Moon is waning and empties this week. New Moon is on Wednesday early morning at 01:14 am CDT signifying the beginning of the fall Navaratri celebrations. This nine day festival honors the holy goddess trinity of Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati. The festivities culminate on the 10th day (Vijayadashami) which honors Durga's defeat of the demon Mahishasura. The sacredness of this time period is explained more in my Navaratri article. You’re invited to participate in my 10 day Self Care Challenge as a way to honor this important passage into fall and winter. Join the FB Group here.
Monday, September 22nd Today’s Intention: Find nourishment in relating and co-creating. Moon transits Leo and moves into Purvaphalguni nakshatra at 01:47 am CDT. This enlivens Venus and Bhaga, the deity of love, relationship and creativity. Bhaga is an Aditya, one of the twelve gods who provide us with resources for this life experience. He dispenses wealth and happiness, luck and fortune, as well as blessings from our past incarnations. He presides over love and marriage and is associated with pleasure, sensuality and sexuality, thus relationships are his domain- mainly the spark of new and budding relationships. Today, create, connect and share. Work consciously on relating and co-creating. How can your relationships provide a sense of nourishment and support? Which ones soothe and support? Which ones feel toxic? Pay attention to your senses and what arrives through your interactions. Venus moves into the latter half of Phalguni, Uttara, at 04:58 am CDT. Shift into a role of connection and sharing over the next 10 days. Create, express, share and connect. Create and co-create and let your relationships be part of your expansion. Let your love shine! Not feeling it? What relationships need to be pruned and removed from your life in order to create more space for the more nourishing and supportive ones? What shifts and changes need to take place within your existing relationships in order for more nourishment? Take charge of your comfort and what supports and nourishes you. This is an ideal time to be conscious of your self care needs. As we move into the beginning of Navaratri on Wednesday, now is an essential time to be intentional with our needs. Be sure to join my 10 day Self Care Challenge via FB. Tuesday, September 23rd Today’s Intention: Get your shine on! From the inside out. Today is Fall Equinox for the Northern Hemisphere. It is also Mahalaya Amavasya (Pitri Paksha), the sacred celebration of honoring the ancestors who have passed and are no longer with us. Be sure to commemorate your loved ones who have passed by lighting a candle and saying a prayer in their honor, as well as through gratitude for their many gifts to you. Moon moves to Uttaraphalguni at 04:32 am CDT, joining Venus and Sun in this nakshatra as well. We get three levels of support from Aryaman today. He is also one of the twelve Adityas like Bhaga who rules the front half of Phalguni. Like Bhaga, Aryaman gives resources, but does so through sustenance- mainly health of the body and physical stamina and strength as a result. Additionally, he also nourishes through relationships, but does so in the ways that last. Not through sensuality and sexuality, but through time, perseverance and pleasing the ancestors. As Bhaga relates to the past and past karmas, Aryaman relates to the future and what is to come; as a result he is mostly concerned with long term outcomes and situations. Moon moves to Virgo at 11:10 am CDT, joining Sun and Rahu here. These planets receive drishti from Ketu seven houses away. Be precise with your actions and relations today. Step carefully, but get noticed. Share, connect and create through relationships today. Shine brightly- inside out! Feeling shadowed or extra inward? Moon is in the 15th tithe (Moon phase) today. It’s a time to be self reflective and tend to your inner needs. Plant your seeds of desire and make your intentions known. As we move into the beginning of Navaratri tomorrow, now is an essential time to be intentional. Be sure to join my 10 day Self Care Challenge via FB. Venus is sandhi, at the edge of Leo right now. Be delicate with your relationships- both your relationship with others and with your self. Wednesday, September 24th Today’s Intention: Take an intentional pause and mark it with poignancy. Moon nears conjunction of the Sun as it becomes completely new in the wee hours of the morning. New Moon is at 01:14 am CDT in Uttaraphalguni nakshatra while Moon is in Virgo. The details of yesterday are pertinent for our coming waxing Moon cycle. The coming weeks are potent- and a poignant time for working with our long term sustainability. What steps do we need to take in order to insure sustainability and more lasting support and nourishment? What fruits are we hoping to harvest in the coming weeks and months? Our intentional action steps right now make or break the richness of our harvest. Aryaman is alive and well within us and around us- encouraging health, well being, as well as inner and outer sustenance- if we align with his offerings. Connect, co-create and use relationships intentionally in the coming weeks. Do your relationships nourish and inspire you? Or do they zap you and harm you? If you want potency and power, it will take potent and powerful actions to get different results. Sow the seeds you want right now and ask the ancestors for help with the process. Aryaman is aligned with the ancestors to insure that your lineage is well nourished and protected so make sure you ask for dharmic wisdom to help you on your journey, with choices and your action steps. Think in terms of aligning with long-term sustainability, not short term gratification. Aryaman will provide for you. Trust the process and ask for support. In addition to the New Moon, this marks the beginning of the Navaratri celebrations and the first day of three that honors Ma Durga. This is an especially potent and powerful time period, where we celebrate in the Vedic calendar, the holy trinity of goddesses: Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati. The veil is thin right now between realms, and is an especially powerful time for being inward, cleansing, nourishing and meditating. If you haven’t joined my 10 day Self Care Challenge, you can do so here. Moon moves to Hasta nakshatra at 06:59 am CDT, activating Savitr and his shining light into our day. You may awaken with sparks today and find some new purpose for your actions. Allow a glimpse of awakening to inspire you through intelligence, ideas, new awareness and gratitude. Flourish through wisdom and knowledge and take time for pausing, listening and invoking your inner light with the Gayatri Mantra today. Since the Moon is passing through the middle of Sun and Rahu today, a sense of shadow can creep in as well. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, uncertain or overstimulated, be sure to use a 3 level check in for getting in touch with your felt senses. Use this inner harvesting process to get creative. Write, draw, express through your hands. Your Self Care Journal might just be the trick. Have you signed up for my 10 Day Self Care Challenge yet? Venus is sandhi, at the edge of Leo right now and hops into Virgo, its sign of debilitation at 21:14 CDT. During this 23 day transit, be delicate with your relationships- both your relationship with others and with your self. This transit re-iterates my new Moon details for the coming waxing cycle and our attention/intention to relationships of all kinds in our lives. What needs our focus in the coming weeks in regard to self care and putting our needs first? What details within your relationships needs extra TLC? How can you improve your inner nourishment and self care focus? What boundaries need to be re-established in order for your needs to get met? What re-structuring needs to take place within your relationships- personal and professional- in order for greater clarity and purpose? This is a time of getting present to your individual needs and what nourishes you. It is not a time to be using up your energy frivolously; though you may be noticing leaks more clearly at this time. Right now it’s all about the details. Let this be a resource for getting priorities and business in order. If it becomes unhelpful, then zoom out and get a bigger picture. Take a break or time out to re-center. This doesn’t have to be a time of discomfort and overwhelm; just get resource oriented. Need a reminder about self care? Be sure you follow along with my 10 day self care challenge and work intimately with your self care journal right now. Thursday, September 25th Today’s Intention: Step wisely and with purpose. Navaratri Day 2 and second day of the Durga celebrations. Have you joined my Navaratri 10 Day Self Care Challenge yet? Moon moves into Chitra nakshatra at 09:07 am CDT, joining Rahu here as well. Virgo is a full house right now with Moon, Sun, Rahu and Venus there now. Be aware that highs and lows may feel extreme- emotionally, mentally and physically. It is important to take care of health and wellness on all three levels of your being. Vishvakarma, the celestial architect, as well as Mars, play an important role in our experience today. He is a worker, the divine architect, and very product oriented. His extreme creativity, as well as action orientation (karma is a part of his name) reminds us to take potent action steps to align with our creative powers. What are you building in your life? For your life? Attend to your inner and outer needs today. As Moon passes over Rahu, don’t get lost in the mire of details and self critic. Instead, get action oriented. Take a step in the right direction today and focus on what is doable. Moon moves to Libra at 22:02 CDT, joining Mercury and exalted Saturn there. Need a reminder about self care? Be sure you follow along with my 10 day self care challenge and work intimately with your self care journal right now. Friday, September 26th Today’s Intention: Adjust your sails with intention and harness the power of the wind. Navaratri Day 3 and final day of the Durga celebrations. Have you joined my Navaratri 10 Day Self Care Challenge yet? Moon transits Libra with Mercury, and exalted Saturn, then moves into Swati nakshatra at 10:51 CDT. Both Vayu and Rahu enliven and the winds- both inner and outer- bring shifts and changes with them. The mental and emotional bodies may be in overdrive. Feeling overstimulated, excessively anxious? Not only is attention to your prana important today for calming the inner winds, but also attending to the messages of the mental and emotional bodies. Separating these two will bring greater clarity to their different messages and likely bring more awareness to what you need. Be sure to sign up for my online 3 Levels of Awareness Immersion in order to learn how to incorporate this technique into your self care practices. Saturday, September 27th Today’s Intention: Balance creates harmony. Navaratri Day 4 and the first day of the three day Lakshmi celebrations. Have you joined my Navaratri 10 Day Self Care Challenge yet? Sun jumps into Hasta nakshatra at 00:37 am CDT, offering greater insight and wisdom to us in the coming days. Tend to this flicker of light, the inner flame. Nurture it, nourish it and honor it with gentleness. Attend to this small flame with intention and recite Gayatri Mantra in the coming days as a way to cultivate your inner light and spark magic. Attend to your sensitivity with gentleness and compassion. Moon moves to Vishaka nakshatra at 12:10 CDT, enlivening Jupiter and Indragni- the dual god who attends to our sense of nourishment through alliance. Yet another opportunity to give presence to what, and who, we are aligned with in our lives. Indra and Agni remind us that two are often better than one- as long as they work in harmony and are aligned properly. Feeling pulled in too many directions? Overwhelm settling in today? Balance is key. Clear off your plate and prioritize. What are the essentials? Where are your self care needs on this list? Put your self first and then let the other pieces fall in place more naturally. Make sure physical movement is incorporated into your day. Get embodied! Sunday, September 28th Today's Intention: Zoom in and zoom out. Harmonize polarities. Navaratri Day 5 and the second day of the Lakshmi celebrations. Have you joined my Navaratri 10 Day Self Care Challenge yet? Moon has crossed over Saturn now and moves to the edge of Libra, jumping into its debilitation sign, Scorpio, at 06:51 am CDT. Moon joins Mars in Scorpio and our internal waters get charged. Expect an extra layer of sensitivity today and emotional body awareness. At 13:01 CDT, Moon moves into Anuradha nakshatra and Mitra provides increased awareness of fine detail, friendship and connection, as well as travel and adventure. Get into the details, but don't get lost in them! Feeling agitated or angered? Look for the underlying need and find solutions. My 3 Levels of Awareness Immersion is today! Use this workshop for navigating boundaries, inner and outer dynamics and embodiment. Sign up here. Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you.
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