The waxing phase culminates this week on the 6th with a full Moon in Aries. I share details below, but look for a Full Moon Wisdom article and new horoscopes later this week with even more details.
The big shift of Saturn into Scorpio has now happened. Saturn is barely adjusting to Scorpio and still under a degree. My advise from last week about getting embodied is still relevant- and carries through the waning Moon cycle. Stay grounded and in your body as much as possible. Mercury shifts into Libra once again and emotional tides are high with the full Moon, so be aware that life may feel overwhelming, big, expansive and very new in many ways. Take action steps gently, create alliances, and celebrate your path. We are all in for a Scorpio type adventure for the next 2.5 years! If you haven't had a Saturn yagya yet, now's the time! Monday, November 3rd Today's Intention: Loosen the grip you have on yourself. Lighten your load. Moon moves into Pisces at 02:55 am CST, joining Ketu there, while receiving drishti from Jupiter, Mercury and Rahu. Then Moon moves into Uttarabhadrapada at 08:30 am. This awakens Ahirbudhnya, another son of Vishvakarma. He is considered the serpent of the deep, and rules over the nether regions, the hidden realms, and our subconscious mind. He is also a Rudra like his brother Ajaikapada, but he removes misfortune and can grant enjoyment, refreshments and delights. The symbol here is the back legs of a funeral cot, exemplifying the final release, letting go. Fruitful endeavors can be granted, or old struggles can be released. Work with the subconscious mind today and unravel, loosen and release the old tangled webs holding you back from your goals! Venus moves to Vishaka nakshatra at 19:52 CST. Alliances, relationships and the ability to co-create with others, proves especially valuable and important in the coming weeks. Work diligently with partnerships, team building, and giving gratitude for the resources others bring into your life. We accomplish nothing alone. Invite others into your world and accomplish more! Vishaka reminds us that giving and receiving makes the world go round! Mercury nears the edge of Virgo, its sign of exaltation, and is now sandhi. Both Saturn (physical body) and Mercury (mental body) are sandhi right now as Moon (emotional body) nears Ketu (our awakened shadows). Get embodied and stay grounded in the moment as much as possible right now. It's too easy to slip out of the body and get lost in the mind and thoughts. Moon is waxing and in the 12th tithi (Moon phase) now. Full Moon this week on the 6th in Aries! The doors close at midnight tonight on my Early Bird pricing for my Dharma Foundations Course!! Sign up here. Tuesday, November 4th Today's Intention: The journey toward your goals, begins with one step. Moon moves to Revati nakshatra at 06:53 am CST, inviting in Pushan and another level of Mercury to our day. Moon nears exact conjunction with Ketu, so expect some mental sparks today. Especially because Rahu gives his drishti, as well as a sandhi Mercury who is ready to jump into Libra. Mars also gives his gaze, intensifying the heat and fire element. Emotions may be invoked, or provoked today, so be sure to do a 3 level check in for greater awareness about your needs. Pushan insures our safe travels, nourishes our path, and helps us to flourish, prosper and create increase. He is a guardian for journeys that are on the material level and astral level- those beyond the human body. He leads us to abundance and a sense of thriving. Mercury moves back into Libra today at 09:37 am CST, joining debilitated Sun, and Venus there in its own sign. Mercury is here until November 24th. Libra becomes the center of our attention once again, invoking a need for greater balance, harmony and movement in our lives. Relationships, co-creating and nourishing communication are all vital right now. Inspire and get inspired. Seek solutions. In just a few short weeks, our attention and energy will shift to Scorpio, when we will have a cluster of four planets in this sign. Transformations are afoot, but for now, focus on re-centering, re-balancing and re-stabilizing. Wednesday, November 5th Today's Intention: Self care is non-negotiable. Put your needs first. Let healthy boundaries rejuvenate you. Mars moves out of Mula nakshatra at 02:47 am CST and into PurvaAshada, ruled by the Water goddess Apas and the planet Venus. This brings us a shift into greater flow, ease and fluidity- which becomes more possible in our action steps. Sensitivity and feelings are increased, as well as greater invitation for rejuvenation and purification. If you haven't already begun your fall cleanse, now is the time to take action steps toward clearing and cleaning your physical body. It is also vital to be clearing and cleaning your mental/emotional bodies as well. Cleanse from the inside out. But gently, not harshly. The ruler here, Apas, is the water goddess who can increase fluidity and flow for us. Take note if you need more life nourishment, monetary flow, love and creativity. Use this wisdom to get you started. Moon is now in the 14th tithi, nearing complete fullness, and jumps into Aries and Ashwini nakshatra at 05:25 am CST, inviting in another level of rejuvenation and healing thanks to the Ashwini-kumara twins. Their domain includes rasayanas, which bring strength and vitality. Both the creative arts and the healing arts fall under their domain. Moon receives drishti from the three planets in Libra: debilitated Sun, Venus in its own sign, and now Mercury, who is still in young degrees. A strong sense of balance is desired today. Seek solutions and resources for getting your needs met. Moon moves to the 15th tithi at 18:06 CST and the fullness begins! Thursday, November 6th Today's Intention: Be filled. But first, remove all that does not create space for your own fulfillment. Moon moves to Bharani nakshatra at 04:12 am CST, inviting in Yama and another level of Venus to our day, and our full Moon experience. Drishti on the Moon from three planets in Libra is still relevant thanks to debilitated Sun, Venus in its own sign, and now Mercury, who has crossed over the two degree mark. We are still working with a strong need for balance- a general theme for this time period. Work with the stability available from the pelvis in order to ground, and root. Seek solutions and resources for getting your needs met. Invite in flow and fluidity. Be vigilant with second chakra messages. Moon is completely full at 16:21 CST in Aries and Bharani nakshatra. The Vishva Devas are enlivened when the Moon is in Purnima, fullness. Creativity, light and expression are available to us in greater capacity. With the Moon in Bharani nakshatra at this time, Yama brings an element of restraint and containment to us. He is an enforcer- of Natural Law, of right and wrong, of karma. He insists on transformation and brings it to us through his truth. Everyone at some point will have to face the scrutiny of Yama. He tells it like it is. The harsh realities of life and death. Bharani is therefor considered an Ugra nakshatra- one that is harsh and dreadful. Cutting, executive decisions and abilities are possible, as well as success in destruction and interrupting. Read more about the Full Moon in Bharani nakshatra and the coming waning Moon cycle. I've also posted my waning Moon cycle Creative Ritual to help you work with the themes of this cycle. Read more here Last chance to register for my Dharma Foundations Course!! Sign up here. Friday, November 7th Today's Intention: Burn, transform, transcend. Take yourself from flicker to flame, ash to akasha. Moon transits into Krittika nakshatra at 03:21 am CST, inviting in the deity Agni and its ruler Sun to our day. Today invites in a sense of purification, clarifying and a need for greater digestion and assimilation. Use the creative arts and embodiment for increasing the necessary flow and fluidity in your life. Your digestion process has a direct impact on your ability to create, re-generate and revitalize yourself. Work with your fire and its transformational abilities. Today is about shifting, changing and re-creating. Moon hops into Taurus at 09:12 am CST, and goes into its exaltation degrees until 14:30 am CST. As Soon as Moon shifts into Taurus, it receives drishti from Saturn in Scorpio and Rahu in Virgo. Intensity in the body and with our shadows, stirs the emotional body. This position of exalted Moon, however, exemplifies the expansiveness of the emotional body and can bring with it tidal waves. Ride these waves. Purge, release and transform through the wisdom of the emotional body. Use my Creative Ritual to explore the transformational level of your current experiences and conflicts. Saturday, November 8th Today's Intention: Get moving and get creative. Feel your desires, then take action! Moon moves into Rohini nakshatra at 02:58 am CST, enlivening the support of lord Brahma and his consort goddess Saraswati. Moon is in Taurus and considered in its sign of mulitrikona, a strong placement for the felt senses, creativity and self expression. Doubly so because of its Rohini placement right now. Rahu gives his drishti, as does Saturn. This creates some extra pressures on the Moon and increases and heightens the intensity of our feelings. Think of it like an amplification or choppy waters. How can you channel this in a way that moves you, inspires you and gets your creativity flowing? Go bold and start manifesting your desires. Open your channels of creativity and get your life moving! Sunday, November 9th Today's Intention: Sense, feel and reach into your dreams in order harvest your action steps. Moon moves to Mrigashirsha nakshatra 03:09 am CST inviting in the deity Soma, and the planet Mars. Divine nourishment, the nectar of life is available to feed us today. Sensing, feeling, reaching and branching out in order to thrive are the resources for our day. Seek the nectar that will nourish you from your depths, to your tips. From feet to head, first chakra (your roots) all the way to your 7th chakra (your celestial being). Don't neglect your roots, for this is the foundation you need for growth and abundance. Mercury moves to Swati nakshatra at 04:48 am CST, which encourages movement and change within our mental body, our communications and commerce. The deity Vayu rules over Swati nakshatra. He is present in breath, prana, as well as wind and air. His ability to move us, shift and change us, can be felt in soft, gentle breezes, or strong, stormy gusts. Working with the ever fluctuating mental body in the coming weeks will be vital. Three level check ins are a must. Harness the winds of the mind and you harness your being. Moon moves to Gemini at 15:29 CST, and receives drishti from Mars. Whenever Moon and Mars connect, there is dance with fire and water. This combination can increase anger, passion, and our attraction to red. It can also bring strength and blessings from the divine mother. Look for the opening, the gift, in the challenges and intensity that arrive. Anger is a potent and powerful gift to receive! Monday, November 10th Today's Intention: Roar like you've never roared before! Moon moves to Ardra nakshatra at 03:58 am CDT, inviting in Rudra and Rahu into our day. Moon receives direct gaze from Mars, increasing the emotional intensity available with Ardra. The morning, and our week, start off with a bang! Rudra brings immense power and strength with him and when he combines with the Moon, this can bring immense emotional currents. This is why Ardra is connected to anger and the ferocity that anger offers us. (Anger is like a big wave, not like a ripple on the water.) Anger is an exceptional gift if used properly. When used improperly, it is a mental body dysfunction. When our anger is resourced from our emotional body wisdom, our sensing, it can be used as a tool of activation, motivation and power. It can be a dharmic gift, a 3rd chakra oriented self empowerment tool. How do you find the gift in anger? Look at the needs it is sharing with you. That need can be a huge source of awakening for you. It takes willingness, action steps and courage to go into the depth of your needs and use them as a personal development resource. Your anger can get you there and Rudra can make this happen. Charge forward today and roar loudly! Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you.
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