This week's planetary transit report details via :::
Jupiter in Gemini: Expanding Our Creativity via ::: Moon Mindfulness ::: Mind Your Moon
5.30 Moon in Aquarius transiting Dhanishta nakshatra until 20:43 CDT tonight. Moon is in the dark half (waning) in the 7th tithi which is ruled by Saturn. Aquarius is also ruled by Saturn and the Moon is receiving drishti from Rahu today from its position in Libra where it sits with Saturn and is also the sign of exalted Saturn. There is a lot of Saturn coinciding with the moon today. Some of us may feel this as depression, sadness, grief, disappointment, discouragement. It is important on these days to get embodied, physical movement and connection to prana are essential. Dhanishta is ruled by Vasu (and the planet Mars) and its translation is "the most famous" or "the most wealthy". Vas means "to shine" so sometimes this is called the "shining star". People born with Dhanishta nakshatra tend to be extra sparkly and shiny- their light is attractive to others. The eight Vasu-deva are sources of abundant wealth, prosperity and illumination which can be associated with the material plane of existence or the realms of knowledge, insight and inner expansion. The Vasu-deva are connected to dharma and fulfilling desires in the relative world- hence there is a lot of creative potential and ability here. Jyotish is also connected to Dhanishta as it is a source of light (literally jyoti), expansion, dharma and enlightenment. Use today's creative spark of insight for creativity, manifestation and dharma to create awareness and growth. Jupiter moves into Gemini late this evening for one year- signaling a new creative focus for all of us. Initiate the year with your own inner abundance- the light of you. Read more about Jupiter's transit into Gemini here ::: “The moon is a loyal companion. It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human. Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections.” ― Tahereh Mafi, Shatter Me The Importance of the Moon: Intuition and Intelligence Though the Sun is physically much larger than the Moon, from our vantage point on Earth, they appear to be the same size. In Vedic astrology, the Moon represents the feminine (Shakti- spark of life force) while the Sun is connected to the masculine energy (Shiva). The Sun is the day time, while the Moon is the night time; together, the movement of the Sun and Moon create the dance of Shiva and Shakti. We see the Sun as the provider, while the Moon utilizes the resources offered by the Sun- the Moon is a reflection of the solar light and energy. The Sun represents father and masculine energy, while the Moon represents Mother, the Divine Feminine and the eternal MA. This dynamic of mother and father, masculine and feminine, is reiterated in our Jyotish charts and expresses the dynamic of our own mother and father and the impact of this on our existence. These planetary expressions, the energies of our own experience, can be seen through the planetary relationship of Sun and Moon, as well as their expression of this relationship within the chart. Our own experience of life is directly impacted by the expression of Sun and Moon, literally our mother and father energies. The father may give the dharma of the being, but it is the mother who nurtures and supports emotionally and psychologically. Without this support, the dharma can not and will not be fulfilled. In the Vedic understanding of life, and how it is literally expressed in a Jyotish chart, the importance of the Moon on our experience of life is vital. Without this essential nurturing, life is met with extreme challenges and hardships. The Moon (Chandra in Sanskrit) is the intelligence and intuition of each being. It is the nourisher of life, the soma (nectar of life), the Ma/Mother within, our intuition and intelligence. The Sun is connected to our soul and the sheath that houses the soul, whereas the Moon is connected to the intelligence within the soul, the intuition available to the soul, the being, and how it will utilize this intelligence. In Vedic astrology, the Moon is given great importance and is of equal, if not more, importance than the Sun in many regards. For if the Sun is strong, but the Moon is weak, how will the soul be nurtured and supported? Moon, or Chandra, is connected to the Mother, the nurturing quality of life, the essential intelligence of life that gives us comfort, nurturing, emotional support, our requirement for inner love and affection. The connection of Moon to our emotions and our psychological state is not by accident since our emotional harmony is intrinsically connected to our relationship with prana, the life force. Our pranic connection (connection to life- literally) is nurtured from conception, in the womb, and then outside of the womb, after birth, by our Mother’s love and affection, her sustenance (milk and her nourishment of our being) and her ability to soothe and comfort. It is understood in the Vedic tradition that until the age of six, a child is still extremely bonded to the mother’s energy and still experiences life in reference to mother. It is not until after age six that the child begins to energetically separate from the mother and establish their sense of being as an individual. This exemplifies the need for mother, the intimate connection we have with our mother and how much we are effected (positively or negatively) by this connection. Though our father is an influence on our creation (and in the Vedic understanding he is the seed) it is the Moon’s qualities that are the soil. Mother offers the womb, the nurturing, the container for the seed to grow. The Mother gives the vital ingredients for sustaining life it self. Without her, we are lost, misguided and lack the ability to live. Our connection to Moon (to Ma, to mother) directly correlates to our ability to live in harmony with life and feel the support and nurturing life has to offer. This is why Moon is connected to Soma in the Vedic texts. Soma is the nurturing nectar that is essential for life. Soma is connected the dosha Kapha (earth/water element) and it lubricates the micro channels, keeping the physical body flexible and flowing; it is often referred to as the “nectar of the gods” in the Vedic texts. It is through the somagenic qualities of the Moon that we are nurtured and given life. Gazing at the moon at night will give us a “drink of Soma”. The Moon changes signs roughly every 2.5 days which correlates to the fickle nature of the Moon, the emotions, the intuition. Moon is sensitive, artistic, social and emotional in nature. Those who are highly influenced by the Moon (visible through the Jyotish chart) are individuals that are connected deeply to the emotional body and must learn to surf these inner tides in this life. The primary work is to learn the emotions and work with them, not against them, to use them, not fight them. Moon people (as I refer to them) are often very connected to their mother, females, intuition, land, home, heart, nurturing and compassion. These are very caring people and need comfort and support in their life in order to feel safe and grounded. Family and social life is a central part of their lives and they may become overly attached to family and friends. Realizing that the whole world is here to support and nurture is a good reminder and focus. The Moon is friendly towards all the planets and doesn't make enemies- Moon people are the same. Conflict is extremely uncomfortable for these individuals. Moon is very social and loves community, neighbors and social interactions. However, Moon people are mutable and change to sync up with their surroundings. It is very important that Moon people keep very good sattvic (pure) company so that they do not become overburdened with dark energy. Being in water, near water and cleansing in water daily is helpful for Moon people to clear any energy they may have picked up during the day that is not their own. Moon people need to feel comfort and a sense of security in order to thrive. These people are sensitive and feel vulnerable, are easily hurt and damaged. Home, mother, security, land and the emotional/psychological aspects of life are very important to their sense of well being. Bhakti yoga and devotional practices will help the heart expand and be soothed. Following the phases of the moon and making adjustments with these cosmic tides can be helpful as well. Art and creativity are excellent tools (especially singing) for Moon people to move the emotional tides they are so connected to. Somatic and Expressive Art therapies are essential for these individuals. Moon people are here to learn to nurture and be nurtured, to work with the emotional realms and to expand their compassion and devotional abilities. For all of us, the Moon is a main influence on our well being. Without her, we are lost, misguided and without intuitive wisdom. It is important to know how your natal moon is effecting you, what you can expect from it, and what is best practice with the karmas you've chosen in this incarnation. Through studying your natal Moon and its relationship with the rest of your chart, you can gain more understanding of your mental/emotional body as well as your psychological and intuitive experiences. Studying the Moon transits, the phases and the lunar constellations known as nakshatras, are all vital tools of insight and understanding. The Moon is truly a gift of awareness, comfort and support when we create a relationship with her. Find out more about my Moon Diagnosis offering ::: Moon Mindfulness ::: Mind Your Moon
5.29 Moon in Capricorn transiting Sravana nakshatra until 21:47 CDT this evening. Sravana is ruled by Vishnu (and the moon), the all-pervasive Lord that is connected to akasha (space). It is through akasha that dharma is transmitted as well as all knowledge and wisdom- which creates harmony. Vishnu is a part of to the masculine holy trinity of Shiva (destroyer), Brahma (creator) and Vishnu (the maintainer). Vishnu also "conquered the worlds in three steps": earth, sky and heaven. Thus triples are connected to Sravana as well as expansiveness, open-mindedness and expansion of consciousness. Venus and Mercury are now in Gemini (Mercury's own sign) while Jupiter transits the gap in weak degrees- preparing for his transit to Gemini tomorrow. All three planets are in Mrgashiras nakshatra, ruled by the deity Soma/Moon. Venus and Mercury get drishti from Rahu. There is a lot of Moon energy enlivened today as well as the influence of Saturn. We may feel this sensitivity in body, mind and spirit (another expression of Vishnu's three realms) or even some depression as a result. Stay in the body and get some fresh air. The planet of knowledge and expansion (Jupiter) is in the netherworlds right now. Use this time for spiritual growth- meditation etc. |
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March 2017