The week begins with a deep, waning Moon. New Moon is Tuesday morning while in Capricorn. Capricorn is the center of attention right now and presents us with themes for the coming waxing cycle. Read more here. Two big shifts this week- Mercury goes retrograde and Venus moves to Aquarius. Later in the week, Aquarius asks for our attention as Venus moves to this sign, where Mars is already, and Moon passes through as well. Monday, January 19th Today's Intention: Purify, cleanse and restore. As Moon continues to transit Sagittarius and PurvaAshada nakshatra, there is a deepening of release happening. Let the release come through purifying and cleansing practices, through ritual and sacred acts. Use water and the emotional body tides to inspire the purification process. Be gentle and nourishing to yourself and others today. Do so by listening deeply to your emotional body wisdom. Moon enters the 15th tithi today, the final phase of the waning cycle, and shifts into UttaraAshada nakshatra at 16:04 CST, inviting in the Vishva Devas and a strong sense of integrity. What drives you and motivates you to be the best you? What are the best parts of yourself that you wish to share with the world? Tuesday, January 20th Today's Intention: Get clear and get focused, but don't forget to leave room for daydreams. Moon transits Capricorn and UttaraAshada nakshatra with Sun, Mercury and Venus in Capricorn as well. Rahu, Jupiter and Saturn all give their drishti to these four planets. Feeling pulled in too many directions? Too many irons in the fire? The hardest thing to do right now is simplify. Do your best. New Moon is at 07:14 am CST while in Capricorn and UttaraAshada. This is a very powerful new Moon with strong Capricorn themes. Strong creativity is available to us and can be maximized with a strong, clear and direct channel. Give your creativity purpose and clarity and you can enlarge what is possible for your self. This is a time where we are learning to direct our flow. Read more about this new Moon and the intention for the coming waxing cycle. Moon shifts into Sravana nakshatra at 13:28 CST, enlivening Vishnu and his expansiveness. Mercury is here as well, which invites in creative expansion from the mental body level. Let the mind, the imagination, expand your life vision, your sense of purpose and dharma. Solidify your intention and expand your container of what is possible for yourself. Wednesday, January 21st Today's Intention: Your only job is to share your life light. Mercury goes retrograde at 09:51 am CST and will be moving back through Capricorn now until February 11th. Despite what many believe, retrograde cycles are not chaos cycles where life goes haywire. They are, however, cycles for us to re-trace our steps, recycle our thoughts and intentions, and to clean up any details we may have missed on the first go round. In fact, these rewind cycles are a gift! If we use these cycles intentionally, we get a chance to re-do what we may have neglected previously. Read more about retrograde Mercury cycles. The retrograde planet will determine what we are re-examining, and how that shows up for us in our life experience. Mercury is the planet that correlates to our mental body, our imaginal realms. It is the planet of communication, commerce, writing and connecting. It likes to speak, share, create and co-create. As Mercury will be walking back through Capricorn for the next three weeks, this is an ideal time to find very clear containers, structures and frames for your creativity, communication and connection. Retrograde Jupiter gives his drishti to Mercury at this time, creating a double return of old territory, including emotional body wisdom and themes connected to heart and home. Boundary work is essential right now. Think in terms of organizing all aspects of your life and tidying up old, dusty corners of you mind. If life is a closet, go to Ikea and get the proper shelving and filing systems for yourself. If the closet is the mind, get clear and organized about what "best practice" is for yourself in work, career and your life offerings. Re-commit to enlivening your dreams and making them real. Keep moving towards what makes your heart full of joy. Your passions are your life's work. Make space for them. Take intentional action steps and don't waste energy unnecessarily. Track your emotional and mental bodies for insights. Shortly after Mercury goes retrograde, Moon shifts into Dhanishta nakshatra at 10:42 am CST, home of the Vasu Devas, the shining stars. Creativity, light and sharing one's light are all assisted by the Vasu Devas. As we shine our light, our innate gifts and dharmic purpose, we gain and acquire increased support and assistance, abundance and prosperity. Authentically offering one's inner light, attracts more of the same. We can give thanks to the Vasu Devas for their support with this shining process. Today, re-visit your life message, your light message, what makes life worth living. Hone your intention for being alive. Moon moves to Aquarius at 21:19 CST, joining Mars here. Thursday, January 22nd Today's Intention: Look for sparks and let them inspire your healing. Moon is waxing now and enters the third tithi (tritiya) today. As Moon moves into Satabisha nakshatra at 07:57 am CST, Varuna and Rahu are enlivened. Moon conjoins Mars in Aquarius which intensifies our emotional body experience with a range of feelings from agitation and anger, to passion and ferocity. Varuna can provoke a deep inner awareness and help us align more intentionally with the Laws of Nature. Emotional body depth is increased today, so utilize this for greater awareness about your needs. Allow the emotional body to intensify your inner vision more deeply. Harvest your findings and extract them for healing. What do your emotions tell you about what is working in your life? What do they tell you is not working? What or who, is the emotion directed towards? What is the underlying need for nourishment and support under this emotion? Seek the wisdom of your inner tides and use this to spark increased consciousness, depth and healing. Or you could just stay angry. Need a step by step ritual to help you identify what you need? Do a three level check in. Venus moves to Aquarius at 14:30 CST, joining Moon and Mars here as well. With Venus transiting Dhanishta nakshatra still (a Mars ruled star) there is an increased sense of passion and intensity with all things creative, relational and feminine today. Bottle this and dole it out slowly in the coming weeks! Venus chases Mars through Aquarius for the next three weeks before Mars moves into Pisces on February 11th. This combination makes for a fire and water dance that can help us intensify our passion, or help us get burned by it. The way to work with this energy is to channel it into proper containers- unique, new and different types of containers. This is an opportunity for us to maximize our creativity, to increase our passion, and to ignite our desires. How we use this heightened passion is really important. Do we use it to awaken? Or do we let our creative energy go off like a firecracker, then dissolve into burn out? Relationships may come on strong at this time so direct the flow of love and channel it intentionally. Let all love flow to the heart. Even the strictly second chakra kind! Friday, January 23rd Today's Intention: Walking leads to dancing. Do both. Moon shifts into PurvaBhadrapada nakshatra at 05:25 am CST and Ajaikapada and Jupiter rise into our day. Ajaikapada is a Rudra, which means he has immense strength and power. He stands on on one leg- one foot firmly grounded, the other one in the air poised and ready to step. Symbolically, one foot is here, while the other is in another realm. This nakshatra has to do with endings, transformations, and the purification that occurs during this process. It is not the easy part, but the necessary part. When life feels challenging, like it's a struggle, it is usually because we've outgrown some old aspect of ourselves. Every ending leads to a new beginning. As the saying goes, when you're walking through hell, just keep walking. Today, step intentionally and invite in your new sacred dance. It is the day of Venus (Friday) and Venus is in young degrees, having newly entered Aquarius. Be gentle with your relationships today and attend to self care needs through creativity, dance and nature. Ground through the creative and sync up with your inner waters. Moon is waxing and shifts into the 5th tithi (lunar phase) late in the evening. This marks the first third of the waxing cycle. Moon moves to Pisces at 21:43 CST. Saturday, January 24th Today's Intention: Heal and transform by deeply letting go. Moon shifts to the latter half of the Bhadrapada stars at 03:12 am CST, enlivening UttaraBhadrapada and Ahirbudhnya, the serpent of the deep. This serpent energy helps us go beyond the surface, to explore parts of ourselves that may go unnoticed or unattended. The symbol of the Bhadrapadas is the funeral cot. As the latter half of this constellation, UttaraBhadrapada rules over the back half of the funeral cot, or the final letting go. There is some release possible today, if we are willing to go deep into our subconscious, our mental body, for further inquiry. With retrograde Mercury well under way, now is the time to be intentional with re-visiting your old, outworn thinking patterns. As Saturn rules the day and this nakshatra, using the physical body to help you access your inner depths will be extra potent. Use gentle movement and embodiment practices to help you get there. Sun moves to Sravana nakshatra at 03:17 am CST, joining a tight conjunction with retrograde Mercury there as well. The themes for the coming week are all expansion oriented- on the level of consciousness. Think bigger, and life gets bigger. It's our mental body, our imaginal realm, that can help us create the unseen into manifest form. With this tight conjunction occurring, don't let mental frazzle get the best of you. Mentally fried? It's a good time to meditate, dive deeply, and restore. Then use the clarity to get task oriented and fully organized. Take this reminder into your coming week. Sunday, January 25th Today's Intention: Lead yourself back to the nourishment that's already within you. Moon moves to Revati nakshatra at 01:28 am CST, the final nakshatra in the cosmic wheel, before we start a new cycle. Revati is a nourishing star that provides us with safe and fruitful journey's. Its ruling deity is Pushan, who helps us prosper by leading us back to our flock, back to our path, when we stray. He leads us to the nourishment, the essential ingredients for success. I liken Pushan to our intuition. When we have a strong connection to our intuitive knowing, we can trust ourselves, our choices, our actions, and the universe to provide exactly what we need. Let today inspire this gentle attention to your intuitive wisdom by allowing space for the emotional body to share with you. The mental body will be strong and sharp, with an agenda all of its own. The trick today is to go beyond this and to listen to the wisdom coming from your emotions instead. What nourishment can you gather from this place of deep listening? What does your emotional body share with you about your needs? Do a three level check in for clues. Monday, January 26th Just minutes after midnight, Moon hops into Aries and Ashwini nakshatra, inviting in the Ashvini Kumara twins. They offer us healing, rejuvenation and increased creativity as a result. Take action steps today that offer healing and restoration to you. Get all my Full Moon and New Moon Wisdom in my 2015 Moon Wisdom + Creative Ritual Calendar! Pre-order your copy here. Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me.
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1 Comment
1/26/2015 12:29:42 pm
Thank you! Very informative!
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