Moon is waxing now. There's been so much movement in the planets in the last few weeks, we are likely all feeling a bit wind swept! The biggest planetary shift of all takes place this week on Sunday, November 2nd when Saturn shifts into Scorpio for the next 2.5 years. Read all about it here.
It is actually quite a delicate time for many- with a lot of intensity coming from multiple angles. Remember to go slow, be vigilant with your self care, and give others some extra compassion. In light of the transformational times upon us, it's time to be bold and clarify your path and purpose. I'm sharing a free class this Saturday in order to help you find your way and affirm your dharma. Get the details here and sign up. Monday, October 27th Today's Intention: Tame your wild horses! Moon transits Jyeshtha nakshatra and Indra, as well as Mercury rule the day. Indra heightens our senses, as well as our sensory sensitivity. He reminds us of the strength we can gain when we can control our senses and learn to channel them more directly. This is power. With Sun and Moon debilitated simultaneously, our sensitivity is more extreme. Pay attention to your subtle needs and listen to your intuition. Make sure your mental body doesn't lead you astray. Use a three level check for awareness. Moon jumps into Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra at 18:37 CDT, inviting in some disruptions and chaos. Moon joins Mars here and intensifies the changes. Saturn's drishti on both Mars and Moon increase the pressure and force. There is wisdom coming in the back door with with this calamity and restructuring, so look for the gifts that are arriving. The more space you can clear, the more space there will be for the new. Tuesday, October 28th Today's Intention: Till your soil, pull up weeds, and prepare your inner grounds for new seeds to be planted. Moon transits Sagittarius and conjuncts the fire planet, Mars, while also receiving drishti from Saturn. There's heat and pressure on our emotional body right as a result. There are also blessings from the divine mother available. Look for her gems. As Moon transits Mula nakshatra today, ruled by the adharmic goddess herself, Nirrti, a certain force arrives. Mars is also transiting Mula currently which adds to the intensity. Nirrti's job is to break, uproot, disrupt and dishevel. She invites in chaos and calamity, turmoil and challenges that can take us off course. There is also great wisdom available here, however. Wherever we crack, light can enter. Whatever we loose, makes space for something new. Whatever we let go of, invites in new possibilities. Clearing, cleaning and purification are important today. Make an offering on your altar or do some act of seva, selfless service. Be devotional, in gratitude, and give thanks for your blessings. Moon moves to PurvaAshada at 17:56 CDT and Apas takes over. The water goddess invites in sensing and feeling, nourishment through her flowing grace, her emotional body wisdom, and offers us an ability to rejuvenate. The cleaning and clearing of Nirrti, prepares us for the purification and healing that comes with Apas. Relax in a warm bath, be near water, or dance and allow the body to move fluidly. Wednesday, October 29th Today's Intention: Allow your internal waters to flow. Go with the flowing tides. Moon transits PurvaAshada the majority of the day, moving away from close conjunction with Mars. Apas and Venus help us find more fluidity and grace today, but offer firm guidance in the process. Apas is the water goddess and though water can be gentle, flowing and calming, it can also be a powerful force that gives dramatic shifts and changes. PurvaAshada is actually an Ugra nakshatra- one that is fierce, severe and aggressive. This gives a certain power and force that can bring subtle or big shifts. There is however great sensitivity available today simultaneously. Tender emotions, tears and internal flooding may arrive. Let as much water flow as you need. Let the inner rivers and currents move you, cleanse you and offer a sense of clearing. Use physical body movement and embodiment practices to get your inner waters moving. Moon moves to UttarAshada at 16:58 CDT and the Vishvadeva's are ushered in. Righteousness and "doing the right thing" offer us some wisdom for questions or concerns we may be turning over. Dream your dreams and dream well. Moon moves into Capricorn at 22:41 CDT. Thursday, October 30th Today's Intention: Step into yes and invite in possibilities, hope and change. Moon transits Capricorn and UttarAshada nakshatra, receiving drishti from Rahu and Jupiter. The Vishvadevas, or all-gods, remind us of strong character traits, doing good, and overcoming our obstacles through dharma and honorable action steps. Today we are given the opportunity to shift from struggle into ease, if we accept and surrender into willingness. What are you resisting? What are you making more difficult than it should be? What can you release in order to lighten your own load and invite in possibility, hope, and a brighter future. Just say yes for a change. Have you signed up for my free Dharma Class yet? Moon moves to Sravana at 15:46 CDT and Vishnu's expansion brings openings and depth to our awareness. Friday, October 31st Today's Intention: Step, sparkle and shine. Dance your dreams into reality. Moon transits through Sravana, still receiving drishti from Rahu and Jupiter. Vishnu's expansive nature invites in openings, space and good fortune for those willing to take action steps. Sravana is symbolized by three footprints, representing the three steps Vishnu took through earth, sky and heaven. Two of these steps were visible and the third was beyond the tangible realms. Vishnu is expansive and all-pervasive like akasha (space). Both akasha and Vishnu are connected to dharma (which is passed through knowledge that is heard, thanks to akasha). Use the wisdom of the day to affirm and confirm your dharma, your path, your purpose. Take action steps that will bring you closer to your brilliance, your precious life. Moon moves to Dhanishta at 14:22 CDT, inviting in the Vasu Devas and an extra layer of Mars. It's time to shine brightly and use your brilliance to attract what you need. Use your potent, creative energy to create a life worth living. The best way to do this is through embodiment. Use a three level check in to harness your inner awareness. Not sure where you are going or what you are doing? Sign up for my free Dharma Class! Saturday, November 1st Today's Intention: Express yourself. Share your gifts and sing your songs. Shine your brightest! Moon transits Dhanishta nakshatra, moving into Aquarius at 01:37 am CDT. Aquarius is a sign connected to the 11th house of gains and losses, and is co-ruled by Saturn and Rahu. Aquarius brings us the silver lining, the flip side, awareness beyond the surface. Use this as a resource today. The rulers of Dhanishta are the Vasu Devas, who bring us wealth, prosperity and the ability to shine. The shadowed side of this is judgement, an overly critical nature, and seeing wealth as the source of evil. Where are these shadows lurking within you? How can you flip the light switch on them and turn them into a gift, an asset, with more consciousness and awareness? Not sure where you are going or what you are doing? Sign up for my free Dharma Class! Sign up for my free Dharma Class! Sign up for my free Dharma Class! As Moon moves into Satabisha at 12:49 pm CDT, we may notice a shift. The judgement of Varuna may amplify and the critic may come out to dance with us. Dance with your shadows intelligently. The immense knowledge and awareness of Satabisha can cause our sixth chakras and the mental body to go into overdrive. This is a reminder to soften into the heart, invite in the felt senses and the emotional body wisdom, so that you can feel your life, not think your life. You invite in your greatness with this softening. With Mercury and Rahu so close right now, this reminder is extra important! Sunday, November 2nd Today's Intention: Release and let go. Inhale. Exhale. It's all an act of balance. Saturn makes his monumental transit into Scorpio at exactly 06:00 am CDT and will be less than a degree until November 11th. This heightens the delicate nature of Saturn and it's strongly advised to be working diligently with self care and embodiment practices while he is still sandhi, in the gap. This lasts until November 19th. Read my full article on this 2.5 year transit of Saturn through Scorpio. Moon transits into Purvabhadrapada at 10:10 am CDT and Ajaikapada steps into our day. He is connected to tapas, rituals and purification. He is a son of Vishvakarma (the celestial architect of action) and is considered a Rudra- one who can create big movement and change. Ajaikapada is also understood as an incarnation of Shiva, Lord of the Dance. He is stepping, dancing, balancing, one foot at a time. He can balance impossible feats and allows us to experience beyond the material plane of existence through release and letting go. Monday, November 3rd Today's Intention: Loosen the grip you have on yourself. Lighten your load. Moon moves into Pisces at 02:55 am CDT, joining Ketu there, while receiving drishti from Jupiter, Mercury and Rahu. Then Moon moves into Uttarabhadrapada at 08:30 am. This awakens Ahirbudhnya, another son of Vishvakarma. He is considered the serpent of the deep, and rules over the nether regions, the hidden realms, and our subconscious mind. He is also a Rudra like his brother Ajaikapada, but he removes misfortune and can grant enjoyment, refreshments and delights. The symbol here is the back legs of a funeral cot, exemplifying the final release, letting go. Fruitful endeavors can be granted, or old struggles can be released. Work with the subconscious mind today and unravel, loosen and release the old tangled webs holding you back from your goals! Venus moves to Vishaka nakshatra at 19:52 CDT. Alliances, relationships and the ability to co-create with others, proves especially valuable and important in the coming weeks. Work diligently with partnerships, team building, and giving gratitude for the resources others bring into your life. We accomplish nothing alone. Invite others into your world and accomplish more! Vishaka reminds us that giving and receiving makes the world go round! Mercury nears the edge of Virgo, its sign of exaltation, and is now sandhi. Both Saturn (physical body) and Mercury (mental body) are sandhi right now as Moon (emotional body) nears Ketu (our awakened shadows). Get embodied and stay grounded in the moment as much as possible right now. It's too easy to slip out of the body and get lost in the mind and thoughts. Moon is waxing and in the 12th tithi (Moon phase) now. Full Moon this week on the 6th in Aries! Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you.
1 Comment
2/5/2025 09:17:24 am
I wanted to express my gratitude for your insightful and engaging article. Your writing is clear and easy to follow, and I appreciated the way you presented your ideas in a thoughtful and organized manner. Your analysis was both thought-provoking and well-researched, and I enjoyed the real-life examples you used to illustrate your points. Your article has provided me with a fresh perspective on the subject matter and has inspired me to think more deeply about this topic.
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