New Moon Details: New Moon is Friday, June 27th at 3:08 am CDT while Moon is in Gemini and Ardra nakshatra. Ruled by Rudra and Rahu, Ardra nakshatra brings with it a certain intensity- whether through the emotions or through physical movement and change; think forcefulness. Rudra is connected to storms, storm energy, as well as prana as he is the father of the Maruts, or inner winds. Externally he manifests as a storm god; internally he manifests as the five types of Prana within the body. Harnessing the winds can be powerful for inner change or outer change. His association with anger and intense emotion is an example of his abilities with power. Anger after all is extremely powerful and is a form of passion and strength. How will you use this strength in the coming cycle? This New Moon is not the silent, soft and quiet kind. For there is immense power available to us at this time. It is quiet and inward as any empty new Moon is, yet be mindful of the power available within this silence. What are you creating? Cultivating? And inviting in at this time? What is your relationship to the inner and outer winds? For the coming waxing cycle, use meditation, pranayama and yoga to get the inner prana moving. As the Moon fills, attend to the needs of the inner winds. Emotional well being is intimately related to physical well being. Use this coming cycle to attend to your inner dynamics. Work with emotions directly and note where the challenges arrive. Are you attending to your needs? Letting the mind run the show? Bypassing the emotions? Does the body have a message for you that you have been neglecting to listen to? Listen closely for clues and your inner wisdom. I will be starting an Emotional Body series in July so stay tuned for tips and resources. Start your inner work with a three level check in for greater awareness. The coming full Moon is the most auspicious of the year! Guru Purnima happens on July 11th. This full moon will be particularly powerful as Rahu and Ketu change signs after 18 months in Libra and Ketu respectively, just hours after the fullest full Moon of the year. Following this transition Rahu and Mars will be in exact conjunction and then Venus and Sun change signs within days. This is an exciting time- poised for change and explosive energy. I will be sharing more about this in my next Horoscope post and also in my upcoming weekly Moon Mind Calendar. Planetary transit report is now included in my weekly Moon Mind Calendar. Don't miss a post, sign up for my newsletter. Need some guidance and clarity for this coming year? Schedule a session with me. *New Moon Chart Horoscopes:
*Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart. Aries: A certain level of comfort and support seems to be stabilizing now. Take stock of the changes and make notes about what feels nourishing and satisfying in your life. More of this! With this new sense of support, start thinking of ways you can give back- to your Self and others. As Rahu and Ketu move, you will be doing more inner work, healing and also needing retreat time. Plant those seeds now. In this waxing Moon phase, get creative. Work with the hands, the arts, singing, heart and emotions. Relationships insist on your attention. Taurus: With Venus still in your 1st house, it might be feeling like the summer of love is happening inside and out. You are inviting in the new, but there's some hesitancy and uncertainty lingering. Clean up continues from inside out as you navigate your intuitive, gut instincts. Scour your innards and be present to the power of your words and what you ingest. This impacts your level of comfort, security and support which you are getting more clarity about right now. Boundaries anyone? It takes courage to get clear and focused on what you need and what you don't. Go there. As Rahu and Ketu shift, your courage with this heightens. Gemini: Creative curve balls and creative edge, you are dancing at your ledge. Precision, focus and certainty. Or is it uncertainty? It feels like you are being presented with the same old same old- only this time, you are noticeably different. Have you noticed? New options and opportunities are on the rise and there's some fear and anxiety that comes with it. Be clear on what you deserve and what you need to support and sustain your self; all that comforts, nourishes and supports you. Do not settle for less. The new cycle of Rahu and Ketu bring guaranteed career shifts. Are you ready for a new chapter? Cancer: You haven't quite come out of your shell yet, even with Jupiter now exalted in your 1st house, but you tend to be cautious in your action steps normally. Clean up in the heart continues as the planets push you to look at your Self with a very microscopic and critical lens. The padding is around you right now, though, through friends and your surroundings, which helps your own blows to the head and heart. Don't keep walking in the same old shoes around the same old ground with your doubting mind. It's a waste of time and energy. Cut your losses because what you're really doing right now is making space for the new adventures on the horizon and a new sense of passion. Clear and purge. Clear and purge. Leo: Creativity, flow and more stability is being presented through career. It's helpful to your heart and pocketbook, and cultivates a sense of passion within you for expansion and greatness. Your laser focus proves to be a boon right now, so use it for clarity with what you want in your life. Aim, action, fire! This clarity is coming with courage- only because you're re-working some very familiar and old pieces within you. Instead of boredom, you meet the challenges with zest. You should be proud of yourself! This vigor will lead you to new endeavors as Rahu and Ketu shift. Keep it up. Virgo: The critic may be at an all time high right now. Tell it to simmer. But better yet, invite it to tea. Ask your critic what it needs and wants from you before you send it packing. It has messages for you about comfort, nourishment and support that are vital pieces of your inner puzzle. Don't disregard this time period of revision; it can offer deep analysis. Note where the comfort and support is coming from. Friends, finances and teachers, as well as creativity and the arts, bring you many nourishing gifts. Be open to receive. Libra: Whatever has not been attended to thus far, will get microscopic attention in the next few weeks. If it rears its ugly head, it means you missed a spot. You and your relationships in general have been getting an overhaul for many months now, and the climax is near. Be very mindful of who and what you are putting your attention/intention on. Don't backslide. Attend to details with a powerful lens of excavation and learn from every last morsel you can. Once Rahu and Ketu shift, a new set of endeavors set in. Don't waste this precious time of inner change. Scorpio: Relationships and connections are proving to be valuable resources of comfort, nourishment and support right now. Be sure to give them your gratitude. New opportunities are being presented, yet it's hard to tell if they are new or just the same old offerings, repackaged. It may feel confusing, but consider this as practice- a trial run- before the big changes set in. How willing are you to jump out of your comfort zone? The bigger the leap, the bigger the potential. You're about to leap out of 18 months of ashram life, into 18 months of worldly exploration as Rahu and Ketu shift. Buckle up and get ready for take-off. Sagittarius: This is an ideal time to pay attention to your digestion, your stomach and what you are eating. Too much sweet and fat, alcohol and intoxicants may be tempting you, so be mindful of moderation and cravings. Career starts to take shape and you are meeting the right people to get your self moving forward. Let the past inform your forward momentum. If it worked before, repackage it, reuse it, and reformulate it to make it relevant for the now. Upgrade your self. There may be an edge with your relationships right now. Can you soften and support, rather than judge and criticize? Capricorn: There's so much rewind happening. Are you bored yet? It's a rare opportunity to have so much time to rework, recycle, re-walk the same old ground so many times in so many different ways. Work every angle, find missed opportunities. Basque in the glory of the "do over" you are getting to explore right now. It's not only healing for you, but helping you re-configure your career offerings. You will take this re-imagining into the next phase of Rahu/Ketu in Virgo and Pisces so think of this as precious incubation time. Aquarius: Some new balm is washing over the heart right now. Let it stabilize you and nurture you. This jump starts the theme for your upcoming year where Jupiter offers healing wisdom and growth to you from inside out. A clarity in your purpose and goals gathers momentum right now. Put it into action and share with others. You are getting a chance to re-evaluate your self and your dharma right now. Heads up! The courage this introspection requires will be essential for you as Rahu and Ketu change signs. You are in for some deep, inner work ahead so start now and invite it in. Pisces: The valves within your heart chamber are syncing with a mechanical wisdom and helping you gain clarity and precision. Great for boundary work, identifying what's working and what's not, within your life and relationships. There's a gentle courage easing its way in simultaneously, giving wisdom to you and your intuitive awareness. As you finish up loose details from the past and determine what is staying with you and what is going- for good- make a commitment to finding radical self acceptance. Put your Self first. Always. Let this be your first reminder for the next Rahu and Ketu cycle. Was this post helpful? 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