The Thing Is The thing is.. to love life, to love it even when you have no stomach for it and everything you've held dear crumbles like burnt paper in your hand, your throat filled with the silt of it. When grief sits with you, its tropical heat thickening the air, heavy as water more fit for gills than lungs; when grief weights you like your own flesh only more of it, an obesity of grief, you think, How can a body withstand this? Then you hold life like a face between your palms, a plain face, no charming smile, no violet eyes, and you say, yes, I will take you I will love you again. ~ Ellen Bass Renewal, awakenings and beginnings arrive with the Vernal equinox on March 19th at 21:00 PDT. The length of light and darkness is almost equal on this day, which marks a turning point. For the northern hemisphere, days will be getting lighter (longer) as we move into spring and summer. This is the beginning of more light, more life. Shakti is stirring, inviting in more creativity in the coming days and months. This sense of opening moves us towards completion as the eclipse portal closes. Fertility and creativity are enlivened with this full Moon, as it coincides with the Vedic Holi festival, also known as "the festival of colors". Holika Dahan (the night before Holi when the fires are lit) is on the 22nd this year, followed by the Holi on the 23rd. This celebration in the Vedic calendar which roughly coincides with the vernal equinox and the arrival of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, sparks creative potential, increased love, beauty and creativity. It takes place with the Phalguni Purnima as the Phalguni stars are ripe with sensuality, love, beauty and abundant resources. No matter the hemisphere you are in, both spring and fall are considered "sandhi" times of year- or in between seasons. These are sacred times, when the veil is thin, sensitivity is heightened. In Ayurveda, we attend to necessary physical rituals that help the body cleanse and purify. Holi comes at this sacred junction and is a time to "plant seeds" so to speak. It is a celebration of fertility, abundance and the awakening of Shakti within Nature. It is the marking of the gap, which is ripe with potential and possibility. The full enlivening of Ma is celebrated during Vasant Navaratri- the nine days of Mother Divine, beginning on the 7th of April this year. Consider Holi the "kick off" celebration in many ways- a time to plant your desires and create your fruits for the coming year. Let this Full Moon enliven a sense of spring and possibility. Use this week's Creative Engagement activity (below) for your cultivation process. The full Moon is March 23rd at 05:00 PDT while Moon is in Virgo and Uttaraphalguni. This full Moon coincides with a penumbral lunar eclipse, closing the two week eclipse portal that has been invoking challenging shadow work for many. The eclipse begins at 02:39 PDT, with the maximum eclipse being at 04:47 PDT, and ending at 06:54 PDT. Creative Ritual My Creative Rituals are intended to support your transformation and healing process in the cycle to come. Each ritual is in alignment with the cosmic tides- in order to help you adjust, shift and move more fluidly in balance with Nature's rhythms. Recycle this ritual more than once for added benefits. * For the full version sign up for my membership.
Here we are, after the storm so to speak. Such immense shifts this past week/end. Moon is waning and losing its nectar, its light, drop by drop. The light is lessening now, as we move towards amavasya (emptiness).
Join me on FaceBook during the new Moon for my July New Moon Online Celebration. I'll be offering a special creative ritual, some gifts and incentives for all who enter and so much more. Join me here. Monday, July 14th Moon transits Dhanishta nakshatra and moves into Aquarius at 12:09 pm CDT and is out of the gaze of the other planets. Dhanishta is ruled by the Vasu Devas. These gods bring us shining and prosperity and are connected to jyoti, light. They help us manifest on the material plane of existence. Aum namo bhagavate, vasudevaya calls in this frequency. Rahu and Ketu are in early degrees, still in the sandhi gap, having newly entered Virgo and Pisces. Mars is very young in degrees, having just entered Libra, joining a retrograde Saturn there. Venus gains strength in degrees now in Gemini. Sun moves into sandhi this evening as it prepares to move into Cancer. Multiple planets are doing swift, changeable dances right now. Each of us is likely feeling a mixture of uncertainty and possibility, which offers a sense of excitement. Be sure to take time for the silence and stillness- especially with these planets in sandhi right now. This is sacred ground, where ideas manifest from the Absolute. Go too fast and you'll miss the sacred messages possible right now. There will be plenty of time to take action, but for now basque in the softness and gentle nothingness that is available to us. Gently plant your seeds of desire. Read more about sandhi planets and their impact. Moon moves to Satabisha nakshatra at 22:50 CDT. Tuesday, July 15th Moon transits Satabisha nakshatra ruled by Varuna and Rahu. Varuna guards Natural Law and can heighten our critic as he's known for his judgement. Taking care of health and doing what we know to do, what is best practice and in alignment with universal wisdom, is especially important on Satabisha days. If you find your self in tango with your critic, this is a perfect time to hit the pause button and do a check in. First of all, notice where in the body this critic is working his charm. Do you feel tightness in the chest, shortness of breath or even a headache? The body has wisdom to share with you, so listen up. Start with a three level check in and bring focus to the mental, emotional and physical bodies. Then ask each body for answers: what do I need right now? Find solutions for what plagues with a gentle approach, not forced. The critic often arrives as a form of "protection". What are you seeking protection from? Moon moves to PurvaBhadrapada at 20:30 CDT which invites in a sense of being in two worlds and working with impossible feats. Tonight, take a walk and listen to your feet. Wednesday, July 16th Moon transits PurvaBhadrapada and Ajaikapada is enlivened as well as the planet Jupiter. This lunar constellation refers to a form of Shiva standing on one leg, known as Nataraja, lord of the dance, which essentially refers to this "dance of life" we are all in. What an impossible dance this is! A balancing act, a grounding at times, and a moving and lifting our feet into the unknown at other times- each step uncertain and yet full of potential. What are you stepping towards? What are you stepping away from? What does the path look like as it unfolds in front of you? Listen to your feet for wisdom. Take intentional steps today. Sun moves to Cancer, joining exalted Jupiter there, at 10:58 am CDT. Get ready for passionate, heart expansion in the coming weeks. Sun is in Cancer until 8.17, so enjoy this time of deepening compassion- for self and others. Who and what is teaching you, helping you unfold and develop your heart? Tend to these needs in the coming weeks and rise to the occasion. Rise into service and lead with your heart. Teach, guide and share with fullness, but let your heart wisdom guide you. This is a perfect time to let the emotional body set the pace and choose the direction. Have you joined my FB event yet for the new Moon? I'll be helping you explore the emotional body with creative rituals during the silent part of the month. Moon moves to Pisces at 13:05 CDT joining Ketu there and receiving drishti from Rahu in Virgo, seven houses away. Exalted Jupiter gives his drishti/gaze from Cancer nine houses away. Let sudden expansion and bursts of insight lead you. Moon moves to UttaraBhadrapada at 18:41 CDT, enlivening Ahirbudhnya and Saturn for the rest of the day/night. This serpent of the nether worlds invites us to dive beneath the surface and explore the depth of our existence. Illusions are in our midst and magic is among us. What secrets are you exploring and what are you hiding from? There is power in the subconscious mind which offers many gifts of awareness. Are you listening? Get ready for some veils to lift; it may be quite swift. Thursday, July 17th The majority of the day has us working with Ahirbudhnya and Saturn energies. He enlivens the nether realms with his serpent energy. Her provokes us to tap into our subconscious mind and awakens the dormant Kundalini energy at the base of the spine. Secret, hidden knowledge is all part of his domain. Illusions are in our midst and magic is among us. What secrets are you exploring and what are you hiding from? There is power in the subconscious mind which offers many gifts of awareness. Are you listening? Get ready for some veils to lift; it may be quite swift. Moon moves from UttaraBhadrapada into Revati at 17:30 CDT. Pushan comes to our aid and Mercury is enlivened. The final nakshatra in the zodiac, Revati symbolizes the path, the journey, and protection for this adventure. Pushan offers us nourishment, support and guidance for the path as well as helping us to find our own hidden treasures. As Moon joins Ketu here in Revati, expect sudden shifts and changes for your path. It may just be mentally, but shifts and changes there will be! Invite them in and trust there is nourishment with this newness. Emotional outbursts are likely. What are your needs and how can you get them met in nourishing and supportive ways? Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Friday, July 18th Moon nears Ketu and mental/emotional firecrackers flare. What does your fire dance look like and feel like? Is there a tussle between these two bodies- mental body and emotional body? What is the mind dictating that contradicts with the emotional body? It will be easy right now (too easy) to let the mental body force its agenda on us, which may ignite the emotions and push us towards confusion, anger, or agitation. Hit the internal pause button and do ample check-ins today. What does your mental body need? What does your emotional body need? By 16:30 CDT Moon and Ketu are in exact degrees and the pressure is on. Sparks are flying and helping you expand, open and explore new territory; the new territory of Ketu in Pisces and Rahu in Virgo. Need a reminder of the themes being enlivened at this time? Read more here. For some, there will be some very rich sparks of insight today. Bring a notebook with you and take notes. Pushan is offering guidance for the journey, but don't blame the messenger. Moon makes the tricky leap from Pisces into Aries at 17:00 CDT. The Ashvini-kumara and Ketu are enlivened and the themes of past 24hrs get some further sparks and ignition. Mars and Saturn give direct gaze from Libra, and offer a "lurching" energy with stops and starts. This may invigorate the yes and no dynamic within us, which can lead to confusion and unrest. Are we ready or aren't we? The Ashvini twins offer healing through rejuvenation and rasayanas. There are magical abilities and strength with these healing gifts. Music and the arts are tools that they use as well as Ayurvedic remedies and treatments. The healing arts are in potent form with Ashwini. Tonight, synch up with Saturn's slowness and allow him to slow you down, stop even. Where can you hit the breaks and surrender to the pace of what is? Silence, softness and massage might be in order. As he deepens his retrograde motion before going direct on the 20th, his intensity can amplify. Let him win right now and avoid the frustrations of working against him simply by surrendering to his ways. Venus moves into Ardra nakshatra at 23:18. Relationship matters, creativity, passion, communication intensify and get the strength of Rudra and Rahu through the end of the month. What way will Rudra's strength take you. We may start out rocky or strong. We may end up a bit scarred and tattered, worn and softened. We will definitely learn a finer art of harnessing the passions within us. Don't get windswept, use the winds as a tool. Have you signed up for my new Moon workshop yet? Saturday, July 19th Yesterday's suggestions prevail until 17:11 CDT when Moon moves into Bharani nakshatra. Venus and Yama are enlivened and offer us a sense of restraint, holding back and deliberation. What needs harsh change of direction today? Yama may offer the confrontation we need to address a certain obstacle or blockage on the path. Confrontation brings awareness; then shift and change can enter. This is a poignant and powerful place to arrive. What are you confronting head on today? In your relationships especially. This includes your relationship with your self, and with others. Don't hold back, go into it, directly. Work with what is, what arrives and invite in the investigation. Mars and Saturn give direct gaze on the Moon from their positions in Libra, and offer a "lurching" energy with ample stops and starts. This may invigorate the yes and no dynamic within us; even binary thinking patterns, which can lead to confusion and unrest. Are we ready or aren't we? Are we letting go or clinging? Inviting in the new awareness or pushing it away? With frustration, anger often arrives as well. What are the deeper messages of this frustration and anger? Ask the anger for answers. As Sun moves into Pushya nakshatra tonight at 22:49 CDT, we may get the softening just in time for the answers to arrive. Sunday, July 20th Bharani stays with us throughout the day. Saturn goes direct after months of retrograde motion at 15:02 CDT. This is a remarkable moment when the wheels of time screech to a halt and suddenly begin chugging forward once again. The intensity of the past days and weeks begin to ease as Saturn directs our momentum forward once again. As a retrograde planet goes into its direct motion, it becomes much more intense. We will likely be feeling this lurch forward in relationships and Libra matters for those of us paying attention. Be gentle with your Self and others- and rejoice! Saturn is no longer debilitated and is once again exalted in Libra. We may now begin to feel the blessings of this position- finally! The themes from Saturday prevail until 17:59 CDT when Moon moves to Krittika nakshatra. Agni, the fire of life, is enlivened as well as the Sun. Cut, clear, purge, transform. Now is the time to step into what you want, and step away from what you don't. Likely Saturn's direct motion now will help us find this clarity. Digest, assimilate, seek nourishment and let Agni help you transform what you have been eating in your life (all of it), into useful energy and resources. Be exact. Be focused. Be alert. Be ready to make changes and allow in the transformations. Plan your week in tune with Nature. Never miss my Moon Mind Calendar. Sign up for my newsletter. And if you like this post, please share it! Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Alexandra Levasseur. Title: Limbo #3 This painting by Alexandra Levasseur sparked something in me this morning. I identify with it on a visceral level; as if it is a painting of my insides. Recently I've been working with the theme of "limbo" in my personal artistic and therapeutic process. This theme started to emerge from my shadows as I painted and danced, using my intermodel body centered expressive art therapy practice. It's here. It's been here as long as I can remember, yet only recently was I able to identify it for what it is.
Limbo: it's a neither here nor there type feeling. It's not firmly grounded, yet not entirely uprooted either. There's a sense of always "preparing" for something that might be next, just around the corner, arriving today- or tomorrow, or the next. Limbo requires that we don't fully unpack our bags, that life stays in boxes ready for the inevitable changes of life and moving on. Limbo can be used as a protection mode, an internal set point that allows us to not get fully hurt or damaged. "It didn't really matter that much? I'll be moving on soon anyway." Limbo can show up as resignation, a sense of futility, a passivity in our energetics. We may try to take action, but we use limbo as our buffer to give padding for inevitable pains and disappointments. A session with my shaman and mentor was a catalyst in helping me identify this physical response. The tendency for me to "roll out" of my physical body too easily as a protection mechanism has been a default for me since childhood but I've been unaware of its consequences. This is actually quite common for those who have experienced trauma- especially early in life. Staying separate from what's going on within can be like having a "safe zone" to go to when things get too tough. But this doesn't bode well for life, or living fully, nor for one's sense of embodiment. This "neither here nor there" type feeling can be likened to a death process- the in between realms- when a soul is neither in a body nor in the higher realms. And so limbo is thus mirroring death in some ways. (Another reason it's so important to work with the emotional body and somatic embodiment awareness so that we can ground into what is happening rather than push it away. This is a big reason why I'm so passionate about a body centered approach to therapy- and of course the arts- as they are a big messenger for the inner landscape). Limbo can show up in our emotional body, our mental body and our physical body. It can appear as confusion, indecisiveness, lack of clarity, lack of purpose, a sense of disillusionment and overwhelm. It can cause us to lack commitment or refuse to commit. It can hinder action steps and send us into a state of depression as a result. As with any inner process that I'm witnessing in myself, I take it into my jyotish practice. I look at my chart. I assess the transits. I feel into the planetary implications- the felt sense of it all. Limbo can be related to sandhi planets. Sandhi is the gap; the inbetween space. The netherworld between signs if you will. Most schools of Vedic astrology consider this placement to be weak, to lack strength and clarity. Sandhi planets, who are just entering a sign or just leaving a sign can lack clarity, purpose and focus, just as I've described about the sense of being in limbo. Sandhi planets are indeed in limbo. (You can check for this in your own chart by looking for planets that are less then 2 degrees or over 28 degrees). It's true, sandhi planets lack the grounding and stability that a planet who is clearly situated within a sign may offer. It is as though the planet hasn't fully decided if it is in the house that it is in. It is on its way in or out, but hasn't decided which one it will be. Its bags are still packed, boxes are still full, and it may not know if it's here or there. It's a traveler. It's in limbo. This sense of here nor there, however, can offer some profound insights and awareness. Nothing is all good nor all bad, and this is quite true with sandhi planets. The gap offers us a connection to the mystical realms, the nether realms, and can offer great depth and awareness with what feels untouchable most of the time (or all the time depending on the individual). Planets that are sandhi offer potential, possibility, unique insights and depth as a result of their "otherworldly" connections. These are flexible planets and of course that can show up as versatility in a person as well. We can let this lack of grounding hinder us or give us great awareness. That is a choice. I like to remind my clients that what may appear to be a "negative", is in fact a great gift of some sort just waiting to be discovered. If there's any part of a chart that gives this type of indication so clearly, I think it is sandhi planets. The type of planet and its sign placement will effect the experience of the limbo dance, and the gift or offering within the chart as a result. In my natal chart I have a sandhi Saturn. Saturn represents the physical body, its structure, as well as our sense of support, stability and the ability to be consistent and methodical. The placement of my sandhi Saturn indicates that there may be some issues with these indications as a result of his "neither here nor there" placement. However, the gift here is that he offers me a very real experience of the physical body and the physical structure of the universe, that is beyond the mundane, the tangible. My lack of physical grounding has insisted that I put in much effort to change that; hence my passion for embodiment work. It will be my lifelong work, but I will gain much growth and grounding as a result. His placement in my 10th house insures that I will share my experiences of the body (internal body as well as universal body) with others as a result. This is not without constant effort, but knowing this expression of Saturn has been profound for me. As a result I've been working with my "limbo dance" in a very different way. Letting Saturn give me insights and awareness that I may have not been looking for if I didn't understand his complexities and unique placement in my chart. And perhaps all of this limbo work will eventually lead to unpacking my boxes and landing somewhere more permanently. As the planets change (every 2.5 days to 2.5 years) each goes through a time period of sandhi. These time periods offer us an experience of possibility and change, immense creativity and potential. At these times, we may feel unsettled, poised for change, but uncertain when it will come. These junction points may cause us to dream and scheme for something new, yet feel frustration that it isn't arriving soon enough or fast enough. Sandhi times are like a grace period and should be treated as such. Don't rush things, force agendas, or take untimely actions. Let the planet arrive firmly into its house before you force change, make decisions or take forward action steps. Find ways to surrender to your depths, to listen intently, quiet the mind, and settle into your inner knowing during sandhi planetary dances. The gap is a perfect time for meditation. These are times to harvest your inner riches; special times that are otherwise unavailable to us. Listen intently and use these time periods of sandhi, the gap, for the value that they can offer. Was this article helpful to you? Please share it! Not on my newsletter list yet? Please sign up! New Moon: Sun and Moon Invite Creative Potential New Moon is on 5.28 at 13:40 CDT while Moon is in Taurus (its mulitrikona sign) and transiting Rohini nakshatra. This is a highly creative placement for the Moon and the new Moon (amavasya) element invites in potential and possibility. Sparks, creativity, intuitive wisdom and support are ushered in for this next cycle. Endless potential arrives at this time and new abundance and stability will bring us a sense of momentum; momentum we have been needing for months now in order to feel progressive. From this stability, we can then take more effective action steps forward, use the creativity that is arriving, and build with this. Rohini is a nakshatra ruled by Lord Brahma, the creator of the Universe. He exemplifies great strength, possibility and creative energy. Creativity, artistry and material abundance are part of his offerings. And since he is husband of goddess Saraswati, who offers us wisdom, knowledge and the arts, Rohini is also connected to her graces by default. Some healing and wisdom may be offered to us with Brahma's abundant nature flowing towards us. With the opening of this creative portal, a spark of new options and desires may surface. How we use this new potential and possibility will be up to us and our own desires. {New Moon Chart} Be on top of the ever changing transits, get my updates via my weekly newsletter.
Planetary Transits for the Waxing Moon Cycle On 5.30, Mercury moves to Ardra nakshatra at 6:30 am CDT; Rahu and Rudra (storm god) energy enlivens. Does he expand you into overwhelm and excessive cravings that lead to more frustration? Or can you temper his shadowy nature with focus and great planning? Harness the momentum that can be felt right now. Write lists and "dump out your head" on paper to avoid mental overdrive. Set goals, prioritize and be potent in your actions. Overwhelm and mental spin can set in. It will be important over the next two weeks of Mercury in Ardra to attend to the emotional and physical bodies for grounding and support, rather then letting the mental body get away with its usual mayhem. Pay attention to your emotions. Overwhelm? Anger? Exhaustion? Fear? This is a direct indication that your basic needs of support and nourishment are not being met. How can you find a different way to get the job done? How can you use self care to get your needs met? What paradigms need to shift in your relationships so that you can release some of the angst? Get embodied. We are gearing up for two big planetary shifts. To start the process off, and get us "near the edge" of change, Rahu and Ketu move to sandhi degrees on 6.05. They will be less then two degrees each on the 5th which marks their "transition point". We will start to feel their momentum now as they begin to shift into Virgo and Pisces respectively on July 12th. Are you feeling the need to make major life changes and yet overwhelm simultaneously? Planets intensify as they leave a house, so be aware that the cravings of Rahu will likely be enlivened at this time, while Ketu's desires for us to let go will force the issues at hand. Temper rash decisions. Use Saturn's structure and need for slow and steady, in order to win the race in the coming weeks. Mercury goes retrograde on 6.07 at 6:54 am CDT. Mercury is in its own sign of Gemini right now, but retrograde planets act like the nodes Rahu/Ketu, our karma points. The fact that Mercury will also be in Ardra for some weeks (ruled by Rahu) indicates the mind will be in a mode of craving and desire. Be wary of this. His retrograde motion is yet another "clean up" period for the mind, communication, commerce and our creativity. Be alert to necessary changes over the next 3.5 weeks. Mercury is a swift moving planet and normally doesn't occupy a sign longer then a few weeks; his transit through Gemini will be extended until July 27th due to his rewind motion. Once he goes into direct motion on July 1st he finishes off his Gemini transit in a more agreeable way. Do what you need to do in the coming weeks to get yourself into a place of forward momentum come mid July. Pay it forward, re-trace financial steps, pay off debts, scheme up a better way of doing business and tend to your finances. This can also be a very creative and inventive time. Put it to good use. If you need a reminder about retrograde Mercury, find details here. Following Rahu and Ketu's lead, Jupiter moves to the edge of Gemini on 06.09 gearing up for his grande entrance into Cancer, his sign of exaltation on June 18th. An expansive year is upon us. Find the details on his upcoming transit here. Full Moon is in Scorpio (again) on June 12th at 23:11 CDT while in Jyeshtha nakshatra. More on this in my next transit report for the waning Moon cycle. Commerce and communication will be ongoing themes for us. Jupiter moves to its sign of exaltation, Cancer, on June 18th, then Rahu and Ketu move in July to Virgo and Pisces respectively, and later this year Saturn moves to Scorpio. Likely you are already feeling the momentum and change of these transits. Needing some guidance and clarity for this coming year? Schedule a yearly progression with me. I am now booking sessions for June. Horoscopes for the Waxing Moon Cycle {May 28th to June 12th} *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: This waxing cycle, you get savvy about finances and vow to repair some recent mishandled events. Put your own comfort and support first, even with your current focus on money and acquiring. Trust your creative capacity to help you problem solve, think outside the box and manage your business. Cravings intensify with regard to relationships. Be smarter than your libido. Put passion where it's needed most. Right now it's with your own healing and self care, not poured into another person. Right now, work on communication and saying what you mean as well as meaning what you say. Taurus: I hope you are taking plenty of alone time right now out of desire, not out of force. Either way, it can prove valuable to you and provide necessary introspection for your relationship needs. Solitude can provide infinite creative sparks right now, so don't disregard your need for down time. Navigate emotions and anger with inquiry. What boundary issues are up for you right now? Where have you been saying yes when you should be saying no? Sun in your first house is causing you to shine and put on the ritz, but it's important to be mindful of balance; your inner and outer balance points need awareness. Teach, share and communicate effectively. You are learning how to put your Self first and get your needs met in very practical ways. Gemini: Skies the limit right now. Are you dreaming big? Or are you dreaming big and taking effective action steps in order for big rewards? Don't expect all your fortunes to fall in your lap. Now is a time to play big or go home. Ask the universe for support, as well as everyone in your life! Expand your horizons and look for opportunities around every corner. This is the necessary preparation for the coming cycles where your career has the potential to lift off and feel more supportive to you. But listen carefully. You must be courageous and ask for what you really want in order to get it. You must go beyond day dreams and take powerful steps forward that will get you off and running. And you must get clear on what you deserve above all. Cancer: Your best ideas these days come during silent and introspective times. Ample alone time, meditation and retreat mode gives you the reset you need for flourishing in the coming months. Sparks continue to fly with your career and stoke your heart flames and passions. Meet the right people and let friends be of benefit for you. It's your connections that will prove most valuable right now and will bring in new resources. Remember your gratitude. Meanwhile, work with themes of courage, creativity and artistry. Let the ideas flow and make sure to create space for harvesting your intuitive genius. Leo: Career has you shining like a bright star, asking for much of you and helping you to think outside the box. You are also learning a lot about your Self in the process, growing in creative potential and getting imaginative sparks. Are you getting fried in the process? Or are your passionate flames getting stoked in meaningful and helpful ways? What relationships feel nurturing and supportive and which ones need to be cut loose? You are learning "best practice" right now in your relationships and also the art of effective communication. You must be diligent with this. Quit making assumptions. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Clarity for all involved is key in order for everyone to get their needs met. Virgo: If you can release a bit of the critic and his demeaning messages for a minute, you might create some space for a new option to arise. Take control of your mental body and don't let its messages rule you. There's so much possibility for growth and expansion in your career right now, but you must be open and receptive to receive and expand what feels possible to you. Where are you holding back and playing small? What are your needs and how are you going to get them met? (Especially in your relationships). What makes you feel comforted and supported? What does not? Attend to your basic needs, put self care first, and get embodied. Libra: Your growth curve gets amplified in the coming weeks. It's time to soak up the knowledge and wisdom that is flowing your way. Even with Sun in your 8th house which offers a hidden, inward experience, let this be a transformative time for the ego and with regard to your relationships. Past haunts may re-visit as you navigate chaos and stormy patterns within you. Be two steps ahead of the storms. Notice your new response mechanisms; or are you defaulting into your old habits when things get stressful and out of hand? This is the time to create new patterns and paradigms for your Self. Rise to the occasion and grow from past mistakes and wounds. You have resources now that you didn't have months ago. Scorpio: Purge and clean. Clean and purge. Get rid of the barnacles, time wasters, energy suckers, the vampires of your life. Not just the people and the relationships, but the habits, patterns and monetary drains. Cut and clear. This radical release will give rise to more space. Space that is sure to invite in more possibility, greater potential, more nourishment and support in all ways. Communicate your needs effectively- to others and to the universe; ask and yee shall receive. The outcome may or may not be what you were hoping for, but at least you expressed your self fully. Get clear on what works and doesn't work for you and don't be afraid to go for it. Others will either keep up or not. (FYI, most won't be able to). Don't let this stop you. Need more validation? Here's my recent article on Scorpio. Sagittarius: Old habits die hard. If you're paying attention right now, you've noticed that some of these old patterns and default behavior modes need to be identified, consciously attended to and restructured. You may be missing the ample clues so pay attention. Relationships will be giving you much room for growth, awareness, and also help you get more clear on what works for you and what doesn't. You have a tendency to hold on tightly and avoid pain. But is it worth it? Maybe it's time to finally re-write and restructure some of your contracts, change your ways, change the way you do business, change what and who you are attracting into your life? If you want something different, you must be willing to do things differently. Capricorn: You really are growing, and changing some old, bad habits to boot. Job well done! As Mercury goes retrograde on 6.07, you will get even more opportunities to restore and repair debts, mental ruts, and some old mind games. Teach and heal. Heal and be healed. Share your wisdom and knowledge with others and don't be shy to share your shadow work as well. No one is perfect and being transparent can help you attract an authentically invested crowd. Heart work is vital right now and part of your growth curve. Pain and all. Crack open the heart lotus and don't be afraid of what you find. Aquarius: You are working on courage and creativity in some big ways right now. Spark something new and tend to your heart flame. Learn, grow and invite in new wisdom and ideas. Is it possible you are closed off to possibilities because you think you "know" already? Don't let the ego block your growth and depth. Looking into your shadowed parts and the places you are terrified to look at within your self and your past, are essential right now. Use these last few weeks of Jupiter in your 5th house to fearlessly expand your intuitive wisdom by clearing out the old blocks. Hint: You will need to be extra vigilant with your mind. Digest your thoughts and note connections between your gut and your mental processes. Pisces: Learning the right thing to say at the right time takes practice. Being bold about asking for what you need and finding ways to get nourished takes a lot of courage. You are working on these pieces right now. Relationships are testing you and calling upon you to get your needs, boundaries and ideals in check. What are your personal values? Are your relationships able to meet these needs? Courageously work on changing old patterns, belief systems and parts of your ego that are keeping you from your depths and intuitive wisdom. All the chaos and crisis of the previous months have been here to help you get clear on what works for you and what doesn't. Are you making the necessary changes for increased clarity? Or getting lost in the storm clouds? Get your horoscope via my newsletter. Sign up! Find out more about your Vedic sign with a personal Jyotish session. Moon Mind :::
10.15 - 10.16 Moon transits Aquarius in Satabisha nakshatra and receives drishti from Rahu and Jupiter. Watch for shadowed thinking and cravings as well as self-righteousness. Satabisha is ruled by Varuna, the "all seeing" god with a thousand eyes. He looks for wrongdoing and punishes for mistakes. His competitive nature can feel harsh at times. But ultimately his goal is to uphold Natural Law. Ask your self where you are scrutinizing too much- whether it is towards your Self or others. Can you let go, surrender, lose some of the judgment, and find more balance? Sometimes "knowing too much" is the real issue. Today, ask your Self where you can let go and let god. Later in the evening on 10.15, Moon moves to Purvabhadrapada, ruled by Ajaikapada, a form of Lord of the Dance, Lord Shiva. Ajaikapada is a Rudra (chaos/storm god) who stands on one leg and is driven to purify, maintain rituals, and rules over endings. He wants tapas and penance- your hard work- in order to get results. He is one-pointed and seems to balance the impossible. On 10.16 Moon moves to Pisces and the wisdom finally settles in. The Jupiter influence on the day offers expansion and a new "knowing" not yet visible until now. You can thank the ancestors for offering some of this vision. Moon moves to Uttarabhadrapada mid afternoon. Ahirbudhnya, the serpent of the deep, will help with your inner exploration and self- expansion. New awareness will come from the depths, the hidden realms at this time. Sun, however is weak, so your new awareness may come from a feeling of vulnerability or from the dark depths of your soul. Get used to it. The next month of debilitated Sun brings more opportunities for growth as we uncover, shed, and peel back the shadows and darkness from our seemingly endless depths. With the passing of Navaratri, it is now open season for inviting in the darkness. Welcome her with open arms and see if you can't find a new relationship with her. The chaos and destructive forces are just as essential as the light and laughter. |
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March 2017