Moon is waning this week and transits Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and into Aries. Multiple changes occur on 6.15. Find the planetary details in my transit report.
Monday, June 16 Moon transits Capricorn and Sravana nakshatra. Vishnu and his expansiveness as well as the Moon rule over the day. Movement is a key theme for today's experience as Vishnu is said to have traversed the three realms of earth, sky and heaven in three steps. Look for threes today. Use the metaphor of three steps as a key for your actions. Work with the "emergence of the third" and metaphors that include bridging the unknown with the known. What can we bring forth from our depths in order to arrive at a new destination? Vishnu is about expansion, so let your dreams take you to a fuller experience, a more expansive state of mind. Take care of mind/body and spirit today. Saturn energy may slow down the arrival at our desired destination, so work with frustrations consciously. At 16:39 CDT, Moon moves into Dhanishta and we can take the awareness of Sravana into action and implementation. Nourish and be nourished. Create and share your creativity. Let the Vasu Devas help you shine. Mercury has moved back into Mrigashirsha nakshatra in his retrograde dance. He is transiting Gemini with Sun who just entered Gemini and Jupiter who is on his way out. He's feeling the movement, the change, the uncertainty of the other planets and reflecting this to us in our mental body. Frustrations and emotional upheavals are coming from this abundance of movement and change right now. It's palpable. Work with the instability in conscious ways- through dance and creative movement. Find your own metaphors as you move. Use grounding and stabilizing activities as a resource to bring more comfort, calm and support. Find more about this transit in my Transit Report. Tuesday, June 17th Moon moves to Aquarius at 03:35 am CDT and receives drishti (gaze) from Rahu and Jupiter in this position. Moon transits Dhanishta nakshatra. Mars and the Vasu Devas rule the day. The Vasu Devas help us shine and be seen through our gifts. They are sources of illumination and prosperity; literally the light or jyoti. Dhanishta people like to share information and like to be heard- especially through music and creativity. Create, share, take action. Find new ways to get your message out there; get innovative. Moon moves into Satabisha at 14:37 CDT. Rahu and Varuna are enlivened as a result. Guard your health today and take preventative measures for creating wellness. Eat well and nourish your self with good food, proper routine and self care tools. Avoid excess sugar, caffeine, alcohol and intoxicants. Be mindful that on Satabisha days, we may turn excessively critical. This gaze may turn inward or outward- or both. It is a great time to consciously work with our critics and deepen our relationship with them. Why is our critic "helpful" and when does it show up for us? Self tracking is essential in order to find the deeper meaning within our judgement. Wednesday, June 18th Moon transits Aquarius and Satabisha nakshatra until 13:00 CDT receiving drishti (gaze) from Rahu and Jupiter. Many of the suggestions from yesterday apply. Rahu and Varuna are enlivened as a result. Guard your health today and take preventative measures for creating wellness. Eat well and nourish your self with good food, proper routine and self care tools. Avoid excess sugar, caffeine, alcohol and intoxicants. Be mindful that on Satabisha days, we may turn excessively critical. This gaze may turn inward or outward- or both. It is a great time to consciously work with our critics and deepen our relationship with them. Why is our critic "helpful" and when does it show up for us? Self tracking is essential in order to find the deeper meaning within our judgement. At 13:00 CDT Moon moves to Purvabhadrapada nakshatra ruled by Ajaikapada and Jupiter. With the momentous transits happening, we may feel as though we are in a balancing act as the deity Ajaikapada reminds us (another name for Shiva). Lord Shiva expresses in his dance, one foot firmly rooted, the other lifted and in balance; we can feel this sense of limbo today as the transits intensify. So much is in transition right now, hanging in balance, neither here nor there. Can you feel it? Purvabhadrapada signifies endings, letting go, the funeral cot that symbolizes death and transition. This is where we are right now. At the edge. Letting go. It is a big day of transits and changes. Venus moves to its own sign of Taurus on 06.18 at 07:08 am CDT away from Mars’s drishti and the conjunction of Ketu. This may be the stabilizing force that allows us to make more lasting and life-supporting changes for ourselves during the next month. Just as Venus moves into Taurus, Jupiter makes his momentous change into Gemini later that day at 20:24 CDT. I’ve written extensively on this transit. For greater insights on this 13 month transit visit my Exalted Jupiter articles part one and two. For more details on both of the Venus and Jupiter transits please check my transit report. Thursday, June 19th Moon moves to Pisces at 06:07 am CDT and transits PurvaBhadrapada nakshatra, receiving drishti (gaze) from Mars. The morning starts with influences from Ajaikapada and Jupiter. Jupiter arrives into Cancer officially and Venus settles into its own sign of Taurus as well. Moon receives drishti (gaze) from Jupiter in this position. Look for glimpses of gentleness today and invite in a softer approach to life and relationships. Moon moves into UttaraBhadrapada at 11:53 am CDT which energizes Saturn and Ahirbudhnya, the serpent of the depths. This is naga serpent energy though- the kind that brings insights and awareness with excavation below the surface. Dive deep today and explore possibility and purpose. Seek out stability. Sun and retrograde Mercury collide in Gemini causing a heated mind. Issues coming back to haunt you? Noticing old patterns resurfacing? Retrograde Mercury is working his magic on us. Go for precision and exactness, avoid anger and hostility. This combustion receives drishti from Rahu which can heighten the intensity and cloud our awareness. Feeling the heat? Calm down and count to ten before you communicate. Better yet, wait 24 hrs or go meditate before you come to your conclusions. Friday, June 20th Moon moves to Revati at 11:17 am CDT which energizes Mercury and Pushan. Pushan guides us and protects us on our journey, offering us support and nourishment. Look for support, self care, guidance and help today. Ask if you need some extra support or help. Guidance and support is all around us. Often, we just need to be open and receptive to receive it. Moon is being gazed at directly by Mars. Simultaneously Sun and retrograde Mercury are still in close degrees- yesterday’s suggestions still hold true. Issues coming back to haunt you? Noticing old patterns resurfacing? Retrograde Mercury is working his magic on us. The mind is heated and fiery. Great for precision and meticulous thought processes, but anger and hostility can easily surface. This combustion receives drishti from Rahu which can heighten the intensity and cloud our awareness. Feeling the heat? Calm down and count to ten before you communicate. Better yet, wait 24 hrs or go meditate before you come to your conclusions. Saturday, June 21st Solstice occurs on 6.21 at 05:54 am CDT. It is officially summer for the Northern Hemisphere. Moon crosses the tricky junction point between Pisces and Aries at 11:13 am CDT. The morning may be best spent slowly and silently as Moon transitions from water into fire. As Moon enters Aries, it moves into Ashwini nakshatra, nearing Ketu. It also gets drishti from Mars here. As the day takes shape, the fire in us enlivens and Moon collides with Ketu. Use this heat and passion for activation and action steps. Some of us may get instant messages and sudden brilliant ideas! Address anger and agitations head on. Not by forcing your agendas and objectives on others, but by looking within and noticing where the emotion is arising from. How does anger serve you, or how has it served you in your life? It wouldn’t be there unless you relied on it for some reason. Find ways to use it as a resource, a tool of passion and greater inner awareness. Don’t suppress it or lash out at others. Let it to inform your process. Use the day resourcefully. Use healing modalities, purification practices, rasayanas and rejuvenation treatments for getting your needs met. Create, sing, open your artistic channels. Just before midnight, Sun moves into Ardra nakshatra, heightening our connection to Rudra and Rahu until 7.05. Emotional upheaval, intense movement and change, calamities and uncertainties may be increased. Some worldly success may be provided for some in the coming weeks, but watch for excessive cravings simultaneously. This will be an excellent time to navigate our emotional body with very deliberate awareness as we will likely be feeling some passing clouds and stormy weather. Sunday, June 22nd Moon transits Aries and moves into Bharani nakshatra at 11:38 am CDT, enlivening Venus and yama. Transformation, death, release and letting go surface today. The day and its desire may require us to use restraint. Keep it simple. This is an excellent time to cut out attachments. This may be in relationships or simply with house cleaning- or both. We can clean and purge from the inside out. What are you willing to let go and release? What do you no longer need? What needs to be cut loose? What can be restructured in your life so that you have more space for what truly nourishes you? We may also get great clarity today about what we truly need to move forward in our lives. Use this day effectively and invite in transformation. Is this helpful to you? Please share it with at least one friend. Thank you! Plan your week with the planets, sign up for my newsletter.
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