This Week's Intention: Unfurl your wings and stretch them wide. Find ways to broaden and expand your reach. Moon continues to swell and wax as our inner waters amplify with the rising tides. Past the half way mark of the lunar cycle now, Moon moves into the tenth tithi (phase) on Monday. Mercury is now exalted in Virgo, conjunct Rahu. Are you feeling the increase in communication, connection and creativity yet? Sun and Jupiter continue to track each other closely this week. Watch for soul burn and move towards the light. Venus and Mars are also closely conjunct this week in Cancer. Feel your heart wisdom, even if it hurts. The week begins with a debilitated Moon in Scorpio, leaving conjunction with Saturn. Indra rules the day until Moon jumps into Sagittarius and Mula nakshatra Monday afternoon. The day of Moon (Monday) requires that we tend to our sensitivity as well as our senses. Are you being ruled by your wild horses or are you holding the reigns? Once Moon enters Mula nakshatra, attending to our inner wisdom is of the utmost importance. Jupiter's gaze offers extra nourishment and support but Mula's ruling deity, Nirrti, arrives with her chaos, sudden change and calamity. Her dark forces can keep us from aligning with our path and purpose as she is adharmic in nature. Are you seeking resources to align with your higher purpose? Are you a part of the chaos or able to stand in the center of the storm? Resource from the wisdom of the physical body. It's the only thing that will bring you back to the now. Tuesday, Nirrti and her sharp, cutting nature, continue to rule the first part of the day. Underneath her darkness, depth and spirituality can be accessed. Can you feel the other option, or are you caught in the challenge? Just after noon, Moon shifts to a fierce and severe nakshatra, PurvaAshada, and its ruling deity, Apas, brings another type of force with her. Today is yet another opportunity for change and transformation but this one comes with water and arrives through deep cleansing. Let water assist you with this process. Get into water, walk near it, allow the rain- in the form of tears if not from Nature herself. Jupiter and Sun are in exact conjunction. Cleanse your heart and soul! Let wisdom and truth be your power source! Ready to take your creative potential and turn it into a life of thriving?! Don't miss my online Creativity + Embodiment Immersion. Get the Details. Just before noon on Wednesday, Moon shifts to the latter half of the Ashada constellation, UttaraAshada. This star is fixed and stable, allowing nourishing sustainable activities to take hold. The Vishva Devas provide their universal goodness and help us align with the Laws of Nature in dynamic and powerful ways. Align with dharma, truth and positivity. Use gratitude to soften the heart. Shine, share and be seen for your purity and do good deeds. Early evening, Moon jumps to the hard working and tenacious, Capricorn. Saturn, Rahu, Mars and Venus give their gaze to the soft and tender Moon. Allow time to land and be with your feeling body. Work to soften your hard edges over the next few days. Early Thursday morning, Moon moves to a sacred constellation that is gently tucked in between UttaraAshada and Sravana nakshatra. This little known 28th nakshatra is called Abhijit and only covers about four degrees. This is a good time for prayer, meditation, setting intentions and being close to spirit. This time period will be from about 04:30 to 10:30, just before Moon shifts to Sravana nakshatra. Sravana nakshatra and its ruling deity, Vishnu, helps us align with the expansive forces of the universe. His purpose is to move us towards dharma and help us hear the wisdom being whispered in our ear from heaven, to the cosmos and back to earth. Listen carefully today and let your desires be known. Align your steps with life purpose and inner power. Jupiter and Sun are still tightly conjunct. Tend to your inner wisdom and let the power of the Sun burn away the impurities within you. If you're feeling the discomfort, open and awaken through gratitude and keep your body cool with Pitta pacifying foods and actions. Midmorning Friday, Moon shifts to Dhanishta nakshatra and the Vasu Devas bring us increased light or Jyoti. Sharing from your heart will prove the most valuable resource today. Be soft, focused and let the power of your heart wisdom be your spokesperson. Align and shine! Express, share and give your positive message to the world. What words of wisdom can you offer your tribe? Early evening Moon shifts to Saturn's other sign, Aquarius, where it receives the hot gaze Jupiter, Sun and Mars. Moon also moves into the 15th and final tithi (phase) at this time. Stay focused but don't get burned out or fried in the process. Are you pushing too hard? As Mercury closely conjuncts Rahu the mental body also intensifies. Shadow or strength? Illusion or awakening? The mental and emotional bodies are extra powerful right now- watch how you use them. Before sunrise on Saturday, Moon arrives into Satabisha nakshatra, Varuna's domain. Our health and wellness becomes a top priority during this high tide time. Full Moon is Saturday, August 29th at 11:34 Pacific Time. Moon is in Aquarius and Satabisha Nakshatra. Healing arrives with this full Moon, yet comes with a certain edge and harshness simultaneously. Satabisha nakshatra is ruled by Varuna, the guardian of Natural Law and right action. Nothing gets past his thousands of eyes that see everything. Satabisha can help us work with boundaries and our resistance. What is your relationship with inner and outer boundaries- physical and energetic? Let this full Moon be one of intentional healing- especially for the mental body. Get resourced, nourished and attend to self care diligently. Use this wisdom to guide you through the coming waning cycle. Attend and attune to sacred healing. Want the extended version of my New Moon Wisdom? Purchase my 2015 Moon Wisdom Calendar for extra cosmic insights. Get It. The close conjunction of exalted Mercury and Rahu continues. Attend to your mental body and be diligent with its stories, messages, memories and imaginal realms. Are you feeding it or aligning with its magical support? Using its amplification for change and healing or letting it run wild with you through illusion and delusion? Self track and get on top of it. In the early hours of Sunday morning, Moon arrives in the light and graceful nakshatra, Purvabhadra. Ajaikapada is the ruling deity, who helps us balance seemingly impossible tasks with ease and steadiness. Often he is referred to as a form of Shiva, Lord of the Dance. He steps between worlds, realms and dimensions, sharing depth, strength and purpose when he arrives. Let the wisdom come too, but let it enter from the body. What can your body-mind tell you about grounding and landing in the now? Before you jump forward, into the next cycle, day or moment, stop here, be present, be in the now. Use your feet to help you land and find your anchor. Moon shifts to Pisces early evening, joining Ketu. Both receive the intense mental body gaze of Mercury and Rahu. Find your release, letting go and deepen your surrender. Mars and Venus are closely conjunct right now. Soften to your heart wisdom and allow deep release. Tears and emotional body waves are a necessary part of this process. Let them out. Just before midnight, Moon shifts to the latter half of the Bhadrapada constellation, Uttarabhadra. Ruling deity, Ahirbudhnya, serpent of the netherworlds, helps us access our hidden, inner wisdom. It's there, can you find it? It's the hidden, dark and mysterious kind. It will come in flashes- suddenly provoking insight and shifts in perception. If your third eye is closed, you'll miss it. Let Monday continue to offer its awakening support. Keep looking and you'll find what you are seeking. *Timing used is Pacific Standard Time Zone. Ready to take your creative potential and turn it into a life of thriving?! Don't miss my online Creativity + Embodiment Immersion. Get the Details.
Need some extra guidance and clarity? I have a few September sessions still available. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you.
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