Moon is waxing (Sukla Paksha) and transits Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and into Taurus this week. Moon is exalted on 12.14 and in its mulitrikona sign of Taurus 12.15 and 12.16.
Sun moves to Sagittarius on 12.15 at 14:35 CST and will be there until 1.14.14. Sun in Sagittarius receives drishti (gaze) from Saturn, Mars and Jupiter. There will be a desire to expand, yet contraction principles at play simultaneously. Frustrations can come if we push too hard, overextend ourselves or do not effectively re-calibrate our intentions. Things will likely take longer than you'd prefer to pan out, so adjust for this. Best use of your time and efforts will be through goal setting, making to-do lists and using methodical action steps. Set your goals and aim high, but work backwards effectively in order to get the results you'd like. Full Moon (Purnima) on 12.17 at 3:27 am CST. It will be sandhi in degrees and in Gemini at its fullest point and in Mrgashiras nakshatra. More on this next week. Utilize my jyoti/creative arts activities as a healing & awareness tool. This week's Jyoti/Expressive Art Therapy Creative Engagement Activity has us working with masking and unmasking. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Over the last few weeks you've been experiencing a more inward and restful phase, experienced set backs and slow progress. The end of the week marks a cycle of uplift for you over the next few months as Sun moves through your 9th and 10th houses. Simultaneously you can expect clean up, restructuring and reorganization of your life and Self. It will take courageous action steps and doing things differently in order for maximum benefits. Take time for comforts and nourishment this week and find support. Taurus: Use this week for strong forward movement and structured action steps. Find comfort in wisdom and support through your relationships. The coming solar month as Sun transits through your 8th house, will bring a time of working through past "material", the need for more silence and inward reflection, meditation and some "down time". Expect some father issues to emerge, or re-emerge, and work with these effectively. When a thought comes to the mental body, you know it's rooted in the emotional and physical bodies and will need careful attention/intention to heal. Gemini: Get gains from career this week- it's all about who you know and how you treat them, which doesn't imply being a doormat FYI. Assume a take-charge mind set but expect there to be tests about your follow up and follow through. Relationships in general right now are requiring extra attention, demanding your focus, while providing both nurturing and excess effort which can feel tiresome. As Sun moves into your 7th house for the next solar month, it will feel as though people are expecting more from you. Maybe it's because you can do that, or maybe it's because you are needing a healthier habit of saying NO. Either way, it's up to you. Cancer: You are in a time period that calls for re-structuring how you offer your Self and your gifts to the world. This next month will bring ways to heal and be healed. Move forward with the intention of greater comfort and security, self sufficiency and self-reliance. The week can bring gains through knowledge and wisdom, career strategy, friends and wealth. Get goal focused and sharpen your focal points. Attend to your relationships, emotions and healthy boundaries. Leo: Career seems to be going through some recalibration. It will be through your bold responsiveness that things shift. Use this week for fine-tuning what effective action might look like and where adjustments need to be made. Ask for feedback. This next solar month puts Sun in your 5th house and brings opportunities for higher learning, actions that bring advancement, knowledge from children. It will require your methodical action though and some restructuring perhaps. Sometimes things turn out better than you'd imagined them! Trust this to be possible. Virgo: The heat in your head is creating a bit of steam and cloudiness. Are you having trouble seeing clearly? Creativity, relationships and education are pushing you to expand your visions of what is possible. It's important that you think in terms of expansion and dream big. However, it is essential you goal set, use a strategy of small victories and attend to your to-do lists in order to get results. As Sun moves to your 4th house this next solar month, some new confidence in your own Self reliance may set in. Doubt the doubt, leave it out. Libra: For you, working from the inside out is most important this week. Sun's transit into your 3rd house at the end of the week will bring you a new month of expansion within, and the courage to act on your abilities. For you, goal setting and structured plans of execution are paramount, as the tendency for flightiness and lack of follow through can get you into trouble, or at the least leave you without forward movement. Keep it silent this week and create a "goal collage board"- one that has all your desires on it and can help you visualize the future. Then write a solid "goal setting" plan of action. Scorpio: Get your ducks in a row and ask for support from workers, friends and eduction in order for advancement. Be clear and direct with needs, desires and expectations, then hope for the best. You can't get 100% every time. As Sun moves to your 2nd house for the coming month, getting comfort and financial stability from your career will be of the utmost importance. What needs to be done, what actions made, in order to bring more security and harmony into your work and offer a greater financial gain? It's time to really let go of the old fears, and step into something new. Remember, others want to help you thrive. Sagittarius: A desire and a willingness to shine is coming to you and through you this next solar month as Sun transits into your first house. Get your soul shine on and maximize this time of expansion in knowledge and wisdom. What skills can you upgrade and reform? This week may bring some new realizations and sparks of insight to set you in motion. Watch for overindulgence, especially this weekend. Capricorn: Creativity is on your mind and coursing through you, amping up your career and courage. This week illuminates your creative process, yet the coming solar month with Sun moving into your 12th house, will ask that you bring your attention inward. The transits will offer expansion, yet ask that you continue to return your momentum back to its origin, the silence within, for refinement. This will teach you to pause, before saying "YES" and to get very clear before using your precious energy on futile actions. Trust the process. Aquarius: Anger may be coming from out of no where. Frustrations from the past are asking for your attention. As Sun moves into your 11th house for this coming solar month, it will offer you some more time for sifting through these pieces. Siblings, father, and friends will bring awareness to you, don't disregard the insights. Right now, relationships continue to be your "guru" and will offer growth and fine tuning. Pay attention. This week, find time for comfort, enjoyment, Self growth and reflection. Spend your Sunday outdoors. Pisces: Learning from your communications with others is offering big opportunities to you for expanded awareness. What works for you, and what doesn't? Clear boundaries begin with clear languaging, but the root of this clarity is clarity within you. This week find a new, intelligent way of speaking; a refinement is possible. As Sun moves to your 10th house for the next solar month, you will be working with give/take, offer/receive more intimately. Self expression will be restructured and the throat chakra cleared of debris. Speak and listen. Find a connection between body, breath and your spoken word.
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