The Nature of Saturn
Saturn is a powerful planet, one that dishes up our karmas to us- but not on a silver platter. He is our greatest suffering and sorrows, but ultimately our enlightenment. He moves slowly and methodically, taking 2.5 years to move through each sign. What Saturn offers us is the depth of our being, our humanness, whether through experiencing the human form, the physical body, or through the reactions of our actions. Life might be easier without him, but it would truly lack depth, lessons learned, and the necessity for consistent effort which is necessary for us to grow and evolve. Saturn in Sagittarius Saturn shifts to Sagittarius at 02:55 am MST, and into Mula nakshastra, where he will be transiting the majority of 2017. This is a powerful re-structuring transit. As the planet of grief moves through the star notorious for adharma (that which is against dharma), it is imperative to stay close to resources, support and guidance that will help you stay true to your inner wisdom, your dharma and life path. For a limited time, I'm sharing extra resources, support and guidance for your dharmic path. Please follow along with my Dharma Awakening Series. Join my newsletter
New Moon, New Year
Moon in Krsna Paksha (waning) until the New Moon on 1.01.14 when it begins its Sukla Paksha phase (waxing). Moon transits Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius this week. New Moon is on 1.01.14 at 05:14 am CST while in Sagittarius- in exact conjunction with Sun and in very close conjunction with Mercury- both in Sagittarius as well. All three will be in PurvaAshada nakshatra- ruled by the water goddess Apas and the planet Venus. The symbols here are the tusk of an elephant, winnowing basket, and a fan- hinting at change, movement and separating the savory and unsavory parts from each other. A time for sewing good seeds, letting the unnecessary and unhelpful parts fall away while feeling and searching- moving towards renewal and change. This New Moon is obviously exciting because it marks the "new year" for the Gregorian calendar- used by the majority of the world. In this vein, collective consciousness is identifying this as a time of "newness", ushering in a fresh start with a new year. Coincidentally this New Year celebration will also offer a New Moon as well as excellent symbolism. However, unlike the Tropical astrological approach which states the New Moon will be in Capricorn with retrograde Venus at this time, the Sidereal approach (Vedic) system gives a New Moon in Sagittarius. These speak to different experiences, yet some overlap occurs due to Venus's ownership of PurvaAshada nakshatra. Venus as ruler of PurvaAshada nakshatra, currently transiting Capricorn (ruled by Saturn) gives concentration, structure and a "work hard" attitude. Work hard, play hard- but don't over do it. As Venus is retrograde currently, it makes us let go of the reigns, moves us towards inevitable rewind, retrospection and ultimately renewal on the flip side. Read last week's horoscopes for more on retrograde Venus. The themes that come to us for the coming weeks will have to do with learning through communication and letting the ego get a few lessons as a result. These communication lessons can be on the level of speech, but more importantly in the way we communicate through and with creativity, the creation process, fertility, energetic exchanges- mentally, monetarily, and through relationships. Watch for an increased business focus as well with regard to relationships, agendas and finances. Moon in Sagittarius in tight conjunction with Mercury and Sun can give a focused edge, acute goal setting and clarity. However, there is simultaneously drishti from Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. This gives a certain exactness and passion for the process of expansion, however, the need for balance is essential with the stop/go, yes/no, now/wait energies. Don't get derailed, burned out, or set your Self up for failure in the coming weeks. You may come on strong with goals (New Years resolutions) and fizzle out if you don't prepare properly. It is essential to set small, doable goals with attainable "by-whens" for completion, while simultaneously setting up a supportive infrastructure and relationships that help you succeed. Get others on board with your actions. Celebrate small victories. Don't put the cart before the horse. As Sagittarius is a sign permanently poised and ready to take action, yet not always great at follow through, being able to take action steps (especially small ones) and seeing how the little pieces add up (eventually), will be the best way to hit the target over the long haul. Essentially, the big dreams and desires are attainable, but may pan out more slowly than you'd like. The overall essence of this New Moon and what it says about our weeks to come is directly connected to how you decide to maximize this period of focused, goal centered clarity. The planets are offering us a window of support, and a bit of drive to accomplish the tasks we want to tackle, but channel this energy effectively for a longer, more sustainable outcome. (Bottle it and parcel it out slowly in other words). For now, make your to-do lists, give your goals a tangible date of accomplishment, then step forward with action. Pull your arrow back and let it fly! Find support in the process and look for nourishment, rejuvenation and a bit of perspiration with your process. Routine and mindful eating are important right now. Find moderation, balance and power in a "less is more" attitude. The winds of change are blowing right now- expansion and momentum are inevitable now as we move into the rest of winter and then into spring. Use your time and energy wisely right now. For a jyotish Moon-centered approach to your day, follow my daily Moon Mind posts via Face Book. Utilize my jyoti/creative arts activities as a healing & awareness tool for your week. You can find all of my posts from 2013 here. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: A less is more attitude and approach to life is really going to serve you right now as well as in the long run. See what you can get away with by scaling way back on obligations, work details and relationships. In a way, you are being offered a time of re-negotiation with life. Find any and all opportunities for working smarter, not harder. It's time for assistance, extra help, a new support network in place. Find your deservability button and press it. Your health and well being will thank you for months to come. Taurus: Your depths are speaking to you, are you listening? There's learning and growth to be had right now if you silence the outer chatter and distractions. Healing, growth and a new sense of personal power will reveal themselves in time, but you must crawl through the darkness and the mire in the meantime. The portal to your past is open- haunts and emotional wounds may feel gaping and overwhelming. Trust in this process of rawness and stand in your fire. You are in a purification process. Meditate and devote your energy to healing and being healed. Gemini: Relationships appear to be causing you the most room for growth right now. They are really pushing you and helping you create a new reality for your Self. Some of these lessons are really old and bring up emotional wounds from the past. Use this time to get clear on boundaries. What is helpful and what is not? Who is supportive and sustainable for you and your life and who needs to be cut once and for all? You will only get something new and better if you are willing to make some changes to your old ways. You've been handed this lesson on a silver platter. Now what? Cancer: If you're paying attention, you've probably noticed some of your old patterns creeping in. This can be a great time to nip it in the bud and finally move forward with a different set of action steps- specifically in regard to relationships. Bad habits are coming up around your needs for comfort and support; being careful of who and what you attract is essential. Are you acting from a place of desperation? Old woundologies? Childhood fears and haunts? Or just being lazy with boundaries? Alone time will serve you right now Cancer. Don't be afraid of your Self. Leo: Decisions, choices, momentum and moving forward may feel unclear and unfocused. Too many irons in the fire? Lack of clear goals and time frames? Thinking too big and/or too small? For now, hold the visions and the desires. Write them down, get clear on goals and objectives, but don't expect them to make sense right now- or even feel doable. There's too much energy in your 5th house of decision making for the clarity to be available to you at the moment. For you right now, best practice is not seeking clarity (yet) but making your intentions known to the Universe. The rest will fall into place when the smoke clears. Trust the process. Virgo: Your heart is in a tug of war and confusion seems to be mounting. What is right and what is wrong? The root cause of this turmoil is your need for support and comfort. The only problem is, you are looking to others for finding this nourishment, rather than resourcing your own strengths and power. If you choose to, now can be a time of Self expansion, spiritual growth and increased self confidence. The only catch? You have to boldly go where you have not yet gone. You must step out of your comfort zone in order to find a more lasting, pure comfort- sourced deep within your Self. Start small if you have to. Libra: Be mindful of what you put into your Self- whether it is food, ideas, thoughts, relationships or environments. It's too easy right now to get derailed, get out of focus, lose the big picture. Relationships are probably bringing some woes- anger, lack of support and feelings of betrayal may be up right now. These are all lessons in your self-reliance and self-love. When you are ready to put your own Self needs first, your boundaries will get a lot clearer. Yes, it's a time of boundaries, finding new feelings of emotional safety, and the courage within your Self to do so. You have the permission now. Scorpio: The lack of clarity and momentum is due to your need for support, sustenance and nourishment and wondering if you really can have it all. You may be stuck in a binary thinking pattern- the either/or mentality that keeps you paralyzed from moving forward and finding solutions. You want the expansion, but only "if" and "when" X, Y, Z happens. This type of action/inaction will ultimately end in your old patterns of self-deprecation. Let's prevent some of this now by moving forward with some clear action steps. Goals, intentions, and desires need to be written out and given due dates. You are going through great transformations as well and need to let your Self off the hook a bit. Don't judge your future by what is happening for you right now. Avoid the rabbit hole. Sagittarius: The cravings for a "new year, new you" are strong for you Sagittarius, yet there may be confusion about how to go about this desire for big change. What direction to go? How to get there? What to do once you arrive? Slow down and hit the pause button. Super tiny steps are going to be your best option. Celebrating small victories will help encourage momentum. Goal setting is uber important for you. You will need a support team in place to help cheer you on when the going gets tough. The momentum is here now, ride this wave and move your Self forward while it lasts. The tricky part will be sustaining this energy in the months to come. Capricorn: Passion, courage, creativity all seem to be in rewind. There may be confusion about relationships vs. spending precious alone time with your Self; going on retreat vs. working hard at new endeavors. Feeling pulled in too many directions? Goals and by-whens are essential right now. Use a Sharpie and make sure you have time for your Self written in bold, black ink on your calendar. You will find that your greatest creativity and "work time" comes with this sacred space. You are in need of healing and some restructuring of the heart- don't let this desire get lost in the busy shuffle of life. Aquarius: There is great craving around income right now and perhaps confusion about how to increase it while doing what you love. Is it possible to do both? Right now, it may feel as though you're having to take a few steps in reverse in order to make that happen. Use this time for some intentional alone time and meditation. You may find the answers come to you unexpectedly. Relationships with older siblings and friends bring lessons and some old gripes. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, here it is: these are lessons, your mirror and some old reminders that can bring great growth. Don't push them aside or become reactive. Instead, find the golden wisdom in these relationship experiences. Pisces: Too many irons in the fire? You are an example of having too many options and plenty of ideas bubbling forth! Career focus is taking precedence right now and there is much energy to harness here. Be diligent with your focus in order to achieve results. Relationships however may be causing friction still. Feeling like you are being held back or accosted by others? There is opportunity here for you to re-evaluate how you "do your business". Essentially, what is not best practice. Our biggest teachers are often the ones who show us what not to do. In the meantime, charge forth with your visions and planning and don't get distracted by the mosquitoes. Moon is waxing (Sukla Paksha) and transits Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and into Taurus this week. Moon is exalted on 12.14 and in its mulitrikona sign of Taurus 12.15 and 12.16.
Sun moves to Sagittarius on 12.15 at 14:35 CST and will be there until 1.14.14. Sun in Sagittarius receives drishti (gaze) from Saturn, Mars and Jupiter. There will be a desire to expand, yet contraction principles at play simultaneously. Frustrations can come if we push too hard, overextend ourselves or do not effectively re-calibrate our intentions. Things will likely take longer than you'd prefer to pan out, so adjust for this. Best use of your time and efforts will be through goal setting, making to-do lists and using methodical action steps. Set your goals and aim high, but work backwards effectively in order to get the results you'd like. Full Moon (Purnima) on 12.17 at 3:27 am CST. It will be sandhi in degrees and in Gemini at its fullest point and in Mrgashiras nakshatra. More on this next week. Utilize my jyoti/creative arts activities as a healing & awareness tool. This week's Jyoti/Expressive Art Therapy Creative Engagement Activity has us working with masking and unmasking. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Over the last few weeks you've been experiencing a more inward and restful phase, experienced set backs and slow progress. The end of the week marks a cycle of uplift for you over the next few months as Sun moves through your 9th and 10th houses. Simultaneously you can expect clean up, restructuring and reorganization of your life and Self. It will take courageous action steps and doing things differently in order for maximum benefits. Take time for comforts and nourishment this week and find support. Taurus: Use this week for strong forward movement and structured action steps. Find comfort in wisdom and support through your relationships. The coming solar month as Sun transits through your 8th house, will bring a time of working through past "material", the need for more silence and inward reflection, meditation and some "down time". Expect some father issues to emerge, or re-emerge, and work with these effectively. When a thought comes to the mental body, you know it's rooted in the emotional and physical bodies and will need careful attention/intention to heal. Gemini: Get gains from career this week- it's all about who you know and how you treat them, which doesn't imply being a doormat FYI. Assume a take-charge mind set but expect there to be tests about your follow up and follow through. Relationships in general right now are requiring extra attention, demanding your focus, while providing both nurturing and excess effort which can feel tiresome. As Sun moves into your 7th house for the next solar month, it will feel as though people are expecting more from you. Maybe it's because you can do that, or maybe it's because you are needing a healthier habit of saying NO. Either way, it's up to you. Cancer: You are in a time period that calls for re-structuring how you offer your Self and your gifts to the world. This next month will bring ways to heal and be healed. Move forward with the intention of greater comfort and security, self sufficiency and self-reliance. The week can bring gains through knowledge and wisdom, career strategy, friends and wealth. Get goal focused and sharpen your focal points. Attend to your relationships, emotions and healthy boundaries. Leo: Career seems to be going through some recalibration. It will be through your bold responsiveness that things shift. Use this week for fine-tuning what effective action might look like and where adjustments need to be made. Ask for feedback. This next solar month puts Sun in your 5th house and brings opportunities for higher learning, actions that bring advancement, knowledge from children. It will require your methodical action though and some restructuring perhaps. Sometimes things turn out better than you'd imagined them! Trust this to be possible. Virgo: The heat in your head is creating a bit of steam and cloudiness. Are you having trouble seeing clearly? Creativity, relationships and education are pushing you to expand your visions of what is possible. It's important that you think in terms of expansion and dream big. However, it is essential you goal set, use a strategy of small victories and attend to your to-do lists in order to get results. As Sun moves to your 4th house this next solar month, some new confidence in your own Self reliance may set in. Doubt the doubt, leave it out. Libra: For you, working from the inside out is most important this week. Sun's transit into your 3rd house at the end of the week will bring you a new month of expansion within, and the courage to act on your abilities. For you, goal setting and structured plans of execution are paramount, as the tendency for flightiness and lack of follow through can get you into trouble, or at the least leave you without forward movement. Keep it silent this week and create a "goal collage board"- one that has all your desires on it and can help you visualize the future. Then write a solid "goal setting" plan of action. Scorpio: Get your ducks in a row and ask for support from workers, friends and eduction in order for advancement. Be clear and direct with needs, desires and expectations, then hope for the best. You can't get 100% every time. As Sun moves to your 2nd house for the coming month, getting comfort and financial stability from your career will be of the utmost importance. What needs to be done, what actions made, in order to bring more security and harmony into your work and offer a greater financial gain? It's time to really let go of the old fears, and step into something new. Remember, others want to help you thrive. Sagittarius: A desire and a willingness to shine is coming to you and through you this next solar month as Sun transits into your first house. Get your soul shine on and maximize this time of expansion in knowledge and wisdom. What skills can you upgrade and reform? This week may bring some new realizations and sparks of insight to set you in motion. Watch for overindulgence, especially this weekend. Capricorn: Creativity is on your mind and coursing through you, amping up your career and courage. This week illuminates your creative process, yet the coming solar month with Sun moving into your 12th house, will ask that you bring your attention inward. The transits will offer expansion, yet ask that you continue to return your momentum back to its origin, the silence within, for refinement. This will teach you to pause, before saying "YES" and to get very clear before using your precious energy on futile actions. Trust the process. Aquarius: Anger may be coming from out of no where. Frustrations from the past are asking for your attention. As Sun moves into your 11th house for this coming solar month, it will offer you some more time for sifting through these pieces. Siblings, father, and friends will bring awareness to you, don't disregard the insights. Right now, relationships continue to be your "guru" and will offer growth and fine tuning. Pay attention. This week, find time for comfort, enjoyment, Self growth and reflection. Spend your Sunday outdoors. Pisces: Learning from your communications with others is offering big opportunities to you for expanded awareness. What works for you, and what doesn't? Clear boundaries begin with clear languaging, but the root of this clarity is clarity within you. This week find a new, intelligent way of speaking; a refinement is possible. As Sun moves to your 10th house for the next solar month, you will be working with give/take, offer/receive more intimately. Self expression will be restructured and the throat chakra cleared of debris. Speak and listen. Find a connection between body, breath and your spoken word. Moon Mind :::
12.4 Moon transiting Sagittarius with a sandhi Venus, both receiving drishti from Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. Moon moves to PurvaAshada nakshatra at 12:35 CST. Moon is in the auspicious 3rd tithi (Tritiya) and in the waxing phase (Kali phase) of Shukla Paksha. Today is a "get the job done" kind of day while utilizing effective strategies for best results. Set goals, make a to do list, work backwards from the desired outcome with effective action steps. Then, let go, and go with the flow. 12.5 Venus is sandhi (in the gap) and moves to Capricorn at 2:05 CST. Moon moves to UttarAshada at 9:54 CST. Plant seeds of desire today and use a theme of "self care" for harvesting rich rewards. Some ease is coming in the next few weeks with regard to relationships, money and luxuries. Enjoy the moments of comfort. Today, make your list of desires. Think big and dream big. Expansion is inevitable. Shine brightly in order to attract what you want. Moon Mind :::
Thursday, 11. 7 Moon transiting PurvaAshada nakshatra, transiting Sagittarius with Venus there as well- both receiving drishti from Saturn and Jupiter. The energy of today brings both expansion and contraction to mind, emotions and intuition, while the water goddess, Apas (ruler of PuvaAshada), reminds us to go with the flow. Today, focus on cleansing, purifying and finding ways to soothe and be soothed. Tend to emotions and stay out of the "big picture". Instead let the little joys and simple pleasures be enough. Celebrate your "small step" successes. Find the love and pass it on. Jupiter is now retrograde. Get the details via this week's horoscopes: |
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