* Please note, the format for my horoscopes has changed. I will now be sharing in-depth monthly Horoscopes only. Thanks for following along.
June begins with a new Moon in Taurus, it's exaltation sign. Moon will be in strong degrees, in Rohini nakshatra at the time of the New Moon on June 4th. There will be confusion between inner and outer in the cycle to come, so finding balance between external needs and internal needs will be important for the first half of the month. Mercury in Taurus June 7th, Mercury shifts to Taurus, joining the heated dynamic of combust Venus and Sun who continue to track each other closely. Retrograde Mars and Saturn also give their gaze to these three planets, which causes heat and pressure to intensify. Mercury in Gemini As June closes, Mercury makes another transition, moving into Gemini- joining the combust pair Sun and Venus. Late evening on June 26th, Mercury shifts into Gemini, its own sign, marking a month long transit of mental body clean up. Venus in Gemini The heated war between Sun and Venus pauses as Venus shifts to Gemini on June 12th. As Venus enters a friendly sign, it separates from the fire of the Sun for a moment. Though Mars still gives his gaze to watery and creative Venus, he charges her up, rather than burns her out. Sun in Gemini Sun moves to Gemini, joining Venus here, continuing their heated battle between fire and water, precision and flow, human and soul needs. This cycle is a potent refinement process that will ask you to be get clear and focused about your desires. Mars in Libra On June 17th, retrograde Mars returns to Libra. Mars has been in retrograde motion since April 15th, transiting Scorpio with Saturn- who is also retrograde right now. Normally, Mars would be excited to transit his own, familiar territory, however, an intruder also occupies his home. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic (sidereal) rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your Western sign (Tropical) as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: The past becomes present, the old comes back to the forefront. Remain present to the mirrors showing you what needs to be re-seen, re-noticed, re-evaluated- within yourself. You may gain inspiration and a new clarity about what you need and how you want it. Taurus: The heat and passion in your head is creating steam and excess clouds. You may not be seeing clearly as a result. The tendency is to push or force outcomes and agendas rather than landing softly within. Pushing and forcing outcomes and steps doesn't guarantee a powerful outcome. Gemini: The release process you've been going through is preparing you for the cycle to come. As Sun moves to your first house mid month, it's time to rise and shine. You'll still need to be taking extra time for meditation, pauses and rest with Mercury in your 12th house, but the tides are changing. Cancer: Nourishment is a powerful, continuous theme that influences how you share and who you share with. Healing, change and transformation must take place in order for you to accept, invite and create space for the new. There's some resistance to the new, so be aware of where you are stuck. Leo: Life is leaping ahead, but at what cost? Where are you present? Where are you checked-out? Relationships continue to be disconnected or more spiritually oriented. This is a time to be more focused on the self and to re-establish a new sense of Self. Virgo: The deep transformations and release of this past month turn into wisdom and inner knowing this month. Suddenly more support and guidance arrives to help you learn and grow with new conviction and purpose. Clear away toxicity and liberate yourself from the people and things that dis-empower you. Libra: Money, resources and nourishment seem to be challenged by lack of fluidity. Here today and gone tomorrow. This confusion with resources and comfort has been stirring the pot, increasing fear and pressure. What are these challenges teaching you about your needs? Scorpio: The confusion comes from a restructuring of how you use your power source. You are no longer willing to force outcomes or force the process of outcome. It feels foreign, unusual, even lazy at times. But in fact, this is a vital emergence for you. Sagittarius: Liberation is coming but not without effort and working consciously with your unconscious terrain. This becomes more necessary in the coming month so notice where you are stuck in limiting beliefs and old mental body programming. Capricorn: Being dramatic with your cutting and clearing process is how you are creating a new baseline of stability and support for yourself. This doesn't come without pain and sadness, grief and loss. But in the long run, your awakening core wisdom is the catalyst for monumental change- inner and outer. Aquarius: The refinement continues. Clearing away that which doesn't serve your highest good can be painful, especially when there's strong attachment. Your head is hot and getting hotter. Some relief comes early in the month once Mars returns to Libra. He won't be giving his gaze directly to your head. Pisces: You are learning how to lose and let go, although reluctantly. It's vital that you clear up your gut and inner guidance system. Part of you is still not listening to this inner intelligence. It's time to sift your your unconscious terrain and re-pattern the places within you that keep going back to the conflict. For the full version sign up for my membership. Learn more about your karmas and how to overcome blockages hindering you from being well fed by life. Please join me for my June Jyotish Astrology Classes.Get the Details. Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me.
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