New Moon Wisdom On July 26th, the Moon crosses over exalted Jupiter and conjoins Sun as it fully empties its sunlight in the 15th and final tithi (Moon phase). The New Moon is in its own sign of Cancer at 17:41 CDT while in Pushya nakshatra. Sun, Moon and exalted Jupiter are all in Pushya, the nourishing star at this time. This is a profoundly symbolic cosmic expression of what we are moving towards in the coming waxing cycle. The coming weeks offer a theme of finding increased nourishment, support and holding. Knowing what this is, what it feels like, and how we cultivate its presence within ourselves and our lives is worthy of our attention and intention. Perhaps nourishment arrives with knowledge and wisdom, comforts and support, kindness and gratitude, increased synchronization of Nature and her rhythms. Perhaps it comes with the gentleness of the breath and taking in life more easefully. Take note of what you are opening to and the many ways and means that offer you nourishment and fulfillment in the coming cycle. What are you filling your cup with? What are you inviting into your being, into your life? Let the awareness of vitality and nourishment be your guide. Trust your emotional body to be your compass, your guide. I hope you’ll join me for my new Moon celebration and workshop. I will be sharing a special creative ritual for the new Moon as well as tips, insights and gifts! Join my new Moon online celebration for some new Moon treats and find out more about my new Moon emotional body workshop! *New Moon Chart Horoscopes for the Waxing Moon Cycle {7.27 to 8.10}
*Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Relationships continue to take on a sense of lurching with ample stops and starts. Are you moving forward or backwards? Expect a sense of frustration and delays with partnerships- personal and professional. Temper anger with trust. Saturn is trying to slow things down because he has an agenda in mind for you. Trust the process. By the time the Moon waxes, your cup is full to the brim and multiple irons are in the fire on the home front/land front. Suddenly work is expanding and pulling you in multiple directions. Plan ahead and do what you can now, before the pressures mount. Taurus: Passionate cravings have been intensifying. Are you wanting children, greater creativity and intuition, romance, more fun, or all of the above? These are the cravings of Rahu's current transit so be aware that you may be under his heavy influence right now. There may be slow progress right now with health and healing matters; do not rush this process! Trust in the slowness and don't push for dramatic changes or results too quickly. Be mindful of enemies and bad habits and be aware that these may bring issues to you as well. As the Moon fills, creativity intensifies. Get courageous with your artistry. Use your hands in new and potent ways and let this be healing and fruitful for you. Gemini: There's a theme of craving greater grounding through home, land, heart and earth based, emotional matters. These will be vital for your moksha in the coming months so give them your attention and intention. Passions, children, fun, intuition, gut instincts, creativity and relationships are providing some frustrations with stops and starts, yes and no, action and inaction. Can you work with these energies more consciously in order to maximize the positive effects? Let Saturn and his slow and steady needs win for now. Don't force and provoke your own agenda; work with the art of surrender. As the Moon fills, comfort, nourishment and support are your main focus. How can you get your needs met in new ways? Cancer: Heart, home, mother, vehicles and land matters continue to cause a sense of frustrations and unsettling. At times these may be smooth sailing and stable; at other times agitations, confusion and anger. Notice when the anger arrives and trace it to its source. What is this sense of not getting the stability and support you need? What needs to shift in order for you to feel more grounded, nourished and supported? By the time the Moon fills on the 10th, you have four planets in your first house. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Choose wisely, but don't be in a rush to do so. Leo: Suddenly the creative and healing floodgates have opened. A new sense of thriving, ideas, and desire emerge. Take this momentum into your career and service work. It may feel as though the switch gets turned off and on quickly though. You may feel you gain steam, then crash. The dynamics of Saturn and Mars in your third house are causing stops and starts with hands, creativity, artistry and courage. Don't doubt your self, don't give up and don't get burned out! As the Moon fills, use this time as sacred alone time. Get ample rest and rejuvenation. Likely it will feel impossible to accomplish, but do it now, before it really becomes impossible. Virgo: The foreign is having its way with you suddenly. Now that Rahu is sitting on your head in the first house, all that is foreign and unusual to you is most fascinating and appealing. There may be some clouded judgment and awareness though; Rahu is a shadow figure after all. There are things you are not seeing yet. Relationships that need to change and be restructured. Comfort and support feels questionable right now. Are you getting your needs met or not? Resource your self with what is working. Keep your focus on these parts of your life. Dissatisfaction is inevitable right now, so keep coming back to what feels nourishing and build on these pieces. As the Moon fills, friends become vital to you, but watch out for those that cause you overwhelm. Don't put energy there. Gains are coming, so make space for them. Libra: Just as storm season ends for you, another level of frustrations arrive. With Saturn and Mars in your first house (your head) right now, the stop and start dynamics are apt to cause a sense of lurching forward in all areas of life. Full steam ahead or just standing still? Trust the nature of Saturn to give you what you need right now- a slower pace where you can find greater stability and support for yourself. Resist his ways and let Mars win with his demands and you will be causing more trouble than its worth. Slow and steady wins the race for now. As the Moon fills, your career is your main focus. Take methodical steps to secure your slice of the pie. Expect sudden shifts and changes with the agenda. Scorpio: Your creativity and artistry are intensifying. Ideas and inspiration galore are coming forth! Make lists and capture the greatness, but don't try to accomplish everything all at once. Be strategic. There may be a sense of wanting to rush out into the world, then retreat back to your cave. What do you really want? In or out? For now, let the inward sensibility rule. Share, offer, give, teach, advise, but do so with an inward focus and intention. You're still living in the ashram until November when Saturn comes out of hiding from your 12th house. Until then, you are still in sacred ripening. Let it be. As the Moon ripens, so do you. Your teaching, giving and guidance amplifies and takes on whole new life of its own. Work the angles. Sagittarius: Career shifts are trending for you. You are being pulled to share, show and be bold in your offerings. Let the foreign and unusual guide your offerings and approaches. There may be an element of healing that is connected to what you share. Or is that you that is getting healed in the process? Friends offer support. Or do they? You may be questioning who in your life feels solid and supportive. Put energy into the true blues and leave the rest for now. Gains are lurching forward. Small action steps are best for at this time. As the Moon swells and fills, you need extra rest and retreat time. You will be processing some very old material, so be prepared to dance with your demons. Ask for support. It's vital to you and how you move forward from here on out. Capricorn: Career needs your attention and intention. There are fire and air in your 10th house, both competing for your focus. This creates a lot of hot air and the ability for you to get burned from fanning the flames! Use thoughtful strategy for the most sustainable results. Don't rush, push or force. Surrender to slow and steady and let Saturn work his magic on you. As the Moon fills and gets fully illuminated, relationships intensify. Both personal and professional connections are at maximum capacity. Will you overdo it or under do it? Be powerfully intentional with your actions and see what healing can take place for you. Let your heart swell as the Moon swells. Aquarius: Past cravings have been intensifying. Can you feel it? The old haunts may be resurfacing now that Rahu is in your 8th house. Ketu can offer some discomfort as well from his spot in your 2nd house. The purpose of this is to help you discard your old shadow parts once and for all and to cut out the attachments you have to them. What wisdom and awareness is arriving? It may come in spurts, without a clear sense or an agenda, but trust this process is working its magic on you, while providing greater stability in the long run. As the Moon fills, your work as healer and the necessary healing you are doing on yourself truly builds momentum. Are you doing too much? You will need to really pair down to the essentials at this time. It's crucial for your progress and well being. Pisces: Relationships are proving mysterious and alluring. You can't help yourself, you want them- more of them- even the unusual ones! But cravings come with a cost- always. Right now, you are working with self trust. All these new relationship matters are giving you new ways to learn how to trust your self. There may be some fear involved in this- as it should be. But one thing will never lead you astray; the intuition. Gut intelligence. The emotional body. Use it and don't lose it. As the Moon swells and gets full, your intuitive wisdom will be amplified and tested. Are you listening? It will be important for you to cut out distractions and keep things simple for maximum results. Need some extra guidance and clarity for this coming year? Schedule a session with me. Get your horoscopes, transits and emotional resources all in one place. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you.
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