New Moon Gemini + Ardra New Moon is on July 4th at 05:02 am. Metaphorically this is a day of independence in the US, which suits this new Moon and waxing cycle to come very well. How much freedom will you feel? That depends on your willingness to show up for yourself and break open the shadow you are clinging to. Read more about the waxing cycle Mars Goes Direct In Libra + Mars Re-enters Scorpio As Mars moves through Libra, your focus on balance, stability and comfort may intensify. There will be an exchange of energy between Libra and Scorpio now as Mars rules Scorpio and Saturn is considered exalted in Libra. Venus in Cancer At 03:57 am MDT Venus moves from Gemini into Cancer, joining Moon here for a few hours. Venus separates from the Sun once again until the 16th. Once Sun moves to Cancer, their heated dance reactivates. Join me for my special Guru Purnima Class- Relationships Are Your Guru. Get the Details Mercury in Cancer Mercury moves into the watery sign of Cancer at 22:05 MDT, joining Venus here. Outside of the gaze of any other planets, this creative duo can express itself more potently. This pair likes to be entrepreneurial, to create and co-create. Sun in Cancer Sun moves to Cancer at 22:21 on July 15th, joining Venus and Mercury here. This Sun cycle brings healing and transformation with heart and relationships. Address your longings and cravings. Guru Purnima The most auspicious full Moon of the year arrives on July 19th at 16:56. Guru Purnima is considered the fullest full Moon of the year, dedicated to gurus and teachers who bring you wisdom, guidance and support. Read more about the full Moon in my July Full Moon Wisdom Mercury in Leo On July 26th at 19:27, Mercury moves to Leo, joining Rahu and Jupiter here. The mind gains strength, power and potency, yet reflects some confusion and uncertainty with these themes at the same time. Venus in Leo Leo becomes a packed house in the coming weeks as Venus moves into this fire sign. Jupiter, Rahu and Mercury are also here and Sun will arrive in Leo mid month as well. As Venus moves into Leo on July 31st at 13:40, the sign of the father, power and ego intensifies. Join me for my special Guru Purnima Class- Relationships Are Your Guru. Get the Details *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic (sidereal) rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your Western sign (Tropical) as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Heart and home are central to your month. Creativity and imagination turn into heart centered momentum. Lead with your feelings and the wisdom within. You’re intuition is deepening and your gut intelligence is leading the way. Taurus: Relationships become confusing and tense with on and off momentum. They seem to lurch forward rather than progressing smoothly. What is in the way of your movement forward? There’s resistance in your heart, causing challenges with saying yes fully. Gemini: Communicate from your heart and honor your creative powers. Be courageous as you cultivate your artistic skills right now. Move towards relationships with awareness and recognize the mirrors coming to you as teachers. Cancer: This is your month of awakening! Rise and shine, open your heart and head. Let your inner power and creativity lead the way. Pull from your depths and get authentic with yourself. Then share from this place of knowing. Leo: Work consciously with self and relationships. Part of you is growing and expanding because you are clearing and creating space for the new. Keep releasing and letting go so that there’s room for more of what you really want and need. Virgo: Continue to clear your gut so your intuitive wisdom deepens and strengthens. Release, clear and liberate yourself from the past. Endings are coming to a close as you prepare for a new cycle of wisdom, growth and relationship with self. Libra: Take your dharmic wisdom and turn it into an offering. Share, co-create and express your inner knowing to the world. Clear away the rubble and the resistance and step forward with more conviction and clarity. Clean up your gut and intuition will get stronger. Scorpio: As you work with your self more closely right now, honor the slow and steady pace of your steps. There has been less rushing and forcing, more dropping in to the ease and gentleness of not pushing. This is a new pace for you. Sagittarius: Slowly work with liberation, release and letting go. Away time and alone time are essential right now but you’ll need to find a healthy balance of inner and outer. Attend to the inner guru and outer guru by diving deeply within your unconscious terrain. Capricorn: Relationships are a powerful resource this month. You have learned a lot recently about your inner needs- what works for you and what doesn’t. Part of you is ready to merge with others, while the rest of you is hesitant to step forward. Aquarius: Healing and releasing comes from the heart and stomach right now. The heart is being cleared and cleaned so that you can see and feel more clearly. This is effecting your finances and your stability and support. Pisces: Cleaning up your gut means that your heart is also being cleared. Attend to to your heart and your digestion will improve. The connection between heart and stomach is strong right now. Clean, clear and purify. For the full version sign up for my membership. Join me for my special Guru Purnima Class- Relationships Are Your Guru. Discover resources to deepen your connection with self and others! Early Bird Pricing Ends July 14th! Get the Details
This Week's Intention: Let the longings of your heart stir you into action. Allow passion and joy to circulate in and around you. Clear, release and let go of doubt and illusion. Stay true to course, by aligning with your potent inner silence. The week begins with the tail end of a total lunar eclipse while Moon finishes up its transit through Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra. Themes of release, letting go and endings kick off the week. The challenging portal between eclipses is complete, yet the lingering needs that were stirred, remain. Be gentle with yourself and attend to quiet, rest, meditation and self care in the coming days. Ease your letting go process with tenderness and intention. Renewal is on the horizon! October invites a deeper inward climb with Pitru Paksha and Navaratri arriving. Step into this sacred time with awareness and spiritual focus. Pitru Paksha is a fifteen day celebration honoring the ancestors which begins on September 28th and concludes on the 12th of October, the day before Navaratri begins. Use this time to intentionally connect and align with your lineage, ancestors and those who are ushering you forward. What action do you need to take in order to activate your familial dharma and leave a powerful legacy? Monday, mid morning, Moon moves to the final nakshatra of the zodiac, Revati. Ruling deity, Pushan, supports and assists our journey and travels. He brings nourishment and resources for our path, while also requiring attention to sensitivity and digestion. As Moon finishes up another transit through the twelve signs, use today for the necessary clean up and release after the full Moon + lunar eclipse. What are you holding onto that needs to be released on the mental and emotional body levels? Retrograde Mercury moves to its exaltation degrees early afternoon, rendering him debilitated. This continues until October 9th as he moves back into close conjunction with Rahu. Be mindful of communication and tend to mental body sensitivity. Meditation and self development are essential right now. Mind your mind and stay out of the shadows, illusions and darkness as much as possible. Use creativity, focus and goals to stay hopeful and illuminated. Themes of endings and release continue into Tuesday as Moon crosses the challenging gandanta (junction) between Pisces, into Aries. This cycle happens monthly as Moon completes its cycle through the zodiac, marking fresh starts and beginnings. However, the leap from water, endings, death (Pisces) into fire, renewal and emergence (Aries) can be difficult and intense. What are you letting go of? What are you moving towards? Intentionally make space for your release process and trust your leap into the new. As Moon jumps to Aries early morning and lands in Ashwini nakshatra, he receives the gaze of Jupiter, softening his landing. Allow rejuvenation through healing and creative energy. Trust in your ability to regenerate and take a bold step forward. Venus is at the very edge (sandhi) of Cancer and yet another challenging gandanta is sharing its effects. Feelings and emotions may be extra strong today as Venus prepares to leap from water (Cancer) to fire (Leo), instigating deep purification for our creativity and life force energy. Let your creative energy guide you and inspire change and transformation. Let emotions release and purify through tears and being near water. A tight conjunction (combustion) between Mercury and Sun is simultaneously occurring which can fry the mind and destabilize it. Keep the mental body cool and use frustration as momentum for change. Emotions and sensitivity may increase as Moon moves into Bharani nakshatra around midnight. Self care is essential. Attend to your vulnerability with tenderness. My Dharma Foundations Course special ends today! Last chance to receive 70% off this powerful, life changing course. Align with your dharma, transform and heal in the process. Get the Details. Wednesday arrives with deep emotional tides stirring. As Moon continues through Bharani nakshatra, Yama increases the need for self-control, restraint and intense focus. He notoriously increases sensitivity and victimization through one's karmas. Aligning with Natural Law is essential or he will certainly punish with his harsh ways. Through restraint, he allows re-patterning and re-focus and ultimately transformation and change. What are you ready to cut out of your life once and for all? What suffering are you clinging to like an old sweater, just because its more comfortable than change? Be radical with your release. Let the suffering go. Venus leaps to Leo at 15:12, purifying and cutting its ties to the emotional sign, Cancer. As Venus jumps to Leo and lands in Ketu's nakshatra, Magha, an invitation for a new, bold life is instigated. Venus renews its chase of Mars now and the two instigate extra passion in this already fiery sign. Jupiter here as well increases, expands and nourishes, offering a certain level of protection. Saturn's drishti invites in strength, balance and stability to the mix. Deep, passionate work can be done in this cycle- if we are aligned with our truth and power. Let your efforts be healing, transformational and sustainable. Use your gut wisdom as your guide. Notice where you're pushing too hard and allow grace and beauty to take over. Seek alignment with your desires and creative passions. Invite in playfulness wherever you can, while staying true to your course. Activate and align with goals more intentionally and keep your eye on the prize. Powerful, consistent action steps will be rewarded. Align with your heart wisdom and intuitive guidance for extra support. It has a fire to spark within you! Restraint, commitment and focus are necessary for gains at this time, but let your biggest dreams be your guiding force. Use this time wisely as next month will bring a debilitated Venus, challenging for creativity, relationships and life force energy. Make sure you don't burn yourself out in this cycle, then forced to re-balance next month. This warning will be especially important at the end of the transit as Venus leaves Leo in tight conjunction with Mars. Heat, tenacity and passion can overwhelm and overheat. Their passionate dance continues into Virgo, so prepare now with the intention of inner balance and self care. Use your creative life force energy diligently and consciously. Moon shifts to Krittika nakshatra before midnight and purification increases. Burn away the illusions and doubts. Stand in your fire. Today is the last chance to use my *free* Dharma Awakening Course materials. I'm removing everything from the website tomorrow! Did you miss these free dharmic offerings? Sign up for my newsletter for the details. Thursday begins with Moon nearing the edge of Aries, while transiting Krittika nakshatra. Attend to your inner flame and focus on the light you are cultivating. Add kindling gently and stoke your fire. Let the stomach be your guide today. Are you listening to your gut wisdom, seat of your emotions, passion and power? Where do you need to step it up? Where do you need to quit pushing so hard? What are you digesting and assimilating. Get nourishment. Mid afternoon, Moon jumps to Taurus and becomes exalted, expanded and full of emotional body wisdom. Both Rahu and Saturn give their gaze, churning storm energy up in the process. Intensity on the emotional body level will be activated. How do you use this power? Channel it creatively. Use it for powerful momentum forward. Don't get stuck in its overwhelm and toxicity. Can you change and transform the challenge into growth and forward movement? Rise to the occasion and feel the creative surge. Moon's exaltation only lasts until mid morning, but the emotional body will still be strong. Late evening, Moon shifts to Rohini nakshatra and the creative energy increases. Dance, sing, paint your dreams into reality! Lord Brahma is here to support your journey. Friday continues with potent, creative themes as Moon continues through Rohini nakshatra. Lord Brahma and his wife, goddess Saraswati, are the ultimate manifestation dynamic. When masculine and feminine align creative life force is fully activated and can be channeled in potent ways. Their connection to both manifestation and the arts, make all art forms powerful tools for creating our life if used intentionally. Create, make it real, bring your dreams to life. Get creative! Your life depends on it. Late night, Moon shifts to Mrigashirsha nakshatra, closing out the day with a sense of expansion and reaching towards goals. Today, the Doors close on my Dharma Mentorship! Last chance to work with me directly, align with your potent life path and awaken you dharma. I won't offer this program again until fall of 2016. Say yes to your powerful life and join me. Email Me: [email protected] Saturday continues with Moon transiting Mrigashirsha nakshatra. Moon shifts to Gemini mid morning outside of the gaze of any planets, yet ruling planet of this sign, Mercury, gives its influence from Virgo. Allow Soma and the deep nectar of life to soothe you and whatever ails you. Soak up the nourishment of life and let it seep into your depths. Keep reaching, striving, moving towards goals, desires, aspirations. Let passion stoke your desires for comfort, deep nourishment and healing. What does your heart long for? What does it need for greater safety and support? Move, dance, create and saturate yourself in creative potency today. Late evening, Moon shifts to Ardra nakshatra, and Rudra steps in. Power, force and emotional intensity increase. Sunday, Moon continues through Ardra nakshatra and the strength of storm god, Rudra, brings his dynamism. Ruling planet of this nakshatra, Rahu, currently conjunct Mercury, brings a certain mental body storm. Creativity, currency, connection and communication intensify. How are you using these resources? Where are you maximizing your strength? Where are you diminishing it? Use the power of the mind very consciously and intentionally. Who is ruling who? Create with your storm wisely. The week closes with Moon moving into Punarvasu nakshatra before midnight. Aditi's wisdom and support arrives to usher in deeper nourishment. She brings resources and unity consciousness with her. Align with wholeness and divine flow. Let this theme carry you through Monday as you deepen and drop into greater holding and grounding. As Moon moves into its own sign, Cancer, early afternoon on Monday, we can truly land in our awakened heart more easily. Strip off the veils of illusion and saturate yourself in the purity of the emotional body. *All calculations given are Pacific Daylight Time.
Doors close on my Dharma Awakening Mentorship Friday, October 2nd! Don't miss this opportunity to work with me directly, awaken your life path and create the life you deserve to live! Email Me: [email protected] Need some extra guidance and clarity? I still have a few October openings. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. It's a full Moon week ahead! Tides are high and feelings are amplified. Stay grounded in the physical body and take careful steps. Monday, the week begins with a debilitated Moon in Scorpio while in the friendly star of Anuradha. Details, details, details! Don't get lost in the minute intricacies or you will lose the ability to see the big picture. Connect with friends and do something to help sustain old friendships and relationships. Don't be nit picky! As Moon shifts to Jyeshta, sensitivities increase. Stay calm and be inward. Tuesday continues our connection to Jyeshta and Indra, who offers sensorial delights or overwhelm, depending on how grounded we are. What can you do to land back in your body? As Moon leaps into Sagittarius late in the day, the dark goddess, Nirrti, brings a sudden shifts and changes connected to releasing and letting go. What are you gripping and holding too tightly? Where can you find more release and letting go? Nirrti continues to stir themes of chaos and transformation throughout Wednesday, helping us to let go of our deep attachments. Not sure if you are resisting change? Look for the chaos! She is forcing you to let go and find a deep release where you are holding on too tightly. Let it go, let it flow. As Moon shifts to PurvaAshada late in the day, the full Moon arrives and our inner tides swell, helping us find emotional body release through tears and intense feelings. Let it out. Full Moon, Wednesday, July 1st 21:18 CDT while Moon is in Sagittarius and PurvaAshada Nakshatra. Multiple planets are poised for change as Moon transits Jupiter’s sign, Sagittarius, during the full Moon. Feelings and the emotional body are strong as our inner tides swell with intensity. There is a desperate search for answers, solutions and resolution at this time, yet a profound sense of support can be felt if you are receptive enough to receive the messages. Keep moving towards the nourishment and grounding. Ask for ease and graceful steps. As you tap into your sensitivity, take stock of your need for connection, relationship and love. It’s important to be clear on how your relationships serve you and also which one’s may need to be let go. This cycle will help you clarify and release those that are harmful, while helping you attract what you do need for increased support and well being. Trust your emotional body to share its messages with you. If it doesn’t feel nourishing, there’s a reason. Listen carefully. The water goddess who rules over PurvaAshada, Apas, insures deep feelings and movement of our inner waters at the time of the full Moon and during this waning cycle. As we let the tears out, a certain cleansing and purification is found, rejuvenating the physical, mental and emotional bodies. Water is a powerful cleaning and clearing force so attend vigilantly to your inner waters and tide pools. Allow yourself to spend plenty of time in and around water during the full Moon, and in the coming cycle so that you can maximize the effects of Apas and her rejuvenating gifts. Do you want more astrological details about the Moon and the coming waxing cycle? Use my 2015 Moon Wisdom Calendar to track the powerful cosmic themes ahead. Part 2 is here!! Track the Moon Late afternoon Thursday, the Moon moves to the latter half of the Ashada constellation, UttaraAshada, the domain of the Vishva Devas and then enters Capricorn late in the evening. Multiple gazes effect the Moon as it moves through Capricorn. Saturn, Rahu, Mars, Jupiter and Venus each look at the Moon, providing a brew of intensity, power and changing emotions. Can you feel the heat, confusion and strong inner tides within? Stay grounded in the physical body and its sensations. Track, watch and allow the emotions to shift. Midday on Friday, Moon shifts to Sravana nakshatra, Vishnu’s domain and a certain expansive quality sets in. Vishnu provides movement, openings and expanded awareness. Listen intently to messages and omens that arrive, especially those that give answers for your life purpose and dharma. Venus and Jupiter are both approaching the edge of Cancer, while Mercury sits at the edge of Taurus. These planets are preparing us for dramatic changes in our mental and emotional landscape. Track the wisdom coming forth. Saturday is Independence Day in the United States. It’s the day of Saturn and Moon transits Saturn’s sign, Capricorn, where Mars is considered exalted. Moon enters a Mars nakshatra, Dhanishta, late morning, and the Vasu Devas bring their brilliance to our day. They bring the light, as well as wealth, shining and being seen. How hard are you pushing? Who’s running the show? You or your ego? Check yourself. Venus moves to Leo at 20:38 on the 4th. The planet of relationships, creativity, and artistry is also connected to all things feminine. It offers beauty, fluidity, wealth and life giving powers, most essentially, shakti. Worldly comforts and resources can increase through Venus's benevolence and help us feel more stable in material ways. As Venus moves through Leo, we can expect passions to increase for relationships and connection, while strong desires may emerge. Expect intensified strength, determination and power to materialize, while aggression and agitation increase. The transit of Venus through Leo is the instigation of an unfolding theme that is ripening within the planets right now. Working with power and authority dynamics is vital, especially the masculine energy within you. Notice where you are pushing, using excessive force and using an overactive drive to accomplish and succeed. Take time to contemplate the meaning of success from different angles. Your ego may feel challenged by this. How can you soften your action steps? Where can you let go and surrender more? How can you be a winner- on all levels of life? Just before midnight, on the heels of Venus changing signs, Mercury moves to its own sign, Gemini, at 23:34. Mercury joins Sun and Mars in the sign of communication and co-creation, leaving behind the shadowed gaze of Rahu. Mercury is the indicator of the mental body, the mind, imagination and the stories we create through thought. Though Mercury feels very comfortable and secure in Gemini, the heat of Sun and Mars can cause agitation and aggressive tendencies. As he conjuncts the two hottest planets, the mind heats up and has the potential to get scorched. Are you in warrior mode? Where can you pull back? Too many irons in the fire? It's really a time to cool off and focus only on the essentials. You can't keep running on pure adrenalin or burn out is surely on its way. Remember that the focus of a warrior is highly skilled and very useful for success with clear goals and agendas. However, warriors aren't trained to think think, they just act and carry out orders. It will take more than actions to get what you really need in this cycle. Reign in your task master and spend more time leisurely enjoying nature, being outside and having simple pleasures. Moon moves to Aquarius late evening, another sign of Saturn, and steps out of the gaze of multiple planets. Venus, however, gives his direct gaze now from Leo. Move towards connection and creation, while thinking outside the box. The Vasu devas continue to shine until late Sunday morning when Moon shifts to Satabisha nakshatra. The domain of Varuna always brings a certain containment and contraction. Where do you notice yourself closing, shutting down and feeling restricted? Look for these signs as they are messages from your shadow parts that desire your attention. This harsh edge carries us through Monday morning. Let the message of healing arrive and listen carefully. *Calculations are based on Pacific Time Zone. This Week's Intention: Move, change, flow. Channel the high tides within carefully and intentionally. Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me.
Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. Aries: Be courageous with communications and creative endeavors. Work with your hands and make art and music. Passion for children and romance increase as you step into your power center, moving from your heart wisdom to activating it now. This is an important time to shine and express, while learning a lot about yourself in the process. Increase your knowledge and skills. Learn to trust your gut instincts. Taurus: Speak and share your words of wisdom, but avoid spewing fire and venom. Is there a way to speak the sweet truth? Work with your boundaries very carefully. Anger and agitation are reminders that your needs are not being met on some level. Home, heart and emotions will be heating up in the coming months. Do what you feel, say what you mean and get clear on what you need for your own well being- inside and outside of your relationships. Gemini: The warrior mind will help you get a lot accomplished, but at what costs? Get your goals, lists and agendas clear and prepare for action steps. Accomplish tasks effectively and efficiently, but don't burn yourself out in the process. Balance your work with creativity, art and joyful excursions and let this rejuvenate your mental and physical bodies. How can you work smarter and more creatively, not harder? Work from home and let the internet be your greatest work ally. Cancer: Head congestion begins to dissipate and your voice requests to be heard. Speak the sweet truth and share from your heart. There's a passion stirring within you, making you crave travel, rest and alone time. Can you bridge this with your work and share your discoveries along the way? Take time for relaxation and meditation to help you find clarity and strength, but make sure you aren't hiding from your anger. Where is the agitation coming from and what does it tell you about your needs? Leo: Rise and shine lions and lionesses! Seize the days ahead as expanded passions take hold within you. There will be no stopping your magnanimous and dynamic personality and self expression as the Venus and Jupiter cycle in Leo unfolds. Gains come through self expression, writing and communications. Keep focused on your strong desires, but only move towards what deeply nourishes and serves you and your dharmic path. Virgo: Career gains come from your consistent, clear and tenacious action steps. Are you on auto-pilot or are you able to listen deeply to the messages arriving? Use this time to get focused on the bigger plan and long-term goals. Write, create, communicate and share your message with a larger audience. Channel your passion and step into your power. Deep grounding is coming for you as you commit to landing in your heart more and more. Open your wings and heart wide to receive. Libra: Gains continue to arrive with your consistent action steps. Get clear about who you are and what you offer to the world that is unique, special and valuable. Communicate your message and speak your truth, even if it is hard to do or expresses a challenging experience. People want to connect with you, so let them in. Gains are coming and your efforts will be paying off. You'll have to close some doors in the process. Get clear on which ones to close. Only open the doors that really fill you with passion, joy and enthusiasm. Scorpio: Some change will do you good. How can you balance work and rest a bit more? Find a way to take a break from life yet still get your work done. Is there a way to do both? You need the rest and alone time to find clarity and deeper purpose right now. Harvesting from your depths will help you work smarter and more effectively, not harder. Simultaneously, work life is stepping up and providing passionate expansion for you and your dharma. Keep your hand on the pulse of what matters most to you and your path. Sagittarius: Communicating clearly and effectively will benefit your relationships. Non-violent communication is essential for preventing challenging confrontations. Skillfully express your self and your needs. Don't back down. You are developing necessary skills to articulate yourself in more powerful ways. Speaking is an art form, explore its nuances. Dharma is passionately provoked in the coming weeks. Take from your depths and turn it into an offering. Capricorn: Rest and recycling are coming to you. You're embarking on a time period of diving deep, going inward and discovering new territory while traveling very familiar old ground. Transformation is inevitable, but make it intentional. The ego will be going through a metamorphosis as well. Discomfort is a necessary part of the change process, but our suffering is optional. How will you dance with inner depths in new ways? Aquarius: Passion and relationships are about to become your main focus. Are you ready for a big dose of dopamine? Get your priorities straight or you may find yourself being led by your sexual desires and fantasies, rather than truth and intuition. This warning may be moot as the flames intensify and the embers flare. Put this passion into all areas of your life. Channel it wisely and let it fuel you for many months to come, rather than burn you out. Pisces: The cutting and releasing continues, but with an new edge of tenacity and passion in the heart. Speak from your heart wisdom and share yourself thoughtfully. As Venus, then Jupiter, move into Leo, your sixth house becomes a prominent force in your life. Healing and transforming the ego will be a major theme for you, providing you with a lot of new nourishment in the process. The deeper the release, the more available space you will have to hold the bounty of life. This waning cycle of the Moon is filled with many movements and changes as Venus, Mercury and the annual transit of Jupiter occur. These planetary shifts bring dramatic, swift momentum to our sense of power and passion. With so much in flux at this time, staying grounded will be vital. Venus moves into Leo on July 4th, only days after the full Moon. The planet of beauty, creativity and wealth lands in the Sun's passionate sign, causing the gentle waters of Venus to stir. He leaves the gaze of Ketu, but now receives the cold stare of Saturn instead. This transit begins a multi-month escapade of unusual movement for Venus that won't end until November. As he makes his way through Leo, he will retrograde on July 24th, eventually landing back in Cancer. His movement back through Cancer will take him until the very end of September at which point we will experience yet another transit of Venus in Leo as he moves in forward motion. Finally November 2nd, Venus moves to its debilitation sign, Virgo, ending the wide strides of backward and forward motion in and out of Cancer and Leo. Venus is responsible for relationships, creativity, artistry and is connected to all things femininee. It offers beauty, fluidity, wealth and life giving powers, most essentially, shakti. Worldly comforts and resources can increase through Venus's benevolence and help us feel more stable in material ways. As Venus moves through Leo, we can expect passions to increase for relationships and connection, while strong desires may emerge. Expect intensified strength, determination and power to materialize, while aggression and agitation increase. The transit of Venus through Leo is the instigation of an unfolding theme that is ripening within the planets right now. Working with power and authority dynamics is vital, especially the masculine energy within you. Notice where you are pushing, using excessive force and using an overactive drive to accomplish and succeed. Take time to contemplate the meaning of success from different angles. Your ego may feel challenged by this. How can you soften your action steps? Where can you let go and surrender more? How can you be a winner- on all levels of life? As Venus retrogrades, these cautions will be even more vital. When a planet retrogrades, it acts like the shadow nodes, Rahu and Ketu, creating a certain intensification with the indications of the planet. I'll be sharing much more about Venus and his unusual transits in an upcoming article. On the heels of Venus's transit into Leo, Mercury's moves to its own sign, Gemini, on July 4th as well. Mercury will join Sun and Mars in the sign of communication and co-creation, leaving behind the shadowed gaze of Rahu. Mercury is the indicator of the mental body, the mind, imagination and the stories we create through thought. Though Mercury feels very comfortable and secure in Gemini, the heat of Sun and Mars can cause agitation and aggressive tendencies. As he conjuncts the two hottest planets, the mind heats up and has the potential to get scorched. Are you in warrior mode? Where can you pull back? Too many irons in the fire? It's really a time to cool off and focus only on the essentials. You can't keep running on pure adrenalin or burn out is surely on its way. Remember that the focus of a warrior is highly skilled and very useful for success with clear goals and agendas. However, warriors aren't trained to think think, they just act and carry out orders. It will take more than actions to get what you really need in this cycle. Reign in your task master and spend more time leisurely enjoying nature, being outside and having simple pleasures. Just before the new Moon, the biggest transit of the year occurs as Jupiter shifts into the power sign, Leo, July 14th. The year long transit of Jupiter in its sign of exaltation, Cancer, ends. However, like most major transits of this kind, it actually begins weeks in advance. As Jupiter nears the edge of Cancer, becoming sandhi the first week of July, the transitions and changes start. Pay close attention at this time to themes that connect to Leo, the 5th house and the Sun. Simultaneously any final lessons and understandings from the Jupiter in Cancer transit will be intensifying. This is a time of crystalization, where the final offerings of the Cancer cycle are being shared with us. Read more about Jupiter's transit through Cancer. Self identity and self awareness will be very prominent themes for this Jupiter in Leo cycle. Finding increased growth, wisdom and nourishment for the ego will be a part of the transit as well. Children, relationships and romance will be important factors at play, as well as creativity and passion. However, the personal effects of this transit will be determine by your own Jyotish chart and how well Jupiter is able to express himself in your chart. The placement of the Sun, your 5th house and other factors in your natal chart will also play a role in the outcome of this year long cycle. Read more about the effects of Jupiter in Leo. Now is an ideal time to prepare for the upcoming transit with extra jyotish astrology guidance and support, as well as having a Jupiter yagya for a smoother transition. Need some extra guidance and clarity for the big planetary transits ahead? Schedule a Jyotish Astrology coaching session with me. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic (sidereal) rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your Western sign (Tropical) as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart Need some extra guidance and clarity for the big transits ahead? Schedule a session with me.
Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you. |
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