This Week's Intention: Notice your movements and choices. Watch, track and invite in awareness on the mental and emotional levels. Keep moving towards the nourishment of life. The week begins with a very inward feeling. Moon is in its final phase of the waning cycle and inviting us to introspect. Monday, Moon transits its exaltation sign, Taurus, with the fiery combination, Sun and Mars, and the mental body planet, Mercury. Feelings are intense, hot and passionate. The mind is stoked and forceful. With Saturn and Rahu giving their gaze, our mind and emotions get extra pressure and chaos. Creative forces are strong with Rohini nakshatra today, so channel the mental and emotional bodies intentionally. Sun jumps into Gemini mid morning, inviting in a new month of creative potential. Hours later, Mars chases the Sun into Gemini as well. Gemini represents the merging of energies, and the new, third energy that is created as a result. Metaphorically, this connects to the energy of lovers coming together, creating a "third energy" out of their unification. From an artistic perspective, Gemini can represent the artist and their medium, plus the arrival of a "third" energy- or the emerging transcendental experience. The creative energy of Gemini is unstoppable, changeable and always moving. In the coming cycle, merge and connect with new ideas and people, in order to deepen your nourishment, increase wealth and find new resources. How can you extend and expand your reach by joining forces in new ways? A certain dynamism charges us forward into this new cycle with relationships and communication being a primary source of desire. Feel, search, express- while flowing, expanding and creating new pathways. This Sun and Mars cycle will be a time of many new insights, ideas and a very strong imagination and it will give us the potential for new connections, collaborations and relationships. But in order to have space for new relationships, we must let go or loosen attachments to the old. Use writing, the hands, art and expression to get the job done. New Moon, Tuesday June 16 at 09:06 CDT while in Gemini and Mrigashirsha Nakshatra. During the New Moon, movement will be felt on the three levels of your being- mental, emotional and physical- which may invite in a sense of being pulled in too many directions. With three planets in Gemini, Sun, Moon and a sandhi Mars, all in Mrigashirsha nakshatra, a passion for change and growth will be intensifying in the upcoming waxing cycle. The new Moon is conjunct Mars and Sun- who have just arrived in this airy, creative sign known for connection and communication. As Mars and Sun chase each other into Gemini, this sparks a heat wave of creativity, communication and connectivity. Do you want more astrological details about the Moon and the coming waxing cycle? Use my 2015 Moon Wisdom Calendar to track the powerful cosmic themes ahead. Part 2 of my calendar {July to December} is almost here!! This week only, I'm sharing a special promotional price + extra special bonuses! Learn More. Moon continues through Mrigashirsha nakshatra today and Soma is the presiding force for us. Attend to inner nourishment and vitality. Create new pathways and channels for sharing, creating and moving forward. Early evening, Moon shifts to Ardra nakshatra and an abrupt shift occurs. Notice how Rudra's energy invites in a certain intensity. How can the nourishment of Soma from earlier in the day protect you and help you keep your balance? Moon continues through Ardra on Wednesday which invites us to listen carefully to Rudra's message. Moon in Gemini and Mercury in Taurus, offer a nice exchange between Taurus and Gemini today. Find ways to express and share in order to get more nourishment and support. Get focused and clear on what you want and need. Don't let the chaos interfere with finding nourishment and support. Notice how intense emotions pulls you off from your center and undermine your self power. Track yourself intentionally today on the mental, emotional and physical levels. Trust your steps and your purpose. Early evening Moon moves to Punarvasu nakshatra and Aditi arrives. See if you feel her wisdom coming through. Midday on Thursday, Moon shifts into its own sign, Cancer, joining exalted Jupiter and Venus here, while continuing to transit Punarvasu nakshatra. Aditi brings her expansive wisdom, a unity consciousness, a feeling of oneness with her. Move towards this oneness, the unified experience of life and self. Trust the holding, the containment of spirit, to guide and protect you. We are one with all, any separateness is an illusion. Where are you feeling separate? Where are you feeling whole? As Moon shifts to Pushya nakshatra early evening, a deepening sense of this holding can offer deeper support to us. Friday is a day of nourishment, if we allow it in. As Moon moves closer to Venus today, our feeling and emotions deepen. What is underneath the waves? What is the emotional body sharing with you about support and stability? Find your rhythm with opening and closing, yes and no, as well as healthy boundaries. Balance comes when we unite the expansive and contractive energies within us. What are you opening to? What are you closing to? As evening approaches, the Moon moves to Ashlesha nakshatra, conjunct Venus and Jupiter. Ketu's drishti can bring flashes of insight and awareness. Can you catch the sparks? Themes of Balance continue during Saturday, the day dedicated to Saturn's energy. Find ways to expand, flow and invite in more ease and grace today. The breath is a perfect metaphor of opening and closing, and the continuous flow of life that it offers. Tame the unruly mind today with consistent attention to its imaginal ways. How can its stories prove to be valuable resources for unlocking your subconscious messages and programing? Get curious and ask the right questions. Ask the mental body what it wants and needs. Just before midnight, Moon leaps to Leo and Magha nakshatra. Sunday is perfect day for celebrating the father's in our lives as well as the solar qualities! Moon transits Leo (ruled by Sun) on a Sunday in the nakshatra of Magha which is dedicated to our ancestors and typically the father's side of our lineage. Saturn's drishti on the Moon shares a contractive feeling and can remind us of grievances and pains. Keep it on the sunny side while attending to any depth and sadness that arrives on the emotional body. Notice how the balancing factors of open and close from the previous days can help support this process. Summer Solstice is June 21st. This marks the beginning of summer in the Northern hemisphere, as well as the longest day of light in the year. Monday arrives with creative life force energy activated! Let the shakti stir you and expand your vision! Do you want more astrological details about the Moon and the coming waxing cycle? Use my 2015 Moon Wisdom Calendar to track the powerful cosmic themes ahead. Part 2 of my calendar {July to December} is almost here!! This week only, I'm sharing a special promotional price + extra special bonuses! Don't miss out. Learn More. *Time zone used for calculations is in Pacific Daylight Time unless otherwise noted.
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