This Week's Intention: There is power available in the chaos of change. Land in your heart and trust your passion to guide you. A powerful week of new, as Jupiter moves to Leo and a new Moon occurs on Wednesday, followed by Sun moving into Cancer. Potential and possibility are available. Are you feeling the surge of power or crushed by uncertainty? Ride the waves. Monday begins with Moon in its exaltation sign while moving through Mrigashirsha nakshatra. Move towards the nectar and soak up the Soma. How can you create more nourishment in your life? In the afternoon, Moon shifts to Gemini, joining Sun, Mars and Mercury here as well. This air sign is ripe with connective power and possibility. Create, connect communicate. Expand your reach. As Tuesday arrives, Moon moves into Ardra nakshatra, joining Mercury and Mars in this intense star pattern. Three planets in Rudra's domain instigates a certain powerful response- especially in our emotional body. I call this the rock star nakshatra because it has the worldly potential of Rahu, mixed with the power of Rudra. Ardra can move mountains and sustain the energy necessary for the task! But at what costs? Be mindful of what emotions are possibly being cut out and pasted over. Listen to the wisdom of your inner currents to guide your needs. Wednesday brings big shifts and renewal, first with Moon moving to Punarvasu nakshatra in the wee hours of the morning- followed by Mars and then Mercury later in the day. New Moon, Wednesday, July 15th 20:24 CDT, while Moon is in Gemini and Punarvasu Nakshatra. A unique new Moon arrives on Wednesday with four planets transiting Gemini simultaneously. Jupiter has just freshly stepped into Leo for the next year and is deeply sandhi, at less than a degree. Read more about Jupiter in Leo and the year ahead. Change, momentum and release abound. With Moon, Sun, Mars and Mercury all in Punarvasu nakshatra at the new Moon, Aditi’s expansive awareness and gentle ways, bring a certain sensitivity. Sun and Moon are poised at the edge of Gemini and will both move to Cancer hours after the emptiness of the new Moon hits. The masculine and feminine energies within us reach for balance and alignment. Where can you create more inner and outer harmony? What needs to align for greater coherence within? Aditi is the Mother of all goodness in the Vedic tradition and she arrives to give us support, abundance and nourishment in life. Much like a generous and kind mother cares for her children, she helps us find equanimity within heart and mind, while reminding us of the unity in life. Her support comes in the form of resources so that challenges are softened or removed. Trust your steps and allow the grace of Aditi to provide for you at this time. How is her wisdom showing up in your life? Are you available to receive it? Moon moves to its own sign, Cancer, just before midnight. Always know what to expect from the Moon cycles and their wisdom. Get my 2015 Moon Wisdom Calendar. Thursday arrives with extra nourishment and heart wisdom available to us. Moon moves to Pushya nakshatra, Brihaspati's star. Awareness and knowledge are available today in ways that truly can provide greater wisdom and nourishment as a result. Ketu's drishti on the Moon insures that awakening will be sudden and bring sparks of insight. What do you need for increased comfort, security and stability in your life? Sun follows the Moon into Cancer at 15:08, instigating a new cycle with increased heart wisdom and emotional body awakening. The light comes to the heart, the home, land and experiences of mother. This is a powerful month of rooting into the heart and finding a sense of alignment with one's needs. Use your compassion, empathy and desire to nourish others, as a way to share, shine and be seen. Let relationships be resources to deepen your need for comfort and support. Lead with your heart in all matters and be sure to connect and co-create. Work diligently with harmonizing your masculine and feminine energies. The feminine wants to expand, move and flow continuously, while the masculine wants to contain and create support systems. How can you work with both very intentionally for maximum balance and alignment? Sun in Cancer can be a powerful cycle that provides new support. As we get used to Jupiter in the Sun's sign of Leo for the coming year, the solar energy in the heart-centered sign, Cancer, provides us with a chance for inner/outer balance. Auspicious timing in many ways that can truly help us navigate the masculine and feminine paradigm within us in more intentional ways. We must work with both of them consciously or we will be misaligned with our inner power and sense of self. Early morning Friday, Moon shifts to Ashlesha nakshatra and Sarpa influences the mental and emotional bodies directly. As the serpent of illusion and deception, he can cloud our ability to think clearly. Today, notice where you are fixed and too rigid. Where can you bring more flexibility and fluidity in? Self doubt, uncertainty and confusion need to be tamed with more grounding and landing in the physical body. Navigate relationships with tenderness and compassion. Saturday mid morning, Moon jumps to Leo, joining Jupiter and Venus here. All receive gaze from Saturn who always brings a sense of grief, contraction and structure with him. These three planets in Leo are all in Pitr's nakshatra, Magha, connected to the ancestors and our father's lineage. Track your emotional body today- especially in response to relationships. What parts of your personal mythology and family paradigm emerge within your emotional body today? How might you need to shift or change your actions for different results? Late morning Sunday, Moon arrives in Purvaphalguni nakshatra and the sensuality of Bhaga and Venus are instigated. Our emotional body will crave comforts and connection through relating and relationships. Let the heart be your guide and move towards the nourishment gained from love and loved ones. Track where you are craving attention and connection out of habit. Do your relationships truly serve your need for comfort and support, safety and security? Consciously make adjustments so that you are creating more inner support and stability, not less. Get some extra support and guidance for the Jupiter and Sun transits. Schedule a clarity session with me.
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