This is the last week my Moon Mind Calendar will be available without membership to my website. Membership to my site gives you access to my daily, weekly, monthly and annual calendars as well as transit reports, articles and more. Get the Details This Week's Intention: Find intelligent footsteps and track your progress. Land, ground and arrive within. Use self care as your starting point. All nourishment begins within. Let it begin to take root. The week begins with a waning Moon. Three planets have just changed signs. Mars has moved to Libra, Venus to Scorpio and Mercury is now in Capricorn. Gather your resources and attend to self care diligently this week. It's a potent gap for landing before Mercury and Jupiter go retrograde next week. Jupiter is at the very edge of Leo, sandhi. Rahu and Ketu prepare to leave Virgo and Pisces on the 30th of January. Changes are in the air. Find your grounding and inner support this week and walk softly. Monday begins with a waning Moon moving through the 4th tithi (Moon phase). Find ways to contain and hold yourself with comfort and support. As Moon continues through Cancer and Ashlesha nakshatra, Sarpa brings illusions and deception to the foreground. Are you stuck in the shadow? Where can you shine more light on your darkness? Your emotional body can give you the necessary messages for increasing the light within. It is your barometer for wellness, for how well your needs are being met. Where do you need more support, new resources, extra self care? What changes need to be made in order for your inner nourishment to increase? It's a time of change and making new choices in order for new and different results in the weeks and months to come. Start now. Just before midnight, the Moon jumps the tricky gap between Cancer (water) and Leo (fire), landing in fierce and mighty Magha nakshatra. Tuesday, Moon transits Leo and Magha nakshatra, the magnificent one, known for its regal nature and powerful authority. There is a strong connection to the ancestors here, especially the father's lineage. Pay attention to messages from spirit and make an intention of calling on the ancestors for support and guidance. Our power is supported by their wisdom and strength. Ask for their assistance. We do nothing alone. Saturn's drishti to the Moon gives some slowing effects, while also offering grief and depression as well as containment and structure. Attend to the emotional body with wisdom today. What is the need your emotional body is asking of you? Can you attend to your grief with diligence and intention? Just as Wednesday begins, Moon shifts to Purvaphalguni nakshatra, a fertile and creative star known for its excess of Shakti, life force energy. It is a star that notoriously attracts bees like honey and increases sensuality and sexual energy. The translation is the "earlier fig tree" which connects to its spring-like essence. There is a ripening, a certain juiciness today; the sap is running. How are you using this life force energy moving through you? Where do you channel it and let it flow? The body part connected to this nakshatra is the right hand, or the giving hand. Move your creative energy and turn it into an offering. Create clear and focused containment for your creative flow in order to maximize this energy and use it wisely. Mid morning Thursday, Moon shifts to the latter half of the Phalguni constellation, Uttaraphalguni. The translation of this star is the "later fig tree" which expresses the ripened fruits of a mature tree. There is a certain strength and wisdom that comes with a season of harvest- when the fruits have ripened and dropped. The sap has moved and created, allowing the wisdom to be used, integrated and absorbed. Uttaraphalguni connects us to the nourishment that sustains creativity, love and our life force energy. It is only through time, commitment and consistency that we get the benefits of these gifts. Make your efforts sustainable and find the rewards. What can you do today to help your success? Use effective action steps and keep your vision alive through trust, support and nurturing. The body part of this star is the left hand, assisting the act of receiving. Receive the wisdom of time and the many gifts it provides you with. Slow down and find your pause. Just before noon, Moon moves to Virgo, joining Rahu here. Moon and the north shadow node will be in tight conjunction until late evening. Confusion and uncertainty may arrive or big ideas and grande desires. Find the middle ground and stoke your flames, while making sure your footsteps are firmly rooted in the earth. Late morning Friday, Moon shifts to Hasta nakshatra and Savitr brings his dawning light. There's a certain sensitivity with this lunar constellation as it can feel and sense with absolute accuracy. The body part connected to this nakshatra are the fingers. The fingers are a main resource for sensation and sensory awareness for humans. The hands heal, create, touch, grasp and release. The fingers can move ample amounts of energy out and through them, being conduits of healing and creativity. What are you sensing? How are you using this input for creative activation? What are you creating? What are you grasping and holding onto? What are you releasing and letting go of? Let your inner wisdom be your guide. Land in your emotional body for active insights. As late Saturday morning arrives, Moon moves to Chitra nakshatra, the brilliant one. Symbolized by a shining jewel, this lunar constellation is notorious for creating, adorning and building beauty. Ruling deity Vishva Karma is an action oriented creator, called the divine architect. He is an Aditya, one who brings resources to us. As an incarnation of lord Brahma, his creative powers have potent manifestation abilities. Much creative activation can take place under this star pattern, so use it with conviction and let your desires be activated by your intentional action steps. Just before midnight, Moon moves to Libra, joining Mars here. Passions and anger are sparked. Use your fire with awareness. Sunday, Moon continues through Libra and Chitra nakshatra until Noon. The tight conjunction of Moon and Mars continues most of the day, even as Moon slips into Swati nakshatra. Passion and anger are closely connected. How are you channeling this energy? Do you use it for creating and activating your desires? Or do you use it to blow torch people and dump your emotions on them? Be mindful about your intensity today and use this energy with intention and purpose. Get a lot done, rather than channeling your frustrations on your relationships. Manage your shadow. What do you really need for support, nourishment and comfort? Get your needs met in healthy ways. Use self care to calm your inner winds. Change has blown in with a certain intensity today. Track Rudra's messages diligently. Monday, Moon continues through the swift and windy nakshatra, Swati. Vayu, the wind god is ruling deity, bringing change and movement with him. Swati translates as "the sword" since it is decisive, clear and action oriented. Early afternoon, Mars shifts to Swati nakshatra as well, intensifying the type of movement and strength available in the coming days. Force and momentum are stirring within. Where are you directing this energy? How can you use it for activation of desires, dharmic path and moving towards your purpose? Do you waste this energy? Is self-sabotage derailing you and keeping your energy small and fizzled out? Use healthy boundaries diligently and attend to self care with focus. Ride this wave responsibly and don't squander this momentum. Late afternoon, Moon moves to Vishaka nakshatra. You may be presented with options and opportunities, or you may suddenly realize you have more choices than you originally thought. Keep reaching and spreading your branches. *All timing is given in Pacific Standard Time Zone. Ready to make the New Year a powerful and potent year? Get some extra guidance and support from me. I am scheduling January sessions. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. Have You Heard?!
My work is shifting starting January 2016. As the new year begins, I'll be sharing a new session structure with you, plus a new website and membership only features. Please read for details. Over the past year, I've seen the effects of my work increase with those clients who have committed to my consistent support. Clients that return for multiple sessions, use my resources, support, guidance and tools consistently, and are dedicated to personal development, healing and transformation experience lasting changes. My work is best used in concentrated and consistent doses- in order for lasting, sustainable results. As a result, I'll be sharing new session packages in order to give you extra support, resources and concentrated guidance. Packages that maximize your results and give you the value you deserve- in order for faster, lasting, life changing results. *** This means I will only be offering very limited sessions for new clients and those return clients who only book individual sessions. *** My work is best suited to those who are truly committed to consistent action steps and those who want immediate results. And.... The New Year will also bring a brand new website with better features. Please note that the way I share my content and classes is also changing in order to support your growth and change process more powerfully. My website will be Membership Only starting in January in order for you to get more resources in effective and potent ways. I'll be sharing more about these big changes in the coming weeks so make sure you're on my newsletter list for the details. Exciting things are on the horizon for Swati Jr Jyotish!!! Thank you for making 2015 an amazing year. Looking forward to giving you even more resources, support and nourishment in the coming year. Sign up for my newsletter and get all the details.
This Week's Intention: Go slow and take steady, calculated steps. Turn your attention inward and let self care guide your choices. Let challenges be an opportunity to find new resources. Moon is waning and our energy is slowing down, turning inward and instigating potential. Attend to and surrender to this vital release process stirring within you and the cosmos. There are ample invitations of transformation occurring through letting go and endings right now. Removal and release of relationships and that which no longer serves you in nourishing and supportive ways, must be severed and set free. Mercury is now transiting Libra with debilitated Sun. Mars and Venus move to Virgo on Monday, Venus's debilitation sign. This creates two debilitations that will influence simultaneously. Relationships will require extra attention in the coming weeks. Challenges and conflicts are likely. What resources can you harvest? Monday begins with Moon in its own sign of Cancer and transiting from Punarvasu into Pushya nakshatra in the early hours of the morning. Expand and contract, open and close, find balance between your polarities. Seek balance and harmony within and track the breath closely today. How can you land in your heart more intentionally? Bring your focus to your emotional body wisdom, your feelings, and deepen your connection to home, grounding and well being. The wisdom you seek is within. Attend to home and heart matters. Feelings and creativity further shift as Venus moves out of the passionate and empowered Leo and into Virgo on November 2nd at 17:39 PST. As Venus lands in its debilitation sign, Virgo, joining shadow planet Rahu here, it's a time to be diligent with relationships, feelings, creativity and finances. Two planets are now debilitated simultaneously in the weeks to come- our light source, Sun, and the life force energy within, Venus. This is not a time to push the physical body. Take care of your health diligently. This Venus cycle will proved challenging to all things Venus, in that you may miss or neglect resources for support due to Rahu's clouded vision. Simultaneously there will be opportunities to strip away the veils of illusion that are holding you back from fully being nourished by our connections, creative powers, finances, relationships and commodities. Challenge is always an opportunity for deepening change and transformation- so if you notice issues and obstacles, look beneath the surface. Look beneath your mundane existence and take note of the old stories and paradigms running you on auto pilot. How are these stories influencing how you connect as well as who and what you connect to? The lack of clarity and certainty in this Venus cycle is prevalent, yet we can choose how to respond to the calamities, discord and discomfort. Do you further separate and disconnect yourself, or do you lean in, find ways to deepen connection and get your deeper needs met? It will be necessary to strive for balance- inner and outer. One of the ways this can be supported is through stringent self care and taking care of your needs on the four levels of your being- mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. The conjunction of debilitated Venus and shadow node Rahu can increase the use of intoxicants and "feel good" remedies that mask your ability to deeply feel. Old patterns with drugs, alcohol, sugar, food etc. can be activated at this time so be mindful of what the underlying needs are. These addictive patterns are a cry for deeper nourishment on some level of your being. How can you get your needs met in healthy, balanced and nourishing ways? What support do you need for your process? Ask for guidance, support and assistance. Deepen your relationship with self and others. There is an opportunity for deep healing in this cycle if we choose to step towards this as Virgo correlates to the sixth house of healing and healer. On the heels of Venus's shift into Virgo, Mars moves to this earthy, focused, mental body sign as well. Both Venus and Mars are tightly conjunct, tracking each other closely as they both move from Leo into Virgo. Mars follow Venus into Virgo minutes after it moves at 17:59 PST. Both remain fragile the days following and continue in close proximity through the duration of this cycle. This conjunction, in addition to Rahu's influence, provides a heated and potentially challenging combination. Conflicts and fiery emotions may be felt. What is the root of the anger? What is the underlying need? What passions are stirring that need your attention and focus? There is a powerful opportunity in this cycle to address anger, rage and the often toxic cycle of this emotion. If the underlying root cause, or need, can be found and honored, an unraveling can take place. In the unraveling, there is opportunity for healing and transformation to arrive. Relationships are vulnerable and fragile in this cycle. Think before speaking, more importantly pause, wait, and take time for reflection before responding. It will be too easy to speak words that you may later regret. If you are feeling strong emotions, pause for 24 hours at least before responding. Give yourself time to meditate, contemplate and release the emotions before sharing your thoughts, needs or motives. At the same time, this can be a powerful cycle of healing for those inclined to do the inner work this time period will provoke. Healing with anger, relationships, power and authority figures are possible. Let your stomach guide you and invite in opportunities for healing your relationships with inner power and emotions, while helping you integrate and digest the messages arriving. Relationship challenges are opportunities for mirroring what we need and also reminding you what needs to shift within you. As Eckhart Tolle says, "Relationships do not cause pain & unhappiness. They bring out the pain & unhappiness that is already in you." As challenges arrive, identify parts of yourself that need to grieve and release. Past hurts, pains, disappointments, sorrows and heavy emotions are all places within you that didn't get the necessary love that was needed. By attending to these parts of your being now, you can help to move, shift, heal and transform the old pain, bring it to the light and allow this part of yourself to be well fed now. Let yourself grieve and peel back the layers of pain that are asking for your attention. Your are being offered powerful opportunities for releasing the sadness and losses that are masked by anger, rage, and frustration. Lean in and tend to these parts of yourself with compassion, rather than resistance and avoidance. Tuesday mid morning, Moon arrives in Ashlesha nakshatra, Sarpas domain. The mind and body are fragile today and can be easily fried. Don't push or force actions and agendas. What stories are ruling you and keeping you away from your light? Let challenges and obstacles be resources for transformation and change. Take time for meditation and contemplation today. Walk in nature and find ways to calm, re-center and refuel your body and mind. Use creative energy as a resource. Venus and Mars are still very sandhi and have newly arrived in Virgo. Relationships require extra awareness and are vulnerable. Wednesday, late morning, Moon jumps the challenging gap between Cancer (water) into fiery Leo, arriving in the bold Magha nakshatra- Pitr's domain. Father, authority, power and lineage matters present themselves today. There is a certain vulnerability in the coming days as Leo's ruling planet, Sun, is currently debilitated. Notice where you are pushing or forcing. Let your body remind you when to slow down, pause or stop. What are you trying to prove? And to who? What stories have you using "shoulds" and "have to's" as well as "supposed to's" on auto pilot? Father issues arrive as reminders of your lineage programming. How can you re-write the story? Honor and give gratitude to your ancestors and lineage today. Ask for their support. Late morning on Thursday, Moon joins Jupiter in Purvaphalguni nakshatra. Potent creative energy and Shakti are the gifts of this constellation. Ruling deity, Bhaga, gives enjoyment and pleasures- worldly, sexual and sensual. Ruling planet of this nakshatra is Venus, currently debilitated in Virgo, sandhi, and closely conjunct Mars and Rahu. Saturn also gives his gaze to the Moon, yet another reminder to go slow. Today may give support with pleasurable resources or give challenges with them. It's important to go slow and notice what your needs are very acutely. Relationships may feel taxing or burdensome today, or even under nourishing. Let challenges and resources alike, offer you some insights into your need for comfort, safety and security. Where are you in the dark or letting shadow influence you? Identify excessive wants and what the underlying need truly is. Just after noon on Friday, Moon shifts to the last nakshatra of Leo and the second half of the Phalguni constellation, Uttaraphalguni. It is another sensitive and fragile day as this nakshatra is ruled by the planet Sun, currently debilitated in Libra. Ruling deity, Aryaman, requests support, stability, commitments and provides resources when we agree to his requests. He is also connected to the ancestors and the support they can provide us. He rules over family life, marriage, love and pleasure- the kind we get from working through challenge, putting in effort and making commitments. Ample creativity and resources are available here, yet may be softened at this time. Frustrations and challenges are a reminder to slow down, pause, listen and surrender wherever possible. Where are you forcing an outcome? Where can you release? Moon moves to Virgo early evening, joining debilitated Venus, Mars and Rahu here. The coming days could be challenging, so don't plan on doing too much or forcing extra activities. Less is more. Saturday, Moon transits Virgo with debilitated Venus, Mars and Rahu- all in tight conjunction. The Moon is a magnifier and increases and filters whatever comes into contact with. The soft, gentle and sensitive nature of the Moon may feel frazzled and overwhelmed in the coming days. Today is particularly delicate and extra precautions are necessary for the sensitive Moon children. Moon continues through Uttaraphalguni until the afternoon. Connect and create with others. Find resources through relationships. Network, co-create and let foreign or unusual connections be of help or support. Moon is in tight conjunction with Mars, Rahu and Venus today, while Rahu and debilitated Venus are in exact conjunction. Pause and check in on the four levels of your being- mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. Notice when you're forcing or pushing. Slow down and pause. Avoid intoxicants, overstimulation, excesses of all kinds and toxic people. As Moon shifts to Hasta nakshatra, early afternoon, light and insights arrive. The first day of the five day Diwali festivities begins today. Devotion to Lakshmi, the giver of health, vitality, nourishment and wealth takes place over the course of the coming days. Diwali is the celebration of light conquering darkness and the increase of positive, life supporting forces in our life. Multiple traditions celebrate Diwali, from Hindu, Jain to Sikh; over 15% of the world's population. During Diwali, Hindus celebrate the return of Lord Rama from his exile- a reflection of good over evil. Legend has it the kingdom was adorned in lights upon his return! Jain's celebrate the moksha of their guru, Mahavira, and his attainment of enlightenment during this time. Sikhs celebrate the sixth Guru who was released from capture and returned to the Golden Temple during Diwali. Plenty of stories to celebrate and honor! Light your lamps at dusk and honor Lakshmi and her powerful nourishment in the coming days. The most potent night is on the new Moon, Amavasya, November 11th. Sunday, Moon continues through Hasta nakshatra, moving away from the tight conjunction with Rahu, Venus and Mars. New insights and awareness may arrive with Savitr's light. What shadows are keeping you from your light source and from shining brightly? It's a powerful time to work diligently on removing the obstructions and hindrances that keep you from your power and purpose. How can you be more deeply nourished and in what ways are you resisting the gifts of life? As evening arrives, Moon shifts to Chitra nakshatra and Vishvakarma arrives with passion and purpose. This is the second day of Diwali and Dhanvantari, god of Ayurvedic medicine is honored for his gifts of health and well being. Vitality is truly the best gift of wealth! Monday continues the action-oriented power of Chitra and Vishvakarma. Ruling planet, Mars, may be pushing his agendas with force, anger, agitation and frustrations. Notice where you are holding and not able to surrender. Attend to calculated, steady action steps. Where there is force, there will be frustration or challenge. Go slow and soften your steps today. Attend to physical body and self care attentively. Moon is moving into the final phase of the waning cycle. Turn your gaze inward and attend to your relationship with Self. Today is the third day in the Diwali celebration and is dedicated to Hanuman, the much loved and revered monkey god. His strength, and devotion to Lord Rama, are honored today. May we each awaken to the compassion, strength and love within us! Need some extra guidance and clarity? I am scheduling December sessions. Schedule a session with me.
Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. This Week's Intention: Keep leaning in...closer to your inner light. Turn shadow into wisdom, pain into compassion and illusion into clarity. Seek the gifts within your challenges. The week begins with a waning Moon moving through Punarvasu nakshatra transiting the final constellation of Gemini. Ruling deity, Aditi, shares her wisdom and support to usher in deeper nourishment. She brings resources and unity consciousness with her. Align with wholeness and divine flow. Let this theme carry you through Monday as you deepen and drop into greater holding and grounding. As Moon moves into its own sign, Cancer, early afternoon, we can truly land in our awakened heart more easily. Strip off the veils of illusion and saturate yourself in the purity of the emotional body. Day of Mars, Tuesday, provides opening and closing with boundary reminders. As Moon transits Pushya nakshatra, our nourishment comes from balance, breath and heart wisdom. This is the nourishing star, a provider of support, but it often arrives after some release. Just as the exhale allows the inhale. Take time for landing in your heart today and use your breath to arrive in the now. Ketu's drishti can offer awakenings and removing illusion. What are you opening to? What are you closing to? Just before midnight Moon moves to Ashlesha nakshatra, Sarpa's domain. Exalted retrograde Mercury (debilitated now) is tightly conjunct shadow node, Rahu, in Virgo this week. It is a time to be diligent with the mental body and to track illusions, stories and the imaginal realms within. Fears, anxieties and uncertainties are high, while truth, clarity and feelings of support may be challenging. Use this time to work directly with the mind and consciously unravel your inner darkness. The light of the Sun in Virgo, transiting through Hasta nakshatra, can bring awakening and more light. Bring in the light by transforming your darkness. Wednesday, Mercury's day, Moon transits a Mercury ruled nakshatra, Ashlesha. This is the home of Sarpa, the serpent, a devious and mischievous deity who prefers occult and mystical knowledge to the mundane. He is an excellent resource for attending to illusions and inner darkness, then transforming it into awakening and transcendence. What needs to be unveiled? Work with the mind and mental body stories very diligently and use them to awaken from shadow and illusion. Thursday arrives and the Moon jumps through the challenging gandanta gap between Cancer and Leo, where he joins the passionate combination of Jupiter, Mars and Venus. All receive drishti, gaze, from Saturn. Passions are being stoked by the potent trio moving through Leo and Moon illuminates their expressions. Magha nakshatra is enlivened by the Moon today, a nakshatra connected to the ancestors- especially the father's lineage. There is a lot of strength and desire here- to be seen, noticed and heard. With this lunar constellation, a royal, regal flair is often expressed. It's also a place we can deepen our relationship with the ancestors and their spirit. At this time of Pitr Paksha, the sacred 15 day celebration of the ancestors in the Vedic calendar, use today for intention setting. Who and what are you connecting with? What parts of your lineage do you wish to awaken and strengthen? What parts are you ready to leave behind and let go of? Use gratitude to soften the heart and align with the strength of your ancestors. Early Friday morning, Moon moves to Purvaphalguni nakshatra- a fertile and creative star ruled by Bhaga and the planet Venus. Ample creativity and shakti are enlivened through this constellation. Sensuality and sexuality share their potency as well as love and pleasure. The passion of Venus, Mars and Jupiter is enlivened through the amplification of the Moon. Saturn's gaze can bring contraction and displeasure. Channel the creative energy coursing through you intentionally for maximum gain. Notice where you are resisting and refusing nourishment from joy, ease and pleasure. Mercury goes direct at 07:54 and his exalted status will now be felt more fully. The mind is strong right now and can be used for powerful gains or disorienting set backs. How on top of your mental body are you? Focus, clarify, release. Let go of mental body toxicity and limiting beliefs that keep you in the shadows. Mid morning on Saturday, Moon shifts to the latter half of the Phalguni constellation, Uttaraphalguni. Equally creative and potent, this star shares more sustainability and lasting results with our creative efforts. Ruling deity Aryaman and planet, Sun, desire dharma, lineage support and careful co-creation. Love, marriage and family matters are priorities- all things that please the ancestors if they bring fruitful results. Early afternoon Moon moves to Virgo, joining exalted Mercury, Rahu and Sun here. Moon tightly conjuncts both Rahu and Mercury today and tomorrow, creating mental pressure. The magnification of mind and body is illuminated by the Moon over the next few days, with the added layer of shadow from Rahu. Take care of your physical, mental and emotional bodies and allow space and time to attend to your spiritual body as well. Late morning Sunday, Moon arrives in Hasta nakshatra, the domain of Savitr. Use today for awakening and bringing light to your shadow. The Moon transits the 14th tithi today, helping us land more intimately into our inner depths. As we approach the new Moon and the end of Pitr Pakshu, the subtle qualities of spirit enliven. Create space for silence, listening and presence. What parts of your being need more light? What are you gathering? What are you releasing? Monday begins with Moon in the final phase of its waning cycle, Amavasya, and moves to Chitra nakshatra early afternoon. Vishvakarma, the celestial architect, brings his support with building and planning. It's a great time to be clarifying goals and action steps, refining desires and visions. New Moon is at 17:05 with Moon in Virgo and Chitra nakshatra. This is a time of depth and harvesting from our inner resources. Navaratri begins on the 13th, inviting in transformational powers and divine blessings from the goddesses. I'll be sharing more about the new Moon and Navaratri in my next calendar post. *All calculations given are Pacific Daylight Time.
Need some extra guidance and clarity? I am scheduling November sessions. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. This Week's Intention: Pull out the shadows from your heart center and give them some light. Use action steps to arrive gracefully back to your own being. Moon continues to wane this week, as we near the new Moon. The week closes with a potent new Moon and partial solar eclipse, ushering in a delicate two week period. Monday begins with Moon in the forceful nakshatra, Ardra and transiting Gemini. Ardra's ruling deity, Rudra, intensifies our mental/emotional balance. Can you feel the increase from all sides? Now, more than ever, its vital that you listen to your inner signals and watch for the manipulation of chaos. Take your power back and stand in your center, your knowing. This soft center, where your inner wisdom resides, is the place where your power can not be dismantled. Stay true to your knowing. Get grounded. After noon, Moon shifts to a softer, more sensitive nakshatra, Punarvasu. Ruling deity, Aditi, offers her all-knowing wisdom, insights and awareness that weren't previously available to us. Let her nourishment give you depth, trust and expanded knowing. There is some clean up to do. Listen to your truth. Tuesday carries forward the gentle support of Aditi as Moon continues through Punarvasu nakshatra. Late morning, Moon moves to its own sign, Cancer, joining debilitated Mars and Venus (who is now direct). All receive the gaze of Ketu, the re-structurer. Changes in relationships, heart and emotions arrive. Use the wisdom of Aditi to find compassion and release. Deep feelings can arrive over the coming days so attend to your heart and its needs diligently. When the emotional body swells, it's because it needs to release and let go. Find healthy ways to let the emotions out. If you feel ungrounded, be sure to connect with breath and body for stabilizing. Mid afternoon, Moon shifts into Pushya nakshatra, Brihaspati's domain. The interesting thing about this nakshatra is its seemingly contradictory rulers. Brihaspati is the deity who governs this lunar constellation. Essentially he is the personification of Jupiter, the expansive, nourishing, wisdom giver. However, the planetary ruler of Pushya is Saturn, the contractive, slow, grief inducing planet. As the nourishing star, this nakshatra reminds us of the importance of balance. Both expansion and contraction are vital for any real balance to be experienced. Cancer is the sign Pushya resides in, which is the seat of our emotional body and heart, and the home to our inhale and exhale. Pushya reminds us that the ultimate nourishing breath of life comes with both openings and closings. Healthy boundaries that include yes and no, being a part of this process. As Moon moves through Pushya, today and tomorrow, seek balance. Let your breath be the guide. Join me for a *free* Dharma Awakening class. Discover how to determine your dharma and life path through the wisdom of jyotish in my free new Moon class. Join the List. Pushya's theme carries us through Wednesday and it will be an especially potent reminder as the mental body tries to dominate and intensify our feelings. Late afternoon, Moon shifts into the final nakshatra of Cancer, Ashlesha. Sarpa and his illusions take hold and provoke mental body intensity. He can bring poison to the mind as well as over-confidence, lack of clarity and deception. Through these challenges, we have an opportunity to awaken and transform. Can we clarify the uncertainty, the confusion? Can we see through the smoke clouds? Can we move consciously through the territory of our mental body without succumbing to its imaginary ways? Avoid the bite of Sarpa and use the darkness for awakening. Where there is pain, there is possibility for change. A gift is hidden inside your darkness. Can you find it? Moon conjuncts debilitated Mars and Venus who is only now starting to move forward in motion. All transit Ashlesha nakshatra in close conjunction. The emotional body intensifies and requires physical grounding for safe landing. Ketu's drishti can bring confusion or awakening. You decide. Thursday Moon spends the majority of the day in Ashlesha and we continue to navigate Sarpa and his ways. Diligently track the mental body and its stories, imaginal offerings and shadowed allure. Can you stay out of its snare? The mind will be responsible for heightening any intense emotions. Land in the body for grounding, stability and embodied wisdom. As evening arrives, Moon leaps through the tricky gap between water sign (Cancer) and fire sign (Leo), causing abrupt and possibly challenging shifts in our emotional body and inner waters. Abrupt change is likely as Moon lands in Magha nakshatra (Ketu and Pitr's constellation) and into Leo. Moon joins Jupiter and Sun in Leo, while Saturn's drishti (gaze) provides contractions and constriction, as well as structure and focus. Saturn reminds us to use the somatic wisdom of the physical body as a tuning fork- especially when life feels overwhelming and un-grounded. The emotions may feel heated and frustrated in the coming days, so let your body share its needs with you. Stay cool and land in your body as much as possible, rather than boiling over. Themes with mother and father, our personal mythology and family paradigms, continue to surface. Are you using these insights for awakening? Or are you pushing away and suppressing the messages? Friday continues with Moon magnifying our sense of power and purpose. Magha and its magnificent regal gifts are offerings from the ancestors- those who have helped you arrive into life and living. We are effected by the karmas of our lineage, just as we effect the family line energetically in the future. Align with dharma and purpose. Connect with legacy and the gifts you are leaving for those who are coming next. Share your light and passion with others! Light up the world. Late evening, Moon shifts to Venus's constellation, the fruitful and sensual, Purvaphalguni. This is the honey blossom nakshatra of the zodiac. It can attract bees to nectar and offers an influx of life force, shakti, the nectar of life. It's a forceful and dominating nakshatra that can bring potent waves of passion with it. Attend to your heart and honor its exploding, amorous feelings of love. As Saturday arrives, Moon is fully situated in the 15th tithi, the final phase of the waning cycle. The silent pull of our inner world is more captivating at this time and can bring nourishment and insights. Let the gentle stirring of your inner realms guide you, follow the longings you have to go slowly, gently and intentionally right now. Purvaphalguni and its ruling deity, Bhaga, provide extreme creativity, sensuality and heart potency. Ride the passionate waves and channel this into creative activities, manifestation and inner healing. Join me for a *free* Dharma Awakening class. Discover how to determine your dharma and life path through the wisdom of jyotish in my free new Moon class. Join the List. Depending on your location, the new Moon arrives just as Saturday is ending or just as Sunday begins. My new Moon timing is Pacific Daylight, which puts the new Moon at 23:41 Saturday the 12th. Moon is in Leo and Purvaphalguni nakshatra as it completely empties, and Bhaga shares his sensuality with us as well as the power of Sun sign Leo. In many ways, the previous full Moon felt very fragile and delicate and had the essence of a new, inward Moon. This new Moon, however, has a very externalized feeling. It's fierce and powerful and perhaps more like a full Moon in its expression. The challenge of this powerful new Moon is that is coincides with a partial solar eclipse. The eclipse begins at 09:40 PDT and continues until 02:05 on Sunday the 13th. The strongest part of the eclipse occurs around 11:52 PDT on Saturday. The partial solar eclipse begins a delicate two week period that lasts until the total lunar eclipse and full Moon on September 27th. It is never advised to look at an eclipse directly nor be out while it's occurring. (This particular solar eclipse is only visible in South in Africa, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica). Eclipses are a time to meditate, follow spiritual practices, chant and adhere to rest. Leading up to the eclipse, fasting or eating lightly is traditional. The gap between eclipses is a sacred time where we must be diligent with spiritual matters and notice the messages that arrive. Traditionally, it is not a time to start new ventures or take daring or dangerous actions. It is however a time to reflect, turn inward and work consciously with our shadow parts. After all, an eclipse is showing us the shadow on our Sun or Moon qualities quite directly. The solar eclipse is a shadow to our Sun self, our inner light, the soul. In the coming waxing cycle, be diligent with your masculine energy, ego, father and personal mythology connected to these. This includes being seen, noticed and heard and the outward manifestation of our desires. In fact, manifestation is a huge part of this cycle. For some, blessings and gains may arrive with powerful force and purpose. Others may experience power struggles inside and out. Relationships take center stage. Are you in right relationship with others? This begins with having a very honest and courageous relationship with yourself first and foremost. Get aligned with who you are and what you stand for. Be bold in what you ask for and take a leap towards your power, path and purpose. Trust your inner knowing. Sunday arrives with low tides and the aftermath of eclipse shadows. Mars is now sandhi, in the gap between Cancer and Leo. This tricky gandanta is a challenging place for fire sign Mars to be. Fire leaving water after many weeks, he may feel water-logged and overly-saturated by now. Feelings are full and heavy, emotions are passionate and strong. Actions are slow and there's a sense of treading water. Don't force anything at this time. Allow space, time and deep surrender to take place within heart and mind. The Moon shifts into the latter half of the Phalguni constellation, Uttaraphalguni, just as Sunday begins. Ruling deity Aryaman, one of the twelve Adityas, provides us with resources and support. He is also connected to the ancestors- who provide us with nourishment when our actions please them. He brings sustainability in relationships and lasting support with contracts and unions. Deepen your relationship with self and others today. What new resources, support or council do you need to strengthen your connections? How can you balance giving and receiving, your power and vulnerability? Your inner and outer? Moon moves to Virgo late morning, joining Mercury and Rahu here. The mind becomes a central focus and an addictive force. As Moon tightly conjuncts Rahu today, it's vital we track the inner eclipse dynamics within. Who's in the drivers seat? Stand in your knowing and land in your heart. What shadows are playing tricks on your mind? Early Monday morning, Moon shifts into Hasta nakshatra, tighly conjuncting Mercury. The battle between thinking and feeling may be strong today. How can you find balance between these two inner forces? Let the light come in and bring the dawn. It's a new dawn, it's a new day. What are you creating? *Timing used is Pacific Standard Time Zone.
Need some extra guidance and clarity? I am now booking for October. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. This Week's Intention: Take your lemons and make them into lemonade. Transform, change, heal. Use your creative forces. Though the Moon is waning and Mars is debilitated which truly brings our focus inward, the week starts with a certain intensity as Moon transits through Ardra nakshatra on Monday. This nakshatra is notorious for its strength and tenacity, strong emotions and stormy weather. It's ruling deity is in fact the storm god, Rudra, who brings massive change and upheaval in his wake. What movement and strides are you making today? Standing in your power or getting tossed about with the storms? As Moon continues through Gemini on Tuesday, the mental body is our predominant focus. Moon shifts into Punarvasu nakshatra mid morning, bringing a softening and awakening shift with the blessings of Aditi. She brings unification, a certain understanding and a way to work with challenges. She offers resources and abundance in order to help us be comforted. She is the mother of all and brings her nourishing and supportive ways wherever she shows up. Can you feel her cradling you in her arms? Breaking the intensity of three planets in Ketu's nakshatra, Magha, Mercury shifts into Purvaphalguni late evening. Resource from relationships in the coming days. What has to shift for greater comfort, support and stability? This is an especially potent time to do your healing homework in this area as Venus is retrograde and now at the edge of Leo in very weak degrees. Saturn's gaze intensifies the challenges and provokes suffering. What clean up needs to occur with your relationships, finances and creativity? What has been neglected, yet is suddenly returning to the foreground? Get support for this tricky junction point. There's strong potential for change in these areas of our life if we put or focus and intention here. Are you joining me for my 10 Day Embodiment + Creativity Challenge?! Receive daily inspiration for increasing creativity, joy, embodiment and inner light. Get On the List. Moon shifts into its own sign, Cancer, in the wee hours Wednesday morning, joining Sun and debilitated Mars here. All receive gaze from Ketu who provokes sparks and sudden change. Late morning, Moon moves to the nourishing star, Pushya. Nourishment comes with balance and harnessing healthy boundaries. Working with the dynamic of yes and no thoughtfully and powerfully will insure that energy is not wasted. This nakshatra provides us with doors that close and doors that open. What doors are you opening? What doors are you closing? Make you choices intentionally. Moon is now in the 14th tithi (phase) of the waning cycle and our attention is focused within. Are you making room for the inner wisdom arriving or brushing past it? Venus is at the very edge of Leo today. Relationships, finances, creativity and life force energy are weak and challenged right now. Don't push it. Retrograde Venus shifts back into Cancer on Thursday morning at 05:36, joining Moon, Sun and debilitated Mars here. The gaze of Ketu upon these planets can cause sudden changes, shifts and uncertainties to arrive. On a more spiritual note, he can provide deep awakening and flashes of insight to arrive. Venus continues its retrograde path, back into Cancer just before the new Moon. On August 13th, Venus slides back into our chest, heart and emotional body center. The planet of feeling, creativity, relationships and all things beautiful and worldly will re-adjust to the high demands of the heart and emotions until September 30th. With Sun and debilitated Mars in this sign as well, our heart is in for an emotional ride. The valves are open for an influx of water, feelings, heightened emotions and all the challenges connected to these. Home, heart, land, vehicles, mother and all fourth house matters get amplified. How do you navigate the choppy waters? Will you sink, swim or learn to float? Can you attend to the moving tides and go with the flow? Now is an excellent time to clean up and heal issues with relationships, money, creativity and emotions. Don't fight the tidal waves, but learn to swim with the currents. Moon shifts into Ashlesha nakshatra around noon and has entered the 15th tithi or phase of the waning cycle. Go slow, be intentional and listen to your depths. Sarpa, the occult and mystical serpent, can help us navigate our mental body with greater consciousness or greater illusion. Which do you choose? The Moon continues through Sarpa's nakshatra Friday morning and through the new Moon. New Moon is in its own sign of Cancer on August 14th at 07:53. The conjunction of Moon with Sun and debilitated Mars as well as retrograde Venus makes for a certain emotional body intensity. Our inner emotional tides may feel hot, agitated, fearful, driven- with a sense of challenge and conflict emerging. This theme continues for the waxing Moon cycle to come. Keep Kleenex handy and watch for sudden emotional outbursts. Are you taking out your need for safety and security on others? Or are you asking for support and resources that align with deeper nourishment? Go slow and take ample pauses to check your inner landscape. Do a four level check in for consistent tracking. Want the extended version of my New Moon Wisdom? Purchase my 2015 Moon Wisdom Calendar for extra cosmic insights. Get It. After noon on Friday, Moon hops into Leo and Magha nakshatra, joining another intense planetary combination. Jupiter and Mercury are in Leo as well and all receive gaze from Saturn, adding pressure and challenge, as well as the need for structure and containment. What can you let go of, release and purge on the mental and emotional bodies? The baggage you're carrying around is really heavy. The ruling planet of Leo, Sun, is now at the edge of Cancer, preparing to make the leap into its own sign. Slow and steady with your heart for now. Saturday continues with Magha and its ruling deity, Pitr, offering ancestral focus. So much of this time period right now is connected to our personal mythology, our ancestral and familial lineage patterns. Are you noticing how your insecurities and anxieties are directly connected to your family wounds? The worry is not helping. Are you ready to change these old paradigms once and for all? I'm here to support your process. Late afternoon, Moon shifts into the fertile and seductive star of Purvaphalguni. Sun and Venus are in exact conjunction right now. The heat is on! You may feel out of control, intense passion and be exta feisty. Bees are buzzing around you. Can you feel your shakti increasing or getting scorched? Watch for relationships snares. The traps have been set in advance. I'm offering a *free* new Moon Creative Ritual class on Sunday the 16th. Increase creativity and your sense of thriving. Are you on the list? The creative intensity continues on Sunday as the Moon slowly waxes. Find ways to channel your creative life force energy in constructive and healing ways. It's time to make some art and get your passion moving! Are you listening to your heart's demands? Early evening, Moon shifts to the latter half of the Phalguni constellation, UttaraPhalguni, which is ruled by the Sun and Aryaman. Take actions that support sustainability and long-term nourishment. As Sun inches to the edge of Cancer it prepares us to soften into our heart wisdom and listen carefully. What messages do you hear? Just before midnight on the 16th at 23:30, Sun leaps to its own sign, Leo, joining Jupiter, Mercury and Moon here. Saturn gives his gaze from Scorpio. This transit lasts until September 16th. For many this is a powerful month long transit that can help us move mountains, feel increased strength, help us be seen and noticed for our passion, power and drive. Working with ego, accomplishment and over-drive are warranted messages as well. Some will feel extremely challenged by the increased energy and vitality in the environment. Power issues and power struggles may feel overwhelming. Make strides with your personal development work and your outer offerings. Work with challenge honestly and confront the struggles with openness and compassion. Put your best foot forward and stand in your power. Ask for what you want and move towards your deepest desires. If you are seeking greater alignment with dharma, life purpose and your path of nourishment, it's time to take bold strides in this direction. Make hay while the Sun shines!! Dig deep to harvest your inner riches and don't waste time. Simultaneously, Mars continues its debilitation and Venus retrogrades. Pushing too hard will be counter-productive and damaging. Work with the messages that show promise and give support. Move towards greater alignment and focus. Set your intentions, make them radically clear and go for the gold. Above all, harness your inner riches and seek balance with inner and outer. *Pacific Time Zone is used for all planetary timing.
Are you joining me for my 10 Day Embodiment + Creativity Challenge?! Receive daily inspiration for increasing creativity, joy, embodiment and inner light. Get On the List. Need some extra guidance and clarity? I have a few August sessions still available. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. |
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