This is a powerful week! Mercury is retrograde, and the full Moon on Wednesday brings with it a full lunar eclipse. We enter a delicate two week period between lunar and solar eclipses at this time. Take this into consideration with your actions and intentions. We are working with shadow and illusions in this gap of time. Dance with them intentionally and may you lift the veil of illusion in some new way!
Monday, October 6th Today’s Intention: Take one step at a time. Take each step with intention. Keep your commitment to grounding, while finding your balance. But keep moving. Moon moves to Purvabhadrapada nakshatra at 03:12 am CDT, inviting in Ajaikapada and another level of Jupiter into our day. Moon is receiving drishti from Mars while it transits Aquarius, which offers charge, action and increased fire. Purvabhadrapada is connected to tapas and penance. Ajaikapada is a form of Shiva, lord of the dance, and reminds us of our human capabilities- balancing struggles, challenges and obstacles as we move forward in life. Pada means foot. It is essential to remember slow, simple steps again today. As Ajaikapada dances, he balances, one foot raised, and one foot firmly grounded. There is a certain purpose, a direct gaze (drishti) and a strong commitment that one must have to keep this sense of balance and grounding simultaneously. These are your reminders for today. Slow, steady steps, using great commitment and purpose as you move. Intention will be a poignant reminder as well. Since Ajaikapada is a Rudra, there is immense strength available here. At what costs are you willing to move forward? Lighten your load, it will make it easier to dance through life. Moon moves to Pisces at 19:25 CDT, joining Ketu there. Moon receives drishti from debilitated Venus, Sun and also Rahu, as well as Jupiter from nine houses away. This will intensify our experience over the next few days leading into the full Moon. More on this in my upcoming Moon Mind Calendar and Full Moon Wisdom article. Tuesday October, 7th Today's Intention: The desire to change ourselves and our lives, requires that we dig deeply down into our depths. Moon transits Pisces with Ketu there as well. Moon and Ketu both receive ample gaze from debilitated Venus, Sun and also Rahu, as well as Jupiter from nine houses away. This will intensify our experience over the next few days leading into the full Moon tomorrow. Just after midnight, Moon jumps into Uttarabhadrapada at 00:51 am CDT. This nakshatra is the latter half of the bhadrapada constellation which symbolizes the front half and back half of a funeral cot; death, transformation and letting go are the focus here. Uttarabhadrapada is ruled by Ahirbudhnya, the serpent of the deep. He is a naga serpent connected to wisdom (not a sarpa serpent connected to illusions) which indicates his immense and vast knowledge- knowledge and wisdom that must be excavated deeply for. He is connected to our subconscious mind, the pieces of our being that are ruling us, but that we must work hard to uncover and transform. He is a serpent, but a serpent we can work with, learn and grow from. The back legs of a funeral cot symbolize that Uttarabhadrapada is helping us liberate, let go of and let the pieces of our story move, change and release. Yesterday we began a very intentional dance- moving us towards the full Moon lunar eclipse and waning Moon cycle. Today, let that dance transform into a very intentional release. What shadows and demons are you ready to release, transform and let go of? The Moon is already in the 15th tithi, the final phase of its waxing phase. Our cups are full and overflowing. It's time to release and let go. Do this with poignancy, intention and commitment as we embark on this final eclipse cycle of the year. Moon moves to Revati nakshatra at 22:38 CDT, nearing exact conjunction with Ketu. Wednesday, October 8th Today's Intention: Total eclipse of the heart. Soften and release, but courageously look at your shadows. Moon will be completely full at 05:49 am CDT while in Pisces and Revati nakshatra. Simultaneously, there will be a lunar eclipse occurring. The eclipse begins at 03:17 am CDT and continues until 08:32 am CDT. The maximum part of the eclipse will be at 05:55 am CDT. Moon in Revati nakshatra at the time of the eclipse in Pisces furthers the symbol of release, endings and letting go while strengthening themes of its ruling planet Mercury. Pushan, the ruling deity of Revati, insures our safe passage and travels, and requests simplicity and purity. He is a protector and helps us find our way back to the path when we are lost. He also can help us retrieve lost or stolen items. This is a special waning Moon cycle that offers us many returns, on multiple levels. Be willing and open to receive messages that will help you strengthen your path, return to and restore your sense of well being, hope and possibility. Be open to comfort and nourishment and reminders that life doesn't have to be hard and forced- it can be lighter and more gentle. This requires us to clear away rubble, debris and anything blocking our path, so vital clearing is truly essential during this eclipse cycle. For full details on the eclipse and the coming waning Moon cycle read my Full Moon Wisdom article. Moon jumps into Aries at 20:44 CDT and into Ashwini nakshatra. Thursday, October 9th Today's Intention: Don't get led by your senses. Reign in your horses. As Moon transits Aries in Ashwini nakshatra, our two week eclipse cycle begins with the Ashwini-Kumara twins leading us towards healing and revitalization. Moon also receives drishti (gaze) directly from exalted Saturn and retrograde Mercury. The Ashwini twins enliven the healing arts and beckon us to rejuvenate through healing modalities such as rasayana treatments and using the creative arts to spark change and vitality within us. Ayurveda is their domain and strength comes as a gift of their healing, symbolized here by a horse. The Ayurvedic strengthening herb, Ashwagandha, is connected to the horse and the root word ashva. Today, make sure self care is a top priority. The two weeks between lunar and solar eclipse, and also the gap between summer and winter (fall), is a delicate time for health and well being. It's a sandhi time, so treat yourself with extra TLC. Start your fall cleanse today if you haven't already. I'm unveiling my new Swati Jr Jewelry collection today. The new Cosmic Collection is inspired by our dance with the Sun, Moon and Stars. Have you joined my FB event? I'll be giving gifts, incentives, discounts and more! Join the trunk show event and get in on the goodies! Moon moves to Bharani nakshatra at 19:16 CDT. Friday, October 10th Today's Intention: Strength and sensitivity go hand in hand. Your vulnerability is your power. Moon transits Bharani nakshatra, ruled by Yama and Venus. Yama brings restraint and is considered the king of dharma, because he determines your karmas at the time of your death. It is through the self control and restraint he provokes that can keep us out of suffering and sin, our own misery. This is a harsh and aggressive nakshatra, one that is ideal for butchering and killing as well as arguments and attacks. The irony is that it is also an extremely sensitive star as seen through its symbol, the yoni. Strength and sensitivity are the perfect pair. Our shadows, our weaknesses, are indeed our greatest gifts. It takes much courage, strength and power to overcome (to kill) our shadows and illusions. Make your actions count and firmly restrain yourself from being led my your asuras (demons). Purify yourself, but always strive for balance. Sun moves to Chitra nakshatra at 13:41 CDT, joining retrograde Mercury and Rahu in this nakshatra. Ruled by Vishvakarma, this is a nakshatra of action, plans and taking powerful, creative steps. The coming weeks are a time to get powerful and poignant, though as Sun nears Rahu, imbalances in our sense of poignancy may be problematic. If there's hesitancy, confusion or lack of clear direction, these are your shadows at play. If you're pushing too hard and forcing outcomes, you are not aligned with the times. Be bold and passionate with your desires, but make sure you are listening to your emotional body wisdom, your intuition, for guidance. Set goals and priorities and get organized! Get creative as the celestial architect Vishvakarma is here to help you rise and shine! Take some solid action steps towards your visions. This alone might clear the fog. Be diligent with your 3 level check in so you don't mix messages of head and heart. Moon moves to Krittika nakshatra at 18:22 CDT. Saturday, October 11th Today's Intention: In order to gain, we must be prepared to lose something. Moon jumps into its degrees of exaltation and into Taurus just minutes after midnight- at 00:14 am CDT. Exaltation only lasts until 05:34 am CDT, but the Moon will still be in its mulitrikona sign where it can maximize its effects at 75%. With Rahu's drishti on the Moon, watch for big rises and falls. Mars also give his direct gaze, making for a piercing and powerful emotional body. Our Moon tides will be high and low; be mindful of extremes and be diligent with emotional body awareness. Do a 3 level check in so you don't mix messages of head and heart. Moon transits Krittika nakshatra at this time and Agni as well as the Sun share their fire with us. Agni is the fire of life and is a powerful transformational part of our beings. We have many different types of Agni within us. We have much to digest: food, emotions, environments, relationships. Agni helps us burn, clarify and purify all of this in order to help us assimilate the nourishment of life. He brings purification, but he cuts and discards in the process. Within any transformation, there is letting go and loss. Krittika is considered a mixed nakshatra; it is both soft and hard. Though we gain nourishment through Agni, we also have to discard what is unnecessary, not useful for us. Consider this a day of the pruning and purifying process. Moon moves to Rohini at 18:08 CDT. Sunday, October 12th Today's Intention: Merge with your abundant creative flow. Go ahead and get lost in it today. Moon transits Rohini nakshatra and Lord Brahma, as well as the creativity of the Moon, are invited into our day. Moon is still in Taurus, its mulitrikona sign (a strong place for the Moon) while receiving drishti from both Rahu and Mars. Our Moon tides will be high and low; be mindful of extremes and be aware of your emotional body awareness. Be diligent with your 3 level check in so you don't mix messages of head and heart. Rohini is arguably the most creative nakshatra as indicated by its ruler Brahma; he created the universe from his navel after all! It's in this vein, we can create, materialize, and align with our true power as mini gods and goddesses in this life time. Our creativity is in fact our one constant gift- offering possibility and our ability to recreate ourselves and our lives over and over again. Without resiliency and reinventing ourselves, life would be stagnant, without growth, change or abundance. Rohini reminds us to welcome in the flow of creativity, the shakti of life, and to rejoice in the material aspects of life now and again. They are a part of this lila, the play of life, after all. Give thanks for for what flows towards you and through you, and let it continue to flow out into the world. Be that gift. Moon moves to Mrigashirsha nakshatra at 18:38 CDT. Monday, October 13th Today's Intention: Nourish from the inside out. Beauty begins within. Moon transits Mirgashisha nakshatra and Soma (another name for Chandra, the Moon) and also Mars are activated. Nourishment from the divine nectar of Soma is life giving. It lubricates the inner channels of our body and keeps us alive and youthful. Soma is lunar energy, but can be cultivated through the right foods and lifestyle practices. Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra speaks readily about "somagenic" qualities in order to enhance our well being. His lineage, the Shaka Vansya Ayurvedic tradition is a wealth of knowledge for increasing Soma within our bodies, mind and emotions. If you are a Moon child like me, and extra sensitive, you will want to educate yourself on this vital health science. The Moon is a creative and charismatic planet. It's sociable and loves to adorn and be adorned. Moon loves beauty, comfort and nourishment. That is why it is connected to Soma. Build soma within you today with self care, creativity and inviting in the Moon; fill your cup of resiliency. Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you.
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