This Week's Intention: Let the change and transformation into your life. Are you resisting or allowing these shifts? *Time zone used for calculations is in Pacific Daylight Time unless otherwise noted. Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. Monday begins with a waning Moon in the eighth tithi (lunar phase) and transits Dhanishta nakshatra, the domain of the Vasu Devas. As Moon moves into Aquarius late morning, it moves out of the gaze of the other planets, a welcome pause from the previous days. The Vasu Devas bring their light, their desire and willingness to help us shine and be seen. How can you step out of your shadows and into the light? Late evening Moon moves to Satabisha nakshatra and continues through this constellation on Tuesday. Varuna and Rahu are the rulers of Satabisha and though deep healing is possible here, it is usually a result of great difficulty, turmoil and challenge. Varuna brings a heightened awareness, which often translates as an intense critic. Be mindful of how your critic shows up today and what your relationship with it is. How can your critic help you identify your needs? As Moon shifts into Purvabhadra nakshatra late Tuesday evening, our dance with balance becomes vital. This theme carries us through Wednesday as Ajaikapada helps us find a new sense of balance. Just after noon, Moon shifts into water sign, Pisces, joining moksha planet, Ketu here. Both receive the gaze of Rahu and Jupiter. Ajaikapada steps intentionally- one foot grounded and rooted, the other poised for change, transformation and the next step. Movement is an essential part of life. What are you moving towards? What are you moving away from? Early Wednesday evening, the Moon shifts to Uttarabhadra nakshatra, forming a close conjunction with Ketu. Uttarabhadra and this close conjunction of Moon and Ketu carries us through the greater part of Thursday. Symbolized by the back legs of a funeral cot, Uttarabhadra offers us a strong connection of release, endings and letting go. Ruling deity Ahirbudhinya helps us to surf the depths of our inner tides. It's time to rip away the veils of illusion and dive deep. What are you learning about your inner currents? Late afternoon on Thursday, Moon moves to Revati nakshatra, the final lunar constellation of the zodiac, with Sun poised at the edge of its exaltation sign, Aries. Sun jumps into Taurus at 21:43 PDT, joining Mars and Mercury here as well. A new cycle of Sun energy begins! All three planets receive gaze from Rahu and Saturn, adding stormy weather and the propensity for swift change and transformation in the coming days. This cycle of Sun offers us deeper grounding and support. Stability will be a top priority, while communication and expression will be vital to receive the nourishment we desire. Stand in your power, take your space, root and ground. Let your desires be known and ask for what you want. Be open to receive. How are you inviting in the abundance of life energy? As Friday begins, Moon continues to move through Revati, Pushan's domain. He insures that our journey will be safe and fruitful, while offering us nourishment and support along the way. How can you invite in deeper fulfillment, vitality and assimilation of life? Late afternoon, Moon moves from the end of the zodiac, to the beginning, jumping into Ashwini nakshatra. Healing and rejuvenation are afoot. Let your evening be healing and creative. The first half of Saturday is ruled by Ashwini and the Asvini-Kumara twins who provide health and well being through the creative arts and the healing arts. We can increase our life force energy through both of these resources. Rejuvenate and heal through creative acts. As Moon shifts into Bharani nakshatra just after noon, Yama offers us transformation in a different way. Restraint, restrictions and death are Yama's way of keeping us true to our dharma, our path. What do you need to cut out of your life in order to get closer to your truth? What essential ingredients do you need for a pure life? As Sunday arrives, Moon continues through Bharani nakshatra, enlivening the themes associated with Yama. Late morning, Moon moves into Krittika nakshatra and the edge of Aries. Moon is in the final phase of the waning cycle, the 15th tithi. Agni is enlivened and the potential for transformation deepens. Are you allowing in change or resisting it? Moon becomes exalted just before the new Moon and this swell of the emotional body carries us through Monday. New Moon is Sunday, May 17 at 23:13 CDT while in Taurus and Krittika Nakshatra. New Moon in Taurus invites us to deepen our capacity to feel, to sense and to create from this depth of feeling. Moon exalted in Krittika nakshatra at the time of the new Moon intensifies this ability to sense and feel with razor sharp exactness. There is some emotional cutting taking place, a removal happening, a deep transformation within you. Pay attention to what needs to be removed and what you are inviting in. Do you crave more details and a deeper understanding about the effects of this Moon cycle on your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well being? Want to more deeply embody the theme for this new cycle? Get my 2015 Moon Wisdom Calendar.
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March 2017