Moon is still waning and finishes its cycle of emptying on Sunday the 24th in the 15th tithi or Moon phase. New Moon is Monday the 25th at 9:12 am CDT in Leo and Magha nakshatra. More on this new Moon of change in the next Moon Mind Calendar.
Monday, August 18th Today's Intention: High planetary energetics. Dancing with our Devi (god) self and Asura (demon) self; connecting with inner polarities. Moon transits its mulitrikona sign, Taurus, and moves to Rohini nakshatra at 01:20 am CDT. Moon receives drishti (gaze) from both Rahu and Mars, and sits in a sign ruled by Venus. These factors can agitate the Moon and since Venus is currently in close degrees with Jupiter, there’s a tension between opposing forces. Venus is asura (demon) energy and of the worldly realms, whereas Jupiter is deva (god) energy of the more heavenly realms. These two are often working against each other (within us), but are both essential parts of our human existence. How to dance with both? Where do these different energies arrive within our experience and how do we work with them, against them? As Jupiter and Venus move into exact conjunction today, we get a chance to connect with our inner polarities. Likely agitation, frustrations and some anger will surface as the sensitive Moon is touched by the fiery warrior (Mars) and the shadow of confusion (Rahu). How do these emotions offer insight into your needs, wants and sense of self? Use the inner conflict for harvesting and confrontation. Identify your needs and how these emotions relate to your need for safety, stability and support. With Jupiter in exaltation, the ability to learn, expand and grow from our awareness is the winning factor to pay attention to. What are you learning about your choices and needs? Beyond the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, this is a powerful day of three planets in signs of exaltation, while Sun is in its own sign, Leo. Jupiter exalted in Cancer, Saturn exalted in Libra conjunct Mars, and Moon in its mulitrikona sign of Taurus (it will have passed through the small window of exaltation early in the am, moving into its harmonious place of mulitrikona thereafter). Can you feel the high energy? The momentum and power that is present? Harness this effectively and use this time to create, cultivate and expand. With Moon in Rohini today, Lord Brahma is offering his abilities to us for increased creativity, artistry, abundance on the material plane of existence. Remember, where there are frustrations, look there for your greatest needs. Tuesday, August 19th Today's Intention: Keep it moving- on the emotional, physical and mental levels of awareness. Seek nourishment, rejuvenation, revitalization and creativity. Moon moves to Mrigashirsha nakshatra at 02:59 am CDT, enlivening Soma (another name for Chandra, the Moon) and the planet Mars who rules over this lunar constellation. Mrigashirsha is flighty and fickle, fast and quick, agile and aware, just like a deer- the symbol here. With agitators Mars and Rahu giving drishti to the sensitive Moon, look for some frustrations to appear within your internal landscape. It’s a valuable time for self tracking and harvesting useful information about your inner dynamics. Pay attention to both inner and outer awareness. It’s a time of high energy, potent power and palpable intensity. With Jupiter exalted in Cancer, conjunct Venus, their opposing nature’s can provide insights into our greatest emotional needs. The exaltation of Saturn in Libra, conjunct Mars, is another layer of frustration, as their energies oppose each other- slow and fast, stop and go. This time period is ripe with opposition, polarities, attraction and repulsion, heightening binary thinking patterns and the frustrations, anxieties and fears that can surface as a result. It is essential to be conscious of your emotions, track their source and to note the experiences that provoke them. What are the underlying needs connected to the emotion and how are they connected to greater comfort, nourishment and support? What actions need to be shifted or welcomed in order to find a shift? Use a 3 level check-in Mercury moves to Purvaphalguni nakshatra at 10:38 am CDT, enlivening both Venus and Bhaga. Fertility, sexuality, sensuality and nourishment from our relationships arrive through the mental body. Our capacity for greater creativity and potency may increase at this time. Let the mind expand towards it’s joys, hopes and aspirations. Let the emotions be nourished in response to your dreams and desires. Be potent, direct and focused on your expansion in the coming days and find nourishment in possibility and conscious action steps. Moon moves into Gemini at 16:01 CDT, energizing creativity, connection, communication and the mental body. Just after Moon moves to Gemini, Mars moves into Vishaka nakshatra, moving closer to Saturn, heightening tensions between these two planets. Vishaka, however, is ruled by Jupiter, so we continue to focus on expand and contract, stop and start, open and close as a result of these movements. Wednesday, August 20th Today's Intention: Work with your inner powers- the powers that make changes, challenges, destruction and disruption in your life. Moon transits Gemini and moves to Ardra nakshatra at 05:09 am CDT, enlivening Rahu and Rudra's power of destruction. The symbol of Ardra is a teardrop, as well as perspiration, an acknowledgment of Rudra's emotional intensity, his connection to storms and disruptions. This is a day to be very conscious of the mental body, and its interplay with the emotional body. On Rudra days, we have the potential for great harvesting with challenge, obstructions, intensity and sharpness. Challenges arrive, this is the nature of life, but our response to these challenges is really the most important part of the process. On days that challenge our calm inner waters, we are given an opportunity for great learning. Watch your self. Be witness to the mental body and how it activates the emotional body. Look for clues within the physical body and note your body's messages and responses. Use the body to bring you back to a sense of grounding. When the ripples and waves of the mind get choppy and stir the ocean of the emotions, notice where you are getting distracted. Where you are not connected to your Self, and where do the stories carry you away to distant lands? Be a witness. This doesn't mean don't respond, don't express, don't be with your emotions. But it does require navigating the inner landscape with tools. Today requires multiple 3 level check-ins. Track your needs, wants, desires. What is the need underneath your anger and agitation? Notice where these emotions are taking you, but excavate below the surface for lasting insights. Thursday, August 21st Today's Intention: Dancing with dualism. Taking note of when and how you divide yourself mentally, emotionally and physically. Seeking conscious openings and closings- inner and outer. Moon moves from Ardra nakshatra to Punarvasu at 07:42 am CDT and a shift to insight and awareness arrives for the day. With Aditi and Jupiter softening the felt senses and smoothing the edges from yesterday, we are given an opportunity for greater understanding and insights with help from Aditi, the Mother of all goodness. Aditi gave birth to the twelve Adityas, the "providers" who offer us sustenance and support; she is considered the mother of the gods (devas). She helps us expand our awareness and offers a sense of unity consciousness. With her ability to give non-duality, non-difference, we get insights into where we are overly connecting to difference and duality. Diti, (Aditi's sister) is connected to our ignorance, our demons and dualistic thoughts that disrupt and divide us. These are the thoughts that take us out of our sense of connection, being "centered", whole and feeling our innate well being. With the complexity of the planets providing multiple levels of dualism for us to entertain, tension between our opposing inner natures has been enlivening. Today, we get yet another opportunity for awareness about our own inner divisions, polarities, binary thinking patterns and attraction/repulsions. Mars and Saturn get closer in degrees and today are nearing exact conjunction, less than two degrees apart now. The tensions may be intensifying for us around stop/start dynamics- inside and out. Frustrations come when we force (Mars) the slower unfoldment of life (Saturn). Where might you be pushing too hard for results? Exalted Saturn (in Libra, the sign of balancing the scales) gives his drishti to exalted Jupiter and Venus, still conjunct in Cancer- the sign of the heart center and our open/close dynamics. Our deva (god) and asura (demon) natures are continuing to dance very closely- enlivening yet another dimension of our dualistic natures. Find my Saturn and Mars workshop mp3's here. Working with dualism is an important piece of the puzzle right now. I suggest continued exploration with our black/white dynamics. A polarity dance might be in order. Or simply noticing where these polarities show up in your body. Do you sense opposite sensations in the physical body? Write a polarity poem or create a polarity drawing. Get your felt senses out on paper. Or you may with to recycle my Creative Ritual from the Full Moon. Venus moves to Ashlesha nakshatra at 20:23 CDT, moving away from exalted Jupiter and the mutual nakshatra of Pushya. Ashlesha enlivens our serpent energy and Mercury. The mind enlivens desires, wants and potentially ego. Be aware of these themes in the coming days as overconfidence and mental illusion may be running wild. On the other hand, get creative with your wants and needs. Plant seed of desire and attend to your needs for comfort, support and nourishment, emotional harmony and a sense of well being. How can you increase your self care focus right now? Take actions that comfort the mind and soothe the mental body. Friday, August 22nd Today's Intention: A gentle focus on the dance of the heart. Opening and closing to life. Using boundaries for getting your needs met and increasing comfort, nourishment and support. Moon moves to its own sign, Cancer, at 03:48 am CDT, joining exalted Jupiter and Venus there. Exalted Saturn gives his drishti to these three planets as well as Ketu. Moon moves to Pushya nakshatra at 10:31 am CDT, enlivening Saturn and Brihaspati (Jupiter personified) and the open/close dynamics synonymous with Cancer and the heart center. Where are we opening today? Where are we closing? Where is more opening needed and where is less needed? Pay attention to boundaries, your needs, grounding and rooting into the emotional/intuitive awareness of your emotional body for messages and insights. Get connected to your heart and heart wisdom. Let your heart lead you home. Sense, feel, embody. Use your emotional body wisdom for harvesting today. What do your feelings tell you about your greatest needs? Use a 3 level check-in for harvesting the inner landscape. The tension between exalted Saturn and Mars increases as they conjoin today. Now less than a degree apart, notice where frustrations arise for you. Let the tension between stop and start give you insights into your stories, inner landscape and relationship dances. What is enough, too much? Not enough, too little? Our wounds and woundology show up here and also in our should's and have to's. Pay attention. Saturday, August 23rd Today's Intention: Use the physical body as an entry point for greater nourishment, comfort and support in your life. Moon crosses over Jupiter mid morning and moves towards Venus, still in Pushya nakshatra. Themes of nourishment arrive for morning. Settle, ground, stabilize. Care for your physical needs, physical body. Tend to your heart and go for comfort. Use my exalted Jupiter mp3 for harvesting open/close awareness. As Moon moves into Ashlesha nakshatra at 13:29 CDT, the mental body takes over and the grounding and nourishment we gave our body previously, will have its benefits now, keeping us more stable and grounded. Use the dance between emotional body and mental body intentionally today. Let your emotions spark your imagination. Let your imagination spark your emotions. Play, dance, sing, create, share your dance of emotional/mental body. Use today to get embodied. Feeling extra sensitive as Moon transits through Cancer? Read my article about using your sensitivity as a gift. Sunday, August 24th Today's Intention: Empty your self like the Moon. Who are you as a result of your lineage? Give gratitude to your path and the ancestors who have helped it enliven. Moon spends the majority of the day in Ashlesha nakshatra, transiting Cancer, its own sign. The Moon is almost completely empty of light, in the 15th tithi now. At 16:29 CDT, the Moon jumps into Leo and Magha nakshatra, joining Sun and Mercury there and enlivening Ketu as well as Pitr, the ruling deity of the ancestors. Lineage and connection to our ancestors is part of today's offerings. Reflect and give gratitude to those who have come before you. Honor the parts within your self that are blessings, gifts of your family line. Magha also offers a sense of authority and demands a certain respect, but the ego can cross into chauvinism if not checked. It's good to be proud and pat your self on the back in order to have a healthy ego. Just don't let the ego run away with itself as ego is mostly rooted in personas we are using for worldly advancement. New Moon is Monday the 25th at 9:12 am CDT in Leo and Magha nakshatra. More on this new Moon of change in the next Moon Mind Calendar. Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. 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