This Week's Intention: Activate your full creative potential with slow, attentive steps. Be mindful of burnout and misusing your life force energy. Channel your creativity consciously- in order to maximize your manifestation magic! The new Moon in Taurus and Rohini nakshatra behind us, a creative and passionate cycle begins. As the Moon continues to wax, manifestation comes to the forefront. Needs increase, as well as the awareness of what your needs are. It's time to create what you want and get results! But be sure to start this process by first honoring the the seeds you're planting with tenderness and presence. Monday, June 6th Moon in 2nd tithi Dvitiya The week begins with the intense energy of Ardra just as Moon begins its waxing cycle. The emotional body is still fragile, inward and sensitive. Moon moves through Gemini, while its ruling planet Mercury moves to the edge of Aries. The mind and emotions are delicate today and Ardra's ferocity may provoke unpredictable emotional outbursts from you and from others. Passions are high, confusion is strong, overwhelm is present. Do you choose to land in the storm or in the eye of it. You get to use your power with freewill. To read the full report, sign up for my membership. Need some personal guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Feeling stuck, lacking momentum and curious how your jyotish chart can help you create lasting change? Join me for my Jyotish Astrology Classes. Learn how to re-pattern, transform and heal karmic blockages. Get the Details
The cycle to come is a particularly vulnerable one for the emotional body and our feelings. Our inner emotional tides may feel hot, agitated, fearful, driven- with a sense of challenge and conflict emerging. This theme continues for the waxing Moon cycle to come. Keep Kleenex handy and watch for sudden emotional outbursts. Are you taking out your need for safety and security on others? Or are you asking for support and resources that align with deeper nourishment? Go slow and take ample pauses- to check your inner landscape for clues. In the coming waxing cycle, find ways to create, connect and imagine in new, more heart felt ways. Get focused on what you truly need for deep, unwavering nourishment. What feeds your soul? What have you neglected that your heart is hungry for? Want the extended version of my New Moon Wisdom? Purchase my 2015 Moon Wisdom Calendar for extra cosmic insights. Get It. Though the emotions may be heightened, this cycle is a particularly powerful one for mental body, physical body and our soul's work. Consider the potency to come a grande opportunity. One that we all need to maximize in very important ways. It's not a time to sit idle and be lackadaisical. It would be a grande waste to be without intention and clarity in the cycle to come. As Sun shifts to its mulitrikona and own sign, Leo, on August 16th at 23:30 Pacific time, he joins Jupiter, Mercury and Moon here as well. All receive the stern gaze of Saturn who insists on focus, structure and stability. Suddenly our power has a chance to align with purpose in this month to come! But not without deep intention. This Sun cycle activates passion in new ways and offers renewal, fresh starts and a new resolve for all. Simultaneously, heart passion will be potent and forceful. Heart burn or heart wisdom? Channel the heat carefully and intentionally. Connect, create and reach out in powerful ways. Let community and relationships support you and your efforts. Do not self isolate! Work consciously with your father self and your masculine energy. Diligently clear your inner psycho-emotional and psycho-spiritual blockages and obstacles, inherited from your father and his lineage. Simultaneously, step into the strengths and gifts that have been offered from him as well. Put structures in place that support your work, vision and longevity. Be a manager, a CEO, and use your energy wisely. Let your power align with a deeper sense of purpose. If you're one without a strong calling or sense of life purpose, now is the time to commit like never before. Use this time to follow your soul's longing and dedicate your actions to activating your dharma. If you need support, ask for it, but don't miss this chance to align with your inner power and wisdom. Need resources? Ask me for help. Use this cycle to find clarity, support and activate your dharmic wisdom. Seek empowerment, but watch for over-active ego simultaneously. You'll know if you're out of balance when entitlement, anger, agitation, rigidity or self-righteousness arrives. This is your red flag that you need to step back into a more heart-centered place of compassion. The power of the Sun is strengthened as his officer, Mercury (the mental body) moves to Virgo, its sign of exaltation, mulitrikona and own sign. Extra support arrives for our mind, our creative endeavors and all communication efforts. As Mercury shifts into Virgo on August 22nd at 19:50 Pacific time, he joins Rahu here and Ketu gives his re-structuring gaze from seven houses away. The conjunction of Mercury and Rahu during this cycle will effect individuals differently. For some, the confusion of Rahu will undermine the potency of Mercury being well positioned. Others will experience a massive upswing in finances, connections and creativity. Your ability to resource from your inner strength and power will determine your success during this extra long Virgo transit. What is your relationship with your shadow? Can you tame the beast, call it on its self-deprecation and consciously work with overcoming limiting beliefs? Success will come to those who take the dark and turn it into the light. Your biggest struggles are asking you to rise to the occasion. Turn struggle and challenge into gifts and awakening. This Mercury cycle is extra long and unusual. In many regards it is an offering with extra graces- if we choose to use them as such. Mercury usually makes fairly swift movements, yet his retrograde motion will prolong his dance through his favorite sign. He will retrograde on September 17th, then go direct on October 9th, and finally leave Virgo on the 28th of October. During this back and forth shuffle, he will move in and out of his most potent degree range and also slide in and out of his mulitrikona and own sign degrees. We get a smorgasbord of his support, struggles and potency. An exalted planet shares 100% of his energy, mulitrikona 75% and own sign 50%. Remember that once he retrogrades, at times he will be considered debilitated as he moves back through his exaltation degrees. (Exalted planets in retrograde motion are considered debilitated). This occurs from September 28th to October 9th to be exact. At this time he is closely conjunct Rahu and combust (burnt) from the Sun. Certainly a time to be very diligent with our mental body, our shadow work and our ego. Use this time for conscious self development work and spiritual practices. During this Mercury transit through Virgo, we will all need to pay special attention to our mental body, our imaginal body. Stories, thoughts, ideas and words will be extra strong and powerful as will our creativity and imagination. This is the part of our being that can create magic, or destroy us. Depending on Mercury's placement in your chart and your relationship with him, this could be an extra challenging cycle, or a powerful and creative game-changer. Being on top of your mental/emotional body dynamics will be vital. Ready to take your creative potential and turn it into a life of thriving?! Don't miss my online Creativity + Embodiment Immersion. Get the Details. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic (sidereal) rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your Western sign (Tropical) as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart Aries: Take the potency that's been percolating in your heart center and channel it into power and passion. Let romance, creativity and your child-like senses be aroused. Enjoy some fun and sensuality. The coming months will support finances. Work diligently on overcoming the mental blockages that are keeping you from inner and outer success. Consciously work on the link between your financial issues and your lack of nourishment. Overcoming mental obstacles is your clue for big change. Healing and change are possible if you take on your shadow self. Taurus: Your creativity will be served by connecting with your heart wisdom and spirituality going forward. Start to lead with your passionate heart and don't hold back. Focus on home, land and your parents, as well as your career. Share, shine and be seen- as long as it aligns with your heart's desires. Romance is about to become much more mental. It's time to start writing love letters! Creativity, artistry and intelligence are about to get an upgrade. The strides and changes you make will be determined by your courage to face your shadow. Gemini: Orient yourself towards getting greater nourishment into your physical and emotional bodies. Pay attention to feelings, as this is how we manifest what we want more of in life. Money is a source of energetic nourishment. The way to make more of it is by feeling it as a nourishing resource. Use your creative powers to increase and maximize what you need. Let your heart wisdom and gut wisdom share with you. Listen carefully for clues regarding your life malnourishment. How can you feed yourself better- in all areas of your life? Clue: healthy boundaries. Cancer: Full steam ahead. Take the power of the past month and channel it into greater wealth and nourishment. Speak boldly and from your truth. Expression will get you what you want. Can you share in meaningful ways? Creativity is activating in some very bold and powerful ways. Let your hands be the catalyst for your creative endeavors. Can you integrate your spiritual and artistic ideas and ideals? This will truly be a winning combination for you. Leo: Start wishing upon stars and channeling the power of the sunlight. You are a bright and shiny object that people can't help but stare at! Use your light and wisdom for the good of others and make an impact. Lead with your heart, roar like a lion and speak the truth. Money, creativity and deeper nourishment are yours for the taking, but only if you're diligent with your mental body. Track and wrangle the beast called "mind" and consciously navigate your shadow at every turn. This is where you'll find your power button. Virgo: Gains continue to arrive from losses and letting go of what no longer serves you. There is healing for heart and relationships as you do so. Retreat and meditation time will help you turn on your inner lights more brightly. Shine and share your spirit with the world and let your inner wisdom be a resource for awakening your power. The coming months are potent for you as Mercury moves to Virgo. Communicate, share your message and activate your creative potential. Step out from behind your shadow, but keep working with it consciously. Libra: Take your recent passion and power and activate it into further gains. Do so by being clear about your action steps. This requires that you let go of some things and close a few doors. Narrow your focus and go for your goals and desires strategically. Meditation and retreats will serve you in powerful ways over the course of the next few months. Consciously work on liberating your mental blockages and limiting beliefs with spiritual techniques and alone time. This will help with your clarity and focusing your power. Scorpio: Focus on structure and getting more systems and support in place. Dharmic wisdom becomes your powerful life offering. Share, be seen, step out into the world boldly. Rise and shine! Gains are yours for the taking. Let creativity, imagination, connections, creativity and communication be the resources for your upswing. Be diligent with actions, choices and direction. Let doors close and let go of what no longer serves you. Work diligently with your shadow to maximize your gains. Sagittarius: Keep clearing out the channels of your heart and letting go of emotional body pain through spiritual insights and awakening. Let relationships heal and transform while asking for greater support and connection simultaneously. This is a powerful time of dharma activation. Use all your efforts to consciously step onto your path of awakening and serving the world. Don't turn back! Use the coming months to share your message, communicate, write and speak to the world. Attract your tribe with a potent message. Capricorn: This cycle is about inner power all the way! Strength and power from your internal light source will be illuminating you. Let it be contagious and draw people in- just by being. Meditate and consciously work with transformation and healing past wounds. Dharmic activation is about to get maximized. Are you ready for the clarity, focus and drive? Write, speak, create, share, connect. Repeat. Don't get tripped up on dogma, authority figures or pseudo power. Diligently work on your own mental body challenges so you can identify the shadows happening around you. Aquarius: Continue putting structures in place that support movement forward and intentions for success. Your efforts will be supported through relationships, connections and communication. Soften your heart and rigidity. Notice where you resist the vital nourishment you are craving. For now, being in support roles can be great learning for you- as long as you look consciously in the mirror. Meditation is a crucial transformational tool for you in the coming cycle. Tame the beast within and bravely look at your darkness. Pisces: There's a light bulb in your head that won't turn off. Don't try. It's helping you awaken from your pain and suffering, clear old relationships wounds and open your heart chakra. This process is helping activating your inner power in new ways. Clear up bad habits and out worn patterns by letting go, releasing and healing. Rise to the occasion. You can quit picking at your scabs and licking your wounds now. Are you ready to see your own light? In the coming months, diligently look at your own shadows in order to attract new types of relationship and connection. This is the beginning of much deeper change. Ready to take your creative potential and turn it into a life of thriving?! Don't miss my online Creativity + Embodiment Immersion. Get the Details. Need some extra guidance and clarity? I have a few September sessions still available. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. This Week's Intention: Activate your inner power ~ move forward with intention and purpose. Moon is waxing and the week begins with the third tithi (phase) called tritiya- Vishnu's domain. Just before Monday begins, Sun leaps to its own sign, Leo. Late in the week, Mercury shifts to its sign of exaltation. This is a very powerful time ahead. I urge everyone to use the coming cycles in very conscious ways. Don't waste this precious window of opportunity! Activate and align with your full potential, dharma and inner wisdom. As Sun shifts to its mulitrikona and own sign, Leo, on August 16th at 23:30 Pacific time, he joins Jupiter, Mercury and Moon here as well. All receive the stern gaze of Saturn who insists on focus, structure and stability. Suddenly our power has a chance to align with purpose in this month to come! But not without deep intention. This Sun cycle activates passion in new ways and offers renewal, fresh starts and a new resolve for all. Simultaneously, heart passion will be potent and forceful. Heart burn or heart wisdom? Channel the heat carefully and intentionally. Connect, create and reach out in powerful ways. Let community and relationships support you and your efforts. Do not self isolate! Work consciously with your father self and your masculine energy. Diligently clear your inner psycho-emotional and psycho-spiritual blockages and obstacles, inherited from your father and his lineage. Simultaneously, step into the strengths and gifts that have been offered from him as well. Put structures in place that support your work, vision and longevity. Be a manager, a CEO, and use your energy wisely. Let your power align with a deeper sense of purpose. If you're one without a strong calling or sense of life purpose, now is the time to commit like never before. Use this time to follow your soul's longing and dedicate your actions to activating your dharma. If you need support, ask for it, but don't miss this chance to align with your inner power and wisdom. Need resources? Ask me for help. Use this cycle to find clarity, support and activate your dharmic wisdom. Seek empowerment, but watch for over-active ego simultaneously. You'll know if you're out of balance when entitlement, anger, agitation, rigidity or self-righteousness arrives. This is your red flag that you need to step back into a more heart-centered place of compassion. Monday, Moon moves from Leo to Virgo in the early hours of the morning, joining Rahu here. Both planets are in UttaraPhalguni, the second half of the fertile star pattern, Phalguni. Aryaman is the ruling deity. He desires comfort, connection and sustainability as well as creativity. He supports lasting relationships and marriage contracts as well as what the ancestors adore- children, family and lineage. Moon conjuncts Rahu today which increases cravings, desires, uncertainties and shadow work. What desires have you overwhelmed, uncertain, fearful? Where can you surrender and let go? Late evening, Moon moves to Savitr's domain, Hasta nakshatra, and continues through this constellation through Tuesday. The gifts of Savitr are awakening and insight, light and the dawning of consciousness. Are you awake or sleep walking? Where do you need to step into your life more consciously? What action steps can you take to activate your awareness and inner wisdom? This is not a time to be asleep at the wheel! Get out of auto pilot and awaken! Ready to take your creative potential and turn it into a life of thriving?! Don't miss my online Creativity + Embodiment Immersion. Get the Details. On Wednesday, Moon shifts to Chitra nakshatra and Vishvakarma instigates creative energy. He want our creative powers to be activated through action steps (hence karma). Chitra is ruled by the planet Mars. Currently our fire is debilitated in Cancer. Many are feeling frustrations, delays or setbacks with taking necessary action. Make today potent with conscious momentum. What action step can you take today towards creativity and building your empire? Get it! Late afternoon, Moon moves to Libra, receiving the gaze of debilitated Mars. Connect, communicate and create, but lead with your heart. Just as Thursday arrives, Moon waltzes into Swati nakshatra, Vayu's constellation. He brings movement, swift change and intense strength with him. His Rudra energy creates powerful momentum and can arrive as a soft breeze or gale force winds. Are you being blown around or are you harnessing your wind power? Find the calm in the center of your storm. Let go of energy drains and the unnecessary. Be strategic, forceful and clear about your direction. Late morning Friday, Moon changes to Vishaka's nakshatra and collaboration becomes crucial. Indra and Agni are the dual ruling deities of this constellation. As Moon illuminates these stars, we are urged to connect, co-create and find ways to be in community. How can you be both- support and supported? Who and what do you need in your life to help your process and journey? What do you need in order to thrive? Ask for help and get your needs met. Mercury is at the edge of Leo today. Resource from your imaginal body and make a list of what you need in order to step up your life. Ready to take your creative potential and turn it into a life of thriving?! Don't miss my online Creativity + Embodiment Immersion. Get the Details. As Saturday arrives, Moon shifts to its debilitation sign, Scorpio, conjuncting Saturn, planet of our grief and suffering. This collision of planets increases sadness, depression and especially loss. Expect tears and extra emotional body sensitivity over the next few days. Tend to your inner realms and physical body. Late Saturday morning, Moon shifts to Anuradha nakshatra. The ruler of this constellation is Mitra, who makes Anuradha the "friendly star". Connect with your friendships today and be a friend to those in need. Dance with the art of giving and receiving, opening and closing, inviting in and letting go. Find your dance with joy and sadness and practice graceful steps. Mercury (the mental body) moves to Virgo, its sign of exaltation, mulitrikona and own sign. Extra support arrives for our mind, our creative endeavors and all communication efforts. As Mercury shifts into Virgo on August 22nd at 19:50 Pacific time, he joins Rahu here and Ketu gives his re-structuring gaze from seven houses away. The conjunction of Mercury and Rahu during this cycle will effect individuals differently. For some, the confusion of Rahu will undermine the potency of Mercury being well positioned. Others will experience a massive upswing in finances, connections and creativity. Your ability to resource from your inner strength and power will determine your success during this extra long Virgo transit. What is your relationship with your shadow? Can you tame the beast, call it on its self-deprecation and consciously work with overcoming limiting beliefs? Success will come to those who take the dark and turn it into the light. Your biggest struggles are asking you to rise to the occasion. Turn struggle and challenge into gifts and awakening. This Mercury cycle is extra long and unusual. In many regards it is an offering with extra graces- if we choose to use them as such. Mercury usually makes fairly swift movements, yet his retrograde motion will prolong his dance through his favorite sign. He will retrograde on September 17th, then go direct on October 9th, and finally leave Virgo on the 28th of October. During this back and forth shuffle, he will move in and out of his most potent degree range and also slide in and out of his mulitrikona and own sign degrees. We get a smorgasbord of his support, struggles and potency. An exalted planet shares 100% of his energy, mulitrikona 75% and own sign 50%. Remember that once he retrogrades, at times he will be considered debilitated as he moves back through his exaltation degrees. (Exalted planets in retrograde motion are considered debilitated). This occurs from September 28th to October 9th to be exact. At this time he is closely conjunct Rahu and combust (burnt) from the Sun. Certainly a time to be very diligent with our mental body, our shadow work and our ego. Use this time for conscious self development work and spiritual practices. During this Mercury transit through Virgo, we will all need to pay special attention to our mental body, our imaginal body. Stories, thoughts, ideas and words will be extra strong and powerful as will our creativity and imagination. This is the part of our being that can create magic, or destroy us. Depending on Mercury's placement in your chart and your relationship with him, this could be an extra challenging cycle, or a powerful and creative game-changer. Being on top of your mental/emotional body dynamics will be vital. Sunday late morning, Moon moves to the final nakshatra of Scorpio, Jyeshtha. Sun and Jupiter are closely conjunct in Leo and Mercury has just shifted to Virgo, still weak in degrees. Our body, mind, emotions and spirit are fragile right now. There are challenges with the changes as we all find a new sense of normalcy and grounding. Resource from the physical body and somatic wisdom today. Use embodiment resources and a 4 Level Check-in to land on your feet. Indra rules the day and requires that we tend to our sensitivity as well as our senses. Are you being ruled by your wild horses or are you holding the reigns? Take this wisdom into Monday. Ready to take your creative potential and turn it into a life of thriving?! Don't miss my online Creativity + Embodiment Immersion. Get the Details.
Need some extra guidance and clarity? I have a few September sessions still available. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. Retrograde Mercury has a bad rap. Many astrologers like to tell us that life goes a bit haywire when Mercury assumes a "backward" motion in the sky. A lot of emphasis is put on not starting new things, understanding that communication will be "off" and that we are all entitled to blame things not running smoothly on retrograde Mercury.
Contrary to these popular beliefs, it isn't quite that easy to explain. I have found that most of these interpretations come from Western astrologers using a Tropical system, but that the Jyotish (Sidereal) approach differs quite a bit. My personal experience has shown that retrograde Mercury can be a gift in fact. I look forward to retrograde cycles for many reasons. We know that retrograde planets are seemingly moving in reverse. (Seemingly, because the planet only appears to be moving backwards due to the planets' elliptical orbit and this is only in relation to our view from the Earth not that the planet is actually moving backward). Retrograde planets are moving against the forward flow and forward momentum of the other planets. Rahu and Ketu are always moving in retrograde motion and these lunar nodes show us where our past karmic cleanup is being directed. In a similar way, retrograde planets direct our focus, or re-direct our focus in essence. They become stronger as a result and increase the indication of the planets and our desires as a result. An exalted planet that goes retrograde becomes nica (debilitated) while a debilitated planet when retrograde will become uccha (exalted). Obviously there is great power in the retrograde motion, but perhaps dire predictions should be tamed, as great benefits can also result from this movement as well. I look forward to retrograde cycles. I almost get giddy about it in fact! Have you ever wished for a delete button on life? Or a rewind option? Have you ever wished for a pause button where you could then find a better way to do something? Retrograde planets give us this opportunity. But we must be armed with awareness in order to reap the greatest benefits from these cycles. Retrograde Mercury offers many wonderful possibilities to us for growth and creativity, for connecting and communicating in new and different ways. Look for the mental body to be retracing old steps, conversations to be revisited, behavioral patterns to come to light and a chance to re-do what is has not been working in your favor. Relationships might come into question and your experience with them, so listen closely as you are being offered an opportunity to make some changes this time. Financially and with business agendas, we will be in a rewind as well. This is not a bad thing at all. Missed opportunities will be available to us once again and doors will re-open that we thought were closed. Be willing to take a new direction, re-direct your focus, and stay open minded about new possibilities. Retrograde Mercury can be genius for finding new strategies, ingenuity and a gaining a new creative edge. Old accounts and business clients may re-visit you, suddenly making a re-appearance and be in need of your services. This can be a great thing for income and increased business. It can offer us a "return on our investments" whether this comes through monetary means or through past investments of time and effort. Mercury begins its retrograde motion on February 6th (and returns to direct motion on 2.28). At this time Mercury will be moving from Aquarius back into Capricorn which will make him sandhi (in weak degrees) for a few days as he gains strength in Capricorn. Then once he begins his direct movement after the 28th, he will retrace the sandhi junction between Capricorn and Aquarius. This needs to be taken into account for this particular cycle and will effect his "strength", but can offer greater possibility for intuitive insights and inner excavation at the same time. During this transit he will mostly be in the nakshatra Dhanishta, the shining star ruled by the Vasudevas. The Vasudevas help us with success, prosperity and being seen. The planetary ruler is Mars, while both Capricorn and Aquarius are ruled by Saturn. Thus these planets and their placements/nakshatras will also be part of the dynamics of Mercury's movements. Jupiter's transit through Gemini a sign ruled by Mercury also throws in his two cents. Simultaneously, Mars will begin his dance into Libra (on 2.04) which will put him in sandhi as he changes signs and will effect our experience as well. (Read about Mars and what you can expect from his eight months of forward/backward movements in between Virgo and Libra). This will be a great time for us to be building and implementing our desires- even if it is only on a mental level during the next few weeks. Pay attention to your dreams and desires at this time as they offer insights into where to put your focus and attention. Dream big and write these desires down, making a more solid contract with the universe. The planets begin a complicated and intricate weaving of multiple forward and backward movements simultaneously in the coming weeks and months. We can be certain that much will be offered to us in regard to re-visiting our past actions and experiences, while giving us opportunities to do things differently at the same time. Mercury's retrograde motion which begins this week is an opportunity for revisiting our goals and desires, finding new, more innovative ways for accomplishing our visions and making them a reality. When chaos enters, it can be an opportunity for us to hit the pause button on our lives and to find a different, more life supporting option for ourselves. A lesson to be learned; likely a big one since it has re-appeared. Stay alert and see these calamities as opportunities for growth. Some of us will be surprised with monetary and relational gifts however, and depending on your individual chart, this Mercury cycle can bring great benefits and favors. Be alert to the changes in your self and strive for more mental balance. Follow my blog for transit reports, horoscopes and daily Moon Mind posts in order to help your Self-tracking efforts. Utilize my Creative Engagement Activities to assist you with this process as well, using a jyotish inspired approach to Expressive Art Therapy. Moon is waning (Krishna Paksha) and transits Leo, Virgo, Libra and into Scorpio (its sign of debilitation) this week. Moon is debilitated from the 25th until mid day on the 27th. Use this time to listen to your intuition and subtle messages.
For a jyotish Moon-centered approach to your day, follow my daily Moon Mind posts via Face Book. Sun moves to Sravana nakshatra on 1.23. Ruled by Vishnu. This placement should bring movement towards dharma and knowledge. We must listen carefully however and make sure to act on intuitive guidance here in order to maximize the benefits. Wednesday, 1.22, Mercury moves to Dhanishta nakshatra, ruled by the Vasudevas- sources of illumination and prosperity. At the end of the week, Mercury moves to Aquarius- on 1.26 at 12:03 pm CST. Mercury will receive drishti from both Rahu and Jupiter in a sign ruled by Saturn. Mercury is weak in degrees (sandhi) from the 25th through the 28th. Some level of expansion, worldly gains and increased business and commerce are possible in the coming weeks. But temper obsessive compulsive behaviors, greed, cravings and excesses as well as negative thought patterns. Temper your asuras in other words. Late in the week and into early next week, mental acuity is less, so avoid important decisions at this time. If you have been uncertain about seeking guidance and support for the coming year, I urge you to reach out and get help refining your vision for 2014. Intention is potent! It is a big year with multiple {major} planetary changes. We will experience the changes of Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu, Saturn and unusual movements of Mars all in the next eleven months. Big changes are in store for each of us! Feeling uncertain about your action steps? What needs to change in order for growth? What kind of support you need? Schedule a yearly progression with me in order to make your New Year a truly transformational year. Utilize my jyoti/creative arts activities as a healing & awareness tool for your week. This week's activity has to do with creating a sense of fullness using mandalas. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Right now your career is teaching you about "best practice" but perhaps the lessons are coming in the form of "what not to do" from your work relationships. Relationships in general continue to prove insightful and a source of growth. Learning from past relationships is a theme right now and may provide you with a window into what no longer serves you. Cut out whoever and whatever is not serving your higher purpose, higher being. There's no time like the present to purge and let go. Taurus: If you are paying close attention, you may be noticing your deepest vulnerabilities are providing an opportunity to teach you about strength, resiliency and power. Relationships, friendships and wealth will provide the biggest source of insight and information so watch your responses and reactions for clues. Digestion and what you ingest are still central themes. What are you putting into your body? What are you ingesting from environment and relations? The release will be assisted with meditation and surrender. Gemini: Head clearing and heart clearing continue by way of your digestion. There's a much needed urge to purge the old and outworn; time well spent. Include old relationships, emotional habits, and self esteem struggles in your rummage pile. Sun is still in your 8th house- giving you an opportunity to pause, re-collect and re-connect with your Self in more meaningful ways through transformation and metamorphosis. Meditation is time well spent and will help you get your head on straight(er). Cancer: Pay attention to your relationships at this time. Are they healing or hurting you? Digging up your bad habits? The asuras are out to play and you might get snared in their traps. The tussle between positivity and negativity will be waltzing between your mind and heart but don't be afraid to take action steps- even if you take a stumble. In the dance of life, it's all just practice. Avoid over-consumption: of spending, of drinking and of sweets. Listen to the pitter patter of your heart if you feel out of step; trust your own rhythm. Leo: Friendships are returning with a new sense of awareness and intuitive insight. What new pieces are present now? Take a role of listening and presence rather than healer and therapist with personal relationships. Is it hard for you to step out of the "power role" of giving? Mind and digestion are running a bit hot right now. Avoid spicey, fermented and overly rajasic foods in order to soothe your heart burn. Eating excessive sweets and alcohol won't suppress the feelings either. Now is a good time to take a look at your need to be in control. Virgo: Head is hot and heart is beating faster. What is your new rhythm and pulse? Your heart dance? You are dancing backwards right now, re-creating your set point of desire and what is possible. Keep the visions alive. Keep the head and heart in a passionate tango. Sing and stomp. Howl and tip toe. Create your dreams and bring them into your reality. From inner to outer. Find the right connections, resources and relationships to support you and don't look back. Libra: Take courageous leaps. Create your new life and relationships by cutting up the old haunts, memories and demons into tiny pieces. Re-arrange them and create a collage that suits your heart's desires, dreams and inner guidance. You have the chance to change your life, to re-create it- from the inside out. Art is a potent medicine and it's just what the doctor ordered. Make time for your dreams. Scorpio: It takes courage to take a new path, to carve out a new way of doing and being. You're in the midst of a growth spurt where you are able to expand your vision of what is possible and align more closely with your dreams and goals. It comes with effort and building on your past resources but you are up for the challenge and the transformation. Remember to take a pause late this week and resource within. Meditation, self care rituals and nourishing foods are time well spent. Mind your mouth. Sagittarius: If anyone should be learning to waltz right now, it is you. You already know the steps- and have done them before- but likely you are getting a new twist on them. Use fresh eyes and fresh feet to take your triple steps. Don't let your fumbles stop your momentum and remember to look up- not down at your feet. Momentum and follow through may be your biggest obstacles. Just remember in the dance of life, it's one step at a time and all big journeys begin with a single step. Capricorn: Vayu (the wind god) continues to blow changes and uncertainty into your career and finances but something has strengthened your resolve and purpose. Trust your core as you retrace steps, search and excavate into your depths, past creativity and relationships. You can put all these pieces together and create a beautiful new collage; a map for moving forward. Don't underestimate your tenacity and your creative resolve. Let your passion out of its cage. Aquarius: Sitting in the belly of the beast, look around you and take notes. Sitting at the ashram, look around you and take notes. Compare. Contrast. What inspires you to keep going? To persevere? Who and what fills you with gladness and makes your heart sing? Listen to these messages and look at your notes. They are the words of the Universe pushing you towards your dharma. Pisces: Expansion in reverse seems to be the theme right now. Perhaps some of your old efforts and connections are finally paying off- but likely your efforts and gains are coming with a few rough patches and frustrations. What are you learning from the irks and irritations? Check in with your power source. Who and what provides you with a sense of power? Anger provides much power. If you can harness it and use a bit of alchemy, you will come out ahead. But you'll need to thwart what's coming at you. This week provides you with some practice. |
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March 2017