Moon Mindfulness ::: Mind Your Moon
04.30.13 Moon navigates Sagittarius in Purvashada nakshatra until 17:39pm when it moves to Uttarashada. Purvashada is ruled by the deity Apas and has to do with feeling, searching, navigating and flowing. Apas is the goddess of water, so the attributes and qualities of water are paramount here. Moving is one of waters greatest abilities- its natural tendency to flow. It also brings clarity, refreshment, cleansing and renewal. Flow like the water today. Let the water flow through you- including the emotional rivers within and the tears that come with them. Get physical and feel Apas through perspiration. Cleanse with water and savor a sacred bath afterwards. Get intimate with your emotions.
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Moon Mindfulness ::: Mind Your Moon
4.29.13 Moon transits Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra until 19:28 this evening. Mula is ruled by Nirrti- the dark goddess- who is a rakshasa (demon) married to the god of adharma (against dharma). She is against the natural order of the Universe- Natural Law. She bundles, breaks, uproots, forces and does so with suffering and calamities- especially those that are health related. Mula can indicate those who know how to navigate her ways and thus can create a good healer. Mula people have often navigated Nirrti's ways and means personally and know their way around uprooting demons- energetically, physically, emotionally, spiritually. Though it takes quite a bit of personal experience, self-awakening, suffering, and protection in order to do so- and be alive to tell the tale. Remembering that Nirrti is here to remind us of what we don't want, what we fear, what brings our suffering, what needs destruction and demolition is helpful, otherwise she brings us her fear and anxieties. Mula days come once a month reminding us to get things in proper order- to live in tune with Natural Law. This is a day to eat Ayurvedically, not break the "rules", meditate, do yoga, go to bed on time, eat meals on time, etc. I like to use these days to be more awake, to do a check in on all levels: mental, emotional, physical, spiritual. A personal audit if you will. Mula can give success with breaking ties, cutting away things that need to be let go of and making sharp decisions. In this way we can use Mula days to hit the re-set button, to clear out what is unnecessary and adharmic in our lives. Today, be resourceful with life matters and get clear about what needs to be uprooted, bundled and discarded. Then take out the trash. Moon is waning and transits Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and into Pisces. Aries is packed with five planets occupying this fiery sign and getting direct aspects from Rahu and Saturn. Saturn is still exalted and retrograde, deeming it debilitated in its expression. Mars, Ketu, Mercury, Sun and Venus remain in Aries until Venus moves to its own sign of Taurus on Saturday (5.4) at 13:39 pm where it joins Jupiter. Aries, however, continues to be a hot topic, quite literally.
*Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your "Western sign" as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual's unique chart. Aries: Use this time for courageously working on health, organization, healing and client development. Focus your efforts on the Self, though relationships and "others" may be demanding your attention and focus. Comforts and security come to the forefront at the end of the week and this theme carries you through to the end of the month. Your week is consumed by higher learning, career and gains. Use the weekend for rest and relaxation. Taurus: Your keywords are still liberation and deep surrender. Be courageous and bold with your commitment to Moksha and spiritual development as well as healing and the physical body- especially digestion. Increased creativity, passion and comfort will begin to emerge late in the week and will help uplift the month ahead for you. Mind your intelligence though and the vulnerabilities still afoot. You are still in a rest period on many levels. Gemini: Gains are inevitable and likely there is new mental focus occurring for you now, but it's unlikely to be helpful for your career just yet. Relationships and friendships are proving to be a tool of growth and self development, though the tumult on some levels may be taking its toll. Be mindful of intoxicants and mind altering substances- bad habits are too tempting right now. The smart thing to do would be use this time for deep sadhana, meditation and transformation through the spiritual. Choose wisely. Cancer: Your tenth house of career is on fire still, though likely to be producing confusion about direction and focus perhaps. Gains from friends are likely as well as new romantic interests in the coming weeks. For now, the heart and home as well as mother and emotions still demand attention. This week puts relationships connected to your career at the forefront, as well as health, healing and transformations. Take time for meditation to calm you nerves and settle the emotional storms. Leo: Courageous navigation of your actions is paramount. But do so with extreme commitment to Self-mastery and higher awareness. Mentally you are transforming, learning and growing, though it comes with some emotional highs and lows. Look for sparks of insight and dharma. Be kind to your teachers and give gratitude. Your career is about to get new creative momentum. Explore and expand. This week knowledge, relationships and transformations are key. Virgo: Feelings of comfort and support are still central to your experience- especially as this relates to your relationships. There is a lot coming to you from the past- past lives as well as early childhood. Use courage and inner power to weather the storm. Trust that this is a time of deep transformation and forced surrender. There will be a lift for you this month and new growth, insights and knowledge. Don't get lazy just because things are "going well" for a while. This week the healing and growth continues. Relationships are the focus of the weekend. Libra: Five planets sit in your seventh house of relationships, how are you managing "others" and what does this mean for your personal development? Though discomfort may reign supreme right now, you can use this awareness to gain intelligence. Don't slack off. Avoid intoxicants and excess sugar- especially towards the end of the week, though this theme will carry through until the end of May. Vulnerabilities increase with relationships and personal development, as well as with health and healing. Get it into gear and get clear on the ways of Saturn and what he wants from you. He'll give enlightenment in exchange for your surrender to structure, discipline and commitment to your spiritual development. Scorpio: Your focus is still centered on healing and digestion as well as enemies, workers, servants and pets. Energy is directed towards the Self as well as career, transformations, emotions and soon new relationships- both business and personal. There will be expansions and gains likely. Be courageous this week and attend to the heart, home and matters of wealth and money. Be open to new insights and possibilities but be mindful of this time of vulnerability as well. Sagittarius: Intelligence and awareness is increasing for you on multiple levels. How will you use this new insight? You are due for a complete overhaul and right now health is taking center stage. Direct your focus on making smart decisions, ones that are sustainable and have positive lasting impact. It will be especially important this month to mind your digestion, not overeat and not consume too much sugar, alcohol etc. Bad habits will be extra tempting. Be aware of your eating habits and how they are intimately connected to your emotional habits. Capricorn: New intelligence and creativity is seeping in that may help your career momentum. You may also be meeting the right person/people in order to do so. Friends will continue to prove useful perhaps. Emotionally, you are still feeling intensity. Your ego is going through transformations and learning to digest the mental fluctuations right now is crucial learning material for you. Hint: your mental body is directly connected to your emotional body and vice versa. Aquarius: This week brings into focus your self in relation to the "other" which seems to be a general theme for you right now. You are still navigating a very spiritual time where growth and development are heightened. This month will increase the emotional focus- especially those emotions that connect to comfort and security. You may find a correlation to mother and early childhood experiences just under the surface. Pay attention and be courageous with your actions and momentum. Pisces: Your efforts are focused on wealth, comforts and acquiring sustenance. What are you putting in your mouth? What are you digesting and eliminating? Your gut is possibly heated, so paying attention to what types and kinds of nourishment is crucial for you. Outer and inner are deeply intertwined. There are likely issues coming up from the past- noticing any patterns here? Some of them will be related to your ancestral lineage, others are connected to your shadow work. This month will bring more creativity and passionate courage- direct it towards your relationships and self-awareness. Themes for the week include action steps with career and a focus on gains and liberation. Moon Mindfulness ::: Mind Your Moon
04.28.13 Moon still transiting Scorpio (its sign of debilitation) but has moved to Jyestha nakshatra. Moon moves to Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra at 21:36 pm tonight. Today is the 6th day of the waning moon (dark half). Jyestha is ruled by Indra, king of the Devas. His thunderbolt is his weapon, giving a nod to his power, and his connection to the weather. The weather can't be controlled, it is a natural phenomenon, and it holds immense power that we are literally controlled by, hence Indras awe inspiring greatness. To worship prana is to worship Indra it is said. The wind is nature's prana, similarly we have an internal winds/prana that give our bodies life. Deepening our connection to the life force, deepens our connection to Nature and all her power- within and externally. We also gain mastery and a deeper awareness of our senses and sensory powers with this heightened awareness. Prana is the link to all expansion of Self and consciousness. Take note of how you use it and what your relationship truly is with the life force. May the force be with you. Mercury has finally crossed the gandanta threshold from Pisces to Aries and is now in Ashwini nakshatra. For many of us that was a mentally exhausting passage! Due to its Sandhi (gap/weak degrees) status as well as its conjunction with four other planets also in Aries (plus drishti from Saturn and Rahu), it is likely to be challenging still. Be aware that mental drain, anger and outbursts, headaches, exhaustion, mental heat are possible. Take precautions to avoid physical/mental calamities. Plenty of fresh air, circulating the prana, personal space, and keeping cool, are all essential right now. Walk it out. Moon Mindfulness ::: Mind Your Moon
04.27.13 Moon transits its debilitation sign, Scorpio and is in Anuradha nakshatra. Ruled by the deity, Mitra, and the planet Saturn, there is a connection to friendships and details- the kind that Saturn offers. Saturn is equated with time, hard work, effort and grief and certainly knows scrutiny and finest awareness. Mitra literally means friend, ally, companion and is supportive and sustainable. It is through long-term friendships, companions and those relationships that we put effort into, that give results. Yet there is no iron clad guarantee that anything will last. Mitra people do what it takes anyway- because friendliness is second nature to them. As a result, there may be ups and downs with friendships and the people they feel close to considering Saturn is associated with this star. Anuradha/Mitra people may put more into a friendship then they get in return, or they give everyone the cold shoulder knowing it will end in disappointment anyway. The friendships that last, will be the ones that make it through the thick and the thin. These are blessings indeed. Mitra people also tend to get big favors from special people. Consider it a boon for your hard work. Today Moon gets drishti/aspect from Mars which will stir up some of the agitation and perhaps anger around our relationships (especially because Anuradha is ruled by Saturn and Saturn and Rahu are in Libra together being blown around and purified by Vayu and Indragni). You may feel a rub, a roar or an explosion depending on your own planets/nakshatras. On an opposite extreme, you may also feel the emotional blessings of lineage, especially mother today, due to the transits. Mercury Sandhi (in the gap) moving towards Aries- communication is vulnerable.Take it all in stride. Ride the emotional wave. Dance it, rather then letting it dance you. Be grateful for what is alive and well in your life. |
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