This Week's Intention: Let your inner waters create and flow, move and transform. Find ways to land and ground, while reaching up and out- extending your reach. Seek harmony, integration and balance for your four bodies- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Moon is waning, Venus has just moved to its own sign, Libra, yet the tenacity of Mars and Rahu in Virgo continues. The Saturn, Sun and Mercury conjunction continues to play out until Saturday when Mercury shifts to Sagittarius. Movement, fluidity, creativity and relationships invite in change and transformation. Monday begins with themes of balance and harmony as Moon moves through Pushya nakshatra. Venus is weak and vulnerable in degrees so tend to the relationship with self and others cautiously. After noon, Moon shifts to Ashlesha nakshatra and inner illusions amplify. Use resources and tools to work directly with the mental and emotional bodies. Consciously work with shadows and the critical mind. Drop into your heart and notice where you are stuck in judgement and critical thought. Deepen compassion for self and others. Tuesday begins with Moon still moving through its own sign, Cancer, while in Ashlesha nakshatra. Sarpa continues to manipulate the mental body and calls for increased awareness with matters of the mind. Mid afternoon, Moon leaps into Leo and lands in Magha nakshatra. Power, ego and force increase as well as ancestral matters. Ask for guidance and support. Venus begins to strengthen in Libra which helps to soften judgement, rigidity and self-righteousness. Notice where mental tenacity is over powering you. How can you release the mind and land in your body? Meditate and find time to be in nature. Moon continues through Magha on Wednesday. Let spiritual resources provide extra support and ask the ancestors to help you with your needs and desires. Land back in your power and notice resources that help you bolster your sense of self and well being. Early evening, Moon shifts to the Phalguni constellation, landing in Purvaphalguni. Increased potency, life force energy and creative forces begin to flow. What relationships are nourishing you? What relationships need to be released? How can your creative life force energy help you increase resiliency and inner strength? Thursday continues with Moon moving through Purvaphalguni nakshatra. Resource yourself with joy, connection, relationships, sensuality and artistry. Let this be the balm that heals your heart and helps you land in your power and purpose. Seek nourishment and stability, balance and integration. Where does the critic keep you from getting your needs met? How do rigidity and resistance keep you stuck, constricted and in constant conflict with yourself and others? Moon shifts to the latter half of the Phalguni constellation later in the evening. As Moon arrives in Uttarphalguni, it conjuncts Jupiter exactly. Swells and increases are to be expected on the emotional and spiritual body levels. Watch the critic actively and gather resources from its precision. Where does it support you? Where does it keep you from your power? Just as Friday morning begins, the Moon shifts to Virgo, joining Rahu and Mars here. Shadows and illusions intensify today, helping us to identify inner challenges. Look for resources within the rubble. The critic continues to be a central focus, inviting us to look at parts of ourselves that we may not like or have pushed away unconsciously. Do you lash out at others? Play the victim? Keep giving your power away? Use anger and resentment to vindicate others? Notice where you need more light and life. Where are you hurting yourself with rigidity and righteousness? Just before midnight, Moon shifts to Hasta nakshatra. Let the light in and make room for the dawn to arrive. Where are you shining your light? Saturday Moon continues through Hasta nakshatra. Savitr brings increased light and awareness but it may come through challenges, obstacles, pains and suffering instead. These are the places you need to be cracked open, places within that need more light. The pain forces us to put our attention here and notice what isn't working. From here, gather resources, support, guidance and wisdom to transform and heal. Mercury moves to Sagittarius on December 5th at 22:16 PST, leaving the conjunction of Saturn and Sun in Scorpio behind. This eases the mental body pressures on multiple levels and gets the mind out of the dark depths of our subconscious. Mercury in Sagittarius offers spiritual support and transformation for our mental body blockages. This may feel like a welcomed relief after the many months of intensity and identifying deep, dark inner challenges and blockages. Certain challenges will continue for the mind in this cycle to come if you resist surrender and awakening to your deeper purpose and meaning. If you force outcomes or objectives, there will be intensification. When ego gets in the way of your awakening process, there will be frustrations, obstacles and excess inner heat. Notice when the fire is scorching you. Where can you let go and let spirit guide you? Creativity is at an all time high, with maximum flow and fluidity moving through the hands. Intentionally channel this creative life force energy through the arts, music, writing and co-creation. Courageously step into community, relationship and support systems that nourish and increase a sense of safety and support within. Seek balance with inner and outer and express your needs clearly. Self care and deep inner nourishment are essential at this time. Be mindful of what you put into your body and what comes out of it- through words, actions, expression, etc. What relationships and environments feel nourishing? Which ones do not? Get clear on what works for your mind, body, heart and spirit. Remove and let go of all that is draining you, making you feel heavy. Find healthy boundaries within your life. Simplify the heart and home. Clear away old karmic patterns. Where is the ego resisting and holding you back? How is the mental body ruling your life and choices? Orient yourself towards feelings and sensations. Let this honest wisdom determine your choices and actions. This is a time of creating radical inner and outer balance. Be courageous with your intentions. Gather support, guidance, knowledge and wisdom to assist your efforts. Above all, land in your gut and let your core values determine what you need. Ask your ancestors, father, gurus and guides for extra support. Let spirit into your life in new ways. Spread your wings, extend your reach and find new flight patterns. Moon moves to the final nakshatra of Virgo, Chitra, just as Sunday morning begins. This nakshatra provides momentum, action steps and the ability to build. Use your light and awareness to visualize your dreams, goals and desires. Then take an action step that supports these visions materializing. Moon shifts to Libra late afternoon, joining Venus here. There is sensitivity, as well as grace, fluidity and artistry enlivened in the coming days. Channel this effectively through the arts. Let the pelvis be a stabilizing force for you- a way to help you land and ground. Midmorning Monday, Moon moves to Swati nakshatra and joins Venus in exact conjunction. Inner and outer winds intensify. What direction are you moving? Can you stay grounded even in the midst of these strong winds? Creative flow is increasing. Catch the wave with intention and harness the creative powers within. *All timing is given in Pacific Standard Time Zone.
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