Moon is waning (Krishna Paksha) and transits Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and into Pisces this week. New Moon is on 3.1 at 2:00 am CST. New Moon will be in Aquarius and Satabisha nakshtatra with the Sun there as well. More on this below.
For a jyotish Moon-centered approach to your day, follow my daily Moon Mind posts via Face Book. Beyond having the New Moon occur, this is an extraordinary week planetarily in several ways. Venus changes signs and moves to Capricorn, Mercury goes direct, Saturn and Mars both begin their retrograde movements and we celebrate Shivaratri all in one week! We will feel these shifts both on the inner and outer levels of life, but the experience of Shivaratri requires an extra special pull towards the inner. Use this time to stop and get silent. New Moon in Satabisha Nakshatra in the wee hours of 3.1 reminds us to pay close attention to our health, be vigilant in attending to the needs of the Self- with compassion, devotion and a certain conviction. Keep this focus on the Self, rather than projecting on others, which can lead to criticism and harsh judgments. Moon and Sun in Aquarius and Satabisha receive drishti from both Jupiter and Rahu. Though Jupiter's benevolence usually trumps all, he is currently transiting Ardra nakshatra which is ruled by Rahu. Additionally, Satabisha is ruled by Rahu and Rahu itself is currently transits Swati nakshatra- also ruled by Rahu. In other words, there's four levels of Rahu's influence on this placement. Rahu brings cravings, shadowed thinking and misconceptions. On the flip side, he can bring worldly gains, momentum and monetary wealth. The coming weeks will show themselves to be a bit of both. Pay special attention to overuse of alcohol, intoxicants and drugs, overworking, being overly competitive and excessively forceful. This is a time that can offer us what is "not best practice" in our behaviors and patterns, in order for us to correct and re-direct towards more harmonious options and choices. Look for ways to get support and needs met in more sustainable, life supporting ways. Venus moves to Capricorn on 02.25 at 23:57 CST where it joins retrograde Mercury there and also a sandhi Moon there at that same time. With the drishti of Mars on these planets, sparks fly and mental creativity is at an all time high. Use the coming weeks to shine- just don't burn your Self out!! Best practice at this time will be to follow the orders of Saturn (slow and steady wins the race and mind your routine/Self care practices), stay in tune with the Laws of Nature and ethics for best results. Act on dharmic endeavors. Make your dreams come alive with action steps. Shivaratri begins on the eve of the 26th here in the USA (13th tithi) and continues through the 14th tithi (Chaturdashi) on the 27th, followed by the culmination of the waning cycle (15th tithi) on the 28th and a climax of the New Moon during the wee hours of the 1st. This is a marking of time that is profoundly connected to inner silence and stillness. It is within the stillness (the Absolute) that all creativity and the potential for creation exists. Shiva brings this silent potential to us before the fertility of Holi (on 3.17) and the expansive growth of Mother Divine (Vasant Navaratri or the Nine Days of Mother Divine beginning on 3.31) awakens the abundance of nature within us and around us. A special New Moon, this is one that Shiva resides over; one that marks the beginning of a new cycle. He offers protection and wisdom to us and reminds us of the spectrum of life which includes both death, chaos, and change, as well as eternal freedom and enlightenment. From this "death", comes life, re-birth and new growth. There is a certain depth possible at this time that can be powerful and potent for one's personal growth. Meditation is essential at this time. Honoring Lord Shiva at your altar with prayers, offerings and chanting will bring him near. Carve out sacred time to be with him- in your silence, meditation and introspection. In addition to Shivaratri, Mercury goes direct early in the morning on the 28th. Mercury marches forward now and we may feel that momentum, however, Jupiter is still retrograde (until 3.6) and the week closes with two of the other major planets going retrograde- Saturn and Mars. Though retrograde Mercury doesn't bring the calamities most like to blame him for (Read more about Mercury Retrograde here), Saturn and Mars will offer some of their own challenges. Currently Saturn and Mars are in Libra with Rahu there as well. If you've been keeping up with the transits (or my articles), this combination is a powerful storm of sorts. All three of these planets are moving a lot this year and since they are each associated with action, together they point to big change, big momentum, big movement. Saturn goes retrograde on 3.2 and dances "backward" until 7.20. Saturn is considered exalted in Libra, however, when an exalted planet (uccha) goes retrograde, it is considered debilitated (uccha banga). Debilitated Saturn can effect our physical well being, might cause us to push too hard, overwork, over strain. There can be health issues if we don't follow his requests (Ayurvedic principles are an excellent resource for "being in tune with Saturn"). As Shiva is connected to Saturn, see if this time of Shivaratri can offer you some insights that may have otherwise been missed. You will have to turn towards the silence in order to hear them though. This is a good time to prune, cut back on the unnecessary, and look for energy leaks in your life. Get simple. To read more about this transit of Saturn, revisit my Saturn and Rahu in Libra articles. Mars and his unique movements between Virgo and Libra this year get a jump start on 3.1 as he goes retrograde. He barely entered Libra and is just over the three degree mark, yet is now starting his movement back towards Virgo. The planet of action is requesting that we re-collect ourselves and take action wisely. I discuss this odd waltz of his in my Mars article. For increased awareness, utilize my jyotish inspired Body-centered Expressive Art Therapy articles. Each week I post a new Creative Engagement Activity to help inspire your own unique creative process, Self-tracking, and to enrich your cultivation of presence. Revisit my past articles for inspiration. It is a big year with multiple {major} planetary changes. We will experience the changes of Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu, Saturn and unusual movements of Mars all in the next eleven months. Big changes are in store for each of us! Feeling uncertain about your action steps? What needs to change in order for growth? What kind of support you need? Schedule a yearly progression with me in order to make your New Year a truly transformational year. I have two sessions still available for the end of March. I am taking a short pause this week with an intention of more listening and receiving; aspiring to cultivate a "less is more" approach with extra rest, more attention to my needs and to Saturn mixed with some very intense work. Horoscopes will resume shortly. Thank you!
2/25/2014 07:11:00 am
2/25/2014 11:04:27 pm
Enlightening .... Really !
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