This Week's Intention: Move with the changing tides. Be creative with the changes. Your creativity determines how well you will thrive. Monday begins with Moon finishing up its transit through Cancer, its own sign, where it is conjunct exalted Jupiter. Both receive drishti (gaze) from Mars and Ketu, adding some emotional fire and tenacity. Early morning Moon jumps into Leo and Magha nakshatra and sparks fly! Extra pressure may be felt as Moon receives drishti from Saturn now. The ancestors arrive with information and resources. Are you paying attention? Leo's ruling planet, Sun, is exalted in Aries right now with Moon waxing. Be aware of the heat today and do all that you can to work consciously with the pressure. Cool off! Let the steam out! Mercury has just moved to Taurus, joining Venus here in its own sign. Imaginal Mercury and Creative Venus do quite well together and invite inspiration and increased ideas to appear. We don't have to act upon every idea, but pay special attention in the coming weeks to those ideas that are worth activating. Once Venus moves to Gemini on May 2nd, these transits offer an exchange of signs (Venus rules Taurus and Mercury rules Gemini). Extra creativity is available to us and our relationships will be an important part of the creative process. Collaborate, co-create and communicate effectively what you need. Once Mars moves into Taurus on May 3rd, action steps become more important. Use this time to manifest your desires and put action behind them. Get what you want by saying what you mean and meaning what you say; then take it forth. Late morning on Tuesday, Moon shifts into Bhaga's domain, Purvaphalguni. Sensuality and pleasure rule the day. Get creative and let your artistry flow. Relate, co-create and communicate. Try doing this in some unusual or foreign way for better results. Notice where you are stuck in old patterns and not getting the results you want. Early afternoon Wednesday, Moon moves to the latter half of the Phalguni stars. Aryaman rules over Uttaraphalguni and reminds us how to sustain and nurture relationships and our creativity for lasting results. What do you bring to your relationships? What is your offering, your unique power? Turn on the light. Early evening, Moon moves to Virgo, joining Rahu, who brings illusions and intensity as well as worldly successes. Are you ready to unravel the mysteries of your karmas? Please join me for my weekly Jyotish Basics Classes. May registration closes midnight on April 29th. Sign Up Now. Moon continues to conjunct Rahu on Thursday transiting Uttaraphalguni the majority of the day. What desires are intensifying? What illusions are overshadowing you? Relationships are a main theme right now and may cause pleasure, pain or both. Notice your role in the tango. What actions and choices do you need to make for change? Communicate clearly. As Moon shifts into Hasta nakshatra late afternoon, Savitr brings the possibility of new awareness, awakening and more light to shine on our darkness. Notice if any new insights emerge to help you create lasting change. Friday comes with a warning. Both Mars and Venus are sandhi, opening two portals between signs. Mars is at the edge of his own sign, Aries, moving towards Taurus. Venus is at the edge of his own sign, Taurus, heading into Gemini. Be aware of heat and aggression in your relationships and your emotional responses. As Moon separates from Rahu, the shadow effect on our emotional body is lessening. Being aware of our emotions is necessary to cultivate a deeper understanding of our needs. What is working? What isn't? As Moon shifts into Chitra early evening, the heat may flare. Are you dancing with the fire or getting burned? Who or what do you direct the flames? Venus moves to Gemini on Saturday morning at 07:43 PDT. Venus does well in the creative and communicative sign of Gemini. With no aspects coming from other planets, Venus can more freely, express itself, create and co-create- as it loves to do. Use the coming weeks to let your creativity get out of hiding. Pull out your paints, craypas and dancing feet. Creativity determines how well you will thrive in your life. The more of it, the better. Work with it consciously. Need some creative support? Schedule a session with me. As Moon moves to Libra early Saturday morning, relationship and commerce themes emerge. Both require connecting and communication as well as the fluidity of Venus. Venus is weak as it arrives into Gemini, so be mindful of the delicacy of co-creation today. Sandhi Mars and exalted Sun give their drishti seven houses away, heating up emotions and our action steps. Slow down, stop and think before speaking or acting. Moon moves to the 15th and final tithi (phase) late in the evening as it shifts into Swati nakshatra. Emotional tides are high. High winds surface on Sunday as Swati nakshatra blows in. The winds of change are moving us. Sunday brings a full Moon in Libra and Swati Nakshatra at 22:41 CDT. The powerful wind god, Vayu, ruling deity of Swati nakshatra, brings inevitable changes during this full Moon and the waning cycle to come. Whether he arrives as a light breeze or as a mighty gust, he offers us fresh air and the ability to clear the cobwebs from the corners and sweep the dust that has long settled. Sometimes a small clean out is all that is required, other times a massive house cleaning is in order. It’s important to note what is needed, and how Nature supports our housecleaning. How will you use these winds of change in the coming weeks? What are your wants and needs? What action steps must be taken in order for life changing shifts to be made? Want more details about the effects of this full Moon? Would you like to deeply embody the theme for this new cycle? Get my 2015 Moon Wisdom Calendar. Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you.
Karma is such a loaded word. This ancient Sanskrit word is often used incorrectly as a reminder that you will either be punished or rewarded by your actions. The reality is that karma just means action- neither positive nor negative. Every action, however, does have a reaction, a result. I remember my guru, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, saying that "No one knows the ways of karma. No one." This was a very bold statement coming from such an enlightened man!! As a jyotishi, someone who studies karma, this is an especially intriguing and thought provoking statement for me to contemplate. Jyotish is in fact the study of karma and it intimately involves looking at the results of one's previous actions. Your jyotish chart is a map of your karmas at the time of your birth. All the actions that were incurred from previous life times that led you to the moment when life force, prana, brought you to life. I think of karma like luggage. Your bags are packed and they come with you on this journey through life and death. Some bags get unpacked, some do not. Some may get partially unpacked or re-packed. We all are carrying luggage and must work creatively with what we have brought with us. How you work with the contents of your karmic bags will determine the results and outcomes you receive. Can we change our Karma, the contents of our suitcases? There are karmas that can be changed and karmas that can not be changed- no matter how hard we try. Karmas are created just being alive, in a human form. Complexity arrives with our pre-determined karmas vs. our personal choice- karmas that we are creating right now. This is where the debate comes up about how much choice we actually have in changing our lives. The Four Types of Karmas: Samchita karmas are accumulated actions. They are dense, collective, and the sum total of all our past actions. These past actions are a very fundamental factor that determines your incarnation. Prarabdha karmas are those actions we’ve undertaken in this life time by being born. They determine the type of birth we will experience in this life time and what we've incurred karmically from our previous births, as well as the family karmas we've taken on. This is the karma that is packed into our suitcase. The Prarabdha karmas effect all aspects of our current incarnation and even the birth process it self. Your jyotish chart shows these karmas very clearly. The jyotish chart tells what actions have been incurred thus far and the possible ways they will ripen in this life time- for better or worse. Kriyamana karmas are based on our choices in the present life. These karmas plant the seeds for the future and the results that will come to us as a result. We are influenced greatly by our previous actions- which effect our current choices- however, with diligence, willingness and determination, we can make life changes through Kriyamana karmas. This is where the debate of free will begins. How much choice do we actually have to change our lives when so much is actually pre-determined? Agama karmas are those actions which are coming or approaching us. These karmas are created by our desires (expressed through Rahu). Desire is why we have incarnated into a human form on the Earth plane, into this lila, or play of life. It is a vital part of our existence, our creativity and manifestation process. The mind (imaginal body) creates from our desires while other influences support or negate these desires. The Agama karma's will cycle back into future karma's for this life and life times to come. This is where we must work very consciously. It is also why jyotish is so importing for creating self awareness. Using one's jyotish chart to time life events, manage our desires, find "best practice" for our efforts and even temper our desires, can help us bring more consciousness to our karmas. Using Vedic wisdom, meditation and specific healing modalities, we can start to make more conscious choices and action steps. Samchita and Prarabdha karmas can not be changed. They are actions that have already occurred and have set us up for our current life time. However, working very diligently with Kriyamana and Agama karmas can greatly effect our future karmas. Diligence and willingness (often determined by the Samchita and Prarabdha karmas) are vital for making life changes that will effect our future karmas. These choices can create new patterns for ourselves that will bear fruits in this life time and future life times. But it's not quite that simple. Karmas also have levels of intensity based on how strongly they are gripping us. There are three levels or strengths that determine how easily a karma can be changed or moved. These karmic strengths can also be determined by studying one's jyotish chart. Drdha karmas are very strong and solid. Their grip is tight, closed and fixed. The Buddha called Drdha karmas "written in stone". Some karmas are not as fixed or firm. These karmas are Drdha-Adrdha Karmas. These karmas are not as solid and they express the middle range of intensity. With effort, determination and conscious action steps, these karmas can be shifted and changed. Adrdha karmas are easily changed. Through conscious choices, life changes, remedial measures and positive action steps, these karmas can be more easily shifted and transformed. The Buddha referred to these karmas as "written in sand". In one's jyotish chart, one's karmic life map, the intensity of your karmas can be assessed and determined. Four factors are necessary to analyze one's karmas- the houses and the house lords as well as the karaka (indication) of the house itself. Finally, the house arudha (visible, tangible, externalized significations of the house) is a determining factor in karmic results. Additionally, fixed signs show karmas that are more drdha, dual signs offer more drdha-adrdha and moveable signs offer more adrdha results. Ready to unlock the mystery of your karmas? The simple reality that every action has a reaction can not be disputed. It's the results of our actions that can be difficult to determine though. There are millions of possible responses with every action that is taken, so how can we be sure we will have more positive outcomes? I remind my clients to be clear on their intentions. What is your intended result for your action steps? What type of response do you hope for? Use your intention as a tuning fork and keep aligning your actions to it. Then, notice where you feel this intention in your body. What impact does it have on your physical being? The body is the ultimate tuning fork, which can help us align with our highest potential. The messages of the body can help you determine if an action is going to have positive or negative effects on your life and overall well being. The physical (and emotional) bodies are intimately linked to our intuitive capabilities, our inner knowing. This is one of the main reasons I use embodiment resources in conjunction with the wisdom of jyotish. Studying your jyotish chart is the most powerful tool for unlocking the mysteries of your karmas. Using your karmic life map to deepen your understanding of why you were born and what you are here to accomplish is invaluable. In fact, the resource of jyotish is without a doubt the most powerful resource available for personal development and growth. I don't want you to take my word for it though. I want you to discover this for yourself. This is why I am so passionate about sharing my weekly Jyotish Basics Classes with you! My classes help you unlock the wisdom of your personal jyotish chart and discover your unique gifts and life purpose. Learn to understand your jyotish chart so you can determine your strengths and your weaknesses, your greatest challenges and also your most essential resources. There is no other tool of self-awareness more powerful than the wisdom of the jyotish chart! Are you ready to unravel the mysteries of your karmas? Please join me for my weekly Jyotish Basics Classes. May registration is now open, but only until April 29th. Sign up early to receive my Early Bird pricing as well as a free copy of your jyotish chart. Sign Up Now. Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. * My favorite Jyotish resource was used for this article, The Science of Light, by Freedom Tobias Cole. This Week's Intention: Start something and go for the gold! On Monday, the week begins with four planets in Aries, just after the new Moon. Aries helps us usher in newness and beginnings as well as fresh starts. Moon transits Krittika nakshatra, offering purification and transformation. What are you starting and what are you leaving behind? Moon is now waxing, helping us to ripen the potency of this time so it can be illuminated in the coming cycle. As Moon shifts into Taurus (joining Venus here) mid morning, it becomes exalted- in it's most expansive and expressive placement. Monday and Tuesday are extremely potent! Akshaya Tritiya, the day of lasting achievement, begins late evening on Monday, April 20th and continues through Tuesday morning, April 21st. It is the only day of the year where the Sun and Moon are both exalted while Moon is in Rohini nakshatra and in the third tithi, tritiya. This is an excellent time to start something new and take a powerful action step forward! In the Vedic tradition, it is said that all actions will be fruitful on this day. Wednesday begins with the Moon moving through the final portion of Taurus in Mrigashirsha nakshatra. Our creativity and nourishment begins to branch out. Expand your reach, connect and create in order to thrive more fully. Your action steps will determine the outcome of this. As Moon shifts into Gemini midday, communication and imagination are vital resources. Registration for May Jyotish Basics Classes has started! Don't miss out on these transformational and healing classes. Early Bird registration + my free gift ends this Sunday, April 26th! Get the Details. Power and potency arrive Thursday morning. Are you cultivating presence with your emotions or getting knocked down by them? As Moon moves through Ardra nakshatra today, it is important to work consciously with the emotional body- especially anger. Can you find the passion without getting burned by the flames? Nourishment, support and increased knowledge come with Punarvasu nakshatra and its ruling deity, Aditi, on Friday. The Mother of all Goodness arrives with awakening and unification if we choose to accept her benevolence and expansion. To soften our experience, Moon shifts into its own sign Cancer, joining exalted Jupiter here, early in the evening. This theme of nourishment and support carries us through the weekend. Tend to your heart, home and emotional wisdom, let in the good feelings and let go of the discomfort. Just as Saturday arrives, Moon shifts into Pushya nakshatra and the theme of nourishment intensifies. How are you getting your needs met? What is working? What isn't? Make sure self care is a top priority today. Spend time with water, earth and give special attention to you heart and home. Early morning Sunday, Moon enters Ashlesha nakshatra and conjuncts Jupiter closely. This nakshatra is ruled by Sarpa, the mystical serpent, as well as the planet Mercury. Our mental body may spark extra emotions today so navigate your inner waters consciously. As Mercury becomes sandhi and nears the edge of Aries, extra attention to the mental/emotional balance is paramount. Mercury moves to Taurus at 23:15 PDT, April 26th, joining Venus here in its own sign. Imaginal Mercury and Creative Venus do quite well together and invite inspiration and increased ideas to appear. We don't have to act upon every idea, but pay special attention in the coming weeks to those ideas that are worth activating. Once Venus moves to Gemini on May 2nd, these transits offer an exchange of signs (Venus rules Taurus and Mercury rules Gemini). Extra creativity is available to us and our relationships will be an important part of the creative process. Collaborate, co-create and communicate effectively what you need. Once Mars moves into Taurus on May 3rd, action steps become more important. Use this time to manifest your desires and put action behind them. Get what you want by saying what you mean and meaning what you say; then take it forth. My Jyotish Basics Classes have begun! Don't miss out on these transformational and healing classes. Registration for May classes closes on April 29th! Sign up for details.
Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. Now that Sun has moved to its sign of exaltation, Aries, and the beginning of the zodiac, we get a fresh start. The solar new year has begun! It's a very powerful time to start new endeavors as we receive a month of Sun's intense power and passion. Expect dynamism, charge, focus and determination, but don't get burned out! Use this heat and extra light force effectively in order for lasting, sustainable results. Set intentions and step into your power! Akshaya Tritiya, the day of lasting achievement, begins late evening on April 20th and continues through the morning of April 21st. It is the only day of the year where the Sun and Moon are both exalted while Moon is in Rohini nakshatra and the third tithi, tritiya. This is an excellent time to start something new and take a powerful action step forward! In the Vedic tradition, it is said that all actions will be fruitful on this day. During this waxing cycle we will experience two planetary shifts. The strong energy from multiple planets in Aries starts to move forward into Taurus and Gemini, inviting in more creativity and communication. Mercury moves to Taurus on April 26th and then Venus moves to Gemini on May 2nd. These transits offer an exchange of signs (Venus rules Taurus and Mercury rules Gemini). Extra creativity is available to us right now- and our relationships will be an important part of the creative process. Collaborate, co-create and communicate effectively what you need. Once Mars moves into Taurus on May 3rd, action steps become more important. Use this time to manifest your desires and put action behind them. Get what you want by saying what you mean and meaning what you say; then take it forth. Full Moon is Sunday, May 3rd at 22:41 CDT while in Libra. Do you want more details about the effects of this full Moon? Do you want to more deeply embody the theme for this new cycle? Get my 2015 Moon Wisdom Calendar. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: So much power is available to you right now. It's important that you channel your fire effectively so you don't burn yourself out. Instead of running in high gear all the time, try keeping it in second gear and spread your energy out for more sustainability. Keep your embers burning steady, don't get torched by your inner bonfire. Resources are coming but your creativity and communication abilities will determine the results. Don't forget to pause and take in the nourishment. Taurus: The time you have been spending nourishing yourself and rejuvenating has been time well spent. Continue to put effort into retreats, rest and meditation as well as travels, but try to relax in the process. Some greater balance is being created in your relationships. Can you feel the support developing? Or are you too confused to notice? Focus on your needs and how to get them met. If the relationship doesn't nourish you, it's time to find a new relationship with it. Gemini: You're experiencing the results of losses and as a result, new doors are now opening. Fully let go in order to fully invite in. Gains will be a result of making space for new endeavors. Take action steps that get you where you want to go and move you closer to your desires and dreams. Nourishment is so important for you right now. Do you know what you need in order to get the nourishment and support you deserve? Work on balancing inner and outer, rest and activity. Cancer: You are learning how to regulate yourself more and your emotions are helping you identify what needs some more attention. Your stomach has the most information to share about what you need for nourishment and support. Have you been paying attention? Channel your desires into creative projects and career. There's ample power available to get the job done and gains to receive from your efforts. What you put in is what you get out. Leo: The power moving through you is unstoppable. Capture this energy and the passion that is inspiring you. This will feed you and be a reminder in the coming months how to make some big, bold life changes. Your passion is contagious. Make sure you are sharing it with others and teaching by being your bold, passionate self. Go for the nourishment and let wisdom be a way to rejuvenate yourself. Take time for meditation and soften the rigidity of your heart. Do what you feel. Virgo: The change, transformation and upheaval is likely overwhelming right now. The past is returning to help you change into the being you desperately desire to become. Relationships are reminding you what you need and don't need, what works and no longer serves you. Use the discomfort to polish yourself from the inside out. Feel around in the darkness for the light switch. Libra: Relationships are hot! The fires are burning within you. Are you getting scorched or fed by the passion? Meet and greet. Get courageous about connecting and co-creating. But watch out for old relationship patterns creeping back in. This is an opportunity for you to really look at your personal mythology around relationships. If there are challenges and strong emotions, it's time to hit the pause button and do some deeper inquiry. Get nourished by your career and sharing your wisdom. Scorpio: As challenging as this deconstruction and reconstruction phase is, the biggest challenge is receiving the support and nourishment that is available to you. This is a time of extremely potent creative potential. This is your main skill: manifesting your desires. Getting your needs met has everything to do with asking for exactly what you want. When the emotion is strong and challenging, it's your job to be aware of what isn't working. This is the message that it's time to get your needs met in a different way. What action steps are you taking to insure you get the support you need? Sagittarius: The power in your gut is a mighty force of strength and vitality. Are you listening to your gut wisdom and trusting its messages? The food and substance cravings are reminders that you need more sweetness, more joy in your life. How can you get your needs met with deeper more sustainable nourishment? Take time for meditation, movement and emotional body purging. Let your heart and stomach share their dialogue with you. Their messages will tell you how to move forward with your life in a more fulfilling way. Capricorn: Heart burn or hearts desire? Your heart is a courageous force right now, leading you forward with strength and power. What sets your heart on fire? How can you lead more from the heart? What boundaries does your heart need in order to feel safe, secure and supported? How can you get more resources and wisdom from your heart, your breath, the open and close of your ribcase? Nourishment is available from relationships as well as passion and romance. How available are you to receive it? Aquarius: Courage is a powerful theme for you right now. Be courageous with your artistry and creativity. Let this nourish and support you, heal and transform you. Look at your relationships from a different angle and courageously confront the challenges they offer you. These are gifts in disguise if you choose to accept them. Working with the discomfort will help you find deeper nourishment but it requires that you dive more deeply. What feeds you and nourishes you? What must be digested and released? This clarity will help you solidify your life offering. Your steady action steps will pay off as you ripen. Pisces: Endings are leading you towards new beginnings and it's likely uncomfortable. You're like a fire breathing dragon right now! What are you setting on fire? Torch the stuff that needs it, but watch out for acid reflux. Relationships continue to deceive and cause confusion. Listen to your anger intently and notice what needs are not being met. Get creative and channel your anger into passion and courage. Right now, time is your guru. My Jyotish Basics Classes have begun! Don't miss out on these transformational and healing classes. Registration for May classes closes on April 29th! Sign up for details. Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. This Week's Intention: Step powerfully into your one precious life and don't look back. Monday begins with Moon transiting Capricorn and Sravana nakshatra- a domain ruled by Vishnu that offers expansion and awareness. Dharma and sharing knowledge are especially activated here, so remember to listen, share and connect. Seek new insights, pieces that feel important for your path, and linger with these messages. With Rahu, Saturn and Jupiter all giving drishti (gaze) to the Moon right now, we may feel the pressure from multiple sides. Are you in the storm or outside of it? Moon moves to Dhanishta nakshatra early evening on Monday, inviting in the light of the Vasu Devas who help us shine, see and be seen. The Vasu Devas support manifestation by allowing us to share our creative energy and get recognition for it. Money, wealth and material support comes as a result of this sharing and shining. Use this time to connect and create, see and be seen. This themes takes us through Tuesday afternoon. The gandanta (gap) portal between Pisces and Aries is wide open as Sun leaps into the beginning of the zodiac and a new cycle. The Sun's movement from water to fire signs brings a powerful shift in energy. Release, letting go, liberation and themes around death have been intensifying over the past few weeks. These themes especially connect to our sense of self, ego, power, authority and father. Be aware of the vulnerability and tenderness of this time and don't push too hard. Sun moves to its sign of exaltation, Aries at 00:53 PDT, joining Mars and Mercury here as well. This is the beginning of the solar new year and a very powerful time to start new endeavors. We now get a month of Sun's intense power and passion. Expect dynamism, charge, focus and determination. Don't get burned out! Use this heat and extra light force effectively in order for lasting, sustainable results. Set intentions and step into your power! Moon transits Aquarius and moves to Satabisha nakshatra Tuesday afternoon when Varuna arrives to share his all-seeing wisdom. Nothing gets past his gaze! He rules over Natural Law and determines what is life supportive and what is not. Guard your health today and tomorrow and be conscientious about how you use your body, mind and spirit. His judgement and wisdom are here to keep you in check. By noon on Wednesday, the Moon transits Purvabhadra nakshatra, the domain of Ajaikapada, another name for Nataraja, lord of the dance. One foot is standing and grounded firmly, while his other leg is lifted, prepared to step. He represents the ultimate life balance as well as having one foot in two different realms. Work with balance today, even if it feels impossible. Take conscious steps and ask for support. Late morning on Thursday, Moon transits into Pisces and the latter half of the Bhadrapada constellation- Uttara Bhadrapada. Moon joins Ketu here and receives drishti from Rahu and Jupiter. Ruling deity of this constellation, Ahirbudhnya, offers deep discoveries today for those who are willing to take the plunge into the nether realms. From our depths, we can find the missing pieces necessary for awakening. How deep are you willing to dive? Remember to come up for air. My mid morning, Moon moves into Revati nakshatra and into a tight conjunction with Ketu. Revati and its ruling deity, Pushan, insure safe and supportive travels, nourishment and fruitful explorations. Ketu insures that there will be some new light and awareness arriving, though not without some pinching and pruning as well. What parts of yourself are you releasing and letting go of in order for your journey to be more fruitful? New Moon is Saturday at 11:57 am PDT while Moon is in Ashwini nakshatra. Aries demands our attention for the new Moon, with exalted Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars (in its own sign) all in the headstrong sign of the Ram, simultaneously. As the first sign in the zodiac, Aries evokes beginnings and fresh starts, and requests that we pay attention to what we are starting, how we are starting it, and what our intention is as we step forward into the newness. Do you want more details about the effects of this new Moon? Do you want to more deeply embody the theme for this new cycle? Get my 2015 Moon Wisdom Calendar. Saturday is full of fresh starts, but make sure you take time for rejuvenation and enjoyment. Rest, relax and restore! Early Sunday morning, Moon shifts to Bharani nakshatra, joining Mars and Mercury in this lunar constellation. Yama brings support with death, dying and transformations. Great sensitivity will be felt today, so pay close attention to your emotional body needs as relationships will be impacted greatly. Monday brings an exalted Moon in Taurus conjunct Venus. Get ready to feel what you feel and channel it properly!! *Timing and calculations are using Pacific Daylight Time.
Did you catch my *free* class Ultimate Self Care for Sensitive Types? You can still listen to it until April 15th. I've also just re-launched my Be Your Gift class series for those seeking deeper support for their sensitivity. Sign up to hear the replay. Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. |
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