Moon is waning until the new Moon on April 29th and then begins to wax (shukla paksha), moving through Aries, Taurus and into Gemini this week. Moon is exalted on 5.30. A powerful week ahead in the planets + the celebration of Akshaya Tritiya on the 1st!
Monday, April 28th The week starts with the Moon in Aries, joining Mercury, Ketu and exalted Sun there. Today Moon transits Ashwini nakshatra and there is much drive, movement and momentum palpable. Though your plate may feel piled high today and overwhelm may set in, taking time for rejuvenation, fresh air and deep breaths, is essential. Don't push too hard today and avoid the super hero complex. Hit the pause button and check in with your mental, emotional and physical bodies whenever possible. Cut out anything unnecessary and only tackle projects and tasks that are at the top of your list. Tonight, take a relaxing bath to unwind. Set intentions for your solar eclipse. Get a good night's rest and put Self care as a top priority. Tuesday, April 29th New Moon is April 29th at 1:14 am CDT while Moon is in Aries and Bharani Nakshatra. The annular solar eclipse will occur simultaneously. Solar eclipse begins on April 28th at 10:53 PM CDT and continues until April 29th at 3:15 AM CDT. The maximum eclipse is on April 29th at 1:04 AM CDT, though it won't be visible from the US. Read more about this new Moon and solar eclipse. The day continues with Moon in Bharani Nakshatra and moving into waxing phase (shukla paksha). With three planets in Bharani simultaneously (Moon, Sun and Mercury) expect full transformation on the inner and outer levels of experience: mental body, physical body and emotional body. Destruction and death are inevitable. What needs to die in order for you to be reborn? Though today could bring some uncomfortable inner and outer changes, trust the process and the cycle. Yama is the king of "less is more" and he brings the restraints necessary for full self-realization. Wednesday, April 30th The theme of power and intensity continues. With four exalted planets expressing their fullest expression, we may feel overwhelm, energized, expansion and extreme power set in- perhaps all at once. Sun, Moon (for the first half of the day), Saturn (though exalted in Libra, it is debilitated due to its retrograde motion), and Venus all share a sense of grande momentum today. This is a day of clarity, articulation, and powerful insight. Take notes. Be intentional. Use today to prepare for Akshaya Tritiya tomorrow. What steps would help bring more comfort, support, nourishment into your life? What needs to be cut away in order for this to take place? Get brutal as you cut out the insignificant and you rise to the next level. Thursday, May 1st Akshaya Tritiya, the auspicious "day of lasting achievement" in the Vedic calendar, occurs on May 1st in the USA while both Sun and Moon are exalted and Moon is in the third tithi (Moon phase) of the waxing cycle. The third tithi begins at 00:53 CDT on the 1st and continues until the wee hours on the 2nd at 1:32 am CDT. Moon will be in its mulitrikona sign and in the auspicious Rohini nakshatra during the majority of this time. Akshaya tritiya is considered to be a very powerful time- free from malefic influences of all kinds and highly auspicious for all new ventures. For lasting success and achievement, this the the day! Meditation, pujas, action steps, will all bring powerful and lasting results. Go for gold today. Create, expand, envision your success! Write down goals and desires, but take a meaningful action step towards your goals today nonetheless; they will be multiplied. Friday, May 2nd Moon transits its mulitrikona sign of Taurus and Mrigashirsha nakshatra today, moving into this star at 00:43 am CDT. Midday, Moon moves to Gemini at 13:37 CDT. In Gemini, Moon joins Jupiter; both receive drishti (gaze) from Rahu nine houses away. Let the theme of nourishment and soma bring intention to your day. Seek comfort and support while avoiding anger and agitation. If emotional outbursts arrive, check in with your Self. What do you need to change for greater support and alignment with your needs? Make sure you aren't blending with others and their whims so effortlessly that you forget about your own needs in the process. You may find that the mind wanders easily today, the emotions shift quickly, and day dreaming is your chosen escape route. Take some time to wander away with your dreams and move towards greater nourishment. Simultaneously, there seems to be a fixed agenda and much focus possible. Is it possible to do both? Balance rigidity and flexibility. Saturday, May 3rd Moon moves to Ardra nakshatra at 2:36 am CDT. Dreams and desires may be mounting today. What are you forcing? Is Rahu having his way with you? Strong attachments, cravings, fears and desires may arrive with Ardra, resulting in stormy weather patterns. Is the desire for grande expansion causing you to lose sight of what is really important for you? If emotions and exhaustion arrive today, listen intently to their messages. There's a reason for the storms that Rudra brings; if for no other reason than to clear and clean, purge and clarify. Stay out of the rubbish bin today and calm your inner storms by channeling them into creative outlets. Sunday, May 4th Moon moves to Punarvasu nakshatra at 4:56 am CDT. The nourishing qualities of Jupiter offer some comfort and cushion for the final day of the weekend. Find some ease and seek new awareness. Meditate and recharge your batteries. Notice Aditi offering her expansive qualities to you throughout the day and note the awareness that arrives when you slow down and create intentional space for listening and embodiment. Contemplate, let in some new learning, creative flow and allow the abundance of life to move you. Mercury Moves to Taurus on May 4th at 11:25 pm CDT, out of the complexity of Aries and away from conjunction with Sun and Ketu + multiple aspects from Rahu, Saturn and Mars. Read more about Mercury in Taurus. I am excited to share my Exalted Sun workshop with you today! Get my daily Moon Mind calendar for each week via my newsletter.
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