The 8th day of Navaratri, dedicated to goddess Saraswati. Moon is on the wax (Shukla Paksha) and the week begins with Moon in the 8th tithi at the end of Gemini and Punarvasu nakshatra. At 16:41 CDT Moon enters the auspicious ninth tithi (navami) while sandhi in Gemini, but moves to Moon's own sign of Cancer at 16:47 CDT (still in Punarvasu). In Cancer, Moon receives drishti from Saturn which offers a restrictive energy as well as one pointed focus. Punarvasu, however, gives expansion, clarity and a sense of wholeness from the deity Aditi "mother of all goodness". Look for both in the second half of your day- a fixed mode of expansion with a clear trajectory. Moon moves to Pushya nakshatra at 23:31 CDT. 4.8 Pushya nakshatra is ruled by Saturn and Brihaspati (another name for Jupiter) and offers nourishment, support, usually by providing us with knowledge and awareness. Today is the final day of Navaratri which culminates with the celebration of Lord Raam's birthday, Raam Navami. This is a potent and powerful day of activation. As the previous eight days of Navaratri provided a complete inner overhaul. First with the tilling of our internal soil through clearing and purging (Durga), then came nourishment and support for our seeds (desires) through Lakshmi's abundance, and then finally wisdom and clarity and a wealth of creativity has been offered through Saraswati so that our desires may blossom into a rich harvest in the days and months to come. Raam then provides the power and dynamism to take these silent gifts of the Divine Mother into action so that they may truly actualize. Historically, this is the day Lord Raam was born in Ayodhya and so we give honor and praise to his life and name as well. He was the seventh incarnation of Vishnu. Jai Ram!! 4.9 Moon moves to Ashlesha nakshatra in the wee hours of the morning. This is sarpa's nakshatra, ruled by Mercury. Sarpas are snakes, connected to Rahu (as opposed to the other type of snake, Nagas, which are connected to Ketu). Sarpas are sly and cunning, but offer insights and bring wisdom through their occult studies. Be mindful off illusion, deception and overconfidence today- which are attributes of both Sarpa and Rahu's nature. Currently Mercury is transiting Pisces (conjunct Sun) and transiting Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra which is ruled by Ahirbudhnya, a naga. The mental/emotional body is getting a chance for clarity today with a higher purpose. Get clear on what you need to do and trust your intuitive powers. 4.10 Moon moves to Leo and Magha nakshatra at 05:15 CDT. Magha is ruled by Ketu and Pitr, which relates to the ancestors, particularly the father's lineage. Karamas with power and authority arrive with this nakshatra. Moon receives drishti from Venus here, currently in Satabisha nakshatra. Do good work and uphold dharma, but avoid being overly critical to your Self and others. Works steadily today, but don't push too hard. Where are you overly connected to power and authority? 4.11 At 07:42 CDT Moon moves to Purvaphalguni nakshatra which is ruled by Bhaga and the planet Venus. It's Friday, day of Venus, so expect some fruiting and flowering- assisted by Bhaga of course, who rules relationships, harmony and sexuality. Jupiter's drishti to Venus helps the heart feel more expansive and relationships to feel a bit more harmonious. Though, Rahu's drishti to Venus as well can give too much of a good thing, or misjudgement. Listen closely. Does it feel good to your heart? Emotions? Do you feel supported and nourished? Are your needs being met? Look for warning signs and back up if necessary. Don't rush in too quickly. Sun becomes sandhi late in the evening. 4.12 Moon moves to the latter half of Phalguni, Uttaraphalguni nakshatra at 09:43 CDT which is in the final portion of Leo. Ruled by Sun and Aryaman, there is still a connection to relationships, however, he's more connected to lasting relationships than Bhaga is. Aryaman wants love, commitment and family life to be harmonious. With Sun sandhi in Pisces, in Revati nakshatra (ruled by Mercury), the "Self" needs may be weak today. Do what's best for group harmony today. Shine through communication, verbal affirmations and keep group dynamics in mind. Speak sweetly. Moon moves to Virgo at 16:09 CDT joining retrograde Mars there as well. Retrograde Mars moves back into Hasta nakshatra at 18:25 CDT. 4.13 Debilitated Mercury moves into Revati nakshatra at 10:33 CDT, ruled by Pushan who gives nourishment and safe journeys. Shortly thereafter, Moon moves to Hasta nakshatra joining Mars there at 11:13 CDT. The Moon and Mars conjunction brings heat to the emotions and there is a heightened tension with the mental body simultaneously as they are in a Mercury ruled sign (Virgo) receiving direct drishti from a sandhi Sun and debilitated Mercury. If tempers flair, it's probably due to pushing for too much, forcing an agenda that needs to be re-evaluated and having expectations that are too high. Today is calling for downsizing in a big way. As we near the Lunar Eclipse on the 15th (and Hanuman Jayanti), we need to have emotional/mental balance at the front of our needs list. Where can you do less and lower your expectations of your Self and others? Sun moves to Aries (its home of exaltation) for the next month at 20:42 CDT. This is a powerful placement and causes us to use our brute strength and the physical body to accomplish goals and agendas. But does the body comply? Do the mental and emotional bodies say yes as well? With the lunar eclipse and Full Moon arriving next week, we near the delicate two week period between eclipses (Annual solar eclipse on the 29th). This is a time to really be cognizant of working smarter, not harder. Though plenty of temptations will arise. More on all of this in next week's Planetary Transit + Horoscope Report. Sign up for my Newsletter and don't miss my updates!
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