The partial solar eclipse and new Moon on September 12th, ushered in a waxing Moon and multiple planetary changes for the cycle to come. Back to back, Mars and Sun both change signs, while Mercury goes retrograde just after. These changes bring a separation between the tight conjunction of Mars and Venus, while Sun leaves its own sign for his enemy's sign, Virgo. September 12th began a delicate two week period between eclipses that lasts until the total lunar eclipse and full Moon on September 27th. The gap between eclipses is a sacred time where we must be diligent with spiritual matters and notice the messages that arrive. Traditionally, it is not a time to start new ventures or take daring or dangerous actions. It is however a time to reflect, turn inward and work consciously with our shadow parts. After all, an eclipse is showing us the shadow on our Sun or Moon qualities quite directly. Any solar eclipse is a shadow to our Sun self, our inner light, the soul. In the coming waxing cycle, be diligent with your masculine energy, ego, father and personal mythology connected to these. This includes being seen, noticed and heard and the outward manifestation of our desires. In fact, manifestation is a huge part of this cycle. For some, blessings and gains may arrive with powerful force and purpose. Others may experience power struggles inside and out. Relationships take center stage. Are you in right relationship with others? This begins with having a very honest and courageous relationship with yourself first and foremost. Get aligned with who you are and what you stand for. Be bold in what you ask for and take a leap towards your power, path and purpose. Trust your inner knowing. At 08:22 on Tuesday September 15th, Mars makes the leap officially into Leo, joining Jupiter and a sandhi Sun here. All receive drishti from Saturn's stern and focused stare. Mars enjoys the sign Leo and its ruling planet Sun, for their fiery, passionate ways, as well as the great teacher and wisdom giver, Jupiter. Saturn and Mars, however oppose each other energetically. Mars is fast while Saturn is extremely slow. Take this advice into the coming cycle as there will be a desire to push, force and rush, while Saturn will insist on slow, methodical steps for greater balance. If you feel frustrations with your desires, action steps, relationships and creative passions, it is Saturn reminding you to slow down and be more intentional with your actions. He reminds us to stay aligned with the wisdom of Nature. Are you listening? Part of this Mars transit includes another tight conjunction between the warrior energy of Mars and the fluid, creative and feminine, Venus, once again. There is a brief separation as Mars shifts to Leo, but Venus joins him here two weeks later on September 30th. The fiery, passionate and focused warrior planet dances yet again with the creative, relationship planet, Venus, who shares the wisdom of feelings with us. This duo in Leo will increase passions on all levels of life- including creative, artistic, romantic, and relational. Power increases and our drive to achieve passionately, unfolds. Increasing this potent creative, life force energy, as well as a focus on romance and relationships, comes from the shift of Jupiter into Purvaphalguni nakshatra on September 14th. Jupiter's expansive qualities intensify the potency of the Phalguni constellation and their sensual expression. Bhaga brings resources, comforts and the ability to manifest desires into form. Be conscious about what you are creating in your life at this time. Increase your feelings of nourishment, happiness and joy, in order to create more of this in your life. Seek wisdom that brings inner harmony and open your heart to gratitude, passion and allow the romance of life to lift you up. Creativity takes courage, so use your creative powers very intentionally and courageously at this time. Just before midnight on Wednesday, September 16th at 23: 26, Sun shifts into Virgo, joining Rahu and Mercury here. All receive drishti from Ketu, the re-structuring lightning bolt. Sun is not fond of Virgo and this can cause discomfort for our mind, strategies, connections and communication. His light wants to shine potently and powerfully, at maximum strength, yet Virgo is very specific, overly focused at times and too direct. This can cause mental burn, overwhelm and excess heat in the mental body so be vigilant at this time with your mind. Are you pushing too hard? Are you feeling taxed, overwhelmed or dissatisfied? Virgo's precision and the mental body, may be keeping you from nourishment. Allow in the feelings of light, awakening and new insights to encourage healing and greater support. This transit of Sun can be a powerful opportunity for awakenings, depending on where we put our efforts and energy. Great healing and inner light is possible, if we diligently look at our shadows and courageously attend to our inner struggles. The mind will be telling you one thing, but listen to the heart and its wisdom instead. Go for nourishment, go for healing old wounds, go for your inner gold this time. Join me for a *free* Dharma Awakening class. Discover your dharma and life path through the wisdom of jyotish, embodiment and art therapy. Join the List. Mercury begins his 22 day retrograde motion at 11:07 on Thursday, the 17th, moving back through his favorite sign, Virgo. The conjunction of Mercury and Rahu during this cycle will effect individuals differently. For some, the confusion of Rahu will undermine the potency of Mercury being well positioned, intensified by Mercury's retrograde motion. Others will experience a massive upswing in finances, connections and creativity. Your ability to resource from your inner strength and power will determine your success during this extra long Virgo transit. What is your relationship with your shadow? Can you tame the beast, call it on its self-deprecation and consciously work with overcoming limiting beliefs? Success will come to those who take the dark and turn it into the light. Your biggest struggles are asking you to rise to the occasion. Turn struggle and challenge into gifts and awakening. This Mercury cycle is extra long and unusual. In many regards it is an offering with extra graces- if we choose to use them as such. Mercury usually makes fairly swift movements, yet his retrograde motion will prolong his dance through his favorite sign. He will retrograde on September 17th, then go direct on October 9th, and finally leave Virgo on the 28th of October. During this back and forth shuffle, he will move in and out of his most potent degree range and also slide in and out of his mulitrikona and own sign degrees. We get a smorgasbord of his support, struggles and potency. An exalted planet shares 100% of his energy, mulitrikona 75% and own sign 50%. Remember that once he retrogrades, at times he will be considered debilitated as he moves back through his exaltation degrees. (Exalted planets in retrograde motion are considered debilitated). This occurs from September 28th to October 9th to be exact. At this time he is closely conjunct Rahu and combust (burnt) from the Sun. Certainly a time to be very diligent with our mental body, our shadow work and our ego. Use this time for conscious self development work and spiritual practices. During this Mercury transit through Virgo, we will all need to pay special attention to our mental body, our imaginal body. Stories, thoughts, ideas and words will be extra strong and powerful as will our creativity and imagination. This is the part of our being that can create magic, or destroy us. Depending on Mercury's placement in your chart and your relationship with him, this could be an extra challenging cycle, or a powerful and creative game-changer. Being on top of your mental/emotional body dynamics will be vital. Fall equinox is September 23rd when the Sun crosses the celestial equator (an imaginary line in the sky above the Earth’s equator) north to south. Fall equinox occurs at 03:22 CDT and marks shorter days (more darkness) for the northern hemisphere. Longer days (more daylight) will now begin for the southern hemisphere. Full Moon is Sunday, September 27 at 19:50 PDT, while Moon is in Pisces and Uttarabhadrapada Nakshatra. This full Moon coincides with a Total Lunar Eclipse. *Horoscopes are based on your Vedic (sidereal) rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your Western sign (Tropical) as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart Aries: Clean up your diet and finances, as well as fears and lack of clarity about both. There are nourishment issues surfacing. Use them for transformation and healing. Put focus on your children, romance, creativity and digestion. Prepare clear strategies for work and make sure there's support in place. Time spent on spiritual pursuits and meditation will be well worth your efforts. Attend to your feelings, heart and emotional body as well as self care. Taurus: Find stability and support within relationships and work directly with challenges, fears and sadness that surface. Be passionate in heart matters and listen to your emotional body wisdom for insights about your needs. Get bold, real and authentic! Use creativity and the arts to deepen your inner awareness and gain insights. Attend to your stomach and digestion as well as power struggles. What is keeping you in the dark and away from your light? Gemini: Nourish and be nourished. Are you resisting or allowing, giving or receiving? What blockages in your heart are keeping you from fully, deeply feeling the nourishment of your life? Use your stomach as a resource for awakening- as there is deep digestion taking place for you. Use your creative power as a resource for being seen and noticed. Allow support and guidance from others and align your work with a more spiritual focus. Let the internet be a resource for career growth. Cancer: Allow your creativity and connections to blossom. Use your voice powerfully, carefully and strategically in order to increase your power and presence. Use your creativity strategically, with focus and intention. Work on overcoming shadows, doubts and limiting beliefs connected to your artistry, creative powers and courage. Spend time with teachers and spiritual guides. Share messages of light and your insights. Keep life joyful and playful even if it feels challenging. Leo: Be bold, powerful and affirm your truths. Share your wisdom and power with others and get noticed. There is a lot of energy moving through you right now, use it authentically and intentionally. Speak your truth, but do so sweetly and carefully. There are fears, uncertainties and confusion about your comfort and finances. Do you work with these issues directly or keep pushing them under the rug? Take time for leisure and extra self care. Continue softening the rigidity of your heart. Virgo: You are receiving a big opportunity for awakening, yet it will be disguised as challenge, uncertainty and confusion. Use mental obstacles as resources for transformation and healing. What veils of illusion can you start ripping off? Your spiritual practices will be valuable resources for deep awareness and more wisdom. Be a spiritual warrior at this time. Use embodiment for grounding and land on your feet. You may notice your feet have a special message to share. Let friends be a resource for gains. Libra: Make spiritual connections between your health, healing and finances. There are some interesting links that will help you let go of old burdens. Time spent on retreat, in meditation and on spiritual pursuits, will prove valuable for your release and liberation process. Speak methodically and carefully for gains, and to avoid mishaps. Make room for the new, by cleaning up your past. Get creative and make connections for your career. Scorpio: Your focus is strong. Too strong? Are you able to zoom out and see the big picture? Are you letting in softness, play and joy? Use your tenacity to make strides in your career but let your heart wisdom be a guide for you. Gains come from your powerful career moves and by overcoming shadows, doubts and illusions consciously. Work with power and authority issues and step into your own power with commitment and diligence. Take your power back and stand in your greatness! Sagittarius: Worldly desires and pursuits are gaining strength and momentum. Ideas and connections from the past are returning to lend their support. Are you paying attention to the messages arriving? Use your words, imagination and creativity for being seen and noticed. Put yourself out there and make your desires known to the universe! Teach, advise, guide and allow in resources that will support you with the same. Clean, clear and purify your heart. Capricorn: Gains come with your slow, methodical actions steps and harvesting from your depths. Share your vulnerability and darkness as a resource for others. Strip off veils of illusion that are holding you back from being authentic and real. Teach, share and observe. Let relationships and connections nourish you and support your career. Get spiritually creative and innovate. Your words are potent, let them be a healing balm for others. Aquarius: There's passion and learning from all your relationships right now. Use the mirror as your biggest resource for awakening. Challenge and conflict are reminders to re-assess your needs and desires, while also noticing where you are mismanaging your power. Dive deeply into your depths and transform your shadows, fears, illusions and doubts. This is a time for extra spiritual support. Don't push too hard or force outcomes. Pisces: Relationships continue to bring confusion, vaguery and uncertainty. Is it you who is unclear? Stories, fears and illusions from the past return and resurface with potent reminders. Clean up your issues with power and heal issues with the masculine. Your heart and emotional body wisdom can support you with awakening. Are you able to hear its messages or is the mental body overpowering you? The body is your resource back to a grounded more stable place. Let it guide you home. *All calculations given are Pacific Daylight Time.
Join me for a *free* Dharma Awakening class. Discover your dharma and life path through the wisdom of jyotish, embodiment and art therapy. Join the List. Need some extra guidance and clarity? I still have some October openings. Schedule a session with me. Plan your week in tune with nature. Never miss a planetary update. Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Was this post helpful? Please share it with a friend! Thank you.
9/21/2015 06:51:55 am
I just wanted to say thank you for the horoscopes and weekly moon minds. I look forward to them, and they have helped me dig deeper into the themes of my life/day.
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