Thank you all for making my July New Moon Celebration so enjoyable! And congratulations to all who won one of my gifts! Look for some exciting announcements coming soon! Remember, this week only, get 15% off all my services and products. Use code WaxingMoon15 at checkout.
Monday, July 28th Moon moves from its own sign of Cancer and crosses into Leo at 10:33 am CDT. As it jumps into Leo, it enters Magha nakshatra as well. Ketu and Pitr are enlivened, as well as karmic ties, the father and ancestors as well as a sense of authority. The symbol is a palaquin- being carried, lifted like a royal, and with some essence of special treatment, a demand for respect. Magha nakshatra reminds us to be gracious to the ancestors- we are indebted to them after all. The old adage, seven generations back and seven generations forward, reminds us that our actions have effects and we must heed to them. Take moments throughout your day to give gratitude to your ancestors, your lineage, no matter the challenges. Ask your ancestors for guidance and protection. Light a candle and bring in the light. Mercury moves from its own sign of Gemini into Cancer this evening at 18:58 CDT. He joins exalted Jupiter and Sun there; the push to accomplish may be over processed in the coming weeks. Your mental body will be trying to the run the show. Forcing an agenda? Putting too many irons in the fire? Worry and doubt? With Saturn and Ketu giving their drishti to these three planets as well, we get more emotional and heart/chest attention than we may desire. The work must be harmonizing for both expansion and contraction energies; ultimately we are working on balance. Notice where you are opening and where you are closing in your body and in your life. Use my new Moon/Emotional body MP3 for further harvesting. Tuesday, July 29th Moon continues to pass through Magha nakshatra today until 13:34 CDT when it moves into Purvaphalguni. The Phalguni stars are highly fertile, creative and fruit bearing- our ripening in other words. Bhaga rules over the front half of this constellation- Purva- and he is one of the twelve Adityas. The Adityas rule over resources in our lives- he dispenses wealth and happiness and since he is connected to the 9th house, he is also connected to luck, fortune and blessings from our past karmas. He also presides over love and marriage, particularly sex and sensuality within a relationship- the enjoyable parts; the latter half is more about what sustains a marriage, partnerships etc; the truly necessary parts of the equation. With the palpable creativity available in this nakshatra, ruled by both Bhaga and Venus, let your creativity and wealth flow today. Find the resources in your life and give your gratitude to them. Tell your relationships what they mean to you. Let love flow in and out of your heart. Even if it feels challenging, a bit forced or you feel neglected. One drop, that's all you need. Get by giving today. Share, create, enjoy. Just before midnight, Venus moves out of Ardra nakshatra and into Punarvasu. Aditi, and the Adityas (her twelve children), truly come alive! Nourishment and resources offer more potential and possibility at this time. Perhaps we will really feel the nourishment in the heart and our relationships as well. Let it be a balm for what ails you. Wednesday, July 30th Mercury moves into Pushya nakshatra at 10:57 am CDT, joining exalted Jupiter and Sun in Pushya as well. We get triple the nourishment! Pushya is ruled by Brihaspati (Jupiter deified) and the planet Saturn (who is exalted right now). Let the harmony of inhale and exhale, open and close, support your movements, your expansion goals, your physical, emotional and mental needs in the weeks to come. Soak in the abundance that is available to you as if it is a milk bath. And also take a milk bath! Use my new Moon/Emotional body MP3 for further harvesting. The majority of the day we continue to dance with Bhaga and Venus during Purvaphalguni. Let the themes from yesterday work their magic on you. Let your creativity continue to develop, gain awareness and find a new sense of abundance. As Moon moves into the later half of the Phalguni stars, UttaraPhalguni, at 16:31 CDT, we shift our focus to sustainability, the long haul, and what nourishes us for the distance. What do we need to fully utilize our creative potential? What feels necessary within our relationships and partnerships for them to offer satisfaction and harmony? Aryaman and the Sun bring a new layer of hope, a balm for the heart. He is also one of the twelve Adityas that offer resources for life and he does so through physical well being, strength in the body, and the things that long term committed relationships offer- support, stability, children, prosperity and the things that please the ancestors. Since the symbol for the Phalguni stars is a bed (front half and latter half) the metaphor "making your bed and lying in it" is truly applicable here. What type of bed do you sleep on? What kind of sheets do you use? How many pillows do you need to support your head? What direction does your bed face? Who sleeps with you? Or do you sleep alone? Do you make your bed each day or leave it disheveled? How much time do you spend in this restorative and supportive place? Let your bed be the speaker of truths and share its secrets with you. Moon moves to Virgo at 23:13 CDT, joining Rahu there, receiving direct gaze from Ketu. Thursday, July 31st Themes continue from yesterday as the majority of the day the Moon is still transiting through Uttarphalguni. Invite in the nourishment, support and sustenance. Where can a new drop be found? Where can another layer be shown to you? Who can become a gift to your heart today with their kindness? And what do you offer the world in return? This is the gift you wish to see in the world. Share, offer, guide and gift others with your true nature- abundance and light. As Moon sits with Rahu, the doubt and the anxiety may prevent the feeling of abundance from truly showing its light to us. Our experience is shrouded or in some instances, amplified and extra charged. Be a witness. Use a three level check in to harvest your inner knowing and identify what is. Then use this identification for further creative harvesting rather then letting it control you unconsciously. At 19:14 CDT, Moon moves into Hasta nakshatra, inviting in Savitr and the Moon into our awareness. Awakening is the theme and the offering of Hasta and Savitr. Not a full on burn from the Sun, but that delicate slice of light that gently arrives on the horizon line in the early hours of morning. It is silent and brave and filled with potential. That is Hasta and his gift to us. Watch the little sliver of light share its magic with you today. Let this light turn to wisdom and insight. The best gifts are shared, so remember to offer it some tea, invite it to stay a while, and ask it how you should best give this precious gift to others. With Rahu and Moon together right now in Virgo, ask yourself how you can share with the world in a bigger, grander way. Ask and you shall receive. Friday, August 1st The entire day is ruled by Hasta, the light of Savitr, and the silent awakening; potential. Seeds are beginning to germinate. Be sure to give them a soft, gentle shower, some fresh air and bit of sunshine in order to feed them properly. Listen carefully. Roots and shoots are spreading, growing, turning into something alive and awake. You are this tiny seed and you are growing a garden right now. Potential is everything. Go for the gold. Moon nears closer and closer to Rahu and our visions get bigger and bigger. Do they gain focus and grounding or lose it? Do we get lost in smoke and mirrors or can we traverse the illusions of grandeur with impeccable awareness? Work with your shadows, don't get lost in them. Use my new Moon/Emotional body MP3 for further harvesting. As the night takes over, Moon moves into Chitra nakshatra, enlivening Vishvakarma and Mars, joining Rahu in this nakshatra. We will be working with sparkle and shine, action and in-action tomorrow. Make sure you get your beauty rest. Dream about adornments, acts of service and great artistic feats. Avoid intoxication and actions that you will later regret. Saturday, August 2nd Moon and Rahu are in exact conjunction in the first half of the morning as Moon nears the edge of Virgo. Rise and shine or sleep in? Moon moves to Libra at 10:31 CDT, joining Mars and exalted Saturn here, but still in Chitra nakshatra. Our work with stops and starts amplifies. Surrender or force? Vishvakarma helps us build, plan, take action steps that give lasting results. Take a step today in the right direction and let it have a ripple effect on you and your outlook. Today is a good day to work with boundaries. Say no when you mean no and yes only when you mean yes. You can't please everyone, and shouldn't. Can you be firm in your needs by putting yourself first? It's not about being nasty or rude, just firm. That is often the most compassionate choice for all involved. As Moon nears Mars today, watch for getting hot around the collar. Be tactful and diplomatic, but avoid rash, angry decisions. For some this will be a very productive day. A three level check-in might be in order. What is coming up right now? Name it. Aim it. Claim it. Sun moves into Ashlesha nakshatra at 21:36 CDT. The triple nourishment of exalted Jupiter, Mercury and Sun all in Pushya nakshatra shifts now. Mercury is heightened as well as Sarpa, snake energy. Will deception, illusions and over confidence bring new learning, understanding and growth to us? Or will the ego build walls up around the heart so that we miss the truths of the times? The coming weeks will prove valuable for growth. Seek wisdom and awareness, not shadowed thinking- as you will miss the valuable memos if you aren't careful. Moon moves to Swati nakshatra at 23:19 CDT. Sunday, August 3rd Remember, this week only, get 15% off all my services and products. Today is the last day to take advantage of this offer. Use code WaxingMoon15 at checkout. Moon transits Swati nakshatra and is in exact conjunction with Mars at 14:43 CDT. The heat is on and it's being fanned by the winds of Vayu! Super charged and activated or super hot and bothered? Notice where your life is feeling burdened, slowed down, where you are forcing change and feeling like you are getting no where. That's the place that needs your surrender, not more force. Perhaps relationships are requiring strong boundaries. Use them. This is a practice run and Mars and Saturn are giving you ample opportunities to try your yes and no dynamics out. How is it going so far? Remember, one step at a time... Moon nears Saturn late in the evening and our surrender button is activated (or should be). Let Saturn's structure and need for stability rule your actions. Early to bed, nourishment through self care, and only focus on what matters. If you need to empty your head, write out your to-dos and next weeks goals in order to lighten your load and keep the wind from blowing your thoughts around too much. Calming practices will help keep the Vata in check. Abhyangha and warm bath might be in order for tonight. Don't forget a three level check in. Need some extra guidance and clarity for this coming year? Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a Moon Mind post. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you.
1 Comment
7/31/2014 03:29:31 am
भारत के बहुत सारे लोगों को शायद इस बात का ज्ञान भी न हो कि विगत कुछ वर्षों में उनके अपने देश में ज्योतिष की एक नई शाखा का विकास हुआ है,जिसके द्वारा वैज्ञानिक ढंग से की जानेवाली सटीक तिथियुक्त भविष्यवाणी जिज्ञासु बुद्धिजीवियों के मध्य चर्चा का विषय बनी हुई है। सबसे पहले दिल्ली से प्रकाशित होनेवाली पत्रिका ‘बाबाजी’ के 1994-1995-1996 के विभिन्न अंकों में तथा ज्योतिष धाम के कई अंकों में गत्यात्मक ज्योतिष के ज्योतिष के बुद्धिजीवी पाठकवर्ग के सम्मुख मेरे द्वारा ही रखा गया था ।
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