodiac, Revati. Release, endings and conclusions may be found today. Ruling deity, Pushan, supports resources and finding support along ones path. He shares the fruits of our efforts and requests simplicity, purity and compassion. How can you surrender and soften with yourself and others? Where can you find a bit more release and letting go? Keep it simple and land within. Meditation, time in nature and writing can be helpful today. Mid morning Sunday, Moon leaps through the challenging gap between Pisces and Aries- from endings to beginnings and water into fire. Emotions will be in a state of release, so let them flow, move and shift. Watch the wave patterns moving through you. Moon receives multiple gazes in the coming days- from Venus seven houses away, Mars and Jupiter. Let your anger and passion teach you. Let your wisdom move more and expand what you think is possible for yourself. Seek stability, integration and creative flow. Moon moves through Ashwini today and the 10th tithi, Dashami, which connects to dharma. Transform, heal and rejuvenate through releasing and letting go. Move towards what serves you and your path. Early Monday morning, Moon shifts to Bharani- offering possible restriction, constriction and difficulties with relationships and money. This is a reminder to find more balance with both. Where are you out of alignment and not in right relationship with wealth and love? Where are you giving too much and neglecting deeper needs? Where are you starving yourself for false gratification? Say yes to nourishment by aligning with love, gratitude, creativity and your passion for life. Keep it simple and let go of the extras, the distractions, the false nourishment that keeps you in lack. Say yes to your transformation and allow in new possibilities. As winter Solstice arrives, the darkness deepens. Light your lights and call upon the Sun to bring you resources for growth. *All timing is given in Pacific Standard Time Zone. Did You Hear?! My work is shifting starting January 2016. As the new year begins, I'll be sharing a new session structure with you, plus a new website and membership only features. Please read for details. Over the past year, I've seen the effects of my work increase with those clients who have committed to my consistent support. Clients that return for multiple sessions, use my resources, support, guidance and tools consistently, and are dedicated to personal development, healing and transformation experience lasting change. My work is best used in concentrated and consistent doses- in order for lasting, sustainable results. As a result, I'll be sharing new session packages in order to give you extra support, resources and concentrated guidance. Packages that maximize your results and give you the value you deserve- in order for faster, lasting, life changing results. *** This means I will only be offering very limited sessions for new clients and those return clients who only book individual sessions. *** My work is best suited to those who are truly committed to consistent action steps and those who want immediate results. And.... The New Year will also bring a brand new website with better features. Please note that the way I share my content and classes is also changing in order to support your growth and change process more powerfully. My website will be Membership Only starting in January in order for you to get more resources in effective and potent ways. I'll be sharing more about these big changes in the coming weeks so check your inbox. Exciting things are on the horizon for Swati Jr Jyotish!!! Thank you for making 2015 an amazing year. Looking forward to giving you even more resources, support and nourishment in the coming year. Sign up for my newsletter and get all the details. Start your new year with clarity and guidance! I am now scheduling January sessions. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. This Week's Intention: Attend to your four bodies with diligence. Find the places where you are resisting the light- more support, nourishment and vitality. Get extra support and guidance for your needs. Moon is waxing and yet the inward pull continues. Monday begins with two wild planetary shifts as Sun and Mercury both move simultaneously to Scorpio. This leaves only one debilitated planet to contend with. However, the fierce conjunction of Venus, Mars and Rahu continues. Sun and Mercury will no longer be hemmed in by malefics, but they will conjunct Saturn in Scorpio and receive drishti from Ketu. Sensitivity is high in the coming cycle and we will all benefit from extra rest, self care and attention to the four bodies- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Go slow and don't force. Late morning on Monday, Moon moves to the latter half of the Ashada constellation, UttaraAshada, and the Vishva Devas arrive to lend their support and assistance. When we align with right action, dharma, Nature aligns to support us with her power and abundance. The All Gods, or Vishva Devas, who rule this nakshatra, remind us of this need. Natural Laws are the supreme laws of the universe and keep us connected to Source, our ultimate alignment with life and spirit. Make you actions count today. Notice where you may be out of integrity- with yourself and spirit. Make the necessary adjustments to get the power you seek. Where is ego pushing you away from Source? What stories in the mind are keeping you from ultimate nourishment and divine connection? With debilitated Sun and Mercury in exact conjunction today, mental body work is necessary. Clean up, purify and burn away illusions and old chitta vrittis, mind stuff. Purify and transform through right relationship with Self and life. Sun leaves its sign of debilitation where a certain slow, inward climb has been present. The tight conjunction of Sun and Mercury continues as Sun and Mercury leap almost simultaneously into Scorpio on November 16th. Scorpio is known for its depth, deep inner power and passions. The inward focus of the past cycle deepens, clarifies, and transforms in the cycle ahead. The combustion of Sun and Mercury continues through December 6th- when Mercury moves to Sagittarius. With Sun and Mercury continuing to travel in close proximity, the mental body stays hot, focused, critical and oriented towards order and organization. Use this time to gain clarity and attend to finances, old karmas, shadow work and stories from the past. Mental and imaginal realms will be illuminated. What is coming to the light? Though Sun and Mercury will no longer be hemmed in by malefics, they will conjunct Saturn in Scorpio and receive drishti from Ketu. Sensitivity is high in the coming cycle and we will all benefit from extra rest, self care and attention to the four bodies. Go slow and don't force. This is also a prime opportunity to attend to physical and mental bodies and deepen the mind/body connection. With mental body rigidity and resistance present, use the physical body as a resource for staying in the present, rather than traversing the past. All four bodies- spiritual, mental, emotional and physical- will be extra sensitive in this cycle. Pushing, forcing or fighting this will lead to unnecessary struggles and obstacles. Health issues are a reminder to slow down and listen more deeply. Mental and emotional body struggles are a request to look at parts of yourself that need your attention. Spiritual concerns request deeper surrender and trust. Gather resources and extra support for this cycle and notice where you are resisting or refusing the nourishment you need for safety and support. Relationships continue to prove insightful and a potent mirror for inner growth and healing. In this cycle it's vital that illusions are clarified, brought to the surface and transformed. Notice where you are staying out of integrity and giving your power away. Focus on inner support and stability rather than mindlessly pleasing, dis-empowering yourself, and deflecting the nourishment you need. Early afternoon, Moon moves to Capricorn, receiving drishti from Saturn and Rahu. Watch for inner storms. Late morning Tuesday, Moon shifts to Sravana nakshatra, a constellation of the Moon. Saturn and Rahu give their gaze to the Moon, transiting a Saturn sign, Capricorn. Watch for depression, fear, and anxieties to surface. What is keeping you from feeling safety and security? What action steps need to take place in order to create different possibilities and options for yourself? There's a certain and necessary expansion that needs to take place in order to move forward and receive more nourishment. Where are you resisting and neglecting extra support and guidance? Vishnu gives his dharmic support today. It's time to make different choices, in order for different results. Start noticing where there are holes in your life and where needs are not getting met. Sun and Mercury travel in tight conjunction today. The mind is focused yet critical. Stay out of the impossible and re-frame for yourself. Be solution oriented. Wednesday mid morning, Moon moves to Dhanishta nakshatra, the shining star. The support of the Vasu Devas arrive to help increase the light and visibility. Take the dharmic awareness that emerged yesterday and let it inform the action steps you make today. Get focused, clear and align with your desires, passions and possibility. Open and awaken the rigidity and resistance. Find ways into the these parts of yourself and shine the light. Where do you need support? Where are you not showing up for yourself? Where are you playing small and down playing your desires? It's time to start shining brighter. Wednesday evening, Moon arrives in Aquarius. Saturn and Rahu continue to give their effect as ruling planets of this sign. Moon only receives gaze from Jupiter which can feel extra supportive and nourishing. Thursday, Moon transits through Aquarius, receiving the softening support of Jupiter and his wisdom-enhancing nourishment. Mid morning, Moon shifts to the often intense nakshatra, Satabisha. Though the critic and its chaos inducing ways may increase with Varuna's all-seeing nature, there is also opportunity here for healing to take place. When we honestly look at our shadow parts, we can transform and awaken them. Today, find opportunities for deepening your listening capacity. Find compassion for yourself and others. Seek guidance and support from healers and therapists- those who can provide resources, guidance and support, transformation and healing. Identify and confront your shadow parts and bring them to the light through wisdom and awareness. Early morning on Friday, Moon shifts to Purvabhadrapada, a nakshtra ruled by Ajaikapada, a form of Nataraja. Seek balance, movement and transformation today. Take your struggles into your dance. Let your dance be a metaphor for your life process. Step and ground, land and leap. Life is both opening and closing, seeking deeper resiliency in the process. This nakshatra reminds us to find balance within light and dark, happiness and sadness, the full spectrum of our being. We are all of it and how well we integrate and dance with our extremes, our polarities, is actually how we find balance. Late evening, Moon moves to the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces, joining Ketu here. Both planets receive gaze from Rahu, debilitated Venus and Mars. Be diligent and gentle with all relationships during the coming weekend- including yourself. Saturday morning, Moon shifts to the last half of the Bhadra constellation, Uttarabhadrapada. Serpent of the deep, Ahirbudhnya, beckons us to traverse our inner netherworlds. Our uncharted territory is enlivened today and requests that we look more deeply at layers we may have neglected. The often unseen and hidden parts of ourselves will be magnified today. Use this as an invitation for looking at your shadows, inner illusions and the parts of yourself that keep you in the dark. The critic is high and intensifies through the weekend. Whether you turn this inward or outward, notice how your critic keeps you from being deeply nourished, supported and feeling safe. How does your critic keep you playing small, rather than stepping into your power? What does your critic need? What is it asking of you? Honor it without it ruling your life. Just as Sunday begins, Moon shifts to Revati nakshatra, the final constellation of twenty seven. Ruling deity, Pushan, supports and guides us on our path- with nourishment, resources and fruitful harvesting. He likes intention and provides safety and comfort when we honor our steps with diligence and compassion. Endings and release are afoot as Moon moves to the edge of Pisces. What support and guidance can you gather for yourself as you move forward? What resources have you encountered recently? What challenges? How can both inform your action steps and momentum? Moon crosses the tricky gandanta between Pisces and Aries just before midnight. Surrender to release, loss, endings and letting go. Purge emotions and let grief move through you. Prepare for a new cycle to come by letting the old move out and through you. Moon arrives in Aries and Ashwini nakshatra as Sunday comes to a close. Fresh starts begin the week ahead. Monday, allow the vulnerability of beginnings settle in as you move through your day. There's a freshness, a vitality, an awakening and enlivening occurring. Calculate your steps and be poignant in your choices. Attend to rejuvenation and revitalization. Awaken and refresh yourself with new actions. Declare your inner power and orient yourself around this core of truth within. Mars gives his gaze to the Moon today. Take the passion into action. If you are feeling anger stir, notice where you need to create healthier boundaries. What does your anger need? Lean in and listen carefully. *All timing is given in Pacific Standard Time Zone. Need some extra guidance and clarity? I am scheduling December sessions. Schedule a session with me.
Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. This Week's Intention: Take slow, steady steps. Be intentional with your movements. Make self care and inner reflection a priority. Land in your heart. The week begins with a ripe Moon, finishing its transit through Pisces- instigating endings and release for the days ahead. Moon transits Revati nakshatra and the mental body requests attention and deeper nourishment. What cords need to be cut, severed and released for more clarity and receptivity? Where are you still holding on when you should be releasing? What stories is the mental body stuck in and repeating? Set yourself free. It's a perfect time to be working with self development resources that help you unravel the mental body programming. Note where the mind is stuck, resistant and rigid. Early afternoon on Monday, Moon jumps to Aries, crossing the challenging gap between Pisces and the beginning of the zodiac. The Moon is almost full and as it moves through the tricky gandanta gap between Pisces and Aries, inner and outer shifts take place. This transition point is particularly challenging because Pisces brings us endings and release, while Aries invites in beginnings and renewal. There is usually some big, necessary change that must be attended to when planets pass through this point. As Moon moves from watery sign, Pisces, into the fire sign, Aries, expect a strong emotional body shift. The Moon is expanded and full anyway, our emotional cups are at capacity, and there is a necessary release finding its natural course. Notice where you are holding and gripping. What can be softened and released? The full Moon is in Aries during the early hours of Tuesday morning, while Moon transits Ashwini nakshatra- the first of the 27 nakshatras. Full Moon is Tuesday, October 27th at 05:04 CDT while Moon is in Aries and Ashwini Nakshatra. This particular constellation is connected to rejuvenation and healing. There is ample potential and possibility available here. Ruling deities, the Ashvini-Kumara twins, are experts in Ayurveda and the healing arts. Among their healing resources are music and the arts- as moving creative energy is vital for both health and well being, while increasing joy and vitality. This full Moon reminds us to take slow, meaningful steps. It's a time to turn inward, despite the fullness of the Moon- which usually invites an external focus. In the cycle to come, we must attend to the vital release process and the transformations invited through letting go and endings. Removal and release of relationships and that which no longer serves you in nourishing and supportive ways, must be severed and set free. Radically let go of those who do not have your needs and deep nourishment in mind. In the waning Moon cycle, notice what is falling away naturally and forcing you to attend to release. If you're gripping tightly and refusing to surrender, there will be challenge. First, look to see where you need more support and nourishment in your life and what challenges continue to present themselves. These are old stories that need your deeper attention. Liberate yourself from fear, old stories, paradigms and mental body blockages. You are as powerful as you allow your self to be. What is holding you back and keeping you from your full potential? Just before noon on Tuesday, Moon shifts to Bharani nakshatra and sensitivity takes on a new flavor. Ruling deity Yama requests restraint in order for deep transformation. Where can you create clarity and safe boundaries for yourself in order to get your needs met? Especially in relationships and with those in authority positions. Take your power back. Wednesday continues with Yama's forceful energy and great sensitivity. The ability to sense and feel everything intimately is truly foundational for deep transformation. Let Yama help you release and respond to your needs for self care and support. If it feels like too much, it probably is. Make adjustments. Late morning, Moon moves to Krittika nakshatra and Agni continues the theme of transformation, but does so with purification and burning away impurities. Heat and fire are necessary for alchemical changes to take place. Where's the heat and what is transforming as a result? How can you avoid getting burned while allowing the changes to take place? Take care of digestion today and support Agni carefully. The physical body will need extra care and caution today. Rest, self care and go slow. Early afternoon, Moon shifts into its exaltation sign, Taurus and emotional body fullness is intensified. Today requires conscious attention to all four levels of our being. Be very intentional with your inner work, as there is intensity for emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies occurring simultaneously. Moon is exalted until evening and then shifts to its mulitrikona degrees. Mercury is at the edge of Virgo and is now sandhi, in the gap between signs. The mental body is also delicate and needs extra support at this time. Track mental body stories diligently. Take time for meditation and grounding in the wisdom of your body in the coming days. Late morning on Thursday, Moon moves to the potent and creative constellation, Rohini. Ruling deity, Lord Brahma, is the ultimate manifestor and full of creative, life giving potential. Moon is also immensely creative and loves to connect, share, co-create and harmonize. As Moon moves through Rohini, let your creativity be amplified. What are you creating in your life? Who and what are you connecting with? What is your intention for co-creation and leaving a legacy of your gifts? Today, envision and create ways to illuminate your path with deeper nourishment and support. Activate and align with your inner passion and creative powers. Mercury finally lands in Libra at 09:59 PDT, joining debilitated Sun here. After months of moving through his favorite sign, Virgo, he shifts to the relational and connective sign of Libra. Mercury is naturally a connector and a creator, a communicator and a generator, while also signifying thinking and imagination. This cycle will instigate a lot of inspiration and thinking- which will increase the imaginal, the spiritual, new ideas and increased creativity. Simultaneously, it will be too easy to stay in the head and out of the body, which can cause issues with the physical as well as manifestation. It's vital to cultivate presence and deeper relationship with the feeling level and emotional body wisdom, as well as the physical body and its ability to increase stability and support, grounding and landing. Vata and excess air can increase during this cycle, which can result in feeling ungrounded and unstable. The Mercury Sun conjunction will become closer and tighter toward the end of this transit, climaxing on November 16th while both planets are in Vishaka nakshatra. New paths will present themselves and old ones will need to be re-evaluated. Can the old still support you and your needs, your desires and visions? Co-creation, extra support and new alliances may emerge. Seek out others who align with your visions and goals. Call in new resources in order to help your path take shape. Sun and Mercury continue to track each other closely in tight combustion, moving simultaneously into Scorpio on the 17th, joining Saturn here. Get your extra support and resources in place before this transit and prepare for deep inner work in the cycle to come. Friday invites more creative impulses and increased play, passion and vitality. Emotional body wisdom is potent today. As Moon shifts into Mrigashirsha nakshatra early morning, deeper nourishment arrives if we let it. Ruling deity, Soma, increases the divine nectar of life. Drink it up and dive in! Where can you find greater abundance, receptivity and resources? Where are you resisting this juicy blossoming of life? Ruling planet of this constellation is Mars, who is now in close conjunction with Venus. Together, they stir the pot of passion and intense feelings. Let the heart swell with enthusiasm and use this to attract more of what you desire. Notice where you are resisting and contracting, keeping the nourishment from seeping into your being. If you want more of the good stuff, you have to make room for it. If it doesn't feed your soul, get rid of it. Late afternoon, Moon shifts to Gemini, the creative, connective sign, ruled by Mercury. Just as Saturday arrives, the Moon moves to the powerful and tempestuous nakshatra, Ardra. This constellation has a lot to do with emotional release, intense feelings, and heightened passion. Calm and quiet the storm by finding safe and healthy outlets for emotional release. Let go, purge, express and let it all fall out. What can you do to move the emotions out and through? Where are you resisting or neglecting your emotional body? What has been left unexpressed for too long? Move your inner waters and let it pour out of you through healthy channels. Mars is at the edge of Leo now and sandhi. He's extra passionate and fiery. He may cause intensified expression and passion, anger, emotional charge and reckless actions. Where are you forcing and pushing unconsciously? Where are you cutting and pasting over your physical and emotional body needs? Keep landing back in the physical body wisdom and ask it what it needs. If there's challenge or obstacles hindering your progress, this is a reminder to slow down, stop, listen more carefully. Mars and Venus are still in tight conjunction. Feelings are heated and passions are high. Pause before speaking or acting. Jupiter's nakshatra, Punarvasu, arrives early Sunday morning with the balm that soothes our ailments. Aditi and her abundant resources bring us solutions, possibilities, wisdom and awareness that the previous day couldn't support. The pot that Ardra stirred, will now settle so we can find some soft landing and more gentle steps. Resources arrive today to soothe and support. What wisdom are you receiving which helps you understand, expand, grow and find greater balance? Pause and be still or you'll miss her abundant messages and feelings of unity. Late evening, Moon jumps into its own sign, Cancer, increasing harmony and emotional balance. Let the veils of illusion drop away. Monday continues with Moon in Cancer and transiting from Punarvasu into Pushya nakshatra in the early hours of the morning. Expand and contract, open and close, find balance between your polarities. Seek harmony within and track the breath closely today. How can you land in your heart more intentionally? Bring your focus to your emotional body wisdom, your feelings, and deepen your connection to home, grounding and well being. The wisdom you seek is within. * Timing used is Pacific Daylight Time.
Need some extra guidance and clarity? I am now scheduling December sessions. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. This Week's Intention: Let the longings of your heart stir you into action. Allow passion and joy to circulate in and around you. Clear, release and let go of doubt and illusion. Stay true to course, by aligning with your potent inner silence. The week begins with the tail end of a total lunar eclipse while Moon finishes up its transit through Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra. Themes of release, letting go and endings kick off the week. The challenging portal between eclipses is complete, yet the lingering needs that were stirred, remain. Be gentle with yourself and attend to quiet, rest, meditation and self care in the coming days. Ease your letting go process with tenderness and intention. Renewal is on the horizon! October invites a deeper inward climb with Pitru Paksha and Navaratri arriving. Step into this sacred time with awareness and spiritual focus. Pitru Paksha is a fifteen day celebration honoring the ancestors which begins on September 28th and concludes on the 12th of October, the day before Navaratri begins. Use this time to intentionally connect and align with your lineage, ancestors and those who are ushering you forward. What action do you need to take in order to activate your familial dharma and leave a powerful legacy? Monday, mid morning, Moon moves to the final nakshatra of the zodiac, Revati. Ruling deity, Pushan, supports and assists our journey and travels. He brings nourishment and resources for our path, while also requiring attention to sensitivity and digestion. As Moon finishes up another transit through the twelve signs, use today for the necessary clean up and release after the full Moon + lunar eclipse. What are you holding onto that needs to be released on the mental and emotional body levels? Retrograde Mercury moves to its exaltation degrees early afternoon, rendering him debilitated. This continues until October 9th as he moves back into close conjunction with Rahu. Be mindful of communication and tend to mental body sensitivity. Meditation and self development are essential right now. Mind your mind and stay out of the shadows, illusions and darkness as much as possible. Use creativity, focus and goals to stay hopeful and illuminated. Themes of endings and release continue into Tuesday as Moon crosses the challenging gandanta (junction) between Pisces, into Aries. This cycle happens monthly as Moon completes its cycle through the zodiac, marking fresh starts and beginnings. However, the leap from water, endings, death (Pisces) into fire, renewal and emergence (Aries) can be difficult and intense. What are you letting go of? What are you moving towards? Intentionally make space for your release process and trust your leap into the new. As Moon jumps to Aries early morning and lands in Ashwini nakshatra, he receives the gaze of Jupiter, softening his landing. Allow rejuvenation through healing and creative energy. Trust in your ability to regenerate and take a bold step forward. Venus is at the very edge (sandhi) of Cancer and yet another challenging gandanta is sharing its effects. Feelings and emotions may be extra strong today as Venus prepares to leap from water (Cancer) to fire (Leo), instigating deep purification for our creativity and life force energy. Let your creative energy guide you and inspire change and transformation. Let emotions release and purify through tears and being near water. A tight conjunction (combustion) between Mercury and Sun is simultaneously occurring which can fry the mind and destabilize it. Keep the mental body cool and use frustration as momentum for change. Emotions and sensitivity may increase as Moon moves into Bharani nakshatra around midnight. Self care is essential. Attend to your vulnerability with tenderness. My Dharma Foundations Course special ends today! Last chance to receive 70% off this powerful, life changing course. Align with your dharma, transform and heal in the process. Get the Details. Wednesday arrives with deep emotional tides stirring. As Moon continues through Bharani nakshatra, Yama increases the need for self-control, restraint and intense focus. He notoriously increases sensitivity and victimization through one's karmas. Aligning with Natural Law is essential or he will certainly punish with his harsh ways. Through restraint, he allows re-patterning and re-focus and ultimately transformation and change. What are you ready to cut out of your life once and for all? What suffering are you clinging to like an old sweater, just because its more comfortable than change? Be radical with your release. Let the suffering go. Venus leaps to Leo at 15:12, purifying and cutting its ties to the emotional sign, Cancer. As Venus jumps to Leo and lands in Ketu's nakshatra, Magha, an invitation for a new, bold life is instigated. Venus renews its chase of Mars now and the two instigate extra passion in this already fiery sign. Jupiter here as well increases, expands and nourishes, offering a certain level of protection. Saturn's drishti invites in strength, balance and stability to the mix. Deep, passionate work can be done in this cycle- if we are aligned with our truth and power. Let your efforts be healing, transformational and sustainable. Use your gut wisdom as your guide. Notice where you're pushing too hard and allow grace and beauty to take over. Seek alignment with your desires and creative passions. Invite in playfulness wherever you can, while staying true to your course. Activate and align with goals more intentionally and keep your eye on the prize. Powerful, consistent action steps will be rewarded. Align with your heart wisdom and intuitive guidance for extra support. It has a fire to spark within you! Restraint, commitment and focus are necessary for gains at this time, but let your biggest dreams be your guiding force. Use this time wisely as next month will bring a debilitated Venus, challenging for creativity, relationships and life force energy. Make sure you don't burn yourself out in this cycle, then forced to re-balance next month. This warning will be especially important at the end of the transit as Venus leaves Leo in tight conjunction with Mars. Heat, tenacity and passion can overwhelm and overheat. Their passionate dance continues into Virgo, so prepare now with the intention of inner balance and self care. Use your creative life force energy diligently and consciously. Moon shifts to Krittika nakshatra before midnight and purification increases. Burn away the illusions and doubts. Stand in your fire. Today is the last chance to use my *free* Dharma Awakening Course materials. I'm removing everything from the website tomorrow! Did you miss these free dharmic offerings? Sign up for my newsletter for the details. Thursday begins with Moon nearing the edge of Aries, while transiting Krittika nakshatra. Attend to your inner flame and focus on the light you are cultivating. Add kindling gently and stoke your fire. Let the stomach be your guide today. Are you listening to your gut wisdom, seat of your emotions, passion and power? Where do you need to step it up? Where do you need to quit pushing so hard? What are you digesting and assimilating. Get nourishment. Mid afternoon, Moon jumps to Taurus and becomes exalted, expanded and full of emotional body wisdom. Both Rahu and Saturn give their gaze, churning storm energy up in the process. Intensity on the emotional body level will be activated. How do you use this power? Channel it creatively. Use it for powerful momentum forward. Don't get stuck in its overwhelm and toxicity. Can you change and transform the challenge into growth and forward movement? Rise to the occasion and feel the creative surge. Moon's exaltation only lasts until mid morning, but the emotional body will still be strong. Late evening, Moon shifts to Rohini nakshatra and the creative energy increases. Dance, sing, paint your dreams into reality! Lord Brahma is here to support your journey. Friday continues with potent, creative themes as Moon continues through Rohini nakshatra. Lord Brahma and his wife, goddess Saraswati, are the ultimate manifestation dynamic. When masculine and feminine align creative life force is fully activated and can be channeled in potent ways. Their connection to both manifestation and the arts, make all art forms powerful tools for creating our life if used intentionally. Create, make it real, bring your dreams to life. Get creative! Your life depends on it. Late night, Moon shifts to Mrigashirsha nakshatra, closing out the day with a sense of expansion and reaching towards goals. Today, the Doors close on my Dharma Mentorship! Last chance to work with me directly, align with your potent life path and awaken you dharma. I won't offer this program again until fall of 2016. Say yes to your powerful life and join me. Email Me: [email protected] Saturday continues with Moon transiting Mrigashirsha nakshatra. Moon shifts to Gemini mid morning outside of the gaze of any planets, yet ruling planet of this sign, Mercury, gives its influence from Virgo. Allow Soma and the deep nectar of life to soothe you and whatever ails you. Soak up the nourishment of life and let it seep into your depths. Keep reaching, striving, moving towards goals, desires, aspirations. Let passion stoke your desires for comfort, deep nourishment and healing. What does your heart long for? What does it need for greater safety and support? Move, dance, create and saturate yourself in creative potency today. Late evening, Moon shifts to Ardra nakshatra, and Rudra steps in. Power, force and emotional intensity increase. Sunday, Moon continues through Ardra nakshatra and the strength of storm god, Rudra, brings his dynamism. Ruling planet of this nakshatra, Rahu, currently conjunct Mercury, brings a certain mental body storm. Creativity, currency, connection and communication intensify. How are you using these resources? Where are you maximizing your strength? Where are you diminishing it? Use the power of the mind very consciously and intentionally. Who is ruling who? Create with your storm wisely. The week closes with Moon moving into Punarvasu nakshatra before midnight. Aditi's wisdom and support arrives to usher in deeper nourishment. She brings resources and unity consciousness with her. Align with wholeness and divine flow. Let this theme carry you through Monday as you deepen and drop into greater holding and grounding. As Moon moves into its own sign, Cancer, early afternoon on Monday, we can truly land in our awakened heart more easily. Strip off the veils of illusion and saturate yourself in the purity of the emotional body. *All calculations given are Pacific Daylight Time.
Doors close on my Dharma Awakening Mentorship Friday, October 2nd! Don't miss this opportunity to work with me directly, awaken your life path and create the life you deserve to live! Email Me: [email protected] Need some extra guidance and clarity? I still have a few October openings. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. |
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