Moon is waxing (Shukla Paksha) and transits Pisces, Aries and into its sign of exaltation, Taurus this week. Moon is exalted 1.10 and mulitrikona 1.11 and 1.12 in Taurus.
It is a busy week for the planets. This movement and change will continue to bring relationships (how and why we relate) to the forefront. Retrograde Venus moves back into Sagittarius on 1.6, an enemies sign at 12:45 pm CST where it receives triple drishti from Mars, Saturn and Jupiter- while also conjunct (sandhi) Mercury and Sun. This puts a lot of pressure and energy on Venus which can effect our relationships, business, money, creativity and the women in our lives. "...Relationships, creativity, romance, passion, wealth and money will get a chance for re-evaluation. The obstacles felt over the past months may get smoothed out over the coming weeks or we may be confronted with opportunities to "do things better" than before with more dignity and alignment- in tune with the devas. Look for divine intervention, serendipity and 'cosmic connections'. However, be aware of snares, traps and set-ups. Be mindful of your need to "fix" others and remember you can only fix your Self. With the double retrograde action of Jupiter and Venus occurring, the desire to "fix" relationships [and to get a better deal within them] will be at an all-time high. Re-direct that energy back onto your Self. Note that some relationships will get stronger during this time, while others will fall apart and lose their strength. Some individuals will lose their desire to 'be in relation' at all. For the recluse types, this is the ultimate time of silence and a wonderful opportunity for meditating, spiritual focus and a strong turning inward." The week starts with both Venus and Mercury in UttarAshada nakshatra. Later this week on 1.10, Sun joins them here as well. UttarAshada is ruled by the Sun as well as the Vishvadevas. These "all-gods" are literally universal principles or the Laws of Nature, and bring us reminders of how to act in alignment with life in order to bring more harmony. Use this reminder of "good conduct" in relationships and how you manage your personal and professional affairs. Hard knocks come to those who fall out of alignment with the Vishvadevas and dharma, however, obstacles are removed for those that follow "the rules". Mercury, moves out of Sagittarius and into Capricorn in the wee hours of 1.08 which will be a friendlier placement for him (and remove him from the drishti of his enemy Mars). You may notice some mental tension begins to ease later this week when he gains a bit more strength. Money and communication will be stronger as well. However, it will likely be more noticeable once Sun moves to Capricorn and gains some strength as well (later next week) coinciding with the full moon. Increasing the heat and agitation (as well as much learning and growth) is also due to the combustion of Sun and Venus this week. Watch for increased tension especially on 1.11 when Sun and Venus are in exact degrees. With Venus retrograde, its desires are much stronger than usual. The feelings of "not getting our needs met" might be stronger right now. Work on self care, self-soothing, creating self reliance and resiliency rather than lashing out, being overly needy and expecting others to be the solution. It's always an inside job. Right now, we are getting to work on this acutely. This is the last week or so of Jupiter in the benefic nakshatra, Punarvasu. He moves back into Ardra (ruled by Rahu) next week. Aditi, deity of Punarvasu gives opportunity for greater awareness and expansion of consciousness. Enjoy the last few days of her generosity as Ardra will bring us a different sort of expansion- likely more worldly and with a bit more stress involved. More on that next week. For now, revisit my Jupiter in Gemini article for further details. For a jyotish Moon-centered approach to your day, follow my daily Moon Mind posts via Face Book. Utilize my jyoti/creative arts activities as a healing & awareness tool for your week. This week's activity has to do with creating our goals for the new year. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: Spend the first part of the week resting in a "retreat mode" if possible before the week picks up. Count your lessons and blessings. Likely some important pieces are surfacing (or should be) in regard to children, father, knowledge and desires. You are learning a lot about relationships and how to be in them. Use this time for sifting and sorting and asking the question: How can I change the way I relate to others in order to make my relationships healthier for me and them? Taurus: The transformations continue but some new gelling within your awareness is on the way as Mercury moves to your ninth house later this week. Being in service offers rich rewards as well as insights. Meditation and time for retreats are supported right now. Put in the time and effort for spiritual progress even if it feels like a challenge. There's plenty of healing to be done. Gemini: Relationships continue to test your resiliency, courage and progress, as well as emotions. Mother and father and land/property may be trying your patience, heart and emotions as well. In the coming weeks you may be experiencing a bit of deja vu as you revisit past patterns. Use this as an opportunity to do something differently as you move forward. Your career may feel hindered in the process but don't bail unless absolutely necessary. Persistence is part of your growth right now. Cancer: Learning from enemies, your support team, and finding new opportunities for healing, all become important right now. You may be feeling you need more support and there isn't enough of the right kind. Remember to ask for what you need. Name it in order to claim it. For some, this is a transformational time as skills of service surface and become realized (seva). What new tools are you able to offer others? Clarity will come with a bit more time and meditation. Watch for snakes in the meantime and don't become one your Self. Leo: Children, father, education, passion, romance, gut instincts, may all be on the table right now. You are in a digestion phase, which continues in the coming weeks. Digesting words and thoughts especially. There is some discomfort with this process yet a determination simultaneously. This week offers regeneration, growth and a finale with some strength for career. You want change? Make it happen. Virgo: Heart and home, mother and land, may feel in turmoil. Confusion and headaches may be plaguing you and your relationships. Some relief comes later this week as the mind gains support and Mercury moves to your fifth house and away from Mars's drishti. Your best efforts are put into career, finding nourishment and support and healing in new ways. Don't derail your long term needs with short term gains by "settling". Libra: The winds of change are continuing to offer you a chance for momentum and movement. What direction are you going in? What doors are opening? Use intention to make this time more potent- then surrender. Courage, creativity and action steps are inevitable but will require some alone time, guidance and meditation. Difficulties sleeping and meditating? Some relief will come late this week after Mercury moves to Capricorn and gains strength. Hint: emotions are intertwined with your moksha. Scorpio: Comfort, support, nourishment, financial abundance, food and voice are the driving forces right now. The question remains: how can you have all your needs met and what does that feel like? As you create a new sense of support and thriving for your Self, the actions necessary will become more clear. For now, build from the root chakra up. Stable, reliable resources are the only thing worth putting your energy into. Weed out what isn't working and don't look back. Ask for the highest. Sagittarius: Headaches and head pressure may be due to a general overwhelm with self and relationships, career and emotions. It is especially important for you to take bite sized morsels and get support with your process before burn out sets in. You likely feel the pressure from all sides, so take remedial measures now. A life coach could be a good choice for you and your forward momentum. Why not find a new sense of thriving and a new way to get your needs met? Capricorn: You may be wound a bit tight right now. Cabin fever? Hopefully you can enjoy your time of retreat and use if for activating your depths, passion and desires for liberation. We are our own worst enemy- and in your case, it's the never ending desire for more, greater, bigger, grander. So for now, practice having enough, being enough, living with enough- already. Perfection is illusive. Stop trying for a little bit and see what opens up within. Aquarius: Some gains may be bolstering your spirits a bit and then the set backs come and knock you down. Life may feel unpredictable and uncertain lately. Friends, older siblings and finances may be erratic and bringing up old insecurities. This is just testing your courage and resilience. The coming weeks provide more time to reflect on these needs for security and support. Meditation and retreat will offer the ability to harvest your bounty. Pisces: While your heart appears to be moving in reverse, digging up some old dirt in the process, your career continues to nudge you forward; though relationships may be testing your inner and outer strength and effecting some of your progress. Whether it appears clear as cake or not, late in the week will help to bring insight and some support to your process. Don't be afraid to ask for your needs to be met. This is not a time to play small.
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